h: -:. T v V, 1' 1 ::'lV. r:irrt'i3 -gi s: 'jV "V, lisICV6k'"JJ'I HfcVravww to7TSfe"99& saaie&'A'l I i It;!' 1,4- c tnnvx ! i 4 -1"..-.0.to' -.Joshs A tt iiai 1111 1 asm 1 ; 1 re 1 1 ij -j 1 - t 1. r.r 1 aacif-s . ' . 1 .. .caivw a:d,t Jo sTOlfte i.c-fsiosa I . v : Viu'jrUH1 ; gTIitJ j.ooi -; i -"H ,JU, ,lr',' I ' ' . .BitIo Liodi ImhsnrTil M&dornss' T5-oisa9 -sAuto'? nrD'- n -sHsdf .aims erf sSurJ Vp&i it ? ... F r- r v. m NI-nbiajiSptittoPtfci,Wki'Ut W reels' 16re& W ;tban-pic&B(fAtfai.v i,Kf5nJa:tiVy .uiXi o"1H"w .x"l'4t.' - bingW copies fire cents. !, ni 1 sqqferl-gaTgvvsi?$0-6fr4' 1 gqnre. 5 dayg.a." I do , 2 aar8.;&V0 V 'da 4JWeW,i;.-..M 175 th4 realityafWtst, ubkltvitiii ilKss - - . - w mm u vva0ti v VV lee aJsditairi. iJsmq -ns a the wb rbiJi cannot fail to attract' the attention i of !AtlvertiseTS?Jf ThefchpjdiiTarHblvaml?vrhwthe tisemesti wdU be insafted-initb WWfwt' Wtfidsnkl't' I .5ti;!.H) r.3-irni:il ova uncni sertion, and twen8rmtioaio-- R nli 41 TV a tiitr ill n ' rh aWrt s ft ft it IBni ) 1 Ki 44. A t j makin'sr a sanare. I - -ihrelosK s vdioil ti-if.jjxr.,,t-warl A. liberal 4iacoMWKjertrjadTerti3srsf .1' r , f - , I Arrny and OJ A. I V" 1 on i-rHrir'a mpssao-fi relative to raisitt'l. the Starorfe ' force, to the cornpitteeon mflTt'iry atlalrS. , v 7 , , By Ikff.'Ell' calling ouLiheQuarVerliiAstflj- Geasral for information. VMlPtW??IllJ . the!traas.aption.i .nMcoa xVhWVt- nor, and faxes a penalty fj$i$igf wyiniUing the By gYMj to med-jyi claf ter;i9f.heilWtf ern! Planroaairipaftyc! cn'ife 710 .t j'S.':( a -Mr .-Sharps iioxrt :-theiohwlttt4cF -liCHirbbH ' i steaa or New H(3,tbfftibftfes(feyiS;r,cfV,t TH J,ivrol a-Tsriio .1 "I ,I6BlQKCQraONS.;-- ' . Ool,q vo3rtu lie Friday, Nov 21, 1862. ing "was caueci w oruer at u 1 t cich'k. ansc(cl, the fpllww- After PrayefTjjTthc Keju Resolutions and Bills VcTf 1 ntfTKitfccd. 0 . ronosg tftf ae3Nwvw.a4tw 'fi00Q ; e reterjedifcat BDrtiut4ner.iwToivsimwe;i relative tdliixi&i!e8?APi3dJ W3adl 1 rJ ' r J r 1 E1 1 Mr.-Bryeon.h at. 'Military "Committee enquire into theipBte-rf JoT "appoinlin three members qf x sons wtMioffiflpstya kaaiibeeodt)j';bys-.hei ' eneinyxaaxlJ midH-M oi Iteb si M-rr maiRvv th me red-j to pmarotiitte.-tadi lTOclo.JadespnbeG these: dfmWer&i rtM'itrtr Jo,. - au t 11 i rrtP:fec-,-;'i,.5,Iv .and a-.cmuiuet, aVievta H-VEnfiiJi'fearriea St.larswc'ri-fle T-t . . . . 1 lvnlifft. ' ...-,-1 to : : ; il ! '-TTI o-w" -. . - -. . - w , i,-- ,1:.v . V I IS I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u Ilf l IMF M'Jkl I W Un lr 4 lh HIM: fvMArvi"' 'alltf All 1 f ;sTtlnt8 iito jpcrtt aaioa 3jA3 ! Lo3fc. ni f;ood PitM a isrJ ejixjttUJ. di x I3wr-Ti sJilo hiqi jnr8 it J :i,e d Hi? 41 - ,, , ,ljiJ hii7r oili csiisda braid-baA. ' 4 3J1 ft.aliOU'i Ji.il w It noti7iiiflItrjT7Jfts3Cpt oi T 22, 1862 J3 lSSif " I liaTm au-ir.u lis g jri,:;:V Vijg , , ' "9Cfc saildmsnJ sdi owN) bnoI tlt.naoq oT i . r.--. , . JIA- ( - .1 , f TMniiClJ0ipg; fta3Xift iiiriioBeartajw af .1 : . . , loss .of a Brig and.a.ScJHWrterst 'long time befowflStkiaagjGiiaisljiiDH! andVlenHTjj'1 ; ' ' ' AuopsTArKoT. 21. ' " AUGUSTA. INOV. U. gunk on the side, aod one at 'ha bow and terri The1 itatif taW.fanrnrftiis:.ain&ii(?irlfcp tfKSfJ'WS-Wpil,1 " v I -vw-wwi Tjytv., VUUH VfU OHUV Uil19UI t, Jpyi amanne. in,firflal,:rahi. , ,)Ictionanq.-in) Yankees keep off a few monthSfo'Bi.nyi,cUyla6ne.'. ;Vruu;into,i abandoned-ftiuLsoeiraf-ter ivnk.-r SbeT was one'of-ile thtei ltgliU dMogbtT4teawicrS' ; In; rosin tbas fTireparaUois xatfri s keep off a fow months' fo'BitiUcitvope at first, iiw i-tVfcavi ba4iaaatfytbnp tow worth VroT6 'ajiantj 4 TinirfTfmm 1 r nlan tnnnwirn itfi Avft. i - r " "rr i i u , , t ,..-. TTi-.- ...ft ..r.,7a. J ' . . Sr.riEL.. ... i.tAt'e,r htu ' - vioiv"? . " V. ' v.k ftif ,uL ; ti.The-use W thi? polish VVfll enable ffie-M mbstr Vdthary . ' M m'M 1r& it ? r t l ; 1 Si. Ob. !'irlevvilleliit.'h' kjivs mi( arri vWJ HiAnnTA f fJA ' L ' rf J " a j 'iuT vue. wees, pasi auncipaiBg iaiiacK. upon luc cy's thin Ptfl A adntialWq Girjfia jeesitteot. wiMQ'ftib Vbaf : froritl bids defiance.finfi?ribfiw'i zdlcotz o-dJ.no1 . 1 ' r - 9dl f P'Thi&rwai f 3air hsq i v-. i . . r .. a r.T' .... r i. . .j . .: ijauratisce anU Urand Junction iAiatf,MuP?iP. inilfrai t h'as established his hX Yo ofln&iLrL enlW . . . f- - v liuuoi is iot ten aonarsi r.fPar army - occupies a phsftienv-bf gr great natural 4-9aidr43v!giBie4rjB(luijtioTpnrch9b ft. iRetoeipt, ' huy QPWnocfipettaia aouaK.-to niro.tnw.OTtTOVK i.riw ltlitd Wha WOUld Tllatfe''Tr'mVo 1 T t lass s y ami o jijiSii v y ' oufi'lYi? Srr iq niriBfi3 mltnbwsJq - ijjuuihui ui tu3, iiti;t, let uim pay a snort visit UJn j-.i jggain - . h-sRiUii ci-i!oaj ouo at.di ess I ' ftfelt crfhd;iJAia'b?otfti3rt4nf ert rrfay'tTOftfc! won :4 nsoi n XOXOQ vrnce ivau xjia.toiur nconLe haired rc-m r hito feel pretty kfe. j ; .G&fjd In ?fid9iuj -.HJ -;o'lJ-Jtl' i.ili.v.'.(L,L Iision ""f-? niuW3 VcaSr 8WW!ftOTH 4fca&8t.i, 0PDIrthjefiailkrlep1 V.rf4t'?Ie8kdow" Law near Shelbv, Qnthe rooming of the I5fth lost., Willie, infant son frvSVTM&XL L ' Whii! f 1 f 1 : v . X .1 L m m -m i tan sb& of 's: 'anff'srr. bi kpnH : vr l- j rn t -''A Swinge liahb ble takcfc4 pmmnt:,: M ZW?' f&UwJMt Mvsl r f ;. lr. Bryspn,.th&theMiIa ie exnedWncV- WgVantirig peMoiiiLarlishlpd hoU f enoul diers and the wiw sp, cjdrn o dfceiwf, - until the utltjfedCTHte aotnorttres" provides ipr. inera,,L . -no ftC3au.3r,rtj .;oti--;iiw.iiAv,- 7.'1. XjJ- I rrrf TiabMKodl ono vJxwvoa iiasTibWWil floi. W3ti cams '-u-i.Tav. Rfresc-iiS ! .snnia It ni'fo Jit-Wif-i 'JiZ&'e. . iuLJL. i 1 . . . .-i .T. J . ' linen cook i a ineir vawis orsmaii ioaia.anii- tcnimnflt: : . . t : 9i r . -mh i .. . - r. . tt t. l tut- n i : i: i"i itt.-tj i.th t-t; rrrm " LiHii 14 . -'h 11 U W llakhJi fc"- - I " " -Sm frnm linlrtmor fJoMrts bv the' presence iof tne tawsiMsA-- .fc!ai;iuiidxmb .vkj lanflina o-thdr rttereofired- &t6.M- oT - . rt ... : . .; 1 i i j . . . 'vjiom utvt'"."'" v?' . i . f ' , ;yjr. . jiuxh, jr ou..iw, "-v" r ' .i" " X U-, J-iJ,iin',tJS "riug was oy cRjzejja. JtJEU tiUUiJ MULES. Appir-tae Comtnkpr 1. a . STU-nir a I . ...iUToy BaDt.l onj lo ooaxsv expense of WWIP.AfL Refer- and m0t,fip fe&IitaaotsljyJ j Mr. lJtoiliJthonvtb Aeri?:6fJ5feOTetf : .'bfiellti Mr. leVherd, p aushAISsjotfl OMelaTnpd towards their booisb QaitktstticcWpl upon a small crowd ot citizens, consistbfthe'foliewF . rectors of th(Ljfarjri to elect a Treasurer. Be- Mr. ham aunty TbTiyT t'fef w5rB?ie eiSl .ierred io uc mn tfti&m MCharein df fthe WesternTinto" rkilii-ttear.h6ftfiThfr.iiin sobered) tbciiMUtjAsu 1iMtentU?fe4(IW 9dff!f ilfek jiyFai-i-dihfIiaJ not bafemmmfcl r r Aiff rjt .la -;mi JiJUU 3 - " l j r I Mr: Bfowrfto Plank" iM3enTiJa3: InteraafimiwolOT&K Mr. Btft-if, 10,esWb!i35 diod sliJsod amoil .tsxU tqs! oT a f 1 -mo? iianmKJ oni' i-.W'jJJAfa 'liiuuj vt vttitl : '-r rear- 5&WrfttJdi :ctiJ 9Mfiiib'rta - i : IJjte'aa Uayifccn ia-vdl ai ij ,Ialw5t V -X. and : wounded oldieri . She, v 3ck, jjifs. CoaU, iV' ' I- V ! t i 4. -,' -.; AXedat .bitod tiiaW:lrtin.UiUioniM "rf to .Jf Ift.fo yWI?.j PtWi iggoai rJ.nt h;0?la fcwrt jwm. -i xoanlara ILiMpilSeAfitt: - ? P,eafiy,dte tfie QndeHied. transportation wilftea,. .. W iiJ v ' oarreqn GciretaTw North Carolina. Veil sUnaied and ?0liy? fli Mja lodaj n?iU lB37ai 03 ",1 adj. i Unfc ot Capt. Crudap. ' ' thefiialStiT 3oUrh Hillsboro- road. Only about Un acres cleared The,;f kavfiJ? which' tixMtMt owfcfifwww-w.-M'V' i- -v y trgtHiawtu-BV rcrarj cara-. cipc-, i lJf?Al iX.IaiUii HO(,If JI.J ttrT?ntlF.K7r. ' . thaiEn-luh branr)iM and. tnn.l HcSpoa ..'. Hn ;n - ' :naari tb8 141 ftf atferf diatia u J?oin S c rhfathbcftobertipyeiJinttbe h-otmml -v 7 I t , uiiKHiUBC(xwuwr.j-wuiHe Tjar-OI'niS'aannuon j r ce4-wa!aJ inber-brc4hRe;4y-t -i rTrdopja' vi Htds rasdJ to dora aifj.'Io nftj 10 htlliub Mi' ii t. -minicing-inennDg cXUzeiiK J- TEN GOOD MULES. Applrfta Cnn,nilix? : : f5dloMV USUjaMMKMrfa'' .aT.thct ' y a-c I T 7 ; TV" --------- J 7 l!oJ)-8'ns :. Joe llodgcs, jailorras. J. Dancey, Sob Grb&, ''TAaSdriariciE&fife, i names -oulaintidfiam Nov!. 7.A dj ?GO S i nsrvrrtna di - JfiJ 4elt8a4WKtatteit3Kin9t6YSeil, h gttripofseo?1 1131,8 s. n-oqjrf fa,ica.tej1i .1 tfiiL-'.-'f-a f..-. Ob 3 LfillSiJ yd .il5(tli5iat3pa,0rMioelaritb14tfttetT; 'O9T0 JdT l.io 01 iB abrc, Th. abmd rtadol .W i -anY sift noMWifr V oAt d dlasb oJ Jnq 9d iqTi B.dWdJ lo8o 4il JdWiieS LittWUWlli'-c hn mViXT ORDERS ;imm AfA Olm..lmn . - PJ S-T4'V"7T?, rTotrt Va., not tended brF acul ftbaiBjsmp :Svcr,N3WM.-,H;iBt5aHIleckl:nburff, Va. srssiprf-orfiVe ta'6nthi',TJat ui consideration ox, Ka stata of i , ... ' - . -mmr - m Tk . 7 1 . ' J A, . . 1 I :Z 1 1 X tnaL.andthatit.ianQkunjbiiff,? .r . : i ,,,it nefoureirwnr pe eonaacted etf the same V o.!r3 7?Mrt ho.- I oiiyoi;'xj u:uKnrA; Kfretbforc. I rl,.;, 5?:Ii4 WiJir ii-b rilV W ir-usb tBllbofWfiptSfor i)Btj .'.r ?mTWWtV '7- - T ' I " fccDte&sMTibnmeetiiMea?. ,r;1 1 - i ' vnia t-j uaj -ya riTLLai .vi-!:lv.?!iir bus ,bco-. BererlT-RUft, r.i ica and herapeuticS. . , ,;v 'T .. ,m!t. -1 1 S. r fyf-J'jdl'id J 7l '9 r r ' t f ;n nianon uowara, u. uemenstrator or Anawpi3rr,:,'i t. x . Fees. Professor ticket, each. ' J"T0 J n 1 i or uujerjDsiDtnjgyjBp, ori4aqwy8Mr.;thiatoUBW ' Sebt 13 i . a rv ..r-i . rr,T.iiWR.yilift l A H . . '-L "-r!s1fwr.-3-ii3a 15 zs fenferwJW? 7If tuff pnwiJ tuoiiV i - V M M 9 3 M M t l I o..t no (pShiTpVfPl) 'JSpf indtbers'inteesiedthattbe tariff of. friebtrtea;V lid " - 'X - ' - r r . aoo..r -.x . ,.r-: , rw. ......u- . n r viJMMfeJwa,swa nwitoQaaiiawflw, a .A 'C AtVMIl'iJ V- X'V J' 7 fM T7 . C- r i T. ' ! - - i trrih. m m mm m , ti nTi ' jXlpDoo 'Mlo3Qif Toft ; ifyi0D aiw.aj y nV .;iaUIg o bglonioicf.ifllrea, tfjgtod .ItilTij ; jla . . - .... vw.. . . il. . . ...-... - 33Ut jOI -..Bepfc-27 rmHB Sabscribr Is wepflrM to f arnfslijwitli I 7 jr.. . . ' . . v.. . . . ... . . nilexuiinir tbUasoni&tli7n acnoel mathe eualniichtuilML t . ' t Avettmg eas?!. O - ' - .jobaoJahog ?osxa whenllfiey wirt return remains to lfcewij aJnJl : oi , IJ, WeS. " iKfiP881 '-W rK.8 ! B.tedsrfoC f3 JIHb VT!uC0L. McRAE. - ? . .. " ..jiiwV :smitx0tS-1 . ) ': . ' ' , ' . " MSdtx .tag.9 la-tr :'V.:;:-.i"r. ; ' dte:- '.--i -v- J! -.'v v,-.;': :;';;-: m;0v: .V;1 -v . v-ir .T .l --- '.i ' -rH . :r '(:- -ns, ." K - --tv 1 ' . . iIt - . . ' - 5 - - . . ' - - ' -v-pc-,.:.