i ! t-i . Bn tWftrft'hW'iv thy head. Thy fields teeming vitb inoendiyy. l am ncquiln'el with ihpi; ailV" IflBSSBnffBri A "V r Ai l - oner. I bid a wntersition tl. IV (XLLJ 00U"D - plenty, the coffers of thy sons once . . be - ll.rtidh would. mU f VlnrTiirdion trie HDine. . m Tor us filled with the "dross of earth," arxi j thou shalt . again become "a power in the Principle ;i:inc,pt -Right -d t crowned among the pnn- J OLpSBORO, SEPT; 3 1 8(59. ... is, Rightjytstsrday, to-day , i io-morrou tForever J 4n , Advice to Yofiig Hen. ; - ccs and rulers, of the people. God speed the day. . ' '' tt'mtr Si i In these-'days of agitation, sensation, turmoil and .strife ys Hho Norfolk j Herald,-a tirne when all must place f their shoulder to the sreat and wonderful wheel of fortune ; when the command cf the grcat'ruler of the universe s "by the sweat of the brow shalt thou cat bread" is obliged to be obeyed, it is essentially j ' From the Journal of Commerce. J Examination of the Lenoir Pris oners Continued The examination tf the prisoner? brought ilown fronTIienoir county en the 24 h nit., was outlined yesterday. ten o'clock Richard Su'ton, whose examination, had not !en concluded on the previous day was brought into Conrt and wis t lal reun.ed. necessary that the boys and young men j teFj Vitnesse fop tDe ?tatef publi,be d oi tae penoa snouia: De constantly re- ( by ua yefct?rcay, vai nad and at minded of their duty to their G od,them-' test el. selves' and td their fellow : man.. Work L N wltaessesfjr the defence were ex is as essential to the comforts and pleas- . ln , rpUr.mt.a nAar 1 ,l Ct i Judue 1 nomas orderei the oreriti ure3 of life as food 'lsq to the physical ;j 0f fjiayen county to recngtire Joer..h ystem. I It arives away sad thoughts ( l. Parrot" and Tbonjas Waters, in tbe Mid fixes upon the mind glowing pic- ' pu'o of $500 each for thMr appcaia'.ce 1 ires of future days. It gives to man, ! be'or the r.ext term of Greene county , ?, - Superior tour. :;tcr his days work is ended, nights of: t- n n n ,,v COOMal rjr thft pon about the fire. .Herald he would aid me in rebuilding it; and that be was at Soring oink, Wayne county, twelrejnile berond where I lire, on the idjshl y was fired. I lire a, mie and a quarter if" the mill. I had not raid an? thing to him about the burning of the mil!. 1 do rot recoVect any other conversation , aboot the tire.; Last June be came to me ana yaid he hd been accused of butnincr'the mill. He aM he cou'd prote that he was staying at A us tin Williams at the time of "the Are. boat one or two miw from the mill nnd ahout the same dis tance f- ii where the prinnr lire. I never had any quarrel with Mr. Neaon, nor he with roe, I had accused hi Rn rf stealing horses from colored men," pre xioa to the fire. ' I made the accusation in . the pp ring imirediately after the horses wtte stolen. For more tbsn a ijuodred miles the Ithtnet ue tie word of Loj gfellow vceis on throuzh Titcyarda ia a tri amphal mirch, lko Uacchus crowned and dtunkeu." Ncaily a!l of them arc oi the billiidei or at their imn edtite bse. In tome pbce so atcepare tie moantiu slopes little ;il rerntio on the oft-washed anoieit tockstnst bukrt wark i cmp'ored to ktcp it t gether. Freah soil is oftea brought from a dlsSnce to corer .theie bra rocks. In mime ce eten eatb Ttoe baa a basket cf eirth to itself. 1o miny places where the Iors ire not too steep, or where the configuration of the hill faro the phi?, the terracoi are made to the soil itself, but sre tnacb u.oss examinca 07 Air. v . u. i.iarit. j B of Rit!llic cps OQ thehilUidf. with walls of rough bat excellent ms-n-.nry, four to twelve or more feet bith. Tbeie are filled with soil, snd each tierofvin-9 grows on a lerel or but verv slichtlr tlooiuc fnice. On tLe - The mill was burnt on the December Cih' 1868. I do not know whether the mill was fired or nU, Th mill had been at work that day. Two men wotkatih mil, andt'ic mill it rnsde a passwsy by the neighborhood. I d 'not knowh ether there was an? fire in tbe mill that day or not. I do not know at whit ,tepa are built, and to cl.ml h-ur ofthenipht the . mill wafiburnt, ! jthem is fomnthini of a fca. did not here of it nnltl next morning at seTcn o'clock. The mi'-ler wss a smoker. It was two or three weeks afterward that I aw Mr. KelsAn. The mill m nt imblic one. Mr. Nelson ?mi beregiet ouuile if these waIU rud- at sits and mb some cf t a 2 ot a ica. w nn we conHer that the mle and fccnleTire drciscrs hre often to carry in bnket (D tier tacks toil snd nam re to I c:b of nine hundred or oce thoossnd M . f peasant repose,' and on rising in the prisoner, rques'ed that the cise of ! tcd tht ih m wa humed and mani- fre", phnt, prune, nltiato and strip intil fea'urctay, the I f-gted willingness to help rebuild i. , ths gnpc-Tios at this g:ddy bvult. we KTew Goods! Netv Goods! lS"cw Gooda! 0 TTE woqU rpct ful ly aaaoaac to Ibt citi sns of Goldhoro and urrouoJUf eouatry, tkax we kase oft ft- celTtd oat of the LARGEST AND BEHT ASSOKT- ED Stories of Goods ttcr brought to this nuktt, wKkh we are I cztriog Vor' Low for Cash. ..?KCIAL ! i aaJ n ' w Toot Ffoae. ToW. rs alnewaoibea0tJfat4u.j 0 i2 1 to suit tit mn, .n 1 141 w m MottotrentU T Tle 1 rrtmf tal L., aayo tbtlarxeoilri, M'tri Urden bf taH tr-i. w a m j . cita AUrt:, u-t; March L'v:ij. ; ilv looming he feel so much refreshed . Sutton be left open un a 1 ,i 1 frVi a V a sroftinf n met Kim lio4 r I iat he pushes iorwara witn renewea !.. ..o- ... .-tt- uvi, ,,crgy. Work should be the watch- . n 1 Bucd til Tuea,?ay, the defence CJ . . . j had no opportunity to procure witnes- v. ord of our country, for by it every-I e- Judge Thomas considered the appli cation a proper one, and ordered the prisoner to be reoianied to tie custo-ly f ih- Sheriff of Uravcn county until Satufday morninp, a; ien o'clock, when the case will be disposed f. Co'. Clarke, counsel for the State, her-, arose aud stated tat as the wit nesses in the case of Wm. Pool t Mn2 is accomplished that is within the 1 nvcr of mortal man to accomplish. ' ; you expect to succeed in any under- Uikbg you must go at it with a hearty -.id earnest will to do the very best you t ii. When you have chosen a trade or pvo'fcssion, obstacles, great or small, . t not be -allowed to stand in the way (.:' mastering that profession. However r .u. h we may deprecate the old-time 1 ni of indenturing apprentices, the - :?m in its practical results operated 'i m-t always for the lasting good of the ::; rcnticc. Generally, insured to him n I'-'od trade and a wholesome discip riij thr.t fitted him for success in busi-r:.v-3. At the present time, very many men undcilake to acquire a trade, after a brief trial abandon it ' i . . 0 tbore are unpleasant duties to ; j vcr formed, and obstacles to over They consider themselves ac .ut: Tlo to no one, and-go and come :l ihe caprice, or an unsettled, uneasy '. .-I. The result of this is to send out l; world young men who have not '..ii' I'jLtiiied their trades, of unstabled ; ' " lor, who drift from post to pillar, .:.;! v.-Iio succecdjin nothing but strew- : -. - the highways of life melan- ' v. rooks of men. We would earn- 1 , v t iUi catr every young man, after he ! . - ho-vn his vocation, to stick to it; i t i " !ve it because hard blows are to 1 it ruck or disagreeable work perform 1. Ta 3 men who have worked their Tay up to wealth and usefulness do not oolong to the unstable class,- but may t ? re:--:o"ned among those who took off :Lcir v-o.Js. rolled up their sleeves, con- and He siid he heard that the miil waa burned j all, perbapji, be able to about three o'clock in the day after the I the pemnt rf the Khi nnderstiod ne does net rail! was burned. In June he told nei mn,s ,.,.mt,L d; rnrir.W .1 nrot.. hat he was accused of bnrn.n- my mill, ' d X ?n ' Q. iUt lu but ho could prote that he was at Aus- . - 1 tin W.ir.aiuR.t the time. I d ntknow i " not tcarlj, n r.., , c h op ament wheher Austin Williams whether he 1 t " mcfiil. The buks tf the lites at Spring Bank or not. I nerer i Home t Hudo shctm a c to hundici vent to his house. Mr. Nelson nererj acd 6(ty fet above t5ie level tf the had any quarrel with me. nor was there sea, an! as the rine is there cultivated any hanl feeling between us a tor as I t thr height of eight hundred fest, it know. 1 accused the prisoner' sen of. (o,0Wj that son-e of their wine U pro- Wm. Wigirs, charged, by Joseph P. Parrot , with beiug accesorits before ibefact, to the murder of Jmcj Giant, c;d jrel, had rcadt thetr e-capp, and as the otatc hid do evidence sufticicnt to convic, l.e requested tha. Pool and HiJgus be djscharced. Abo, ttat Jame Wirrein. Alex. Sutton and James Duly for horse s ea'ing, be a!so discharged, there bei. to evidence a.aicst them. 1 non mve'icafion t stealing horse9. Cross examined by Mr. TJrjan: People are ii the habit of passing daced from grapes caltiia'ed at a height tf one tboustud and fi't feet bove the ea Iev-I. In many iUcuh te a a ii -wa 1 v-a? inrouS'i my mm. 1 u.i not Know wnem- , a coupe f,f d,xn v d fenc-5 f pt thpv rarserl IhrnQah iIip mill withl... t .1 . r'..'. i. . .Y . Mue aoove me oi-.c. ai t ne pot uere lights thnt tnjht 0 not or. their way to ... , . - ... , , .1 1 t t, , j;i ima 1 are tbrty-twu tiers of this ktt.d, and pre-ichlng. I he ri t.u:t iu-If ci.t pis , . J, , thnmgh the mill w.th torch liahts haf I ,n ictial cea doibtleM o.or.. ' 3 nicht. Crops examined by Mr. Seyraoor There was no grinding at the mill that nicht 1 know. ?Nroi- examine I 't JndreThoma? It wns in th? sp'in.f I8G8 that I ac wasfoaud that Wiggins Suton at d ! c"id Selson'a son of staling Daly we ehUby n proper a'iiho"i- ty, but simply upon a telegram reoeived from the Governor, ordering the Sheriff of Craven to hold all prisoners charged with felony, brought to him by special Cetcctive Mowers. The Court ordered ihat James Wig giDs, Jas. Daly and Alex. Sutton be discharged from custody. Accordingly it was done, and they It-fr the Cont room. Win. Pool and Wm. Wigsiiw were tSen brought fo ward.. The coun sel for the S ate said the evidence aga usl them was so iii.vifiicient that they preTered not to go into tria'. Judc 1 nomas immediately ordere 1 ihe dis charge of Pool and Wiggins and they also left the co-jrt-room. James Dl Jau.es Wiigii.s and Alex. Sirtoi brought lefjrc the Court on a writ of habeas corpus. Wm. Pool and Wm. Wiggins brought into Cou it on a bail warrant. Thomas Waters, Sr., was on a writ of habeas corpus, brought be fo e the Court. The e wasnci her war rant nor evidence aga:nst lrni and the Judge orde.od his discharge. Natl an Su ton, changed wih teceiv insr s o'en trooJi. knowing thp s.im ts ; nd maufully bore the heat and burden j be fctolcn, waived an exaaiinat'on, and o'i the (lav. Whether upon the old ! ente ed into bot.d in the sum of $500 wovn-out farm, where our father toiled, j for uid appearance at the next to m of Aiilirontly striving to bring back the soil Jfnoir Superior Court. Mr. Cicero .. .. A, , Green became his sesurity. Joseph 10 p: ,mccivcness ; in the machine-shop , Lass;tei.f witn. ss in the casew .s tcCo. oy f:!?tory, or the thousand other busi-! nrzed in ihe sum of $200. o Dnear at S NKV ADVr.KTISKMKNTS. I gxvl sawyer wintM, to run a Circular Saw. G od wag's will be raid. None need n nil r 1m dii nt.t 11 n.1 r .t r.1 ft. t.n.in... t . . t r At i j i : - .jn-. r.rarrmmasNwiirninu ucpweu.j AprlT to J. WESSKL, I live about right miles from Kinston : '. Srpt. 3 d3'awK Luoberton, N. C. I am acquainted with the prisoner. I J heard whn Ur. Li9itot's mill was ' burnctl. I hire seen it since it wj hnrncd. I had a conversation ith W. ? li. Nelson in April last. He paid that' Mr. Lassitcr had been active in arres'- BRONAUQH M. DERIKQEB & CO. (succ3!orj to iienrt ncntccn) Se Inventor an 1 Miuuf icttirtr of 1 lie Genuine Dcrinjcr Pistol. No. GZ2, North Fno.Nt St., PlIILADCLrilU. 1 WiULD inform the rublic thtt tSev contin ue to manufacture the genuine DF.RlNOKtt i PISTOLS of ail f!ci a-t Jiffcreat arh of I nnisi, t ine:r n-n etMihca aud will inp his son ; that ho had burned the mill and he be d d if he did not do so aga'ti if ho rebuilt it. He 'further said thnl he had a pun in Lis hom with wh'c'i he intended to kill Ltitcr, lie said L:i?siter hd ahned h ni nrieit iai, ana inai no rni??u im cai:aren on , kujwn r.icory 13 i utiautriphia. alolcn beif. That L issuer hnd said no! .wept. 3-tf. " i - i. ft i mr.r. saoum ue rear nmi w no icu ivs children on stolen t.ecf. Cr-ps exnminod by Ju-te Green: I live ten mile from Xolton. I neTer mw Xelsnn bef re. He sent for me to co e and see lura. l went. .Mr. Aa I THE Ladlet are rrtptfa-ly latltr4to call at Mra. Kicttt.n'a Emporium of Fnalilon, wkera tht Utrat ltvUt taty !y fmn-l. Mrt. . haa Jot rtturoi (cosx tbm Norttern Ci Ilea whtre ht haa purchajfri tvery bAtt'ty of tba a4joa. Cme one, oime mil and piv u t call, befura burinjc tUewber e, a we lJat tei our.lvrt that we can all at cheap ai the cheapest. Z. EINSTEIN k DUOS. Sept. 2,1 8C9. IIAU'UIAsTVlLHAnsO.t A: Co. COM.MlSSlO"AKUCn.NTS, roa Tr or Cotton, 5nvnl Strr and Coun try rroducc, 105 V. Lombird Street, Ilaltimorc, Md. liberal alraco rnvJc tirsn conicn- mema. Ordi diet ed lor tllirf, Iron -Tic, an J aopplies generally. mrr.RC5Cct : How. IL R. nrtd?cr. lr. W.lf.H. J..Kn I). Whitfortl, Ne-bcrne, N. V. lion. Wrn. T. D rtch, G.ldbrtna. N. C. l. Spr'jrr, Kq., Cthicr Mercham'a Na tional Hr.k, Biltimore. M J. au,: 2S-d3-n ALBERT DAY, COLD1IORO, 5. C. AGENT ITOIt Dibble, Worth Co., Gr.xtr.iL j CommiHriiou Meichant. Ib8 Plakl St., Ntw Vork. nv. . . . . tacre aUxt the Tain KitW i , 7 v.- iiooUaJ. I have tr.t,: laca lbxe b3in r V1 k wi.hc?t i,UnX HwUfcn.. ,& I ollt frwlr f.rlLa .Ui.ii. .V .u JMJ. asJ c4h era 7, asd -iih Utter fr , fc la l. wit th. .t hl V A. IlCVTlVfT .. trtvauca br or ut i . . Vrr ika la. I f l w..' m.Jk t . V , 1 rrea oM -V !.!. l! r-rt i ir t ih .... . . " . V Il.tO. .L.I .Mf ZI, , C1 : .MAMIQon. IN THE TOU.NG M -;.! vr; raiioa, the vr-rutltr ,c.f. , tlroaj. but ia f yr. i., TUiJ to, the Uck-Ic-Ur e , j ' eJ farm, and te icp;ii.n n tioa lo rptetal tft. i. ! eoe. It ea become n i At ltV, , ' ver thJt cae drrrin; tf tfe,t In the drvehp Lectern- n.j,. ,.." tlon U tUcd of, aal rU: ii. ' fnoToJ lien h3oJ anbt't -ii.' Thii oae of Ih- nrri ew--. v from vlinarj dive-vi -r.t rf log -ceactof ti e c.tt, t r,f f. x : ,V to tauca eafre,:v4 0 Cit, and nrl etern, tH.-l:, t., ti-. wardspoa tbrta cWt?. . . . ... - Carriage Factory. M now manufacturing Harriet, Warnn &c, in the 1-ite-l tvlcnnd the I flht. MKf! lntrT JTD. on 1 r! r. II vr?. r .r I. v.rfion inJ Mirr rrluce tbec-,u-j rve.Trrtb.iPi I ., tit' If the ttlrr be a fta-.. tbe &ar I Ixirl f- sv . f . . . ' ' her ttitr j-iwrr InJ-fcin,,. aaJ ti.tttt, tb CLetk at t,,4 l-e!ih. M I iscrr cr ,..rft crowobj vhal it frl oi; i; ,&t; '.. tateia ate pro1rif I 1-r i-. -, &r i drratijred. JtuMj ,t i fol r-rriol 'n Li!, VU tJ ni. o fintin cfe:- t K..t ! lkt for la vJn ; i: t-r--. .i. w-inrj io its t.ti-ri. IlitLva i.n'i rxra. t n--i'r. f: ea ariir.; fr-Metr-: t tHo. attraUd i.r .;; tr" . I.'1lfVM liwa o r.rtA..,. t tgoej to tbr abvTt bvie. , liiusi r -awniiie irn ; anJ WM eol ;t tl.e , DJXl t.r.- S .tL..l Cmn i1 .tk In Store nnil for Sale. nv t chor MiSt ."f MU Cos; r,i, w I tulr of IL Su:r ht, r-, f i i 1 - In Vht.'.inr c! thr 11 Jr. Ifi;. u : 5k In. ta!Ji I C ut.t r j-?t ij 1 i; .-. . vlCi 0'.. 1 their prejudices against labor. that im-ite honest' toil and the Couit and give evidence. The couls 1 for ihe defense I ere cud I tin f ri r irurrn(u I . o l kaftn et4 Ihe baby traininsot their l i o I for the reinnniniT n-is mftMsnMifio in lvn-sery was good in its place, but i't,be writ if habeas corpus, they ifkilL ht Ihe motto'ever be perseverance auJ industrv, n . r . i. v . o. t . - . -------- - - - - -, , ... . . with him. He told me that his n n ha I hand. Satiaf.ction euir-u'rJ CaII n t V; X ' i ' heen caught with a horse whfch hi, son ailM 7ki.5 und. Wh.Tey-a pat.t Iron Tie-, J?!. rX'V V , .aid he pot fr m me. lie pot no hor.e chinK e.ew,ere. J D.CKF.Fxfl. -?J.J Kore. ilobili, J.ei.rt '"'' from mc I .old him so. He then be- W.bbillU, (r Oa,d,boro) Sept.3, '60. " n.,..nS Twine. n.la PiV-.m. . g.n to ab.ise Mr U.ter I did not 3tw.,r fioUrV. SC ' cf -' - pay anything hut think I cursed Mr. La- . toIdUr.., .V I ., moof r, Krcette. tr .vm siter, when Nelson said that Mr. L suiter 77Vi 7?y l,n Aorui -Ith, 13o5. a hurril Tracit.i.a frr, A LARQK comfortable dwelllo was ir. to Uke roe out and whip me lie did not tell me lia Lasi'tr wag go inr; to whip roe f ji, I think he said that Mr. LViter .aid that I wa a ptrt of a gang of hore-thieves end that be waa willing to be one to go to my houe snd whip m. I do nut tay that I am a horso thief that will be shown in time. I taid Lsaiter wnnld find me at home when ha came and wou'd hivo a happy time. I nrlnj the conTcmation wiih KpIsoh h !fihi me what I.a.:;ilcr snid af ter he told me-aWut uundnz the nill. whnt Everybody Snj 5Xnt Be Tf. T.nctltor line na nt1 lliA Ifiv.rl whAe I the mill was two years The mill ban ll. w th all nee arT ut-hMiff. an i other conveniences lituated In Uth ville, ar Gldboro. Can be rtated on reasonable terms. Apply ta D. CltEEOH. Sept. 2 tw3w Veni, Vidi, Vici. v, ' .n' 1 answer all the demands of an ac tivo life. This is not a baby world. We mustexpsct to be jostled and knock- in the stern conflict, and I stood th re ever ainee I can remember. prefererred to piocecd with the exami- Nelson and rnve'.f did not miko nny nation. Wm, B Nelson wa arrcs'el on a warrant issued by Judge Thomas o 'hi rra-l le prepared to meet the duties of ire v.ith a. purpose not to shirk them, but to fulfill them. . A young man with a good trade or honorable profession, as lie goes forth into the world tvith his mind made no to stick to his trade or profession, is not obliged to ask many favors. He will hue his way to success, while the unstable and shiftless will grow, tired, despair and fail. "Ike land we love a queen of lands, No prouder one the world has known ; Though now uncrowned, upon her throne che sits with fetters on heT hands." i- oei! 31st dav of Annst. on ihe affidavit of ver, if we are not on the lookout j Jo-eph P. Pa?ro t. - (The p Uoncr had been in jail for a week previous to this issuance of the wairant.) lie was charged with burning the grist mill of Stephen La site-, on the mgbt of De cember C h, 1868. Beinjj place! on trial the prisoner pleaded 4inot guilty," acd stated that on the night in ques:i d he wr.s at a distance of ten miles from the fire, at the honse of Aus'cn Wil- liams where he ro rained uutil the next mo n:ng. Th:s he was prepa ed to sub stantia e. AFTN30.N IE-SIGN. The Comt was called to order at th hour specified in the morning adjournment. The first bus'nc s transacted was the binding over of Thomas Wafers, one of the witnesses irathecase of Ricnatd Sut ton, charged with the murder of Cog dell to appear on Saturday nexr, when the case will be iu tJ.er de erm ned. Tbe bond was ia the sum of $500 Stephen Lassiter besoming security for Waters. The case of W. B. Kelson charged with burning I:ssttcr's mill, wa-i then resumed. Stephen Lather was placed on the witness stand and disposed a fol lows : I lire in Lenoir enBQtVf Uosel.v If til township, I owned the - mill, it was Tiie South, the bunny botrtn ! who ot all thy true children do not love thee, and mourn over thy sad destiny? Well may the poet say, that thou art ''un crowned" and that thy hands are fetter ed. Worse than all, thy crown has been stricken off by degenerate' sons of thy glorious clime, 'who loved tlir own ad vancement more than they loved thee, and who mourned after the "llesh-pots" more than for thy sad fate. But - thy day cf redemption drawcth nigh, and the hr.rv r.nmMh when thv shackles shall be ' :". , , - , , -.i i burned on tbe night of December, 6th ::tnokfinoff, and witfc;free i hands thou lftfift T An nnt w fifft wr mrlt cneo more placo the crown upon caused, but supposed it was the work of I arrangement f steal hor-en before we $ep:-rted. I dmnk no whiskey before hfcc-nversa'ion with NeUon. I did not telt Lissitor lout the conrerstti mi until a month ao I did nnt tell him btf-ire be ausi it waar.ot'roy busines. Stephan Lasiter re-examined: As Ion;: is the mill remain the land is mine. If the mil coes down it goa back to the former owner. XeIon pur chased the land fro tn Fiank Whit eld. If the mill u not built in two tyears the land belongs to him. rati - jl ma eucea tnc exam naiien or wit- neses Judselhomas plaetd the amount of bail for tbe prisoner, Nets n, at $500 he to appear at tbe next term of Lenoir Court . . Mr. Stephen Iiisiter wajecontzed to appear, in ihe aom of $209 The Coiut then adjourned. Tie examination of orisoncrs will be cjniinued to-day, coar.nencing at ten o'ClocK, A. Ai. A WATtinRO. The paper are filled with the reprru of borrible, naoxlcfa outraee, perpetrated cr attempted upon tho person of ladies, kt the m st part in seclu'i'd paths ard woods of the coun try; by demons m hoimn abape, white and blact. Wr, earnestly ho pa that lhee frtquent tor-ible bntnge will warn your? hdicf r especially thoe who reside in the country, trom venturing away from. their. hoia unless safely and well attended- The.ubject ia onenot proper to be elaborated- indeed, it loo 'painful and terrible to be dwelt upon But ladies ouj;nt, for tbe rke f their honor . and fafety, to be. warned by tfce prevalence of these od rap ef and shoo'd not expose themselves, throogh iiaprxK3reoeer to late that i worse than death.-Lyuchi Ths Conqnexerof all Snnfj. n. W O.OOGGG & AX'S O. W. G A A A A A k AX'S G. W. O. I I I I I & AX'S O. W. O. LLUL4 AX'S CELEBRATED CELEBRATED CELEBRATED JAMES GORDON & CO., Commisruoxi MurclumU, OftrOLK, Am WILL GIVK strict attenhnto the tle nf Cottrp and all other deCTiptn nf Trtvluce, i. to tbe purchase cf Guano, Gr;rrie, c. iCIitturo promptly made by EipreAt. airtatcf: Gen. M. V. Uannrr, WcIJon, X. C. C. IUwel, ItocVy 3Ie J. L. Hurnc. "fArKor Dr. J. R. Mercer. Jorner's Donot. Dr. I. S. Prtwsy, I). Kartorl Son,-su- 21-3-n 4 SCOTCH SCO L'CH SCOTCH SNUFF SNUFF SNUFF Ha been fully tented 'and pronourced by all amateur dippers to be the b-i Ssvrr now in u.e. IuaoDeii.ir tAit..l LowTnxesnndStnnii Incomes BAKKlITj0NK3 AUK atill manufacturing CfTiea,nu pes, Wipmt, C4rtt r., alto Hepsirir of all kind in their line doo with neat nes and di pitch. Chary small, with littU proflL Tropt attention fujrantced to si? lo. piTrn t their care. They Veep nine but the bes" ot wrr rncn i'i thctr empby, also the bet tnite ny Cjo be prvcured. Faet. r ahrww i;o the IljptUi Church, G 4db-.m.N.C. ,emcomm0niru.edintieVrepr. Autw.ittiTl Cf atiof other snnff, has gained it a wide ' 1 Ctf world reputation. Do not fil to irr It for tu will like It. Ask (or it and take no other. t Foa Salx bt ! H. Weil & Dros., D. Creech, J. W. Jlcrri, H. S, Ilaxll, j D "oi', U. lMDiinKn. Rowland Bro., Wholesale Grocer, Agent f..r Xotfilk, V LI J. BoAftleux. Wholenala Confectioner, Agent f.r Richmond; Va. NoTKtv Ththlh rejHifat'on that out Snuff has stlsintd taj Induced certain ntaoufacturera to Itni'aU o-or tiupx Maac Tbe superior, quabty of our snnlTdoeanoi lay in the trade mark bot the taperlor quality of tobicco it is maocfaU)rad of CW.QAIL A AX. oep KSaa music: frrrH csict A FIN K Selection of the latest a-.d best JUl tiub.LhetJ. ROOK STORE, JiU;C ai ma auj 21-1 r YOtJ;tYA?lT Cxrda IranJhil!,, pblrtiuor any 4eriplia cf JoV f U at this tF. Kit Olive Academy. JLJuIy 2tih. 1st,, rot rirtkuUn, Li xu n.. iN'a-T-.ALnRrros-,Ta. gUOUT HAND Wriitogut lu0 J Umcmu td ooe OjIIm for lb. lexsop. in rat nay.U a toM sonhsnJ writer. AA ariher. Thr jencr.t, it i f w- h"ch thU ledieiet in iri o:n fo low cf re-, IV ',1 litpile Fit, in ot cf wkkSt Ur f nt tk eirlr. Duria- tV.eFcrrietf f it T fin at tl.e nvti-fj jl;. ti rrtult orcurrl t two pti.:, ti Ut a tin e left tfcea, &I l.li !TT. TLty were cfth itr twr.ty years cf ar. tbo can ay lhar the Mr-" ' friTjewtly fo br ,'. f ..V I v e laaaitj aaJ Cnataf tlo f Tl"' the Ictane Aj!un, &J tie ut'c" .leaths hy C-acio-ajtion, --r trr sr tolht truth of tbr tu ttttrt It ti' AT.utatH ci.t fa.eltr.r n-. ti! -- .i? T-etr. Tfce ee!t3 i " a ii t(uile deatitct tuitfcr cr tLiu It. Pho-jU a tl ii :U oenr. It U rr j anicuHir. , MWilk woeful kxiai via ol!i twao I lieir rnVf lr;j i Whit, we Trzm the t c r : shott Uia. an! rtr' fT H frei lo effer tt iaalah!e fiA ?J rj frrtae msortf tie mu' HuiHt.r CorrTrif .lut tbact or Bcmr. Here U t if 1 It ! aa aachor f hT-et tVet-trnr plct, aa4 tals la tie tti-aj ? -w ovl ot rrif-ril it. PoM by DraxtMt aa.1 tv!r. rr, ' rrkeflltrUctle crtis -i t lHierrd to aay a 11m. lkr..t tows la all e!rjaah-atf-i At4relL T. HLLMCLP. lruj ari Chr-okt wi 6J4 Crc.I-rT. .Vf 1 TO Noe ar re-o!t. ; ia tcel encTavl wraj-r, Uecf oyChtmlca lTrw-. ' i. tf. T. lltVi Ournrtrl! CprarJJ " - . w :iiAnujiTnoai:i:VE we ni this rt ethoa t f Zrt r ? Pr. Daly, Tri-Wctkly aaJ Xe amonu the t et adrerll rrr Wti tm N. , Adrrrtiaftt Terras taoicrate. rnEMit;MsTrnEMicv:: V t.fTrr 8te r.luab'e X!r5fJJV niuut to prn Kttti-r c? c "he WcssW Ob erter. trr SMITH, WAT50S-CU-..; AJIEniCAXIlOTCl- rsnjhilly uressf SliORTUAND V-OlVr . AHEniCAX IIOTI.I- . i. Taal York! 4VUJ"AV- UfOxC72fXew WCoiarr rarrr. r-Mn ' rrluttar. : ' tn-tU loJer-wleat H-I " w t this Sea J 27-1 r i rrl' f1

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