DEMOCRACY'S DAY. Unusually Large Attendance at Today's County Convention. Splendid Order Prevailed, and Due le- li&Eratisn was Given to the Nam ing of the Strong Ticket the Party has Placed in the Field. HEARST OPPOSITION TO BRYAN. HIGH TRIBUTE TO SHERIFF STEVENS. From Saturday's Daily. The Democracy oi Wayne county surely never showed to better advan tage than in its county convention in thi city loday when it named the county and legislative ticket that ia to achieve victory at the polls in Novem bei. ' The convention was called to order by Secretary Parker, in the absence of Chairman Dickinson, and Mr. P. A. Daniels was asked to act as temporary chairman. He stated briefly the ob ject of the convention and called the roll of precincts; and as these all re ported, ho declared the convention ready for business. The temporary organization was made permanent, with Mr. Tobe Harreil as assistant secretary, and nominations were declared in order beginning, as customary ith the sheriff. The present excellent and popular incumbent, Mr. Everitt A. Stevens, was placed in nomination, and immediately his hitherto opponent Mr. Will Grant, seconded the nomination in grace ful words and moved that it be made unanimous. There being no ether nom inations this course was spontaneously adopted in splendid spirit that was a proud OTation to so worthy an official as Sheriff Stevens has proven. Register of Deeds was next in order, and this began the real tug of war that characterized the convention for the balance oi its sittine. The names ol Messrs. L. H. Reeves, W. G. Britt, W A. Copeland and Capt. A. J. Brown were each heralded to the convention by staunch advocates and eloquently seconded by others and then the vot ing began. Four ballots were taken without a nomination and without change. Then Captain Brown with drew. The fifth ballot resulted in no choice, and. so until the 14th ballot, when Mr. W. G. Britt, the present efficient in cumbent was returned for another term. Nominations for Treasurer came next. There were Messrs. J. H. Hill, Jr., W. A. Potts, A. B. Hollo well and the present incubent J. W. Thompson, who on the 5th ballot ws again given the office. Mr. Car) E. Stanley was by accla mation renominated for Coroner, and by acclamation Mr. J. L. Barham was nominated for the Senate, a high hon or, and worthily bestowed for he is in every way qualified to represent Wayne county in the upper branch of the General Assembly with credit and usefulness. For the lower house Messrs. Jno M. Mitchell, of Fork township, and J. I. Kelly, of Mt. Olive, both excellent men. By acclamation Mr. W. R. Hollowoll who so efficiently served the county for two years in the "very responsible position of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was again chosen for that office, and up to the time of going to press his associates had not been nominated. Upon His Return From Europe Mr. Hearst Lost no Time in Getting Down ti Work in Anticipation of the National Campaign. ! Special to the Argus. New York, July 20. With one ex ception all of the presidential tickets have been named tor the November election. The exception is the ticket to be placed in the field by the National party, better known as the National Independence League, ot which Wil liam R. Hearst is the founder and guid ing spirit. The candidates for President and Vice-President will be, named by the National Independence party at a con vention to be held in Chicago next week. At the headquarters of the party in this city it was said today that the arrangements for the conven tion are about completed and that a laree and representative attendance is assured. Great uncertainty exists as to who will head the ticket. Up to the present time the only person whose nn mo has heen at all prominently men tioned in connection with the honoris Thomas L. Hisgen, a man of wealth and a fierce opponent of the trusts, who ran for governor of Massachusetts a year ago on the Independence League ticket. Upon his recent return from Europe Mr. Hearst lost no time in getting down to work in anticipation of the National campaign. It was predicted all along that the Hearst forces would not lift a hand to prevent the nomina tion of Mr. Bryan for the Democrats, but would work strenuously to prevent the Nebraskan's election. The predic tion did not wait long for fulfilment The morning following the nomination ot Mr. Bryan by the Denver convention the Hearst newspapers in this city con tained editorials that made it plain that Mr. Bryan could not count on the support of Hearst in the campaign. All efforts of Mr. Bryan to conciliate the New York editor will prove futile in the belief of political leaders hero Mr. Hearst has an old score to settle with his contemporary of the "Com moner." After enthusiastically sup WILL MAKE FEW SPEECHES. Novel Feature of Mr. Bryan's Campaign. Editor Gonzales Says the West is Giving Mr. Bryan Much Encouragement and He Is Very Hopeful Markedly More Buoyant Than Before the Con vention. (Special to the Arbus.) Columbia, S. C, July 21. lien will have at 'Mr. Bry an's campaign will have at least one novel feature," said William E. Gon zales, editor of the State, who returned yesterday from a trip to the West dur ing wnicn lie twice visitea me .uemo cratic standard-bearer at Fairyiew. "That feature will be the resort to the pen rather than the tongue; to the press rather than the platform. "When I appealed to Mr. Bryan to make as vigorous a canvas as in 1896," said Mr. Gonzales, "he reminded me that he was twelve years older, and be sides, said Mr. Bryan, 'I believe I can be more effective in writing arguments for Democracy that newspapers can use if they will, over my signature.' "When I saw him last week it was Mr. Bryan's intention to deliver two, perhaps three, speeches in New York State, one of them in New Yerk city, and six or eight speeches in the States of Illinois, Ohio and Indiana. He pro poses to discuss fully some one Demo cratic principle in each ot these ad dresses. The remainder of the cam paign Mr. Bryan expects to stay at home and prepare letters or articles in the nature of signed editorials for such newspapers as will use them. He will also diseuss the issues with any Demo cratic speakers that wish to consult him. "The West iagiving Mr. Bryan much encouragement and he is very hope, ful markedly more buoyant than be fore the convention." "L?Eah! lah! Mats! WSf NSS--. A , UOOQ WOfK!! VVIieW! DUCtfllS MKS.CCS "a. luuviiig proposition is tmrsr. raising fyfe 'hK makes a man hot too; and the excite- P'StftjIj merit of it leaves you dizzy and frazzled. BifSS What you need is a long,cool glass or bottle of 1 I . " . GET THE GENUINE fel I Nothing else reaches the dry spots as it does and by the time lpi youve finished it you will be as cool and calm and comfort y able as a Spring morning. I V Delicious Refreshing Cooling Thirstuenching . 5c. Everywhere S S BRYAN AT W01K. porting the Nebraskan in 1896 and 1900 Mr. Hearst relied upon Mr. Bry- Getting His Speech of Acceptance an s support, iu ilia uuuieat aui tu dcui- cratic nomination lour years ago, when the Nebraska leader was not a candidate. But not only did Mr. Bryan refuse aid to Mr. Hearst on that oc casion, but seconded the nomination of former Senator Cockrell of Missouri. COUNTY TICKET. SECONDSHOWING. Raleigh Times Its Own Boss Again and Making Money. (Special to the Argtjs.) j Raleigh, July 21 Judge Neal today signed an order dismissing the receiver and restoring the property ef tho Vis itor-Press Publishing Company to the company and turning the affairs ever to the company. Received W. H. Paee, states that since February 26, tho Raleigh Even ine Times has cleared 818,000, after paying rents, etc. DR. HYATT COMING. Dr. H. O. Hyatt will bo in Goldsboro at Hotel Kennon Monday, July 27th and until 3 p.' m., Tuesday tho 28th, for tho mxrpose of treating diseases of the eye and fitting glasses. Those who want to see Ir. Hyatt about getting glasses or having work done will be charged no fee unless terms are agreed on. All glasses furnished by Dr. Hyatt are guaranteed as to quality and fit. Those who want it can get their money back within thirty days. The County Democratic ticket as completed after the Arotjs went to Dress Saturday afternoon stands as follows: Sheriff E. A. Stevens. Register of Deeds W. G. Britt. Treasurer J. W. Thompson. Senate J. L. Barham. House J. M. Mitchell and J. I. Kelly. Coroner Carl E. Stanley. Surveyor Lewis H. Godwin. County Commissioners W. R. Hoi lowoll, chairman, B. A. Parks, Altx Aycock, J. R. Murvin and D. H. Over man. Tax Collector, Goldsboro township, Wt A. Denmark. Ready. (Special to the Argus.) Fairview Lincoln, Neb., July 20. William J. Bryan, refreshed by a quiet Sunday, and having no big political sailers this morning, shut himself up with his secretary in his study and commenced to draft his speech of ac ceptance, which he will make on Au gust 12,ito the Democratic National committees through the notification committee when that body calls to no tify him ot his nomination. The speech will not be revised and ready until Mr. Bryan has read Mi Talt's speech ot acceptance, to be de livered at Cincinnati on July 28, as he wishes to reply to every argument of his opponent, and is particularly anx ious to know how tho former War Sec retary really stands on the solicitation of campaign contributions and also as to the publicity promised for these con tributlons. 0O YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Sidney Trouble Makes You MiseraWe. Ak n. i-i r i II - 1-1 A. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sura to know of th wor.derful . cures by Dr. It Kilmer's Swamp-Rcot, II the great kidney, liver and bidder remedy. f5 cal triumph of the nine- iceum tcmuiy; dis covered after years z scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emv " nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing ame bacK, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. ruimer s swamp-koot. is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found ;ust the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private oractice, among the helpless tea poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in .very case that a special arrangement has aeen made by which all readers of this paper vho have not already tried tt, may have sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book -elling more about Swamp-Root and how to and out if you have kioney or bladder trouble. 7hen writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer 8tCo.,Bing namton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Honw of Bwamp-Root. dollar sizes are sold bv all good druereists. Don't make any mistake, but remembet the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamtoiv N. i M on every bottle. ' ... Plenty of ventilation, plenty of fan at ttio Opera Sou so every Bight .Qjrj A House Without A- Telephone Is like unto a Ship Without a Rudder. Almost everybody uses the Bell. There are thousands of reasons why you should take a Bell Telephone. Apply for rates to the manager, number 20, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Col Remember the Opening Sale of Leaf Tobacco AT Farmers5 Warehouse! ON Tuesday, August 4th, 1908. Sales Department under the supervision of MR. J. L. FAULKNER, who has served you for many years, and still stands ready to take care of your interest on every pile of Tobacco entrusted to hiscare. We wish to impress the importance of topping your tobacco LOW, in order to makemore body and top before blooming. You will find this greatly to your advantage. J. L. FAULKNER, Goldsboro, N. C. W. H. WINSTEAD. NOTICE. Having Qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne Conuty. North Caro lina, as administratrix of John Henry Evans, lata ot said jounty, notice is Hero by given to all persons holding claim against the estate of said John Henry Evans to nresent tho same duly verified to theundersigneh for payment on or before the 21th day of June. 1909. or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said estate are re- juested to make immediate payment. Fremont. N. C. June 20. 1908. Emma Moore. Administratrix. GIF TSf Graduations, weddings, birthdays there are al ways gifts to buy in June, and the question is where to buy them to best ad vantage. We say HERE, and we have good reasons for saying it. We believe our stock to be the best in the city; we are quite sure that we make the lowest prices and whatever you buy here will be of the highest quality. , A. CREECH, West Centra Street. Leading Jeweler Real Estate For Rent ! T have for rent Mr. J. M. Grantham" 7-room house with modern conveniences. large lawn, garden, stables etc., on North Boundary St. f 13.50 per month. fifis TTa Tillvn's six room house on Oak St. 811.00 per month. Mrs. Annie D. Hill's 9-room house with large lot on Vine St. $11 per month. Also for sale the Alfred iLeggett 8-room house on Ash St., $10 per month, and the Kennon Cafe. rORiJSALE. Mr. o. Uarrirmr's valuable 243 acre farm near Walter station. 2 small farm roTt to Snrimr Trill nhnreh for onlv S850.00. If you wish to buy, rent or eM real estate, or Life and Firo Insurance, see i E. L. Edmundson. Heal Estate Hustler; also Life and Fire Insurance Agent. Keoorrd2fl000,000.00 sales. Furniture Repairing Those having furniture to Repair, Clean or Polish or odd pieces of furniture made, picture frames reguilded, also trunks and valises will do well to call on mo. Odd Jobs of All Kinds ! I make a specialty of re pairing all kind of furni ture. All work given prompt attention. Your patronage solicited All work guaranteed. O. L. BAKER, Phone 628. ig406S. John St. Now is the Time to buy walking and riding cultivators. We sell "Avery's". It is needless for us to tell you they are the best. Every body knows the su periority of Avery s goods. Yelverton Hardware Co. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Practical education in Agricul ture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mt ehanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing, Dyeing and In dutrial Chemistry. Tuition f 4 a year; board $10 a month. 12t scholarships. Examinations for admission at County seats on July 0th. Address THE PRESIDENT,! West Ralxig:, N. C o Bears tfca The Kind Yen Have Always Boufikt 1

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