SI ! - ' OUT OF POLITICS OUT OF MIND. Washington Recalls Roger Q. Mills, of Texas. Twenty Years Ago, in the National Campaign of 1888, Mr. Mills was Perhaps, With the Single Exception of Grover Clereland, the Foremost Man f in the Demo cratic Party. (Special to the Ahgtjs.) "Washington, Aug. 22. The bulle tins issued from a Washington hospital during the past week in regard to the condition of former Senator Roger Q Mills, of Tas, conveyed to many persons their first intelligence as to the whereabeuts of this once noted figure in publie affairs. Only the ld-timers about the National capital can fully understand how a man once so promt pent can become so utterly lost to pub lic notice and concern, Twenty year ago, in the national campaign of 1888, Mr. Mills was per haps, with the single exemption of Grover Cleveland, the foremost man 4n the Democratic party He had served his people nobly. He had ftteod for the principle ot free trade as any American can stand for free trade. Mills and his bill were on every lip. It was significant that in the famous convention that was held at St. Louis in that year only one name was second 0 that of Grover Cleveland, and that was the name of Roger Q. Mills, of Texas. "On the lines of the Mills bill and the message" these were the words in which Henry Watterson de scribed the platform which was adopted by the Democratic convention when it nominated Mr. Cleveland for the Pres idency. Ten years later Mr. Mills was "out ot politics." Out ot it by his own act. Out of it, having been run over and crushed by the same free silver jugger naut that ruined the political careers et more than one Democratic leader of that time. When Mr. Mills returned to Texas he found that conditions had changed. The figure of Gevernor Cul berson had east a great shadow acress the sunshine of his path. Already old, experienced in the ways ot men, know ing the ups and downs of politics, and seeing with his keen eye nothing but defeat before him, Mr. Mills got out of jthe race for the United States Senator chip. It was a brilliant career that Mr. Mills lelt behind him when he with drew from politics and retired to pri vate life. Though a native ot Ken tucky he had spent the greater part of bis lite in the Lone Star State. At 17 he located in Palestine, Texas, and be gan the study ot law. In 1852 he be gan the practice of his profession at Corsieaua and seven years later he was elected to the Texas Legislature. He was a Confederate soldier, a celonel in the Tenth Texas intantry. When peace was declared he returned to Cor sicana and went back to the law. In 1872 Mr. Mills was sent to Congress, and he was sent back every term suc ceeding until, in 1892, Texas made him a United States Senator. When he quit the Senate he was a comparative ly poor man. In recent years, it is said, he accumulated a considerable fortune in the oil industry. NEW COTTON. First Bale of 1908 Crop on This Market Today. Grown by Capt. J. E. Peterson, President State Farmers' Al liance, and Purchased Promptly by H. Weil & Bros. Goldseore leads the State in produc ing the first bale of this year's crop of cotton, and it is worthy of note that it was grown by Capt. J. E. Peterson, our farmer fellow citizen, president of the State Farmers' Alliance. Capt. Peterson had had this cotton picked from his fields for a week, but being so early no gin in the vicinity had "started up," so he had to wait some days on the ginning, otherwise he would have had it on the market last Monday, As soon as it became known that a bale of "new erop eotton" was on the market buyers gathered around, and it was not long before the "first bale of the season" was closed out to H. Weil fc Bros. BIGfl SCB0OL TEACHERS An examination for the High School Teacher's Certificate will be held on September 11th and 12th at the ceunty seat of each ceunty of the State, whose superintendent shall notify the State Superintendent of Publie Instruction, by September 1st, ef the number and names of applicants who desire to take .the examination in hisjeounty. Ap plicants must netlfy the superintend ents of the counties in which they wish to take the examination in ample time to have their names reported to this ofHee, in accordance with the forego ing. Questions will not be sent to any counties except those that give netice in accordance with these directions. This will be the last examination of the year for this certificate. It is giv en to avoid requests for emergency certificates after some of the publio high schools have opened with teachers that do not hold the preper certificate. County superintendents will take no tice and should netity publie high school committees that after the date of this examination no high school certificates will be issued to ap plicants requiring examination, until the next regular examination in July of 1909, and that no requests for auther- zing the employment of teachers who do not hold Hiph School Teacher's Certificates issued under the regular rules of the State Board of Examiners can be granted. Applications should be made direct ly to the office of the Sate Superin tendent of Public Instruction, and no tice of the same given to ceunty super intendents, as indicated above. All pubc high school teachers who begin thr work without the High School Teaeher's Certificate will do so with the understanding that they can not receive pay for the time taught without the certificate, in case they fail in this examination. "Very truly yours, J. Y. JOYNER, Supt. of Public Instruction. And TDis ia Boston. Boston, Aug. 22. Themayer oi Bos- ton freed t5 prisoners today. There had been wholesale arrests of erooks and tramps during the last few weeks and the jail with a capaeity for one thousand prisoner is, contained 1,551 so that a "jail delivery" was im perative. The men released were charged with miner offenses. TILLMAN ON BRYAN He Sees Every Reason For Bis Sue esss ia November. London, Aug. 22. Senator Ben Till man sees success in Bryan's nomina tion. , la an interview today the senator said that it looks as if he has a power- .lul reod chance of cleaning up the the other erowd this time, that he was nominated against strong newspaper opposition, thereby shewing his per onal popularity and strength with the Democratic party. "On the other hand," said Senator Till man, "Taft was nominated solely at the dictation of Roosevelt and against the wishes of the rank and file ef the Jlepublien patty." WE GO FORWARD. Good Road Building in Wayne County. "While not very much has been said about the road improvement that is in vogue in this county, nevertheless, un der the aggressive supervision ol the excellent chairman of the Board ot County Commissioners, Mr. W. R. Holloweli, a system of road building is being promoted throughout this county second to no other eounty in the State. Great improvements have been made" on the roads through the northern sec tion of the eounty, and also in the eastern and southeastern sections; and now the foree et county convicts are working on the road leading across Neuse river at the lattice bridge. The work ot building this road is really stupendeus. The roadway is being raised to a height of several feet above high water lines, to obviate stoppage of travel in time of overflows, and is being so broadly and substantially laid that it will serve as a permanent and effectual d am in freshet emergencies. To oue who has not visited the work it is impossible to get a measur cable conception of its magnitude and what it portends for the greater develop ment ei the country. Yes, we are going forward, and with better roads all over the county it will be up to Gold sboro to better her streets and get ready for the greater things that are in store for the County Seat that will come with the cempletitioai of the good roads that are now being promoted in Wayne. ( Personal Knowledge Personal knowledge is die winning factor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate possessor in the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, rnanufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of r Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component P&rta and has won the valuable rarrnnw of million rvf tnWH Infrmorl f A.W A world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first 7 l i . r r -t 1 r l i i . . . ' Ik ana Dest or ramuy laxatives, ror wrucn no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy. but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing the full name or the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. 3 PASSING OF THE CAMPAIGN BUTTON. Tbe.Tguelf8r the Little Celluloid Lapel Z Adernments Bearing ;ZL Llkeaesses ol tbe Presl dential Candidates ap- - piars te Have had- LOUISVILLE. KY. SAN FRANCISCO. GAL., LONDON . E N3 LAN O. NEW YORK.N.Y EES Its Day. . a m (Special to the Argus.) o O O p New York, Aug. 20 Manufacturers of the familiar little campaign buttons, of which the great bp lk ot the world's VADE MECUM SPRINGS, "The Carsbad of America." Stokes County, - North Carolina. Located in the SaurasfMountains. The healthiest supply are turned out in factories in spot in North Carolina. Hotel facilities unsurpassed. jersey, are not Cuisine unexcelled in the South. All white help em ployed. Water the finest in America. For further in formation and full particulars, address Dr. M. P N. C REVIVO THE GREAT- Nw York and New everjoyed by the outlook tor their business this year. The vogue for the little celluloid lapsl adornments bearing likenesses of the Presidential candidates appears te have had its day. The slump in the demand appears to apply equally to both ef the two great parties. The only reasonable explan ation appears to be that the public has grown tired of the button and has tak en up the campaign watch-fob, the searf-pin and other emblems that are more novel and attractive than the button. McKnight, M'g' VADE MEOUM, RBI II It !! T"Vft 1 The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is ft disease prevailing In thi? country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths ars caused by it heart disease, Dneumonia. hear- lira mn HU ailure or anonlexv r are often the resuV of kidney disease. It kidney trouble is a: lowed to advance tht kidney-poisone blood will attack thr vital organs or the dneys themselves break down and wast? "vay cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result frorr cinrsngsment of the kidneys and a cur u ibtained quickest by a proper treatment ef he kidneys. If you are feeling badly yo tan make no mistake by taxing Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver anc ai&dder remedy , -- - - It correctslnabillty to hold urine and scaki jig pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasiait necessity of being compelled tc f often during the day. and to get up ma'.iy Smes during the night. The mild and the sxtraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soor realized. It stands the highest for its won ierful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root ts pleasant to take and sok Tf a!l druggists jn fifty-cent ana one-dolla sized bottles. You may jjtcyj 1 HELLO ! HELLO!! AUSTRALIAN GOOD WILL. A Royal Popular Welcome is Be ing Extended to the Ameri can Fleet at Sidney. (Special to the Argus.) Sidney, Aug. 20. Sidney is giving the American sailors a regular Ameri can reception today. One would thinkirom the enthusiasm and jubilation attending th reception that the Australians were welcoming their own people returning from a err eat victory, in some battle. The beaeh has been crowded with thous ands of people sinee the neet came in this lnornincr. all anxious to get the best view f the imposing ships. American and isngiisn colors are everywhere and pictures of Roosevelt and King Edward, printed on huge banners, are fiang across the streets. The fleet will remain here several davs and there will be many fetes in its honor. us wonderful new dis- Srt. uovsry and a book that tl -11 1 . Si 1 . 1 (ts5 an aooui U, DOI.T Home of Swnp-Root- .ant free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Ce Singhamton, N. Y. When writing mentlee leading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remembes iw name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the address. Bnharstoiv v od varv hokU. '..,' O Bean ths Signature Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bought , learf Strength Have you ever thought how much comfort and convenience you were denying both yourself and your wife and chil dren by not having a IBcBD TeOepihoime in your house? Let's talk it over. Southern Bell Tel. and Tel, Co, CHAS. B. MILLER,lManager. 1 SSSS RESTORER In the Spring, when Na ture is Rejuvenating, Man should do the same. This can be accomplish ed by taking Revivo, but not by taking "something just as good." This advertise ment says Revivo and Revivo pays for this ad vertisement, and the "something just as good" pays for nothing and amounts to nothing Go by the name, RE VIVO and take no substitute. M. E. Robinson & Bro. Are its selling agents in Goldsboro. REVIVO Revives You. Try Itj Heart Strensrth. OT Heart Wealtnsss. means Kerve Strength, or Nerve Weaknets nothJna more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hc&dred la, in ifr hie self, actually diseased, u is aunost a. hidden tiny m lwa i a ttle nerve Shak really is all at fault. I This obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Kerve simply needs, and must have, more power, more Etaouity, controlling, more governing must continue TO Without that the Hi eart must contto' kidneys also ha' , medicine, Dr. aoi strencftn to fall, and tbe stomach and these some controlling nerves. This dearly exclaim whv. as s Shooo's Restorative has In the cast dona art much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat log heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative this opular prescription Is alone directed to these weak and wasting ne"7e centers. It builds! ttstrengthens: it oners real, genuine heart help. . If vnu vronld havn utronir Hearts, akrrma dL on, strengthen these nerves B-estabU8o a neeaaa. wua Dr. SKoop's ResUoirattive 1. HIGGMS DRUG CO. Phone 47.J Get your A mmunition ready now to fight the Winter's cold or to keep the cooking . range xr stove asroing any season of the year. You see, it costs less and we can guarantee prompter service now than when "Mr. Everybody and his wife" want fuel Call us up on the phone and get further facts free. W. M. Griffin The Coal and Wood Dealer. BIG Special Suit Sale SEE OUR WINDOW Any suit in there for $110.00 worth up to $20.00 ONLY ONE OF A KIND Better get yours to-day. A. A. JOSEPH, For the Style. IN ARGUS,! Preparatory School. Having been requested to coach ptfc pils conditioned to b promoted to the seventh eight, ninth and tenth grades, I now want to enlarge the class in each grade, and would b glad 'to help any needing such assistaucs. Any desiring such work, or in any other grade please report as soon as possible, "r"- i i MTm arrsTw.sp.oTT. 106 Oak Street J t At 11 ... '"V.T A

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