unite Today's Passing Events Boiled Down For Busy Readers. (Special to the Argus.) Krie, Pa., Sept. 21. Thieves dyna mited the Dostoffle at Albion last night getting 81,000 and a quantity ot stamps. Grand Rapids, Sept. 22 Jonn Mur ray Dowie father ot John Alexand Dowie, founder of Zion City died thu morning. "hattanga, Sept. 16. John W Kern has declined th challenge frmrr. Jalin Temple Graves fer a jint debate here tomorrow. Berlin, Sept. 16. Parseval's airsliip, wb.il manuevering this morning, va struck by a quail. Thn gas bag w doubled uo and the airship fell on (he reef ot a villa. The Hague, Sept. 16. It wash arued today that Holland hs invit! all those countries that participated in the it-oond Hague to d raft universal treaij ni to "exchange regulatiens." Philadelphia. Sept. 22 Frank M H"..4rn. the widely known cartoon ia . died this morning. He had drawn . ..ruiuiis lor many oapers, and v t- creator of "Lula and Leaiider." U'l.ite Plain Sept 21 Harrv Thaw m . !e i ntihor fight tor liberty todnj w h ii Ins law vers aoDlied tor an orciai l..irtinj him to bm tried by jury t titei iiiine his sanity. The hearing wa H jtu rued until next Satur.lay. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 22. The ft i legal step taken by the govern jii'-nt against powder trust was a bear J ii u liere this morning of a case again tue Dupuiii Powder Co. Conspnacv jn re rAint of trade is alleged. New York, Sept. 21 Giuseppe Gra intra fired at Isabella Suarna, will whom he was in love, then at he ft -tor today, but missed both oi thr and wounded a man who was passing The assailant had. to be shot by a po lice u t ii kifore he nubmitted to arresi St. ., Sept. 22 An autoino biled'iv-n l in io Iirodie, of Chicago contain! i ; u l t people, turned ove here today and all ot tue party were injured, two of them fatally. The ma chine was badly wrecked turning over one and half times and landing bottom side up. in-i ' at, Sept. 22 In a prelimi nary statement today Senator Porake ciiar.eierizod the course of Air. Talt te speak from same platlorm with hin ami not allowing him a chance to d fuiid himselt from Hearst's attacks a cowardly and unneighborly. He sa bad the conditions been reversed h would have stood by Taft. Atlanta, Sept. 22. Chairman E. H Hin ton, of the Southeastern Freigh Association, appeared before the In tt-rstate Commerce Commission today as a witness. He saitJ that he acted a agent for the several lines in this sec li.m and published tariffs as thei a n(. Governor Corner, ot Alabama was present. He said he just com over as an interested citizen ot Ala buna. Tokio, Sept. 22. Count Ukuma is- S.ieda statement today, saying that Japan must, n.- p in putross with the United States if she v a ,s to maintain liar prestige i m t 1' ci'ie. The Count if iys, vomuieming on lUe recent vtter- "H'l'S 6i Prebident Roosevelt, lliat ,the V5n eit Smii s does not pwssess a sum ii.iuibf ; of ships to uoiiauiiirnat t " .riu ;", ri.r are American b -h-! - ii as good us Japanese. v -hinuton, Sept. 22 Andrew Light 1 -i. a negro prisoner at the Govern m -rit hospital here suffering lrom h rucidal mania escaped . lrom his g ,nls today, and killed two persons. He then matte to the woods, which is emg surrounded by an armed guard. who will capture him dead or alivt' Letter He was finally shot and cap- tured in the woods on the bank of the Potomac. One of the persons killed was a guard, another a white female oatient. and another patient, suffered a broken arm fiom the man's savage Attack. SUFFERS HEAVY LOSS. Goldsboro Boy Is Visited By Cosily Fire in Georgia. The readers of the Argus through out all this section, the boyhood home of Mr. Rowland Broadhurst, son ot Citpt. and Mrs. D. J. Broadhurst, ol this city, will read with sincere regret the following account of his loss bj fire, which we clip from Friday's issue , ot the Auieneus (Ga.J Times-Ke- p rter: "Mr. R. S. Broadhurst made a care- tul estimate yesterday of the loss sus tained by fire on his ianu near Amer icas the night betore, wntcn swept away two fine barns and all contentt. and entailed a Uss of more than $3,-000. "The total amount of insurance car ried was $850, the net less being about $2,700, although $3,500 even would not nearly replace the property thus de stroyed. "The blazing barns, located upon an eminence, were plainly visioie irom the city, and the fire was quite spec tacular. "the bains were modern built and among the largest in the county. In them were stored all feedstuff, wagons, buggies, couon and cottonseed, guano. and the lull equipment utilized in car ing tor the huge peach orchard on the larm. "One barn contained sixty tons of line hay iust harvested, 150 bushels oats, 200 bushels cottonseed, two bug siies. a costly ueared shredder, cotton and corn planters; all a total loss. "In the second barn was a ten-horse power gasoline engine used in general farm work, 1,000 lbs. sulphur, 500 lbs snutl. two barrels scalyside; besides a complete spraying outfit used, with ;he material mentioned, in spraying teachtrees. 1 X "In the latter barn were two bales untiinued cotton, all of which was a complete toss. "Mr. Cheek, the larm superintend nt, states that ihe fire caught in hay aear the barn door, and was evidently .aused by a match dropped carelessly by one of the men. ' The shifting of the wind lrom the direction of the dwelling saved it lrom destruction. Is very things in the way of harness gear was lost, and a new outfit had to be purchased yesterday before a wagon could be started or any work done. . '"Mr. Broadhurst has a model farm, and the loss sustained by the nre is a leavy one." TODAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. Boiled Down For Busy Readers. (Special to the Argus.) A WGRRYiNS MENACE. Shoes Shoes Shoes Clinton, Iowa, Sept. 21. This city is rapidly filling with delegates to the o -invention of the Upper Mississippi River. Improvement Association.whieh is to begin its sessions here tomor row. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 21. I Wan Chang, the Korean who shot and killed Durham White Stevens, Ameri can advisor to the Korean government, n this city on Maren last, was ar raigned tor trial today, before Judge Ceuley in the Superior Court. Washington, D. C, Sept. 21. In re sponge to the recent call of the Camp troller ot the Currency the National Bank examiners of the East assembled here today to discuss plans for raising the standard of bank examinations. Newaygo, Mich., Sept. 21. The case of John M. Ward, charged with the murder ot his wite, was called for trial oday. . Owing to the sensational cir um stances attending the erime the trial of Ward is looked forward to with muoh publie interest. Toronto, Ont., Sept. 21. A wedding if note today was that of Miss Edith .iargaret Sweatman, daughter ot his Grace the Archbishop and Mrs. Arthur Sweatman, and Mr. John Lowe Wal .on. The ceremony was witnessed by ( large and iashionable assemblage. I Denver, Colo.,Se-t. 21. Denver will entertain during the remainder of this week the eighty-fourth annual session ot the sovereign Grand Lodge ot Odd Fellows. Delegates are here frem all parts of the United States and Canada and from other parts of the world. Business meetings, drills, reunions and social entertainment made up the programme. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 21. Chairman Knapp and Commissioners Clark, Har lan and Cockrell ol the Interstate Com merce Commission came to Atlanta today to hear the complaint's made against the action of the railroads of the southeastern territory in advanc ing the freight rates on certain com modities, New York, Sept. 21. An extraordi nary term ot the Supreme Court in Queen's eounty met today to consider the indictment ot the Mains brothers, charged with the murder ot William F, Anuis. Supremo Court Justice Garrett J. Uarrebon, of the second judicial district, occupied the bench. Despite the desire of the prosecution for an early iiial the indications are that it will be the middle of . October aud probably uiueh later before the trial is commenced. The, Season right now on for your Fall and Winter Shoes! For VARIETY, QUALITY and PRICE our stock has no SUPERIOR in the city. -:- -:- Norfolk ft Sonthero Railway lompan Fitzgerald, Wolcott & Kerr, Receiver. LOCAL TIME TABLE. Goldsboro and Beaufort, N. O Effective Sunday December 8th, 1907. BASTBOUND. Micro's IFSinxB Shoes ! We have taken the SOLE AGENCY in this city for the well-known 'FELLOW CRAFT' and 'RALSTON HEALTH SHOES', price $3.50 and $4.0o. These shoes are manufactured in Brockton, Mass., which city turns outa GREATER PORTION of Men's Fine Shoes apd this because of the great number of skilled workmen in the making of fine shoes in that city. Only skilled workmen can put the RIGHT FINISH on fine shoes. These shoes for QUALITY, STYLE and FINISH have no SUPERIOR in this city or any wl ere else for the price. We also have a SPLENDID LINE of Men's Fine Shoes, $2.00 to $3.00 Every Day Men's and Boys' Line. Men's good brogans $1.25, best $1.50, Creedmorps $1.50 to $1.65. Work shoes $1.50 to $2.50. Boys' best brogans $1.25, medium weight every day snoes $i.uu to $ i.ou. Women's Fine Shoes ! Good Vici $1.25, Southland Bel? $1.50, Southern Girl $2.00. Nothing better for these prices Our $2 50 shoe is one of the BEST on the market. Women's Every Day Line. Kangaroo, Oil Grain and Box Calf $1.00 to $1 50 and Calf at $2.00 CANNOT BE EX CELLED for the prices. CHILDREN'S LINE VERY FULL, and by far the best we have ever offered. 25c to $1 50. Leather and Rubber Boots and Rubber Shoes. A good stock. Do not forget to EXAMINE OUR STOCK, we can READILY CONVINCE you of the statements herein made. THY lOlil D IT. The Atlantic fleet has been coaled and has steamed away from West Australia, and is due to arrive at Ma nila about October 1, where it will moot the Pacific fleet. All has gone well with the fleet thus far, but at Ma nila the sailors will bo oxposed to tb dangers of a ehol.ra epidemic. The disease is increasing in Manila Sinee tho opening of the year 16,78 cases have been reported, resulting i 10.861 do hi. Tho disease has roall.v assumed an epidemic form, and if th sailors of the fleet are allowed to g ashore no precautions as to fruit or water will bo efficacious. Some of the sailors will certainly contract the dis ease, and the entire fleet would thus be cerae. subject to quarantine at other port tt should be remembered that visit. to Japan and China are yet to bo mad and stops on the way homo to take on coal and supplies will bo inevitable. Any outbreak ot cholera in tho fleet att.r a woek's stay in Manila bay would mai the entire cruise and might possibly become disastrous. What the administration will do in this matter remains to be determined. At present it looks as if tho fleet would bo permitted to go to Manila, the de pendence for safety against tho epi demic being orders te the men on board to drink distilled water from the ships' tanks only and cooked fruit. Japanese sailors might be trust ed to obey, such orders, but American sailors are not amenable to discipline to that extent. The stay at Manila i i ii deed a risk, and the adminstratiou should act cautiously. Cincinnati, O..Sepl. 21. Prom every direction delegates aud visitors are pouring into Cincinnati to attend the convention of tho National Republican .League, which is to begin its sessions tomorrow'. More than ordinary inter est attaches to tho convention of the Leaguo this ear because ot the bear ing it may nave on Uie Republican .residential campaign and also lrom i. fact that William 11. Talt. Senator Forakor and other eminent leaders are tiuoug the scheduled speakers. Another Case of Didn't . Know It Was Loaded. (Special to the Arotjs.) N w York, Sept. 2J. Hurled high in the air by a tremendous explosion of gu in Hoboken, throe men receivtd fatal injuries today. Tho disaster was ; caused by the breaking of a water main, this causing the street to cava in and break a gas main. Tho men, who wero residents of the neighborhood, wero looking for tho gas loak and struck matches. They found it. : ; v . ITully twenty square feet of pave ment shot upward, carrying the men op and then' burying them in the deb ris. The entire bloek was under gained. - . . PARIS FIRE-SWEPT. Five Million Dollar Conflagration in the French Capital. (Special to the Argus.) Faris, Sept. 21 Paris was visited by a destructive fire yesterday and last night, and not until this morning did tho are department manage to get it under control. . The direot loss from flames will be five million dollars and the indireot loss muoh greater. Business is practically at a stand still because of the burning of the cen tral telephone building, thus cutting off both local and long distance com munication. J The postoffice was-.also burned, much mail being destroyed and the system disorganized- The flames raged nearly all day yes terday aud last night aud business is so badly cripled that it w ill take weeks to get it normal agaiu. Trade conditions continue to im prove under the .influence ot a uiorf optimistic feeling. Optimism coiitin ues to demonstrate that it is one of the best salesmen on the road. No doubt Unele Joe Cannon is rathr hard put to it to find language that will do lull justice to the situation as hounds it while campaigning for re election. It really is a pity that business issues and financial questions which effoot the welfare of the mass of the people, thousands of them wno may or may net be aware of this latter fact, should bo debated in political campaign in stead of being dissected before they reach the courts by dispassionate men in whose honesty and ability the poo pie have confidence. jk Th ompson. m? ?m?? ??????????????? ?mmt? m ???? rong Men "Give Wav'H , when attacked by Rheumatism. Un Sr less the blood is kept in good condition Jz vou are liable to this dreaded disease. l)o not delay, with the first symptoms e Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy No. 3 No. 5 STATIONS. p.m. a.m. JLv Goldsboro 4.50 7.00 Millers 5.00 7.10 Bests 5.10 7.20 LaGrange 5 20 7.30 Falling Creek 5.35 7.45 Kinston 6.50 8.00 Caswell 6.02 8.12, Dover.... 6,13 8.23 Cove 6.28 8.38 Tuscarora 6.40 8.5fr Clarks 6.46 8.56 Ar Ne Bern 7.05 9.15 Lv Ne Bern 7.18 9.27 Rivttfdale 7.44 9.55 Croatan 7.50 10.01 Havelock 8.06 10.17 Newport 8.26 10.37 Wildwood 8 32 10 44 Mansfield 8 39 10 46 Ar Moreh'd City. 8.47 11.00 r Beaufort 9.10 11.25 WESTBOUND. 'No. 2 No. 4 . STATIONS. A.M. p.m. Lv Beaufort 7.25 5.15i! Lv Moreh'd City. 7.47 5.37 Mansfield 8 01 5 40 Wildwood 8 03 5 53 Newport 8.10 6.00 Havelock 8.30 6.20 Croatan 8.46 6.36 Riverdale 8.52 6.42 Ar New Bern 9.20 7.10 Lv New Bern 9.26 7.15 Clarks 9.45 7.34 Tuscarora 9.51 7.40 Cove 10.03 7.52 Dover 10.18 8.07 Caswell 10.29 8.18 Kinston 10.43 8.30 Falling Creek.10.58 8.45 LaGrange 11.14 9.00 Bests 11 24 9.10 Millers 11.34 9.20 Ar Goldsboro 11.45 9.80 Sunday trains leaves Goldsboro at 8 a. m. and p. m. Returning arrive Goldsboro at 12:15 and 8:30 p. m. CONNECTIONS. At Kinston and Newbern with Atlantic Coast Line, "Trains Nos. 3 and 4 connect at Goldsboro with A. C. L. trains as follows: No. 41,8outhbound; No. 42, Northbound; and with Southern Railway Trains Nos. 1 11, Wetbouud, and No. 112, EastbounfV BETWEEN NEW BERN AND BAYBORO. No. 3 daily :x. Sun. 9 25 am 132 " No. 7 Daily STATIONS INCORPORATED. -. Capital Stock $30,000. No Vacation. Enter Any Time. Individual Instruction. Shorthand, Book; eepinp, Telegraphy and English taught by experts. A school with a reputation. The oldest, largest and best equipped business (college in the Carolinas. Write for catalogue. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C. or CHARLOTTE, N. t. LE AND BUFFET ! At the mature age of years Mr. Rnosevelt is preparing to ru4h in o tue Afriewn wilds and t stay there uutil the voice ol his party ia 1912 m - terializas. ' TODAY'S MARKET. (TAB : Y 1 , New York, Sept. 22 The stock mar ket opened with gains. New York, Sept. 22 The cotton market opened weak. . - Opening October, 8:80; December, 8,65;' January, 8.51? March, 8.54' . New York, Sept. 22 Spot cotton closed' at 9:30. " . : Chicago, Sept. 22. Wheat opened higher. Opening- Wheat, December ; 100 3-8; corn December, 64 1-2; pork, October, 15:35; oats, September, 48. The selection of artis tic and characteristic ap pointments for the dining-room is made very easy by the selection which is exhibited in our assortments. SILVER -WARES STERLING OR PLAITED. CU T GLASS ! IN COUNTLESS FORMS. We Can Meet All Requirements of Trade and Price ! 7 30pm 7 38 " 8 00 " 8 24 " 8 38 " 8 42 " 8 57 ' 9 00 ' 9 15 Lv N ewbern Ar Neuse Junct'n Olympia Reelsboro Blades Junc'n Grantsboro West Alliance Bast Alliance Ar Bayboro Lv, No. 6 Daily I No. 2 daily ex Sun. 9 00 atn7 15 pm 9 51 " 17 05 " 8 28 S06 7 53 ' 7 48 ' 7 33 ' 7 30 ' 7 15 ' GOLDSBORO, MOREHEAD CITY, BEAUFORT AND NORFOLK. No. 5 Daily ex Sun. 18pm 3 25 " i47 " 52 9 10 No. 3 Dailr ex Sun. 7 00 am 7 30 " 8 00 " 8 23 " 9 15 " 9 25 11 00 12 17pm - 20 S 15 4 45 STATIONS Goldsboro La Grange Kinston Dover ArNewbernLv LvNewbernAr Newport Morehead City Atlantic Hotel Ar Beaufort Lv LvNewbernAr Washing-ton Plymouth Ed en ton Elizabeth City Ar Norfolk Lv No. 4 Daily ex Sun. 9 30pm 9 00 8 30 " 8 07 7 15 " 7 15 5 40 4 23 2 20 1 25 11 55am) No. S Dailr ex Sub. 9 20 (St S 10 ' 7 47 " 7 40 " 7 25 " R.. E. L Bunch, Traffic Manasrer H, C. Hudgins. General Pass. Art REVIVO -THE GREAT R. A- CREECDi, Leading Jeweler TT S WVnt'V www RESTORER In the Spring,; when Na ture is Rejuvenating, Man should do the same. This can be accomplish ed by taking Revivo, but not by taking "something just as good." This advertise ment says Revivo and Revivo pays for this ad vertisement, and the "something just as good" pays for nothing and amounts to nothing Go, by the name, RE VIVO and take no sub stitute. - M. E. Robinson & Bro. Are its selling agents in Goldsboro. REVIVO Revives You. Try It. DR. N. L. BRYAN, DENTIST. Suit 3, New Odd' Fellows Building, Second Floor. Office Pkrac 658. Residence PkMe74& Drink Punch-I-Nello fHB CHILDREN LIKE XT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP