.2 3ii:ou 5r3 :iai. Notice.- Corrvf pondenre, of he Mksaenui B. solicited from all parts otlha couutry. In ail cases we4 rf quire the name and address, not for publica tion, but a a guarantee of good faith, AV cannot return a' rejected coxnuiunica : tions r -vy u yr; IQAU communications; for - bijqnda : tion na busmes n ust, to insure " ttten , tion be addressed to the Editor; . Cid Adverise in a paper largely cir culated a paper -which -maintains ficht principle ' m all tlrngs a ; paper the . crgan of a creatparly, "the in! ell? sea .. whites" of the locality in which it is piib - lished : and suck a rancr. . the "Daily Messenger Is conceded o be by all men nuuat vnuiuu 13 worm liavinrr. x FRIDAY MAY 21 18G9. 'HEARSE, Editor. "Therh are men who desert he altars fa Lost Cause ronnd which "they once stood with the blood in their -hearts pnat iag for libition, and who kneel to offer thomaa at the altars of successful wrorg. There are men -who tramp' e under' foot the very standards that-,once floated proudly OTer tt.em.T6. There are men be enough" to lift their hands ajninst the Tery rights far which they once uplifted -words. We are not snchh.. For us prin ciple is principle, right is right yester day to-d y to-mor ro w for e re r, sub mission to might, i not surrender of; right. We yield to one, but iihall never ieldup the other-Fattikr Ktax Editorial Visit. Mr. F. II. Sterns Editor of the New bern Times cocked his feet on our'sjl iiary mantlo yesterday, ard warmed his northern blood at our genial south ern fireside. We bopa he has prone away a better, if not n wiser man. and in future vre trust he will forget t o ran down" our millinery establish rnent, and ceaso his' damaging iniputa tions that we are a'ladics nian' fur we are not, neither do we play on the ptano The .Reconstructed Farnic We are in receipt of the first number Of this Edgecombe publication, issued from he SouTnERN-jsn office Tarhoro. v The publishers say this initiallium ar is not a fair sample of what the Farmer will be hereafter, many unfer seen inconveniences having been en countered' which always attend the getting out of a new work. j r But this number is a :g-od one. and jre cannot say too much for it. In its pogTaphy jt cannot hp surpassed, while ? its : matter is of the very best and most useful character. Messrs. JaF. R. Thigpen nnd J hn S. Dancy are. the editors ai:d proprie tors ; Rev. J. B. Cheshire Horticultu ral, and Capt. William Biggs Business editor. In such a county, with such a corps cf editors, a work of such tianscen dent merit" cannot fail of success, andwe canbut congratulate the people of our boyhood's home, and our fornur colaborer. Biggs, upon the flattering auspices under which the Rcconstruc ted Farmer enters the arena of Agri cultural literature. The reflection that our nation, al honor has departed from us is anything but a'pleasing one. But no matter how painful, it is a fact which every thinking man recogni" ses and acknowledges, to himself. We see little hope for the gov ernment our fathers gave us. Noth. ing but ' national ruin and destruc tion can await a people who have lost their pride of patriotism, and their downfall must follow swiftly on the heels of their political de gradation and national dishonor. If there ever earn e a time in the history of a nation- when , the ener gies and influence of good men were required in its behalf, such a time has surely arrived with us. A time demanding from every man without regard to past political differences, or present opinions, the greatest la bor and sacrifice for the common good of a common country?, v It is too late for crimination and recrimination. It is not the time for passion and prejudice Jo be al lowed full sway. ' The evil is upon ns, and it matters . not1 by whom brought. It . makes no difference now who is responsible therefore the fact remains ; the evil is upon (US. i ' ';'-' v";;' ''----i--;'-,' " We may safely conclude that we have all fallen, short in the peifor ' ma nee of cur duty ; and we should go to work to restore what we have all had hand jn destroy ing. . Let North Carolinians begin wit their state government. .We have, fastened upon us, a gov ernment, and foisted upon us a set tof officials, in every sense unwor thy and incapable, and to the ma jority of the people as obnoxious a8 it was possible to conceive of. Yet it ; Daily Ifiessenger f trenareits clHoial directors and w cu&t and should recognise and suj port them in the administration of the government and execution of the laws. . I Let the good and intelligent men of ihe fctate advise with tiie legis lators ; and . inttruct and aid- the country cfioials. Let our judges and oCeers of the courts have the benefit of the best legal learning in the state. Let our" t taterceo (md we'have some; left, for 'at Lis quiet homo- in the unpretending -village of . Ilillsbbroogh may be found at any time the moat' eminent of - his da) ) give the governor. , the. benefit of their ripe experience and exalted aidcrn Let every "man, bo he dftmo. crat or. republican do "bis duty in this honor of national peril. Let all men without rrgird to part or Position rtco.rnKe the f-ct that jNbrtb Crulirta ! is.thetrs, that he; Vtate govenijnent demaL(!s" tbc.i hUjpj.t.avd that no excuse in with holding such support will be good ttt a time like ti is. , i ... ii? ; We ar preaching duty now. t are contending for priociple. No gcod dem crat, can ever prove re. creantto either. r Oar partisan feelng is Tell knowu. Our pc lilies dtfiijed and undertoud. There is no political campaigu go ing on now. The contefct has been decided agaiubt as, and thoo in power mutt be sustained, tided and encouraged iu the discharge of the duties perttiuiug to their cEee.". i (Frr m "he "A'ahinton Express.) . The Political Horoscope. ) The New York lVarIdt dropping for a-moment the spirit of persiflage to which it is too mnch addicted, has in itv issue of yesterday a serious and oMspas-sionate editorial upon the. pro pects of the Democratic party. In sum ming np these it lays particular stres upn two incidents in the historr f the past y?ar, which seems to it sfens rj a healthful Sentiment, among the most prominent leaders of the party. Gov Hoflnan's course in ofSce, is honesty and independence in ? using the veto powe, which has evoked the 'appro bation of honest men pf all parties, i8 ones sign of strength in the Democrat ic pnry which the World thinks perhaps jus'ly looks favorab!o for it, future accession to poorer in the coun try. The other sign is the evidence uh'ch has just cooic to liht of lib eral, progressive, and cnliahtrncd sa- gaciiy on the part of another Dem ocrotic politician who puV.ic senti ment has re-arded atn-ng t'..e most c.t trcmc and wwprogres.ivc of Dcincr-.t is leaders. It bus been staled, .say the WorZJ, that Air. "ViUar diham. at.tho New Yoik Cor.Teni:on, desired to prtcipitatc the. r.omina iorr cfMr. Seymour by ther Oiro dclega ion ir. crer to hrir.q out his exj-rccs dcc'in liou and thereby insure a reaetionar movenjent in f ivor of the rcminn tion of Mr. Chief Justice Chac. That Mrl Yaland'g' am should have con fessed such a dcsi:e is a sin c' health, the TI orld thinks; in the Dcin r. ocratic party. And the World right. That Governor Hoffman, hold ing'the highest effice now ' pos.cscd by a Democrat, should use the prcrog atives of his place to put down cor ruption, and fearlessly, in the endeavor establish himclf up in the broad basis of public honcGty looking ncilher tn friend nor foe, is to the World a symp ton'of great virtnre'among rcpresenta ive menfoffssinc: Conservative pi in eiples. Again the World is right. And, now, there is one rnoro thinp needful: That the whole organization agreeing in this, with ConservatiC and Kbera!-minded men' of every par ty, should come forward to i. full re ahzation of ihe political situation an it is,: and not slide -back upxn-. effete is suesr- or bo carried away as the par ty has been by demagogues and ex rem'e party doctrines, t , Common honesty and comnwu svnse cannot tolerate, for cxampic, llepudi tion at the h nds of any party. Tbe iimplcst political, sagacity ' obscrvifig the progress of events, see! secondly that universal Fuflrgo is a fixed fact and a question for the So'ith, and not for the North, to deil with, a ques tion Sor Sates and not practically. a na 1 ional tuestion. And, finady, wise men sec that fee trade and long bonds add a jow rate of interest'-the egregalion rather than the-' consolidation of political power the equitanle ' adjut tuents of commerce - rather than the force and efiect of written instruments the-rights of States rather Mhan the dictations of a central power that these are among the living and sucess ful political issues to come. Whatever' party; adherent" such dec trines will win. Whatever party ex. cites popular jealousy Dy an attempt c... i ,1 . . ...urci.iM u.u.w.. u: ... of the ii;rht of self-rroverrimcnl w bat I ever party is dedicate ! to the creation . ia- mi j of NiiTcmlcii Wiog Fucli cat-aristocracr- that nartv ail! co down. 1 mJ oi xiycnm t ; Either political party flitch fails of a fcCte(jt or pet ut any distempered at ( full' realization -of tiio necessities of , to roam at large and enter an-una f otthe lirin- present must f-.iT itlf- n.ftd di:tiic, shall U guilty o a If both are flattered the one into an altcmpt to back-slide u;oa dead issues the other to push the tendency of I confolidalion tos far Vath art doom cd,aMd a powerful organization com ing between and bavir4g frh icss s? weU a justice and strength, will spring up and rul the country. Tht ujie if now for careltil compromi, fur honesty. "rctrenchn.cnt, and re form a wise public scntanent will tol eratc nothing else. To ue an old saw for a more modern instance fro r the nettle dancer the winning party uill pluck the HjvTcr afvty. An Act to cure Ccrfani Irregiitaritict tn the Mode of Commend'- Cer tain Actions and to Ahici'l tVrnm . Sections of the-Code of iril Pro red we v ; 'lcifa9 b'ouin !jjibthivi!j cxIjc mrcj'pectin.: nctnm whirh hatobed -commenced by writs in the .old form returnable bcloie , n Iude f the Con rib t n term, pome I" uxn noun re returna e in like mmiic both of h fonnsm were Irrciilar,' and ' sim ltimmonn ruturn.nle before the CIcik m 9 v m nrni i w n. i in i r . - A L viic V i mjg -vu no UIVIIUCU I uy me tu"tiviMi i luu-uurt. iuw, r the purpose of preventing the in-Li nveniences which may arise by rea- I noi uie rrjianucs' nore men i oned: I .Section 1. The General Assembly I of North Carolina do enact. Th it in a'l civil actions which have been here- toforc commenced, in wb:ch the prv I jress ins ocen or sum oe inaue re I turnafde n either uf the modes above I mentioned, na adrantae Ahall be had I or taken by reason thereof, but; the I sam shall be held regular, and ma I be amended, .as to tue process and I pleadings aL any time, ff ioutkc, with I out cos e, bnt upon uch other tirni I as the tluuge ol tue U..urt 6li ill aeem jaU a'J n thosu of such actions in winch pleadings have not yet I cen ( fi td. tlicy shall be hied at-the term ol ( the Court." Section Thi act'shaT go into ef fect up n its ratification. Ratified this 1st day of Apr 1, A. D. I SCI. And act in li elation to Mun.'cij,a , Election. Sorilnn i! tih n...,np,l A-mihlr of Vamk i!.r..i;ii!i tin Miirr. . Thit ib M -.. .:..,.. i iK .nv;l c..rr,n,. . f,..t fmrnt in tUo SlatA of Vorth t'simli na shill arnoint - threi persons o a -a their respective towns to Kohl their mu-ticial elections for mayor aud com missioncrs and said inspecors snail mako out t-xo stutemcnts cf the c!ec tion s held, and return one to the icj ister of deeis,of their cW'iyt 'd turn ihe other to the Secretary of the towu in whit h the election was held. Sec. 2. This act shill be in 'oice rou and after it paia'c. llatilicd ihe 2 1st da of Deecuibcr A. r. 1SG3. An Act to Vtueide Jar the Hold a of. Municipal KUit.ous tn Sorth aroliur. SectI n 1. Tiie General A"einb'y f Xoit'.i C-ro!iii:i c'o i iuici: ! bat n i pci foa not ae illy lestling within the limits ot any Uiaii i;i (his State hhup he cnt;t!e I iu the v.itc therein i;i ail) tuuiiicipst e!cc in, or to hold any mu nicipnl ol!r.:C in s:d town. Sec 2. An ;.c;ual res:J nre of .ton days wiihin the Curprate lioiits td .my twn in tliK S'ate shall' coii.iitu;c my ciiizcn i f t hi b'l.i td itatei a tju.l tiled voicr ihciciii in. ny mun cijul efcctiftn1, and such qua! !fid voter iditll be eliiide In any luunieipil ufliee with in said corpo-atnm; IVovidid, Tint said peron is i i o her respects a qual ified voter in the State. Sec, 3. AH acts r c!iart r or parts of the Mi-i e ii consistent with tbe pro visions of thi act aie hertby iejiea cd. , , . . . - Sec. 4. This act shall go Into' effect f oul and alter its ratification." lUtificd the" 1 tth day of ecember 18C3 rxi to Legalize -certain pfjieia . act of the Qhainnan of the late County Courts of this State. . Whet c... . jiy an act 6f the Lejris- uture of North Carcdtna, ratifio t on the second dy of March, eighteen hundred and sixty seven, giving U tho Chairman of the late County" Court of this State the authority to make privy examination oTfexne coverts,' in the conveyance of real estate: una whereas, under some misconstruction of the law, such examiualioti was mm made in various instances at a time when the Court was not in session aud at a place other than at the Ct ur lloue, since which 'doubts hav arisen as to the legality and bindin 0rce of such examination; therefore. Section 1." The " General Assembl of North Carolina do cjiact. Tha every such examination made by .-any nairman ol any bounty uourt o: lou State, at.any time when, ths aid hLvi.ty (-curt was. not in acssioo and at any place other than a; Lo Court House of eich County, have tbe same chect as u the said examination had been made during the session of the Court, and at the Court House, and in confoiinity tc the law in all other las- pcts. Sec. 2. All laws ceming in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec 3. This set shal be in force from and after lis ratification. Ratified this 8th day of JcLruary. .LlSi9r An Act to Protect Catle frori D tempers jlt ctker Infectious Dieasm ses. - . . StCTiox l. ,2he central Assembl of Aorth Carolina do mact. Thi.1 if any person SLati arm cr cam to bo unrrniiiT cumr ; ... npfrom nr county or in anv other State into any County in this Sitc, l nT tItee l" twecn tht tl.t cf April and the first da j of hovcmlci, V' C WinK such cat .i- tin .fit?niDert-d or otherwise :,rtAmiim,r. ana Ion couticuon .1.-11 i. .nl irrt to fine and inpriou- t al thc discretion of tho Court. ,ntj be further liaIe to an action for all damages which may arue from a violation of this set Sec. 2. That if ny cn-nn hall drir nr cause t to anven any cjiuo as atoressidi notknowi" tMcuit i bo infettsd, and losses should be Sus. talncd by the prc-a,.n" vl iscnpers person. Hball be sutject to dauuget 5 JitfC 3- InSlli any ituu igiujjiiwji iu the rriuirtiuenaof fcclion Te cfi r ecvruteei m, j;?iMa touc, witluut rrgard to jro4th or ioca'liy, sai l iei"i hll tiyt be subject to the lu.r. tini hied. M - ' - I C. 4. Thai tb s oCl ia.i do lajtrcc irom ii rai'ui.u-i . , .i lt.tifieil ti c 17th d V of t ebruarv. A. . .... ... . . Ajt Act to Allow Citizcxs or Xomi Cakdlixji to Ik.ctick Law tx tut Courts or tub Sntr. SttTmw 1. ? he General Assembly Ul m.mU liUI viinu ifv .. , J ll.l m " J I m mm m m m mm rm n m ma r. mm mm mm mr m Iclvncn VI mi oiir, iy cniaitiikn wi i -rood niortl character, and paving a I license tax id twenty dollars, shall bv aiioweu w practice law in ine vourx of North Carolini. Ht:c 2. All taxes arifn under Ihe provision of this act shall bo pid over to tbt Sheriff or Tax Colh ctor t the County iu which the Applicant nr ksiU lice:iso sliiu reside. I.r ihe benefit of the Count v. St c. 3. That it shall be the duty ot the Julgoof the Superior Cuirt - the District in which application . " made to hru to practice law in l Courts of this State to crnt 'he sm when the foregoing provision ol IhU act i complied with. Sec. 4. That this act aall be in f rct from and nfler its ratiMeation Ratified this 15ih day of February, A. D 18C0. An Act tn Relation to ilt Assessment of Proper. for taxatio - in the Year Eighteen Hundred and i'x- ty nine StcTioK 1. The G ncrnl Ase t'y " AorthLarolma do enact. T at 1., ear eighteen nundrcd aid hi. t the time designo.l in the A t0 ptOVlUO for the COlIcctlOI. of UXd by the State, and the several cuUnlie of tie State, or piopcrty, polls anl n vomcs ratified March HXteemb. hlren hundred and the apptiintroent of Aessurs; anc'.ali duties relating to the valuation and nturn thereof of the taxahle property. of the btate, snail be extended lairiy Uajp. . fikr. S. If in tiny countv thedutita rrnujitd of asTsors auJ clerk caif not, fr warn ol time, with ' rcasnbU' dii:gvnt e le peifrmr l al the datea ' a:d act procribed. u taeo hd 4-y irns aft, tic c'umy ioui.iiii...tif fim hjve power r ibe.pt e-ent- tear inu ii.itt.tr iiuie, not t . rn ci li:lv Us 1'icrtdcd, Thai io-itm , erein 0'il.i cl hail I e voitiiird extjad u i. m: for ay di nt ! tx SLi.J. Il.cccr.n v Co;utuiMu.ri ot he Mvcial vtiuiitic.'i in tht Si-.t !ull it'iuite the Several Lv i f. u thU S.ale, ou the expiiatiou ul ihr hrt year. their ,rc cctivc term. U r i iiee their dactal uond. fir the tol lectin a rfiil Jiburjmci.l ot tlu ta t rivtnuc, ". sud such bbi.di. ,witu autli t ient semnty . ha I e taker. Ju uch pen I autu an It the judruivlit of rue Cuiumissiourrs bo . inual to ih uumhiiiI ol the itato and luiintv Uxu wuieu uiay cunie uuo invir nanus- Slc.4. IhU act aLaiLbe. in force from its ratHcatin. - V w ..nviras yj Unties-. Yfheicas, Doobis .'.have arUen' in a"a!f " I regard to the pioyev, coaMruolion iA subdivi: ion fourteen of section eijrhl t at art tntiiuu an act totuatin ii.. trucri uitut ul couutief, aporovad Au gul foutteeulh, eighteen hundred acd uty-ciut; and the ComtuiaaiunerH or .ouutie in ome pattn of the State have bear, advised that it irU hcir duty ti Cm use new surveys of the Counties to be made and tmi s of the wine tiled with lue Se eury 'of State before Jai.ua. y fimt, eighteen hundred and.sixijf-uiuo. cntrary.tu the it ten tiou ot the liamrr of sjild act; then ore, for the puipone ol removing al foubts in the prtmisia Section 1. Tht , General As seutbty of Aotth Carolina do enact, That suh division fourteen, of section ci-hi ot eaid act shall uol be so construed a to mke an inslrutnenUl urrey ot their Counties luaudatury upon Ihe CouuiUMoneiii, but audi aurre shall be made when, iu the tpinion'nf the Couiiuissioneri:, it is liecen.ary fur the proper denning of Townshiu bound aries, at such time as may U court nienl, and when mde, u ujau and sur vey suau be tiled as provided by said ace nun. 1 .. : .1 . 1 . in.i j . nouru iuc ivtD oav 01 i.nuarr. t k I a. rt NKW ADVKRTlSE.MENTi5, J. S, Michard, DENTIST- WILL BE, at. tae Residence ot Sirs: . T. tarnn ton. ia . GOLDSBOPO oa MONDAY, MAY 2ttb., trtpartd to attend to all thoie who xaar deiba hia rre.e:itocai ecrv;et. NBW ADV HO! FOR COAST .. Grand KxcurUon to Bcanfor Harbor. THURSDAY; Mar smii, ISCO UNDER te SJfrtialoa of ihe Satblh School of tt. cphca'a (Epiecpal) Church, GolXiboro' N. C. . StxUonrsfor ri!:lnp, Sailing andM?!t-ccI. ' A Special traia will leve CoiJboro on Tburs lar, 27th May at C o'clock, a. amtiog ai Morcbed City, at U o clock. o.im. r.eturntog-"' '" " , , , " tity at 5 p. m., auJ arrit e at Col JsLoro. ab.ut 9 p. to. t,n, f nn; Parties dcirous oi iccm .fort Macon" and other polata of, inter- et, will hate sn opportunuy c ma.",, rcixnl trip t rr 1 turc. F.nKFOU iiih i;uu.u ii.w Only a limited number of lick CIS lor sitae, . , ;l t SoVrsc Tlcliets RccOf;rifxeI b ft Committee if w - . . IKkVl. . j,cf ar.a oy mo u"4" r p v .. . . ,. J rH!,r lit . u I ' - , DEVLIN & rxrnssivr ' ; CLOTHIHCHOOSES, .ill Ifm tf . - i UrondWSiy, cor. WnrrctV t .it I'm n t r COMPRISING ALLCIIANCUC30F THE BdI.SrlS3 AS REntESENTED IN CIlSTO.TKA nKADV-TIADi: DEPARTMENTS 'i)Y . n E.S, IX U VSACl UXOR CVS CLOTHING SIT I UTS ... OF THE CELLDCATED AMERICAN VUKU l'ATTKUN GUNTLK 31 A IS' ' 8 FUEMI'jHINO goods, ' OF EVEUY DESCniniON. S,eciaUiar for String are Teal Cher .t Suits, r.esdj-made sd to order, acd a larg variety of ew sfylts for Coyt. ZZJ LeHers cf i.Qury prsmpily re pVtcd to. aod systenj ot r.-.eafareroert sent 9 arpbrato-. April -0-2' nt s. NASH'S EOOK-SIORE. coi.nsci:o 'is. c. TIiHjipncc brlonto ?Ir. THE -rxavn isg .Tiiciiir. r.S.TTTf JOIIASON & MANCrtCTOia OP THE CO Cole ri in! tic .'rincliltic, . U TttTt I8CI, aTtvn.li iliani 31, isci, ?ure in t rearntitiv In it, ' 'UZmK a felf act- oiner .Machine csn ci-im iLiatriUl , r' . ti top. - SS" i is ;achne t xlr tha nn1. n.. and MlML avaistt . 'ti. , uv IX nil iv of f NtW Y k ln ,Lc f' clilnV17 f4B,l,Jr boal have this tna- Sld UhMeaale snd Hettil by ' r "E.NNE1T, JOH.NSOS & CO, i'G DroadFay, y. V. f 1 Illu-traicd Crcular. by all ether houMf in tbe eit.vv COUiH SIOE UlILHOAD. -4 CHANCE OF SCIIEDUr-. ' jmcaMasTta TaaNsroaTATiox, TATIOX, ) OAD,CoJ ( Vth. 183. S . OOCTIT-rDK' KULVOlD Petersburg. VaNov Oo and after Tuesday, 10th Norem. bcr, the. Paencer Traina over thia . ! m mm roau vin run uai'y as loilows : iznivn vv i-t t r . i -o uc e 1 eiersijrir st 8.15 o'clock a. ta. ; arrire at Burke. It n . vine 11 ilw. a. ru. ;at rarzuvi !! l-o p tn ; sna at Ly rxhburg at p. m COMING EAST Leave Xr rTchb'urT at 9 oVlock a ra , arrive at Farniaiiu at 12:15 pmt Burkeville at 1:40 n. . t Ti . . 1 . mm ia ; iou av 1 ticiouijj SLXOI.UJ p ct ine iraina connect at JJurkeville with Riehtnnrd and Danville Railroad Company. Passenger Tra hi for Dan ville, Greensboro and Richmond, t Lynch or vcith Virginia and Tannaa. see Rail road, and.at l'tertbarr:r with Norfolk and Petersburg, llichmond and J?eterfcburp and WeJUom Hoada, . Through tickets. so 'd at the princi pal ofSres of the Cvxnj soyr and bse gape checked. Trains on the City Point lneh 'eave Petenbarg daily (Sundays exi . Iv. - n m - - a- M ijtit -w' m m a . .-m. . maaniiata, a Ji Liter cf TransDorUthm. 1 ftb26t CG'. . - IVvi!l ; the f Lr t j ,nile,t;o c ofcjM ue tf : iL la iLi .. . D 1 r!. i k,nn7aV '.-r - tir TiiU r., f ..Ulv .a r.: ;. r ":tR-.icii urn. C-TA.tLUiua, i, .T He.da u,y ?t T..l..f Vs4..A ; ,Mvaa;tn!al Xabla HeaiaAl' lff. a-Tl br;t:x t3 te! W' I ofany oiti Jarre citir. - 1 Crdtrr t, fc.aH p.tmrtiy mttrnJed u J V. - r C AUTISM Vt.tfcslraio atratis Ucalcttla .and oaiuLitntf Utnerall, tit itc the war, ctm!a w UAccoaaaatifKiurtra,. btic- uaall cnu a Bur rtr itctr acc, u titts. elca oMijri a counterfeit tie ctteral rFrane Wftur p clrw, 4 iahx, our Trade MW, o that a cl s itrr-. tion la nrcej to detect lite uriczj atiicle froJi tl pettulue, and others inf. ao Ue Uitaert that tri-srUbmr, nutfi co Ictf f loade." la tuskln; n pnbEcatra w deir, to warn turji.' k gxtiuat the ifo.itJ4a practiced upon -etu; aa thtr are its lo aers thereby. UIU he found upea ten pariecn ihat MaUrd'g f ouff is ftr ahtal" of ail U4, Uiog tnae-cf , tit Lett atock, altar u origual and setrtt procceakaovo cuixlrca, ltiJt aeir great airctstU aud Ton-tocj aU La warranted uA to cectain aj da exviia or dcUlrus auVtatsncta, Licli cannot he t:i-b tuauy usiihicssar ticlea I ol cn t4 tiy tLcrs. The Ust U ihehctHat iatkf tad. A circular Ul alwaja tt ir.aihkoo app!ic ioo. Ia w derin fl-c sily it Salt Sni.2 (U Tcaal), o. fieai. fuuff (Extra fccotcL) m deairrd. 4 r LO RILL A CI, X. T. March 2a -W) HIXTIIOLU'S COXCHNTHATKD FLUID EX- 4 TRACT SA IIS PAH ILL A EltADlcATES EiUl'.'lVE an.! L'LCLH ATI VE Di-i-ASLS or run . Whi:h- Jdi-re tUe,apreirf, rUi; TN'i t e c;i?ccta ofaeztury aal EASE"?, heidita.-y r ct'ucri,f, acJ it UVcn by Ail.Ll-anl tllXLDl2L5 alta i trftct SAIY. TUi) TAiwE-,ui.NrCI pt Ike Ei tr4tt of SarHrjiri i, ad led lo a pist tf tltr, U to Ike Li bo a L'iet Drink, Mi 1 one bi " is tfu-1 1 j a gstn o.' lie .mp f ja:t;U,ol tLe decv.tci at u-inlljr tide. 1 A l.ri:;li:N0 LLTn.n i. p,h lUhtd in lift Mc-i M."hiiorsic-l Iteif vU iht.uhU t of E. tract U .faA. n U in rtrj.in attiou. ly lrijt.i lUc, hSI Jtra aruia lflta Itv tier ol )!rcury,ke iUUf ibat t.v ttn. ly is enii to tc titn.ci farajai:l 1; 1: otr I ct:orllury, tuore than auy other di 1 aw actttat6tc-l iih. II I, in lLrtri.trt ea a ta k with tbi i&taluAlc attribute, i ia nt-plica be lo a Ote of the sya et r i'lnkcn, aclycl souritaV.t as rtuir utUcr auiMtBces of e tjais tlxa na- viablor InjuriuuiJ , IIIiL.TiaOLD'S " CONCEMKAfLD fXTHACT SARSAPA EiaUihe4 upvir a sf " 19 Jmr. Prrpartd by .., t m t , . ..... - ' II.T. HELAIDOLD, - , Z:i Erodwaf, N. T. "nrMrvi.: nr it Tiir.iv . rUnfrrs cf tils ieti-a desxaad thepatli-f f cation ef a jeriolical to te JetoWd U tHt alvancemect of Agriculture la the t- Carolina, aa have CrtrrriixI ta eUb Uh fucha r-erilitL un Jr the till of Tin: cAttouxA rAit.Mcnf and will iaaaa lie trst nutaVer as sorja as a su&sieat cuuUr cf sutscriUrs art tilulne 1 lo r ay. a rtscaalle sLait(of the exretia ti rnllkatioo. The I A ItMi:n will U Urmel coat ly al 00 Hr.iaiua, ia altaaee; will eoulftl Wu fLiXtJ-t. " isrs double-c:!aaa l '-s cf rtt-Z nitterbocad' !a UnJce covers; ssl ia typographical exec at ion will not by surpssaed by any Agricultural Metllily u ihe country. - Bein detertalaed to ds whatever ner? will atccrcrplbh ia taakisjjtb rAltJIErt worthy the suprrt cf ta . ntcUiftcnt I1ittn 9tl Foraicr cf ert Carolina aod Soutk-Carolina; aa i dcalr iiS to introduce it into every cocs4y U thoaa Stairs, we wih ta . trof h?y astitt, , Agents at ver pMi-oSic. i t whoa tae I coat liberal tadacmea:s will b ofTrrrd. ! Our tichicj tmha twoCarolinaswill confer a favor, wlueh wa willbeglslt reciprocate, by citing Ibis aansmncetaest few insertiensta their adtertUics col umns, with sacb'editarisl 73m3 hy think IhejrobsUe yslce cf socka. perioiJkal ss we rrop r'u!lil.i-J oy ICTPartlfM whhlrto subscribe oiiittlii MrMrVutt c!T.cf.M , - II. BEll.VAUD - . ; , ATilrninston. N.r' rorSalentCotl . CO.NTmirLATIhO a ckwS bcil ae, 1 cZtr ny eulirs Cr. eeries at coat. C1I early and tt I Dimnt. M 1 1 m-,mm brraos. All r-!i ladHtcC la ' k m - - - aa u Furtaer ,adalBe, tf-.Vlt icraa Kip; TOPriKG" f ' J ( 1 I bo . to: i U n v j j. e ac B ct ! rx I ot t j a! ho rx ! or r 1 U it w tb Is It w ex tc G ? U ( 1 '