CALLS BRYAN A CHAMELEON. Mr. Hearst Has Lost His Faith. CRM I PUD E.OF ELKS Finest Pageant Dallas Has Ever Witnessed. New York, July 16. A cablegram Jim been received from William Ran . ;i il3arst, in a reply to a message transmitted to Mr. Hearst from Samuel Gompers, stating that in view ol the Democrats siand for labor it would be "an act of greatest patriotism for the Indepandence party to endorse the Democratic phitfcrm," and urging him n t to run a third ticket, as it would lect Mr. Taft. ..Mr. Hearst's cablegram follows: "Paris, July 16. Tell Mr. Gompeis that I am not authorized to speak for the membership ol tht Independence Leagae, but according to my personal t.. . ndards, a purer patriotism conisis in oi'.ioring to establish a new pari. m '. :cii will he consistently devoted la .V-10 i,tit-f'l of the citizenship, . I ..riieti iarly to the advantage at;.1 : 7 t aticrinent of. t:ie producing I do not think the path oi p lits in supporting a di.- c :!'d aiid decadent old party ij . a .j i.iirher conscientious con i i y. r, r j.ontst intention, or ii, . . ... . cli.tniek'..n candidates win ..-i-:?-;: '' olor o( t"v.eir politicn ' w tli varying hue ot oppor tunism. 1 do m i think the best beneiit ot laboring men lies in sup porting tiie oia party because of a sop of false promise, when the per formance ol tha party while in pow er did more to injure labor than a me injunctions overissued bfcfore i..- s.tiuo. 1 nave lost iaiih in the t .., ty pi oiessions oi an uuregenei at. .a !-v.i. y. l nave lost commence n ability, in the sincerity, and ever, the integrity of its leatieis. I do consider it patriotism to pretend support that which, as a citizen, 1 -mit, anddsit-st, audi earnestly L,e the independence party will give iq n opportunity to vote for candi ! ut-s taut me boih able and honest, tid ; for a declaration of principles thai i bi th sound and sincere. (Signed) V- I'-am Randolph Hrarst Tens of Thousands of Dollars Were Represented in the Cos tumes of the Marchers. (Special to the Argus.) Dallas, Texas, Jnly 17. Festivities in connection with the annual National Reunion ef the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Klks culminated to, day in a parade which was the finest pageant Dallas has ever witnessed. In rich and picturesque garb the "best people on earth" turned eut in full lore just to show their apprecia tion and hospitality showered upon them by Dallas. There were in line arly 15 000 ElUs, representing about one uuucireti loages scattered in m Maine to Honolulu and from Canada to Mexico, Tue line of march extend- 1 over a large part of the business section and through streets - w men ere handsomely decorated with flags d bunting. Visitors poured into hr ity in the early morning hours to wit-'-ss the pageant and the route was ined from end to end with thousands f mithusiastic and delighted specta- ors who loud y cheered the steller ntures of the big show. The bands, of which there were more than a score, also came in for a large share of ap- Los Angeles i t: i. Tl ii t ho nlause from the appreciative public. The start ol the parade was made be- st" Augustine, k la. tw,.,iQ,.n,linI,',.nk this mnrninir. x eil convenixou cny , r'r-jurl V.nnlru 1 1 i v uTi nfitfiri as flranrl Cal Marshal. The first division c insisted of a police escort, officers and mem- oers of the grand lodge in decorated carriages and the DAilas lodge acting as escort ol honor. Following this The Ralp.inh TiUlfiX Will PffihaMV hfi J,. , " Able to Hoe Us Iwn Row: We OLYMPHIC GAMES. n and British A; Metis Meas uring Prowess In London. London, July 17. When theOlympic grumes opened this morning Englant whs in the lead with 43 points to 31 fo the Amercan team, but as most ol tli' tri k and held contests in which tl T'm!--. are admi ' ted to stand id P'fme 'five not yet ben reached there is evry reason to believe tin Star- an,' Stripes will ultimately ever- top the Union Jack, In the archery and pistol and revol ver contests carded for to-day the American team does not, naturally. expect to make much showing against the Britains, who have this thing dowi. fine. Speaking of the prospects for his xnen, James E. Sullivan, American commissioner to Olympic games, said todav: "Our team is in fine mettle and not one of my men is overtrained From this time on our chances to gef first place will increase rather than deminish. The field and track con tests will put us ahead." According the British system ofscor i' g however, it will be e:isy for Eng. 1-tnd to keip her lead uniil trnck and i' ?. '-vMitK a ro reached , for firsts only ar- counted. If first, second and third w. re ail count' d, according to Ameri inn Hthlvti'- prineip t s, the two conn tries would be tied within a point or two today. HiiH AT WKi HTSVILI.E. Ocean View Hotel Destroyed Early This Morning. Wilmington, N. C, July 16. A fire broke out this morning about 7:30 . O'clock at Wrights vi He Beach and burned the Ocean View Hotel, the smallest of the three hotels on the "Beach. Lamina, the large pleasure pavilion, owned by the Tide Water Power Co., wfs fhrfvitened at one tim. but by ef ficient work ot the beach fire brigade the building was saved and sustained no damage worth mentioning. The fire is believed to have started in a restaurant adjoining the Ocean View Jlotel. No lives were lost. A chemieal engine from the Wilming ton Fire Department assisted the fire men at the Beach aud rendered valu able service; Advertise in the Argus. GRAND OFFICERS ELECTED BY ELKS. Rush L. Holland is Grand Exalted Ruler. National Convention of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks at Dallas, Tex., Elects Officers and Se lects Next Convention City 35,000 People Enjoy Grand Barbecue Increase in Mem bership 29,789. (Special to the Argus.) Dallas, Tex., July 15. Grand Ex alted Ruler, Rush L. Holland, Colorado Springs, Col. Grand Esteemed Leading Knight, John ii. Shea, Hartford, Conn. liraiid Esteemed Loyal Knight, A. 3d. Macelwee, Fort Worth, Texas. Grand Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Warren G. Sayre, Wabash, Ind. Grand Treasurer, Edward Leach, NTew York. Grand Tyler, Charles E. Decker, Minnesota. Grand Tmstee, Alfred T. Holley, Hackeusack, N. J. Grand Secretary, Fred C. Robinson, DuBuke.Iowa. Grand Inner Guard, A. M. Taylor, SALE POSTPONED. livision New York Lodge No. 1. the arent organization of the order, held place ot honor, with other State odges following. Tens of thousands ot dollars were epresemed in the costumes ef the uarchers. Hundreds oi those in line wore blue serge or white duck suits ud straw hats with purple bands. tiut many more were garbed in rich or fantastic costumes that represented considerable outlay. Some ef the lodges from Pennsylvania and Ohio attracted particular attention because of their fine appearance and a pictur esque show was made also by some of the lodges from Mexico and from Col orado and the Slates of the lar West, Many magnificent fioats, illustrative of sale tomorrow the cities whose lodges provided tht m, were also in the parade. A tag from a 10-cent piece wul count FULL, value, A tag from a 5-cent piece will count HALF value with Ol o valuable tags your tags from P E A C H ,-4 Tlnsley's 16-oz. Natural Leaf Old Statesman EQlantlnt Old Honesty Sailor's Pride Pick Tenpenny Jolly Tar Black Bear Master Workman Spear Head W. N. Tlnsley's Natural Leaf Horse Shoe Granger Twist ' Bridle BI Big Four Ivy Coupons from PICNIC TWIST Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many 0th8r useful presents as shown by catalog : Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Razor 50 Tags Gentleman's Watch200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 75 Tags Lady's Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags 60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. PREMIUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Jersey City, N. J. Hope So. (Special to the Arous.) Raleigh, July 15 Judge Neal, in the superior coart here today, signed an order postponing the sale of the Visitor-Press Publishing Company, which prints the Raleigh Kvening Times, and there is probability that a satisfactory settlement between the creditors and stockholders will be effected in a few days. W. H. Pace will continue as receiver until further orders ot the conrt. The property was advertised for MINNEAPOLIS TO HAVE BALOON SALE All the Gold IN GEORGIA Could not Buy- it i i to be a Urn uince tndur-1 aace Coatest, inteniiiilungl in lis Scops. Minneapolis, Minn., July 17 To morrow, it the weather and other con ditions are favorable, Minneapolis sii have its first taste of the new sport of balloon racing. For several .veeks preparations have been going .or ward lor a balloon race to start lioui the State fair grounds. It is to oe a long distance endurance contest, international in its scope. Among the balloons entered are th "Chicago," the largest balloon in tht world; the "America, of St. Paul,'" which won second honors at the St Liouis contest, and the "United Statt s et Minneapolis, which was a contest ant in the recent Cnicago meet. The meet at the tair grounds will be the first given by the new Aero Club ot the Northwest and will be held un der the official sanction of the Federa tion of American Aeronautic Blubs. CHAS. G. MUm DEAD. Oia 6 tti3 Mast Pi uminaet Ratife Rodin. Oa. August T. 190. Mmun. C. OaVrrr Co, Chieare. BU. Oeitflemen In 1 897 1 had a disease ef the stomach end bowel. Some physicians told ma It was Dyspeosia. some Consumption of the Lungs. others said consumption of the Bowels. One end for four long years 1 existed en boiled milk. soda, biscuits, doctors trans and Btarket. physician said 1 would not lire until Sprlns. tor tour long years i existed en a ntue id milk, soda biscuits, doctors preserip i and DysDSDsia remedies that flooded the Btarket. I could not diireat anything 1 ate. and tai the Spring- 1902 I rtoked uo ena of your Almanacs as a poor emaciated Dyspepsia wreck will grasp at anything, and that Aiflaanae happened to be my ifft save. iboWht a fifty cent bottle of KODoL DY9 PHPSIA CURB and the benefit J received fren that bottle ALL THS GOLD IM GEORGIA COULD NOT JsCfY. I kept oa talcing ft and In two months I went back te my work, as a maohtnist, and In three months I was well end hearty. I attll use a little oe ae stops Hy as I find B a fine blood purifieV and a good tonio. Hajr you lire long and presper. Yours very truly, a N. CORJTKXJL. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRU0 LAW 1UL u Unprecedented This Is only a sample of the grest good that is daily done everywhere by f.crlli tarolisiis in laitimere. (Special to 1 he Argus.) Baltimore, M. D., July 15 Charles G. Joyner, one of the most prominent natives of North Carolina who lived in Baltimore, died at his home here today. He had for several months been suffering with a complication of diseases. The funeral will ake place Thurs day morning from his home, 224 St, Paul Street. Mr. Joyner is survived by his wid ow, who was Miss Sallie XV. Parish, and five children, virs. Junius 11. Holt, of ilurliugton, X. C; Leon Ii. Joyi er. ot Vicksburg, Miss-.; Chi. G. Joyner, Jr , Mrs. Uowman hood aud Miss .Irms Joyner,.! this city. lie had Dnenin business in Baltimore for 20 years and was head ot the large Jiat manufacturing company of Joyner, , Witz an Company. Clothing - Bargains! e e e m e e FarseeingMen& Young Men abound in this Great JulyClearanceSale of Smart Wearing Apparel. If you want the Cream of the Collection, do your buying now. Better Tailored, Smarter Styled Clothing is not made. What Would the Governor Say ? $ 6. 75 for all Suits sold up to$10.00 8.50 for all Suits sold up to 12.50 9. 65 for all Suits sold up to 1 5. 00 12. 90 for all Suits sold up to 20. 00 14.50 for all Suits sold up to 22.50 1 6.50 for all Suits sold up to 25. 00 D All Summer Suits, Hats and Furnishing Goods going at deeplp cut prices. 60 doz. Tan Hose, 15c. qual ity, 6 pairs for 50c. 1 lot of Fancy 25c. Half Hose 6 pairs for 75c. All Straw Hats at HALF, PRICE. for Dyspepsia. IVESITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1007. Heag ol tbe State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Library contains 45,000 volumes. New w atar works, eclectric lights, cen tral heating system. New dor mitories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. Building, i . library. 790 8TUDENT8.I 82 IN FACULTY" The Pall Term begins Sept. 7, 1908. Address FRANCIS P. TENABLE, President. Chapel Hill, N. C. ; M, Now is the Time to buy walking and riding cultivators. We sell "Avery's". It is needless for us to tell you they are the best. Every body knows the su periority of Avery s goods. Yeiverton Hardware Co. NOTICE. Having qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne Couuty, North Caro lina, as administratrix of John Henry Evans, lata of said County, notice is Here by given t all persons holding claim against the estat. of said John Henry Evans to present th. jam. dily verined to the imdersigneh for payment on or before the 21th day of June, 19u9. or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.. And all persons ind.bted to said estate ar. r quested to make immediate payment. Fremont. N. C. Jun. 20. 1908. Emma Moore. Administratrix wwwwjn N. EP.STEIN, "My Clothier." H ITTi 5 NOTICE. North Caroline, Wayne County, In the Superior Court. John P. Ipock, by hia next friend, T B. Ipock, Plaintiff, t N. R. Wade and Baxter Morrison trading as Wade & Morrison,! Defendant. To N. R. Wade and Baxter Morrison, the above-named defendants : Take notice that the purpose cf said action is for the recovery of damages for the negligent injury to the person of the plaintiff, John P. Ipock, and you are required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county K to be held in the court house, In the city of Goldsboro, on the 2nd Monday before the first Monday in September, 1908, It being the 24th day of August, 1908, and. answer or demur to the complaint herein. This the 26th day of May 1908. JAS. R. HATCH. C. S. C. ,nV-TPMyrii .tTiTni-tTiiM '" I i rt Furniture Repairing us: THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. -! Maintained by tke State fer theEdaeation ef the Womei of N.rtk C&roliaa. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Domestic Science" and in the Commercial Department. Free Tuition to fhose who agree to teach in the schools of North Caro lina. . . . f Board, laundry, tuition and all other expr nses, Including use of text books, $170.00 a year. For free-tuition students, $1.25 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capaor ity of the dormitories is limited. - Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. For catalogue and other information address J. I. FOUST, President. - , GREENSBORO, N. a ADVERTISE IN argus;: Those having furniture to Repair, Clean or Polish or odd pieces of furniture made, picture frames reguilded, . alse trunks and valises will do well te call on me. - Odd lobs of All Kinds ! I make a specialty of re pairing all kind of furni ture. All work given prompt attention. Your patronage solicited. All work guaranteed. Phene 628. iZ406jS. John St. ,f 1. . , J... . ... .fa. - .J Dr. E. C. Vitou, DENTIST. Phene sso Qeldeere, N. O

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