ft I 6 i- 13 J Ft u 0 8l ar ii tt - il ea II ill r- u offl an T, ii' aia ore 1 of TflU iia, ifut 5Lt, ths Jane :s of N, i'iiiU onr tapu iote, ?tnX nblw: lietr Iterate -ageJ'- ' a 'eF: . Nervo CO Daily Messenger ; OOIiDSBORd, iON R 29 159. Bailroad Time Table. 1 - CARS Q INC NORTIfr - I v Arrive here At I04 a m; and 12 P nu -Leart at 12:19 a pi; and 1:03 a ta. -- . - 1 CARS GOING SOUTH:.. - Arrive here t 2:20 p ta, and 11 :34 p xa . Leave at 2:30j m ; nd 1 2 p xa, 4 iCARS GOlNa EST: , , : Arrive from Newbern at 10 a m, and .re turning, Jetrve lere at 3 p ni . r . -V CAR GOING WEST: :T ! Arrive frcm Vharlotte at 10. a m,.and re i'UOca NEW -AoVKRTlSEMESTS.-'The following" advertisements, appear nsw jn this issue: - New Wrerooms Gravestcen. Ful ler & Co. New York Ruddick Steam. Eigincs, . Reaney, ,Sbn &Co., Chester, P. . .. The Empire 1 rii.tnphan-r-Emp.re Sjwjnfi-Machine l'oH New York. Piano-For.es, J. Bauer & Co., New York. ' ! . - Pia-o-Forres, G ovesteen. Fuller & Co., Ne Yrk. The street hands are at wotk, about towo, tiling weeds. All was calm about town and yi cinltr oh yesterday. .- - - Mosquitoes have dis ojered that it is useless to present-their bills to 'editors. -" ' ; Within the twit week all sections of the countr ,hive been visited with re fresbir.g showers of rain. A L4ROE mil-dew proof Awning,; sitd 24 X20, new from the factory, for sa!d cheap at this or Flee. Teach your-childreti to help them selves but not to what does not be long to theuiu Idleness is tin murderer of .time and the destroyer ot comfort; it is th rich man's hane, the tradesman's 'ruin' and the poor man's curSe. In a few jiays Mr. Wro. F. Atkin son is expected to arrive here with an other lot of, about sixty, Swiss Era inikrant.s. The personal charais of a girl of the perid are estimated t - cost from $80 to $550, accordirg to the artists cm' ployed Th Grand L ?ge of Free Masons Virginia, Florida . Arkansas and Miaa-i-sipprhaTechforpished a sulptnr d stone, to b usctl in the Washing ton Monument, if it is ever fin shed' Thii n ti;e is psoted in a down east post offioe : Wantel to .find (by a sing'e gentleman") a hand wichntt the mit en. Information may be left at the postoffice. . The air-tight style of ..ants will not probably go another reason. Physiologists says it acts unfavora bly on the skin. So it does on la- toy legs. 1 .i- - The horse thieves have not been heard from. All attempt to catch them have proven a failure. It i .now suppo ed that they have gone in the direction of Faetteville and South Carolina. A country paper, in speaking of the death of a Udy reddent, says: "It is an event to which her friends have been looking for boine time past with Christian patience and hope." What is the re son can you guess ' Why men are poor and women thin . WnerT- So much do they for dinner dress, " That Whmg'H left to dress for din ner. Thb Siminary Magazins for June is befo-e us and presents a'fine variety of readingsuch, as all literary talent are fond Tof coming m contact with it is well -worth a pursual of its con teats. Price $1,50 a year Address M W. Haewood, Richmond, Va Thb Wilmington Nightingale Min trels (Old Frank Johnson's band.) ho have ro kindly, and without charge, accompanied the excursionists to Beaufb't, on Thursday last, propose giving a coScort in the Town Hall, this evening. ., - A Corrsfodiit of an exchange 8ays he-keeps the bug? away from melon, squash and cucumber vines in this wise : "Take sticks four inches v f nd hlf ncb in diameter -p'ne is .the best --wrap one inch of one end in a.pecg of cotton-or linn : dip fSl jB rrje'ntjne;and stick one ox two il!:e?ca hill, leaving only the wrapped part above the ground. The odor of .. iBTpcntiTie .docs the busincsr." -A native Boston youth accosted a bay of decid.d African lineage, a few days tince, and iDq-iird of the sable lad wby he -bad .so 'abort a n so The replj was, "I spect's so if won't poke itself into otber peo ple's business." A ?f vberx Lady who accompa nied the excursion party to Beau fort on Friday last, "while io the act of getting out of tbe boat, lost her footing and fell into tho dock. Sie was quioVly rescued by our townsman, . Mr. Mayhood, who jumped into tbe water rescuing her without much difficulty. . SL&cxweoss, Eduiukoh Maoaxi.vx The June number (American edi tion) of this valuable f pedes' of liter a ture is punctual o hand,snd well fill ed with Interesting and instructive reading material. The merits of this. as of all other Brittisb periodicals speaks for iiself. ' Price $4.00 a year. Address Leonard Scott Pub Co., New York. ' - With the ihooatof a farm garden we alw.ijs c injure up rsions of lus iclous berriea. fragrant celery, delic ous Icttoue, jnicy asparagus, ap?r. tizing rhubarS, and .nnnr other luxu rtes in the wa of vegetables and sma'l t'ruiS( which any farmer can jhare in their appropriate season if he will take a little pains to cultivate them. We hope our readers will im prove upon our hint and take imme diate measure 'for making their gar dens what the shou'd b.. Yisterdav was another oni of thoe hot days. Every bady4tbat can is has'enipgawa v from cities and towns to summer resorts and toother place9 where sea ree2is trees and pras are to he hid in mitigttion nf old Sol.s I sharp and rather too ardent embraces. tf . hrciit miriT itranirers arn now ti&ss . 0 r. ing through our town on their way to the spring. Indvulaals, vlike yc local who can't get away, hnve to be contented when within iht cf an ice cream ana boaa water caioon, or within reach of .some cool, goad Ice wa ter. iHClADIES f HlEND. 1 lilS in- 1 ereMng monthly ni-g.2;rie for June is before U", and compares ful ly wi:h other moutblUs of it char actcr. It is well gotten up, and filled to repl tion uli erery varie ty of literature calcuUtcd to please aud interest. Tae present number coutains many iurerestin articles, both of prose and poetry, nd is highly comiueoddble t tJie authors, besides, its fahionplat-s arc of great value to the h use-wife. Pub h'bed by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. . Tax ox Si'iaiTs It i said that the statement that spirits distilled from applet, peichen or grapes are exempt from taxation under the laws f Con gres is without foundation. The old 'aw fi ced the tax upon brandy diti 1 ed from these pr ducts at f 1,50 per gal 'on. at which time the tax upoi whis ky stood at $2. VVhnn the lax urn the Litter article wan reluced to 50 cents, that upon brandy was reduced to the same amount, hut under the de cision of the Attomey-Uereral persons engaged in distilling Mine or brandT from grapes, apples and peache. were exempt from the speci.il ta t of 8400 im poed upon ether di-til ers. andrequir ei to pay a special tax of $50 only. We would suggest to the Boatd of Commissioners of this town that some measures be adopted to pre serve the health of tbe ton, dur ing the hot summer season. If tbe town were laid off into four wards, as it really should be, a committee of two or three gentlemen might be appointed and requested to in spect the premises ip their respect ive wards, and to see that there is no accumulation cf tubbiab or mat ter of any description of a charac ter likely to engender disease. As we have two worthy physicians, as members ot the board, we respect fully submit the matter to their at tention. SfAMrs. CommiHoiouer Delano has decided. Tbat a writteu exten sioa of the payments of a mortgage requires the same stamp as the or- ginal instrument." Also, U tela- 6. i . . lt tion to promissory notes as fdlaws: 'A promiesory containing merely power to confess judgment, should be stamped at the usual rates of ' v 4 r. ... uuior: uut it. as lb uitcu s iuo vaoo. ; MAnt.;n. mn.iinnl.iMn it contain. po or xnore'stipulation in add itbD, each as without having . - tbe benefit of tbe exemptiuu law-, an agreement atauip is aUo reqaird ! jnae cjntam contret nf the ci. ture of a mortz.e. whleS .hould b. ... atimotd aa snph Lazx Botj. A Uij boy males a mo, jut a. a crooked sipliog nifciies a crooied tree. WLo ever saw a Voj grow up in idlenei5, tbt v. . ..ca souuesa Tonu when be became a roan, unites be i uv iuiiuub ten mia io aerp up 'Pfearancel. Toe great '.mass of druukjrd, 'thieves, paupers, and crlix.iuls, that fill our peniteutia uscjui mer, were trtued up their boyhood to bo industrious r..t - . . Rirc 2Icii:.Milo5. We are In. lormed bvMr.il. U. Finlay-oa that he m m. m .... ries and aInj.hon K.r f .im in ,1. . 1 Q v. a . ..... t. . I Un C4oinrr rnen'a an! ra:r rmnM 1 1 ab-t they are by being brought up ? '"2 23. iTKrte acaJe fiaiUSi inidlene.,. Those who constitute ! A PrVl m ' 1 ttlf. pia l! the business portion of the commu- 1v Jl? .ii inVTC7 dttrtta. aai r; cruJ. tlilV. . r. , wheat dU anl uchaoged Jane ih IECj 0-ao-. trel u mitr i::a T(r mfa a. uity, those who make our great and HVrn lower; hite 01,93; ye low 84a - - tir ttri.Y.c r-tr..-. vesterilaj ate rite 11.uvkmclons.gronn.rr : Southern dull and drcnnlnr. . Iaiurii. iiicj mrc ui uir rrrvi Tbe War at II a'avcaT- Since our last the vrbeat harvrt ban Kren pro, grejsbff rxojt st t afr eerily la HU n c tion, the w eather bei.ig very f4Vor able. A better .cnp of. wheat neti.r wa; mide In then partv and almitar reports ri-arh us fron all porti ns of the United Sia'es. The oats crop hre aoouis 1a mot rrrocnrfng. CJrn ami o-her crops doing well Statrtzilli American. LrrT Tow.v. One Rob ft Cay, a Vemmtn ofAfrran 'scenr, who re cently started awhotera and tt tail estab'ihincnt in a ,n.nty foar by tiye jusr opposite our ofSre, was a fc nights ince wted upon by several ro ore d iiididuaa who accord hin. fhavin acted the "C undrel. G iy be came bhy, pt fcired, wrarpfd hi utock of r'todaup in bihandkerchiel. 'eft his hhanty to the rner-y of t t winds and waves, and left fjr pait u.'knuwn-Weldon New. Pry ths Bl vcxBKRit. -Thj hick brrry reason is now at hand and let tho It' tie to'ki and any uiMe w li en n p'ck and dry the fruit, for market Owi j to tl-e starci'y of other fruit I caches an 1 apple he dried bei rieHwillaell f.ra iw I Pi-e. Toe s!.ould be well drie 1 or they will be liihl to mould on-1 then are wortn 1h - The better plan i io eroct drj-in'-ki'n a d lrr in ail kind "ct weth r. I r'lell county -ou: 1 afTor 10;).0:H) of lbi.4 fruit, if avedno mni'l tern. We ag in ay dry th berries. Siaiejcilie A me tew. AUK II EATl.U C A S O . 1 or wirm esoa is upon .i", aLd the .1 T Tf, r ti most into'erble heat tkes aw from us nearly all life and energy. The National I.ntei Liccsccn makes some !XCellntaugetioai m to keep cjoI and enjoy health, and for the benefit of our readers we ive them below entire: "What c-roe ruht home, to peo pie io the.form if diiicomforts iif the heted term' is not to b-s over looked or set aside by paving tht it cannot bo helped,' and 'we nmat nuke the n on of it,' an.! all that. Nor will it be obviated hy tbe fug jestion that th t.ih Choic'i d i tablif-hini; bill h is parsed the ordeal f the Lord in tbe li? it ib Prli. cue 'it, nor by tbe adiuitted fact tht tehira "V which bus obtained at the gret Nw Ruglaud fe.-tival wax njt f di.-cord, not well under :ood,' but was real harmcny fl i Knownas me v;antei'pe.ana wertv.rj orn laU rents lower. Patk hesvv at eet and we I ripened. tfa2.C2 LarJ htv.. WhisVer mim- Ihe fir-t of tlensr, su far as w- TuJ at $1.02. Grocerrs luIUnd uri haTe heard. -rTif.O. ' jchael. Navl tnre n'-ite. tug fruin an immense iuattuibeuta . prepuu t t make 1 her.il advaiirea o tiun,aud from the thrnts t catinou a'' lro-lu e consigned f the firm ot and th.jse of thousau!a uooa thou- tinds of men aud Wimeu of the! land. j "Tbouzb it is to be doubted i whether an avoidauce of heat or cold, or other climaticchargeson uce on (he whole to increased "treuglb of years or of bidy, still tbe discomforts which are brought upou one in this latitude iu tt e bot season poiut to tbe neceity of adopting forms of amelioration. "Those who rwathe theniselves iu flannels aud wear thick, woolens in summer, cannot of course be reSon ed w.th oq the bui-ject. U it, if there be any sense iu Dr. Frank it u'a presciiptioo of frequent ii bath then it would seem that the smallest portion ot clothing possi ble, conaidteut with propriety, were the healthiest condition. IVopln who are afraid of bodily expo sure to air cn coiufort the-iselver with the idea that exposure fur pur P'-so of bathtnj: out of door, or iu doirs, or at rising up io the morn iug, or laying down at night,rarely, is ever, r'aoltsiu colds. Sitting iu narrow current of air, or ukiug . ff Prt 01 o..e'y clothing, are uaully th-o se of colds, Toose, therefore, who are not 8ick, and l ave to teed of going to springs and ocean side resorts, or beg w0,i je .not able to havefiue accommodations there, or cannot . . . . ti ill v n'li inn n u l ur m innii i ' ... . V . . . . g0 ghonld tha lbl0., aVbome. A perron wxtb -imall rovm Cao wa.a birclf eleace'r with cr or other determent than those oatoior wntc!otacscu' ut "V? ,n?1 n wtpiubij lercned Vettinjf aet by a Itjjrer t.. c " 1. of f.lHogover board.' CIearjliuej Is the first requirement to tolera ble comfort io the betted ter&. -Next, tbe er.J-.ymtnt cf as much air posil, witb quiet of bljanl ?ltM- I and Kofcuure, a rtquiiite. Abve n lhicrs thB7 abould Wep olu. and cocl erlj in tbe da.M COM Mt'UClAL KUPOItT WiLwr:cto.v. Jnn 23. otnta tor. remine iiraJy 3? 11 4 roin . ties :snuu utr lot L,an xut. Wbukev . . i. . . ..... New V-fk, Jun 26. Co'ttn badi rirroer. S le a500 ba!et . at 33 F!ur. Bta.e Mfrn5U lOe..4 i n ai nrsrv, atjs Ureltnr :i 4 crnt- 7H p.TE L. Ill It I V A L S V T A- CRA? OER A Co. tKorsitTcts. . Moxoat June Ci. lSfTD. Dr. J D Si.xarCiv: Frank En. in Gr.efrr; W N Bll PerUrr. Vol. U IS heler Ner Orleans R U Mclua CoIuml4, S C: Mr D L Vie Lean dfV W II Green Co Sh-r: G W Patrr.on Omham; D K Cwon C UK Ur: Ir Wnab!. Wtlmi-etuvl R J P.el-A 4 N D i li; J C PhiUirs T M Carrier 'nd W J Eddie N C R R; Divid 0 Iml'ey Rattlxh. Srtott. JSirf Attn Advastsimo aud liF.XLCAt. OLLr.CTlo.f AotXCV IoU Noairt Carolina. rm A. Ilearno Co.. "?p"lal Arent&r ibe rrtH Carolina Pres.. end Urtt'eral Agent f-r the Col.ectfon rf Claim of every :V'.decription throughout thw S'ate -OfSce, GoUaovo X. Cl Are authorized Agents far the Mu rcrntubulntnra: l'crisitibua Intora!! WIS hare In aa ettvnti" a of Clllt.DRnSCAR UAOK and VKR AMKCL.tlDRwhich ve will f!l a low n, ihty can be pur :h tec 1 e ehcrc- Nrih or Fouib 1'rice rtnalns from It to t :0. For a'j le an I farther irrmitl )n ai lre, PLUMMER, VOUNO & C I. Pctrburc, Va April Ii?-iifrki JOHN ARMSTRONG. 0t:kCI5nKa AXU 11LAXK JI(ttK UJXirAC- 0vrr 0. N. C. R. ok Str. Raletrb. N. C rr.iiL, cx.CvTlo.v. vimt. axo ar.tnart! tKn;Kvrr, Made to Ciuet NORTH CAROUNA REPORTS TTHR Lw SOOX. Rotini! i- S-ipenor Law Binding M!King Nuii.vn of the Report atipp!ie and Odd N'nra taken in exchange for UinJin Oct 1 tt J. FI . LA & N Jt CU.t A A. Con. m$ tion and Fortca'rJiny Jlcr chmti. coLOJaoRa, x. r. corner cf Wet Centre an-j Chestnat ft UK A 1. 1. It IS Pork. Lard, Fih Flour. Cjrr, ai.. Ragging and othtr Farm sup plies. We cive trf-t attention to the salt and thiiiM). nt t.f cotmtrv Proluc and i-iavon Dro. Wilmington . C STWe tuy Stoiei5J O-i.ui tf. Cottou and Naval 12. .n. rRIVCTT V CO., wuuLEsxLK coumssios 1EHCIIA.TS Q 0 L D 5 B O R 0 N. C. Keep constant vy oa bn I a lrg? pljof Tork, Florr,Coro, &c, &c; Very law for caab. is: w. CAMtanx. ja. h. uil... CATICITOX AXD HILL, sccctaana T R. II. COWAN k CO., GEXF.KAI. COXMlSSUiy ASD snimxu MKliCHAXTS. Areata for M. Dvia rWa (Li'Vty V: Ce etI Chrwla Tobcc. Atcnts for Li-ter Dros. tfuper Pboo peatt Lime and boot Manor. AxnU for Vulcan lroa Works Rich CQOud Va. Ar ta for CroiJKlilt'a Paper Pboapot ate Wilmiuctoa, N. a No. 31 N. Vf airr Si. v'arth 8 till JantJl. Piltnpa. Every boty wno tih oa for PUMP ab.K3ld boy MORREL FIK ENGINE, DEEP WE I. and FORCE PUMP S ndforn en ir. POOLE AIio.n'T. Fab, 5ih. Baltimore. Md. Prices! Brl-U2! BrJ kt! 7E HAVE NOW ON HAND AT f our Riick Yard near Gold.' oro a npply of cool brkk. Partes wi.hinjf ptirchve will pleas CM' at our atore, at in no fn- f' v . t. .... ... . . 'ance Drictx wui. ct oauvrrtd at ibt KU wUhoul ,n ordr tf0m 9U Just 2 9th -tf U. WEIL BEOS. S7 WA7ta Sxuui ivr Tost FOR XUE.vtLEOF GREkNi DRIED FRUITS. PEA fcUrS.LKAFi FI5E CUT T01IACCO. wool, cor lON.lllDES.SK!, runs. hkmp. . 1UIES WAX WniSKEV, FEATIIEHS, IIA03. POULTRY. FLOCB, 0RA15. ." . . ... ! A l J ALL 14 IADS OF SOXTTZI OCASH ADVAKCED-p RIVES & PROCTOR, WSt.ltALC AXO aiTAJi DKUGGISTo, CtALXtS It Tlccllclnrs, Fancy d Td!t Anklet. I'nliite.OlU, nycstufla, rcarcaLAT. Irapcrtal aol Uoaeatle wixccw . onia.rcTTT, bPICEMc SOOTHERS LErOT rOH r03ADALTS Wcu'd rttpttftt!1r cai; the attention of MatlsA ta, PbyauU a, Plantert, at .2 etktrs, tathrir extc&Alva atck aaJ sa perior djufneata, y?itac CA TtuntTir j. prill as . X1ZW ICEltOL'll ColtUboro,9 Jf.C. GUOPitirply always on baa 1 atrl far-jlj obtd aT quaMny dtirH. to ciUieca of the Toa .ni um-oclr oun'ry.at .i l-rU aa ear ps bly tt -CcrJeJ. rrlf a:or.f loes or ibt' - ft I dilereitnait Rovla ca- h aup?lej at, every rriodcrnte rntca. aal with rerap4riiy lut by latii'og a picki-f en itdoo: frtach train J in U deiltertd at your atatioat ia iioa . ore to Le bears, frax itt itzi It 1'itti Ice Ilfluif ana ti t rH4iJai wtH i-ccr- tita fall anl rvllaVe. mrcad ita tltpiepru.tfr. Ch o.drs Itrporta of the Tlnrlcete tsHcitti. 1 rlcraplilc Deapntrlira Tcatu fi-rnltcd to trnies If lrtrrl L.Qc:il.eva nud Cieucrul but no accounts opneJ. Frb I'stt-r diclllrncr. alwaja oa bao 1 ia Ir Here Ur alt. al to a poo apply af Laoo en bo Hours far da tvery na Suolaja f rcn a m ' m iv usats p i rv waws satai r. c. I. . 1 1 i . r-1 u. i Mir civ r. t. a . mm m . UWJ,-U 7 " .voi'ti:, Y7"r-"r-dersi; red respectfully an 11 ti'Xiitce to the cilixcna of Wavne' aid a!j inin c u..try.tat having en I 1 lt KVI Jaa THAT XllCI irr. d into a cn.pt tner.Mi. f.r 'be pur t Xr.ttnX?l f tU Faraera ata ,. , ... r a.Iraoew.cat tf ATlfultare ia tb.taa ' PrTre-l to Jo any kiti of Car:iu at n tie 4'tertstaet :ef ab or ii. cur tin 'l;aucj trilal, tsrJcr iUtitltt Mr JonaU'.njr a practical rTirn a21X: CAROLINA rAItyiCTI. "ur iui:i.fM Kill l-c -ii.oui tf i prvr wtl! iitue Ibeftrt booW ii Koa ly and tuh:i? but wtit-r'la oik of- a f;icit fcoeiWrcf tsWritm art ivrj. I'litbied i par a rtrtlit tlare tf ,r l ,m,M tttM(An tit ctr'n- TMtctba to rrpiirn " : - " K - - - - Grte trial at ar nt w abopt p pciile tie ljplit Church. RAKLRAJ0NES. Apiil2-Vf. II. DENMARK, GRAIN AND PRODUCE DEALER couxissYox jrr- . ; a .v r. WRl r?t rrcssrt rrtcal atttstloa to tht tale oa couaifomtnt of allkiala ! rro product. Will aUo pay tit LlUIIKST CAlt I'tiiCE FOR CORN, OAT. PFAS OCce aaJ Here No. 6, touta U atr -treei TTILMlNOriN N. C. s. fya. 19. Kcw Ice House. HAVING received a full tupply ef let for tbattaaon, tLt frof ntirra cf .nr.W ICC IIOLSC 'akatlraAerein aercoaclo; to Ibt r - eo - pit aloos Ibt liat of tbe Wilmlco k "cuou rwaiiron-j tei Tartar- lira neb, tht ict or flrwt cut tntrt quality, I can be obtained at Otic Dollar UtiU i IX IlUlr, per barrtl ut 100 poaad, DELIVERED Tbe onderaigard batic btea lit Cnt t reduce ibt price, hop that their frita It w 1 a cct aet thai it la to tbcJr iatra to toitain the New lee llouae. WALKER MCHD Jt CO. Naw lea Ilotc, Wilaiar'.ou, . N. C. April Mt. B i ii g h a m School, MEUANEVILLE .V. C. WM. BlNGII.iM, B0DE1T BINGR.Ul VT.B. LYNCR, THE iIm of M-7b beraa Aa--ii.f Mk .1 i n . C-t 2Mb and contWea ulU. Tbaeurae ofio.f ruction ielula trt ordioary Eazli.b Brwin-bet. Aaclent ha guZ Fraoeb, Mathematics. Rok Keep lr vbii of .-aiarai restate. Esptaf WludBX taiiion, bH, foal, waa icj. b oaaaJ claibipj, JiSi. Circubri seat oa arplIcAiba. Jont.6-2w. ?"ACKENZ1E BROTHERS, Na. 112 IfJL Bali i more 6rtt, hmt CLanaa, Hxhlaiort. MJ I upon era of Ci'H, "ajo an J 5UJ Utry Hardware, ITaracaa Materia, Falloat Spores, fjobe. Row, Shafts, Axles, Erriet. Eoralrl wtzT pattut Canvwaa; Erafiaalad laab asi Collar Laaiber, CoacV Vamiab. Jaraa aat lathr Varakb, Haraa-a Oil. Black Idz Axis Graaaa, CarrWa BoJta, Baals, Oil Cloth, EncUaa, Ti rrrts Rao, Eirte, Ornacr ai. Ha met. Lag a, Frix, aTJ at the low tat rTxe fEOii'lIt-lXTi' n ecok grit ccr e d rx nx cri to tie XirTt tf Carit zA the ilccscbo'j -.tr at TxKicsasT, llm C. an d7taltr4r ?rfia tAtVt tdra&caoart awl trY-ar4 car AprkuIrcxU rwErr: cithlti-a r enlt caa t-s acroarrllili tj tl djta tatfacTcr?V. ai jmrLcit iafcaca. rtltcrlbvra hatsdfttT.ldtt at aA ar!r Car II-tt,UiUu l Tar J rax si l UHesuIf-I rUld a td f tactical wr!uri fn-s fj arctUa 1lfc eruttry 1U lar( Ib lirrrailrtirW J era. wgl ct.i??a!l 32 imztd ti v.Iuab't rtadlnr. asancr. aQ ail ie aVlWl la tbe very lrt tiyWcf tLe art. Xi PaI'.I.S Vha- 'jitM.l tbr. R bll trt. la tf.a rtiprrt, W tar ru-i tr fc-Xtr titzlUz -Jiraal U tLi t'trefctrr. Priea cf Scitrft ft jt fumble crec reetittcf ral at-il-er! rv- Liberal licdtsrtlorrs xuarie to Tit ritticf admUlar be tiaaa caR k, tLr y pYtCAvIc ccjal'ad ai txrA . ta u aUcUuta ari ciart'r.nt cT Tie rtV.!tvrrlly, aal Faroera fetiaily, are e:rr.ttly rta.l ta r tirwtrl la all cT tit ; rcjoa jtitlk ,tm Ldltcrtaal Prcrittara. or tlUHLEi I E1GG9. rctlliLrrt, Taibcre', N. C. THE .viORMXU&TAR lj"n i Enl-jrxd exi. arjrrrrel? fPn b well emUlilrl sad c!ir IVI X 1 r iitrtrf Ll .t.ll fr.Mta t m etlariJ act Isied tit Vcl m Wrf'&CLi ia tUttcca X4iiti aallt ccaidtctiy cftrrd t& tie lf. of tt t0 Carwli-aa aa ikci I U aa Jaur Jct talfa tivhtr of tLoat iiiA4fa. . - - ww Tht STAR It a Livt. rtutTfAL aat rkocatasrva xitriru, ttUtr.tlr lpt-J to Ibt ct.fa tf tLia aectfe f,Uat atd coaatrvitivt la Its t-tU-f, a ddtv led 19 th i Ctssrc:al a4 ArU cu!!u-l Ictt't.'a of iL Soaib, It raa- FR11J1 IN aMAX;r 'Mr co 2 so I is JB t"T s: f-w,:L iTbrtt Or T Ij.t.sI racrwtATt-a, 17i4aiexioa N.C. I T. VA T f TI A t win I I .1. I m m vaaa w w "III vr a.J'1.! ly it $J OO ytr annuo, la a Iact; .will cruiala t4 1cm tLaa thirlyt iarjt dutle-co'.ctaa t tin cf rraJla , tuttur bouoi ia bacJtvoct cottrv; aai ' io ljpsrt hk-al etecctico wul hr atirrawei by asy AgricaUiral Mttlll tee crat-try. lltit drrenaiafl t da wlattter tecrrv ill actual .UU ia fealUttae r.llt.Tli:rt wortiiyibt aop;-wrt cib ctciUrtat Ilaaten as! artana bf Ncrta j Carolisaan J Soclb Carlica;scl detir- : ity to icir!uct it left t vert craatr ia ; t'ta'ra, i Ubta ee;r acrirt t - ar rrery rwt-olct, t j wboea lit joiHUnl iedoacott wiUUtCtrw. I r tt-ba-ta Iniht tsCar.:!aaa;n cocfr ff. b!cb will be a.1 t i rr?rttc:, ty jitir.f tbl a a (.coerce rat ftw iemia La !tir altrtialx u U!sct. 8i:l a:b eiiiwial cucttt aa ttr iLiak tkt prlaole va!reofaacha rrvlUal at e fir? fabHshla; cay catify. IC7 I'artlet wUblr tt uVcrIbe caa da ti ii tt "Mrumurt cfTrfe. V. II. BERNARD A ilnlnrton N.O J - KUl2CdOOPIC VIEWS, ! AIjUUMH C2IHOH02L w EI 3z H. T. ANTHONT & CCf CO I 1E0ADVAT,SX7TOIX, mw 1 ' ZZ-?- ' I 111!!4 UI- ?Zl'ZZZ r.r.-"' CHROMOO. i Y. T. AKTHOT 6 CO MI BaearwAT, X.T. . TTnXLIUlf 0. MOBtHEf. If JTTOP.XKYir CCLDSSOSLO. N. C lC70ct aaocrJ Oar scna ct I rrttCt.e.

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