Daily Messenger. th G0LD3B0R0, JULY 26, I860- ltFor us Principle is Principle -Right is Rigid yesterday, to-doy, to-morroir. Forever.''' 1 ; i The People's Ticket, GOLDSBORO TOWXS1IIP. t FOR MAGISTRATES: Dtf. DAXIFL COGDELL, rS. D. PHILLIPS; (THAS. J. NELSON, Vl GllEKCH. D. FA IIOOK3, POR SCilfet tJJIITTEE: J..W. GULTCK, DR. A. C. DAVI?, NATHAN BOYD. v FOR CLERK: JA. M. HOLLOWELL. r rconstable: GARRY EDMUNDSON. crti TvtiVownsbip met ourt Honse on Friday even in the in" la1?!, ana ciosea us iauora vy i i i " . i.i l. I nominating a straight out ticket. The meeting was well repreae .ted. The nominations are now complete. We hoist the ticket on our mast head, and in so doiog pledge it a hearty support, regardless of person alities or prejudice. If these who h v3 been so unanimously clioen, do not? in the estimation of rome, come fully up to the standard, the fact is to be deplored. But it cac- not be ernected that everybody r "i should feel satisfied with the nomi nations, and of course, we allow to hear of some dissatisfaction. So f ir as the naminecs are concerned we helieve they are plain and out- thor pnniroca tion nor subterfuge about them. They are all in perfect harmony with the true Democratic ring, and commend themselves to the earnest consideration and support of every citizen, regardless of color, and pol itics, who desires that the affairs of this township shall be managed with a view to the promotion of the gen eral welfare. We earnestly believe that the .i . gentlemen composicg this ticket are in every particular, that g?e3 to make np tnod and suitable men (or the position for which they have been chosen, a head and shoulders above any opponents the radical faction of this township may briDg against them. Tuat this fact is du ly apr reciited by the public we fepl well assured; and that tby will command much more than the party vote is an absolute certainty. Death from a Scientific Point or View. It is a law of nature that whatever has a beginning must also have an end, the idea of death itself being associa ted with birth. But this term of life, the moment that reduces to inert raattci the body which life had animated, may arrive Xooner or Jater, acoidcn'ally or nat- one of the esstTaTdrganVrllcn from some cause or " other rL me act. these nrlnSvfai- J lr' c.ea:ses to brain, lungs andiibarfe nr; i-JL "'Bns Demg 1 yetlifS S? inZ breLhiUPPres8ed'and some time hi Itl ?f!5InS may for linger within; butwh SJ of the heart cease Accidental detih therefoe ? the more rapid from its cauung1 ffcore immediately bn the circulating thU v U my haPP'a at a,l flges, al "?SU h much more frequent in tho - Ir 1 Uui 1attcr stages of exist ence. " Naturaj death is much -raw Occi dents or disease almost al Wavs rnnsn. wing life before, the , rcfiupon by nature. - r r. -v- advancedahaPP0'1 ata more or les C liaritiesofconstTTuTSiSS totho pec.:-J"8 frcakf nature has not yet sub mate, &c. Whn u race, cli- d-d. fon follows its ion,"0 .of.S" Parts in an epposile 1Ue U.ci i 0 m winch it hart I,. , roi? t,,,: the . j u my seems tr i " country from tho iicart to the rcmot., """Mn iuQiicst orcr tlio bodr 0f but in tho old ma lt ZtM C !v cn l"e r""- - ! i ' - t th nrZr " w QrcunereoC nanes nis nnrfv r, u 'r - - .wx VWU LI 1 linn . 1 men (nc monla k com,n? mot onles,, and obcrfng law of heaviness, lose, their enfibi i ty andhear,the muscIesnoloLrobev flkin becomes cold and dry. r is col ered vr.th a vicious BweatlS ftce as" Humes a charfiCteristic aspLp! deen infted;Ahe CVCS nse tied, tho ejcIi,,s are half closed cheek-btnes become pminent, nose drop?y and the decolored arc narted nm nu.t...j m. the the lips uiJlT, pa--lu- voice "lougHr, uccomes incoherent eyes lose their powers of vision the and j the rlfartnrv nerves are lnsensioie lo j odors; but hearing is among the last of the faculties that !eave him. ihe ao dwninal and pectoral viscera coase to fulGl their function?, drinks fall into the cesopb:i5us as into an inert tube: breathing becomes short, slow, and irrajrular, now su'pended, now re newed, terminating finally in tho last was to easp. ine puise oeats rapiaiy, uui. fainter ana iainier, onering numerous remittances until it ceases to be ppre ciable. The heart st'dl continue beat in? feebly and irregularly, and its Ust contraction matks the moment that separates lire and death. No vestatro of life now remains ex cent in ccr'am tissue. whch, even f rsome time aftei de ttb, retain organ ic properties; the capillaries are con tmftoA Kf n. to drive inl the Tens the blood they contain; the ir-itably of the muscles its demonstrated when i laocd under the influence ot the to - . t tic pile; the uterus cm pxtc! ;"' in fant within, even whn th- hMrt lm ceased to hea', etc. Thn last phen- nn.ena of life soon disappear, then the blood cconipo.se?, it liquid parts-infiltrating the tisus, and its solid clc- monfi lpin- denositc 1 eitlier on the heart or on the sides of the vessel?. Then follows decomposition, which slowly and misterinulr reduces the whole to water, carbonic acid and am monia beiOff the products 'nto which T 1 iW5ns which enable ttieprxrr.ts to earoraie mem; mus uc cm1v nf Tmlrpfisntinn- at first 60 re- 1 ... vomnp, ncijuwo t ii! n nlnlncnnhi . . ... I a. Li. . mif rn na n cai inieresi, wnne icitaiui -chain-work of phcnomnA admirable on account of its beautiful simplicity. The Virginia Election Cabinet. in the A "Washington spccinl in the New YoTk Tribune gives some details of "he Cabinet, at which the election in Vir ginia was considered. The Tribune r correspondent says: In these dispatches, las1 evening, a brief statement was civen of some of the nrozeedinirs of the Cabinet mcct- . insr vestcrdar. Tc-Jay more ndditin- . . . . , ... . al facts concerning tne same sui-jeci were made public, lit seems that Sec rctary Houtwcll made a Ions speach against fie administntion piving aid and comfort, to the movements of 'he politicians in Vireinin, v'ls'.ippi and Texas, and stvlc thcmselvs t4ton BCrvailVCS.' . lie li;vi ho uuu m ui': nccessful party in Virginia if the Ad ministration insisted on countomciof the "Conservative" or '-National Re publican" yarty in Texas and Missis sippi. As he understood it the party in power is known simply as the t4RcpuUican" party, and, un less he was grc-itly mistaken, the so called "Conservatives ' arc tU2 enem ies of that party, and did not endorse or support tho p'atlorm on which Tresideni Grant was elected. He thought the AduiJrMUmtion owed itself . .... -. to the party thatpul it in power to be- ware ot he pretender", ana to t ike no f tho..ne; movcrncn,s- wnic ro;rht result in disaster, lie thought that the position of the admin istraiion toward che "Walker party in Virginia had bon mi-in!cpreted, and he country had been led to be lieve things which wcro not trno coi. ccrn;UT the s ime. He hid been in coin munieuti- n wflli prominent loaders of the Uctlican party, both North and South, and found that they had fallen into the error of supposing that the so-called "Conservatives" of Virginia and other Southern States had receiv ed the full indosemcnt oithe Adminis tration, and they seemed aUmed. lie counseled extreme caution, ani rigid adherence to tbo principles of the par ty of wheh he and his associates had been selected as representatives. The result Mas that it was unanimous1 v agreed o have me oicci!'ns in sipp and Texas take nlace . i - :', -Fall elections the Northern St i'p-, and as near he time of ihe nscnhliug of Congress as possible. ftE Late Raix of Ssakesiv E-t Tenkssee A lettor ff..m Nas'iville, Julvl7, states hc account of the re marlahle phenomenon of a rain of snakes i.j India Gap, East Tcnn., a few da vs since, proves to be correct. Afield haud wotMrig for Jnms Cook on his farm, about half a mile from the gap, was examining the i2ikro on the morning succeeding their fa vn- 5!ng one huge sntkehe was :n th n?Urin" it with n clrinr . Stir o - TT-no.'TW.unioed -nrl foil wilfl u.ohi .tv,iicu arms on ol the dj'ing and dead rr,ac8 serpents. Quo , J w mm in the thumb of the left hand. The por fellow hastened from, the phec as quick as possible ami reacned -he far;u ouse of his em ployer. Ho W5r given immedia - . -iiijni every pfTort tli Vincn man h:.i i Nmlown. -Hie a!-rm oMi.i.j u Coroikr's Jsqv L'EST On C ornin( B F. Fralcv n L j , vf iiuih an infant rs wer tuwu In Lock's Township, on the farm cf a jir. liarnreirr f n rr. ; 1 r . are living, consisting , f Luon Barn heart colored, his wife, two crown Uaa-htcr., a grown so nor two, and perhaps some emallcr children For some time past a very cIose intimacy has been noticed between T.n., Jaue, his daughter, and as the sequel , criminal, jast daiurciay moruinir .Lmft v:..l i , , b .irin oachi.d, whose paternity, shesweara to be traceable to her father At rite, before ihe child was bnm T.nr,l made several unsuccessful attempts to bring about a premature birth by ad ministering various teas. IU tried to make Jaue swear it to a ne-ro ia neighborhood, but the as persist ently refused, alleging that be al"R its rather, and ue wouii nu swear 10 a ne. Alter cxnauuu9 his powers of moral persuasion, and failing to prevail tipon her to arcim pany him to the woods, he determined resort to other means. S3 last t ri- I m 1 day, while in th field at wor ,,w tucked Jano w th great violence . t.-i.. i r . m. . m a - m k m p i w :nv mw,A KMtino V. Inhnfflinir. I and v ould no doubt bve killed ner, as he said he woulJ. but for the in- terlerenccoi the othr negroes present, i The Dead now feHinir that he hsa done his work nrettv effectual! f . took to the woods and has not been bal of since. O.i Frld.tr n"ht. Jane, uftcr sufferins creatasony. irato birth, pre mUurely, to n child which lived ne cirht honr. The Cimnrr M sen' fjr, a jury summoned, and nft rhcar- in hn evidpneo a i.d TAtiiinin!? the child, whicU bore marks nf violence, gave in a verdict to the c.Tcct, that the child come to its death br reaon oil the bea:intr of its mother, bv Lunn Damheart, her father. The evide-ce in the ahove esse showdabiutal and inhuman conduct on the nart of thetle-d. Lun, which has but few parallel?. -Salisbury Ex aminer. Reduce the Tax-L4st. Aetiog ATTtlia rrnt diHsloii of the Su- Wme Court, in tne Unitfrity Haf V V w- " rer and Auditor, says th- Statflard, hare is sued a circular to the Com nissmiera of the several counties, advising hem to revise the tax lists, and n t ctMect the taxes levied Mr three raitnftd. The amr unts appropriated to the' dif Icrcnt railroads referre4 to rcpecive ly are: for the Univerily rairoad 300,000, f r the Fdentun &. SifTulk railroad Jv0.HX; for the Kastert and Western railroad (the proposed -mad fr-m Henderson to Mt. Airy,) SOOO, OOt), making a total tf 51,000. which must be deducted from theStatc debt. The circular read: STATE OF NO.ITII CAROUJA. TKEASLRT I)ErAI:TMKTv Ilcih, July C2J,UC0 To the Chairman of ihe of immis sioners of the County of Sir: The Supremo Court f the State has dec ded in the ca.o f t!ic University IUUioa l Company s. the Governor and Treasurer, that special taxes levied to pav interest or bonds author's) 1 to be issued for t r "pur pose ot building nilroad, whli were not begun and unfinished at tl time of the ad ption of the Conslitulm.are unconstitutional. I After consultation with the tuncil of State nnd the Attorney Gene view of sid decision we are I. in vied that tlic principle of the decisih tin- deubte-Uv lncfHip Uc 1 .liowid rail road, viz; The I mror-ity IJ p'art, the Kastcrn nnd Wcs'crn Ka"droA0,'i)e Kdetito nl SufTn'k nilroad liy Section 2tJ of An act pro vide for the co'Icc'iun of taxe?f y the State and by the hcveral contirs of the State, on property, poll h'l in come," ratified March IS, l, the C- mmi'sioners of the Cmirfe have piwcr to rcvi5e tax lists, whfe exec- sivc taxes arc imposed. there- lore advise j ou to amend ti tat ImU of your County by striking.bcrefroni the special ta ce pnnounc-jvoid by the above mentioned decisij. For th'j above Roads thejtarcs on the real and personal proprty of th State are as follows: I University Railroad, o hundrcth of one per cont. Eastern and Western Rflroad, one twentieth of one per ccnti Edcnton and Suffolk Fllroad, one fortieth of one per cent. Agregatcseventeen f o hmdrctli of one per cent , or S lVccnts on the .$100 value. Wc think it best lha this per cent asc should be deducted from the spe cial taxc. Urdcr Action 19 o the tfiresaid act is the du'V of tucoiumis!sner.to make oil calculation neccsiary (oras- certaininc the am"utt of taxes du' by each tax payer. We think it lew ia v ue a v. 1 ho cor r . . ... be tutored on the lits ip-nT CCnTr r..r M,nk co'umn. 4 . Alter HI the correcnVV lcen "flrilir Clerl--Jf ffrf H i11 of l.om mi.Kirt0erii ,.ut f.-wart ',e udt or n ;.-cn'lciJ uhtrac' " ''"in Uie ihe xcs Rooeral r.d iccM due ly thJ County to the PuMic Irasury. In carrj ing into fTcct tic fores 'ioK recouimcod ition it ii not At all neces sary thai there shall bey delay in the collection of taxes. The Sheriffs will br held rigidly t i the acc untability ecrtlod by Utr. Very respecdly D. A. Jlke, Public Trea-urer. II. Adams, Auditor. His Excellency Govcrmr Holdcn has received a rnion tjgnetj b' about two fcundred citizen; of Wil- James II. braros. tried at July term of tho Special O art, charge with an asuir wnn intent to rane. Hi .!,. brouzht in the verdici -guiltf of an assaals;; and the prisoner waanten co-l to th-ri dy imprionmnt .nd iuer in 1 arms ut that at the last League meeting there was but ono scent i the whole crowd. That accounts for the low prjCCjl Katherford Vindizator. lhcrctore,that iheCom.m.-stoncra lect hi, ch;nf. for V, f.r : " make the correction a'ove indite wtin t?!": ,r'f 11- 1 niu. wt ' " .'. "M''". Am yon of .v . v, uu,cr ?c, Ul, notopo, and revive is no doubt Lest, thin wor "Tfc the recol!cc'ion f the days cf "AuU done ko sp-oddv a to involv . J. I Ln avne." Ico Crr&m ,..1 . V.MV- a irranieu.ana Ihe pardun was is- l'rtr v iY J T na "icrn sued y csteTdy.-Sanjirc. V tlrLA- urmr ftM:U-- Un?.1,d,.C5 dring lobecomt At the Big Island land aale rw...i n-! 1 hijth,jr oop'.iahed. good price, hvery Umniii aeuinn r n ?Fr . - w au& arrnmh iaha,i vl. v Tnc NoutU Caiiousa Excvisiomst, - About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the excuralcn train from Wilmington, N. C, armed in our city, bringing nearly ZOO person?. Tho train Jtir Wilminjrton at 4 o'clock in the mom- ing Wstb a goodly namber, bat at eve- rr station slone tho route addition - ..-in. kid vr miIo until iba nurnocr wa & u mm www w ' - IimI in .UNI. OuroM aeqoainiancc, v-" Georg Morri-on, bad chare cl the excursion iriot unu tuniiiun"- to the cnfrt of his pa enters by bis attention and Garter; Conductor Urowuin- was alo aionff, and hi aM fricn l were much rlead to see , him a a n. Vh?n the tiin armed at t depot ik ATnrtinn'uli nrmtnl. S mc of lnCn1 remaining in Portsmouth, oth rnin to Norfolk an I Ualtiroore, .ut the mj iritr went don on the cxcum uti to OU ivint anJ the i-apct. Anion th- visitors stopping in PorU.nouth arc the Mayor f Hn and a number of the bantilul uoics 0fthe 0:d North Sta'e. 1 he excua on- i return on inuraaav i t mormng. Norfolk Virginian. A preliaiinary examinat?on int the Lillmtsof miliiia'roan Putner. and the rundine nCM. was beard before Mtvor IlarrWi yesterday. A lv:e number or member or the company wis examined, and much of the testi mony wa very irrelevant. JefT. Ha lin awor seeing Sargeant W. S. Walker bayonet Putner as Putney wa seizing a niukct after threaten ing to kill t jo guard. Michel Con nolly tetifid to having evn Sarnt Wm. Rcll bayon-t Mo; nd Hi I core that Connolly ran when the uruj gel commenced, and conid not see the cufHe, because his back was turned. No evidence was adduced acint Hood, who is now confined at Cld baro. Walker wa committed to jt without bail; and Rcll was committed in default of $j,000 bad to awiit the result nfihe wound of Mom. Puney was buried yesterday. Mom i quite weak from the loss of blood and is not out ofdanrer. St.indtrd Accidemai.lt lUowrico Wc rejt to learn that on Thursday Iat, whil? the steamer L. G.Cannon waa lyig near Willinnton, N. C, Mr. James Ellyaon, tfvnrd cf the boat, acc den tally O il over board and cot drown ed. Hi fall waa observe ! by Mr. Wil liam Dip;, then mate, but now cip tain of the boa. ho immediately jumped overboard to rescue him. but waa unable to doso, the unfortunate man never rislg to the surface alter his fall. E very effti vra mad to recover the bod, but up tithe time ihe stramcr left proved nocffu1. Mr. Ellyson was a naiirc of Vrth Carolina, and had been for inne time connected wilh the Cannon, lie vraa well known in thi citv, and leave many frimls. Xorfulk Virginian. SoMtronr iok inf. Pr.Mrtriav. Thn conliimd I I oil". iritr.1 through the Pojl Dfiicc recently , call f r,inrcmiltin'; vii'.anccon the p.rt of evervbo.lv, a well ns the author- i t ic' - if wc could oJr lrut Ibcin. One jrentli-min sent a hundred ddar throuli the I.t Oicr rccenily it never reached its destination. Another acnt larec nna at d ftWent time these foll-twed heir prchcenra into tmkrown band. Kut llK-e 'hand rnut be known and that ipeedily. The may n ly on bcin u'.ccted. WadtJt'turn Argttf. NIW A DVEKTI s yl F.NTA ? To llic Votrr of olilboro Tpx'uslHp. I hereby anrJUn?'yf?ir an ln lren dent car-1 'f f"1' tbe office of ct nt a hie in p. tdwboro Towns ip. If elcctnl I ut,Teod t.i thedotica cf that office faith ruiijani ine Deat of my ahiiitr. jn, 2i ,r. J- J- L- h0S3' "fisV To OIil OrrriuN Tlmu lerinr. X Excursion ia contemplattd In a f-w X . days fiooi alonp Ihe line of thV. A. r U. K. to Frnithtille, Fort a John.on 'l Caflwrtt a . ...!. .n . I V ' vj jviiuniijuiu lc " m ye youn- foU.J f ai fw rS a a f...t., a . . care an 1 iteamer. Every thin- will be done to rrn-ler the trip fleaarTt. K.i4 v .M Tor tho round trip. pcrwna mUh. Off t' p will fUMf UtiUc unJ.r.V A.J. GALLOWAY, Ag't. July 22 If Female College. WAMtEX CO., X. C. rpiIIS INSTITUTION will leopnM on . 'J' '2hjf u-u8l,under tbo dirrc lion ar Key t. M. Jont. formrrlv Pmi dentofthearten?boro' Female Colleze "arrenton. 3 milM fro,,, the Halei-rh anj Oaston !Uil Hoa.1. baa Ion- Utn fftmoo, for beahh and refiocl and intelli-tat ao- The Collej-e building. tHualfd In a beautifuUrote, in a retired part of the village, ar. large and cotntnodioua a nd J"' be put in thorough r. pair an 1 well w- up ,for ecbo' PutTea. JVith hn, eiperienca a connection ita Femal nnll. 1.. "l-V n,d V1 -" Chemical nut. an.l - 1 . "? J ' 'liiliaiUI. aanti In bcm WW'S Extra atndiea. mmlfrmt For full particular, apply to Jut, T-M-WPm. JOB PRI.TTIXtl "of every demirw V tion neatly executed at ihl7ofi5! T .. ar ' ' aw w hi rin rvrv r.ntifTVYlo. TnE FA Lb SF.SION OP MRS. J.B. Whitakrr'i ReLocl, will caoeoce an the 2dot Ao-ut TertB. 810 00 per swlonof I J wttkj. Molc, 423 CO per i4iou. TotMlO tnipiU rvceivt! at any titre, aai char red from date CT eat race. c . . i i . . . o Ueducuon iaaa nor, cxcry lA9i of eroifafled skknrn. nPoblic patronjgt U rptfally tollc- Ited. Goldibon Jaly 7, 13. Clinnce of Schedule. OrricTcSraiMAat& RtxoekR. R.r I roaTSoi-rii. a.. July 9tb. icj. rS and after MmUy, July llth.Tra'.oj will leave rortnoutb dally, (" lav eiceptcl) m$ f.!ow: Mail .rln at 6 . M. Frvijht Trln at....9" . M. iaairs at rjavuKoi-Tii. Train at C.liP. M. Frviiht Train a WednUya nlrnUva 11-21 A.M. Frriht Train en T1J, Thurdavf&?aturdyr1-Op.M. iall Train fnntl at Wrtdoi itt iraioaofih Wilroiotcr W!4?n. an J Ua'eiih and fton Railrrad. and Taenia vt, Thnrlaja ae 1 FaturUya al Franklin vilb tie airamc- for UJcn'oa fcn l Vlnuth, an I on Satrly al F'ank'.in with ateircrr for Ng Ufa J. Mail Train bound N'orlh i.l atop fcr r?coser on'y at i-a txard, R9ykiat, Franklin an! Suffotk. E.G. OHIO. Sajerin!eodnt of Trantportatbo. JATIES CSOltDOV A CO, CommlHHlon MorclutiitM XatruK, Va. IX orxler iVal or market may 1 eal X thai of New York. e have rfloeed ftttr rnramiMidn for aelllnr eoltin lo Me .JoUar a Kal-. All ohr th: will - excrl ialy centa. Oar eomtnU.ioJ fr clllo Ma-nui and all other prvluc will I t; percenl.au-l tbeane rorpurcaa ain cuano and other In the lr2tnnicsf I be picking aeaon. order ftari and Rot aucfliienl lo rack 5 hatencotSoa. Sell It an I with the pro ceed imrrha chean what vo may rp ouire fr Ihe balance f your crop. Ity adrtMias tbia r-Un.vou utt l not p'ole your cnp to anv c3sniiin merchant, nd will he left frre lo taak auch diav. ttttonof it at you raay a-e tt. No fir inurance will be charjel un le orlercl by the owner of the cotton. July 1. l?C3-ly A. J. FINLAYtsDN A Cu., CVmotiraion awd Forte ardimg llcr chants. COLD'tioto, s. r. corner of Weal Centre and Chratnat 5l I) KM, KltS IS Pork, Lard. Fish Flour, Corn, .Sal., flagging anJ olhtr Farm aup plica. We give strict attention to Ihe ale and ah'tpTi'M nf muntry Prrduce and prepared to make 1 beral advancra on all Produce conaigne.1 In the firm of Fiolavon A Hro. Wilmington X. C J-jWe buy Cotton and Naval n:y Oci.I tr. Golclsboro College THK FALL .SK8lON WILL open 011 tlir 9th nrAii;ttat nnd CO.TI.t'i: -JO WEEKS. TKKM5. Toiiian and Hoard, cxdove of li!.f a ami wn.Mn C'G f) 1 union in C-Jllesiate or Aca l mc Ip t Dr rparator v Cflxm 12 'iO I :n Guitar 204 Z CO I-an-ua'cs. each Icp'l Fuel Muie on P.ano. or a n.ti Le -f Invtrifncni Anc ar.d Modern 5.00 Ornamental Hranrlica ntii. tial irlcc PUPILS WILL BE CIIAUOED raoM tise or r.5rA.vcc to cuac or a 1 . SIO.. A deduclicn -will U made from mi tion kr protracted iliresa f.f two weeks or rnort?. Or.c half nf the et pense-iand pay fCT bokaand nU tionary wiP be rfn,! in advance K- W.ADAM-?. June l?.2 a . -y f yt. 1 rtTtnrr.v co cso. iHntmrr. x.r. rt ! Dtnj "'i1 F,rtnr- rTrr rrtl arr M.ijd, , nly 010 00. at U. M. -Ul VCTT IIIlt.VM HALLAltl) KSKn.il. commissi ox j;;. t w iuT ATZnr. TRttT Ntrr York TOUACCO. WOOL, COT TON.IIIDKS.SKINS, IIKB3 WAX. WIIISKEV. FK AT lirns FLOUR. CHAIN, l1' ,UXDS()r SOUTH En Pnontcmo.Ns. made. Orders for nwchan,!;.. ly fiUed free ofehiTO? rw,0 i-jks u ui 1 ttca UaBat-io TLAtl. June 7tb U&) c'-mos. crmatxT and Srtcuu Na-vfrarta Abravr,. CixtaaL iLt.r.- U AXD V. L.. " -aCT FOR Aiuriii 1, .1 tin 1 i. Win- AjHearno Cq SpyUl Arenl for th V.u .. Ir. .,ti . ,"v'-''aroiina VYir r':ir .-Cenu fr.r the Coliectio of Claim, -r ' ' ' decnf on throurhout M jia(o J.Loiaoao, X. C. OfSce, Are autho SC5GCV StaU for tbo M. phUta.oraavj,?; ,C?; Taa iaU at XUU 93 of iattDj, TJrtx b LIS 1 1 ED iJ 'Mcicrr ,iotl. tttriea and pitt Lorial nJ'J larje atxk of IlUiaa aoj Ua Mooatatttt MoaattT' O Head aal Foo bjn, ru 0 ffkln&rv all f ...u ' t aai al trier i rauvf te -S.l 912 in J ----- Hlf Mcacncatal Tablt 5toar, l0 tiO Rrai Mjaatau ef ItalUa II tfl M v Th 1 r at art 1 Ui! tl (fi . ftf anv Ihtlarrtcitict. 5 Ordtn bj a rrrotlT ... . Sftaa Marlon " a si at I ciiornT Til. ...... I" , l Urat citi: I eti-.i i i ... lha l Ibe rlte lo grr.1 , " l aj ; Sn-Ut .la Of Uvrt mfrf ' J Hl. by Si. "H CKVr Jlfi oi a.'Tfr erceif j(; h a ja 11 'or Cholera., A U4 atM 1 10 wha Ihe Pain Ki.rM,i, v.r ! Miaasu -:rd 9 . 11 tvaa.L t s oacfal la varnma Xzx .r.. titov! an i.-V.k- 1 - " m 1 a a iacakulabte U tf toor top e thr? tu lea tf jwr pp e thrr jC" iio-v. uar native rrvf v williog to to oui oa tie!r ex-;, (ltl, -ieea Ibera faor in tie M f 1 C f f.Ri.IlM mt . W wloo otLtrw e Iber ws'.t if ditfteMly received. rwiievetue, dear ;ri.rri.t.T. faithful yyauit, "K .nAMIOOD. TX THE YOUNG XD msis; cJ 1 raiioa, the vettatire f mj rr mta,;, oui in a lew trr fc- J ten the taMilhie. tie h-i.M It cf rjlcli-va lo reul tfn-t it hanfut InSoc&ce. It etileat la iLeoUetver Uuum in- in3utv U earckx ti, neat tf th tvklr. iVfi ...j: . " ' . -.-.,.n j j ed or, aal f erLapa tie i, J 1 . - . ' 1 " . 1 . inn -t pqt Gnat crX tt-i;t mot ed frtxs ordinary darritu everhanxiog tctccacf tie cf a1 - ' rrm 01 the ivir tK five tet to healthful at. I rrl niJ Iko'h: are luixcl iaw.ri. t f " ' a a- aclaef If Ihe paliett he proachotlbe tt'ii i lLrj'jeJ anxiety, a.a lie rl eye;t-ji n .ai-4re ta ijimw htr it .HTT diffuin:the cirraUiiotj atiw j cucak wiib Ihe b!ooa cf lek ncrrw 01 rr-eie ! c?i it frl on : t, ear ryiea e-,' iif , r;J, J pro-lratrd and the f-rw,'mi. The tastifal mr tf Uijae, Veali Xettrs Tn fir .t ful Itn... .r (. . ... ion icrt. UakefaUw. of the Miti'nr .vf'ea.u Sfa tw-' Ar pet te wil!, I;.rcpk 5 s;ema lUaJ. FIuahi-of the n.fr, l-J H e Skin. Pali; I CwjaUtve aaU tknaon tbe F,ce, Piia He Carl i tf a cf the Eyyid. f rtei t 5-r Fljinxtefore the Etc-, ytit poiary .nyoion an 1 I. f of Attention. Great M.Jr, l nejt aith Uotror ef U ii not iltr.).' t. . . .. -.h. SJilu le, arrl nothin t'jfy miH fr Fcarof Tbec.ael,c,n,nr.jw'i ner, 00 Earettnci, M StUzm. j anurrtel Traaaiiioa fnatit lo another. I Theatf lycHemi. II t r J -which thi Jlelicine iatj moT oon follow Lm ef Tcacr. -N ly. and Failepic Fit., iaoie ti lb fatiett tay esrirr. J Dorio: te Stri!t Irtn a t "lucti at Ibe Kowia lart A:a4 rrtnii occurrel to w rv.iN .'J lT l,t ! tJscta, ait ";iofCnepy. TUy weftIWl -ar9ot iwroty yer f rr. I "hocanaay ibat ibee -it i eot frrtjueutly fo'barrl by ltt' J Uaoily an! Ccwti?'- recoyJa c tli Iiin. a. mJi taeUceboly deaiha by Ca-ar-:! ampe wi:neya tf imiv ' u'l -Ttraj. la Lunatic Atjlasj tur n-clacrhoy tiLiUiba aninu connteaance la actually aJ lea a4f deatUote- neitber Mirth cr Grvf" ila it. EhoalJaalcflitrcrfl eur. It it rare y artlculaie. 9 With woeful oexiurra t.:X "J""" '-aJaiaairirriff lt- Wbi.. we rrrtt tbe eiletry " tote dUa and 9jn7ui n rrepart l lo tZer 0tio!f f3 vhrautry fcrtberraaval cftk ? queacea, IlELwiroLrj'a lf..-tr tV' TATrT Flcio Eitk arT cr DrcTt. 00 ,0lic Lke it. It I. aa aw l-Tt? l! lL? rt,riwa ad puHtJ,w the leatif-najef r wa tarts ill e oiC ,-tS Ir Koti.'e ort DeP5 Delleert-Il.aa Ueacnbe .y rtoat n I tiV ad Clessical Martin f C3I CrxIway, Nc Tatll 1- VT-S 00 ce-uine uric 1 r-rfSr .im'. -"-fr0 scca. a-i i.T. IIELM: WlW?i!,?PCliTlOlj aCrl ra" 1' .' I f' k-Snea r t. , hxh. A r . - 1 wa u. 1 ww for r. o-j aaverl 1 "ruction to n.n itt. , t 1 wl n which bly anl nij r1 wo?,a. ii. , j . . lenlabcartblaia,;; C elbcrv bat w-stlwr r I Hrt..H..-a Fxrtarr ti Sr. i rr 'ibin; trm evce.t, tttti erriian, altrnlf I w.ia t u iaton. Ii. Ij; i,a j.J ly r ITrrathio- Grnril tl.iL'i