sr. 4 : 1 ;r i . I 4 Ay A H til 1): tJfl, hi I ct ft v sr.- ;t .J. -1., t it 1 .'- -Mi '- J ." ft "XiJ ', RAIGHl.Ma 0ESlAil)lEGEMBER-16, 1862, "a. -jNO. 47. 1 ml.C 3(1 Jl U IT 11 1 mm 9 -" Villi t.'1M o-jjji-p I ; . 'it ' . .."' V ' .1 r, 1), ' rl-'i'' rf,r 1 j-, i j V the present the termi of the DAILY paper will be M follow! : ,7 For 11 3 a -- - x-i 1 50 12 nion - ' - -' ! rr t No subscription to the WeekLr trill be rtceirod for last Single copiei fiTecseiji.(r-:;!. T, i i unntre. 1 square', 6 daji..V.4..$t 1, do .1 wek....;:.J.- 1 1 r do ' ?2 week.. 3 1 do Tdays......... T5 1 do ' I I 00 i ' da 4 dara.l.. 1 25 1 do 1 month..! & DO . . mi Ten lines make atquare. Advertisements frrtheJ)iljr be inserted in. i the Tri-Weeklrre Martinis .. is an indawment ' ' The aboTrateii ipl j only to the dailypaper. i I Adrfr-i tiseme&ts will be inserted irt .the Weekly japer at the usual .(.relarwledonatMraqaare. for theJfiret ; sertion, and twenty-fire cents for each s ubseque.nt insert Special ftoticee "will, be; barred fiftr per cent-hirher than the abore rateiA-tei lines or less -of leaded matter? ..making a 4nare.0..'-i3H. i A 'i 4',! !' if!-v-;i: A liberal dijcowit to-yeafly adTertisers.' j H i t j -r-: GENERAL ASSEUBLT j&r ORTHCXnOHKl ".ii ..."L-; "--' -' ri JMojrDAT,.-.iJec.t 15.' i : ' SENATE - ' -.f-- ." - The Senafetfonrehcd aril .tfclpcTcf;;.1 ' ;' The-'fojlqn'illspe.t . , Eill in "regard to the harborina of deserters, w ; BUI to ameid the ,Ctarter of the !SoTt4Carolma Mantifacturinz Company, r ffe I'henf lhfre!atiotj td ; JasKcea he Tteace t for .Toll nslorfcbuutr r, Sra rcommittecf tn the Commit tee on l'rppHitiona ;and Grietauces with instructions to lepdrt a gcneraKbill out the subject. - 'f ! V- The special order; the ReTenue liill was next con- i- sidered;: Ki -'- i."-J I PencUng;tUe: consideration; Ztibe .iSenato until to-jnorrovr mrnirjg at 10 o'clock. 1 " ? L-j " HOUSE oFwMMONS,- ri-liJlliBl6ti;wasr b&c$. to order;at 10 o'clock. . A rnssat 'was' relcai yed frbm XaT. B. A Barnes isome time Mr. Bryson prcseuted a -ne mortal from certain citi j as of Cherokee' d mnty, "asking that a 'Sufficient zens amount bf Whiskey may bo distilfcd in. tu;t county 1 lormciicat purp-. ,ieierrea. t ; ,i Mr. lonng oi iancy, a memonat irom citizens or a. a -w. r w - . - f i Mitchell county, -relative ' to the- reinoyal of the J count v site of that couuty. Also a seriesfbf rrtrohir -tions on the- same subject," which were appropriately i referred. ., -t, ' 'i The following bills and resolutions were introduced on their 1st reading. '- ' " j -By Mr. Harris of Cabarrus, a resolution in favor of John O. Wallace. , , By Mr. Waddell, a bill to transfer the States inteT-i eet in the Cape Fear and Deep liiver Navigation Com- j pany to the individual Stockholders thereof, provided: . t?aid stocKnoiaers execute a doiki co:nnisn . the improvement itutwo years. v . , ! , , By Mr. Shepard, a bill giving power tof all incor porated towns in the State to levy additional taxes ' By Mr. Nissen, A. bill authorizing the Treasurer to pay subh troops bounty as .have been diseWrged un- dcr the -conscript lawj and tor refund bounty to certain volunteers released -by the conscript act. f ; . V f-'j Mr.1 Jenkins, member elect from Granville Vasi sworn iwk ais ;6eu, . . .. ': , j The unfinished business was resumed, beiog the con sideration of the minority report from the Military Committee. ' r H-;' ' r - V-t? : The question being upon an amendment, offered by Mr. McKav.alIowin2 Colonels to appoint staflf oniccra I and the rank and filcv to elect all the othejr commis J Sionea Ouicers. oe& r ncuiy 8 repori. ; . - . i rr CI r .!.- ..i-l-i :. . . I The amendment'wis adopted. ' 1 L Mr. Waddell offered the following preamble, whichl he afterwards withdrew, but which was. immediately renewed by Mr. Fleming, who demauded the yeas, and nays on the question of its adoption. ! I Whereas, heretofore , an act was patssed by tpe General Assembly of North Carolina at its session of 1860-1. autnorizinsr the Governor of iue 53taie to ac- cept of volunteers tor; State service ; and whereas,! the raising of said volunteers was not carried into effect stood as otTeriny no-imt)ediment to the operation of the Conscription act of Congress, and disclaiming any intention to .throw itself in conflict with the Presi dent of the Confederate "States or the authorities at imond hut simplv to carry put the provisions of j an act of the Genera Assembly by which a State force i shall be organized, therefore-fti it enacted, &c? The vote was as follows:, .! ; I Ayes. Messrs. Amis, Bernhardt, Bariiuger. Beatl, Beam Brown. Brvan, Bissell, Costneir Uaven- j port, , Fleming. J?'oy, Uentry, uunam, pi ocKing- ham. Grier. Hampto'n? Harrisof Cabarrus, Hawes, llendersonHeawcijooperUoward, duaxins, iurT hy, Lemmondfj. Logan, Long,-love, Mamnng. MC- TCv MrNpill McRae: Feeble Revuoids, -Rhaies, Rna!'?henherd. Snruill. Stancill. AWaddell . "J--47-- -1 ' . w . ; .! Noii. Mevrai'Allison, AlfordBenbdry, Beiry, Cartenter; Cowlesl Owe, Carter, Flvnt. Olennr. Greene. Grissom. Henry, of Bertie, Hen ry, of Henderson, HoitofT, Jenkins,, Kecncr Kelly, Kerner, Laws, Lyle, Mann, of Hyde, Mann, of.Pas quotank, McAden, McCormick, Nisseti, Parks,-Pat-; terson," Pearce, Richardsqn, Riddick, Cobbins, Russell, nf Brunswick. Shober. Smith. Wr alien. Walner.iWell KnrnJWoodalL Worth .JTounz. of Iredell. Young, bf " J ' W ' : 9 . V" w" j . Yancey-44. j fW. v,;'' ' K .fter some aiscusswhr the substi tute ; was adopted by the following vote; ' 1 ' :l - .- . j : Atps. Messrs.; Allison," AlfordAmis Avera, Bar ringer, Benbury Berry, .IJryson, Burgin, nrns, Car penter, Cowles, Craig, Flyn t,. Gentry, 5lennj: Greene, Grissom Hampton, Henry, of Bertie, Henry, of Hep dersonvHeaden, H611ings worth, Howard, Hprton, In gram, Jenkins,' Keener, Kelley, Kerner, Laws, Lyle; Mann, o-Hyde,-Mann, of Pasquotak, McAden, Mc Cormick, Mcy, McNeill, tMcRae. Nissen, i Parks, Pattersbn Richardsoh; Riddick, Rohbin s,f Rusjsell, jof Brunswick, Smith, Wad4eji;v:Wallen WalserWejK born Woodall, .Worth,' Yuungi of Ircdcllf Young, of ?oiffl. Messw.arnhardBeall, Beam,. Brown, Bryan, Ckstner,LCarter, .Davenport, Flemipg, Foy, Gifiiamof Rockinginham, Grier, Harrisof Cabar-- the in i-v i . w wrrni tnu oe : : -K i ; 1 1 ri i-jA naTO; oeen enaeftyeinna jioa um to pr ; aidfKI Go"Ti Vaactr transmittiug communication ottsslave labor enpiigh at $ per mnthadding et- wmH:(BTog(ient Cavaptrcler, iti response" to a penses of.iraosporta I ' : resolution , of tfuiry ; relative, t' iis report, sUt ing i These hands have been used for wood chopping arid that M$ fCpbrt had.Deca'icC the hands pf the printer, ; fiaulin?, as welVlts for quarrying and hauling rocks, at the time-of the passage of said law : and wnereasy eq oy lappcy juumsaen, ana a .poruon ot a. i. this Legislature in the passage of the following mili- Dabney's contract notcompliecf with.' 4 . tarv bill linw under consideration, desire lo be under- iWe have in operation 198 kettles and 10 others rus, Hawcs, Henderson, Hooper,- JodkinJ "Ktrbyl JiP.ttl SImW Rnr;ii fit.Min ' . Ki 4 j Tho Hoa6 lookJ Tcssitmtil;7 o'clock; Mfrre "nibs? t3-; tr4KV:tt,'i-isv' .' XMMJUk J.liM,La ULtL-iXS pare the report that t promised iu mj last ; butJTeaK cabin ii Crowdexi'witU Cfeoatyotomislooc ind men here' on biisineas. w for TftstnfctiiVn5 sA'Ani. .UHi nurnt - nn win ai mvuiif iAMbVo 0"T w lf. ill pll a bsutt report of the prbgreiss and pnpSts pTOakiuz "Qn liJ;otit. wiUvMr. Mordecai, q W joiul commiasioQ to Durchase salt, tr Uie right to male - cafe for tb State. - We. 3T unefeniet-ed Into a contract with tbe 1 nMni-fethrS Kvf Vf F wvuiiau . VO ; OJ wiuoni nft, otatfi - ha a right to txeci farnaces audpat qp keUle 84 this t - :n. 'u-iY,if .VKTv-rTr at the rate pt. three oudred thousand bush- 40Ut per aunum during ; VtW Willis" cotxiraci was tecuted in dupKcate; andu tofoy filed in tbeExecu-" cef vr-?5? :li fvnpn.v TiT-m ; w ....... ; 'nderthls'cOTtracC ate rcauest of hls Excefien- 1-cjr VMTvr4urwiifcne; supenntendence or the worfcj which wadiCommittcd to me without any8 io strncnons, except toattaie salt made should be dtrided amongst tlie cpuuties of the Sute, according to their rcsDcctive nutnb'er 6f inhabUanta. : - V . ! . I )ln the absence of any ilnw directly anniicabtc to Jl ihis enterprise, I have con formed 'as nearly tts;pra"ct I cable to the proTistons Of the ordinario of our State PnyChtioo iu ; relatioa tc manufketuriug ; sa It on ; the ine Uorernor gave -me an order on the public Treaslirer for tweuty thousand dollars and subge qnentiy "sent riio I By ati'agent. Mr. Chapmn, fifteen thousaud dollar-, of which, - $3,400 . unexpended, has been jeiurped to tpe treasury.; 9'?Jf. ' ill reached here ou the. 27th of July and mctamall force 'pf hands previously employed, andcommenced qnarrying rock with a fowiiands in July last, but could not be said to be fully embarked until ; August. At first I,experienced some difficulty in procuring labor, as slayp owners would nut then risk their ne- groes so near the enemy's lines. ' But these fears wet e sradu-illv overcome, and through the verv active aud ('efficient agency of Mr Q&fAV. Nichiisoif. of Warren-'couu-y,'! obtained in thai "ami other counties con tigii- and since, in attending the furnaces, j ..ti i- Tl) grTiAtest djfficuj t-y "that. I had Vto t.oin tend. with was the want "of1 brbvisioris. ; Tliere was h6 suVblus here,! and that brousbtliere could'only be nurcnased at nigu: rates or xor salt. ?! xms latter moaaoi pay- , -wm- - m . j ment.Ti nave strictly resisted, as we salt was necessa- ry for our State far heypnd ; what cul4 .he prodaced early iu winter.1! refused to iriveitrfor anvthinr.- ex- cept" to distribute it amongst the- County Commis- sioners, according to their respective numbers.' . But I fdund each. couriiv wilhris to bo rjlaced ahead of? .bthefa in this distribution, i audj' therefore proposed to several oi Litem, to send, nie corn or other grain, wheat or; rye, and I would return the sacks with a like num ber of bushels of salt; This f eadiry produced all the graifr I required. I found bacpn expensive and difficult to obtain. I therefore sent to the mountains of our State, and pur- chased 193 head -of beef cattle, on which the force has chiefly been supported' siuce the middle of Sep tb'mberj and I have now packed up about eighty of them for winter" use. . i . .: I have contracted with Messrs. Rankin, Gaines & Co to transport the hides to theif taifhery at Ashe- vine, in. u., ai; tneir own , expense, ana tan tnem lor pne half of the leather; the" remaining half I am sure will be valuable to the -State. - ', .. ,1 have made contract . with the Cummissieners bf the counties of Nash," fJohnst6ii,:. Waytm and itt, each 'to fiimfshjat this place ten thousand pounds of baconj well cured, at 22 .cents per pound.-in consid erat'on of Ctvmg them an Advance of salt to the ex- tent of ten bushels to the inhabitant,,by ,the 15tli ol 1 riii " r. I I ii T utxviuuvi ,- ;- a. ui is quite aw luucu oacuu iia.vut; wora. here can require during next year. 7 - i f A similar contract ' has been made with the Cora- missioner of Randolph county, for 4,500 yards of oznaburgs, at 20 cents.. This is necessary to clothe . the hired negroes, whose owners fail to furnish t twin. and to maKe salt sacKs to iupiisu some.uounties which fail to send enough of strongjsacks,, and rely on us to procure them at extravagant rates iu? " v , A like contract has been made with iicnoir county, for 37,000 ibf. of kettles, to supply those not forward just recei ved, four of which are required to replace four broken ones,. .1 am now expecting about thirty oth ers from Wm. R. Blair & Co,," and six," balance of J. Ai l Qtiaif & Ks contract;" ThesecLnave urha ready to put up, but am apxiomt to procure some modificationin the contract with Messrs. t Stewart, Buchanitt &Co., first, as I'find.that the kettles now m use may manuractnre an tne onue inai xuey nave contracted to furnish, say at the rate of three hun- dred thousand bushels per annum during the present war. - , 1 s"t-I ; I True, I regard the contract as 'securing to us that raip, or ac least onetnpusaua pusneis per pay, wnicn is much more than we receiyed for tnany Weeks sifter 1 we could hae.raade that amount or near to it. The defective engines of. the Company nd a-ffreat demand I r ' LJ-J-' J -1 .1 l: ell ' ' ax. ipr tne. water, Aiepnvea us lor sumeoi a inu supply which I claim sis-a matterbf righV should. now be made up to us, and this I am sure they, will net hesi tate to do. .. Indeed, we are nowrtq -some extent, making up the deficiency, as I suppose we are making as much as twelvo hundred bushels per day, bnj not j But the . new wells- am pnanisim; : ta do well in k few divs, and if so, e shall probably get' brine enougn; inougn, asptoerare giving mucn more, iot he water (many of them ' paying threefourtha'oi all U.the salt' made.) we may expect them lo ha-ve the preference, unless some corresponding - advantage ujj oucrou vj ub. x vuorcioio jivyvoa iu . ut up all; the', 'additioual kettles expected, and to run tnem until May, or even first of April, and then auj-render-them "to the .Cbmpaoy or to-have them, "run under 'a new contract; "we retaining onehalf of them, -if we can so contract;" bat, if need be, 3 wonH yield the additional kettles, as' those now, 'in' opera tion will make is mnehaalt; as vriU ;W rMuiredaf ter the prefeptrpbrksallirj ind have husheli more, making with els-pjnr month, for .the three, winter months, or 100;- uoo ijushels in tne three winter montns. l nis w not 1?. Via'ihslbiasi nacked, probably -10,000 f 1 ajjjr bneday fa th ls$ ten;; f F i neu. a LiiiiiK. it iair.u caMvuMw. vu u ut un ucvk ; rr... . uoitit Ihe additionatkettles.4 23.3331 bosh-1 It is imDossihle to say ; eipelcSM'f Tfair with the 4rinier9 -irould pay fcr tha expense of purcliasiog cannot wdoubted that enough: can'be bade to snp f )pty;iht peopleof tneStatd- be(re the- nkxi Wrk-kflJ ; 1 liug seati'U saltJill ye tld jporki jaf ' thia swson 'aQdcTe?lloibe "rneans of arnving 11 ariy rttUfactorlr hs-efi T.1 f V But,? askumfuz'one hundred ifiilluVnsf tKMinds bf 'rky bf-oVe tnndred rundstoeacK Inbabita-nt bf 4 .the Sttftel old ind) l,y6ung black,' and tub3;Mubeiag- . 'attb"4jl$$nH! neannonu (and, mjuiy-J; But. sunnose that it tea aim fifty percent Wft of pork, then the prodnction of. Februaxy, of 33,333, I bushe," with .what i$ in the hands of the more cau- Uous and pro video t o( otur.citizens, that di Serene will ,be mad? ' up tosaj' nhing'thev prtiosTrvor,thw State within he1 epemv's lifiesf" kna nbt 'in reach of iisprobably t.lKp-Bte):' I i " . 'lheb, .If Xm'neaVty"c6rrect m' these estimates vf i hate; no Vei to desnaif i&rtifg bost'orihwrop, of porktthe prjent leaoo,! If the J farmrt; could ' anshterooe4hir4 'of tnelr hoss in Tecmber bde-" third th! Jannary aild 'biiethrrd m Ftbrnary, it CaoajWiaU pe'w 'tlift .Sate;.l3 not5; j;reaj6Ver-.-. estimated thaiiIth1 wt rnayW c olacfetn 'abWemief anxt airtiafT; ; will 'savVfily . alt the fat porkaewB a!idrTevf I am aware n-tt ine corn crop m the Western part. lWre wiU bemare aattmaUthan lay up ftbusnei oi salt oeyona me winierraomns, oui Seeing the great necessity that is upon us; arid ihat' j every day-'s boiling is more .than enough m' save one lough Monday U set up flection and free consultation with'friends whose opin- ions T value, T came folhe concJjisnn to run the fur naces on Sundayv and to this' all of my assistants and i ifisociatea itfthtt wprk atilygreiisd, including the negroes; who "am'eagef' to receive the wages: s i. ; ,x:Sc are pressing-this work with a hope of making nine or ten thousand bushels per -week. - .'J j - My purpose has been to get'wvod enough, before the winUrsets iq' fully; and the roads become impas sahle toiru, liftiuroacea; ;V0t ;Th'rsI think, we will not fail todtK V-' ! -; ; ' ' I. ' ' f We' have cu t nearly eight thousand coTdV, and more , than.fbnr thousand baiiled- tq,the Irailrood, 2J miles froth this pliice. -My object now kio have six thou- , sarid cords delireredijy; .Crirjstmas.1 :--y "l o"f This done, if thOjWatliCr lsTnot more than ordmari ly favorable, l propose ;to discnarge all the wagons Mxcent ten or.twel ve. I. : This number shonldbe retain- Vnd nsed to haul inthe remainder of the Wood to yet, u panxiVlV'r sTr? " " 1 . - VETV J V i i A b " j ? 6 der; and provided that Ci the hogs are even yet doing weltr:nd toany are but -owneri vrte-half of j each load for hauling, and in one I thc rizht to purchase th ..lgming to reed, and asicing wnctn? they instance an aciuai saie oy a wagoner, 01 aj mera-y Cncel6 aUrW vkull ft nt tin lots oThoM to fatten. Arc: H 1 ; - l-ble . auantitv. has been made to a non-resident of the 1 ' . - ' Now, to such I say.'yourjjatcfWe ; Slate. ,! These abuses were discovered in ftime to be " ' pfobably be salted The greatdifficultyows ont-of defeated, exempt as to a small jhs ntity in one couniy 4 -:y ,JM( v ' -thehogs ready forrsifiihg early actually ',' nng tne raonin. oome loss may oesuswuneam mk i wrau inw wo umw w .wgwre(a. - ua,uucvi yu -. ;' -''5' r '-tV IrtrtV 'Kitt. ir mhM Lftvad'thA.wio'r.ii tinder thuae ordrs. and one of lheU. a5Ctt UP 'ft'f . ... .n-.tL ivi- - ii '-iuu7 1 u-. iQf:a places tno anoiitipnisw hundred tnotisano pounasoi pprK,an(i tnai to cooi ou auegeauncreasq onueir popuiauoii, uwiiig w vuB ir on Sunday involves the loss" Cf more i thartalf of roads of the enemy, in put Easterp border.. an d driy Mondav U set up the.heatr' And aftet'matnre re- ing the citizens from Home, .to 'seek temporary homes the Railroad, and" to be on -hand, to be called pn in made connected with this business, I "suggest the pro emergencies 8uchas occur occasionially,when the ever priet of ratifying and adapting; oo the part of the taxied energies of ! iihe';'l!roa4orftheVmishap to an; State, the contracts heretofore made in I he absence of en sine or the track niaV throw" us' out bf asupplv hr4 any la Wv authorizing me to, make a contract iithe Railroad, then ahese teams, for a day or two can keep lis running. v e aro usihk now rabiier uiurc vnau iiurir "cords oer day. and expect, to use about twelve hun dred cords per month, or six.' thousand cpnls?by the f!lirsWMay;f-y. it f- 4 ,AVe' cannotNH6je;tp' find the rdasprm and dry here long before that day. 'I am putting in a side track and switching in rontTf the furnaces, and at my wood-yard, which the Railroad Company requires as a condition of liauling, trood br salt. The cost will hot he heavy, as the Company furnishes the'rail, frog and spikes. - f We have beenable i& obtain no car to carry salt . for more than, two weeks, though many car loads have been sacked and ar waiting. .?'&i-JkX I had sought an earl interview with Chl.TDoda- "meadi''the generarapperm exf tending to Lynchburg. We have afways 'tiad assur ances of all the aid the Road"1 could '.give us, alid for the last several days have had frequeut consultations- with him. Always inclined to accommodate, he as- WI" "--lJnA--A -ii Jlv--S '- ' Bares Ilic tuai-UJa iuiauuiuvutuuii uy nun ;tcd of h. . . v. ..,r,:::i.-v The Qjnfederate Government and. that lrgioia have, the first claim ou their services, "and the labor ia heavy. . Next to that the making and shipping altj they say; shall come in. . - ,;- -r :. "'" " i Both the States" of Georgia "and 'Tennessee setd lycan make no such arrangement, oji account of the difference of guage. In view,of th, the Snperinteh-' dent promises me cars as. soon as the side track is in; sav iu inreo -uajt, w Kuxwuiuut iwuc ucsw iiiur only promise to carry for. hose .Counties so far East that Jhey cannot rely on wagons. , s. . ' f i . m,. The, wagons are how. crowding op. ns, and arebe; ing loaded at turitoof twenty-three to twentyleight ' perdayfor the last week or tmi especially and they . are now crowding: in so closely' tm each othef, that: they cannot be loaded . without longer delay than is .dcsirableiand I fear that as the stream is increasing,. - tlier most soon he in eacbl others' way. ! ; Ours being the only State euterprixe on foot here. aiisr's r .Ute,.it the people of this State could not be OTppTied . .nvtUULUiL mo vwisiuui ,w, ww ,ua nu, wi futci without it, but not otherwise. . Wow it is certain that I the proprietors make . inere salt than Virginia peeds, - ami inu private pariaea anu viouuiy wmuivuica. are making much more, and all stand first for .the 8,mbanC t- before ours -can -be touched by the 5iate)hiiS a work hero on State- ca Carolina. and, as a. consequence,, nooe get salt ai same rates. aWhile vrt only charge $1.50, one-half of. whiph goes to pay for thewater; $2iT5 is the low- est price at any others, unless there-- may be a single exception in the case of the State of Geoigia, for a Jim-, i ited brmrjerlof boshelsi'-' .'; i .'. CAd y--.-S : It is Confidently believed that theprico to our peo- Jple can'.be, reduced as soon ae the expenditnre on, part : of thei.Trearary w reimbwrj. 'siod ihiavjrill sooii be . paid. I am now only awaiting an opportonity of sending to the Treasurer . $Q600, now in hiJicUTedn- cine: the debt to 25-000. r The market, value of the salt made on our furnaces would, ranch more than what the furnaces', bcildings, cost, as the hand and teams were engssed occa- sioiially t the buildings, and again in cutting and "their engines and 'trains nere te carry ohT the salt fr the kohs oi said Regiment, ny oilier1 or tae secretary er their citizens,, and even at that, do not; keep it all 'lw'H?lWi Aeavcease to be shipped, nor half of it. North Carolina;unfortnnate- s??".0, ax hadling frbod and lftvattandinfatnacedce.4- Bui it is certain that the eost is much abort of 4h4 timate I was ted at first tornakev sa j; SoO.OOOl It is propaom mat , tne 3 1 .eyo piiii ot tne ..traasay-15 urawq.,-1111 ncany cover u : inougn - were' are out-r suiuaing vmms ot some7 agexiis, raecnauiCT wc, yew atwotk ' and not -fjettled witBlhat: tnay swelbit to ht,'jmji& itepreeiithai 6Qceniliper bushel is more, than somcient ti? pf tthe expenses of . 'mi - . mf. jted in tho trir ifa tdt receipts and expem!Uure4ro bf Juig wt carefjalljrrkjept bp Oui. J iL-Crael, jmost sxDemlituraaAra lieV V laborious and wins-takiog man, of great exper)epc-e 'oooK-Keepiog amt accounui. ,4 uiow noone eiss tmderwayj r uvst and aeoaritv of Mc -o . JriT . " ..' ii - -L i But I find the amount now actaaUr- in 1 Israel iaantk f U sUted ItatWffVTjfl! th amount ot the: bowl Tot almlKe .rtquirpvi inHU-'43 le books, s kept, I should be, pissed .to exhibit i h HefwariyJ Ichoose to appoints rf jw- i-t'. t - l - i IThe nrecise diipcattoti mvctitoJv bv the Governormv mamorandumhaoksN ,and receipts will how,jand at ariarly day ,1, will" - emieavoc to lihiliime to draw it off in s!ipo bf a sup ) The distribution of ha stlt when made, presents a - , 1 While its .would seem clear that; the, rule.fixod by the 6rli nance of the Convention to distribute accord- ing-" to "tiit- ;ntirir IMjMllatiol, is rights and wdnl1 bo out Car, other Wis, M . . Ptoogh to oay . knowledge tU t . great abuses the Commissioner and aprwinting an-d- . iris requires legwinuou, au u nwgwicu tribnted'equally. i r if A question rs raised in question many Counties, toif chi o g the in such 'coiroties 1 ITiis quetion ITiaVe 'ht liberty-1 settle if, indeed, thero can be any nde fii ed . for iu tieciipn.t , .-'f h ; " l ,1 haye fejt at. liberty to supply the Jargejjparding schools wUhout cnarging"it against. the county, as tl)e pupilifmrtii'iibniadCTnidj in no sense,' be regarded citizens of the county, ami of course, hatl nor been re- ceiyeil as part of the population of the eoimty, in the census returns of 1860 Any direction' that thy GcnerarARsembly, in their' Wisdom may givef,will be promptly followed. tiT I omitted to ay; in the. proper place, that twentjr five cents per bushelr has been t Apart tp re-pay. the amount advanced by the Treasury, j Tliis may be in creased,' prohkbly, ten to fifteen, cents, without rais-, ing the price to coftsumes,'-a8 I ' am v6f "opihioii that thirty-hve cents wilt pay the actual expense of man- ufacturing, . s In order to make valid the contraeti ! tliat I have , j name pt tlie- StaWf The overruling necessity that 1 i juswucs uw utir, uiwiij, mj .hui, gno n'" 'Fe1 feet:- Resnectfuirv submitted j - r.M, -j-l Ni W. WfK)bFiN, Yalnable Hotel and Property for Sale.; n Monday, the 4th of January, 18631 will sell to the highest bidder, in the town of Went worth, IMIvuugUaUl a vuuutj , a! jft -m THiuavic uuv n au. auci Dtoncrtv belontrintr thereto, tha place is knewn as the Til- t 1. " v r ..i.Ki-TTAtl 1 .11 td. .lage. HotL The, lots contain five acres more or less, .There 'are twebtv-fonr rooms attached to the hotel, and there are between . twenty-live - and ; thirty valaabU beds and fnrni tnre a good nvany excellent Jjlaakets and qailt, all the ' beds Vell-fuinislied. " The beds will be' sold separately : There are two kW at the stable containing near two hun dred staHs for horses. , . - , . . .. ' "This is an excellent' stand for a hotel, and'the' railroad from Greensboro to Danville will run within seven miles of this, place, and travel will bejgreatly. increased by that 'road. II r profession 'as a practionetr of medicine requires all my attention, and 1 cannot stUnd tothebtuinew of, .theotel at thesame tim Terms made known on the day of sale. - .- - V - Dec 11, 1862. d2w-?t r.'.hifi. QBEASLEY. HEADQUARTERS, CAMF?OP ISrSTRUCTION.Y Cam r BotMss, Dec. 1 lth,t 186.2, f J Thefollowin insr named officers of the 57th Regiment, N. C. Troops : Willjams Brown-, W II Howerton and J. O. Orercash, of Rowaa county, and"D. WRhine, and O. D. L. Yount, of Catawba county, having been dropped fropi herehv ordered" t report ters. Th e,enK)lling officers will report them, a conscript. ..Byprderoi CoU Commanding Comeript. E. X. Maun, Adiutant " f C " 5 dit tj, -Salisbury Watcnman eopy . taree tones and for ward bill to this office. - - i . j- . T OFFER for sale lay House and Avvltot-on llUbdawre'atretst, m thetrf m m ! Kaleigb. Farties disposed to pnrcbase are invited to examine the property. 1 J ; The groand. Tfest.of the . Raleigh and Gaston j Rail road, will, be" old -, separately. fron that,.til;the;j:at3 side of it. w Terms easn or credit wun niidnibted furety. k- ofbein.t.wmbe it lntun that rfw. At 11 nfIMlr. h&iM a TnwIaa.4aor. r, dec4-dtf.; 4,.Tr.; D W. COURTS. Tinil fce toId&t Bcca Hill Static Jcinstoa T T county, H, C on the 7th day of Jaaaaryr; .1863, among them is areo4 carpenter, Wacksmita and cooper. .: At the same time and place, the mills and land pelon ing to the said estate will be rested, sualess prriooly di- posedofim ? 114 pit 'vl.tft tfiGUX'i '" Also, the negroes and lands belonging toll. EYXhitley." MV w a m W imii fBr-amv ra. wai "V w ? : f A. .r tt . v ss ii - 'A 'VT -HP i IT , 4 w ! A:jj.HEAWAdnVr. kDee Notice- rlf MdcflffP tnft Isffiar cf Jsinr. tbe brie J of Gas' will be;ei2ht doUars per tLmuaadTfeeU - . December 12thy 18S2. r 44 till Ut ju.r Drivers I7diLtc31 1 V .TJ11ITB ErlTcrs for ZtzXs ittsz VzztzS j XJ ' to haul corn at TarboroV N. C, for this Depart' nentr i THOMAS D. IIOGO, Can't t . dad l-tf Coesmisaary Department, Baleigli, N. C4 felt $t . GovernprTT No seight or, ten likely negroesjcgig to the . estate of T. pital but NorthltUfV ; V 'rilill 1 tne ! . 'iv.i t a j vt..c:tt. iA'Zm art ttthi T3W Thm.iVonsan! jfKit4rpottf,Mfc5ht aboli- tionirts yesterdav atKjust'-iv. frn ,8 to 1 o'clock, Kot rxtrnirr-i ?z vi -ivj-r - nnnee. ana ineL.Tana.ais jxxupica ww wwa. iw 'jfimowji Jullmg.KvejaL'zeoai Irwas nratnt and .saw it! .Set tl Iisas wcri IciestrpTed. Ko estimat uren.- r-vans. urmanniiig unconuitiona .earrrnui .7 m r rr t, M fJT.u. '-i-vrt- i-jt -mijm i'irtirvj 4- fil the JtionJa to9 satisfied -,o, .enjoy their t same as 111.411 jwrwtji':''' -i -'vV ':-Tfnfi vW : t ' i:1 i irJ MWB'pWfATCH. --ii a p,0;.2.A.MV?;:,i;. GiJiM7toVle).,.H. iltepbrt of tillerjT ii-lard Hi the?jlirectioa:of the South Carolla end t!ie CcsTtrlc"' 'lleearo Stafe for the'Tedeniptioii pf its quota of the erate Wat debt-' pHvidedjthatsw& Wild.-' roay b-i -' A f "Cart. 1 4 ui wnnin tne vooieieracy pe son? io iner.rignesi wn- itizcos o t he btato shall have 4 bohclslt guaranties in prcf- '.f V iMobile, l)ec Hth: '1 ; the JLccrtier, & MegitUr. says, 1 itett rei iaUe i nteUijrepcc, at Water Yallty, on the Ytk- where jthev burned, five, houses.-! w ifia? 4y the. . ' ' VMpPKpin'i ' headquarters are at Oxford I The enemy officially repent keventy-fivp killed and, Svouuded atOuffceville, ibcluding fife officers Tfiiej econd Iowjj Inst jfiye put of aeyen, The. abo Iithm army'is' an indiriminate rade,; causing, de- t atrucuonevcryiiiterct, private property .pot rei ryjt Pem bertoji r? Tie wel tioopi at this point tosfay. t Up to one oclockastU rora Jtichmond Tlie arre t of tliellevi M; Graves'was'; eliected in -Prjuige comity, Nrth p!irlina, by Captain. Maccub bin, chief of the climpnd. detective force who was at-nt here for that' pui iwiw. lie found him engaged in conducting he religious services in tho Presbyterian Church, and sat down quietly in af pew Until the con clusion of the aervicfs.wJieu-he arretted him, but allowed him to preach a mother discourse that evening, sthe Captain attendingon '.his minixtryi. Ha slept with his prisoner that night, iaud started to Richmond, with him the next day. , " ..; 1 : -."The Rev. Mr. Grave! tea riorthffn 'man 'by h1rth,, but graduated at William' and; Mary College, Vir- i ginia. xaminer, . .I,v.,.. v.,in '-i U'iJ-.- ;L t50 Iteward. 1 'Stat il envntn N. C, oa the 20th flat of November,' ny'boy HALPII,, Said boy is near six-feet hirbenr blak. smd is slow of speech. lie naa on hen ha left home a round- r, about cost, TOSdo of bltK bUftketlag. with a blStk atripe , on tbelower part of the coat. . 8ai , boy has . naUble sear on nu ngnt jaw, caasea dt lanctnc a rtring.. '. tsaid boy had a heavy feeafd oa hiaehlnwhen fl4ffch4 The me. Said bov was bought of. O. . W. Wrnae. : of.Louisbnrr . bongIit4r.U, and was raised near Tarbdro. X C. The above reward i wilt be given for the apprehension' of said toyUa tay jail, so mat l can get ainn : Address ;c-4Nsifry Marlon, . 'i liarian. Dec 12th. 18C2. - '.. .".t.- 47 d6t " 'J&F' Standard copy 6 jtiuies and send bin tc Enterprise -ettteeV Marion, N C.'v K''i jix fj lf 4;V.Jy i : . . 4 WlImliiRtoii attd'Wldbif Railroad Co. V Hfra;m .Ta'tasiAiv'DwiiTKtirT;' ; ' vi, :-iv. uiWilmi4gtPi 5.tCrf, Dec. J3tb, J ' npflfi tlrldeiid cf lerea lllCw) c..r cept. en .. JL- the capiUl stock of th Wilatioztaa and IVelden Rail road Company paid, on and after the 1st of January next, will be paid on and after Monday.' the t jlath inst,, at the Qce. ejC the TreaseBr vw.rrji.'iii i 1 atockboldara are requested to calf promptly. . ; j is -x 4ii r. y. TnOMPSOM,TreasarJr. Dec. jttUywX)' . .1, lK,5-dt . Tnte next Tern nill ebasseiiet Jan.1 Uh, 186. Tuition the same as formerly; Board $23 per month, in advance. JWeiarf 'comfortable rooms, proper furni ture, and good board. The regular College routine will be continued with competent Fcnlty.4 Weatopreprel to receive boys of any ; ag or. advancemenLStudents can bare" rooms separately orlotherwise as may b nraferred. i For further informationL address the andai-tigned, i . ' ... f 11 .ankWW y .. . . 47 dim pd To Hcliisccs nia Citcra. M H018K x23Xcl for Rale.-An exeellrrt nonse and Lot atliolly ! Spdnga is oCered for. sale. The louse is a large one with six rwoms, Tour fire places and necessary oatbuildhtgsi and a fiaa : well of water in the yard. The lot consist1 -of 2& acres is. waod. 4 The place wUl be sold cheap.'! The neighborhood is ruoa. ' i Apply to .f l i STATK JOURXAli DmCK. T OFFER For Ssle; FrlTfitelr, tifrcestlflcl m- X idence sf Mr. Cotton iu tb Oitr of Raleigh.' Temn to suit the tHtrehaaer. M Fenena jwisEbfir tb fvmrefaaae will pleas apply to the undersigued before the JUst of January, ib6j, or j snau rear tne premises ea mat uy. - Dec. Hth. 186XT4rtiU M ju. t l ,f- fcreni 4e. , a TVS a i i t, .'a .' iia.ll nl'.iill ' . , XjL yunt. or Washer and Ironer, will pleaae make lame dUteapineatioat ta VLrt. DcFUE'.AIjo a guodUOch , , Deeember, Htli, lMl, rt . 47-rdiw ax C The lot contains 18 or, 20 acres part of which is wooded land, with all necessary outhon. For farther particulars apply Atfc!Jr2ftyr , Dee 3 r i!',,wt44 iuT;.;,,,. "I , " r,ajnii ,, I ii ililiiiT i l i j WiU m 1 ' fj f .ifor.Sils, Ji t -..'it- j fc.WilaoaVJtYC., Dee,'eyqgSl. sdi j iZani' f41xllw-pd a ?H'V. : A IB r rnpJMEG Imsii'rctfT aYEWi'jq'f bad.: ' 1 A rosaessiea tlfsired icaediiicly Afp 1- v t ' d ct-pd. I .f iI.TfcE?Qtrp 7 f i Hi .

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