1 -m in -,,.. 1alalal,?B'l?a,..i',hJii.. r r., w - . immm -J 1 " .1 rf . .. 1 -l,ni wt , r riminir iinm r - f '11 - 4 : i V 'i ' f 1-1 i O0LDSBORO, N. O.. Sept. 24, 1968. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. For President W. J. Bryan, of Ne braska. For Vice President Jno. W. Kern, "of Indiana. DEMOCETIC STATE TICKET. PwGoTernor W. W.Kitchin. For Lieut. Governor W. C. Newland Secretary ol State J. Bryan Grimes. -Auditor Dr. Benjamin F. Dixon. Treasurer B. R. Lacy. Superintendent of Public Instruc tions -J. Y. Joyner. Attorney General T. W. Bicket. For Commissioner jof Agriculture W. A. Graham. For Commissioner Jiof Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman. For Corporation Commissioner B 1 Ay cock. For Insurance Comissioner J. R "Teung.J REVISISICH IY STANDPATTERS. re- JUST SIX WEEKS OFF. In six weeks the presidential cam -paign will bo closed, at any rate prac- "tically decided. The campaign has not been noisy or heated and probably will net be, and yet all expert observ- rs sar the votoon the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November will be the largest ever cast in this -country. In 1896 the total vote was 13,923,102. In 1900 it totalled 13,961,567. but in 1904 it tell back to 13,528,979. The slump of 1904 is generally regarded as Democratic slump. This year there will be no slump in either of the large parties and tho small parties areun usually numerous and active. The ex perts, therefore, say the total vote this year will exceed 14,000,v00. Think of any army of men 14,000,00tjstrong go tag to toe pons, liut some womem are included in the great aggregate, for th women vote in Colorado, Utah, "Wyoming and Idaho, and they march -side by side with their brothers to the spoils. If a jury ot 14,000,000 ol Americans sis not to bo trusted, pray what can bo 'in this country? It is a huge refsren "dum, and a very inspiring one, and a Tory conclusive one, too, for a period of four years. FEELING OF TREPIIATI8N. The Republican majority in the pres ent House of Representatives was cut down to 57. It has stood in tho last Congress at just about 10. To gain oixeotive control of the Mouse of tho 8ixty-f rst Congress it will be neces jwry to earry about 35 northern die 's irit&K now represented by Republicans " Thiraeems a big task, but in a ehaotic campaign like the present one almost : anything is possible. Tnere are just 34 distriets In the i northern states, now represented by kepublican, every on of which re ceived pluralities below 2000. Fifteen -of the 34 representatives in qatstkro received pluralities of less that 1V0P. A change of 34,000 votes-in the 34 dis tricts would change the control of tho Bouse of Representatives. It is possible, and tho two chngress "lenal committees are hard at work, the -one to bring it about, and the other o prevent it. There is a feeling of trepid ation over the situation in Reyubliean circles, and probably a corresponding squeezing ef tariff beneficiaries to meet it. A majority of the close distriets re in the mid-west, and a large Bry n vote in that seetion would almost inevitably mean a Democratic House TO IMPROVE FABM LIFE. "The unofficial commission appointed ly President Roosevelt to devise methods of making country or farm -life more attractive has been organ ized. No farmer was invited to a seat in the commission, but several pro fessional friends of the farmers were, -and no doubt they will do their best. -'Nearly all tho members of the com mission from Chairman Bailey to th last man named on it are handy with - their pens, and tbev have and doubt less will continue to write interesting ly on rural life in the United States. The commission has but a short 'time to work in it it is to devise meth ods to lay before the present Congress. It has therefore decided to consider v the subject under tho sub-divisions ot land supply, labor supply, communi cation, education and organization. Tho sub-committee on communication is expected to consider social life and amusements on the farm, with a view of retaining on them young people. Tho snb-committee on organization will study among, other things tho . manner of morketing farm products. Tho commission has a largo nolo, - and if it can find moans for lessening tho drift ! 1 boys and girls from tho farms to tho cities it will have served f thm country -well. It will indeed prove te be am uplift commission en a large 'soale"w-nere'eBe one -is greatly needed. If revision be left to Speaker Cannon, Sereno E. Payne and John Dalzell it is plain that Dingleyism even will be outdone. This was was" made plain by Mr. Payne when he was renominat ed for Congress. The scheme of stand pat revision is, briefly, this: Tho eountry Is to be givena maximum and minimum tariff ostensibly to punish Germany and perhaps France, but really as a cover for further spoliation athomo of the many by tho few. Tho standpatters will endeavor as nearly as decency and politics will permit to make the present Dingley duties the country's minimum rates, and then a scheme of maximum rates will bo add ed. All the standpatters agree with Mr. Tait that some duties should be raised while "others might" bo Auced. The consumer will not be considered if the next House is handed over to tho control of the Cannon-Pavne-Dalzell crowd. Wo have no need at all of a maximum and minimum tariff. "We ean today negotiate reciprocity treaties with both Germany and France, but the standpatters will not permit such treaties to even come up in the Senate. They squelch them before they come te a vote. Mr. Payne did not tell us how his pet maximum and minimum tariff is to be applied, but he did tell us that the proposition to put goods made by trusts and monopolies on the free list must be voted down. He did not say the campaign subscribers demand ed that much for their money. He left that to inference, simply because he could not otherwise explain it away. SIGNS IN THE'IUSINESSJORLD. An optimistie spirit is abroad in the land. A thousand men have been put to work in Philadelphia to complete the $6,000,000 additions to the Wana- maker store. The firm does not need tho additions at present, but it sees bet ter times ahead and it is crettinir it. building ready for them. Mr Harri man in a similar spirit is building rail roads regardless of present conditions. Tho minds of business arentieipating along period of prosperity and this of useir will go a longways towards in augurating a business revival. The crops should do tho rest immedi ately after the November election. All the erops will then be ascertained. At present tne corn crop is exposed to frost. A yield of 2,595,592,000 bushels is now hoped for, or something bettor than the crop of last year An absence of frosts ill the closina two weeks of this month will fill tho corn cribs and warehouses with America's greatest cereal crop. All of tho orops arc fully up te ten-year averages, all arc "good" erops. In market values Jt is co need ed that the crops of the vear will ha considerably above the average. These crops will fill; the farmers' pockets and the ears of thejrailroads. It Is idle to say that the farmers and tho railroads can bo benefited without benefiting general trade, especially when business men are full of confi dence and optimistic anticipation. II Jul M II 1 11 II (..I ALCOHOL 3 PER nrKT AUgctabkRrparatfonlrAs suuilatuig (fRFwtfamritegula tuig the Stomachs andfiWisof m him ft'! Will an v liMstsiiiimyj Promotes Digestfonkerforl ncssandRestrontainsndttw Ophnulorphine iwrMoeraLj NOT WAR CO TIC. HmJda Sad- JUxLSama-Jbcktltt&dts- esCariuiakStii Minn Seed -CfmOcrf Shyer. I iaKfey van Tintr. Aperfect Remedy for Consflpa-1 Hon , Sour Stoiiikh.Dlarrtioea Wornss.ConvalsionsJ'everisir ncssandLoss of Sleep. iniUi For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW A PAYING INVESTMENT. Mr. John White, of 88 Highland Ave., Houlton, Maine, says: "Ha v been troubled with a cough every winter and spring. Last winter jLtneu many advertised remedies, but the coi eh containiipri nnn t pl. - ! mm : NEW YORK. J r&Ta ' ' a ot ! IMSffiv Guaranteed under the toodiut n I Ul - II II II I ft 1 II fill ; Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM. COT. ,p,wt. mmw reea qitt. In Use For Over Thirty Years lo) Mil ii i ii jyr CAH HOT BE JliliVil ROBBED AWAY Paris, Sept. 17 Delagrange tried to break Wright's record this morning, but failed. He made a flight ef thirty minutes and fifteen seconds, breaking the Freneh record. Wright's exploit has stirred the Freneh aeronanta, and they are ambitious te surpass hint. Use DeWitt's little Early Risers, pleasant little pills that are easy to take. Sold by M. E. Robinson a Bro. This is what Hon. JakeMoore, State Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol for Dyspepsia: "E. C. DeWitt fc Co., Chic ago. 111. Dear Sirs I have suffered more than twenty years from indiges tion. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse tbat I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. I lost 25 lbs; in fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consented to try it to please him and was better in one day. I nom weigh more than I ever did in my life and am 'in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity may be benifited. Yours truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904." So!d by M. E. Robinson & Bro. JbbiS J!! Parts- the application of "r w ciiernai treatment, are usually helpful in -- -o - f-""- "-" w. iu AucmuausQ. duc gucn remedies fir nr- StiE? ,f diSeaSeVU? therefor, in no sTnsTcurativ" u"c acid la the blood, brought about b: ... M-iiun, weajc Kianeys, ana a general sluffeish condition of th system. The circulation deposits this irritating poisonnlhe deren TS' ne9' tlSSUe5 any oints of the body, and soon the painful sympSS tofifrSrSSSinf produced- The Pains at first may be wandering and slight SfAff bl00d becoms m fMy saturated with the uric acid poison, th, disease grows worse and after awhile gets to be chronic. The slight, wander tng pains now become sharp and cutting at the least exposure to dampnes or night air, or any constitutional irregularity, the bones ache, the muscle are not as free in action as before, and where the acid poison is allowed t remain m the blood the joints often become so clogged with corrosive sub stances that they are left permanently stiff and useless. Rheumatism ca never be rubbed away, nor can it be conquered and driven from the syster '"" ul .v;ju-iciucii uioou n as Deen Cleanser and purified. No other medicine does this s effectually as S. S. S. It dissolves and re moves the impurities and sends a stream oi rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which soothes the irritated nerves, inflamed muscles and flesh, and the sufferer obtains relief that disease has been removed. Special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice desired free. THa SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. iTi :New Discovery; before that was half gone, the couiih w s all tone. This u inter the same haonv rPSIllt ha a followed; a few doesonce more ban ished the annual cough. I am now convinced that Dr. King's New Dis covery is the best of all cough and lung rt medies." Sold under guar antee at all drug stores. 50c. and $1.00. Trial b ttle free. Hetty Green ,regards the magnates of the period as mere boy financiers. HOW TO GET STRONG. CfPJ Daly ofl247 W. Congress fct., Chicago, tells ol away to become strong: He says: "My mother, who wiv uu was very ieeoie, is deriv ing so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel its mv dutv to those who need a tnnin nnrl tell oiieiiguiemng medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome and she is steadly growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickl? remedy stomach, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. Tho new home of higer education in Chicago is a 14-story building. A SURE-ENOUGH KNOCKER. J. C. Godwin, of lieidsville, N. C, says: "Buckleu's Arnica Salve is a ure-enouh knocker or ulcers. A Dan one came onmv let? last sum mer, butthat wonderful salve knock eu ii out in a lew rounds. Not even a sear rernainfid . (inQi-Qnt,.,.,i . MM&MUbU 1U1 pile?, sores burns etc. Unc. t aii urug stores WWood's Liver Medicine is for the relief of Malaria Chills and Fever and ailments resulting from deranged condition of the Liver Kidneys and bladder. Wood's Liver Medicine is a tonic to the liver and bowels, relieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, kidney and liver disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose. The fl.00 size contains nearly 2 1-2 times the quantity ot the 50c size. In liquid form. Pleasant to take. Sold by Palace Drug Store and City Pharmacy. One cannot quarrel if the other will not DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve w good for cuts, burns, bruise and scratches. It is especially good for piles. RecomI mended and sold by M. E. Robinson oc iro. Evon in improved men continue to vote. primaries dead PURELY VEGETABLE ttVV u a;4!u QsV .(BBIffiBSlSlE No woman can be happy without children; it is her nature to love them as much so as it is the beautiful and pure. . The ordeal through Which the exneetant mnther must pass is so Full of dread that the thought fills her with apprehension. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either very painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend prepares the system iui me coming eveni, ana it is passed witnout any danger. This CI?y 15 appueq externally, T TTwTT 1 1 I -l and has carried thousands of women through the crisis with but little suffering. Book containing information of value to all expectant mothers mailed free. BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO. Atlmntm. Sm. mm THEY TAKE THE KINKS OUT. "A naue used L)i. Kino- a Mr T : ii. m . o " ajiio jriiis ior many years, with in crea-mgsatisfact. Tney t&k e the kink out oi stomacn, liver and bowels Without fuss or frhftinn va at m Brown, of Pittcfleld, Vt. Guaranteed sausiaccory at all drug store. 25c. Molnar's Devil is tho sensation of the xew xerk. stage. - une application of ManZan Pile .rcemeay, lor all forms of piles relieves pain, sootns, reduces inflammation ooreness ana itching. Price 50c. uuaianieea to give "satisfaction. Sold Dy jr'aiace Drug Store and City Pharmacy. Tho earn paign toxt books aro neither sola nor read from Kiver to Kiver. Da.4 T 1 P ..... . . o"uer, or ji.iun, wis., says: x nave only taken four doses of your iviuney anu .Bladder Puis and thev have done lor me more than any other medicine has ever done. 1 am still taking the piUs as I want a perfect cure." jM.r. .Barber refers to DeWitt's .Kidney anc Bladder Pills. Sold by so.. a. Aoumson ol liro. The firing ol Cannon begins to wake up the people of Danville, 111. . - . August time, tens on the nerves. Butthat spiritless no ambition feel ing can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known by druggists everywnere as Dr. Snoop's Res tor a tive. Within 48 hours alter beginning to use the Restorative, improvement win oe noticed. Of eourse, full health win not immediately return. The gain, however, will surely follow And best of all, you will realize and teel your strength and ambition as it is returning. Outside influences de press first the "inside nerves" then the stomach, Heart, and kidneys will usually faU. Strengthen these tailing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and how quiekly heal in will be yours again, sola by Higgins Drug wo. The Republican party is tivius in more states than Iowa. tots Washed Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine laver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate, other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN fx Beamtke tfceataxe , . of s .0TC Thl Kind Yw Haw Alwy Bang Now is the time to have your blankets made Sanitary for the winter. Send them to The Goldsboro Steam Laundry. mm PhoneZ47. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the public that we propose making i warm for all persons using our coal. We can do this easily, because there is : more heat value to the ton in our coal than in any other coal you can buy. T $5.00 a ton, delivered. For best lump soft coal $7.50. 51 VW H. Griffin jThe Ooal and Wood DeaJar. ' A Boon to Elderly People. Most elderly people have some kid ney or bladder disorder that is both, painlul and dangerous. Foley's ii-ianey, liemeay has proven a boom to many elaarly people as it btimulates the urinary organs, eori-ecis irregular ities and tones up the whole system. Commence taking .Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and be vigorous. The Wright brothers who have the goods. are aviators IN THtf ARGUS ! Pain any where stopped in 20 min utes sure with one of Dr. Seoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25-cent box.' Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formula? Stops womanly pains, anywhere. Write Dr. Snoop. Racine, Wis. for free trial. to prove value of his Headache, or Pina: Pain Tablets. Sold by Higgins Drug Co. Everybody is noiseless now-a-dajs exeept newsboys. When the stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, than ihese organs al ways fail. Don't drug the stomch nor stimulate the Heart or kidneys. That is simply a make shift. Uet a pre scription known to Druggist every where as Dr. JShoop's Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak in side nerves.. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoopts Re storative tablets or liquod and see how quicklv help will come.' Sold by Higgins Drug Co. The farmers need better roads even mere tham the automobile owners. The keener the critic the more cut ting the criticism. Pineules for Backache, little golden globules easy and pleasant to take, hlo n the kidneys purify the an invigorate the entire system. Best for backaehfi. iam k..i, i.r.7 and bladder. 30 days trial 81. Gnr. CUyephag.FalaCeIf Sto If you have anything to do, do it don't loaf on the iob. Attention. Asthma. 8ufFererol Foley's Honey and Tar will give im mediate relief to asthma sutlers and has cured many cases that had refus ed to other treatment. Foley's Honev ana Tar is the best remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung trouble Pol n. barmlul druKs.-The m t ,Ug Store' City Pharmacy and M. K. Robinson J Bro. T. - is ouiy tlio mistakes of other people that are funny. mBSiJXative Couh mp recom. mended by mothers for young and old nL,Pr0m.Pt relief for couShs, colds, croup, hoarbeness, whooping cough, gently laxative and pleasant to take, guaranteed. Should be kept in everv household. Sold by Palace Drug Store, and City Pharmacy. Time unveils truth. Oured Hay Fever e. 'wifimojr wviu A. S. Nusbaum. BateaviiiA Tni... writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a aummai- tressmg that it interlered with my business. I had manrnfth. . toms of hay fever, and a doctor's pre emption did not reach mv ns r,H r took several medicines whinh BOA.., only to aggravate it Fortunately I in sisted upon having Folley 's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured m. Mv wit h.. smceused Folley's Honey and Tar with the same success." Th puiu Drug Store, City Pharmacy and M. R Robinson fe Bro. "i'is only noble to be good. Pinesalve Carbolized acts lilrn a nnu I tice. Quick relief for bites and stino- nr insects, chapped skin, cuts, burns and sores, tan and sunburn. Sold by Palace Drug Store and Cit Pharmacy. DeWitt's Little Earlv Rin famous little liver pills. Sold by M E Robinson fc Bro. Operation for piles will not ho sary if you use Man i5an Pile Remedy. Put up ready to use. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Try it. Sold by Palace Drug Store and City Pharmacy. Great success seldom comes to the man who takes no chances. Weak women should rri mr''nnnir No 4 for Women." It tells of rr. Shoop's Night Cure. Tells how these soothing, healing, antiseptic supposi tors, bring quick and certain help. The Book is free. Address Dr. shnnn Racine, Wis. Higgins Drujr Co. Stand in frot of a mirror when ooking tor your worst enemy. No one is immune from kind- trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Remedy will stop the irregu larities and cure any ease of kidney or bladder trouble that is not bevond reach of medicine. The Pa;ace Drug Store, City Pharmacy and M. Jfi. Rob inson k Bro. The more a woman can trust hex husband the more he can need it. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are habitually cures chronic constipation by stimuiatiug the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of th bowels. Foley's Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substituates. The Palace Drug Store, City Phar macy and M. E. Robinson ft Bro. Occasionally a widow's heart warmed ever by an old flame. is Sick Headache and Bilousness re lieved at onoe with Rings Little Liver Pills. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not gripe or sioken. Good for all the family. Sold by Palace Drug Store and City Pharmacy. . The Frenchmen are no flightier than the Amerieans at Fort Myer. SZSS Kennedy's Laxative Cough Svrun acts gently upon the bowels and there by drives the cold out of the system and at the same time it allays inflam mation and stops irration. Children like it. Sold by M. K. Robiason fc Bro Law is the perfection ol. reason. There is one preparation known to day that will promptly help the stom ach. This is Kodol. Kodol gigests all classes of food, and it does it thorough ly so tuat the use of Kodol for a time will without doubt help anyone who has stomach . disorders or stomach trouble. Take Kodol tod ay and con tinue it for the short timo that is nec essary to give you complete relief. Kodol is sold by M. E. Robinson fc Bro. Good wishes also come home to roost. Served as coffee, the new coffee sub stitute known to growcer's everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Pure healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc, have been so cleverly blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying coffee taste arid flavor. And it is "made in a minute," too. Notedlous 20 to 30 minutes boiling Sold by M. E. Bizzoll. Foieye Kidney or bJLaddor trouble that is not beyond the reach, of medle oine ean do more. f " "r 4t i 0) Si il.''.. T ' V If f