pianos r pianos n: Plahtatioii Bitters. K0SK(?0! This TTondcrf ill TCgetaWo restorative is the sheet- anchor of tlio feeble and ' ... debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for tlio . aged and languid it lias no equal among stomachics. As a Baltimore; mix rpmpflv for " tlift nprvons OTIEFF'STianoa havc aU the latest im- I reiU tUy lUf IIIO .JierYUlia provemems, inciuu iu j-i nr rtgrauc ucu le, ivory fronts, , and the improved French Action; fully warranted for fivj years, "with privilege of exchange within 12 months, i not entirely satislatory to purchasers. Becoxd-hjlxd Fiaxos acd 1 aklou ubgaxs always onTiandj from" $50 to 90 TUX MOST of erery description " v J, and at FTwntfd fn the best dinner IMPORTANT i !dWpricci. p .i m goldmedal'for mi. " " "... , .t r . " lias just been awarded, to ciiaki.es hi. sii2Fiv ; For the besfc-iano fnow -made orer Balti more, Philadelphia and New. York Pianos. t OFtrCE AND WJISEROOMS. " No. 9 Noiit ii .Lib ekt t St., k ear Baltimore V'5 w STREET.5 7 " Y- t BALTIMORE; MD: DISCOVERY IN MODERN PHARMACY. I PEFERSKS WHO HAVR OUB TIAX03 IN USE. Gen. Robert E. Lee, Lexington , Va . -Gen. Robert Ransom, Wilmington. N. C. Gen. Daniel II. Hill, Charlotte. N. C. Mtssrs. R7 Burwetl &' Sons, Charlotte, N. 0 Messrs. Hooper & Son.5Yilson, IS. C. Rev. CiB Rid dick, Kittreil Spinew. N. C. R. J. Gregory, Goldsboro' Hotel. D. E. McKinnie, Goldsboro, N. C. Dr. J. M. Hunter, " Rev. Miltou FroBt, " II. L. Grant, - " Gov. J no. Letcher, Lexington, Va. Doty's "IV ashing Ma r li i lately much improved with POWE Tvealiness to irliicli Tvomen are especially subject, it Is superseding every other stimulant. : In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, At acts as a specific in every species of disorder whiclr undermines the hodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and Jhe most popular medicine in the civilized world bo sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers and Country Stores. MONEY is m article despised by none, and ire are now prepared to show how all may possess it in DR. LAWRENCE'S CONCENTRATED COMPOUND EXTRACT or Business Cards. We hate in the Job Paimr a DrriK rocnt ot tic MtMEctt, every ooTtllj in the form cf type, business catd, and cards for tbiting or weddingt. Call tt the MtistNciR OGct, cor. Wilout and John Strtct, and extmtne our fpcciractir. You will find our prices ar.d toitcrlal all you csn atk. 4 I - Letter Heads. General Directory; . UKlTKO STATE'S OFHCIU. PrcslJcDt U.S.Grot.cf Oil. mw Vice-PrcsMcflt-Schoy Icr CAUi, cf In- Sccrcurr cf Sute Ilsniltca FUh, cf New York. , Secretary of Trt 1 1 o ry G co . S. Bo u I tr el I, cf MswachastiU. Wsr DepsTtncat Jtha A. Htwlics cf lllinoif. , 4 Sccretsrr cf tbo Xstj Adolph I. Bo ric, of"Pncf?U4nU.- Secrcisrj of Interior J D. Cox, cf Obu ... PoMmuter-Gtner! John A. J. Cm wcU.tif MsftUn'.. Attorney General E. B. Hoar, of Mai- sschufettf. Coa3msIorer it Agriculture Hone Cajror, rf Speaker oi the l!oue E. 0. D'alnc, tf MaaiachuselU 3ih. G.!. I-rrin. Ha-v,. ., lO:h:A.li:u!..lif5u:itV-'a. SrcACCK or , res Uccm cfWaar. -1 S0f7 county ornenr Thorna A. Usn-, fAi,. Join IIoJW.I. I IX c -.i .$.,.,- KOSKOO! 11 C, latelv much improved with POWELL'S PATENT DOUBLE COG-WHEELS, and the Patent Stop, are nw unquestionably far j abundance by follwing a few simple inetruc clothes ever invented; ana will (save their ccst twice a year,) by saving labor and clothes. Those who have used them give testimony as follows : 'We like our machine much ; could net be pursuaded to do without it, and wiih the aid FREE of charge, except the trifling sum of 2 cents, as a guarantee ot good faith. The business is inexhaustible, and thou sands are now cngnged in it ; while to their most intimate friends the cause of their cieat ef Doty, we feel that we are masters of the EUCces3 and prosperity remains a myttcry. position." (Rev. Bishop Scott, M. E. Any party engaging will frequently receive sealed packages by express or mail, andiur Church.) "In the Laundry of my house there is per petual thanksgiving on Monday, for the in vention of our excellent wringer." (Theo dore L. Cuvelr. "I heartily recommend in it economy time, money and contentment." (itev. Dr. liei lows.) "I assure you 'our Machine, after a year's use, is thought more of to-day than ever, and would not be parted with under any circumstances." (Solon Robinson.) PRICES. Send the retail price, Washer, $15, extra ther than this the butineej in all to yourself, AS the article can be carried in the vest pocket, except when wanted for use. It needs your attention but one or two days in the -week, or a couple of hours dr. ily, which can be after other business is over. Po additional rent,tax- es, or help of any kind ; ail engaging with us must be of first WATER Ao old maids nor Ministers wringer, $10, and will forward cither or Wanted .but one good smart man in every town who can keep his business to himself, act confidently with u, and make from $5 to $10, for every hour's service. Act promjtly, stricke wmle you have the opportunity, and a FORTUNE is yours. Inclos?, with your a, uress, one prepaid directed envelope and 25 cents, and you will recive full particulars by return mail. Address. rOl La S. CO.. C5 Wall street N Y. mi? Alum & Dry Poster FIRE PEOOF both machines, fre of freight, to places where no one is selling, and so sure are we they will be liked, that we agree to re fund the money if any one wishes to return tnc machines free of freight, after a month's trial according to directions. Canvassers with exclusive risht of sa!e make money fart selling them. Sold by dealers generally, to whom liber al discounts are made. R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agant ' 32 Cortlandt S., N. Y. Sept. zo-tr. EIRlSOaOOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS E. & H. T. ANTHONT & CO. 31 ZBOASWAT, XWtORK, Tit. tk. Latt. f th. Tnd I. Ifemr nUiiln UHrtanl ! kav. UmIi mm puUiin, wwmtturt ami lmnn.. ff UdMM ..r.t(f Haaimath C.T, Catrml P.rk. Trraloa Falls. Srnt Witt IHUIMII, UulUUlMM, Srnata. fuHntlt, Th. llitM, rrr oar io3rta rtova .mWrae. a m imrtaml, .l41u M Wmcmi andrxWan. af VI cm. HofitmA, O. W. WUaaa. Immr. ai awitarttei. Btaiav. rrr.naaai Firl., Sad.aA, ..Uaaa, iHlaad. Wala. F.mpll Aaatrta, IU1 pala, TatUriaa. ' u Cloaa, Triaaaa. Crrata! rataaa, BrraaJ.a.aa faataiaaMMa Canaaifaa. .raaUlaa, . Kama, A TEE LANDS OS THS BIBLE, aa4 lataaaaty lauraatlrf arlaa. Alao, T)lamlaata aa Traaaa tnmt arly. W. ara alaa axela.i.. Ag.au la AaiarM amiK VIKW&" .f which kara a ...41 aartai.at. itli far Frith'. Umrit la. rh.UxrasH ' irUii taa Khiaa, KbUd4. SaaUaad. WakM, 4u. ach al iki mit ttwl at tti Umm raa. rHtTOlX?mc ALBUMS Oar Saaafaatara at Alkaau ta wt JJJJ taraufhamt laa cahatry aa aaaariar ta aaUty aa4 aaaaty ta r Uia-a. PaaMra. aa4 r atrtn) ara llhM "' Mf ta.r mkar. Sayara aaaaM aa faU.la aaa aa ask kafara Baktaf thalr aarchaaaa. CHR0M09. J?S i!"1"" Htaraa. U.t mM i. a(rardtaaf aai JS-LiT"? UbU U,,r art larrrtT fra) iaMrH'w0" Tl " aaaply tka trada al E. & H. T. AHTHONY & CO C01 Broadwat, n. y., e vortan and ICanufza ef Paotogtaahit lUtola; fire inns. Sold hyltlie Trade Generally A Liberal Discount to Dealers. 200,000, farnlshed the U, S- GoTrnment, lUOjOUu " European r'Arrov. Navy, Belt, Police and Pocket Re volvers ;Bepeatin and Vest Pocket Pistol and Hifle Cans, using Metallic Cartridge. Breech-loading and Revolying E. REMINGTON & SONS. May31-tf.. . .ILIJON, N. Y. Court Blanks for ele. at this office. Are mcst desiralle for fiuality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR l aa, a j.; .a. U.S. JUDICJAfvY. . ScrtcM Cocti or nit Uxitco Stavxs -Saloon P, Chue. cf Ohio, Chief Jua licr, S. Nclion.of N, Y.t AwocUte Jot!cf. JL C Gner. oirmtu, Dartd DatU, o! HU N. II. Swraicr, tf Ohif N. Cli!furt!tcf Mnoc, S. F. Milltr.of loma, F. J. Eield, of Cl.t a. II Ik a 4 l rou rue rt RF or OBSTINATE AND LONGSTANDING OR G. V nrokn, cf N. C, U. S. Circuit and PUtrict JuJps. . ; I. V. StrbocW,cf Sa-co, AUflrnsry. 5 ami T. Carrow. of DctufuH. C.. We Lave In our stock a frtih tupplj of hj. s:31arliil for N. C. I Scitonof U. b. Circuit Court are rar,r, which w. .ill prin-. t, order f., ' Ju" "J business letter heads at $4.S0 rnr rram of note bite. This is only one-half th usual price charged for such work. Bill Heads; C.t: ri al oho C. Pahr-Je. hit Til Vrt HoKstd, lUrlklcr." Gi!ci K'jrn?;. C.Vro?,tr nisuiO'1 Cyir.Trf atraitrl N. Pa rMccrton, Sjfftjjr. Shlt. 1 ' m t; n i ci pal or jut. r. ? J li. W hiultr, Uj j,. ' " l. Grrrr, Tcwn C"tt. i II. .fnitb, To?rn Jrc: at John B. Ltr. Ch cf f lv..ff. B:rjciia II Sa.it!), .UIUii Tt N. C. SENATORS AND P.EPRn?ENT- ATIVC5. SmtTou. JoKph C. Abbott, IUp., of Wilntn ton, was born at Concord, N. II. Htcl ed to the U. S. Smte In Joly 1. Ilia term o! so nice expires March 3d, 1ST!. Jhn Pool, Phcp- of EibctS Citr Took hi srai in July, Ill tenn ends March 3J, lb73. Ktrar-sasTiTiTCff. First DUtrict Beaufort. IUrtie. Cam- We haye the largest s'ock in the S;ate, Ljcn. Currituck,. bate Ualifix. Ilrrt ford, Hydt, Martin, ISorthampUn. Pa - ritrtrnt. Probjtcrian. lUr. I. JIcKiti-lor. i;rt'. Kt. (,. W Saalrrl: p at al e'.riojiai, J.T. ji. r. TJ. tr. or.il, A. CIIIIONIC DISEASES or THL Xlooil, Liver4 Iv iclne H, aud furnish ihcm printed at about the s.mo rates as merchants bare been in the habit of paying for the blank Bill pa- S'lpply of GoU'lom Ferasb Cw'.Irr?. r. . UcnU GANhnrn Mile Acaicnir, 7S. T So.i, P.incpal. nt IDc, Xc. 112 A V V in etrr rr.nr.tS. t T oV!:, Vt. E. Dul n, crtlrr. large per. Wo also hare a Mo5tlt Statcmkxts. Ercry merchant1 and bu:ne$s man should have ihcrr. nttntank. rcrqntranna. Tjreli, tliowanf ind WsihirRton Counticp. Clinton L. Cobb. It p., of Elitabcth Citr. Elected to the 4Ut Congrcs in IhYUS. Jvcond District Ctrtaret, Craren. nnei, Lnoirt Vjinr, Grccr. Pitf. Kdr-cornbe, Wila n, Duplin ac J Oni!or ccuntie. Datld Ileaton, Er., of Nowlm. u oru At Hamilton, OSu. E!ccUd to the 4lt Onrrc In IC?. ! Third lirlt: Ann, M"notrerT, ; Moore, Kichmor.i. lUlrfon, llaruclt.) unberUnd. Il'mlcn. bitnn n, New s muoTir,BiuuH k and Colua.l u cour.-" tie. ! NERVOUS SYSTEM Ac, fUCII is PcTofuli, nnl all STrolons, EruptWe, Cutan?ou. Mercurial, and Syphilitic af fect:ons, Chronic Rheumatism, Neural pa, Erysipelas, Pimples, Dlotclrtfl, Boils, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum; aUo, Chronic Liver Comrda'mt. I)tpmmU. Jaundice, CosttTcnetB, Nervous He. id ache, NerTou.- Detdlitv, Epilepsy. Gleet. uravei, ana all diaeaaes ar?Binj fr m I y. rCBITlKS on rovKBTT of the B'.OiJ, TiR- riuiTT or the Liver, Dkosdkb of the Kidneys or Urinary Org.tos, Dchility of the Nervous System, &c. The rrreat superiority of this medicine overall other if that it thoroughly eradicates ail hcmors and taints, and at the same time changes the Stomach and Liver to an active, ii althtstai r, invig oratea the Nervuus System, renews viuli ty, and can be relied on as a safe, pleai ant and positive recedy. FORMULA AROUND EACH BOTTLE. Cannot bo Sledgod! IT J1 Cannot "bo 'Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled I BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES. ' : FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please tend for a catalogca to iLasrasr & CO., Co3d4at aafe mannfactnrera) Warehouses (losBank St,ClevelantLO ' And for sale by-OTir amenta la itt principal cities throughout to United States - JOB Work will receive prompt attention at this office. This preparation is prepared by an ed ucated, experienced, and rrrutsow rhysicianand Chemist, -who has thor oughly tested it in a large practice. It is, therefore, submitted to the public -wiih full confident that it a great taerit will cause ittohava a popularity rxtQCALtn in the hutory of Medical Preparations. PRICE ONE DOLL Ail PER DOTTLE. ICP Prepared only by a J. J. LAWRENCE, M. D. Noriolk.Va For sale by all Drujjits. ( July l-moet ILitirg rrfltteil o)i OfTice we arc pre pared to execute all kindt of JJcrcan tile Prin ting, Suth as bUOW CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, NOTE AND LETTER HEADINGS, CIRCULARS, RILL 11 E ADS, PROGRAMMES, HALL TICKETS, POSTERS, COURT BLANKS DRUGGIST LABELS, BILLS OF FARE, pamphlet?, show bills, Hand bills, visiting cards, in fact all kiodf of Plain and. Fancy Kent Lorr. No. C, I. o. n 3Ir-u ccry Tujvi4f 1- TUxirL C tit, N. JaS- H. Sru'th, .Nr,ur. r. GLt310 CorsciL. Nr. 41. JcrU every TurUr cl. C if r. t J. II. WitiraKtv, Surest jr. tixi: Sunday McsewjtT. Oliver II. Pockerv. Rp f cf IlV!nv.nd county, ltctcl o -Jl.t Congress m IfJr.?. Fourth OIs!rict Na.h, Warrm. nrr- j villr, Frsnlalm, Wake, J-hn:or. Chat- ham and Orant counlic. John T. Dcwcer. Ron .i.f nu:ciiEApr.-T papi::; i : IN THE T.M : lorn in Arlans, tdueatcd in lnd:ra. ElccteJ to the 4Ut ;on-rc in J ob JPrin ting ; is cxccn(id with sealocaa. All orders will receive oar ImotdlaU at tentico. WorU from the Country sollci ted. FiMi District AUmanr UanJ'tli,! Gui!ford, IVVin-hstn. lHidn. IVr- t svthc, MottSurrj, Pcrsor, Sianly and l aiwtu countir. I.rael (5. lAh, Ile-) nf 5alcm. Eject ed to 4ld Cnnrrcis in $C. Sixth District Alexander. CVrru Ca'awba, Divie, Gaston. Irvd.-H. L no.'i,. 3lwlfnbur;r, Rowan, Unicn, WtUea and Yadkin counties. Francis E. Shohc?, Drn cf Rcan. Elected to th 41t Conjre in Igd'. Seventh District AUr;hanr, A.e, Runccmh Burke. Clestland, Chrtckcr Clar, Cal lwell, Hay wood. Um l Jackftan, Macnn, Madison, Mcttowcll. itcbell, fall, Uuthcrford,Tran; It ants. Watau-a and Yarecy cuntlc'. Alexander II. Jones, Rer, ef A-he-vil!i, said to t a deserter frctn the Cor. fnlcratc akriny. held a cirawUion to raUc a rrpiroent of federal trcps.cf Ioy, al North CaHinlana : hut d:d no nhtin j. Waa elected to tlte-UitCongrcistn Uol. 9 STATE GOVERNMENT. W W. Holdtn. i f Wtkp. Governor. To. R. Caldwell, of Rorke. L W. 11. Richardson, Private bVcret-.ry to the Governur. Htnry J. McnniDgtr.of Newtern,Scri tarr of Stat. Datld A. Jenkins, ef Gaston. Public Treasurer. urnacrioa Acaas,or Davidfoa, Aud- . nor. ?" S A,?h1Cy ef Ktw nncTer 5ort. o: Public Instruction. Harris, of Rutherford, Sopt. of A. W Father, of Bladco, Adjatart Gea cral. W. C. Kerr, of Mecklenburg, Slate Gc- o.ogisu SUPREME COIJRT OF N. C. 'H fcr Bjtmlrcal.) R. M. Peanon, of Yadkin, thief Jus tice. Thomas Sett!e, of Weutwoith, .Vsiistaat Judge. ' W II. Rodratn, ef Wa.hio-toa, AuUu ant Jodjrt. R. P. Dick, of Grtcmboto, AialsUst Jud?. ? lJ?t l Tenon, AuUUat Jo Jge. L. P. O-ds, Attorney Gtnersl. E D. A. Wicker, or Wak .Marshal. ICT-Sersions held lo Rsleh secl-an-noally, on tht t-ecoad Mocdy la June and scood Mtniiy la January. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE5. (Elected for 8 years frcca 1SC3.) 1st. Dist Chu. 0. Poole, ECxaheih City. 2nd. C. ILThcxaaj.Ntwbeni. 3rd. E. W. Joaet, Plytacatb. 4th. Daniel URouall. Wilainrtoa. 5th. R. P. Buxton, FayetUviile. Cth. a P. WatU, Williarastcn, 7th. A. W. Toorjtee, Girt a she ro, 6th.J. M.lCoad, Dobwa. . VI: 77. -in: i!i:sr vn:i.Y xdmz- m It e;n'.atct at rrtreh Or: 3llUrt i Hi-:' LOCAL NEWS, Slur.il :i-rr!.iM As any ether Weekly b a.r. li cootaini a lre atr.ccM tf original math:;:. A a well at all I c vrii: NEWS-FOREIGN AND locthtr wtih tla LITEST II lPPnIG In all r arts ef ccr ccatry a-i abroad, anJ Eiitcr.al C--: current evectf. It farnuhesaxant EXCELLENT AiivrnriilN' dium; To Buiisest Men. w 7Zi:XS: aT at . - oubicrsotioci SI-w a rev ctaU for six racuths, ta a!r-. adtei:tisi.g: Ore Ddlar per f sre, aal fr auhitjatat laKTtwri. la tht Dmr 3It tr Walaatani J'--tl LQiiJfr. rorni es.m I Vv l ... .f I !rlt (the tuililw- kaiwn jl the C-h in-) ia GtlliVsr y. C. i. : 1- i

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