Vol 3. THE DAILY MESSENGER. " BY .t , ' A. BONITZ, Editor k Proprist r. J. n Jmncrattc organ of the Lonn- tips of Wayne, xnoir, ooptw, ana Green. n vear ...... vo.vi s; Mon.h.... ." 4.00 . -0.75 advertising; THE-MESSESfiB.Jittfi iv circulation Q-ual to jiny DiitT in'the State, and is constantly increasing. , PcBLtSHBP 0n great Thobuomkark of travel bo- ical location renders it the vert best Ad iTertisin? Medium in the country. I ti- x nVKRTlSEMENTS Are inser ted1 in the Dxilt Mjjsskxgkb at the follow-! Tncr rates - I o .. a a A bquare onerauuvu o.uu three " 18.f 0 six . ' 30.00 t one year ' 4.00 Ionic? AdrerttaaineaUa reportionate ontract ; rates, .-iranaient matter n harged one Dollar fof he nrrt, and Fir- T IrCJllD w yiw - l "ITT eolumn constiiute a souare Newspaper Laws, 1. A PoBtmaster is required to give - m lot anuwerthe law) wnen a hu?scribfri tuAa not take h s o :T)er ou of the office. tate the reasons for its not being taken;! J Bauer A r., New Yo-k. nd a neglect tu do so makes the Post- Orovcsteen, Fu le &. L o.. New York, laster responsible to the publisher for v' t". Fire IrtUS. ?2.PAnjpereon who takes a pap-r from E Rcminrton & So. e Post office, whether directed to h?s . Sewing TIacliincs. fame or another or whether he hssub- Empire Sew ng Machine Co., N. Y. :ribed or iot, ib responsible for the pay. 1 ww 3. If any person orders his paper dls- ICC "ouS. mtinue l, he mustpy all arrears jes. or S Hazel!. Goldshnro. le publisher may continue to send ir un- Publications lpivmentisraade, nl collfct the wIole ti, r w-. Wount, whether it betaken from the I?! aro,,na Farmrr. Uminemn. fice or not. The-e can be t.o legal dU- l.he K0nlnicted F.mer. larboro. mtinuinceunfil iho payment i-iade. rA7,tS NVant01' U S Pub .Co. 4. If the subsc iber order- his paper j "'tT Dictionary. betoppedat a certain time, an I the j Worcester' Dictionarc. iblisher continues to send, the guhscri-" Sunday Mesenper, (fild"boro. r id b .und to pay tor it if he takes it Once a Month Phi adelnh a. Itof the Pos oiice. 'ihe law iroceedsiThe Morninir Stnr. U iiTninn-ton. I the ground that a man must pay for n tt he uses. Tbe Courts have decided that re'u- IT frt f.ilr-A r Anron.i r Oiu A n r I va IAiIiAa Id I m the 'ostomce. or removinr snd hav-' them uncalled for is prima faca evi nce of intentional fraud. i vlcssenger Directory. Attorneys. Strong & Edmundson. Go!tiiboo, N. C. V? G Mprris: y, ' Goldsboro. Swift Galloway, Snow Hill, Greene cTmnty E A Th'tnpon, Baltimore, Md. Doctors. W T Robinson, GldslKro. Commission Mcrclianis. B M Privett & Co, Golds' oro. A J Flnlavson &'C Goldsboro. Cameron & XX ill Wilmingtou. Adrian & Vo'lers, Wilmington. H ram Ballard New York. A D Mcl.eod and Co, B ltiraore, Md, James Gorden & rQ , Norfolk, V. T A Willi :im & Co., Norfolk, Va. J B Hunter & C ., Purtsmoutfi, Va. Dry Goods. Sol Bear & Br Wilmington. t Devlin & Co, New York,. E Capp, Norfolk. Va. Sol Bear & Bro, Wiirnins;ton. Book. Bindery. John Armstrong. , -.Uy Raleigh. TTIioicsalellat Houses. Thos K Moire,' -Ptersliurg, Va. ngrgy and WaSn Makers- Baker & Jones; Goldsboro. Hotels. Granger's II-ue, . Goldsboro. Eurekr. House. Lynchburg, Va. Gaston Houe, Newbern. Mansion House, Charlotte. At' antic Jlouse, Beaufort. Fulton House. Wilmington. . Atlantic. Huse, Norfolk, Va. Jarratt'a Hotel,., . , , , Petersburg. Va I Ocean House, Portsmouth, Va. Emory'a Hotel, -: Weldon. Yarborough House,' ; Kalsipb.; American House. -i - ' PhiiadelphlaPa." American House, , " s . . - - BoslonJ Mass. " Kittrell Sprinffv " - North CiTolba, I '--! 1 '.-grocery Dealers Adriin'& Vollei. Wilmington. Cameron $ntUWI riinfttdrf. ! . A J. FrnUyfctb & CoiOo'iUboro. B-M Privettand ., Goldiiorn.. T A WjUiami & Os, Noifclk Va.' Wholcaale Shoe Ilonsrs. Sol Bear and Bro., j Wilminetoni N C. lloSfbeiroer & Kemphal', Norf.ilk. Ya. - . i , Famps Pole &'llnnt, Baltimore 5luV IHarblc.Yard- GJesi & BriV, Baltimore Md. Wagon aud saddler? riarcT- ?;r ' ' . trare. ; McKentlcBrother!. B-H noreMd.' . . druggists. J M Hon er. Goldsboro. K've & roct'r, reterxlur?. Vn. Watcuiialters . Jewellers C F r enwooi 4 Cv.. Not folk, Va. IatratiTIcdicine. Perrv DitW Pin Ki.'er. . Dr. Gcddin'8 Compound Gentian Bit- I ters. 1 1 If T-k Dr Hunters Vee'.ab'e Fever add Agur Beredy . 1 ThS"Win's Fr;tnd, J T Wizcins. Norfolk Va. ' b KokiK). Dr J J Lawrence. Noi f.ilk- v.uiUrn emenies, ur D Uicnaru., -n lork. The Journal, V lltnintoi.. Joh Printing Office at tha Dailr Messenser C unice " . " . w illluminaten Western WrM. N'. Y. ;uci y l UUlIC SJOIII TlllSSlOIlCr ! Ju ius A Bonitz, OoMboro. i Pianos. Chas M S jeff. B .h: u.ore. Calleses and Schools. Go!dh'ro Fema'e Cullcpe. Vra Robinson, Male Academy, Golds boro. jBiiighams' Scho 1, Mebanesville. lisccllaurous. Sterecopic Views. E A II T Anthonv t Co.. New Vork Dotv's W.hin2 Machines R L Bryw- tn'n?, N Y Airent. button. P Lorillrd. N Y. Bait Mil-utn of Anatomy. Adveriiinz A;encv, Win A Ilrarne &. Co . Gol lsloro. Huddi k Steam Engie, Chrtler. Pa. U S Advenivinj Ag-nrv, New York. Pnner D.aler, Ac-, Jil.n P Avery. Peiershurw, V. Marvins Saf,-s, Marvin & Co., N Y. Steamboats and Railroads. W tc W Railroad. The Great National Route, Bait and Olil U R. Petersburg 1 R. , "ealoard ana, Roanoke Kni' Road, elersburg ari4 Richmond Hail Bond. Baliiuiore St.'am Packet Company. JOLICS A. BONITZ, 1 GOLDS BOKO, N C Nrttry Public fur Krtk Carolina and ommirtUmer f Deeil for ilie ltes of NtSW YORK. VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY, SOUTH CAROLINA. ALABAMA, MARYLAND. TEXAS. Having, secured the services of me of the bet resident lair' and chim agents in Washington, the collection ! Government claims will receive nunc i . . i luhi aiieniioo. tAddrpsc A. Boxrrz, Goldto r . N. C. Box 22. Mar. HMf Geo. "V. Strong, J . W Edmudaon STRONG A EiMUNlSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW. G0LDSR0R0. N. C. W 7'ill . attend the Courts of Wavne. Johnston Wilson. Greene and Le noir; the Supreme Court o' tb State and the Circuit Court of thb ?. Collections attended to in alt cart of the State. T. A, WltfLIAJTIS V CO. WHOLESALE GROCER ' AND C0MMI3SI0X MERCUA N TS. No. 8 Roakoxe Sqharjc, Norfdk.Va A LWATS en. hand a full stock of aM xjl articles in the Grocery line at loirest market rates. btnet perso- al attention o consign menttf, and returns larly made. April ?3-lyr. promptly and regu- t SOL. BEAR & BROS. 18 Market Street, Wilmington N. C, WHOLESALE, and RETAIL DEALERS IS CLOTHING. . BllY G0QDS, . ; : y . BOOTS, shoes, sc., Ac. . Country Merchanta will find it to their before purchasing eisewberw- 1 March 28-tf; SOL. BEAR k DBQS. I GOLDSBORO', N. C.. TUESDA Y. JULY RAM and Sonthwrs't 8 Dedal fndneeracnta ire o!Ttm) tn Familits and par. wUhiu; tu Eml prate , . , Through tickets a rt ,.M at T7Bu DON. N Ci aed Ba?g:ge chcrkH through. m , ' . from Weldon to St. Louii. U ft v.n t I M t t( (I Cincinnati, onto js.no IndUnapolU, ln-1., 00 Chifzi, lit., r.j Mecjphli, Tenn.j S7,!MJ LouiTiUc,- Ky., ltSft St. Joseph, Mo.,- 4,0 KanM(:ityt Mo, 45.no Leavenworth. K&. ifi na I t II and all other extreme Western point n proportion, especially aionjr lur line of the Pac'fic Kail lit.): The above TAronj Kates include U tranters f. IUgyge an I, Pam ge. Three daily through 'fnnt'Cx- press Trains na Unit i Ohin Wn . Rotd lave Baltimore aid WaSinctn City daily for all cities in the Wt-1 and Southwest. Every full tkll is allowed 100 H of haczpe free nt ever 12 years buy ifull ckct. i.e tween 4 and 12 years rtv half urie. all uodcr 4 are free. Parties wihni5 tu emigrate should in all cases address me beforehand, in order to pive them information in r-pard to Hovle Baggagr, be. - - Tickets and checks arc obtained vii Weldon. N. of Od J. ij. TilcK niao.apent PetcrKburp II It or of Ca.t Peterson, apent Bay lint. For all fur tbrr infrrmatWa.ldress by letter. LOUIS ZIMER, Gen Southern A-L B. 40K RGrgenslH.ro. N C L M Cole. Genl. Ticket Act.. B & OR R.. B.h.. l!n ,. Wiishti, Ma.tr Tranota. lion. .D&Oll.t. Nv. '.M-l?!!! Wilmiiitoii iV Welcton Rid rot Coiupaiiy. Office Cuiep ExuiNut:K .vn Okx'l ) Wilmington, N. C, May 0, It CIIAXGEOFSCIircnULK. ON and after May loth, the p . sengc Trains on this Road wRl leave 'Mlruiny ton at 6:00 a. m. and 8:3 p. m., and -rrivc ic Wilmington at 4:3i a. m. and P:15 p. r . Leave Webbn at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m indanivea Weldon at 5:15 a. tn. and 3:00 m. GOING NORTH. ' Arrive at Leave Arrive Leave (Joldaboro Will a. n " t i '.. .... .lO.o a. o . 12:M p. n. ..1:03 a.m. GOING SOUTH Arrive at Goldsboro'. Lea re Arrive 44 44 ...3:10 p. rr". ...3 id p. r.. .rv i p. r. .12:0:) o. rr. Leave 44 ICf The DAY TRAIN will not run on Sunday a. Th DAY TRAIN connects with tbe Anncmesie and Hay Line. All aiv quick to the North. S. L. FREMON Mayll-ftl-tf. Knz St Su? U . A W. R. R. m.MlY.Y, UfickcfChi fExo.& Gi:v..Sitt,, Wilminzt.'U. N. f J ly 1, 1 63. JCxcMisiOn ta.rur Sen-Slmret UHolON TRAINS .1L1.. K run X.J in co connect On with -teainera from nil y inta on ttU rotd, aa re 1 a connect ing rot.lu, to cany rxcun-MiUt to the S.ii.Je at 3 -ItliTillc, Forts CaaeR, Fiahi-r, Andfinn n IthenunierrHia other deu n.ive work construct d dur Dy .be lateriv 1 war. "h' wi 1 t-'e in h.d t'leaccoaim'd. tins for fxemsttntct on the ireaabore and at Smithville 1 S. L. FREMONT, Eng. Atupt. July 3-lt. rpHE' BALTIMORE STEMPACKcT X COMPANY. FOR BALTIMORE AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND WrST. One of the Stesmers of the'!T. Baltimore Psc et Tomnanv jr-T,irt willleav? thir wharf. East Witf li ter Street. Norfolk, a 5 r. M. iaii.t (Sun-inya expecte-l), and rortS'iouth on the arrival of the Evening Paaenrr Train of the Seaboard and Uoanake Rail road, at 7-lft r. m. . TOUtUIING AT OLD POINT. The Company are nvr muning their Cne Steamer's. LOUISIANA; . GEORGE LEXRY. and ADELAIDE, all in thorouzh order and rem irkable or their speed atnl safety. taterfras may be engaged during tbe day. i r " - " ' For rates of passage, freights or other information, app'y to f). C, Ball. A!. Portm'-uth, U. Phrtcbn. Apcnt. ( Id Point, rt' the office of the. Coupan . J(MIN TERMILLTON imt. R. L. Poor. Gea! Agent Baltimore. Feb 26-tf. OFFER EXrriAOTtDI'VArtV NcAitr Six IIcvprkp t'v.M or tiic uoictsr Riudisto ma 60 ck'xrs. In oi ttr to give the people an opnortn nitv to become Wtter acoualntl with their heautirul neazinev- 4,ONCE- A MONTH," tbe pnbliMbcra , will aend the first six nncbeni of thuvear forSOcenta Each number of.Miiflcea Minth" contains 96 doab e column pages ef the bet sto ries and entertaining and intructire rea ding to be found in any nagxiae In tha eo'intry. The aubscription price ia 82 a year, lit ' yographical beauty ia vol ex calied. . Send SO ntB, an-1 you will get thia beautiful mwiilae from ouary to Jane ofihit ve-ir,. cooiaintnj io paea ci ' Addresa T. S. A HTHUrl h EON, 03 i 8!! Chatt&at Slreat, Pail. DEVLIN & CO. CLOTHING HOUSES "roadway ror.Grand Street nroadwny,- ror. Wnrre,, St .NEW YORK. DT.!?JX AtL THE ALNESS AREPilENTrniv CI STOI Ac ItODV-WADC UKPABT.MF.NT OF CLOT FUNG SH1UTS .OFTIIECELEDRATEO AMERICAN YOKB PATThRX Wllf- r, " u A IV S 1 ' winlNQ 000 rt q -ikt uiatjniPTio.v. Sf eUlltra foegrrajr ae Hel Cber 1st Suits, ReaJy-mide nm, ,tn or.ltrt . h danc- variety v. .rw a y!s f..r IC7 U.ters f i.o..irv i-omplv "re ptied to, and yitcn, tl a.taurrce-t"i.ni t'D applirat.ot. At ril 0-2 m n. 1 1 v ...... - wnncrsTrns SERIES t'F DICTIONARIES. C-ii. log I. trcce?e,a Rival 4to I lut.atrl Dic arv II. M ere c 'a L" ivn' an! Cri:L-i Diet onr. for Sc o'. III. Worca er'a Graphrcl.coi.e tic t:cnsry. IV. Worcerter' E eme r.tarr Dictknrr V. Wore. a pTi t.Hy tLti nary. " Pr WO-rr,STERS II.LrSTRATED ROYAL QUARTO IMCTI AHV r puv ihe I in 1853. It a maa ie v.nrc f 1P54 are, n I c a co lid-r 1 more ih-noi-e bun rei thoua.d ,.!.;., i vocibal-ry, wti th -ir pn nuncia tion, -'5 lit on asd etjri Ug. it ja dhta r,rl w th a t all, re t oou (k tnd ia eurc'-d by n ore thai a huami rxcrJlriitTic'.eaejnSjnnjnua In .rich fi c t'u us-ind yti9 .yn.ova urt 3f-.rn t d, and accurately and C rclrr i" u. tat dbys ortnnd rcllchoa ucxam !a . "The ne and attlrntie rtjaVccvs he c ncinti anT com" T tei eabf tl e deftult'oTWrf t4e tiiiv with wi.irt. f ... di4! r-n ab'dva o n.a loj in aynn't-' ui.s are 'Ua.in.uunt a. nn.i i, c crcci r t oua accuracv o t!ic ork l-t a 1 its de- iKii at c atmaic pub iciavwr. i. iao. CulVn Pry n. "I concur ith thr rt.Ua f Mr.Crs-ant.'- Waihi rto-Trvin. ' Pub Dhnl by It II ; WE tS. HI ESTON, I 1SI WfcaLi. gtoaSrrcct. Itcton. i Ju-e 30- f. United St.ife4! Atlvertlslnr; ACE(Y, M-mi n n 1FC2. J. A. OSE. Cropriefnr. 123, IZ7 123 FCLTOy .V., Qcn. XaSC (.14 Herald RuiMior ) NEW YOLK. A rertiifmenlt R c irel W all H and Lun r ec. Pajcra throtm,lthe T..e Uuitel t.i-t c nrainr 61 Letdin; Dil?anl 52 Fir t CMf WieVIy. h-.i art t jrre?ate circalation cf -earlv nine niiliona pr month eooia!ninz ujU ia p.r the New York UrraU, Tilbuae Frank i-eflie and Haryert Wrt.lf . ' j Ti.r. who wiat t cx-oi AdrtV Fiald 1 ab.ul i r0r files ol P-: frs an 1 ea:iraax J.ine 3-if. HE LT 1 1 TO H FiTt )HK lAiST yom' r. To recaove th atTrcU of esrly error. To M.n i vol- nUrily euioar enif o8. To rexain meamrj ai I ielf. -g.i:n. To itop the w.tite of mind and uotnre. To be cured perroasentlr of varicocele in fnar dira. To b trrt rl eie it ideally for any dieae of a rrivate nsture l.v a MEDICAL lNCURPOK. TIO.N. To know lolly of all thl-. To eeod circuU r, with tetrns teod cent. Ia. a WlLL'AMS, Ba483. Si. Paul M in. . i . PItllosoplijr or Jtlnrrintze. A.NKiV CJU,tr: OP IFtHt HE. aa de Ircred t thi New. York Mtiru of Anatomy, embraeing the tmpject: Ilnw ta Live r.J Whit ta 1 L Pnr Youth Maturtr and !d Ae ; Mnh oi Oener,llr Rrviwrl . Tc Catie -f In li- n . i . . i i ... iuxortcl for; Mrr'are iMilo-oph. i iy v.niiere.I,ftr. Thee Uc urc- wR be rorwardel on mirt f f lour sunpa bt a l.lreaainp : Mrr.T Raltivirk Miir 'rAxTovT.74 Weat 'Rblnire St-ert, Rsltimere, Md. may 9-eo-IIj :S69 svnra- 1S69 i tio.nAS n. noon. t 15 .Sycn more 8 tree t, rirrEPDui'o, va., , ho" receivb a frl srni.c; stock oritXTs. which embraces all the NEW ard lrtha blea itTlew. ; - i -. - r 4 - 7 .He iavItes NaMentta of bver. b. lietiaz hia G-yvJa wiU eonpsre favorably with those of aoyobbiog bontt." , ,Mercl.ant who are In the kahft If go ig farther oHh would da well ta eraxa in 'Matlock; April 18 raw JOB PRI.VrrriJ af arery rtea-tip. tioa zxtxily executed ai this eSca. ,13, 1869. 1 2 tNat- llfll O ' ' ' MANSION liOi:$F CtlAKLOTTl X C. r T -- an I . m " r . - c rrztrMly. wc P.MOORE TilC ATL1ATIC HOTEL." I Dr.Cr"!inT t r T3N0WPKV FOrt TlVr t I X.er0! ! ,!,fn rr;a cf -11 iK. I II. E. rnvritpirr Jnte 14 UJtf. Eureka Iloutc. No- 73 Wrx nr., T.rxrrr o Va 1 J IIX lIKLntn iwAl-.'' TT:1 ! the Vo. wnV i i!!.V Ptiafami,k ow prepart,farai,kl ' u"?T"' ,? l9' r-t U s. r "-tl. F"a "Jttr. 0O , - ' - r rilnocea to the public. ' , ,i r in ai. repecta it i lirairl:i. and the trarrllf r may r , tl Ocrnn. aat iont - "vvmu iioiiir i ene tt tV tlfmrm.. ,kV " " Virxiaia. It i o anr Lou.e at thia h,rWf , ? inol-tmctel vl.w ftr al mouth, the VtTr V.rt , in un ner. ......i t-i . . ' ,f rlea- r rrf i ioitte the trt,iij, i i.e iTrrfetr. rr.r.l,i f f ft! V'v. . - - -- ft? i t t ad to No th in r.iiKII. i. I i i04i a speci! grertlor. - . m.,.t , , itfiaiaa B. F RRiacs. ..... . rtinir UrUtvoId) iiiii kr PnFcn.lrrai-. fc.tr r-ce .tlv l!a t -r., u-;j. ai-j..., Ik- 'l.at t o . tf..., .i..,. , .1 " V . 11 ' hinjf i. ant n? alKut thit IIue t. ati.f.ctQr p'e-nt r.r-f! r. nr. tis! ihe titidic I ju b enthor 0-i y rvnnta:ed nnd fitted in.i2 a j nui ana many ennren r.c . "tfTi m rnn. i If Me!, a. all hr. -f "f V?tfln,,Ic wa iL.s a.y f-c l ttrirf'T. .v.. Z c. o'ber imrmrrm,.u..Jtw1,!r drtrtrttn.1 rsWtarcvrwL t nil ler-n Mr J A. Grtr partner is an old t t. U mrw.,..p irr far. . ic in go n, It knflitn tn II.. ...I i . 'J1"4 '4 '4J 'iranser !!- i. p ace. and we kn.i tht i l, i. -xpvrut, aid :. f-riiit,, afT.rlr.l wc ta, ,,!ea,9 ,jc fasi;I ai'l j wr a.L t 1 the ttarel n pUH:ir i. a f1f lr , T. A HRANGEit A CO 1 Mrch l.tf. ITARUMIED 1M7. C. F. UreTn , Iflera. Dalr in Fine Go! 1 andftltV ; Ratchet. iHsmftr. I. pfiti.,, vtr nj.K; t Jewelrr. JoIi-t SiUr and Plsttd War'e.i t No. 27 Main Ftrrt. Wr..u v- v n . ii irii.. i t . " . l by the mo,t iiuj C. F. GfKv; JOHN Ar.MSTRONti. enr.aaixota ajr0 BLAXK litiftK MJ.VLrAC TA . Ov-r tV.e NV C. Book Store, Bale!2b. N. C. TatiL, rxnyv.wirri1 Aoarrr,irr IHX'KETrt, 3Iade to Urwt NORTH CAROLINA REPORT'11 H'f,f'", C Fema'e Rcrr io oTiica Litr- .rtoau !dKiwOraa.ajr Hyitrtla, rrva Mining NMh.s of t! Pcr-7. A P.' and Odd .Whcra. lafcrt, in exchange (or BinJtn 'ct I t mvrs a rnorron. w.nj.jisTs, - cut ra ix DRUG. Melrltirt rn-y .! T.d1 trti.t- I'llltlts. )u, nycVtnfVa. riarcarar. Imported al mxn rU(oV GL.. PUTTY. SOUTHERN DEPOT FOti ROislDALtf h,M rrrrriraUr cal. h 4it,nU .f VJemv la. PfcrtirU. Pt.i. -.i Joihere. tothiresitoT aUk ,aj ,3. (.cruir ,n jurreci, ycaac It,Pet-vh0rx. prill mo K A.TiionrHox. . .JTTitnyer.iT-j.or. ' No. 2 LW BntDSNrr, ' (:t. p4 .Itret) .. BALTIMor.r, MP ' wzrxsctm r,trr. Vte. V. p. Or Ttrr. !f. C. WVtV4 A RaN7c NlUUaJpc;, Jax titf. . No. 109. u.TUcns of ihe .-5l.?.rtUnSr Incidents. V5D AMONG ALL rOFL r IT Vu.tcr o( '"I'.apa.u.V M.pcf tU B pttr I.0CO 11-A.tr.t.W. T u tt.t d .titr-Mrl .iniittia LOrOt iff 1 .r'-. i i ttt Cr-lck- iVtt, a, etc., etc., re. - AcemwrnED. " Idea. at- ir attractive thtt .. . . i t . iwr mi' ' ' 'i tn i a it .r .v . . fc - u. wtr ee i . . ta, 1J4?b crnT-rr na. tit &Mt til I-, . 'cract rtiMi.i Jl.v !; Hr, H U aTa rvfa ei Luv it L t-c tie lJk r crculAr 3J trt.j at "car t. Caj:el Statatrnbli LlaiO. jit rt w... viwei t m . a- . . July C-tf. City. fcrt wani!e m. an I c-'Cianira of . ic :rrr'I . iht k . h.ir,,?.M70trinuf4cturerT. Ulu- ?. ftal P Vft fi.- tUir irf. f.'f t tO rLinrfTf ft - pr.Mraee cffeor p anl it.-e our TraJe Maria. o that a di( If.. ti--. U oce.4f ta ilfM-i tv,A .triM fro th rt.Ja,. i i nHtfi..f . .V - . . .. M ur, if. to w" .u.-Muj.nntu,,,.,, vf Ztrw warn taruMic arsin.t tie isr ' .'7 yr ?nt io T"." 7 ' nrci: cea. F,cfa:!e!tr.l.;tri. Ir Cl e k, :ter ai erilna! aed aacru .f'!1' ? JETtat .trerph aal tt; ! d l 1Tra!i ior.ala ai '-If if n im cn .... v 1 Jr,,e? p.,vt rf If ?:t ia fff (Ilir4 3 T v0. o. ttc c& (EitraUrk) ia Jirt J. ' .rhltJiWBlt5f:T- du iaivnrricir.s '.VOMA.N FHIKND! a rf cd rt'.jahlereJr for ! 3ni.rs, f E -rm ia. PrrJci CTf' tal!".g rf fi fie ir..nl Irrrpnl". P-mftl, r pi J .Vrrcffit lTolttttsV nra;Airp vo mi ii dies in Amerirnr ' Tr wWt t-raSt 1t u dravd ,id U happiat4a ilal 1 rot:t by ,tLe d covrer. I J. J. LA R ENfTll. Otairf.- to rnifiT; Te articVa . f'vMcb tbe Vcrx fr!nd a e-raruodrl are r a Miaow 1 ,.r unlech hvtw aifi it i, Itl ir) ,the tn f.frice Teak ata Aheratit je d-crrrrel- , 2 It Is TiIntNf anj rfl'iLlv irt la mtca Acnm w.i !tte d f o rt 1 Klsbtsnttil SeeretB - Ot tbe AniioanlCpiial. A w. t Uir4ifo ef WijiTirtrt. ri- 'tr: -ta h?ch and low-fife. rr-m-ii fMie lil lhi,! kU4ea aroW. ti , t.alea aad corur:i-n. the Itirlt werk lrsr o tb 0vrraeecl. FLrwo- tow ;UjItlittrxy::i aa Irrrl z Uv jrl-rs are xl : how oiU art blacd-mailed: U roa&terfrhtnV fa lerrie-l erTsTsriTlT i-rmnj.a!e tvr rK U4r Vetta.-ti; ' ft ? ffC p--. a. ar iiiJDIoc. l2Jtrclitr. acd 't "t lk 'r?p.. aal a fu . . . tirrwir av tee onr full JrcHrtkn tf ttr vtri. UMJED,TATEA .PCBLf?HISn ra. " U; trwFt; N T." IOn.fUtOICSiOAI.V.F.r a nk?e.atia? a rrtrVal le a!e. a l ire. Mri- 5.0!t(JAN 1 To Ua El T7ATi:n- LADY At-OT. T la vf re Tf n tl Tnr; tn '! N eirrr IJv wRTpceraie j, ddra Mi a WrLLl.QIF: JT Fa!! t.. x.r. . - . - . 1 r 3RTCXF. H V STAT C x-a-ry rtalr 5trsjJe 12- Ad'i IXYEN.OR.p.CrjSi New To.. TP YOnWlVrr.. n. rr-. JL rtillkadif rTaaniet.t ncAa( tVaa fkt'ta,etfi rfeacHfaitaTJai.rrUtlag, i h u;a f r