OLDSBORO, SEPT. 29, 1869. For : Principle is 'PrineipUSigMf is litgM-yesteraay, io-aay w , : iO'tnorroic, Forever.- - I - : -- The Wilmington Jcrnr nal. I liar ThUr popular journal, rliose success to we have; alwajs -desired, has entered upon its nineteenth volume. ; It is a pa- per of extraordinary merit and ability, and it is gratifying to knotf that it is I me'e'ing with more than average success.' I he It position is sound, and there is about I a it a calm, dignified gravity that must ad- It aresa ltsaii 10 me minting men? oi xne i country, as it dees to the substantial 1 men of the Democratic party. It is brimful of sound arguments, and its mat-1 ter is not confined to the. local politics I or news of North Carolina, but embraces an extended view of the.afiaks stirring elsewhere. I We wish our friends Engelhard & Price all the success that their energy loo. acd abiiitv well deserve. House Servants. We were called on a day or two since by an esteemed friend, one of our most useful and public , spirited citizens, who f.lt the importance of some' plan for se curing to families more constant and re liable servants a subject which we have heretofore and frequently discussed iu this paper. Hiring house servants in the South seems to be a sore and never-dying trou ble. Most of the colored people have very vague ideas of responsibility, and the manner in which they obtain their situations encourages their disposition to be careless and indolent. They leave Mr. A. to-morrow and are hired by Mr. B. the day after. Certifi cates of character are no systematically required, and a smooth face and a loog tongue will generally secure for the pos sessor any vacancy that may exist in the sweeping, cooking or washing depart merits of a super-respectable family. House-keepers do not reflect that they throw, in many instances, their houses open to strangers who have but half a name and not a vestige of local habita lion. 4 They give them the run of their yards, rooms and closets, , and yetjire surprised if petty thefts are often com mitted. There is scarcely a dwelling house in Goldsboro that cannot be easily catered at night by a person familiar - 'ih iho. m-o.mises. Bolts and bars blinds aad shutters are notit all sum riant, and a service of a week will give ; sharp servant, girl or man, all the in formation nece sary for a successful mid night robberv. The remedy is an obvious one. No servant, whether white or black, should ) : employed who does not bring a certi il'jate of character, and this rule should h,. inflexibly observed. Servants will then know that unles3 they behave well mil not nd work again, and this knowledge will ter-J to make them re- etiiiU and diligent xt r-?$ke situations valuable, will prevent those sudden departuresSvhmhjnow -ry frequently throw households into confu sion, and will teach servants that hon es':', industry and good conduct alone v ill secure them a profitable and repect ?vble livelihood. - $ rcicli TTIen. The largest owner of personal property in New Yprk, and the United States, is Commodore Vanderbilt, who if said to holl twenty millions. Tfco JLsiore, whose chief wealth is in land, have, ubout five millions in peronal estate. Moses Taylor has about four millions, of which his coal stock, in coneoction jvith his son-in-law, reach one million ind a-half. George Law has about ixo millions, while out of the estate of the late John J. Phelps,; amounting in all to eight millions, about two-thirds are in peronal' property. These last mentioned men were not ambitions of being numbered among our real estate lords. Their money had been mad a by. handling peasonal property, and they preferred to keep it iatlr's shape. 'They ?ish to have their pecuniary re nrces ready for action at a minute's warning, in order to take adrantsnge of any opportunity. If a certain stosk fell in price they vr ant ed to bs ablo- to buy u and having control of vast amounts of cash, they could, enter Tfall street at any time and cut right and left with great effect. Such autive, netvo'i?, resolute men do not care to be troubled with tLe How de - - 1 1 . ... . tails of real estate, Real estate isLfce forces shut up in a stronghold, "while personal' property is likeso!deis ia the field.A Thfirfl i ft. rm;ntTnTi1 P'tf. between. Commode re Yander- ., - , w;1. m A . . fiaown by. their aptitude for tbeir p ecu- pogftiotL. Astor aits' in' an office in Prince street, and simply. Lolda on his land, Hb life, compared with that of 'an active business xnin, is a mere vegetation." He -. his none of the excitements of gain and los. and never know what it is t3 ccrner a clique or 'convict him, except indirectly, with the cornered himself.' No if could tush man 8g YanderBilt endure his life? would be like coopiog the eigle. n0 he must dah and lasu and move men and fortune, by the bold acts of a restlc s and ambitious miod, which knows wiat can be done and dares to do ft. ' Such a man has little to do with ten ants, house agents and this clais of low bellies. He prefers to rule Wall street with a rod of iron, and the ficancial world to tremble is bo goes marcUog (From the Jfewnern Journal of Commerce.) Examination of L.. D. Wilkic, Charged with Complicity in an at tempt to KfLL Mr. David Green, of Jones County, on the 13th of September. 1869. The xaminitiun of L. D. Wilk:e, radical representative fiom Jones coun ty in the Sta'eLegssliturc, and the msn who us rendered himself notorious in many respects, in this section, began before Judge Thomav at the Cou.t House yesterday morning, at hilf fast eleven o'clock, on the charge of com plicity in the attempt to kill Mr. David Green, near Trenton on the 15th inst. It will be remembered that Wilkie was arrested on the charge on Sunday nibt, the 19th ins, and was bailed on Mon day following by Jadge Thomas, the sum of $10,000 being required for his appearance. He made two attempts to get Jujtice Berry to admit him to bail oce on Sunday night and the other on Monday inoraing both of which were ineffectual, the Justice holding ; that the cfieoce wa? cot a bailable One. The examination was commenced by Judge Thomas rediuj the wan ant i sued by Justice K. T. Berry, of Cra ven coanty, for the arrest of thepriron- tr. The warrant was issued upon the af fidavit of Mr. F.ank Green, brother of the wounded man. His Honor then Tead an affidavit of L. D. Wilkie tl at he believed it would be dangerous for him to travel in Jones county, or go there for the purpose of being tried. For this reason the ca-c was turned over to His Honor for ex amination. The prisoner pleided "Not Guilt?" to this charge or of any, knowledge of the attempt at assassination. Mr. David J. Green, father of the wounded man, Was called, sworn and deposed : y- I live intones county. I am father of DavMJiwSn. He was shot by some bodyr Ofilod't know by whom. Have seen him several time3 nce he was 6hot He wjjkk shot on the 15th of September. He wis shot within seventy or eighty yaras to the house where I was born ana raised. I saw the persimmon tree where he was saot at. The limbs were shot off. I saw him the next day after he was shot. He was badly shot all through the back and Lead and in the shoulder and side ebwn to his Lips. T never inew Wilkio-ur ...am one in his presence, offer a reward to kill my ton I do not know, of my own knowledge, that Wilkie ever procured any cne to kill him. His Honor ruled the witness's testi mony out, a3 far as regarded what he had heard. In conspiriciej the case was different. Then tho examinatkn could take a wider range ; but in the present instance the evidence must be confined to what directly affects the prisoner. Hon. 0. 0. Clark, for the prosecut'on, called His Honor's attention to the fact that in the trial of the Lenoir county prisoners, a short time since, he hd ruled that such evidence vraa admissi ble ; that in case of a trial by jury the rules of evidence must be enforced, but when, a .prisoner was brought before a magistrate on preliminary examination, a wide range was allowed. Judge Thomas remained firm in' his ruling that no evidence could be allow ed that was heir ay or did not directly implicate the priaracr. Judge GreeD, counsel for the prcse-" cution, discussed the subject at length. He closed by Faying that tho counsel for tbc prosecution was tr.able It pro core direct evidence of TVilldo'a gViIt, nor could they connect, him uiih tbo cegro nhd had been arre&lei in Jones county, on the eamc cbarge. Judge Thomas decided tha more positive evidence must be adduced else be would reJeue the prisoner. The counsel for the prosecution ad mitted that they bad no tes imany to attempted assaisinaticn. The prisoner wis discharged. Messrs. Powell & Co. will take ccttoa and other produce in exehan;re for goodiorin payment of account dae them. THE DAILY MESSENGER. Since the re-appcnaoce cf our Dai ly Messenger, oar brethren cf the quill, very generally throughout the State, have welcomed the ptpcr back into their ranks in vcrj comtlimcntry terms. Delicacy and gcod taste for bids the publication of the miny pri vate letters which we avc received frcm various parts in this and adjoining Stages. Many of cur leadirg asd repie sentative men lave added iheir vords of gcod cheer and hearty congratulation on the rly tc- ppearance cf the Mes senger. To all wc return our tinccc thanks. Wc coull not reproduce all the flattering notices which have come to hand without occupying unrcjscr.i ble limits, but make room for some of them, which will le f'und snhjoinei : "Struck Ile." The Goldsboro Daily Mfssengek is fairly on its feet &in, and reached our sincura Inst evening in full form Ilalciyh Standard. ''Wc are pleased to roe ajrain upon our table the GoldshoTO Daily Messenger, full size, and fo!l of life a d good editori als. Long may it wave." S'atcscitlc American. Tne Gold.cboro Dailt MBfEiot! his ag,in made its appearance in iu former eizc, and uith a nevr heading w hich very much improves its appearance. It has just entered its fourth olune. Contin ued success to it." Old Xorth State. 'We shouhl have mentioned some days ago iliat the Goldsboro Daiiy Mrssrw CtR has recovered sufficient y fr.un hc effects of the late fire to make its usu.il vi8i s, and indeed presents a mater tyrv -gre phioal appearance than before.' Hal Sentind. "We consratulrtte Mr. Konitz at the Messenger. Su.-h enerv and enter- 1 1 rie means ucces, ana f predict tor tl.il singhtly ncjhborof cur. an abun dant return on accunt t fiu tntfils as well." Wilmington Journal. "The Gnldboro1 Messenger his just commenced its fourth vol u mo. It contin ues to improve, and sl.ouM l.c gcikcruu.- Iv sustanud. The man who r the nerve atid energy to keep i:p a d ly in Goliboro deserves success."- - U'iL Mir aThe Daily Messenger, GoIaaV ro, i out once more, and friend Jt nitx must pudon us forfayin the lirn has wonder ful 'y imnroved the appearance of hi sheet. Tuesday 's irue is No. 1 of Vol. 4, ai.d is a de.-ided improtcment. We wish our enterprising friend success." Greenzboro lalriet. Mcsers. Towell & Co. hare rc-opcncl on the corner of East-centre a.il Cho-tnut itrcct in the ttore recently occupied by Mr. Carry EJinundeon, -where they will be pleafcd ta see their fiicnri and customer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r FOR RCXT OR L.TM5E. SEVERAL good Cotton and Ftock faftns to Rent or Leaee. ALSO, Two valuable farms of about 300 ncrfecli, for eale. Either of thf farms nr con2cnt to market In the Ticinity of GoUUborf. Apply for particulars to TIII3 OFFtJE. Sept. 29-1 m ON CONSIGNMENT. ' K( BBLS. FLtlUK, MVatuSa," tJJ "Broadway" and other brands For sa'.e low by COLLIER, FCLGHUM &CO. Sept. 2Sth-eod3t DeiitaLJSotice.' - DR. J. S. MICIIAIU) baa rCurtied lo Goldsboro, and will bo glad to see hi friends and patron. ISTOftico in :hc CarrinMon Store Sept. 28-1 w WASTED ! WANTED!! A FEW MORE GREEN BACKS wanicd. in exchange for fine Bccoie. Kocka wats, &c, at OlWer Snmmcrlin,a Otirria:o MaiiufUctor3-, MT. OLIVE, WAYNE CO., , N. C. - If you wnt a good ride, wk ia. centle raen.or Mod your ordera. at otkh.. i,w,i- ia naaarpaaaed either in style, cheapness or durability. O. SUMMEliLIN. iou-wiy Fropiietor DlltJG 8TOHE. the store adjoining Mr. B. M. Trit West Centre Street, one door aouth of tba'D C. Caninjlon BniWiag, nearly opionit the Galdaboro PostOfice, where I expi to coa- ' DRUO BUSLXEiS- I would be pleased to receit- continu- i i1?1!"81" promptly and cartful ly atttndd to. r... q . .y-H-'FIKLATSOX, Co!dsioro, Sopt. 1 Ith-ISGJ. Uarins lost ny store latbe Ut conflara hon I take tbia method of informing ray friends and customcra that I b a 1Vf.t Ik fnuc, ) ra t)5e. strict, H. C. ) AsaUtant Aufof 5tb D.Tiiloo, 2nd V ALL penoot lUblt to Internal lUtenue Tax, oodrr Excb Law cf tbt United tate, ar hertbj notified to arrr and gite ia tht to ne at cmc, cr fifty pr cen'om will b adied to the tuonst tbertcn. Of3f over Mr. 13. M. Prltetfa ttor. Go! J bcre, X. C. C. L. EST 13, Aeet. Antacr 5th Dir. 24 Dial., K. C Spt.21-ly Tax '.Notice J SHALL' ATTEND AT 11112 FOL lowing time ar.d pliers for the pur pose of receirin-taies f,r theyeir IS 00, viz: Monday, Srpt. 27lh. at Oranthica's store in Grantham Township, Tuesday, Sept. 23lh, at Dudley in Brog- den lownhipf Wednesday, Spu C9thf at Indian Springt ia Inditn SnritirsTownnhir Thurday, Sept, SOib, at the usual place in New Hops Towrwfcip, Friday, Oct, lt, at Ilood Swamp Meet in llaaso in Saulston TowmUipt Saturday Oct. 2nd, at Fremont la ITahnn ta Township." Monday. Oct. 4th, at Pikeville in Tike- il!e iownship, Tced.iy, Oct. 5th. at the usual place la Fotk Townhict Wednesday, Oct. Gth, at Goldaboru' in Goldbo.-o TowiJihip. As I have giren all the indolcnre al lowed by Iaw, I hope that all tax-oayera will come forward and pT promptly and av cos. J.0. C. RHODE U,lr. Guldnboro. N. Scpt.2ltv lfOlw Now is the Time to call at IT. WEIL 6o BROS-. In the Carricgton bi.ildmj FOR IIARaAI.S. SELLING CFFI SELLING OFF!! JC7AT AM) HELOVt COSTITii3 Orn Est irk Stooc tr Drj- Coo-.U, Clothing, Notion, Ac! Ac!! Ac!!! to maKe room for an Entire new Stoch Fall Goods. TO THE PU1JUC. In the la'e fire many of our G were Jaraxvd. In order lo dupo.e of tbctu at once wc protce to fell tLem e ff At and Iielutc Cot! CONK AND CONVINCE YOUR SELF. We are now rcceirin an entire new tck cf rxkIs. compritinz all the taot desirable stvlc ixtant, to all cf which wc wo'ii I In vite the atteutioa of our former cunton r. I!. WEIL & B:tUa. Scrt. ICth, 1CD. J. G.HcrFlKCTKRS A; CO." COTTON FACTORS AND COM MISSION MKRCnAKTS. N-. C South Holiday Street, Baltimore, ?Id. Lil cral a Iranees maile on crsdjrnrant cf Cottoo and thr pruduse. Cf.l, FcrU!- iter-, nn 1 11 1 Mat ion iupplief, purchased at lowcit cnh wl.o csale ptic:. We ore rrprei-cn'ed in f. Carolina by John O. Wiliitn-s & Co., IUiiters, lUlel-h, Mcjs.-i. l'"Well & Co., tloMsborn, T. A. Uriffln, F.-t , Bockr lo.inf, ' .Mct.-rf. lcUj(ct & Co., Wiluiogton, Mj. W. A. Blount, Wn-bio?tou, Mc'Kiis. S'liarp As. Co., Jojncr Depot. Wc hare mide arraneaicats with a re liable MUsirsippi I'lnnter, for rr'jin5 our friends with a pcnuluc urtic'e of the celeSrateil '4reclcr" cotton scci fr tlici uext .prin planting. September IHU, lhCD-ti2ta BALTIMORE REGALIA KMPOHIUM M4.NuracTunr.ns or T EG ALIA, Jew-Is, Idgc I'nrarbcroa AV lia, Ac. for Masons I.O. O. K., Rev. Men, Knibts cf Pvtbiis and nil otbr eocieties, H-nr.ers, Fla-s, Shin SisnU, t. 14 . Liiaries Of., corner fsyctte, Baltimore Md. Vtk" lUt furnUbed urr'o application. auj;. lU-C:n. Tr ANTED AGENT.1 to cllanew 1 T book of irre&t t1uc ta Farmer. Me chanics, and Workinsctncn of all trade and occupations, isth hJition now reidr. The I iirinrrs' cV .TTccImnlrH' Mnttunl Edited by GEO. K. WARING, Ji. Au'hor of "Elements of Agriculture Draining fr Profit and for Health and formerly Aricnlttiral En gineer cd Centml Park, New Vnrk. 500 octavo pages and otcr 200 Illust rationf . Tie 2etc Orlcan Times ray: 'It is a book which should be ia the hands of eter? Frtacr and Mechanic." The Xete Orleans Picayune atya : -So raloable a bock ahould bo fnd In the hoUc of every Farmer and Mechanic; ita elegant illustrations will make it wcl cuu.c etery where." Active men and women can mahe more mney nd pite better aaii.factlori in jellins tbu bouk than any work in the aboutJtfr 1G"?,g0 circu,1t tetliog all E. 1J. TREAT k CO.. rublisbern. o. C51 UaoaotTAr. N. Y. gj? NOTICE, Low Taxes and SmpfT income. BAKEJt & JONE3 aeaMMBa ARE stul ratTacrbringCirnaBuc - get. ff8nit Cxtu, Ar., alio Kepairine wi u ainaa m tneir line done with neat. - "I,... . Karseaiaail, WUQ IilUe profit. Prompt attention i?urantecd to all Job pf rn t j their care. They keep t.ono hut the ba. ol work men in their employ, alao the best matt ml that can be procured. Factcrr oDro. . te the Baptist Church, GoM.N. innte our Irienda and acquaintance to coma and tee. August 2Stb, 15C3-tf U.S. Internal nerc "New Goods! New Goods! . New Goodi! TTE wU rMrpclfal ly aaacunc to the citl md9 cf GoUabcrv aal cnxaodiox eomtry, tial wabata jaat rt- ceiTed cot of tbt LAK0K3T A5D BEST ASSORT ED Stodcs of Goods tTcr fcresM to thla narktl nWch y art dTtrlc Very Low for Caah. Tlin Ladle art rtpctfally latlttl t call at Mrt . Eietteiaa Emporium of raahforr, wbert tht Utrtt ttrkt mnj j toxnX. Mrt. E. ba j-ut rtturorJ frxm Usf Nortatra CI tie wacrt att baa percb&4 rrery MvtHy of tht icuoa. 'Come one, eorso a1!,"anjgira m & call, befrt burine clwbert at vt flat ter ourltrt that we can tti at cbcap at the cheapest. 7- EINSTEIN k DUOS. Sept. 2, 1SCV. II A WKINS, WlLUAnSO.f & Co. CO.MIISSIOxlMEnClIANTS, roa mtt Sale cr r Cotton, Nnvn! itorr nnd Cout trjr Produce, 105 W. IOMBtRD SmttT, Kaltircorr, Md; Liberal adtancet rnv! open conizc menU. Orderi Mlicued for Bsirfft Iron-Tie, ani aupplici generally. RtrtntNcta : Hon. ILR. KHdter. lre-. k W. R. R C'd. J..ho D. Whtlforil, Ncberne, N. C. Hon. Wei. T. D-rtch, GaUubnro. N. C. P. prfpr, Eq.. Cabicr Merchaot' Nf tional IUrA, iJihioxire. Md. au 2S-d3ta ALBERT DAY, (MLuaroao, .n. c. agi:nt i-'oit Dibble, Worth Co., Commission Mcix'hants, 188 Plant. St., New Yi.k. IfILLMAKE liHrl c!i aliancrt on J Ci4tnn and tbrr rviduc to W ctn- "UCI to the aUitr l.ut.M. In Store ntid for Srtlc. 9.000 yards Standa-d Gunnr Cilf 4.0C0 41 American Anchor lisreinr, 2,ClO Flat m r 2'2S rU IV"' rilcr1 Iro Tie' -,OW U Hope, 125 ntlnc Ttrine. Perk, Floor, Ac. GoldUrp, N. C, lra August 24tb, UC3. JNcw Book Store. J.1V.GULICK. v BOOKSKLLKH, STATION KR, .... . AS3 MLMCandMUSICAMXSrCUMEKT? Exchacge Hotel, GoldaUre, X. C. ' TT AVISO porcbaae of Mr. J. E. Saab ot of I ook, Stationery, ., at ibu rl. I tUl I continue the Bk-buiincs ai bi oM lte proper ma!ntanance f lb Luslnemt. Ucp&fullr. J. W. GUL1CK, Au-UAt 2-tf Great Attraction! rinrr-ci,As,s goods FABULOUSLY0 LOW MICES! nt . Wm. COHEN'S We hare jait rtceifeJ a 'large general aorttaent t aod Dry Goadt, Notions, CI o Hi In p. Shoe Ae.f hkh we offtr to the cnlire at Fair and Rraaoiiable Frtce. THE lLIIES Ae cartlmtarlv m.iti l of cotmtry produce Ukeo i CXchn2 t aarktt tali. . ' T t . ana price. I W mnrv I w0pw HUl QJ-iTm Carriage Factory. JL Cant, 45., la iba Utctt ttrleeaLu; reaaonablt Urai; wcoUwlku r fcW v, upWCllc. special aiUita riren tortralrinr. N. jTi.yZ "Vl9 tand. 8tUffttl rturu. Cail cLaalpjr etaewbert . D. CZJ-rfT -3TA C Lt r tt rT - ao4prlti ,rU1 Onij-nfCir . j . fv mm naaMil TiJt Uttl toll UO a TbtlirjTftaai r-ntrxV aay latlarxtciiit. W Ordtra by tzxi Marcb PAIN Kir t rva.r lUtn Xs,; JM ,? OtTLtE3l- I aal 0 "JWU fay tUj tU d. prtTallrd bert cf Ute i A f..., V Ver tH U llrv wrW. f cr tUlj fial c t ecb Jr i . " ' pected. I tbooU a4 I lba ii p4 '? Mat rtcc&tly frwa tit JUwU i beta ut4 Ub coUcril- ttJ;J' fMatrU.nW IfuWala,; iuT.ai.i3. h ARsiixo, ai";, fr Allen's LunnBaisto nit mocinr m frt,v Conanmptlou. Cn?h Uronchltla, AttJm An4 c i Art txrtcTon:T rat, IT II AS NO llor . It la enrl eftU anitetr,' tWaaUi-U, wbkU ar, tracuO. ao aa to rtUia a:i vt 5IlnUtcr Who cas Lett tat W!U All tbdt iSru! i k Lxrr. MANIlOOn. tn Titn vnu.n Ml HWKQ err I rlfoi, the tr--Hxn f.,,, 4i j tnir. but Ia fw t. i,. ,. , I lUi ha., tl ifJ for, atl th b;mi',(1, , , lUn lo u.entl eTirt. l i, l ..T eace . It om3 -tct ti I--1 j , cr taai atc Urtrciar itf , in tte ueiclp i.ut 1 . tUt U talle-J f, anl tt.,j. , wm,cJ trmn rWd rA i n frxtordi,rr dittrtijt 1t, ioj;ctnfttf the city, tUj Jw l taiK ebf.etUl ta -it ii g-W i ujon tbffl tlte. II the litiM tc m fen,i!e. l r ll.e tnn.c Is lolled f. m,v. , b lrt tyoirto'n InhW. brr aatie- rr ind.?,: ;ir ...... v iim waii tit i ..j:: . rrn by alu it fed ; tlr fvit fr., t-rm arc prrtrd nJ tU f - by t. fleran-c). Tie Umj.fil .l ue lul ri-l 'n h!cb Udr ajl rliltw- o f-cintln a c L a re . 'rta c":;J -n ia lookevl for in ! : lie j i.-s bleeU la anxiety, an 1 fatc'ei He pt U waning ior lt fictjta. UmjiLt, I'xTtatT n'wt.fe. a-Mj arbU frun eiro: cr rult itU-r tlon, attended iiS the IndiTM'iion to Eirrtioa. U .' !. Le of Metnorr. Di2icn!lr r.rrri-r v- era! Wiakoeff. II error tt Ik . ... -' inr. Dre a l!al Htr .s ill' NUMSveata, CoU Ferl, U nea oTl'ision, La;t3or. fair..! L tuJt of the MocuUr hte?. f uttr wut ArrtUte with Diyt ie 2 re;?- UanJt Vlcibioof the rWJr, lntr Hkla, Taim Couctena&r a&J the Face. Fala lathe DV. II. the Lyelidr, Frten'ly T-lal jT.r ceior ine .je-, with Ttcyurr ani lx cf fci-ht, Wticf .una'i-Jt.v Mobilitr, neallraj&r, Uh ety. Notllo; U eoe dir V i p tieata than Soiilo le. anj fu?h;tj iW dread, toe Fear cf Theotrlre, t7 ' oanarr, no Larcrtt&r, vi :L a bnrried Traaxitica frea cte i-1 : another. Tbeae trot 4 a. U allcvfd i r wb'cb tbU Mcdkioe lotrl v. tjx H tooa f:io Ixra cf Tower, Fara Ibrrtlc Flu, la est cfvbicb tie jv tst, txrire. torln- tbHrnatft&lc'e f I1?- T on al the ITociai--)LvU AjU-. irault occtjtreJ to t tiU's:, rt"t for a tic left thog a&l Ux Iery They were cf bob ttt$ tti tvtaty year cf aj. Who caaaaytkat thrie eife freqei.tlj fotlowed by thote orf-J A e Ictanity an! Coaioajtioafn" the laaa&e Aylomtv aai tie aw' dtatba by Co&ftBf tlmt bear ast'e .r totbe troth f tbeet ajerti:t. h l Aar.uiaa the taot a-tUtcbs y eiln (tart The couMtsaace b kuk' ' a id quite dealiictt otitlrr v' ertr Uiia ll. FW1 a ecal occur. It U rare j arlicoUtr. With woefot caeajrem va aullen tvaaia tbtlr grief teV-- f Wblb. we rejrtt the til- abore dUeaaee and tyeWeoii. f " part i to eZer as taTaJaai! c;.t rj fee the reaoeal ct the V- out HtonLr Cotcxnan ,i:?JJ tact cr iiccwr. There la at in It U aa anchor cf bye te tie rrr'y rttltnl, and tb5a la the tcasisisj4' Laee cmJ or eacrlbed lL Fold by lVVlbU aad Pealo f Price I l.tS pee UetlU eraiabU. DtUetrtd t eay a4irrt. Pccn tosae la ail c3oB.akaiJe&j Adiraae . T. HELUWbP. DnJ aaJ Cbeakal Ml Broadway. J, IC7 5c ee are resb cz'n la ateelsrratl wrrrr. v.. thl a!5 tt tttit fit cti .m SZ M tr't" ortw lb rW Ki:;f r "J I i ea Wj. I aatt ittrtlj '3 S met Ibart Unln Ki...... i own rrtty Uttht A$Uti ii It a. atKj .Uh Utut . c4ber ed!ctot. I a! nH it ill era la mUb tie ,l r e. ... Olid Pubtir . . arvso eflea aicil - .i wa'eta tW XUl.ata. laktn a f. . r " a rrmaneat core. " Court Wanks pJq at oEc 3lir If 1 wCTt))5yt.3r U. Beef eyCbeakal Warab.- V