IILIIK BREVITIES Today's Passing Events Boiled Down For Busy Readers. (Special to the Argus.) Poublin, Sopt. 19Cardinal Gibbons it making- a tour of Ireland. He is now the guest of the Bishop of Gal way. He is receiving a great welcome throughout his native land the isle of his birth. New York, Sept 19 A living male baby was fund in a shoe box in a .garbage ean by a street sweeper ol this city today and the baby was only a few hours old. Physicians at Bellevue say it will live, Sidney. N. S. W., Sept. 19 Five of the crew of the British Steanishij Aeon, overdue here from Frisco, have arrivtd at Fanning Island, and rej-ort that their ship went ashore July 18, an I became a total wreck. All the crew and passengers were saved. New York, Sept. 19 A maniac found wandering on the street today, iouyht the police, knockid down one otlicer and wrecked the rear room of the sta tion house. The man refused to give his iiniiie, but said he was a million- Hire. 'He alterwards became so vio !-! 1 1 that he had to be taken to Belle- vue and placed, in a straight jacket. Washington, Sept. 19. "W. H. Gray and William Rule, clerks in the Bureau of Immigration, were drowned, and a .third man narrowly escaped a similar fate when a motor boat on the eastern branch of the Potsinac river caught fire yesterday and sank. Williams Alger, the third man, spent the night in a swamp, wandering out this ir.orn ing and reporting the death of hi companions. Manila, Sept. 18 One hundred ad ditional sanitary inspectors were sworn in today in the campaign to wipe out the cholera epidemic. Twelve victims have died since yesterday, and there are twenty-five new cases of the dis ease reported today- Mo'jile, Ala., Sept. 18 Mrs. Mary Brad for ' is dying liom burns caused by her own hands. She poured kero sene oil o her clothing and applied a match, then ran into the street, where she was caught by friends, but not be fore she was fatally burned. Pittsburg, Sept. 18 Harold S. Hope, ft Qn ot H. P. Hope, viee-President of the Carnegie Steel Company, was ar rested !..ie this morning, tegether -with Frank L. Stecn, an&W, B, Baugh. They are charged with conducting & gigantic land swindle. There have been thousands of victims. ..a., C t Albany, West Austialia, Sept. 18. The American fleet sails this afternoon at 5 o'clock for Manilla, which will be reached about October 2nd. All ships coaled but the Connecticut. The ter mination of the fleet's visitimarks the end of the most notable exchange et international amenities in naval his-fry, Nw York j Sept. IS Florence Rob bings and Lula Robinson, two pretty girls, quarreled over a young man to day. They started in with hat pins but wound Hp with knives, and both were cut so badly that they had to be sent to a hospital in an ambulance. Berlin, Sept. 18 The Emperor of Germany has sent his personal con dolenca to the family of Lieutenant ftalfridge and his sympathy to Orville Wright. Winston-Salem, Sept. 18 Dr. John T. Shaffner,., age seventy years, died this morning ef heart disease. He was prominent in the Dusinels life of the town affairs. His wife was Miss Carrie Pries. Lsuians, Sept. IS Wibur Wright, when informed this morning of the ac Oi o.. e.-ierday to his brother, locked ji...ieii in his room and deuyed him- b li to all callers, and has postponed his so!iduleU nights indefinitely. New York, Sept. 18 Rather than f.tcea trial ou the charge of grand lar eeny Charles Knappel, a drug clerk caught in the act ol taking $500 worth of opium from the warehouse, hanged himseif in his cell in the tombs today Cincinnati, Sept. 17. Candidate Tatt expresses himself as well pleased with the speaking tour arranged for him by the Republican campaign managers His first speech will be at Brook, Ind. w. where George Ade will give him a bar becue and vaudeville show (original. Only most important stops will be made, including larger tewns in the middle west, and lasting about two weeks. Erie, Pa., Sept. 17 Two men are re ported killed and several injured in a wreck on the Bessemeruer railrohd at Albion this morning. Manila, Sept. 17 Five new cases and eight deaths is the cholera record of Manila today. All branches of the govesnment are cooperating to fight the disease, which up to this time is practically confined to natives. The Transport Sheridan was fumigated to . jridv. but will net sail for San .Fran. FOREST FIRES RAGING Sweeplsg Great Scopes of Country Including Sereral Hiuses Aoi Towns. New Yerk, Sept. 19 Great forest fires are raging unchecked in the north ern part of this state and Maine. A long drought and continued absence of rains render the ravages of the fives more sweeping and the fighting ol them more difficult. Smoke polls eov er half a dozen states, even reaching this eity. Inhabitants ef the devastat ed sections are all wern out with fight ing the continuous blaze and help is being asked irom towns and cities many miles from the scene. Utica, Sept. 19 The area in Adiron dacks ever which the flames extend is being rapidly increased and the out look for subdueing the fires is most distressing and appalling. More than onetthousand acres of land burned over in the last three days. Albany, Sept. 19 Railroads in Adi rondacks are using fire trains con tin uously. Augusta, Maine, Sept. 19 Forest fires are devastating thousands of acres or umoer lands ana causing grave anxiety to at least four towns in the county. Many towns are in danger. Ottawa, Sept. 19 Two lives have been lost and a number ot lumber e ompanies have been wiped out of business and timber holdings by the forest fires that are raging through Canada. ELEPHANT RUNS AMUCK Keeper Go up a Tree to Escape Fury ef the Big Aiimal. New York, Sept. 19 Luna, the big elephant in the Zoological Gardens ran amuck this morning. She' broke lose from her keepers, charged them and they took te trees, then charged the snake cages and turn ed them over, many reptiles escaped Then she charged the lien cages but did not overturn them, but created great commotion. She was finally secured to a tree and will be kept chained up for the present. ON FIRST BALLOT. Governor Hughes Cnotce of Mew York Repnbllcius. (Special to the Argus.) Sarategga, N. Y., Sept. 16 Charles Evans Hughes, of New York, was nominated yesterday afternoon by the Republican State convention by an overwhelming majority and on the first ballot, to succeed himself as Gov ernor ef the State of New York. He re ceived 827 votes out of a possible 1,009, as against 151 for James W. Wades- worth, Jr., ef Livingston county, Speaker of the State Assembly, and 31 for former Congressman John K. Stew art, of Montgomery. The nomination was made unani mous upon motion of State Commit teeman William Barnes, Jr., f Al bany, who has been perhaps the bit terest and most outspoken opponent of the Governor's renomination. EX- A STRENUOUS DAY. Bryan is Waging War in the En emy's Boasted Stronghold. (Special to the Argus.) New York, Sept. 18. Bryan is in the heart of the "enemy's country" to day. He has had a strenuous day's work here, conferring with the party's lead ers and making speeches. He is to speak before the Commer cial Travelers League this afternoon and at a big mass meeting in Carnegie hall tonight. Presidential Elections. THIS DATE IN HISTORY. Sept. 19,1908. 1804 1871 1881 Mr. Dearborn, son of the sec retary of war, leit for Algiers with presents for the ruler of that country. ' 1814 The British ship "Forth" de stroyed the American brig "Regent." 1864 The Federal forces were vic torious in the battle of Ope quan, Va. Lincoln's body was removed to its final resting place at Springfield, 111. Jomes A. Garfield, 20th Presi dent ef the United States, died at Long Branch, N. J. Born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, November 1, 1831. Earthquake shocks were felt in Michigan, Ohio and Indi ana. 101 The funeral ot President Mo Kinley was held at Canton, Ohio. 1802 Marie Henriette, Queen of the Belgians, died, aged 66 years The new treaty between France and Canada signed in-Paris. 1884 1907 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE Appointed to Fill Commissioner rat terson's Unexpired Term. Governor Glenn yesterday appointed Major William A. Graham, of Mach pelah, Lincoln county, Commissioner ot Agriculture, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. S. L. Patterson.deceased. Major Graham is the Democratic nom inee for Commissioner of Agriculture and his appointment was expected. "When I was younger I used to look forward with keen interest to presi dential campaigns, "said an old Demo crat, "But now if I had my way all our elections, especially national elec tions, would bo farther apart. "With a presidential election every four years wo hardly have a good breathing spell between times. Po litieal campaigns are disturbing alike to business and to college work. Col lege boys, although they are not vot ers, get so wrought up over a presi dential contest that they do not study well, and as for the business world, six months before election day no one is willing to consider new investments or new business propositions of any kind. Business men say, 'Wait un til after the election.' But as the pres idential contest has only a few weeks more to run, we will soon be ready to Start on a new era of prosperity." All the Gold IN GEORGIA Could not Buy- South Norwalk, September 18 Mark Twain's summer home at Ridding was robbed early today, and a number of articles of value were stolen. The burglars were traced to the railroad station where a pitched battle occur red in the day coach in which they had taken passage. Sheriff Banks was sligh ly wounded. One burglar escaped, but the other was laken prisoner. Oo.XiMMtir.lMo. I. & DsVnr Oe. OhloaicwBs. In lttrjhaactU ofOfrtoomth andbowels. SMncpbrsiaiamtoldincitwM Dyspepsia, some Coaaumptioa of the Loses, others sad consniptioa of the Bowels, toe prgrrioUn hM I would not tto not Spring and for fowr lone years I existed oa a HUo Douea mutt, ooaa cm omits, aoororr prsonp a Dyspepsia runeoiM tfiM neodofl tm anrami i puna 1 (ho Baaxkat. I could not lote, aad hi the Spriac ItO picked u Of roar Almanac mm a poor amaciaUd wraca ww grasp anjouna:, ana one of roar AJ Dyspapsta wri HMO osoBww aaaaia,! ajiawai ww w Ibmurht a fifty aant bottle of I PKPtlA CURS endthebaMfltl thai almsnos happaned to be pgr Ble hlte. RUUUl Mfk I raaai' from that bottle ALL THB GOLD M LDY- GSORQlA OOULO MOT BUT. I kept oa taldnc it aad in two months I went back to Rwork. as a maefehtioVand la thro months as waft and haarty. I still usa a Uttla oo oastoaaUy as 1 find ft a fine blood purifier aod a food tonic. . Mar jrou Mvc Ion and prosper. Years vary truly. , aiLboRanu. C0HF0BMS TO NATIONAL PUBB FOOD AND DRU0 LAW Wright Will Recover. (By Special Wire to the Akgtjs.) ' Washington, D. C, Sept. 19 Orville Wright passed a comfortable night, but became restless and irritable this morning. -''..-. : x ' The doctors, though, say " this is a This to only a sample of the great good that is daily done everywhere by E o d o 1 for Dyspepsia. Endorses Other -Prominent Americans of Wyoming1 Pe-runa. Give Peruna Great Credit. "iSlip!? 1 1 !l I 1 'El Wt sonal friends who have usedx&k? z XI s-v 'and endorsed Peruna that I feel justified in assuming that $kit is a valuable remedy for ca tarrh and an excellent general tonic." j vim rr. MAuyi. M Ex-Governor of Wyoming, vvWASvAvw'.vS.. ..w-. i ou'vwvwoftaaoacMfc- If it Mr. WW . SB A. ' t 1 SSlltWtftfW'loyrfM'rfM'ii'wWVa'i r r LIST OF PROMINENT AMERICANS. n.W. H. Parsons. Confederate Army, ex-State Senator, Texas. CoL Bailey, of Washington, D. C, Labor Organizations and U. V. L. CoL Patten, of "Washington, D. C, Military and Masonic Orders. Hon. 3L S. Eyan, of Alaska, Ex-Member English House of Parliament. Congressman Cale, of Alaska, well known on racino siope. Gen. W. H. Parsons. Gen. W. H. Parsons is ex-State Sena tor and ex-Special Judge of the Supreme Court of Texas, also Brigadier General in Confederate Army. In a recent letter from 925 H St., N. W., Washington, D. O., this prominent gentleman saya: "Upon the recommendation of per sonal friends and many strong testi monials as to the efficacy of Peruna in the treatment of tb numerous symp toms of the la sgrlppe with which I hare been afflicted for four months past, I have been induced to undergo a treat ment with Una justly celebrated for mula. I feel a decided change for the better f ter usir" it only one week. It is especially good in toning up the stom ach anrf has had a decided effect upon my appetite. I therefore feel much en couraged that " 9.tu on the road to com plete restoration. "My nnmerAua friends in Texas, where I have had lie honor to command a brigade of hey Veteran Cvury in a four years' war, may accept this voluntary testimonial to the merits of Peruna as a sense of obligation on my part for its wonderful efficacy." Col. Wm. Bailey. William Bailey, 58 I St., N. EM Wash ington, D. C, Past Col. Enc. No. 69, Union Teteran Legion, and prominently identified with many of the great labor protective associations in Chicago and New York, and Secretary of one of the largest associations in the former city, had for nearly thirty years been afflicted with kidney troubles. Within a short period he has been per suaded to try Peruna, and his present healthy condition is attributed to his judicious use of that great remedy Washington climate is notoriously bad for kidney and liver troubles, yet by a judicious use of the remedy he is now quite cured and in excellent physical condition. This brief statement of facts, without exaggeration or hyperbole, appears to tell the whole story, which the Peruna Com pany is authorized to use, if it so chooses, believing, as I do, thatby so doing it will be for the general good. Wm. Bailey . Col. C. L. Patten. Col. C. Li. Patten, 609 T St., N. W., Washington, D. C, a Lieutenant in the Old Guard, an exclusive organization composed of soldiers of distinction who fought in the civil war, and a Thirty- second degree Mason, writes as follows : "I have used Peruna, and desire to recommend your remedy as an invigor ating spring tonic; also one of the best remedies that I ever tried for coughs, colds and catarrhal complaints." Hon. R. S. Ryan. Hon.R.S.Ryau.,now residing in Nome, Alaska, was formerly a member of the English House of Parliament, and Sec retary to the late Irish patriot, Charles Stewart Parnell. His Washington ad dress is New Willard Hotel, Washing ton, D. C. He writes: "I haye used Pe runa and can recommend your remedy as a very effective cure for colds and catarrhal complaints." Hon. Thomas Cale. Hon. Thomas Cale, elected to Congress from Alaska, is well known on the Pa cific slope, where be has resided. His Washington address is 13129th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. He writes : "I can cheerfully recommend Peruna as very efficient remody for cough ana colds.' TVT7 TfTttSW rTWtfoWcxtP AND MM CONTAINS NO, HARMFUL DRUGS Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the and Lung: Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packaqi & by M. E. Robinson & Bro., City Pharmacy and Palace Drug Store. Sold by"M. E. RobinsonA Bros..- NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George J. Yelverton. deceased, late of Wayne Couuty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the under signed at Fremont. N. C., on or before the 15th day of September 1909. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This September 15th. 1908. G. A. YELVERTON, Administrator of Geo. J. Yelverton, NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Bryant Edmundson, deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne County. North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estat to make immediate payment, and to all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or before the 10th day of August, 1909. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . Copyright 1908 The House of fCuppenheimer Chicago Kupp enkeimer Clothes For Fall You are invited to look them over. Mo N TCDTD TTVTTT . - .... - J I : : : -!?!-'