-irnyi 7 -v; ys ' ' -a ' ' ": ..... Til -siff?3 ivi-- tv----trv? ' ; 1 v ; . : . , - - r y j LLL - -...u ta i? -ii .A Vu? ml -ik vSv- '- I1 (Jt'r.'lVM iifiTn m - J- V-T '.: Un : ff-V QifVv'v . ; ol '3'. ! J UBT)Arlv MESSENGER. . ' . ' BT J50NITZ, E-Utor, & nmnn of the Counties ..$8.00 ..O.0.75 Ajcur ana xro., - j t f-,. IIofflicimcr.& Kempsliall, P joIc & Hunt, Baltimore, MdP X f fl ' ITIarble Yard- Gaddcsa Bros., Baltimore, Md. : Wagou ; audi saddlery Ilard- . ' .ward-, ' McKcnzio Brotbers; Baltimore, ild. J ll Iluntcr, Gbldsboro.: - liivcs & doctor, PeterKburg, Va. C.F Gttehwooa.6-,Nor&lkVa. r , i ttI f latent- medicine,- - v : Clf. Gcddin's CorapoundGntian Bitters. er r- &Vf. ,S UelmbolTs Bnchu. . act rates. , "X Pr Boatg VereiaWe Vvpt A A, w o r'vEENGEH has circulation L'Vutt.t in the State, and iacon- 1 Mine: Publisusd ontbtf Grkat of travel between tfce North w u-rcoirmhlcal location .tenders TOSt Ad vcrtisins Medium In the Tl0Its of tbGrcat-Wcstiind Special Inducements arc oETcrc to iVh niliies and paiU, vfeh.ufcirfKmicTfcfcr. Tbronsh tickets areoM-rrrnvttnTXTfr & C. and Baggage decked Unfu: 2DYESTl3EJIENTSre J inserted I'DailY Uexg: at the following i- i.o ne' iaonth'; ,.4 - 8.00 u'vv. . a T i l t - I I ' i i I I v6ar . " . r"4S:.t)0 ' Advertisemsts at proportionate a., tv,P first, and Fiftv cents for toh and a -half longthwise , the ;Q comitate a suuarc . cvviiiM: Laws, i" yobtmaster required to give i'rr.i.BTTK, (returning a paper (?oes not r (hc law) when a subscriber does not his oapcr oat of the office, state the t for its not being taken; and a neglect h -0 w:iiv-"- x' 1,0 publisher luruio payuiwut. will 1cit thr:r rljarr.-lluf XviA Cosir r.nr Ptrect. JfortVJf, ct' 5 "XVJktcr 1. M. II 1 II V .Snrf. d.ys ;cxicU 1), .'ortstnouth oa the r.mtral. cf i.;c livening lVnenrrr Trala of Hc bcft.;ciri r.r.l lUHrCi. fct it i giU'i T Wiggins, fia responsible for the pay. If pei"3 3n orders bis paper discon i hnviit pay all arrearages, or the rlci may continue to send it until p-iy-."'.'l.vi'. an 1 collect the whole amount, tw it be ta'icn trom tneomee or not. , - caa be uo leil &U continuance until ,nymc?A ii made. . ' " if the subscriber orders his paper to be pel at a cert an time, and the publisher t;ilUo;' to scn'l, the subscriber Ie$ bound ay Tor it if he takes it out of the Post- The law i roceeds oa the ground that kin must pay lor wniueu. - m Tbe Courts uave aeciaea umv reiuing ike newspapers and pe.iodicals from the lofTioe, or removing and having them i i c . Ij T.vima "-f:i.isv evidence of Elti.U.i i-'1 13 - kiiiiouil Irau-i. Messeu.or directory. - duiunlson GuMoboro N. C. Go!dsbro. S i .v ii;il, Greene county. !i:n-fln, Doctors. L l' C i l ' I',' T r.jbi:tson, Gv.lds)ro. :snin?ssi :m Itlcrcliaiits. ii M Privet. & -'o, G olds' --oro. A J F'nlaysf n & C Goldsboro- Catiiciou vrc Hill Wilujingtou.' Adrian Vc.llcrs, Wilmington. Hiram ballard New York A ft MoLeod and, Co, Baltimore, MdT J;ir.:cs G rdc:i & ro , Remedy The Y oman8 Friend, J .Norfolk, Va. Koskoo, Dr J J Lawrence, Norfolk: Dr Richaus Golden Remedies, Dr B Ricbards, Neir York. J Bauer &. Co., Ncvr York:" Grovcstcen, Fuller & Co., New York. Fire inns. E Rcminrton& Son. Sewing machines. Empire Sewing Machine Co., N. Y. Ice House. 11 S Ilazcll, Goldsbbro. Publications. The Carolina Farmer, Wilmington. The Reconstructed Farmer, Tarboro. Agents Wanted, U S Pub Co. Webster. Dictionary. Worcester' Dictionary. Sunday Messenger, Goldbboro. " Once a Month. Philadelphia.. . The Morning Star, Wilmington. The Journal, Wilniincton. Job I'nntinc . Ofice at the Dailv ..Messenger Office. Wonders f theWoRLD, U S Pub Co ISiew lork. Illuminated Western World, N. Y. Notary Public Commissioner Julius A Bonitz, Goldsboro. Pianos. Chas M S ieff, Baltimore. 1 Colleges and Schools. Goldsbofo Femalo College. "VraTlobinson, Male Academy, Goldsboro. BinghamV School, Mebnnesvillc. Miscellaneous. Stercscoi.ic Views, E & II T Anthony & Co., New York Doty's Washing Machine, R L Brow- mnr, i i Agcut. Caution, P Lorillard, N Y. Halt Mu-cnm of of Anatomy Advertiins" Azehcy, Win A Ilearne &, Co Goldsboro lluddick Steam Engine, Chester Pa, US Advcvtisinc . Ajrcnf.v .New York. pap'r Dealers, &. JohnPeavcry. Picidbur Ya. Marvins Safes. Marvin &, C. N Y. Steamboats and Railroads. W V W Railroad. The Great National Route. Bait and Ohl R R. Seaboard ana Roanekc RuilRoad; Puttirsburir and Richmond Rail Roud. Baltimore Steam Packet Company ' r.fkk'Bl.,- 2.Vo wempnis, Tcnn., 37, W Louisville, Ky,, , " 25,rft 8. Joeepb. Mo., 4: j0 M,'3 lLcatCCii5l,JI-, ri'no andfall other cxtrjfpWtm.x'j-ts rTh ahoy Thrctty ' Halts include all transfersf Haggard anX Fasten gt. ThYee &y throurgV, fast Ex press . Trains - ria Bait L Ohio - Rail Road leave Baltimoro and Waabingtou City daily for all cities in .tbo .West ana Joutnwest. fcrery full ticket is allowed 100 lb of baggago free; nil over 12 y oars buy full ticket; cbilJrtn between 4 and 12 years pay half price; all under 4 arc free. Parties wishing to emigrate - should in all cases address mc before hand. in order to give them information in regard to Route, Baggage, SfC. Tickets and checks arc obtained r.: Weldon, N. C, of Col. J. B, Ti';-,;i man, Agent Petersburg R R,orof Car : Peterson, Agent Bay Hi e. For -all Mr thcr information address mc V letter. LOUIS ZIMMER.Ocn. Southern At. B. Jb O U R,Orccnslxiro, N O. L M Cole, Gcnl. Ticket Agt.. B & O R R.. Bah.. John L. Wrilsn, Master Tranporta- a . v m . . . . - uon, lifcUMVU.i TAiril,ZlrU. Ill . 1 it i 11 , 7-10r.sr. f ,T6ifcni:;j T- Cc:nj ar.j LOUISIANA. : - ".. GL all ia thercn.''1 their spctd aai Ftatert 0ni r- -For ratcj cf ? ' format icn, ar - . rtrtaroouth, ii. or the rr.ee Vf ; AT OLD POINT.. arc nw ruanlcg their Cac tcsacr's.' -CH I.EARY. and ADELAIDE r-r aal rem ark able fjr :'""cldariojtbeday, " r;i"itcr other i o- Ajrcnt.ClJ roiot. tii-i.HJ.N A '.'cut. X TCifvIal Ua of i ho f ubli! Tic aLl the ATLA.WC IIOTIIL. TS NOW Ol' IU FOil THE ACCOXIMODA JL lion cf tUjUr U the t-fl Is. Utj attend the arrirf r n t.i. and -will-center p-tccScr ta tte Hotel hrf fvr 2i ctr. ea:. . isoanl Hr irotiib, $ o: ft $ I;. rCr , Jane HHHif. It. L. Poor. Gci'l ' An r...:,.. Feb 2G-U7 - :t - 'V! ? t woitci:.vTriT T FEUltS CF DltrriJJNAUIES, - - - . Contalag I. Worccs-cr'a RojaUto Illustrated Vi tlanarj II. WorcentcVa Unifcwal and CriUcal IHcttouary for thoo!s. i u., orccstcr'a Ccu Lr.Lcn- Itc iicaarj. J JvcTrcc-sicr' rCR?t.t.y Dictionary . crc:etftra Pri.uaTy lictlcx:ary. .i).T. fiUAUTO D:CTI'NAKV, fnl r.u'..;;r.c i in anvjlio vohntf tbnn tt:c bun Irol thouiard tronh In it vo. cnh.iUry, with their prcnincla tin, def, tutun a.vl cljMoI-irr- It Ij til-,. 1 v.tt: fxill, i.c-1 t-wjUu',, arM bcnric-cd l,v - uro tl.au r. thou? Wrcc.kr.t r:l:!ci cn.ynn.yr..-; in wLkU nc th utan d tyti.z yin.-uj wr .! arc mated, an 1 accurately anl jncisely i!!u;l'atcd bys'.ort anl veil cLm- Turcka l!oue. No-.71 IIaW Fr.; Lrxirrtfc. Vju . JOHN lllXUlO, Ij.rluar. Httlrg .lfa'el tie aOT well kawn tfrrj article' fcrtainirs o a A Tirst-CIa3 llaiitirr Saloon. .0jr4tcrGm n-b, &c.U H en! ifla urrjj-junl wish the tt ttlnt, Ii quorj an 1 icam. . . SC7 Mcalj at sdl hirf. -Ti Arril 17-tf. rortHuiouth, VJrcDila. the . YVOrtLD, ImaT lur Jilnf IKTiniLiSTINU SCENES, 4M3 ' - ondhifcl . rrrNTa IN ALL ajUNTRUS, ALL AGE?. AND AMONG ALL PEOPLE. r AatacrefmtaaU," -Tkt Wa? tb lYork," Ar., Jtc Otcr l.CCO ICaitrttkaf. BT Ike tsft dlitir-abkM ArtUtt la Ea rtpe and Ascrka. - Tki Ut frfceatrl tccrt naalxrir cat kcrdrt4at4 tvtsty. (mmotr'ka are fuel iv. aa-l yiltly knoa tiartt CeiUTt iva-. Hcrzhtcf. Di licrt. Crulckilatk rviT i Va. OilUrt,. Ganra!. Urrrtjy! Her, Miliaa, .fei!.:Rh, Nut. RU, n2l rdf,Tccy Jcbasatt, etcn etc., ttc. , icnvrs waited: la ta LaUa. f:r ti N rrrt k!s -j. n . Bw-ricrc--- ai til;:" tx,X tur Utjci frcrj ll 1 - - . r . i . rat.VjepH .kJtxcric 1 ttarUTa vlcau thia aay vxmk cf isclrrn Uceiraal rrta: U a fm r, afactlre that tun the oatiicrti mUd Calj fa Itrutjtm rfab. rvrlla aiUtU-e. Onr caetlrtiriEl rrariarr, 1 the rrrrt ci--;scit artlii l crcu He r uv.;c. , fcfiU1 :i r;- ctcr r,;l -l?tJ- innr. rr.:iu:r;:: u cr.:,M,t at -,rI r r'ir:,? Yr- fortatlc ar.X , uUJhM l v2 Orrau.' rVk"a '7 it. ia lKs a ccrr.racuJ t,. Wilmington lVc5oh)rt u 1 1 . , rouu uompauy. , , Office CniEn Exgixkkb and Qkl. ) fcW -ti SttEii.xt?rprxTt "5 J CHANGE OF SCIIEinf LK. ON and after May -10th, the P Lin ger Trains on this Road -will leave Wilmina ton at C:00 a. m. anl 8:o0 p. ni., and arriTc in Wilmington at 4:30 a. in. and 8:15 p. m. Leave Weldon at 10:30 a. m. r.ui 7:15 p. m. and airxTC a Weldon at 0:1 j a. m. and 3:00 p. m. GOING NORTH. Arrircat Goldaboro.......... .10:114 a. rr. Leave' it'ts r "r.ii'.i ;v.;.;;.loja. m. Arrive ........ ....2:57 t. m. Leave ' -. 1:03 a. c. GOING SOUTH. Arrive at Goldsboro 3:1 Op. vr. ueave " ............. .3:30 p. 1 . Arrivo ' 11:64 y. rr.. Leave 12:00 i. m. ICPThc PAY TRAIN vdll not run or. Sundays. The DAY TRAIN connects with tbe Annemessic and Day Lines. All at; quick to the North. S. L. FREMONT, May 12-51-tf. Eng & Jfuj t. rn cxatu: Ics. i- V . . ! I.. .!..!.. v- . ' r'.cv it.tly an lcU.-iVy V..riri o r.ny t.eno it tlii atU r, ftCrd aa titMMtruitt i viw Hnrbjr. and pnrr 'in-llr., ci it a taatit lcsant rrOTl io f ut.tc. 1 Al trt?. IVtel aica Putli biti t ill I-r-o. r.r fJrrrt. OK 4,Tl.c no anl authentic ctjnvlcv tke conciscr.c r.n 1 r ui, ktcr.c .i of tie dcSui lin., H e nicty tvith vldch the d-CVr-cnt thadca o:taca.ing In .nmyncs arc djjttin ;uihcd( and te cnclc ncium aeera cy of ihe work iu all iu do- partra:atf, Sivr i in u.y ju Juicrit, lLc LiKct c'airaj to p ;b ij f.-.v3r.M Wi. i iu Cu.l.n Eryaf. l concur with tie rpi.ica trIr. try-am."- V.nrhin-t i Ir- i- CtLaBATtp r leatc tbe mml ftii lioc. rrr 1JH irWf " WOMA.Nd liUCND! IbetrateEir. itil'.ia ta kl l!ctc. ar.4 t a aclre!Ut! rtcrJr f cr Va.ik I'-.-'.r t f . . . , - it iiA;iwr .rrf t : - aepixil crtct?r. Ajril ZZ Zf .'i. DlSSAiXS ITCCLlAn TO FE June lol JUibu rtftrt, v-tan. . MupUy sr..! J. F. J MALLS, I-ue.,m it Witl'm r THECoTartrcr?bin!i:rtorMr:c3t: n- Irrrjvlir, VcinluL er St- bet tree u tha u-driii;ncStu:; -r tVji) tr 1 rttr?.f XxztrT.aU'cx t of T. A. Cji?ncr A 0. :s tV: .:4v d Vein in tU Harl r . ' siUcJ by m itr.al cen-mr. The bn:r.f.i.YTr(at4fj, ircIf-if j. Iffal wul l.crcilicr uo o.juuf.-i by J. T. II. xcti. $cc Ufkk W, & W. R. R. COMPANY, KOpCnp iLvo.& Gnx. Slit., Wilmington, C, Jaly 1, IbCJ. tiuitcdsi.itcs Advertising Arst- r. Tni.in-n Llf2. J. A. YUSE, Vrtpriiicrl- " 12.., 127 & ll9FtLToN GT.,C- Nr vr, (M Herald Raillir.-,) N2V,- YORK, A.Hot:.c-r.ertH lli-el for all f ttydr.a ''un rtr jca-Pi;cr ihrttM-Wi ilir Siat-, t nnvj.w, i uia, aaa Unvxil. at Publbbcr' LoV.Ct INtfT. TLc tinted I.it c -nrotir.2 f") Ledin; iu aal oi UM-cUm WceVly., hxn n i -rrcy-a-.o circulation ci ucar'.jf tnuml' sthc Now York 11? rli; Tribune, PrarA t.1 -.ic ana iiarj cr Uc-ly. "e wih a cl A lnV ritbl oMounn n i r rn.oo: i crs anl e:irve Juns 3J-tf. m lc cf M ?rby Jjrr-r vrh it -. Ue all th; ur.?tti.l bi-ir.c cf the ;i:ct,"r Cim. r r?:c i tr ra the indlcf In America. Vk8 tccii it wi Jclrs'i A u,;.. " T. A. GIlANCEX J.T. II. MrilPilKY, Pr. W. J. JONES. J F. JON1-S. O. tf.JONLS. . .t4 b iifjl-.t4ilt will jrrscr, ty ! J.J. LAWRENCE, M. D- CcrJiU Erchangc Hotel. r mrjiciArrr I tbe &nk!n tf vlkh lit Wmaft'a .f-ittl b cvt-ioalcl art tUiwl ttrl cub wtjf, axl u U u::tcit (telka CtnUt Tai3 a4 AUrratira j el diiocvtrtd It U tU-Kc acJ rtlltAV tresf la all JerartEcatt cf tit frstdt Erra rveuf :ii : Norfolk, Ya. J U Hunter & Co.,- I'artsraoutb, Va. . Iry Goods. Sol Hear & Bro, Wilmington. lat'alrtar & Merchant Tailors Devlin & Qa, . New York. E Cap, Norfolk, Va. Sal Bear & Bro, Wilmington. BookBiudcry. John Armstrong,: Raleigh. Wholesale Hat Houses. T'aj3 R Mojrc, - Petersburg, Va. . Riry and Wagon IMalters ilaker & Jones, Goldsboro, Hotels. Granger's Houje, Goldsboro. Eurt'ko House, Lynchburg, Va. Gaslon House, ; ,: " " Newborn. i Mansion House, " Charlotte! , At'antic House, I i ' Beaufort. t'titon House, - :- ; ? Wilmington. - Anantic House, Norfolk, Va. Jarratt's Hotel.' v- Petersburg. Va. wean Iluuse, . , Portsmouth, Va. Lsaary'8 Hotel, " ' , ,r . :, Weldon. -tita-.j iarbo rough House. , -A v " Raleigh. . American House, " . Philadelphia,; Pa. Atncriean House, : -J-. .tl , Boston,-Mass Kl.trellSpring;-v if North Carolina'. Norfolk, Va. JULIUS A. BONITZ, GOLDSBORO, N. C 'Iht'iTj 'Public for Korlh Carolina anil Commissioner of Veeds or lAe.tles t Ni5W. YORK. .VIRGINIA, KEN TUCKY, SOUTH CAROLINA, ALA BAMA, M A RYL A N Dr-EX A S JLc Uivs ing secured the services" of one of the best rp-ident law and claim accnUt in Wash ington claims -Address J. A. Bonitz, Goldboro, N. C.BoxV22. ' . Mar. 10-tf JCxcnisiOn to our Sca-Shoro. Forts and Battle fields. IXCURolON TRAINS WILL UK ma in J connection with Steamcra fror.i r.!l j int? on this road, as vc"l aa couocctu ;' iwM to carry excursionists 40 tlic jvaiidc r.t Sn-ithville, Forts JJaawcll, Pishcr, Aii'l-n and the numerous olbcr defensive vrorhj Cwii etruct.d during .be late civil, war. Who will taXc inhnnd tbeacTo'-mc'moM, for excurstonicts on the Seashore r.nd :.t Suiithvilief S. L. FREMONT, ' Eng. A i u-t.. July S-lt. . , . Ct t.r r. :nn, r. MCKPIIKY. -c JONT..-, IV ;rl,! r- d. a. srivr.v. y.-:'t. The llouo ltc!y kro ti a liran-t tt . t lit iioi'i viu i.crcai;er uc ur.n tU m. t m t.xckvtte iiu'.ci, ai. i, ur. l.r u. i: i-a;t, ' ment of tie ur. ! rf "-: d. wi.l aU" td tr Dlt. niCXIAi;S iUguCU H ttr r.,l.:n a lr nir:- GOLDEN REMEDIES. loners U4uiy i ui.a .i i.rs. llo-j til. If. .. .k t. l . luviitc Ur;i., ti la Hjittrii, H.T ,ri!tbf, 5rlr.l Irltatc&t, fee. J. II. BAKER & CO V . . . - a . . ... Aug-ut Ttb. I -1 f T i E LTH Tn Rl-STOP.E t i'.volntirT n-in!l " itn t .ci .or; an l rc!f f i!y err r. I SK no otker, Ult fe uLei, aa Ijcd , -kA. ii'.! ft tlce.bc-j.V.b a 1 rr ezey. f r- iw ui ;j ci itjii. - r.ni r-.f'i::e. . . .... I . .1- . r , vuivv iif.-iaii.i!. ui TariC'jcvi'j t.i l;::r IfAL I.V '.ui 'HA-Tlij.. Tokn? f illy cf a', I . To w.ud circulars, t-ilh t.-ii j ten 1 cc .s . i7L O t i O : i . ; ;'iov v.t.vrr : . , 1 13 r- f 5 iaILLUct fii i-rot. r..i:;al; cf tic rvl;t i Change of Schedule".1 it law ana cuatra agents m ttasu- 0rrtcxSiuDOAWi&lbuxvi;KR.Ii.Cv , the collection of Government roaTSMotrrn, Va., July 9th. 1 will receive punc tual- attention. vNand tfter Monday.f Jily u2tK,Ti J will leave rorUmouth daily, (suii U) T?alnJ 1 1 T. A. W 1L.L.IAHIS A; CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 6 RoasoKE Sana, . . Norfolk, Va A LWAYS on hand a full atoclc. ci au J. articles in the Grocery lino at lotrcit market rates; t ' Strict persor&l atteotion o cons gnmeuts mcnts, and returns priiaptly and regnarl ly made. ; . April 23-lyr., Geo. Y. Strong, J.W Edmudtion - croccry calcrs- a i V oilers, Wiiuiington. STRONG & EiniU N USON ' ' ATTORNEYS AT LAP.; tit-. GOLDSDORO. N. C, W'ill attend the Courts of Wayne, John Rtotl Wilson 1 Greene and Lenoir; the Suprcm; Court of tb State and the Circuit fVAirt ef thuU. S. " . Collections attended to in ail Dana ox the State. ' .. .-.i . ... OFFER- EXTlXAOlTDIrtAtlY. NEi-ii-Y Six Ucs.drep 1'iou of thk t.HOICEST UEJLDISO rOB CTCNTS. ' - - In Ol ler to give the people an opporta nity to become better acquaintea wun ineir beautiful magnine, VUt'iS a iuiti,". the riu?blisheT8'wiir6cnd the' first Yix ntxixi bers of this year iorou cema faca numuvr of V.Once a Month" contains 9 6 ; doubie-col , of the best stories and entertain ing and -instructive reading to be - foundl in- tion price is $2 a year. Itt typographical 3 Send 50 vents, and-- you will get this Kniit;fiil magazine froia January to June of this year, containing 765 pages of choice reading matter. AddrK8 T.S.ARTnUR"& SON excertetli aa follows : Mall frain at ...-.. 6 V. M.' Freight Train at.. . .!.ncr A. M. - AttBIVB AT rORTRVOUTn. Malt Train at C.l 5 1. M . Freight Train on Wcdnetdaya and rrilays 1123 A.M. Freight Train on .Tuesday, . - Thnmlays fc Saturday?,. 110 P.M. lWail Train connects at Weldon with trains of the Wilmington -h Weldon, and !Ueigh and C.pton lUilrcmds,. and 6n ToUji, Thursdays and Saturdays at Franklin with the steamefor Kacnton 'and PU mouth, an l on Saturdays at Franklin with steamer for Nag's Head. Mail Train bound North nr.l atop Trr4 eenzers nly at Seaboard, B5vkin?,tr,ranj!-; Md Saffolkv c: v. f E. O. OHIO. Soperinteadcnt of Tranipertation lb:. C. M.bn. W'LL'A, F K0 Ct. P.: d iKH-ili:.;', ?!ad-i to OrU-. spni.G. 1SG9 tvf --ift.T Ma 80a & 811 Cliestnut Street, Phil. 0&. A J.FKSLAYS0Nt Co ii - f-,":.. ' ; Commission and. Forwarding chants: , , -ooldboeo, n r. ' ' eorner of Wet,Cent remand Chcttnut. Ml DEALERS 'INY' Pork, " Urd, Fish" Flour, Corn, Sa!s Bagging and'othtr Farm sup .We give strict ttentfpn-. to tbosale anl shipment of country "Jproduco ajid prepared to'make l.bcral A4rncutiall Produce consigned to the firm of Fin lay son x ii ros. . iiminuii a v, . - . r-Wo buy " Cottott and -.Naval Store s.o3 . , Oct. 21 tf.J t this . . .. , t y ioici W, , iWW'Slf.i s . - aoLPSE0HOk N.f. N, 1 : lTjOCicV tccbnOf deer ht tb-? rf "I'll tt? T tfnnm 1 H Syr t tn ore Street, PKrERfltt-Rn, VA., f- now rttivinjf bU " mium; stock or hats. xhicb ctubraccs all the NEW arddcIii tie styles. IIo invites the ate-itCan cf tuer.', 1o lictit.,; 1. 1 (b.! will c uc favrb!y with th-of aiiy j-tir- h ,-; .c. Mc rct4.1r.t4 tl-o arc ia tuc h ul.... ..i). ...M t . . 11 . .. niinrwiu -uuii ijk &U1UC 5fc t iJK k . A rll ISC -r.es JNi?. ' w. rtuiB.-v. it. i::f.. CAriJEICOX AM) HIM,. R.. H. COW AN. i CO., GErKit.tr. coMvtssi'jy .iad MUFFING,' MEKCJIANTS. i Agcrts far!. IHvIj in'M (labcrly Aa: CVcbratc-l CLcvis- AzcntH f r LLtrr Em. Sorvr Puor :it8 Lime an I Insne Manure; t A jcntj fcr t Vulcan Iran Work Richa-cud Va. Agents for Croa$-1i!ei fcjr rhvrte Wihalusioa, N. C. N0. 32 N. Wafer St. .Vaixb h-li!UUac21. N JET ?l twill l.INA r Ti;r.R t a E-M.n 1 1 Sop n-r l.v. t: id! -ii.&e.: lafei'et Errrvtif r. Al. . ..- 1 ....v . ... i.r .'. . j 1: 5 ij .::;!, iii:ts.vtt tie !u ! f a. .- &w4 hk. ' , yL'i. Uii4UUa EU'wia r,2 varxu, ..t.. -.. At. 1.1 .ltt -r-fri rrr-r er ttVf cf U r-x . ,-, tttcr lie Pnrt ef t:Utr 5o 1 ar !w .Uj.p'cc ar. I O.M Nu-nicr tken iti!2, te) tr U:UtVia UuVi fr Jl.O , chn?e far IJtr.i:n ' " irr. li-.fivm-. fi un Asuscte."m rr 1 Litrtl ; ;;:- .un.trs Oct 1 T-Jt 't aI r-lka-1 ccro fr all Crt It. IMillnmplty of .tlnrrtaue. ..Urtln-.. fVr! 43.3jrrn't:e- ANEW OH V.h utr' LtiOit:i. adi I-r l'Uca .G-U-a i-iitr !i'A: li-cr.iat ih :t Mui ,rv...T.l -rt f r Nctvst cr Gistril iHim Auat.r. er-'r...r: lbs M. l& V! ct Vcurrt ilrr eac.y wlA ti Lire aal Wl: u Lit .Sir ; Yat'i ! n l"f ! rCct. lfc0 4,CJ ptr W:t. r Mal-irltT rl til I Aj1 : Kuli'd CiJ:"'- i... I IL A.TJlO.THS0.,V. a rrdRNEr a t la n No. 2 LAW ni'ILblNU, (St. raal Ktrrct.) - 'BALTIMORE, MP. " . anKt-Rtxriy. Gov. Vanee. N. C. Gov. Rrog, N. C. Walthal i ucdluMy, MutiipM, Hon. J.. George, June fl tf. rllv r.cticc-l :Tlt i- ? cf l!.a rt:t I rur. it-'a Rtru-i wll fitu!r-.cr ar.! .x-rr- P r-.- rl."t i r?'i tI't. Pratt aiU. clf.r:MrrTP!A' "1 'aI V r 5 lt;r!. r ! l CI rm? ' -f-if. Nrt ra 4.. Thrc lurc wit l rr Jr! 6s tHatte t vt-f RIGML'M ,tiULlEN EEMEniEr,.D. J3.:rJCUAlU?s. ltAt.T:-a 3Irtc -r At.t. ii rten: I r?jTuf. i t;s'iWki, Liitlstn lUl:ls:rc, II i. tt;jr 5c--ily D i-tsolutiqn or c r..r.iN::rEir. The .Vm f KADEP. TAM . ro. c pl cf KAtira F..;-! sr.! Jo.rm J. is diolrcd thi day 1 tai nil consent. Kvltr l'i;; is benby author. iz.d to clurie the ai'fr4iip biiec. - A w. KADLR II!ii(..N. UaI. JCoIU'ii J. LIGG3. Nocrotc, Va.,2J Au-uat, IrC. . Dr. w. x. noi:i;oN. Ilavinrr 1 crs;ancnlly lo-ratrL Trr ii ?:al ktivc-s t.i thcc'tia-.tvl G0LDSB!)i:0' tfro. Ci riii. vc:i rpilE GHNEH-VL COMMIN. plfX""1 V?'.? T w 11 1,. nr. ;JrTrr-' .V ' rrlel ca ; al au 1 . ill be COn UCdLy-Ki !;: W-v.. " IaJv C!.tl. Aia B;grs, lata of North Car; una, u-Jcr co'vl mtntcf KADER BIGGS 1 COMPANY. Tbccuit-afrj r.f tbe ltc m ttMl && friends cf Asa Bt, oty to tMzred that buiacuc.vJldt tbta wi.i rccttL, proruniani Uiiirtr.-, aiuaiiin. . ; K AD Ell BIGGS, VSA BlUU. .Ulm !!.. i. nr.:rnA!:i5 - N. ri3 Vari;k r, KrYk 1 C.r: Lcurt Lia Ji.c.u? p. ss. CVra- JwlyMyr. : 1 ' AGEVTSWATTEDrOR SlchU and iccrcU " Of the fatiounl Capital. f im. tk durriMtvtcl paii.j-cn City: t.!!4isr. M!!ea n;itrric. t; ;awe isl;. - a.a- ... trstsr.t. hftnrt r-w tut pati-e sxf ttrTl:kcw Lt cvsatrr- aWr.l ttsaU LVty Btakri, UJf dttka, 4-U ia tka -tUiCtl, tant tkriMien ,is:tTOrrr &J uanllexbocktobrilti; TX JC7i"eal fWclrcatrrrarlaae tcr Itrtu aa4 a fall -Itacrirt lan ellba wb AltrctW UNIX ED TAtl3 PUDUcIilNO CO - - -Jt T .-AC. V w - ' Mm Nusrcts, Yx.j .iJ'Aa, ISvJ :! 10-1 ra . f . rfOTlIi I. .A JtV , - Ail j.t a c It la 1 : Faxi f kk M rraf rlr. f:? - T I ll.b-.-u, Ciii Pk?.rclJCXLt4 Vs.-J. . r" ' :lJ21Szk ll't'A SfrZ i Its-, tW .... Jusurituce Company cf N-w Yr,k,I . , , ,tvt 4T- 4. , f 1 'iU'.ivl v7 . r -. 1 - cy, ic j.rx : . . . w 'lie, AmiraMr riuttml Life 1 A. t!.l 'i.'.ti Ptv: 'rv: lk-li.-r i wt f it Ur. t tt.-atf 4 1 eti 't . .( I IK . iJ i

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