t tvi. L .Mirt:t:.- Correspondence o' ihe Uksskmji-b solicited from all parts f t io conutry. Jn ailjcases we require the name and addieeet 'Hot for publica ion, but a a guarantee ot gaol iaith. Vec:iuuot retura a rcjced communica tion. -t i i jf All communications, foY publica: io-i onbus nes n.nst, to insure tten lieu, be addressed to the Editor. - - Adveriee In a paper largely cir culated a paper which maintain right rHnjlDltr in all thingsa taper the i f of a Rat parly, tha intelligenr ,W1HC3 ;WUI IWUllljr JUHUKU It 9 pui Jished; and such. jppr, th Dailt y?&v$:qxx icoccled.o be by all men wbdse'opiniori ia worth having. GOLDiBORO, JUNE 20, 1S(;9. Tiisr.F. are men who desert he altars nxf a Lost Cnue round vrhich they once Hood with the blood in their hearts pant injt for lib Won, and who kneel to offer thoroae at tbraltars of successful wrong. ThiT irre men who tramnle under foot the rery tandards that once floited 1 rcaully over tha. Tliere are men be en'dngh to. lift their hands against the -very rights for which they once uplifted word. We "are not surhh. Jor us prin ciple 6 principVe.Mght is right ye?tr- diiy to-oay to-morrow nor ever, buu niijseioa to mishi, i not surrender of righi. We yield to one, but nhall never yield up the other'- FTmw Vw. 1 Kailroad lixtoriioiis. lit is to he hoped that the pecuo ary eucoessof tiie Lumerous railroad excursions, taking place in various portions ot the South tlii summer, xaa bate the effect to awaken iu our soulless rulroad corporatious, tsome orsoiorisriess of their own in terest, if cot a public spirit of liber ality. 'Riilr'uaH :fare and rates of freight are entirely too high foT the ouu-ry ev r.to pro.-p3r or the n ad? either, wht ras a proper reduction on both travel and freights, would iufuee new life in'o entcrpase, and not only benefit the roads hereafter, but at once double and treble the -present amouut of thir receipt?. The people demand these reduc tions, and the subject is oue vhi h the raUfoad authorities may verj well and profitably consider. (From the Ann Arbor (Mich ) Demt.) Is Democracy a Failure ! The new radical paper, The I pe rialutt, published in the city cf Keu York says, it is and uses its oicn as sertion as a reason or excuse for its attempt to overthro.w ou r Republican forw of government as bequeathed t us by our fathers, for its wicked at tempt to establish an Imperial govern tnent on its ruin?. We proposo in ihis artic 'o see if PemocruCT is a failurr. Ii the year ot grace 1801, Thomas Jvtiferson, the first democratic Ptesiden, took the helm of State. He remained in the Presidency eight yeare. fol'owed by Jnmes Madison for eight years a'd James Monroe for eight years. Then was a break for four years. An drew Jackson held the Presidency for eight years ; Van Buren four years. Then the Harriscu Tylor term four years. Polk four years ; TayljrFil more four years, and" Buchanan four years To recapitulate: Democratic. Jefferson,... .. Madison,. . . 8 .8 .8 I 4 4 4 4 years Miroe,. Jncksdn,.- Van Buren, ... . Pok Pierce.- Buchanan 48 years. Whig and Republican. John Q. Adams,.... ...... 4 years- Uaruson-lyier, 4 Tay lorFi! more, 4 Lincoln-Johnson, 4 20 years. Go back with us to the year 1801 when the first democratic President took the chair of State and see what the TJuited States were at the time. The youngest nation of the globe, consist ing ofbut 13 S'ae, with a popula tion of about three millions of inhabi. tanU ; our commerce in the feeble sees of infancy ; onr flag, the glorious staca -and stripes so little known, and ao htile respected, tbat the Birbary Powers on the Med tetanean sea, prey ed upon our commerce ;m these wa'ers vith impunity, till the brave Bin bride anil Decatur taught them the danger of continuing tbat . ourse of conduct The centers of the States frcm New York south was then our western fion tier. Xet us now compare tho coun try as it was. when the pcop'e bli d ed with fanaticism, and thjir judg ment warped by hatred cf the Sou h rn portion of onr common country, placed the political power in the hinds of the Radicals our population hadtincreased to about thirty millioi , the States to near thirty, our commerce second to none, dense for ests had given .way to rich cultivated fields'viflages and cities had sprung ud where the wild Indian and tho'ir gadbnce roained unrestrained by civilization. Temples for the worship Si .oeTBign . acnools, "erann ja tr a Daily Messenger ries. ci-e.t' ui;-tie $i iuifd- iu the land once lijhua by the cojncil fires of the savage. Look at Ue mean of trarelinjr, compare the old turnpikes with fhe r3tUrad of to-Jty 9 the Ktge -ouches, or lather, wgcns wiih thtir hrce miles en hmr cajr, with the r; ibo:.d cars, in their 25 ti 30 tnileV an hour. Coinpare the six horse teatna and broad tire wgr n of ldcn tune, Kith the freight tram 4 on tho r ilrods now, as the means of transpotution. Compare the o'd way of counnuii-a t ing intelligence, with the telegraph. Go upon the firm and ompre the Mett le with the reaper, the cythe with the mower, t.e flad with the thresh inj; machine, the o'd wodenp'ow with the iron. Go into the niechini-'a shoos ana tu will tea tn-ny anl as u maiked imp ovmienti ihe-e as on the 1 lartr. Go upon the ocean, the 1 ke, andrv.r , and aee the superiority ! steam over the old sills. v The. great impiovementF were Vie ve!opcd-and brought into practit 1 uq under the mild and ica cring cirti f the Dem cracy. Who cai deuy it;? Look at th li' ! if Prfidentiat terras ivea iu this &r livle.and se-! The democrat hv e held the por ernment 48 y rR to V ei- pp' en 20 v tat 8. Assiin the oppom-tit D mocrpcy have held but ing e i rn s and tLoe so a' otwce:i, 1 1 at t.e were iievr-a ic t- timUe h single m.irk tl.j t lencHfid t e in it'. r thut:ny pa ty 111 y lip p ud d', t tUe' pot iov sion of the gnvei in- lit in 18ul,-and(f that, tuark 1h k wiat our connne ce wa- then, a ti l wha. it in iow ; our taxes then and iiow j nurpuhi debt then a -.d now; our currency then and n -w ; he geeta c uidiiion, the Tr.endiy 'and bro herly feeling of the country then and ow : the movers in high places und in low places, thn-i g the le gth atid oicadth of the land, ten ;!id 1:0. Look atthese t ue ftatetnentc anl anNwcr, -'Is Deuncracy a failure ?' No, the country owies all its great ness to the Demociacy ! A Cliauge lu tlic Cabinet. Very tnch to the Mstinlju e it-ot the ofu ei8 .f the N ivy Dcpartm n . lite doors " thai ffiee eie this m rn ins thrown open to receive a new S C r tar; . Un this ccasion No1' J rsfv 1 a a p'ac-e io the Cabiiu , and G . S . R. , eson. I Mmctlv A't-r ey je dal o! that S''o, i te nt-w incuuibe t M . Bor e i- tr duced tho new Secr. tary the p imipt theirs oi tuc L). -panmen'. Mr. H lie assigns ns tho ra on f.n his reii emo'it the tnu tip ic.iv l hi ptivate enj:ageuei.t" abd thj staie of hi health. The now S cteiary was horn in N Jere , and ha- m S w a s lived ti thai Stat-. He s j grjidint of Piine' College, nd has always hitlo ed he lgal prfiin . e roijs s the 1 n t 'Attorney Giieral f the Stitr 01 Nov Je ey, o which he wn a p intc by th- prestMti G verncr. in i-r der to ji.s tne ti-s ne t position. II.-i-of ro 11 .-t figuie. beiw. ei f rtv five sii d fitiy y ear of ;ig -, a d -c";dd ly what is ca a :ood l kin-i man. with a irank and gen al face of a con viv al c Kt. bccre'.a- U loeson, aru-r I e inir alu. e I to tie hurrnii hef- ! ot tiieiay uianiiuni p ocecu.u o t!i; Ex cu'ive Maiiton, t(ctoni aiie I bv Mi . Bo-i, h.re h t ok the .at' ol office be'orc' hiof Ju-. ce Carter, ot the Supreme "oui t o! tht D trict ol Columbia- U ashintmi Express. In pursuance of r.o ice tuhlihed in the morning papers of this citv, ih subscihers of the National Iiit'ellifen cer w ill be furnished with ihir Kxraess until firlh"r notice It is poio-ed tha the teMimptinn of te Intc'liyen rer shall suffer such a deby as u n cident to a cl ange wf lo-atin. The folh win telegram ws pen from h?re last night tnrough the As... cihted Pies: 'The fid low ins annnurcenient was issu d t )-i ight Horn the National i telligtncer offic-: 'Ten; porn ly fransieni-nta have been made t merge the N-ina In tfl'igenctr with the Washington Kx pkess. Tne iecesary iriarati n f 1 he separate pulicatioi f hese news , papersin tuor'-ing an I evening edi:iiir are in prK-es cf perle-tion. Tin im mediite cause of this chango is refera ble to a stiiko among ihe printer on the Intelligencer, vhich tho proprie tors of the paper were unubiO to ar- ranae. T which is added also tho folio .v ing item : 'It is said that a stock company, with a considerab'c capital, is now1 farming to carry on the Intelligencer n connection with the Extkess, and that a uipetinr of pr -minent and wealthy ritisens of Washington has been called 'r Saturday evening neXi to accomplish , this purpose. IVash ng'on Express. Scandal in High LirF. -On the 18th nit., a young ladv aed fourteen, living m a ver arix'ccratic reeion in this oty. was ta1-en suddenly ill, and appeared in such extreme pain t at he family bream alirtno i and sent for a physician. He cine in all haste. ; and af r clanc n at his patient, re ques'i d the p rents to leare him alone I oued ma erials and first class workmtn. with her. They did so. and in balf(8P re of roewool, rouml cornerel. an hour another young ldy opened w'tncarTe esand lyre, overstrung, full her eyea for the firt time on thU ' iron fran,e an'l hae all the latent m world of sorrow. She made such a ! P1"00.1. I univcrsaih u.et the noise comine mto the wHd .h. tt, probation of all the muica profesaio., parents' attent oi was a traeted. and tbe doctor infornaed I t era that thev bad berer end f.r a nure, as mother and child were d- intr as wei as coud be expected," Great or sterna tion reigned. On bein - closely ques tioc.d, the joung tr other placed the j paternity uf the stranger upon a lad loffiffeen. who wi thon t ...t.t Iik-abby. There via ihen in t. WW umte.1 .m..unie.i to .ul - twenty nine.- A. T. Jxr-c: J. H. Groe-teet , founder of the old nd ..favorably k'-own Houe cf Grove- , , stceu and O. Grovestcen, Fuller fc Co, SSJIercerStrect, . Y. PIArtO-I ORTES. The last new aJditi n t our different t I-6 i attracting the admiration tf beta critics a id pot ulite. We men i u sie- cily. o-i e if the claim of tht new Pi. ; auo Believing the exterior thould be as beautiful to the ey as n.elo ly to ile ear, e bare paid gret attention to petting tbcra up in a ktyle, Ua' is conced. d by all who hare teen them to Ik the bai'd- eomest Piano-F.re nude. They are aa enti.e ly n iitl. with our round cor- . ners, heavily red leg .,.d rt, richly mnl a. an 1 contains oar latest . improved new ca e and aition. lbetne mclodeous. an t u adartabilitv toras- 8agei of -ry shade .f xpreision. rcra the sotteht murmur, the Cretiendo, and the FP, gives the perfotmer every a i vantage of the Conceit grand. Wice June 29-tf. Bli AMIES' PATENT Alum & Dry PTaster FIRE PROOF Aro most desir&blo for qutlitj, finiih and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged! Cannot bo Wedged ! Cannot bo Drillcdl DANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPREB3 DOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCK3 rieass tend t .r a cat;ok"u to MARVIN & CO., (olilest rife roanoXactarcrt) Principal Warehouses (Crt. Cr 4721 n (103 Da Broadway, New York. -h-Tnut St.. Thlla. 103 Bank t..CJeveland.C And fcr sale by our agents fn the principal cities throughout tho United States, nUDIUCK Steam Engines The mosf cam). art. '.?tr Simplest arrf cheap..1 in tn.t C tin ry or ,.bn,tvi. The r tcd ocr a'd Vest vor ta.in'iiip guarantee 1 . UEANEY. S -N & CO.. Ch. stir Pa. Sl M in .faciure: s. GEr. W. II ALL. Rent, OfSco, 71 Broadway, N. Y, KVERF.UX. RiCII ro 72 William jir et. New Vi.rk, General Agents. June 29-rmo. The I inpiro Trillin )h:ntt ! riMl K bi'pei io iie-itn o. tie.-e ."ewinjr Miieidncs art no es'-ibii.i e I beyond a quest n, lh-ynkeiiefiit riie at everv Fair fr Si ill p lie itv, Dnra bility nd Si CCI TI e vtitches ar uni ot in, aliki-on ih sMe The Mi dlines r-in noie!ebs, rcr:cc ly eas.v, and do the largest rHpe ol work Apems required; bbrral discoun's al lowed. Send for circu ar- sample-, &c. to the princip:! office, EMPIRE SEWING-MACHINE CO., 2J4 Bowrry, New Y rk. June 29-tf. J. IIAUCrt A CO. 00 n.uudtffuy, . . . New York; A N D G- WasSiiiictou St., Cliicaco, llliuuis j TTAYIS mde importunt and ex'en XI sivi imrroveme s in their rnnn. factor, bot-'i in machinery and addit-on al faci itles, in o-der to meet t e increaa ing demand lor the r unrivaled Piano-Tot tea, Hereby announce tut we a e now ea b ed to produ.e a Tiano ihat un be ex celled by none m the market, and which we offer to the public at ihe extremely low j rice of $430, - ilbese Piano? are made of the bet sea who have used them. They arelully warranted, an ' we have r.o hesitation in pronouncing these Pinn o- the cheapest and best firai claat instru men now o tie re to the public. Wc are alto I rn porters and Mannficta rers cf Musical I ustrun en's, Strinrs. and a ma a . . c' cry var ey oi .mi.mchi .leichandtae or a .a 1 ' w"icn we h.vethe largest aiKriinent. We i eH especial a tention toour German Sil " u,,n?J," fof ibtir powt, ,Bd iZV;tZKZTX'u I 11 ,,,M " 1 . 1 n . 11 p ii 1 " "3 s i tficSIMf. J. U Oiotcstcen, fouo ier of the old -and " favorably known house of Grovcateea and Company. Grovcsteon Fullo' ScCo. HAT ;ori D TUXtlKlK New WnreroomH. 33 Mercer Street, Xcw Yorli. riAxo-FonxE". The pre t increase In the detnar-d f r ourPia o Forte through ont tl e cintry, have compelled us to extend aur Manufac turing facilities to three times their former she, and hav in added many new ira provetuenta in n ami fact min-, we shall continue tu kep our prices the same aa thev alwava a"eeen, the lowest 01 any - W A -pian) Fort;mAer hy at Uttl , nj we respectfully elicit by i.t purchasing to acomrarion parties about purcnastng with aU other makers. June 23 lyr. W. & V. n H. Tonipnnf.t OrriCK III f KMi'R & OkS MVt, Wtlmiceton. N June 24, 13. Tt KX"UH.il.iMT5. ''IO tpp y pubi c demanl, notice U I h"rrbJ K rn ,nat eac"r n 'rain n( threcnror le-s w 1$ t run over any part of t i read f r a die'ance f n tv miles r mo rnrn t'e ruarantee ofies inii.i e par !a iha it htll pay n t tt tha one dollar pe mi'e nn (ne wa ) . t'n uc'i tiains papen-:ers will 1 car. riJ at the ate ef tw. cents per mils tv ins and r-tu nine equal lo one cent p ra le each war. F r a ar.er ntim'r rr cars a pnprti' nal in-ns eto ec'fg c . I.. FKI-M NT, Chi.f Eog. &'ut. Ju e 2-3t. It 11 TRELL'S Sl IX IGS, NOUTIt C.iA'tL.Y.I ITYllnU-E Al THE R.ULrO.U If mile fm the Erring-, Is iow open for r.oirdrr. I nee I n t e-ak f the Mi'trl Wa ter rthe accoinmdtiois t mr h-ue, ai both ar- g ncrall well known. Intalid Indies and o'her will ftod at my houte a p!ein- hnie. Tern s for fao ilies mcxle'ate. U. W. BLACKBALL. June 2 1 lS".f. F OR IUIII:S 0.L.V.-For an -rticle hat ine ren.arralle sale. a l.Ire h Mrb MOoOAN; l.V Fu ton St., New York. WANTED- UDV Af3TTS in verv Ttn ind Villajc-, to,c'l whit eacrv ladv will purchase at sijht. .tdlrei. Mi s U1LLIAMS, 13J Fulton t., N. Y. 4 FOUTU.M'.I V AM STAT i: Itichts lor ;e ew pA,rut artt. le nre-erv frmnl. Sample !? Ad-tr-ji INVKN Ok. b O. Rvi 2I.V. New York. SOL. lf r.F.AK k Ml i"1. Mnrket Street, Wiltnlncton N. wuoh usa i. r. M.f ur.TAU. nKaLMf in .LOTHINO. DRY G(K)I3, RIM ITS, Sill IF-, .nc. Ac. Country Merchant will find it to Ihe't iilv:int:ice to ccttuine out docks 6r Hftr i'irchakinjr eiewhere XU-., Ii 2-tf. ll.. UF.U Of. Golclsboro9 Female College THK FxM.L SKSUN WILL open mi tlir Oih of itctmt and COXTI.WK '20 WEEKS. i ki:m. Piiiii'in nv.l ll.iard. exc!u.re of lis 'a a d nhin r fw foi ion in C1!egiate nr Acsd-nuc l-p't hripara'orv Dep't Fuel illicit on P.ano or ni il U of Intru'neiit Anc. ar.d Modern 20 (Ml 12 .Mi I .Mi G Titar 2VM 30.111 3 fn Ltpusgt s. e-'ch Ornamental Itranrlirii nlfts tial prices PUPIL WIILBE rriARGF.I) r !( TIME OT KSTR ACt TO CLX OF SESSIO.X. A deduc ion mil le mnde fnm tui tiou fur protr icUd a 1 1 a e of to vceka or more Oi.c half nf ih rx peuscK an: pay l--r boikand :a ttwtiury m iP be euired in advance. E. Y. Al A MS. PatiDtfT. June 17-2 a t tf. HUNTER & CO. COTTON FACTOHs. AND rRUDUCF. rOMMLSSION MEI CHANTS loaxra nnm axd watfr rmr.ira, otrs.vofTit, r. j. Connurnment Solieited II. 51. PHIVEIT A CO. GOi PSBOIUV. V. K; nny South F!"nr, evrrv barrel wnr tanttd, inly !0 0, at B. M. Wl-VEfr & ro Ai A0I5. II. ToLLtajt. A; DKiAN Jt VotLTaa. llVIIf LESMsF. DEALER IX II 0 CEIUES and I.I Q U O It S ilmporiers of Ilvvana A German 1 Cizar-, a d CO MMISSION M ' U CHANTS outn bi&t Corner Doc. nd Front i c. ...... Wilmingtnn, N. C. Having !be lrgrst and hl siort ed Mock of f;roCyric ami Linu.a in the City. Deal r will find it to their int-rest to -ire us a CALL It fore b ijin e'arl.err. Aug. 14-tf. J. S. raichard, DENTIST. I ui ur.at tht Resilence of Mri. x. a. larrmgtoD. q GOLDsnOPO on MONDAY. MY Jtth., irrp.red to aucn PMi iwi wa oajdeiirekU MANHOOD. IXTl!BY0U.OND hldlNO GENE ratloo, the vrjrrtatifs rowers of life arettrccz, not in a Tew years niv n- t.th. JallLihu. ib Itca-lo-tr tie -.l .form.siHl tUe ImriMt-i . m . . . - . . 1 IT . V - I iiy or appucaiioa o at it hanrful Influence. It soon beeoae etl rent to the observer taat some deprea Ing inflame is check:n tbe develop ucntof th bodf . Cansnnption U tU ed r.f, a&J perhaps ihe youth la moved trora school and aer-t into the ctmotrv. This a one of tbe wnrvt tnoveucQis Tt moved from onlinary d Terl-ns rf the everchanginc scenes of tht citv, the pov era f tf.e boly t touch enfreLlei ta fxt tttl to healthful and rural exerci, ttou;ti! are turnei inward upon tbcta selve If the pallet t be a fcraaV, the ar proachI the tnn-e lucked for with anxiety, aa the irtsymjtoni a which Nature ! show her eavir j jtower In dCusluc: the tircu'atiTa and Uiling lb CLek with the bloom rf lealth. Ala I rcree ot pe'te has gruwn by what it fed 00 ; the eaergica f the sytten are pro trt--l and the whole ecoa-tay h ue ranze-l. The beautiful au-l oodtr'ul prrto-l n hich bIy un l mind utlero to f-k inatinK cbai;e tvra child 10 out 1, t looVe' fi" in in ; the par ent ra't Mee Is in anietyf nd fn cetl err iimct I's v rtlm. II :us I'xranT Btiitr. trek e-a aiisii g lrw ei-eu r erly ladis eri-in, aitrnld wim th following uitotun. Idi fosiin to Ktcrtion. L a ot loer, l.n- of Memory, D Ccul t, r nretlifg, rn r V Lne. Hor tor ,f litcrt link Nnt, Tirtublin. Ilrra.l ul Mur nr of Dr th Nlht ctS. oU Fret, WaVcfi'lne, Ui-'ne of Vivian, L-tncisor Livrrl LituJe of the :i co ar O ten K t r-- u Ajt-t le with lipp4 Smjirtja, Ho llnj Kluthing of tbr D dr. Do nea of the Skin, 1'alli.l Cuntnnre aa l KrupJ tw.njan 11 c rcc, rit) o the Uck. II. viucr of the F.ye id. FrejMnl DUck ?rot Flying iefre the Kyr-, with Ten potar Miffu-ian an I Ixw of Jbt, V s it vt Attention, r-at 'hility, Hrilr4 or, ith Hoi ror of NietT. .4hinc m n.re drirh e to roch patients than Silitude, and ncthing they or dread, far Fear of Thrma-ltt, no Hep of 01 d ner, Kar. enej. no oeculato, hu a hurrietl Traosuioa fro a oue quertioa to another. These pymptbtn, if allowed to g on -bch thin Medicine invaria-i'y movts yn fo hw s of Vwer, Fafu ity, and i picpiic Ft, in one vf which the f aiei t my exrire. luin the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson at the B ouinrda!e Aylurn, thi "-d r-ult occmrel to two pstirat, rta s n hid fr a tme left tbcra, and th died of e i'.epv Ti.ey fte l boh tries od h ut twi r jrr of g. Whocinray that thee xceae ar no' frr;ue.ty fo l.w-.I by tu Ircful di e4te In-omty jr.d tonuru tio f The rei-rJ- of the In-ne y-uta, ad the iucUn holy death t.y (Jon u inf. tlon, br drtii tr nithcr Mirth or Grief ever iit it. Should a euud of the vvicc vur, it rae y articulate. VVih wo ul uiufe winlVftair Low nul'e u in l'ir frief Wl el." Whil we rr.ret the exi fine ot th ai o c dira and y'r "tn w x i reonrcd to fffcr aa ina'iitdc xift cl.emt'rv r M-e reiriAvai cf tie cv nuetn e. H I.HB".n' lltonir I''t m n.r Ki.t io ETaAt i or Bt nr. Tlrr l no trnic like it. It i an i ch-r cf h-e t.. the . a d p,t,.nt. atl ih ,: S t e f. o iy f all wu h vc uoi or ; ptccti cl ,i. ro . b, D and Pe.le. eve y ; .I f .7 I .. ; , J T 'r: Wp (or 56. 1. l iirrr-1 Io am I Irea. i ,i . iTHoi r ioiu 4 n a . i rniRinniciiioi A'tdre II. T. Ill LMBul.P, Vxu; and I hen kv W.rf-. . v h Droadway, New Urk. f - f - - - v a 9 ) mm 9 a - u v up in ilccl ei cravr-l wrapp" i b fc,liQ- i f ti nv Uttuici Warrhou't a-l m; e-l. H. T. IILLMnOLtC Eureka llouie. No- 73 lai.v 8r., Lrsinr c, Vi; J UN IIKLBIG, l ivprieor. navnifr lei el the a ova well known M ue, 1 am no w prepared to fornib ee-v article r-ertin,if n a A Elmi-CIa Ilxitlttxr Saloon, Oystrr-, G ra Fish, &c, whan In a The Br pli-U with tbe bei Wineii, I iquora and .eae ICJ Meala a. all hoar. OJ April 17if. A New unci Importnnt Jl?LtVLiY. iitTrs'risir Vepetnble Tever und Aruc .pe -i nasto the nuih of lh a- I " 7"", , T " V it t . .i . I the rr.ot sViufiil rh Kiia ! It',. , . .... ' ! Africa an J China. whre thi, dvt.' lucUtuhoy rxhiti'ion apparr. The , . , v w J ,t i i i ever cr r.v i cmr A?i7ERt.......w. UNIrED STATUS PDBLHIIINO CL A 5lnL AM) I.M ALL1I1EE: ill TrrmmFi. XT. a.xibt. iui( CIIII.S ll.VHl AND AGUE DISPEP-I V. INDIGOTIONS, ANIl ALL OrilElt Ul LLIOUS DIS EASES, ttrUlnp from impurity ( THE III. OOP. DR. J. 1. IIE.VTER, Would aanoonce to ihe public that ha has dtsoereu, attrtnaT yearacarefal .to dy tbeabnte teniedy, h bs ben pron uncrd by a 1 who hre utel . the B m. ne t w eutctne ever before nereI to the public for tht cure of the d'seaaes tnen. tioned. Itlsentlrely vegetable Iniu Coaf-rund. pleasant to thetas'e aoddes noi pnuoee any esrious effect ur-on tht P! ri, ?J Prt Us tbt we.tber. Price, 1 1 .SO pr battle. Prepared nnd sold, Wliole nlennd Iletall hy J M. HUNTER DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, WEST CENTRE ST. GOI.DSBORO N C. N IL- A LiU r.l Drrount made to DrutA.s and Pz-cUio- Pbya!- !na f June 16 H Dr. W. T. rtOTlINinv IlsvinjC p-trnanentlr lca:n.l. . ff.JL prfosional aeritc a tn t. c'tiena G0LDSB0R0 ana vicintty. OfSce oexl door North of lI.T,n Bros. Court Blanks for ale at tbh FTAULISIIED n" Omitrr Ai nuirr Notice. VV w ea.Ua. Mrfons o nine lv4 : !l ; rl me ao4pfv ate Boriil 0r-.VJc lam ttock of luiiasj . J ULM tie ionaent, xicmfcttvj 7, Head and Foot Sto&ea. Tan.) . v Statuary all of utm an I at prices to .alttit taT Head anJ Foot &onf Ut i-. . . t . . flStofVl Ai&aurornTai libit lUti ft.t Store, to rCo U Moao-aeots of XuUaa JJv. fl twll SCO The lrxt aal btt stock H of any o tbe larxt cities. , Ordtrx by aaail tixra;tW t?fti OADDkiv tiRiH Ste-ua Marll. wtU Marti Ai riAUTIO.V We &txtu dealers in. ao i ci&fcb,.. . pnerillr, tbat since the rf tern-?1 rrtiaanafcturrrT, txias uav fi n.l m mm. kH rr.t t k.l. . . Svlvea ohlirl ta coaaurf-it fi? -r appranre of ttmr p cei aj "jjT ur Trade Marks, h thai cl ij? anicVe fror. the gea-jiae, 4 miJr In ma fr aa to assert tkrt mmm - - - V M M M - T . f . S-nutfia no looker taa-Je.M In nkla; lh!a pabrctis f to warn t.-fuMJc against Ut rat-? r racticel upon ibera: they m , mt th-reby. It will be fur! J parioo iUt Un !Uni', t, ahejbi'ofallothrr, Uiatna ? bet 1.k, lttr ai oriftcal aalnij pmcea k trr n fo CTrw.X-r be,! i?? eaig great olrttrsib at jo a d i warranted t-e4 tocootaia geruo, cr delrterit sutatxaci, ticlea ot oa sale by ethers. TktW,, theUpt lathe e4. A cimUri always ti n ail-d rp!k ixa. derioj; please sptfy if Salt afi iw Tov.t.a. Firi SnaS i Extra Scr Mrcb213raos, ' ' ' WEbe le.ve to call il an.ai the pile tatlb lotCtw!i I and unnll The Pat Kihtra Uaporrly vt ble cwrapou .1, an I while ! it a rafScie-1 remedy fr Pain, it it a ark1 It pf. melicio rrcn ia the cu t kHlfu) han-l. roixMcnmnt conpum, cr any dhev form of bowel di.- u chl lien or adults, if i aa lat chs. core, ai l os without 1kM Utt aip. ucceful in rurinthe rirn ., jnoi.rnA ' rc i m ti ntir, a -veil aa Eurorb miinn in tbo clluate. A S V R E RKMEO T.' avvv.n e. ntAonniuRT Niur Six lit mi t r.i ri. ituicrjrr RrsMvu r a :j t:tm In ci Ur to jive tl p; !e ;: nil !-cttrr arr.v.s.l-l 4 l!.;r t-eaotiut fntAtme. -SrC i MfiXTtt ti. w i.ivi:-.. .it ... i ... 6f u thU f K,c!j untuUr of-Uo aMtVcas-ki. Jwh e i,,,, f h riw rcUf ta;nIfl r.j it.,tnili,t m idiloU n any as;t h 1 r..rfr. T.-...i t fHjnd in any n a;t4?t ia u y f The iWri(-tKkn rc it t!i mtf tr-rl hitAi UrAa:y ist-ur. i J , rar 'C,M V) m f - . ba.,tiful ma,in frota .-...r.rrt, jc oiuiif er. rcnttiute A a t7C p d iavc rt nor nuMfr. .Wire. T.., A.TIICR& fJ. A G E.TS WAVTEDFOn SishtannU Seem OI the .XatloutilCapluL A wrk diritiife ef Taulfer1', 1 : Ua high ae l liar Ufa. rear ia I public builJics. hllleo nvtaoea, eV anlta and cruati at. the ioeUe rirr- m o ihe O'vernraeat. hhowoj W the public oa ey Is eqa .oJerri ; W rl-rs are n-anard ; bow oScUls n black el-maUr-1: bow count erf eii:tr s crriel on ; an J all aout teasalt tnemKer. lady e'erks, &e. It if Q piciea'. mt thriltio. iDftrtctitr, aal r aMlinr bvok n-.U'aJ.ed. I Id Sen i fo- cirtulara aai m n ! terms, so I a full deacrirtUn cf tU aai. i AddrtVa pVEIIOEOt.acAI. A-nnic 1 TIO. or FASCINATIO, applies! to th- purpose of II e. A sr it 4,5 (nntvartil), boaol it I am 9 4 A if n.Tuv7 f Tie. This w-,k U na adTrrTui-;:- I f fr a- cirruU', but contalas f 53 si I I stroetloas to exert aU power m ar V ran'otla Oan ta obtained be tetff your ad!rea w ih pnatare to Ike Tv T. r.VaKft A-CO it ft. 1 Uladebla on uwncuccs e htirsArro OMANH FRIEND! a afe and reliable rewedy far . ALL DISEASES PECCLUa 10 D I LES, arm a a .rAoTAa. or ll'kit ; rrxlG Uteri, r Falli? Ike ITarai,' Irregular, FimfnU cr Sy " pret'iJ Xemstnta'ie ; Pain n te flack ; . Nerroutesst WaJkHulnut. jieu. lee . 0tti'-ATti ro Twe Lndlealn Americn i For whnae benefit it was cer? and wboae happlaeaa it '! ftronctU tho dacoa"ree. J. J. LAWRENCE, II. P. Ot to mrftoijrt: Tbt articles cf which tbt fries! It eyopoundt'l art FVv around each boilt, ana rt U bbr' btibt test Cierlat Tcaic ata Ah kt - cf & jr dlcovrTrd, U la alab!a vti rePabl arjj all drraarrotits of tia Ftals V? doviivt Orxvas. ami In riyftria, lltxUtleLtxxl Ir-itaiaaa. c J. IL 2JAKER A CO. of - r " - - " - s. a ' 4 9s sa Lcr.

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