' 1 , ; . . - . -: i !, s r . - i .... i . .-. ; . ! . . - ' I v ' .- ' ! - ' V . ' ' ' : . I. 1. - : . ' ' - -!.. - TTT 'if r-- " .- I ' - - . . 3 J ; , ,- .. ? . ' '' "- ' . " - . - ! - - ; . - ' - . --, .". .. y ., ''W -' -. - .:'' -- -. ' . s , . - . . . . . -iff l I I Ml I u C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1862. 1 - t-y4?-!- ! man.! 'm ni"w am i r- 'r . ... TV-; s ',v7.- ',:k ' . ;-, ;YUl,..lll.,..;.,.. :;v-:': . v .. RALEIGH, flic s?t(itt onntjii: . MONDAY, I December 15, 1862. . . r ; : . i : Terms: " v"'-";v.;;1.!-lt for the present he term of the DAILY paper i Vbe is follows: 12 months.. f". $6 00 3 50 2 00 ;ioo ii oo ;2 50 6 3 1 for the TRT-WEEKLY, tht terms will be: 12 months...... 6 . I 3 " .' j-or the WEEKLY PAPER : 2 nioDths..;.;......... ........ a 50 .1: $2.00 G ' o Btbsfcription to the Weekty will be refteired than ix months. . Single copies fire cents. for lest Rates ot Mnertislng. I 1 square, 1 dyf. 1 clo 2 days. 1 do S days. .$0 50.1 1 square, 5 days...L...U$l 50 . 0 T5 I 1 do 1 week.......! 1 75 1 00 1 do 2 weeks....., 3 00 1 do r-4 days 1 25 J 1 do 1 month.....8. 5 00 Ten lines make square. ill ;i 729 Advertisements for the Daily will be inserted in the Tri-Weekly Tree o charge. .? This is an indaqeioent . whi-h cannot fail to attract the attention of Adrertisers. The abore rates apply only to-the daily , paper. Adrer tiseroents will be inserted in the Weekly paper at th usual rpVular rates, ri : One dollar per square for the first in- scrtioa,nd, twenty-five cents for each subsequent! inser- Special Notices will be charged fifty per cent higher than the above rates ten lines or less of leaded matter making a square. ' . A liberal discount to yearly adrertisers. ;s I GEXERAL ASSEMBLY OF N0KTU-CAR0LIXA. - . -j ' ' : Saturday; liecj 13. . SENATE. ; ' ' : The Senate was called to order at II o'clock! , -The Select Comnmtee appointed to enquire into the authority of certain arrests of citizens recentlyl made bv Co'nfederate Officers- reported, recomniendifi; the quietly laying the resolution of enquiry on thej table. The Select Committee oh adjourument reported, recommending the voting by joint ballot to-day, at j) in.,. on ine resoiuuou suumuieu uy urn commiuee 1 1 t i. " l r j i - -i - On Mr. Ramsay's motion, the consideration ?of , the resolution was deferred until Tuesday ,rfext. : r i ' Mr. -Ramsay introduced a bill supplementil to a Lill recently pissed by the Legislature, amending the ordinance of the Convention- making some pro vision for the families of deceased soldiers dying in lervice, which passetl its several readings. It authorises the operation and elfect of the original bill, immediately after its ratification. . . " . ; . v The Committee to superintend the election ofj Judge for the. 7tH Circuit reported, that Win., M. Slnbp had received a majority of the votes and had been elects e'd. . ' Final action was taken on the following hills and resolutions. ' ( ; ; ( . Bill to incorpcfate tlieMacon leather Company. Resolutions in favor of Benj'. Fitzrandolph; Bill to incorporate the Swift Island Gold: lining Company. ' ! " !'4'. ' Resolution in favot of; Joseph West; ; ' ; Y . Resolution in favor of John Blalock. Resolution in favor of John Fisher. Resolution 'to pay the officers and privateWoj Capt. Bank's Com pariy 2 month's ry. ..' H i ! Resolution in favor of J. M. Ntal. Allows jfhira to ' collect arrearages of taxes. , - ff.ff'-' ' Bi'll in relation to the Richmond MahufaDturing Company. . i ; .; r.'n, ".'. ; Bill in Telation fo the county of Franklin, gives 12 magnates power tor transact county busines - Bill H.r the relief of landlords and tenants. j Bill for the relief of such persa as may have suf f rn d from the burning of the Court Lfouse tjf Hert ford county, by the public enemy.! It Leave of absence was gran ted - the. Senator from Davidson, -until "Tuesday uext. . . ! if ;A Mr. Outlaw introduced a bill to merease the sala ries of members of the General Asembly $5 ptr diem , and tD allow 15 tents per rnij for trarellingexpen si's, from the first of the session, and to continue in eifeet until the termination of the present war i Mr, Brown opposed the pasage of the, bill. He was opposed to increase .'the expenses of the igovern . inent with the expansion of paper m ney. He had ob strvfd that salaries thus increased during high prices ; never were diminished , when prices fell,1 aim such measures necessarily tended to the inauguration of extravagance and corruption iu the government ! Mr. Outlaw responded that it was a fact eridont to every one that it was impossible to meet the expenses of living in Raleigh with thej?r diem now allowed, and he was confident that the people of North Caro liua neither expected, nor desired their representatives to serve them in the Legislature at thir owu expense. He did not wish to make money out of. the Sate, on ' the contrary he was willing to require menibors to -state their actual-expenses, and be paid accordingly. At the present per dum members,. could not defray ' expenses without drawing ori their own resotitces. ; . The ayes and noes w ere demanded aud retiltcd as . follows: ' -.-':. - . . ';'. ' -l"' " Ayes. Messrs. Adams, of Davidson, DiiJkerson, Lindsay, Outlaw, Ramsay, Shorpe, Shipp, Slaughter, Wanen, Wiggins, Woolcy. !i iit, 1 Noes. Messrs. Adams, of Guilford, Ragleyjplouht, TroJn, CarroWay, . Copeland, Dickson, Drake, Ellis, Krire, Faison, Harriss, Jacratt, Leitch, Matthews, Mtirrill, Keal, Patrick, "Powell, Sanders, Simpson, (Sn)iih;0f Anson, Smith, of Stanley, Taylor, Bf Nash. Ir U.'he bul to amend the Revised Code relative to an increase of salaries of th officers of the State was con sidered on its secendi reading. " J , This bill give the Governor $5,000 ; Judges of the Supreme Court $2,500 ; Secretary of State $1,000 ; Comptroller $1,500 and members of the Assembly $4 per day. " ; 'I , The bill passed its secondhand third readings. i !: Leave of absence was granted Mr. Laasiter until nextweek. s . -if v The Senate) adjourned until Monday mornirjg at 11 oclock. ' .: .1 . ' '- , HOUSE OF COMMONS. i : At 11 o'clock the Speaker called the House, to ! order. v - . ,j VPrayer.by 'theRev. Mr. Hardie. i :. Mr. Carson, from Beaufort couuty, was swprn and took his seat. . ' ' - j Mr: Henry, of Hndersoni, presented a memorial from certain citizens of .Henderson county, jn favor of restoring the jurisdiction; of the county courts, as J io .collection of debts., '1 BESe'LUTIOKS READ TUB FIRST TIMK. . v In favor ol F. H. Hill, passed its second aid third readings. ' ; ; - , . i . , 4 1 I In lavor , of .County CleTk of Harnett county, repaying $1,982,40 expended in subsistence fpr Capt. Murchison's cavalry company, passed its secoud and -.third readings. ' : A message was received fnm the Senate trnsmit the report of the mmisiioner of the jinking - uuu wun a urflTMtiKinD lo or ni. iucunci iu. ; Mr. Shepherd, a resolution appropriating a sum of money topay expenses of commissioner ta Richmond: passed its second and third readings. Tie jfiint omimittee on the ejection for Solicitor of theetentH circuit reported Mr. Bytum duly elected. Iie joint committee on the election of J'udg for the batne arcuit reported Mr. Shipp, duly elected. i ! J D4t"uo v t" jrittsi; TIME. . jar-sreebles. for the relief of Wm R Mnnn faf sheriff bt Pasquotank county, ' 0 vvaiser.r to incorporate the silver, lead mining company in Davidson county. -. . ! ; JMr.wncJ.tae, allowingTree persons pi color from 16 to 50, in Robeson county to be impressed to work on the jpublic defences instead of Slaves. On"motion of: Mr Ingram, Richmond county was added." Pa mo tion of. Mri. Waddell, all the counties of the State were; included, ' passed its second and third readings. Mr. Robbins, to incorporate the Randolph Mann factiiring Company, of Randolph county. j Mr.' Stanford, to authorize the Governor to issue his Icbmmission to a Judge of the Superior Court to try all av how in prison in Duplia county. I ' Mr. Horton, to authorize Sidney Dean, late Sheriff of Watau ga county , to collect a rrears of taxes, i Hjr.; Young, to authorize W. V. Profit, late Sheriff of Yancey county, to collect arrears of taxesf j Shepherd, to incorporate the Presbyterian pub lishing and Printing Committee at Fayettei ille, pass ed Its second and third readings, i'-i' i ; , iyir.1 Shepherd introduced a resolution asking the Comptroller of - the State when his accounts would be laid be fore the Genetel Assembly, r j The following Engrossed Bills and resolutions frorn thej$enate were read. ! : A;bill to amend the act establishing the Bank of Lexington and also to establish the Bank of Graham, Alamance -county, passed its secondhand third read-inif--;1 M ;.:"' ")"" 'Resolutions instructing our Senators , and requests ing our Represutrftives in Congress, to have, repealed certain clauses in the Exemption Law ! " tTj incorporate the Dallas, Newton and Kings mountain Railroad Cbrapany, ' passed its second and third readings. .:. . , j To amend, the act entitled Militia; 1 ilo amend the Revised Code relating to Justices of tne jreace. jli autnqnzes j ustices oi toe r eace who miy have to leave counties invaded by the enemy to resume their duties on their return. X6 amend the act incorporating the Western Bank of i North . Carolina, passed its second and third read- mgs. To change the place of holding the polls in the 44th Senatorial xMstric.k-1 , s Tb establish the Bank of Lmcolnton. ! Mr. Worth, from the Finance Committee, repotted a pill authonzius: the lssumcr ot one million oi Treas . . .i . - .... ury botes in denominations from fi ve centsxto ten dol- larsJ and fiiakinff regulations relative to the sate of bonds&c., read the first time aud ordered to he printed Mr. Fleming introduced, resolutions guaranteeing North Carolina's proportion of the Confederate debt, ori th same basis as that adopted by the Iegislature of Alabama, read and and ordered tv be nnuted. 1 . JPKIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS, j T o amend the charter of the city of Raleigh, pass ed it second and third readings. ! Resolution in' favor of Solomon Poole, passed its se cond and third readings. . 1 Resolution m favcr of M. L. Britton. oassed its se- ccfnd and: third readings. j Re8olutrbn m favor of M. L. F. Redd, passed its se cond and third readings. j Bill. to protect certain grants of land in favor of William and Pat ton Calvert, passed its second and third readings. ' - j1 ; To amend the act incorporating the Western Turn pike Company passed its second and third readings. To alter the line between, the counties of Transyl vania and Jacksonpassed its second and third readings;-- .' ;."'..-;".. -V :V'. ., "- ! ilResolution in favor of Oscar D. Johnston, now an' inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, passed its second aud th-ird readings j A bill for the better administration of jostbe in Opslow county., On motion of Mr. Foy the bill was inidefinitely postponed. . j (Resolutions iu favor of ,W. L. Bryson, Thomas J. Kprr, W. W. "Long, and Thomas C. and C' Skinner, jri severally passed tneir secona ana tnira reaaings. The House adjourned to Monday morning at 10 O'Clotk.: CONFEDERATE FIIfAIfCKS IMPORTANT MOTE- . MEM. . , - T ! The following resolutions have been introduced into thf Senate by Mr. Young, of Mecklenburg : j Resolved, That in the opinion of the General As sembly of North Carolina, the redundancy of the currency is one of the chief causes of the present in flated prices, of the necessaries of life, andg)f the diffi culties under which we are now laboring, and that all practicable measures should be adopted to reduce the aaiount of our circulating uiediura. 2dd. That it is tho interest as welt as the duty of thje several States of the Confederacy, to lend all the aid in "their power to bring about such a desirable result. ' ' ''.'. . . .- 3d: That the funding of the greater portion of.the public debt, is one of the most effectual means of at- taining tnat opjeci, ana mat every tuort buouiu ue rnade to induce the citizens of : the Confederacy td- iavest their surplus funds in the Bonds of tho Cbn- federte government. , 1 ' " i . J 4th. That the State of North Carolina will agree to guarantee the debt of the Confederate Government, i4 proportion to its representation in thejOngress of the Confederate Government"; Provided, that each or i the other Confederate Stages shall accept this proposition, and shall adopt suitable legislation to carry the same into effect, in which these resolutions sfcaJtl stand as the guarantee of this State, for her proportion of said debt. j s f,5th. That our Senators and "Representatives in Congress be requested to bring this subject before the next session of Congress, and urge the adoption of such measures as may carry the object of these rese latibns into effect. ! ! EPIGBAMATICAL. j A correspondent of the Greenville (Ala.) Observer saw something aone at ine aopot, one uay, wmcn rnape him feel queer. He wentfhome and committed his "phelinks" to paper, as follows : ! . Oh dear ladies I who visit the rail road depot, 4nd on each others lips such sweet kisses bestow, 1)6 you think, while your smacks so delightfully eonnd, On the poor hungry men who are standing around r j You possess, I admit, all the virtues and graces, 'Brilliant eyes, lovely forms, pure hearts and sweet laces, But remember, however feasts please the partakers, "lis death to look on, for the starving spectators. And in feasts, as yon throw, from compassion, a bone To the poor hungry dogs, 'who look wistfully on, nothing we claim from our merits or beauty, Then give us a few, from a mere sense of duty. Greenville, July, 1862. r r ! Notice. TTAVItfG Qualified as Administrator ortne iate Ml jj, O'B. Branch, at November term, 1862, of Wake county Court, 1 give nonce xo ue oeuwrs oi ioe cim; vu niake payment, and to all creditors to present their claims within tnA time nreieribed bv law. . .J v. A. liijVAUi i, tr. November 22, 1862. d6w - 1 ' " ii ii - I BY TELEGRAPH. Reported expressly for t State Journal.) - GLORIOUS NEWS FB03I VIRGINIA. THE EH SHY REPULSED AT ALL F0I5TS. OFFICIAL DISPATCH. U . Richmond, Dec. 14. The following disp-tteb was received from Gen. C3 , late last night: . r 'At 9 o'clock this morning, Saturday) the enemy attacked our right wing, and. as tho fog lifted, the battle ran! along the line from right to left, until 6 o'clock p. m., the enemy being repuUed at all point, thanks be to God. "As usual, we hare "to mourn the low of many ' brave men. t J "I expect the battle will be renewed at daylight to-morrow mohiingJ' - (Signed,) ' ' 4 ROBERT E. LRE. LATER AND MORE GLORIOUS! THE ENEMY DRIVEN BACK TWO MILES OUR TROOPS OCCUPY THE FIELD. TERRIBLE SLIGHTER OF THE YANKEES. . . i ' Richmond, Dec. 14. V Received . at 1 o'clock this mornin?, I Passengers repert that the enemy was driven bacl two miles yesterday, and our troops occupy the, battle-field this evening. ; Our loss, it is variously stated; will probably not be mare than 500 killed and 2,500 wounded ' , The body of Gen. Tom. Cobb was brought down this evening. - The enemy's loss is represented to be immense. A thousand dead lay in one field. The Federal General Hooker is reported killed A private. dispatch from Gen. Stuart says,. "We nave bad a great tight and nave repulsed the enemy at all points. We have lost many giod men." Passengers als-) report we have 1.500 prisoners. When tho train left this morning heavy firing was heard in toe direction, of Fredericksburg. Death of Gens. Gregg, Cobb, and tlood. , Charleston, Dee. 14 j Private dispatches have been received here in offi cial quarters, dated Richmond, 13th, which say that the fight to-day resulted in our favor. Gens. Maxey Gregg, of S. C, T. R. Cobb, of Ga , and Hood, of Texas, were killed. Attack by a Gnnboat. i Charleston, Dec. 14. This- morning one of the enemy's gunboats .off Stono, shelled our pickets on Battery Island, below Secession ville, for about an hour, and a small force landed, but went back almost immediately. fe j Nobody hurt. ; ! ; Five gunboats Iving ff Stono, and eleven blocka ders ou this Karlor. from Fredericksburg. ' Rtcmmojtd, Dec. 13. Letters from the-Summit, five miles east of Freder icksburg, dated 12 o'clock in. yesterday, state that a large portion of the town was destroyed on Thursday by the shells of the enemy and by fire; The Pot office block Was fired' and burned. The Virginia Bank and Methodist Church and Tackett's woolea mills also were burned. The Courthouse was unin jured. : ' Tbe flight of a few citizens who remained is des cribed as a very distressing scene. ' ' ; i It is xeported that some fifty thousand Yaukees have crossed the river. ' . ' ' All accohnts speak confidently of the succew of our arms when the general engagement takes place. Our loss iu. killed1 aud wounded in the skirmbh yesterday is about 130. FROM KISST0X. - " liicHMOND, Dec. 14. An official dispatch received at the War Depart ment from Gen. Evans, which states that the enemy had mad a demonstration yesterday on Kinston, N. C, nn tbe Neuse river, barked bV four eunbeats. Thev fouerht them successful! v and damaged some of their vessels very badly, when the enemy retired. It is supposed the object cf the enemy was to cut the railroad at Goldsboro'. A telegram from Goldsboro' estimates the enemyV furce at 10,000, and says they approached within 1Q miles of Kinston. GALLANT. RAID INTO DUMFRIES. I Richmond, Dec. 14, ' : ...... i - , Gen. Cooper has received a dispatch from General Hampton. He reports that he entered Dumfries and captured wagons and stores and t ok 60 prisoners, all of which he brought to the Rappahannock. - Seigle is expected at Dumfries to-raorrow r- -i-i i trvT"n r ROB'T. E. LEE. LOigneaj Destruction of Yankee Cotton. - , Mobile, Dec. 13. A. special dispatch to the Evening News,., dated Okelona 12th, states that Col. Bertrand's scouts burn'bd fifteen. Irandred bales, of cotton thur week; belonging to some Yankee speculators near Corinth: No movement of the enemy in this direction.' ; ; ; ' DIED. -'- - ' In the vicinity ot Fayetteville, Nor. 29 th, at the tem porary residence of D. McMillan, Eeq, of New Hanover county, G. W. McMillan, in the 22d year of his age. . In the vicinity of Fayetteville, on Saturday last, Frank Addison, son of Jas. R. and Mary McDuffie, aged 6 years and two months. i T . . HEADQUARTERS, CAMP OF INSTRUCTION. I ? . Camp Holmes, Dec, 11th, 1862. The following named officers of the 57th Regiment, N. C. Troops : Wuliams Brown, W. H. Howerton and J. O. Overcash, of Rowan county, and .D. W. Rhine, and G. D: L. Yount, of Catawba county, having been dropped from the Rolls of said Regiment,"by order of the Secretary of War, for prolonged absence without leave, cease to be officers of the C. S. Army. 4 i They are hereby ordered to report to these Headquar ters. The enrolling officers will report thenyu conscripts. By order of . PETER MALLETT. . ' Col-Commanding Conacripto. E. N. Mahit, Adjutant. - i 45 d3t Salisbury Watchman copy three times aadfer , ward bill to this office. . , Salt for WaKeConnty. THE Salt Commissioner ofWafec County, un der the order of the County Court, will commence the distribution of Salt, in, Raleigh, on Monday next, 15th inst. All the Magistrates are requested to make their re ports by that time. ' '"- THOS. G. WHITAKER, ' . Commissioner. dec9. " 4l-dlw Wanted ..' TO HIRE A NURSE FOR IDE ENSUING TEAR. Possession desired immediately. Apply to 1 i P.IVPESCUD. A 6t-pd. '"' i .-;' -..'. v.- '"': Kegro Salnentins imd niilcs. WILL be told at Eoca mil Station, Jobnston countv. N. C. on the 7th dav of January. 163. eiht or ten likely nerroet, belonging to the estate of T. if . t Biuer, aeceasea. . Abo, will b hired 6t about seventy likely negroee amonr them is a food carpenter, blaeksmith and coeper. At the same time and dace, the mills and laads belong ing to the slid estate will be rented, unless pretiously di- posea ox. ,!,- - :,. ( v, ....... Also, th? nerroet and lands belonging to II. K. Whitley, known as the theldred Bell tract. - A. J. HEATH, Adm'r. Dec 4 . " . SBnltdpd . ExecutlTc Departments N. c: : ADJCTAKT GENERAL'S OFFICER) Balxib. 3fov.1T, 1862. j GENERAL ORDER,! So. 10. - f -,! .-i . 't- : ';r;: :. ,,:'-- i I. The President of the Confederate States having deem ed it necessary to call into service under the provisions of the recent act of Congress, all persons liable to military duty between the ages of 18 ana 40 years, the Command ing Officers of the Militia will eaU out their respective Kcgiments and enroll mmd conduct to the Camp of Instruc tion all persons liable to military duty under this law, at such time as Colonel Peter liaUtt,Chief Enrolling Officer1 lor the State may direct. , 1L The enemy are pressing upon us in great numbers with the intention to overwhelm us by a winter campaign. Our danger now comes from the south side f the James River, and as the scene of Iwar approaches nearer to our borders, it becomes North Carolinians io rush even more Jromptly than before to the defence of our own territory, f we can drive him back once more, as we have so often done, there is every reason to hope that his strength will be effectaallv broken. The vsrioas officers entrusted with the-execution of this order are again commanded to use all diligence in arresting deserters and absentees without leave from the army; and all good citizens who prize lib erty and independence, are earnestly invoked to assist in hurrying off all such to their regiments. The brave and patriotic soldier will not overstay his furlough unless pro videntially' hindered. The coward alone will shirk (at home) whilst his braver comrades endure the heat and bur then of the fight. By order of Governor Vajtcb. J. G. MARTIN. Adjutant General. Raleigh, Dec. 13th, 1862. 45 d3t lw Notice- ON and after the lit day of January, the price of Gas will be eight dollars per thousand feet. ! WATEUHOUSE & BOWES. December 11th, 182. 45 till 1st jn. St Mary's School, 1 RALEIGH, N. C. RiobtRbv. THOMAS ATKINSON, D.D. Yuitor Rkv. ALDfiRT SMEDES, D.D. cfor THE Experience of the last Term having sat isfied the Rector that the boarding department of the School cannot be maintained at the present prices, he has, after consulting judicious friends, determined upon the following charges for the ensuing jear. ,; TERMS: " For Board and Tuition in English, per term of five months, commencing Jan. 6th, 1863, $1C0. Tuition in French, $10. - Tuition In Music on the Piano, Organ or Guitar, $30, with $3 for the use of Instrument. Tuition on the Harp, with the use of Instrument, $45. Singing in pi irate lessons, $30. Drawing, $10 ; Water colors, $15 ; Or. Pahs nA fnlr 9.1 OO . T.lhrarv $1 Washing, at the charge of the laundress ; the present charge is $15 per term. The. rule prescribing a uniform is, suspended for the present. Raleigh, Dec. Uth, 1862. 44d3t pd To my Fellow-Citlzeus of GraiiTlIIe. I Announce Myself as a Candidate for the Hoase of Commons to fill the vacancy occasion d by the resig nation of Hon. R'.'B. Gilliam. - ' i GEO. BADGER HARRIS. Henderson, N. C. Dec. 5th, 1862. . 44 dlws - ' . ; I. - .i i i - i i i i !! . . i . L THE REIT. A. A. Watson, Post Chaplain at Goldsboro', will take pleasure in receiving and for warding articles intended for the officers and soldiers of the 2d Regiment, iL t. Troops. Packages (properly di rected,) may be lerc either at his house, or at the store of A. McLacklan, Esq., next door to the Bank. December 11th, 1862. . 44 dltpd r ' For Sale- 1 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES.' 1UUU ROBT. TAYLOR. Wilson, N. C., Dec. 8, 1862. 4l-dlw-pd , Notice. ; I WILL hire oat, at the Courthouse door, In Raleigh, on Thursday, the 1st day of January, about 30 likely negroes, the propOty "of the late General " Branch. 1 - i ' .- 1 WM. A. BLOUNT, Jrl, Adm'r. dec9 41-dtd f TaloaMe Hotel and Property tor Sale; On Monday, the 4th of Jannarjr, 1863, I will sell to the highest bidder, in the town of Wentworth, Rockingham county, N. C, a valuable Hotel and all the. firoperty belonging thereto, the place is known as tbe Vil age Hofel. The lots contain five acres more or less. There are twenty-four rooms attached to the hotel, and there are between twenty-five and thirty valuable beds and furni ture, a good many- excellent blankets and ' quilts, all the beds well-furnished. The beds will be. sold separately. There are two lots at the stables containing near two hun dred stalls for horses. 1 :' ' : This is an excellent stand for -a hotel, and! the railroad from Greensboro' to Danville will run within seven miles qf this place, and travel will be greatly increased by that road. My profession as a practioneer of medicine requires all my attention, and I cannot attend to the business of the hotel at the same time, and that Induces me to sell. Terms made known oa the 4ay of sale. , . Dec 11, 1862. d2w. . ' ' J. Q. BEASLfiY. . I OFFER for sale my House and Lot on Hillsboro' street. In tbe city of s a UaleichJ Parties disoosed to nnrchase are L ' IS!r7. invited to examine the property. ' T The ground West of the ; Raleigh and Gaston Rail--road," will be sold separately from that on the Eats side of it. Terms cash or credit with undoubted surety. If not disposed of before the 23d inst.,' it will be sold at Auction that day, at II o'clock, before Mr. Towles door, dec 4-dtf . c D. W. COURTS. - Fop Sale. A noUSE and tot in llocksyllle, Davie conntr, XjL N. C. The lot contains 18 or 20 acres, part of which is "wooded land, with all necessary outhouses. For further particulars apply at this office. ; Dec 3 - , j : - -; . : : ';.! 36- ' 1111181)0' N. C. Mllitarj Acadeciy. The Flifth Academic Year or this Instltntion will commence on the FIRST WEDNESDAY. IN FEBRUARY, 1863. For information and circulars apply to SUP'T H. M. ACADEMY, Nov. 28, 1862. 32 d3m. '' Notice. -:-?vV -U OX Saturday, the 13th of December, I will sell at the Court House door in Raleigh, a fine pair, of Bay Horses : also, a single horse cart, the property of the late General L. O'B. Branch. .. ... . . Tsaiis : Six months credit, note with approved security. nov 28-dl0tAwl WM A. BLOUNT, J., Adm'r. j Snbstltntes. h FOUR good reliable men, natives, over 45 years of age, can be employed as Substitutes for a reasonable price, if immediate application be made at the Army Intelligence Office, Wilmington St., over P. .Far rcll't Store, opposite Town Hall, Raleigh, N. C. Nov 18, 1862. L r; 23 6dtf Apple Brandy for Sale- '-; nPHE Undersigned hare some 10,009 to 12.C23 JL gallons or Apple israaay, wntcn tnev euer for sale. Apply to, : lS SCALES WE1TH, .-..: MadisoivKat Nov. 27, 1862. 32-dlmpd Camp c!r iKTOccnoy, 1 : Cynp liolmea, I)ee. 1 1862. . IN accordance with lBitrt:cUQi f rca t!a Sec retary of War, the following General Order, No. 2J, 1 'published: ' l--r, -f :v-; The enrolling officers of this SUU w ill pay particular at tention to the same and report to Ibue headquarters all officers and enlisted men who ilo not comply promptly with , said order.. . ' . ., j a By order of Ool.Pstsa Ifaiisk, Commaadi&g Camp of Instruction. , , ! " . ' ; E. S. If ANN, Adjutant. ' iot i IsncTpa"Graai.,sOrric, ; .Biehminnd, ov. 25, 1SC3. ) k9, ' J -. - . ' . e foUowinaf or V Uaxsnai. Oansks.1 - .: : -V.I Vo. 9. . 1 , .! I Commaadaats of eoasctip Is will cause the followtoaf der to be puhlixhed for at le ast eeyen timts in a sufieient number of newpapers la each Slate of the Confederacy to ensure its reachirig every part of the country. 1 - I. All commlasioned officers and enlisted men who are now absent from their commands from any other causes i than actual disability, or duty under orders from the See- retary of War, or from their department commanders, will -return to their commands without delay. . J . II. Commissioned oQcet I failinf -to comply with the frovisions ot the foregoing paragraph, within a reasonable ength of time, in no caje to exceed twenty days after the publication of this order,' shall be dropped from the - Tells of the army in disgrace, and their .names will be furnished to the commandant , of conscrfpts . for enrollment in . the ranks? - . "' V'f I - III. All enlisted men who shall fall to comply with the provisions of paragraph 1, of this order within s reasona , ble length of time, shall be considered as deserters, and ' treated accordingly, their names to be furnished to the commandant of conscripts, in their State, for publication 'or such other action as may be deemed most efficacious. IV. In order to ensure the efficient co-operation of all concerned to carry this order into immediate effect, Do- ; partraent commanders are directed to require from the T commanding officer ofeach separate command in the! r De- ; 'partments a prompt report of thje names of all co m mission ed officers and enlisted men now absent from their com mands. The?e reports mnst state in each case the cause of absence, and any regimental, battaliutt or company com mander who shall aeglect to furnish sjucft a report, or who shall knowingly be guilty of cnieealing any cake of unau- : ihorized absence, shall, on conviction thereof, he summari ly dismissed. :j ' ' " ' ! ' ' V. Under the provisions of the 2T clause of paragraph -1, of General Orders, No. 82, coin missioned officers and pri vates who are incapable of besring arms in consequence of wounds received in battle, but who aire Otherwise t for serlrice, are required, if not otherwise assigued, to report to the nearest commandant of conscripts in their respective States who will, if they are fitted fotf such duty assign them to the collection of stragglers and the enforcement of the provisions of this order, with full! power to call upon the nearest military authority for such assistance as may be necessary thereto. f VI. Officers of the Quartermisster' Department, char ged with payment of troops arj htreby directed not to pay any commissioned oracer, non-eommissionea omcer or pri vate who does not furnish satisfactory evidence taat ne u not liable to the penalties described ders. Any disbursing officer who sh n the foreroiaff or- all make payment in violation of this order shall be amount of such payment. 1 Bv ordr : Siffned, j iable bn his bond for the . COOPER. -r- !: - AdJ t and Inspector General. Uae 4 Horses and Mules Wanted for State Par- poses. rpiiE undersigned havinr been annointed arent .L for the State tor the purchase of horses suitable to the Cavalry service, and good draft mules suitable for 8tate hauling, would state that he mar be! found, daily, in Ral eigh for the next two weeks, at his Livsrv Stables. 1, 1 ...v.-JAMRgM HARRIS dec 9 1 I . . 41-dlw r Standard and Progress copy two weeks. r , Conscription. . ; Thousands in the Confederate States, oirtns to the different laws and exemption bills passed by the last two sessions of the Confederate States Congress, are so mystified as to their real duties that they know not ' what course to pursue. We aid rise all who really believe themselves subject to the law to report immediate jTat the , respective camps appointed forjthc enrolment of Conscripts -in the different States. - To those who tfelieve themselves exempt, we would respectfully-eay , that on securing ohr fee, which is Five Dou.aki we will furnish them the foe bearing en their cases and every additional information which we have gleaned from ijae section. of the authorities . iu parallel cases, and we are prepared to take all the re- . sponsibUity of such advice. We will do nothing but a Ls eiTixaTs business. Those whom we find are really liable, we will inform accordinglv.- Thoe who are not (and there are thousands in everr State who are not) we will give' them our advice with the law bearing upon their esses i Having every facility, we at e prepared, to give every in-! formation regardfisg any other! business connected with the ' .army. i-'1-' ., ';.'.,. . " J "-, c',?-' Owing to the heavy expense incurred in procuring this information, we will notice no communication unaccom panied with our retaining feejof JJollmre j y . TtiUMAM JUNKS Jt UU., BX 258 P. O. The follewinr papers win eopr one month and send bill to the subscribers is. U. Stsjodard, Progress, Charleston Courier, Columbia Guardian.. Richmond Dispatch, and' savannah Republican. 4 . lec, 7, 1862. , . -j.- i : ., v , lm Land Gale. mHE nndeniffned will crer for ial on the 14th . X day of J anuary ; A. D.; 1863, . at the late residence ' of John Webb, deceased, in the county of Granville, and State of North Carolina, to ; the highest bidder, upon a credit of six months, 830 acres of land, six miles snath of Oxford, on Tar . River, and adjoining the lands of Governor Belt, Aderson Green, Elijah Averet and others. The lands' - are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat, oats. There are on the? premises a Urge and comfor table dwelling and all necessary outhouses. The land is rendered valuable by an excellent mill site foi saw and. grist mill on tbe river. I , - 1 will show the above land to any one wishing to see it, or give further Information by Addressing me at Tally lie, Granville county , N. C. JOHN H. WEBB, Ex'r. v 41-dlw dec 9 Hales Wanted. THE UNDERSIGNED WANTS TO PURCHASE TEN GOOD. MULES. Apply at tbe Commissary De partment. THOMAS D. HOGG, - ' . Captain A C. S. , Raleigh, Nov. 22, 1862. dtf ; . Unlv rsltjv or the Trustee of the in the Executive - Office, on' , CHAS. IfAifLY; . Secretary. TnE Annual Ileetln? University will be beW Wednesday, the 10th instant. Raleigh, Dec l-dtm. : To Presidents bed Saperintendehts of Railroads, TTATIXO hcen appointed Asshtrst Adjztrrt XX General, and aligned to the special duty of superin tending and directing- Government Transportation for Railroad, desire a conference with the Presidents ana . superintendents of all thei Railroads in the Confederate State, at Augusta, Us., on the 15th inst. - f W. M. WADLET . a. a; p. a. c'Ac, -Dee 4 ' V- it : i 38-Ctd Old Sara Wanted- T 1 ILl,p?y fCT l jZMnJim Baxrie frca X three feet, upwards in diameter, fifty cents per pound : and for long, heavy saws forty cents per pound, delivered ?:,-r:rv-r UTnoczQP 4 - i Confederate 8utes Armory," ' : T' -"- v-r: -.;.-:i Wilmington, lfA C. ,? . Register and 8pirit of the Age copy the amousl ff S3 and send bill to this oflce;fv,J :. -V ' IV. to ban! corn at Tarbef fifor tbis Depart dec l-tf Commiraary Department, Raleigh N. C. ;. - . - - . -u rn-4 0. .-j...otJMi-'-'-'

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