1 GOLDSBORO, X. C, April SO, 19C8. THIS RINGS CLEAR. WHAT'S UP? NEW MUSIC HOUSE LOCAL BRIEFS. It ems of in'erest in and Around the Citv. Revenue officers captured some negro moonshiners in Lenoir last night, near LaGiaiige. and destroyed the still - ot good capacity. Mrs. Daniel Gay left this morning to visit her sister Mrs. YVilkins in South Carolina. Thence she will go to visit her sister Mrs. Bolles, in Statesville Mr. and Mrs. I. R- and Mr. Wayne Fonville.who have been spending sev- months in Florida, returned home last night, and we are all glad to see them again. Mrs. C. II. Griffin returned to the city from New Bern this morning, being- summoned here by the serious little nephew, son ot H. Smith. were possible, over she is so much inter- sickness of her Dr. and Mrs. W Another seasonable suggestion is very much in evidence today in the handsome show window of the Ideal Hardware Company. It is an exhibit ot Alabastme tne iupuii -wall dressing. See it and try it. Mrs. W. R. Hollowell, who was a delegate to the great Southern Educa tional Conference in Memphis last -week, is at home again more enthused than ever, if such the work which sted. Next Monday will be observed by the citizens of Goldsboro as "Park Day," and all public spirited citizens are re quested to participate in the exercises. Superintendent Woltz, of our City Schools, has kindly consented to be the orator ot the occasion. It is with a regret that is universal and sincere that this community parts with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwab and family, who leave tonight for Savan- noli fia whfire thev will make their ii c& - f home for the future. They will be ever held in cordial esteem and pleasing re tnembranee by all of Goldsboro and our best wishes go with them to their new home. Saturday and Saturday evening and night was a continuous "map of busy life" at Royall fe Bordens with visitors to their elaborate, novel, attractive a incimptive display ot furniture and set furnishings. Among the call n an v out-of-town visitors CIO T I V -" - delegates to the conference ot the Wo man's Foreign Missionary Society, and "these all, coming from all sections of eastern and central North Carolina, were one in their verdict that the dis ulay was the most complete and most artistic and the store, as a whole, the finest they had ever visited. So much v r;r.irlshovo the Best Town in the State. MRS. W. H. GRIFFIN DEAD. f Resolutions Adopted By Lcntentcsa The :Quarterly Meeting. Whereas, the legislature ot North Carolina has submitted the question of the prohibition ot the liquor traffic to the voters ot the State, to be voted on on Mav 26. 1908, we, the members of CotentneaQuarterly Meeting of Friends Church, realize that a great responsi bility rests upon us, as well as upon all Christians, in connection with this subject. Iu order that our position may be clearly understood, we make the fol lowing declaration: First. Because the legalized saloon traffic is a source of much ot the crime of the land, and the use strong drink is destructive to morals and a hindrance to religion, we record ourselves as un compromisingly in favor ot theabso- lute prohibition of the entire traffic in intoxicating beverages. Second. In view of the tact that the Bible teaching is definite and emphatic against the use of strong drink in such injunctions as, "wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." And again, "at the last it biteth like a ser pent and stingth like an adder." And, yet, again; "Woe unto him that givetn his neiehbor drink." "No drunkard can enter the kingdom of God." These scriptures, and many others, make it clear that strong drink is a eup of death, and that God's judgments are nronouneed against it. Therefore we believe that the only consistent course for Christians is to vote in favor ot the prohibition of this traffic. Third. In view of the fact that the liquor traffic fills the prisons and asy lums with victims, and the sober peo Laboring Men Holding Secret FauIkilOF & DOOBS SflOWIHg Large Stock of Beautiful Pianos and Organs. Political Conference in Raieisti Today. (Special to The Argus.) Raleigh, April 27 A big mass meet ing ot laboring men, including engin eers and farmers, is being held here this afternoon behind closed doors. The deliberations are secret, and nothing will be given out. Over o:ie hundred deleirntes are al ready here and more will arrive to night. , 1 ;38 Your Family AT FORT CASWELL Have Opened Under the Messenger Opera House and Are in Every Way Prepared to Meet the Demands of the Trade. Big Military and Musical Manoeuvre. (Special to 'Ihe Argus.) Raleigh, April 28. The Third Regi- ment Baud, composed ot twenty-eight j i i A 1 . t "K ! commandant to participate in the exercises at Fort Caswell in June, and Capt. W. F. Moody today accepted the invitation. Fifteen companies of the State Guard will participate in the military manoeuvre. This Good Woman Falls on Sleep Triumphing in the Faith. From Tuesday's Daily. At 7:30 o'clock this morning at her home in this city, after an illness and slow decline of many months, the soul of Mrs. Nannie Barnes Griffin, beloved wife of Mr. W. H. Griffin, took its flight n find who erave it. triumphing in faith and without fear. Calling all her loved ones around her she talked to them, each byturn.calm ly, in endearing words oflove and bid ding them a touching farewell and tell ing them of her unquestioning faith in the nrnmises ot God. and that all was VUw f well with her soul. Just twenty-three years ago on the 22 of Anril Mr. and Mrs. Gritlm were married, at the home ot her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Barnes, in Elm City, and to their union seven chil dren were born, five of whom, one son and four daughters, survive her, and to these and the bereaved husband, who was ever devotion itself to her, the tenderest sympathy of all our people go out in this hour of unspeakable sor row. Deceased was in the forty -seventh year of her age and was a most exem plary Christian, a devoted -wife, a mother who lived for and with her chil dren as one of them, and by these she will be most sadly missed. But, in her going away they have the abiding con gelation ot her triumphant death. The funeral will toe held from the home, on John street, South, tomor row morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. H. Davis, pastor of St. Paul M. E. church, of which she was a con secrated member. CHINAMAN SUICIDES. Rich But Doing a Poor Business. (Special to the Argus. ) New York, April 27. Ling Leong, a rich Chinaman, disappointed at the poor patronage bestowed upon his Chinese art store, this morning at six pie have to pay increased taxes to sup- o'clock leaped from the window of his port these victims of the saloon, and house to the sidewalk and was imme in view or the tact mat caroi u Wright has stated that "statistics show for every dollar the people get out ot the liquor in the way of license fees it gets 821 out of the people." We appeal to all the tax payers of Wayne county to vote tor prohibition. Signed by direction of Contentna Quarterly Meeting of Friends, held at Woodland April 25, 1908. Geo. C. Moore, Clerk. Julia F. M. Moore. diately killed. SCHOOL CLOSING. Central Academy Commencement At Littleton, N. C. The present scholastic year will close on the 12th of May with the following progam: Saturday evening, May 9th, a re ception will ! given by the students at the Academy building. On Sunday morning, May 10th, the annual sermon will be preached in the auditorium of the M. E. Church, by Rev. R. C. Craven, of Henderson, N. C. On Monday morning. May 11th, Dr. W.I. Crawford, professor olPhilosophy at Trinity College, will deliver the annual address in the college auditorium. Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, there will be a declamation contest in the town hall for a gold medal to be given to the most successful speaker. On Tuesday, May 12th, there will be held in the open air on the Central Academy campus, an all day farmers' institute. . . ...... HERE'S THE PROOF. But Besides Catarrh, Hyomei Cures Grip, Coughs and Colds, Croup and Astbma. Mb. Hobson's candidature for presi dent in li?12 is everywhere commented on and laughed at. The office requires the services of a man with some idea of diplomacy. If all the good-looking ladies had a vote, he might be able to kiss his way in. IiETTTJCE Fresh and fine. L. . , Mrs. Moscow Wilson Read: If You Are a Sufferer From Catarrh, , Reason and Reflect. 'My wife and I willswear that Hyo mei cured me of the worst case of ea tarrah that ever existed. I used to cough constantly at nighs. and had a dropping in the throat, which kept me awake a great deal. I raised thick phlegm, and was in horrible condition However, I am entirely cured solely through the use of Hyomei.". Dr. Philip Z. Hart, Laconia, N. H. Reader, this is one of thousands of testimonials praising the marvelous curative power of Hyomei. If you are sufferer, why not try it? J. H. Hill fc Son guarantee it, and will refund your money if it iails to cure. Hyomei is not a stomach nostrum; it is dry antiseptic and medicated air, and all you have to do to cure any disease of the nose, throat or lnngs, is to breathe it in through the Hyomei inhaler. A Hyo mei outfit, including a scientific inhaler, only costs $1.00. Get one to-day. Sub sequent treatment is only 50c a bottle. Get one now. J. H. Hill & Son take all the risk. They guarantee it. In Memory of Grant. (Special to the ARwus.) Washington, I. C, April 27 The Department of the Poiomao, (J. A. R., has arranged for interesting exercises in the New York Avenue Presbyterian church this evening; in celebration ol the anniversary ot the birth of (iei U. S. Grant. Gen. Nelson A. Miles will preside and Congressman Washington Gardi ner, of Michigan, will deliver the principal oration. Justice John M. Harland and Congressman J. A. T Hull, of Iowa, are also to be included among the speakers. Galena, 111., April 27 In honor of one of the most illtrious ot the sons of Illinois, the people of Galena, his home, united today with a great con course of vioitors, including a large delegation from Chicago, in celebrat ing the birthday anniversary ol Gen. U. S. Grant. That Goldsboro should sustain the best music house in North Carolina has always been maintained by the Argus, for not only does our city itselt abound in superior musical talent, and in that refined tate and literary culture that go hand in hand with the former, but also in thrifty homes, well-ordered and beautiful, whose furnishings however are not complete if a piano ororganjjbe not installed therein. Moreover, Goldsboro is an unexcell ed railroad centre, the facilities ol which, in this regard, afford more than 250,000 people, resident in the scope subserved by these railroads, the op portunity of leaving their homes in the morning, spenamg ample nours io: trading m Goldsboro, and being at home for the night. So that as a trade centre Goldsboro should, as it -does, meet the demands of this mordern age in every line of commerce, both at re tail andw-holesale. This is why Golds boro is so prosperous. It has the goods and our merchant s treat every cus tomer right who comes to trade with them. But it is not alone because Goldsboro is possessed of such musical talent and fine railroad facilities and trade ad vantages that we look for the success of Goldsboro's new music house, but because in addition to these, the people of this city and for miles and miles around know Mr. John L. Faulkner, so long identified with the tobacco trade of this market; they know him to be a man of integrity, whose word when he makes a statement can be absolutely relied upon. He has as sociated with hi i u Mr. W. H. Dones, a practical piano man of many years ex perience. and together they have open ed in the north corner store of the Messenger Opera House as fine a line of pianos and organs as have ever been offered to the trade of this city and territory, and th9y guarantee every instrument they sell to be just as re presented, and everybody who knows John L. Faulkner knows that when he sells them an instrument they are get ting just what they buy. The Argus commends the newf firm to the trade throughout our wide cir curlation and wishes them the full mea sure of success their enterprise deserves. - - M LIST OP LCT'i'fcli). MarikZan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in collapsible tube, with nozzle. One- application soothes and heals reduces inflammation and relieves soreness and itiching. Price 50c. Sold by Pala.ce Drug Store and City Pharmacy.. ltMiiu.iimig in P.i-iti.ifTiot", C'oMh- boro, Wayne Cot:isty. N. ('., April 23, IS 8- MEN'S. .LIST. B Jerry Boddie, George H Bell, Jim Brown. C J W Covington, M B Cnmbee Junious Cox. , E John Eusell. F Toney Frazier. H Peter Humphrey, Geo Howard, J H Higgs. - , J James James. - r M Berne Mellin, S B Marsh, David Mitchell, Irving McLarnon, Idser Minnin. . P -John C Pope. S N Sneidter, jy C Smith, Theo Smith, Bert Strahder. v T W C Taylor (2), M J Thompson, Chas D Tillman. - W Lewis Woodson, Lester Wil liams, Redick Williams. Y YYount. LADIES LIST. A J F Andrews, Lizzie Aycock. B Jannie Brick, Willie Buck. C Delia Carson, W C Cobb. F Minnie Fulton, Bettie Foreman, Sallie Foreman. H Mollie Hallings, Lizzie Herring. K G A Korneeay. N Cora Newsom. S Clara Skier. v TJ Fannie Underwood. W Mary C Wery, Mary R. Wood, ard, Sarah Wooten, Mrs Wilson, Pearl Watson. Persona calling for above letters Will please say advertised. Rules and regulations require that one cent be paid on advertised letters. J. F. DOBSONy Postmaster. The suffragettes are gaining ground rapidly in Denmark, where Hamlet tried to set all things right. " .-' The current stringency in the money markets has not lessened the fish hook trade, which is reported brisk. " Edgah AlLes Poe misunderstood the raven's "Nevermore". The bird really asked, "What's the score?!-' California will not demand the two extra battleships if the sixteen in exist ence will continue to linger in her ports. Judge Harmon is expected to do the harmony act at the Denver convention, tor he is a Cleveland-Bryan man. The poker players of Connecticut who sought safety in coffins when raided were playing a stiff game. NOTICE LAND SALE. By virtue of a power of sale contain ed in a mortgage executed to W. M. Farmer, Trustee, by C. S. Dickinson and wife, duly recorded in the Regis ter's Office of Wayne county in Book 87, page 296-7, to which reference is here made, I will expose for sale to the highest bidder at the court house door in Goldsboro, N. C. on Monday the 1st day of June, 1908, at 12 m. the follow ing decribed lot of land lying and being situate in the town of Fremont, county of Wayne, State ot North Carolina, on the west side of the W. fc W. railroad, adjoining' the lands of the Bank of Fremont and others, and more parti culary described as follows: Begin ning at a stake at the corner of Wayne and Wilson streets thence with Wilson street nearly South 105 feet to a stake, cornering, thence nearly west parallel with Wayne street 105 feet to a stake, cornering, thence nearly north parallel with Wilson street 105 feet to a stake at Wayne street conering, thence near ly east with Wayne street to the begin ning, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less it being the very same lot or parcel of land conveyed to the said C. S. Dickinson by Deed from C. D. Best and wife bearing date the first day of June, 1903, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wayne county, in bok No. 85, at pag 286, reference to which deed is here made for a more complete description of the premises here conveyed. Terms of sale: Cash. W. M. Farmer, Trustee. By John F. Bruton, Attorney. This April 27, 1908. Law Office Moved. H, B. P ARKER, Jr. ATT'Y. AT LAW. ' I have moved my office over Ginn's store, in the Edgerton Building, Wal nut street. Money loaned on real es tate, and titles investigated. Practice in all the courts. I consider the c Hood's SarsapariV and Friends to. Expect It. You cannot be well if when you should take a good medicine you neglect doing so. Hood's Sarsapa rilla is always easily obtainable and it is the best medicinal friend you can possibly have. It will make you well becauseit will purify and enrich your blood; quiet your nerves and help you to sleep soundly; improve your appe tite, give you strength and vigor, help you to do more and better work, enable you to perform your dally duties cheerily, cheerfully, easily. To Keep Well In Spring. "Camden, Maine, March 4, 1908. "C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. "Gentlemen: I consider it an im portant duty to keep well, in order that I may perform my daily duties. "And especially in the Spring when I feel run down and need a good blood purifier and tonic, to restore my appetite, I take Hood's Sarsapa rllla. "A course of this medicine has splendid effect on my blood, keeps my appetite good, and holds up the gen eral tone of my health, so that all summer I can work r.nd feel strong ;'t st of. a ocurft" rs , a very cheap doctor's bill. I certainly rCom;j;eE.i " MRS. W31. McAULEY. it to all my friends, and to every one needing a Spring medicine." Mrs. Wm. McAuiey, 43 Eaten Ave., Cam den, Maine. ood's pari ISa Is the great blood-purifier, appetite-restorer and strength-builder. Prepared in the usual liquid form or in chocolate-ccated tablets called Sarsatabs. Sold by all druggists or by mail on receipt of price by C. I. Hood Co., Lowell Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. J 3 11 ci 0 We have just opened'upja big variety of IAPAMFQP" NfWFI TIF; Cups, Saucers, Plate3, Jugs, Pin Trays, Pepper and Salt Castors etc. Latest Creations. Prices: 10, 15, 25, 35, 50 and75 cents Each. hi w i You will not regret calling and inspect ing our line if you don't buy. The place for Novelties, Books, Stationery and Office Supplies. The Cash Novelty and Book Store, West Centre Street, next floor North of Royall & Borden, U I I Flor NICE ida Tomatoes Just Received AT THE Royall Grocery Co, f " i 20c. . Per ozen. Punch-I-Nello The Drink that made Milwaukee - Jealous ! 5 Cents at Fountains and in Bottles. Drink Purich-I-Nello 4 f r J-

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