Take Notice of This Jos. Edwards Offers His Entire Stock of Dry Goods, CHinq, Slices, Trunks, Valises, Etc. 1-3 OFF. I NEWS FROM WALTER. Hots, Cloaks, AT as being the expression of a warm, generous heart. Throughout his na ture there ran a streak of humor which often kept him on the bright side of life, even under adverse cir cumstances, and was a means of dis persing gloom with those among whom he came in contact. He had passed the time allotted to man here, and would have been 73 years old next Saturday. He was buried in the family burying ground Sunday after noon by the side of his faithful wife, who preceded him there years ago. Iay he rest in peace. to make room for our extensive stock of SPRING and S!JvtM.ER GOODS. You would do well by taking ad vantage of this great opportunity. We are offering especially low our remnants of all kinds which are marked down at hall" price. Would like to mention prices, but space does rot allow, so call and convince yourself at iPBil EDWARD: CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES. ay OXFORDS, t Evening Slippers, trap Pumps, 3f Everything ew in Low Shoes For Every Occasion All Ihe new ideas in Low Shoes for Misses and Children. All the new colors in 1909 Foot wear. We will appreciate an inspec tion of these new shoes. is P : I 1 Goidsboro Shoe Co. j WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OP PINE- w 6 rrae: Tablets ! OneSpecial lot of 10c. value 7c. Linen Tablets, rule J or unruled. . 10c.. Linen Tablets, r.iled or unruled 15c. Linen Tablets, ruled or unruled 25c. Bo c Tabletswith Envelopes, 48 fine Envelopes and a 25c.' Tablet, all for.. ....... o0c. S OK Rose i nunr nnnnnTimiTV n mrl urruniuiuii 1 OFFERED TO THE ND SUFFERING OF'OCB COMMUNITY. Reflect & Act thoroughly accordingly VISITING SPECIALISTS FROM THE Cleveland Institute of Medi cine and Surgery, Legally Chartered and Incorporated CLEVELAND, OHIO. Will Pay Their First Visit to Goids boro, North Carolina, and Will Be at the Kennon Hotel. FRIDAY, MARCH 12th. Walter. N. C. Feb. 23. Mr. Alden Yelverton, of Fremont, was here last Friday, looking after Lis farm at Walter. Messrs. Andrew and Walter Gurley from Buck Swamp, were visiting in our community last Sunday. Prof. E-.'gar N. Tl orae, principal of Ro.twood Academy, spent Saturday and Sunday in Raleigh visiting friends. Dr. T. A Monk md Miss I.,ela Col'-, of Goidsboro, were visiting Miss Sal lie Williams, at Mr. J. R. Hook's, last Sunday. Mr. Fred Howell and sons, Masters Willie and Alvin, of Goidsboro, were here Monday evening, looking after their farms. Mr. John E. Smith, one of the offi cial members of Ebenezer Church, at tended quarterly meeting at Salem last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Zero Perkins, from near Pikeville, were visiting Mr. and carefully Mrs. Jodie Hines at Grassmere Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. John Hooks and sister, Miss Meta, from F-omont, were visiting at the home of M s. Fannie Houks Sat urday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Perry, of Princeton, spent Friday here, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. George Becton and Mrs. Indiana Yelverton. Mr. George Grantham and sister, Miss Mary, from the Oakland section, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hooks last Sunday. Misses Hazel and Mildred Crawford spent Saturday night and Sunday in Goidsboro, where they were guests at the home of Capt. and Mrs. R. P. Howell. Mr. Luby Lynch and Miss Annie Laurie Bryan, the popular and effi cient teacher at Oakland, were visit ors here Sunday, the guests of Mrs. T7 nnnlo TTrrlrc T , . ,T , , i ms institute, composed 01 a group iUio. xx.ao. xcxvcii., wixU ,egular.y graduated physicians and sur been on a two weeks visit to her geons, licensed, legally chartered and In daughter, Mrs. George Becton, return-1 corpora ted under the laws of the State ed to her home near Stantonsburg of Ohio, sends at Its own expense these eminent medical specialists In order to vai"" x- Vjr"i"""i" ccverles In medicine and suraerv. such be maae a nying trip nere last vveanes- the system of treatment under X ray, day evening, on the Smithfield Limit- Violet ray, Flnsen ray, Hydrotherapy ed, returning at 7:30. He was the Etc., to give to those who call on the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Becton aDOVe aai.e wn'u'iailon' waminauon, ... 1, -i - - I aavice ana an meaicines required to com- auu nip vioic a uUC ui uuu. uuox- . cure, absolutely free. These soe ne&s ana pleasure. Iclallsts will dlaanose your case and Hive Mr. N. J. Northam, of Wnghtsville, I you the benefit of their, skill and med spent Friday night and Saturday here leal knowledge. ' at Oak Glen, on a visit to Dr. and There Is In this case no experimenting tvt wni n Wo hvnff)lt a oi guew work at your expense. You will 1 be told whether vnu ran he cured op no bucket of the luscious bivalves, right f youp case ,s curablQ they wm put you off of the vine, which we enjoyed im- under treatment Immediately; If Incura mensely, as we also did his visit. b!e they will give you such advice as The number of typographical er- ay prolong your life. Their treatment last whir's it rf,nfi( always gives quick relief, and ultimately muLU "- "' with each Individual case the human sys a loss to know whether cur impaired tem a thoroughly cleansed of the dls chirographical attainments are at ease in a natural and direct manner, and fault or an express package caused Improvement Is noticed at once; even I - A. J ..,lUAiii ha ,.ir nr. Wl. Pnw..or I tna worst cases are ITMICU "-"J .. ..... . inconvenience to trie patient or nur c L1J fiina of his or her daily vocation scriDDiing more legiDie. lf vou are imr,rovlna under vour fam'b Yve were invited to your city last physician, do net come and take up ths'.r Friday to take dinner with our dear valuable time, as they absolutely refus old mothar. We use the word "old" to treat any one who Is under the care TELL YOUR SICK FRIENDS. OR3E DAYOWLY 9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Cas Novelty eg endearingly, for she is now younger than any child she has. In fact, she is the very youngest mother we evei had. ' Well, we do not know io many rovers were laid, tor we ar not as well up in such matters as w are the nvimbor of Plymouth Roc'. eggs U-iid each day around the barr. Kowe er, when we sat down to that table a;d cast a wistful eye, hackef up by a ready appetite, along th length of its burdened proportions, we did not think of the number of covers laid as much as we did of our small capacity. And when we thought of our peas and cracklings at home, well, they, looked liko tT-.e proverbial thirty certi". We n:v?;- . Uv3 loirs enough t forget "Hot'ior's biscuits," "Mother's bread," ''Mother's or anything that "Mother" and, thank God, too, we never forget "Mother's" prayers, and we often think iliat wT-n we go to the "bourne from Which no traveler returns" thos-3 prayers will brighten the journey, an ; help to fiv3 us a mere abundant en trance into eternal life. God blev the d "ar old mothers--still yean?, ii everj'th'iig save years The death of Mr. Arthur Srower, which occurred at his heme above Ebenezer last Saturday morning, re USUAL CROP OF Separator i m i I SNARES AND TARES If actual merit alone prevailed the Be Laval cream separator would be the only one made, sold or used. But the dairy farmer with his dollars is an alluring proposition to those who "need the money," so that every season brings with it a new crop of separator fakes and fables, with some of the old conjuror? over again and always a few fresh ones. Last year the new and improved line of De Laval machines lit erally swept the field. This year everybody has a "new" machine, which is the one thing they universally harp upon in their talk and advertising. But it is mostly bosh and nonsense. There is mighty little new to them. No more De Laval patents have expired so that there is nothing else "new" that they can lay hold of this year. There's the usual crop of fakirs appropriating the facts of De Laval separator use and the' endorsements De Laval separators have received, and quoting them as though they applied to their own inferior imitations of the standard cream separator. There's the concern which makes an inferior disc separator and speaks of the "disc" separator being "the machine which has won out universally in Europe, the home of the disc separator." True, but it was the De Laval that has done the winning out in Europe, as it has in America. There's the political separator concern, with the new "year" or "cents" trademark, whose claims it is to be hoped nobody ever believes, and which manifestly practices the circus man's theory that the great American public ever likes to be fooled. There's the only concern which has stuck to the abandoned De Laval "hollow bowl" of 30 years ago, but will this year desper ately join the procession of 10 year back De Laval imitations with a "disky bucket bowl" machine. There's the "Trust," striving to complete its monopoly of dealer and farmer, harvesting much costly separator experience, largely at the expense of buyers-for-use, through trying to build a cream separator like ordinarily made farm machinery. There's the "mail order" outfit, with their cheaply made ma chines, bought here and there, not made by themselves or sold under the real manufacturer's name, all claiming the earth, and many of the things that should be below it. But the merry lot changes and dwindles every year. They grad ually drop out and leave their unfortunate patrons helpless with trashy machines. More will fade away this year. The dairy farmer, like the creameryman, is coming to know something of separators. He doesn't swallow mere "claims" so easily. Ninety eight per cent, of the world's cream erym en use De Laval machines. The percentage of farm users content with nothing else is always increasing. There isn't a single reason why every man who buys a cream separator this year should not buy a De Laval.. There are many reasons why he should. The hest costs no more than the various grades of inferior imitating machines. A De Laval catalogue may be had for the asking. A De Laval machine may be tried for the asking. F. B. EDMUNDS0N, Agent. I also have several fine milch cows, heifers, good stock hogs, and pigs and a lot of chick en for sale. : : ... ? JLV&U11U WiHi ii YOUR OPPORTUNITY Toibuy a lotio East Qoldsboro. The beautiful resident suburb. No lots will 'be sold to colored peo ple. No house erected to cost less than $1,000 and same to be certain distance from side-walk. A rare opportunity for a limited time to get a home cheap or to make an investment where you can watch your dpllars grow. Terms to suit you. For prices and terms, see E. L. Edmundson, W. J. Gibson & Co., N. E. Bradford and J. S. Oliver, any of whom will be glad to show you this property. I reserve the right to withdraw 'sale at any time. . ; T. OLIVER. of the local physicians. They wish be sides to Give each patient plenty of t!me and their undivided attention, but car. net listen to long stories net pertaining to your trouble. They have discardod tae Old methods and remedies used for agss by the medical world, and which it v.oulci oe folly to depend upon any longer, for they are not known to cure, as thousands dls, depending on them for relief. The following list of diseases only are taken under treatment, to-wlt: Diseases of the Nervous System, Heart, Stomach, Lungs, Kidneys, Catarrh, (purulent ov dry), Consumption, Epilepsy, .Deafness, Dis eases of Women,Tumors,Pseudo Cancers, Piles, of a Chronlo Nature .only. They treat Deafness by an entirely new meth od, and hearing In many cases Is restored at once. Catarrh In all Its varied Torms, like other diseases If once taken under treatment, Is cured permanently to re main so and to never return. It matters colfap" n whom vou have seen, or witn wnom ...... ..114. uI'.l I cooks treated, do not Tan to can, a- cost ycu nothing, and may restore yuu , health, or even save or prolong your m, as thousands of persons will esuTy ay unassailable testimonials In aw parts ot the country. If you suspect Kidney Trou ble, bring a two ounce bottle of your Urine for chemical and roJc;-osccplcal an alysis. ' , . REMEMBER: Th 2 free effsr Is during this visit only, and will not be repeated. Persons commencing treatment upon their future visits will be required ta pay, but not 6ne cent will be asked from those commencing treatment during this visit Tor any hicuiuimo ,.w-. j moves a familiar landmark cf the I. t cure, irrespective of your position community. Since the death of his jn life, or the number of those who come wife, his nephew, Mr. Andrew Brewer, tn above date. Whensoever, or by whom wanted, a positive guarantee to cm o ... ninu under their system of treat ljd uiwaa - - and wife, have occupied the house. and he made his home with them. Not arising, as usual Saturday morning, they called him to breakfast, and get ting no response, entered the room and found him dead in bed. He at a hearty supper the night before, and was in his usual health, and had not long been dead when found, as th" body was still warm. He was a good citizen, a quiet and industrious man. and though a cripple all his life, he had succeeded above the average as a farmer, and was what is known as a good liver, making plenty to pro vide for himself and wife, having never had any children. While not a member cf any church, he was of the Primitive Baptist faith, and attended trat church When able. He was our fri&nJ., and we shall miss his kindly greetings, which always impressed us ment. Those having long standing complicated disease who have failed to get well and become dlscourjKjea, a nartlcularlv Invltesl to oaH. NOTICE: Married ladles without their HUSBANDS, and minors without their FATHERS, will positively not be srimitted to consultation unless acsom- oanled by one of their local physician Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. VwN'T FORGET THE DAtl FRIDAY, MARCH 12th. Sand'and tClay. The undersigned will take orders for sand for building or yard use, and deliver same by load; also clay if needed Address or 'phone 13. F. PHELPS, in care ot Howell & Langston, Greealeaf, N. C. Kept in the house or at the office, it may burn. Kept in your pocket, it will burn a hole in that pocket Kept in THE BANK of WAYNE, it has protection against bur glarly and fire. It is cared for by bonded of ficers of long experience, and a watchful Board of Directors, each oft them a Capitalist. It is guaranteed by TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS of CAP ITAL and SURPLUS, which sum grows larger every j ear, and stands here perpetually for the protection of Depositors. : : : THE III HPfl s NEARLY: A MILLION OF RESOURCES. INVITES YOU. Seven Springs Mineral Water For Sale by the glass or by the gallon at Imperial Pharmacy.

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