1 ' !'.. - 1 mscenaneonft. J. M. Chasten. J. R. Chasten. f V ' r. ' J'. U. CliASTEII & 8011, DEALERS IX iGr b oerles, 4 .. i., w, - -ik. ..- eOUNTBT PRODUCE, D j j , - . yatJITS, CONFECTIONS, JKSlobiooo. Snuff. Cigars, nd F11, S Piles nenerarty. WllltIWjOMhorBM Ut! promise fair dealing and guarantee Batis woaid ao wen to see ALSO . , ' .,, Asbvts voa thb On,wums ' 1 NAVAJ38A GUANO.' -umlaut Street, T-' 5 OOLDSCOnO. w: c. ; ; . . COMMISSION HOUSE, WlXRIIft GTO . 1C.C. " 4eel6-tf V rJOTICE. I I ti c- i ,, - . There will ' be an election held at the various voting places in Johnston county on Thursday, the 13th day of February, 1879, for the purpose of voting for Remo raT or " No Removal" of the Court House to the Railroad, and also for location oar the North-east" or " North-west" side of Neuse River, in accordance with Chapter 854, laws of 1876-'77. i i C. S. POWELL, Sheriff- Jan. 1. 1879-td Bookwalter Engine I Gotapact,8uhBtantlal, Econom ical and KasilT Managed. Guaranteed to work welL and cire foil power claimed - En gine and Boiler complete, la eluding- Gorernor, Pump, etc- ana Doxms;.) him lowpnoeor non jrower iv.uo .... '. JB83.SO u- 343.SO oteemt Sprlnrfleld.Oblo. Jlllm LFCCCL A no. - dec 13 , &PSUVQTIMLD, OHIO. SAVE YOUR AIR TO LEAEHH0V7T0D0 IT BEAD AND HEED ' WHAT FOILOWS. f SAVE XOVB BAOU Tba Uwa of Hdth ad LoBSrity dMaaud it, the mtomi of aocial Ufa aaqvlM it. , Taa natter is of gnat importanea ia vary war. MKA.VTVnt TOUR HAUL It ia the iut- fj-r1-! florx.and foe the loeeof it thera I bo voupaejaUOB.' lllliTlVATB TOUB HAHU For maana eaa it be aared asd beauuoeo. 1 j ... - i. 1 J DtaaoTaxeil thirty-flre yaara ago by Prof. Ltob, of Tate,' ia tit moat perfect preparation in the world Itaa at am i hiy and beautifying the hair. I Baaldaa belmf tha baat havir dreaabaf rer pramaad, Xyea'i lUOMkirom WiU aaltlxilr preheat apraymoaa, avrnd will ra ,ttr, Mir to bald fcaada, if too loota ad foUielea are sot deatroyed. It actually performs these aeeaaiag niraetes, of Wkieh tfaa following is ' A FAIR BPECIHEN. 1 kad aeaa entirelr bald for several years, eoav. aWHiniiV Z suppose. Z used a few battles of Xathalzoo, and, torn 7 great surprise, 1 nae a uuo gaawta of yoong hair. f 00L. JOHN I- DOKBAHUB, V. B. In arer important rsspect the Kathairon ia abso lately inoocnparabla. It is uneqnaled L To Cure Baldness. S. To Beetore Gray Hair. U To Eemore DandrufL l a. To Dresa and Beautify the Hair. jBXAB Hff HZZTZK The Kathairon la do jtfcky paste of aalphur and eugar-oMead, to paint aaA amb the aair and varalyao the brain. -It ia o pare and limpid vegetable lotion, intended to re I store the hair br natrml growth and reinrigaration. Zt ii aplaodidly perfumed, and the most delightful toilet dreaming known: No lady'a or geatleman'a toUet oatfit U eomplete without Lyon's Kathairon. ' ' ' , BOLD EVERTWHEEE. Cigars ai GRIFFIN BROS., IIA1IMCTDBEBS OF CIGABS s And Dealers In Tobacco, Pipes, Smo- kers!i4rtic TTe are agents for W. Duke's Dor- ham Smoklnsr Tobacco, which we will sell to dealers at factory prices, and to consumers at the low price of 60 enta per pound, We are also agents for the celebrated Orarely and Dlanna Tobacco. f We Mil more Tobacco than any other three merchants in GolCsboro, and guar antee to sell cheaper. ' GRIFFIN BROS. ejlrar Store, w- ei a WW ej-a . m . u naer uregory uouse, in rost umce. Clffar Factory, Up stairs, one door north of the L Je97-tf Messeeoeb Building, i Cheap Boarding House, AIIISTON, If. Cm - i lira. 8. a Oast has fitted tip the two , buildings near the R.R. Depot, and is i bow prepared to accommodate her friends and the traveling public with board and .-.v toflsEfoa, 1 "3 per day. t A f t - sv r o : f f . J, Oast's BcwMing House. NaQrpiT HOTJTSB, : .f.f i .teWBERN N. C. . ,1 The only finvclass Hotel in the city. --There Is attached to the House a Bar, Bil liard Saloon, and also a Restaurant, where rrrsTfresa Uhad at all hours,' day and aJiht. - m ' & R. STREET, aprtktf ; V r ) t Proprietor, ' ; V t W- d i-sa' FALL vAWD THE SIGH: OF THE We wiir not be v - i 0 if Ilf 1 ,a - - invite the attention of the Public to the largest and most Complete STOC K O F GOO DS ; , EVER OFFEEED BY US. We have in stock a large line of Dry Goods, White Goods and Notions, - Which we offer at prices that defy competition. .yMen's and Boys' Clothing, An elegant assoftnient at astonishingly low figures. BOOTS JL3STJD SHOES In great variety at prices lower than ever before offered. A most select assortment of ' j JMen?8 Furnishing Goods, ; 1 Comprising everything in that line. Also Hats, Trunks, Saddlery, Blankets, Hosiery and Ribbons, 1 All of which will be sold as low as first-class goods can be bought anywhere. Call anil eime Our Stoct More MiDnw prthases. We thank our numerGus friends for past favors, and hope to merit a continuance of public patronage. j Very Respectfully, A. STK0)UJSE Sf SON. Goldsboro.N.C, Oct 14.1878 . I n 1 1 I would respectfully announce to all who are in need of a good Carriage, Rockaway, Open or Top Buggy, That I keep on hand at all times a full stock of WORK, out of which the most fastidious can find something that j will please. I use the best material and turn out only first-class work. Have a few PLANTATION WAGONS left, and expect to have, about the 10th of October, another car-load, bought LOW FOR CASH, which will be sold lower than first-class Wagons have ever been sold in this State. jgEvervthing I sell is warranted. " " "W. H. ZBOIFLZDEJISr. Goldsboro, Sept. 30, 1878-tf I listkCkpstis ik Ml , . v TO GO TO AND BUY A GOOD I have on hand and shall continue to keep good Work, and when you buy any thing in my line, it would be good for you to come and see me at my New ReDosi tory near Cobb's building. ? I Those who owe me for work sold last year must come and make settlement soon as I have waited as long as I can afford to. Respectfully, : octi4-tr WONDERFUL CHEAP! . 0 , . - I NEVER HEARD BEFORE TO-DA3T THAT AT KLorb's Steam Furniture Factory ! In G-oldslDoro I 1 - 1 octM- . , Furniture! Fnrnitnre! Furniture! JTew IFurtziture W act or y I UJLT AXaAjj JLaXiU AfcUUikAXd U UnfllK, "Wo not t TJnclersolca. i ? wmiw Bwva. ww j. mi uwuiu ij v.n juui .iicutiuu vu wur TWO DOLLAR double-lock Bedstead, which are unsurpassed in finish and durability for the extreme LOW PRICE. . Oar Parlor Salts and Chamber Suits, Dinlng-Room and Kitchen Far&itare,wm be sold for the NEXT 60 DAYS at astoaishisglf 4o figures. Come and look at them. In connecUon with oar stock, we ' keep - Tuirpipe" oT Safes,' Frames, Mouldings, JIattrasses, Paper Window Shades, Ac, to which special md ace-, menu are offered to Country Merchant. . ! 11 : a :;; Wall Brackoto I : Chlldron'o Carriageo I V Wo offer a anlendid asaartment of Wall Braelrata and Children's Oerrtewee t nrioAs cheaper than any other fconst la town. -r WINTER. 5 A I G0LDH ELEPHANT Undersold. J'lih Prices. ill BUGGY AT ONCE. IE3. T02STE3S. YOU CAN BUY GOOD Seaftsteculfli at And all other sorts of Fnrnltnre cheap in proportion. Notice tcthe Public ! On aoeount of changing my business, and to make room, I will for the next CO days tell my stock of Furniture, consist ing of Parlor Soita. Bod Room Salts, Din ing Room sad Kitchen Fuil tore. Tables, Chairs, Mattress ss, ew. all of my own manutactui e, at Wonderful Low Price: lower than ever 'before, and I inrlte the publie to give me a call, eon- fldent I can salt all. ,t . ; JKf Call and see me before you go else where, and remember my place la next door to W. F. Kornegay It Go's. I em ploy no street drummers " to harraaS CHEAPER THAN EVER AT j, H Tory respctfally; 1 hen Kerns TOBACCO, PLANT BEDS. The preparing and sowing of seed beds, which will soon occupy the attention of tobacco planters, is not only the first but a most important Step toward the crop of 1879.' To insure success there must be a favorable beginning, and a favorable be- ginning is impossible without a liberal of early Vigorous plants ; therefore the ne cessity of a judgment and care in the solection of pjlocation for a plant-bed, the preparation of its soil, choice of seed and the oilturrof plants." f Every, planter of. any experience at all selects, when it is practicable,va southern exposure for the seed bed, that the young and tender plants may have the fall bene fit of the rays of the . sun during early spring. The next choice of location is ' south-eastern one, then" a western, and to be avoided" northern exiqsure, j-Land lybg off to the south end.of any large building, as a barn, is esteemed by many a desirable place for a plant-bed, because the reflection helps to warm the ground. A skirt of .woods on the north and west sides is a protection to be desired when convenient, but no trees should be allow ed to stand near the bed. A spot cover ed ,with a dense thicket sof,. hazel, or any growth indicating a rich, friable, black soil, makes a capital seed bed, though a lighter soil, can be made to serve with generous "manuring and burning. J t '11 An old rule whkh still holds' good among many planters is that the seed bed should be made any day afer Christmas when the surface of the ground is without snow or frost and dry enough to work. Any refuse wood, when dry enough to burn readily, is suited to the " purpose, and ; any airangement of this material which insures during its burning destruc tion of all the roots and seeds of grass and weeds in the soil and imparts to the soil a reddish, brick-like appearance has accom plished the result for which the bed was burned. Seed beds are not all prepared by burn ing, though this is a time-honored cus tom with the majoiity of our successful planters. Mr. Papenoe, a cultivator in Mont gomery county, O., for a bed one roll wide and four rods long, takes two tablespoon fuls of seed. The seeds must be mixed with, ashes or plaster previous to sowing, and it is wise to hare a sufficient quatity of the latter to go over the beds twice, in order to in sure for them a most equal distribution Never, under any circumstances, sow tobacco seed nnt'l the land is in order for it, and be careful, for your future peace ol mind depends upon it, not to introduce the seeds of grass or weeds in fertilizers applied. Seed beds, to be successful, must be kept quite free from all growths except the one plant for which it is pre pared. -- easT ii suna fi TOBACCO SEED. As some of our readers are taking a deep interest in the culture of tobacco, we take it that whatever throws light on the culture of the weed is of invaluable information. In the columns of an ex cnange we una tne toiiowmg sugges tions as to the selection and sowing of seeds. The selection of seed depends largely upon the soil and the quality of tobacco desired. There are almost as many kinds of seed-leaf tobacco as there are varieties of Indian corn. Upon the whole, the surest and most profitable variety is that which ripens earliest and yields the lar gest number of pounds, cured, to a given number of hills planted. Rich bottom lands grow heavy, strong tobacco, and fanners planting on these lands find it to their interest to make weight the main object of their crop. Thinner, poorer lands will produce tobacco of the lighter weight, but often of a finer quality, and one that will bring a corres pondinly higher price. The inclination, when the soil admits, however, is the cul tivation of the heavier kinds, for the rea son that finer qualities require more eare and experience in handling. Each variety of tobacco has also some peculiarity in the form of its leaves and in the qualities of tenderness or toughness, therefore the form and texture of the leaf should be a consideration in the selection of a variety. A long, narrow leaf for instance, cannot be used with profit by stemmers. A vari ety should be selected that -will tempt the largest number of buyers. A broad long leafj heavy, dark and gummy, is always in demand. Sprouting seed previous to sowing, while practiced by some, is condemned by many planters, the germ is very deli cate and therefore liable to become injured by handling. Pressing the earth around and against the seed after sowing, by the surface of the bed, or beating it down with the back of a spade, induces seed to germinate more quickly and certainly than if allowed to lie loose and exposed to the air. j In' high latitudes seed-beds are forced under glass, and. brought forward at least a fortnight earlier; this insures a ripening of the crop before frost Newly sown beds should be covered lightly with brush; not thick enough to fchut out tha sunlight but sufficient to protect the plants from the chilling and drying effects of the winds. Frequent watering with e strong infusion ' of refuse j tobacco and water, hastens the growth of the plants ; guano applied in the same way, will also : produce marked effect?. : , ;; ';. bermudagrassand sheep. i The true value of Bermuda grass for pasturage, and as a preventative to lands washing : is mora than ever before being understood by Southern farmers. Bermu da grass is to the South what blue grass is to Kentuky. We have nsver yet found the man, who was familiar with Bermu da grass for pasture, who has denied its value for this purpose. ' We have yet to meet the man who dares assert that this grass upon rich land, does not equal blue grass or, orchard in the amount of graz ing furnished. ..Bermuda, acre for acre, will furnish trice the grazing, the same space of rime considered, as any other plant ever introduced into the Southern States. Lake blue grass it spreads from runners thrown out in every direction, .until a solid mat is formed over the entire surface of the ground. .'From May until November !t can be grazed, and, during this period of time; grows constantly and remains green, n No plant known better withstands the heat of the summer. It will grow and spread over the very poorest soil will grow upon all kinds of soil ia extremely hardy and hard to eradicate. mm OF WIWlER ... j if ! ; ' j ,i ; , . : ,..t O - WA-CalUhe.BSEECIAL .ATTENTION of the citizens of WAYNE4 and' surround ing COUNTIES to Our Present Unrivalled Stock of ;;T!'"-"6dv:.;,.:'' ' ' . We have in Stock now Full Lines of STAPLE DRY GOODS, Dress Goods, "White i Goods fc NcMoris, WniCII WK PROPOSE TO SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. . A-lso,IIi:iX?S ana HOY8' CLOTHING, BOOTS M SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Harness, Saddlery, Crock ery, Blankets, Trunks and Valises, ! AT PRICES BEYOND COMPETITION. We Wish to Call Tour Notice to the Most Complete Stock of FURNISHING GOODS EVER OFFERED SUCH AS White Shirts, at all prices. T ! UnderrShirtS, in eyery grade. Linen Collars, in every style. And in Ties and Scarfs you will only have to call and see to be convinced, at L. EINSTEIN & CO.'S. jgejg-We do not propose to mention prices of different goods, as it would be folly with such a stock of goods as we have. But all can rest assured that we intend to do a legitimate business, and sell goods as low if not lower than anybody else. JlSCountry Merchants will find it to their advan tage to examine our stock before purchasing, as we are pre pared to offer them Great Inducements. jgiSOur Stock in this Branch will will comprise all the Latest Novelties an experienced Milliner. 1 We are prepared to fill all orders at L. ITo our numerous Friends and Patrons we return thanks for their past favors, and hope to merit a continu ance of the same. I tCDo not forget the Old Stand ! Opposite the Front Entrance to the Gregory House. L. EINSTEIN & CO. Goldsboro, N. C, Sept. 26, 1878. miscellaneous. OysterSaloon. The freshest aad best Nobfolk Oysters may always be found, served in any style desired, at the well known Saloon of W!Ti. I.. EDWARDS', oct21-tf 2 Doors South of Hotel. Cares Heartburn .AcidE nictations Narvous Head ache, Fain and Distention of the Stomach and I" JWfcls, J a n n -dtce. CoHc, Flat ulency, CostlTa ness and Female Irregolaritles. - As an Antl bil lons remedy ther ar sot excelled. Sold eyerywhere at 35 cents a box. feb21t'i p:T T Office fIfswiJiBN. N. O. EB0ine?f: Ecflers and facleiy! .u; - NEW-AND SECOND HAND! ' Saw Milts with JZane's -Paten i ' Set IVorks ; " Portable Grist Mills TA ' " i&onjr Tlaners, Wood , Working Machines, ! all ktnds, Steam 'TttmtoS.dc.V&C. ..... ' 1 We bave some SPECIAL BARfi A IN? in SECOND HAND Engines, .P-Mrs and Machihey, on easy termv; " ' i . Send for descriptive Tvnce. ' EAHM & HUNT EI? . llu-liUiOiiJ, Ya. r. "Vi - 1- u.'f: ; oct 14 4m Notice. '3 .I'll,.. -, . . , -t jjrf.t Application win oe maae to tne miuxa- v ture to take off . that part of the town of )art oi the town o Goldsboro known as' Webtown. i widdows Hill and ; ' J 07 M E ADO W 111 opening GOODS! ;r- ; - I .J ; 4 . r." l.'-y i . . . .. , be complete in every respect, and in this line under the charge of " short notice. SI1TSTEI1T & CO. irilscellaneous. DAIL BROS., WHOLESALE GROCERS . . AND Commission Merchants NEWBERN, N. C. sepl7 tf GATES, FOY & CO., . Wholesale Grocers and Dealers In (General Merchandise, SNUFF, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Bagging, Ties and Plantation Supplies Sonth Front St., opp. Gaston Honse, octl4-ly NEWBERN. N. O. Improve Your Cotton ! BY USING THE CeiHPiOH COTTON CLEANSB ' r.ATTftuA. !i" B - wm rn GEO ALLflM m v Mai -.'ir;..';" Irlli.iUdll toff y';.- T MACHINE takes out the Dust c 1 1 t , n . . . tarni u:m i ruu irom oeea L-Otton, iV.rf it to the Gin, and does for Seed jt: , - !ijt tti' Fan and Smutter docs or w-fctj.fi t-efi.re It Is ground. Dirt en sld in ciu in costs the farmer h nf ivntf pT pound, making a loss t fp-rn'two ti fl?e dollars pcrbale. n 7 5TimTe.' tnar one thousand CJotton I'-Vsr.. nrp n ue in the Mlaaiaainnl ! V-"ev''V- year use of Cleaner wul I m-n- 'tfio ?at 6r th W! of. it. 'Send for ide-crii..iv--ircnlRr OaJO AUIsEN &CO., nu -j rouocx bL, .t :A-tf Nkwbxrk. N. C j y B I IUXTIG. of eTerr descrfn. tf t.i,.M, rSromptly executed at this office, I at' ibv lowest living prices " or i Ii A II I I V III Hardware. &c. , .- r. C5oldtloi-o, IV. O. - f 'iVholesale nnd Hrdiil DKALKR3 IN Foreijrii & IT)ometic HARDWARE. HOOSE FURNISHING GOODS, TTngon and Cart Materials,- SASHES, DOORS & BLIIIDS Paints, Oils, Glass, BUILDERS SUPPIilES, ZINC AND SHEET-IFOH. AEricultnral Imulemsnts ! . a Threshers, ITIowcrs, Kcapcrs Cotlii I'lantcr, IlorscPow crs, the very best soll as low as they can he purchased else where. PLOW MANUFACTURERS. Farm Engines AND GRIST MILLS we make a sp-c'ai:ty,ar.d part" b a' out to put up mills will fl;i I U to their irate rest to give us a cill. j j j 1 oi DRY AND Machine Shops are in full operations, and we are pre pared to do all kinds of Foundry aid Mate fori in (rood 'style aiid at prices comparing with these of any other establishment. We employ the best of machinUU and i workmen and make or repair all kinds o j i : ! ! Engines, Mills, Cotton i Gins, i General machinery ! !s &.ND Castings, of every description. We hope not enly to merit a continua tion of, but to add to the patronage wc .... . . have heretofore thankfully received. W, F. KORNEGAY & CO. ; UEQ iMH YARD. ThA undersigned has established a Lum ber Yard at the corner of Market & John Streets, where he will stall times keep nana "apply Of good dumber at low Orders solicited and promptly tilled. dec5-8m . JAS. W. TAYLOR. PATENTS;. : - F. A. Lehmsno, 8ol!cttoi of American and Foreign PatenU, ITashlngton, D. U. All bnsl nasa connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended. pend for circular. . nucunfniiui aniess a patent is seevred, ocui-tr r . v ,JHardwnre,.Ac HARDWARE STORE mam ' SfUxV ffII'Ill ! New Slock! New Prices! t Mi Palmer & Co., Goldsboro, IN. C Wholesale and Retail Dealers In HARDWARE! Agricultural Iiupleinenti, LI in e, L,ntli, Cement, IMaster Far is &, Ilalr, toois, mu, nsiois, moer, m, nuY . The "Farmer Girl" Coot Store, BECAUSE She Knows How to "Work and will do it Eight. It has all the latest improvements, and is the most convenient and best Stove in the mnrket and every Stove is warranted to do its work well, or money refunded, at SMITH, PALMER & CO.'S. Carrii'g; Makers' Materials, Paints, Putty, Oil and Glass. Stoves, Tin & Iron Ware Of a'l Descriptions. mmnn titto niomnTnn runiTD, naiLo bADiiniio, Swoe, Sec. CUTLERY A,D Kitchen Furniture I Harness, Collars, Plow Gear. . AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Of all sorts. Call and satisfy yourselves of our Low Prices. SMITH PALMER & CO. March 6. 1878. tf FOR THE HOUDAY SEASON ! ' ! Opposite H. Weil & Bros., In-Iks the attention of the Public to his First class Saloon, where bo keers always ia stock the bett quality of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Cigars and Lager Beer. APPLCWOOD, BlTJVIGARDNCrt, 7; and no a a ok n ' 'WHISKICa Epecialty.; ' 3 Doors South Gregory Hoa.e. , 4eel2-3m

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