V 1 07 t .1 ...... - ' . J. . - - - . . - - . ' - : . : : ft). 4 .1 ' , -. - i ' "DAILY ."4M; JODRNA . -"fc " ...... ' ' I 1r. a -jr? f!? fm v. Tombel 27, 1863. aerial at-nro. . . . JAam oni mattf itnp.irtance trakisacted jm.: . r ----w" ; V "J-yest?. W its disnosi iou J i. fv !.;. L . 1 ! ' I ! ;u!rs of Baffilr )eace ; reawlutions, mnh- f-Ctnfer! by Bafl5Ic f ii ""ipowca4 ana pni ay ui oldenl and pnt by bur " . W R i reduced, j These rcsIii iiaxx jrere ftash- lof the resciluM Vm,.WHN meetiogilatelV - ...W StMi'-fd which have aA)eareIl. i ;nj ffmel to tJffl Jin the; colunina'of tile 'Td:lPiey r f9 of clap -trap anl , -w r nar 'Of?e, they rtpresen ted TT3$f f with spirits (crayea enough to - 'eV V aPiIe" of , the honor of their VhoTnetew- the destroyers of ther "r - too band kndtry,'Ub pHre branch jplire bianch trembHnyie ; othcr - the r . sword nerrousty kept out of IsJSiV',1. ' g : V The itTjrodnction of these ;resolutians as n . attdrnpt to commit the Stateio a disgraceful, , laTishjsubserYiency ta Yankee rule. Thee Is no (c po f rom this-truth; Tha'mon -wfio orisinated the peAce movement in-this! s4tc 1 insist that we"are. whippedf that we rAust ' be conqueredand that our;; true policy is to H make the. best ferms tre c.n. " Hence thsir' "olive branch"' but what of their sword ? " i ?Tord is a humbug, a cheat, a mere cloak ? a craven spirit. They di" noi deii-;n to nse the weapon. The position in whictfit is is oaeio conceal it front the enemy and I - to make a iKere.sJiow in i7iz fear,. . . J L, . ' Mr. WaddslI promptly tnovfd to indefinitely f:l Itpone these resolutions, lud y trudh'dj the State might be saved tlic disgrlice of their Ipai age.: Dr. (lata.Ciptiin) Griswra, howJver, . -fipraa forwirJ to tha rescue,! ; approved . 't' e resolutions in the main, (of! course he did.) &ut prcfcrretl not to risk a vote pust then, feu t' Tr. Allison moved today the wnolo m tttcr on table, ani down it went. Mr. Avcrajand - Eume, staniSa alone in the1 vote to save them I So ends Iljldeu's firsti act of torytsm, this s'eEsijn and bo .far the old State .stan properly "Vindicated. j i ;; " : way what is Dr. rf,aie Cap'tiiu) - ri3om doing in his seat in the Ilouse of 3ammons ? Ii he not an offi d-h-dcr under the State, no that convenient establishracpt , ; the Sorseon General's office ? Can he, ought he to hoidi iwo opces ot, emolument at once : under the State fi. And again bnot Dr. Aren- ' lell in tke same equivocal position ? lie, too, . ; diolds a sung little sinecure undeu Dr. Warr-jn one enlighten as "upon this iiiaUcr? V BafltfKf these double ofBce- holders were swhft todisqtfahfy the latje Adjutant (General and AtUrney General for an act they tlt&nn elves nowjgia'ty of. Wc pause fojr a reply. ' ' ' .' - ?. The Hews from the West- Vy.'Ott ihA bdels - of the cheering rumor thjat Bar&sioe JiAd capituluiel ito Gep.;L6ngtreet ,x f al. Kfkx vliie, Ttrrrendcruig h is ' troops to onr General, we bavo the excessively unpleasant tidings of the defeat of our army under Gtn Brags and the withdrawal of but forces to the ,6l& battle-gnouhd of - Chichamaaga, This ft T teally bad news and wc must jipok-it in tho , ' lace like men. Our forces, then: occupy the -position held by them prior -to j the route of i RosecraDZ, and that is abtmt the worst feature - of it; The despondent will, of scoufse; now " 'throw, up ihtir hands' in cfeapai and shake their wealc neaus. Ine fame .men who saw : nothing much " in the fact of Gen. Bragg, nith an inferior force, ' driving Rosecraniz irom the field before hira into the ifastn esses of "Chattanongj, -wlacTo his army ha4 been si neb that time in, a starving cond ition, and from j which it ffas driven by 'Lincoln a disgraced! Vsii 1' :-' : Hi t. ' i t . ueucTui, -.n uuw see ruiu-ia. me cacKwara -iOTemenyV)efcre orcrwhel.ning tumlers, o GcnBrarg. and his handful of veteran?. In- UCeU J"! a-acu auu .vcun-iftuuv.'U Hull wejdt-helled, have alrq ly begun to makd hideous studs. - Hero in Ral eighj h eaded by) , Holdeo, aB his Jaekall, Penningtqp, weliave r bid the cskprs prowling round, magnifyin the .retreavGcn. Bragg into the I0s3 of 6;ie - Acuj Avtcryf and thiwr0!" na Detterj authc- i.Tily than rJs rumor The wih, in this ' ' i'iwaji no .doo father to the luhtl " AVe irejoro hopeful. We isec no disaster - in the falK bnck-of an, arni' anl we vet- ture the diction that Gen. Bragg jwill make n VfTecti stand at the proper time. At all events TpPe tne raverfj croak tvill ceaso I!1T wi ybw tLCrjault. . ! . . !- 'COnserYatiTe" Caucas ! of thc BuffAibcre361utioi& vester-' da in the liou 01 Jjommons led the whip-' Mn to order caucus with a view to bring jft "taw" the rcJracbry of the fold, j Accord ingly a cancus . was held last night in the Commons Hall.) What transpired wf are riot, fully posted on, but wd understandjj, there h ; much d issat isfaction 'mani fested to wards Gov. Vance by the liolUenites o, thew fyj and ir";is very problble his Excellency will be olden is put" shortly. The fact is, I preparing td Ou it Gov! Vance next yjiear and take bis place, arid we may as well iake ut oar minds to the issue at once. Mark what we say. i 1804 We are indebted to the publisher, 111 C, Cl.ke, Esq., of Mobile. lli r a copy ot tne " vneaerate states: Aima nac. for 18G4." It .' closely rrintrd tnalter ntains .120 pSges of! - which there js much ; that is valuable for rfcrence. We do wot ! know "-the I price of this Aiaiiad, but wjp com " :end it to , oil whode?fc a valuabll bookl ; Amongst its matter is , Acarefully pj-epared i Diary of tho War and Ironology ofi the 're ' tnatkable events of the fVsent Revol'ntiQn,' r - tvorth jancK morp than th Vost of tho bok Wfate fldresathe-publishcr, Mt Ala. " 17 cw-s Yrcm Below, ' e weleome once more to our columns the JetJ&rs of Air faith ful ; Kinston. Otrrespondent.' Whas resumed his correspondence, and our readers may now have the old insurance ,f being prorapfcly andaithfully kept advised of the Yankee movements about Kiu3toa and neighborhood. Oar correspondent haa means of information which may be relied upon. In his letter of yesterday we regret tk fitid a rumor that mott ,of . the command of Gapt, White, (Col. Whitford's 'battalion J have been captured in a fkirraish at Black Jack Meeting house, Pitt county. ; Our correspondent gives ihii-as the rrrmor, merely, and we trust, and believe that rumor is exaggerating once mere. By to-morrow we probably Vill know-the truth of this matter. . ' , , We' learn that the VYar Department hrs decided against, those taken as conscripts from, the Orange "Factory, " on the ground that the company hare exacted more than seventy-five jrer cent prfii in violation of the act of Con- "TnJfTinjr from the high prices they are exacting fofe. . .. . J . t . . h mo-, we doubt if there is a factory m the Stato Si. - ' auilty of the same Hung, ani the L-tfsl iture would do Woll to have the matter prorcrjr,aircirint0) ag by aH act of the Assembly they rezuiirdto. pay the excess into the public Treasury. And whilst on this subject the Jgislatu e would do well to enquire into the conduct of our Railroad and other joint st ck companies, who are making such enormous profits. general Assembly of north . carolina. Second Extra Session. 2 . SENATE. ... - ' : TnuitsDAY, Nv.'2G. Sen-.vte met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Mr SpeakcT, and a maj-rit of the members. Prayer by Rev. R. S. Ma?on, of th e Epis copal Church. - ' ' Journal of yesterdiy read and approved. PETIT! MEMORI ALS, RESOLUTIONS, ' EffC. On motion of Mr. Pitchford the rules wre suspended, and the' Senate passed an order for the public Primer lip furnish fifty extra copies of the Treasurer's Report fgr the use of the members. . ? : t Mr. "Warrcii, a bill to explain and amend section 68, chapter 107 of the Revised Code. Referred to the committee onl judiciary. A message was received from the Commons accompanied by a list of nominations for Magf isirates of the different counties in the State, which was concurred in after! the addition of several names by the Senate. ' , - -On motion of1 Mr. Wright, the communica tion of the Legislature of Virginia on the cur rency was 'referred,, to the. committee on finance. The resolution instructi ng oar 'Senators and Representatives in the. Confederate Congress to vote for an increase of pay of our soldiers was taken up aud referred to committee on propositions and grievances."; . On motion the Senate.adj urned till tomor-' row niorning.il o'clock. r'--: ' II0U6E, OF COMMONS. . . - Ilouse called to order at 10 o'clock. Prayer by Rer. Dr. M is jn. i "BILLS AX D UESpLUTIO KS. . Mr. 'Lyle iutro.lace'd a' resolution authorizing- tlvi Agttjt of the State to sell certain va cant Cnerrkee lands. - , Mr. Gbb from 'hi commtee 'on 'Proposi tions and Greviances, reported favorably on the resolution authorizing the Public Treasu rer to issu9 to Wni. E. Pope duplicates of cou pon bonds destroyed by tha enemy. Patsed under a'sn.-pension -of tho rules. Mr. Biirgin, from the Committee on Claims, reported 'avorab'y ona resolution in favor of the Sheriff of Duplin comity.' Paseed under a s:ipsnsiou ef th"; rules. ' . '. Mr." A vera, introduced a series of g&ics res olutions. . ; ; . Mr. Waddell moved they be iudefinitely . postponwl, aud hoped that no such paper writing wtul pass this IIoupc. Mr. Grissom hoped the motion would not .prevai aud preferred to have the 'matter post- poned to some future day.' He was. in favor1 ' of the resolutions generally but preferred timo to defibeno, , - . ; Mr. Ailidou was not p'reparcd to vjfe upon the resolutions at present, and movea they be laid upon tlie table. The motion prevailed. Mr. Avera and one other voting in the nega tive. ; ' S On motion of Mr. Carpenter the Tlouso ad journed till to-morrow "at ll'o'clock. v We find the following', suggestion in the f;s;.:L"- : xtrjxi consideration on the part of our own Legislature : " The Legislature of Mississippi fa now in sesiion. ,'Tfce StatS -.of Missouri,- Kentucky and Maryland, whose gallant troops have g ven imperishable lustre o many a butle field on'jour soil and in our cause, cannot make rppropriatious for the' relief of the thmisends' f needy and worjbjioUuBrsraimxhxi Statyi . 'wtio ar-ir"t"our hospitals, or in circumstances p" great rec.-Scity in our ranks. Our" State and many others have majeylarge and hand some appropriations for' the relief and comfort of soldiers in sifliiciion fiom their own States, and bave thervby dviue. incalouable god. Now, whi'c the ; Leg's'a'ure is in fes. i n, I T beg tit ; inquire if it wtuld.noi b a becoming and worthy act for that body to appropriate, a a sort of loan, a sum ufficiertfly large to meet, in part thewants of the' soldiers of those States who. often Cecl the relief a few dollars would procure. Our. State' might .set apart $50,000c.nd 'divide it, properly between the three States named, and place it iu the "hands of the Senators and llspres'eutativeS of Missou ri aijd Ivbitncky, and the "committee of Ma'rylandefs " in Richmond, to be used as deemed best by tbemselires for the relief of tne oa.iTs rom ttne Sta'e. ' : ' In trinibiupg relief to tha -:d li ' 1 - sippi, l have oh eh come m contact with the ce-ly5sick or distressed so'didrs of those States, and a hundred times wished for means to re lieve their necessities. Can this mode be - jadpt'ei ?. Other-States would follow the ex- ample, ana aiissoun, KentucKy atu Alary laud would never forget it. Photographs of the moon three feet in di ameter, have been taken by profrsser Drapper J yi xuw iur, Tiiitii i"jiesruis mat oru or a scale of seventy n :!.- to ; the inch. It is magnified to three I u ored times the- me .'of - thee" moon, and -distinctly tie voicaui'c action on it wiih-; tl strearoi'of lava traced dowp the sides of the moutitams, - Le xt. v..u .,,i.:t, . it.i l 1 1. u. " From bar Ktnsion Conrcepondnt. ; - KisitTos, Kovf 25tbV 186. r Editor State Journal : I shall resume my corresDoudence with the Jottrnol as usual. and if possible, keep your readers posted with -J sue a news otinieress aa may irauspirc iu . quarter, as I .endeavored to dor prior tolhe destruction of your oflSce by the tyriei ,3 . I have nothing worthy of note to comrauni cate this morning, All is comparatively qalet in front.' The enemy's forces at Newbern and Wasiiington are qot supposed to be very large at this time, jicverthelesA, we anticipate stir ring times down Jiere this winter. ' The loldenites appear to be very much dis pjeasetl with, the re-election of Hon. R-! R. BrKlgefs to Congress from this District. They resorted to' all 'mann r of political trickery and wholesale lying t defeat bis : election, Trnt thanks be to God, and the lojal mn of the District, both in and out of the army, Hokbn's miscreants signally ftiiled in j their malxioUii crusade. agfiinst him. ; We do not doubt for a moment the loyalty of Col. Yeltowlcy and mmy of his supporters,, for we all wvcll know that Col.T., is a trqe and loyal man as sound as a; dollar. BA, not withstanding alt his ofeood nualities. he has suffered himself to go Vstray and become Hol i dens candidate for Congress, which I arc sorry to say, will ,be aii everlasting at 1 gnu upou his political reputation, 'even unto dealt." . It is,- really, aronder to evrbtdt that Mr. Bvidgers.was not defeated, for all ntim er of iies were retailed by. Holden's strikers,. throuchmit thn ".District, against him. Lat IIUCVV iHIfrtir3mTrg:-triLmf TI i . T3t-mxrs-TtttT irmphantly elected over all oppoi.sitim. 'And, had the entire number of votes polled, in 'and out of the army, been' received id tine time by the Sheriffs of the District, his majority ,so far as heard. from, would be 134, including the 17 majority made' by thq Sheriffs' in comparing the polU nt Greenville on. th 19th ;n-t. Hyde cou ty alone give him 1 53 majority, which was not returned by the Sheriff of that county ; and also, 04 additional .voscsj.have been heard from in the army th jt 'werepv.cn for Mr. Bridgers, and failed to come to hand in time to be added in tjie Sheriffs-' returns-.'! Yes, Mr. Ilolden, Mr.. Bridgers will accept of his seat, and so would othor.true aud loy al Confederate Administration men have ddneJ iikewise, such as Lander, A.dioj, Arnngton, Erwin and McRae, had j our friends (the Yan kees) invaded,-plundered and Ipiliaged the people of their Districts as they have the one represented in Congress by the Hon. Rr R. unagers. Ivrox, Nov. 26th 1833. Eli lor Slate Journal-? There is some str down here this.inortiing in the military line, and a considerable' excitement prevailed here the most of-. laot night. It is the first upstir of the kind wo have had in this locality for si-me time past. Capt. White's Company of Lt. .Col.-. Whit-' ford's baltallion, that were out 'on picket outy dad a sKirmisn with the Yankees on yes-J terday at Black Jack meeting house, in Pitt County near the Beaufort line, which re sulted in the falliug back of our men, and the capturing of the most of tne Company. ; , This is the news that came to town last night, and I am really fearful that there is some truth in the report, however, I shall try and investigate the matter more fully to-day, and let you know all about it to-nicrrow. ; Three Abolition deserters came into our lines on yesterday; they represent the enemies forces J old Beast Butler ' has arrived there, ann making preparations for a vigoiUS TIJ Coropaigr: in this State. , -y- - I give you this as Yankee news, Iplacebut little reliance in anything thrsi Yankee de serters I teM; they are coming into oar linos more 0i-less every day. .'. -,, . : Tiie Health of Napoleon. -A corespon dent of the New York Herald, in speaking of the late appearance of Napolea, to witnrsr'a balloon ascention, says: ' t . . 1 , " He wore aa ordinary looking brown oyer? coat and the inevitable yellow kids, with which he alwavs covers his hands. I wai' within five feet of him asbepassel, and kept as nar as propriety and a detachment of 4$e Garde de Paris,-which immediately gathere-I. aboui him, would permit me, during the hour that he remained upon fhe ground. It seemed to me that a great change for the worse had come over him within the last year, nis head, which he always carries 'toward'thc right side, se,emed to incline more than eyer to the shoul- aer, auu uis iaee always iimi in a careworn man, seemed to bear, more than ever before the marks tf pbyfical pain as well as' gkt meiifal anxiety. The Emperor is a Serf Uii graeefni rrian on foot." His body is. Jang-,' but-." his legs very short, and jf walkins he hasja" sidling, crab like motion. His. difficulty isup4 yet fully developed as '' spinal disease," but willjirobably turn out to that. - At prcsenv'ji't is a disease of tire kidneys, and a surgical ope ration performed when he w.is president of tfie Repub'ic.w.bich he si;;othere.l in a night.' lie is liatil? to die at slat notice, and thenj there w'll prqbab'y be a commotion here. f The new. C. S Senator from' Mississippi, J., W. 0: W'aavta said to hs 0113 of the at 1 U men ii.i the.StUe. He isnot,yifted with much of .what is popularly 'denondnaied elKiienco i, e, a diarrhoea of vvords-r-but in al! the hisjlui1 mamfestions" of intellect a 6our.d iudfrinent: rapid conclUHoiis, and that very nncommt(JdnedUrre jut about i"h:i.enousrk tUinnrJshiiorcaHt - ippi- we bare scan assure us that he will soon takh his place ainoijg the loading men of Cdtigresi if t hero be a'nv vakio "blaced in that 'cong 4 gation of pobtic worms," mi the clear sighted - and nianly . qualiiifs possessed by the new Senator. JWobue Tnbunc. Thecup'a'nd chest of Alexander Selkirra the world famed Robinson Cruesoe of Defoei have now become the propertv of Mr. Jamdt -Hutchinson, of the Scotch warchouse.S Wa wick street, Regent' street, London These iuieresting relh's have, up to thi? time, remained in the possession of Selkirk! uececuHius, in urgo, r ue, where ne yra&ooxi Ihe cup was rut upon a stalk. moJ1"11"1! silver, by Sir altercoTt. It is maxte ou it of a cocoanut and rudely carved. I fee chess I is very iieavy, auu is vtij umwuj U is "Nr. Hatchinsou's intention to exhibit 1 .1 . ...iu AtAfo a I Oil W the artichw in . Londfq. I - Gov. Ibtmsay, of Miuneisota, in his treaty. with the Indians, succeeded in purchasing tract of land o! .thim ot one hundred am eighty mites in length, and from one hundre. aud twerjty to one hundred and twenty-live l breadth.- . -, - m-m Black vs. White, A rerublican Jodgo- (Judge Gray, of Des Moilies, Iowa,) has def cideu tuat a npm can Fue a wru oi mucus corpus, though a white Kiancunuot. Letter writets say that-a portion TVthral armyafe busy in erettijg quarters at Charleston, Va. , or the witter mr? Counter. - .- v.- " J . The Yaukw papers are makrog ahowf our alleged refusal to receire ration for their primers. Ibe folk.wioS ; is editorial Ja fhe Kew York Ecrall of the 19th ustant, i..-k .w TT.raU eites 1 double-leaded, and vvaitu , v v ; o . with great prominence : BBtTTAt ACTIOX or.TIKB A nbw:busadb res- - MA telegram fronr us that the steamcr-J Saturday, CiirrjiiU'-r. the XJnioa prisoners atlucct obliged to retaru with tier c rebel authorities refuse to permi who bad charge of the steamer, to supp'ies to tne rebel capital: . ; Tne war bean with the refusal ,of ; the rebels to allow us to relieve the starving g"r-. rison of Fort Sumter. . It ought to end with; tliia rebel refusal to. allow us to reaeve our J poor "starving prisoners at. Richmond, i We cannot relieve but we can release theui. i Th rebels will not exchange them, and with bar barous bi utaiity, they will neither feed .these poor prisoners themselves nor permit us to fupply them with food. This aunuiicenient must be made he sigjal for a new crusade, the object of which is tne imuiediie eapture of the rebel capital- 'j.r " Let-PreMdenr Lincoln "at once crril upon the loyal States for a special volunteer force of two h undred thousand men for this express ittfjSeTTne meii-M rejd-. for the-c;iil JLe& tins lorce auvance np iu? peiuusuia v unc iLearmy of the Potomac co-operates by aap :id.'f(.rward movement. Let there bt no delay for. strategicat,or otber reasons, but let 'this anny have norther purpose than to give; our suffering prisoners" freedom by taking Rich- mond. inere are those win are lull ot j en thusiasm for the; freedom of the blai ks.; A greater aod most universal enthusiasm will be arouse ia favour of this crusade for the free do n of the wretched TJuion captives In r-j bel bonds. : ';- - . . - No time could b better thai tite. pres-jnt for such a crucade. We believe tbathe reb- e s haie recviitiy greatly weakens! ttit army - f Lie, jfnl : lichmondris practical y de- fcncele-s". Now is the time to ttrike quietly and fctirely; -The fai her s ' brothers, sons, rela tives aud friends of the prisoners are all ready to go upon . this crusade, aiid to furnish the lire ary funds for the purpose. It need not. its' oirld p: c ft-the Govern rne' t a dollar. The President;-'has only to publish the call, and the'people will do all the rest. Forward to Richmond 1 Release the starving patriots who languish in the Richmond prisms 1 " ; The fct sin this case are as follows : ; General Mendith. on the 12th, enclosed to bur commissioner the following Utter, addressed " To Capf E l'war l A. Fdbes,',Libby Prison ": . "Fort Mokroe, November, 12, 1863". "Ca tain -Edward A. Forbe, Libby Prison, R'rhmond, Virginia: . Sir : I send by flag of truce, this day t wrenty-four thousand. rations, the dis' ribution of. winch I authorize you to superiutejld. You will please forward me receipts for "the same. Should the Confederate, auihofitiee alhiw tLis course to be pursued vin subsisting our prisoners, I .will considar your receipts as evidence of the fact, and will keep up the sup ply, l' Very rtsptfully, - .j S - s ; - ;;". Your. obedient servant, -.V?' '.BtigadierrGeheral and AgeutT of Ex- Jtidg Ould promptly reUirod it with the following endorsement : . - ; - ' -'- '' -"Respeetfuljy returned to Brigadier-General Meri dith. -This letfec will not be delivered l.tflr.taia Frfb??. I hivejo Uf, !i a letter. intormcid you th t the rations, including (can eles, vill be servvd-to your sAdiers. The manner in which that ia t3 bo dons will be -governed byour reguiati-ons,1 not yours. ' I you tare not satisfied with thoso' Mgulatio'ns!, you can taka back yo ur rations and withold any in the future. . ' ' -- ' Signed . .. i r R. Ould, . "Agent of Exch age." Another, letter, written by oiircoiunii-sioner on the 15th, assured 1 General M"redith th whilst our authorities would not "allow dire ions to ' issue- from Fortress :M nr oe to Federal pris ner iu Richmond t i attend to tli.4 cistnbution- of ration?, yet the "provisions would, oc aistributedin conformity wfth s.itli I 'regulations ss -would be etablh':d by the prison surh-jrit'es i ihese letters were- d-:livercd to Lieutenant Colonel Iivinc, the offi-er in charge'of the boat t'-at brought. th rations to C'ny Poit. After! some considerable h'-sitattou, be. concluded -'to! take the provisions back.. -to - F..rtiess M-mr and immediately, from that seat of lies, i s ied tn j report: which s-ems to have loil.tme I . al iantteeuem, mai uie uonjeiiera'e aurti o ities had retused to receive ih ratiojis destiriL-d for the "starving prisoners in II chin on 1." . - The fact of the case ,is, that the identical provisions earned back to Fortress Morjr.c by Lieutenant OiloneV 'Irvine were ifnniediafe'y d spatched by the vrn?; hands' to Cit Point to be reeeiyed n'pn the terms proposed rby our commissioner; aixl af the vry time of the ap pearance of tbe'Aruffj's editori;d were ht-l-mg to fill the greedy stomachs of the Yank es prisoners. It seems the Steamer tliat convey- h:ve been" fV, jfJ arnica that tne Feileral ofLxchgeaifieti Judge Ould that ; .; f ii-':ir ' ; . . v- "- v Agent if toe rations m jo the 'Federal . uri' .n.r. V- A. le dt-tribcrtLoiWeT the direction Fobe?) shfiuld no revived, thenif vt our prisoners in would be reduced 3 hanc's yf anKccs ,, boutn uarotina nas roievve r-m " ' - .-m j-m 1 new cotribu-boo!-narmV, tion t her population. . Jliroc have been sent to lieauf rt b negro associa poe of ieach- tion at the North, for the ing negro babies how to bat ir best frenl-T ol for the nuroose. also. Knppose, of g9t- Uug sucb husbauds as iTcr. ; - v In alate unniber ofnis paper, Brownloy stated that if the I fotrals had to leave -E4s m . i . ' v Aennei-sce they iU3i leave 11 m wiing wildei nss. A is very probable that before this, he Is himself owlrog" thro' 4Se wilde oess'- seeking for a safe retreat near tha . banks of ihe Ofcio. 1 ; v - v l CiiABLtsTOJf Courier. We Eod the fol lowing paragraph iu theCharlesUn Courur, f of the 21t : ' vi CircumsUnces over which we have no con trol in the publication of Courier, may make it necessary for us to uspeud the pab lication," which we will endeavor to make a short as posfible. 4 - '"".' ' ' Dr. Hick WiHiamf, forrai r'y of Columbu, Mi... w8 latelv found with biA akull frac- f fired an-1 in a ilvinz condittoo. lle had foda pat to tUH. friend Sajptcion of. foa pby. V V 1 T.ELEGRA.PAIC j fCfcrOBTS OF THE PRESS ASSOQloy. . b it ; -i m Emtered according to act of Coafrrew it J year V " 8G3, br J. S. Thembm, 1n the Clerk.ffiee I ! of the dietrirt Court of tht anMerateWes Ki lor the A orthera liistrie ' -A French Steamer la the Janes Blrcr. RlCHMOWB, Jf OV. k Vrrti .trainer canae up Jain River y ester- day aj far as TloS Iland, a few mUes below James town aud anchored off that place. The object cf the visit is not yet ascertained. Ifeiberi of Conyress ia beginning to arrive. Ifon H. S. qole of Tennesse is here. ' v Brass Still Flsbtlns. -I;r '. !.;. "... " ''; Richmosd, Xcv. JS. ; Special d ispatch from Mission U iJ-e 24th ay a : The eqeinjr Msaulted at Lookout Mountain from the Wtst side with great force. . Fight stilt racing whenthe telegram was written... I .The enemy is throwing a. force a crosa the Ten nese at the mouth of fhe Chicka'uiauja, and around to our right. mporiant from the Wcst-Oor Army FalJ- . leg Back. . UICHM05D, Nav. 2J. The following official dispatch, waa received at the War Department last Hht I CaicSAMACGl, Nov. 25. Gen. S. Confer, A. & I. G. : After several unsuccessful assaults on our lines, to-day, the enemy carried th left centre about four o'clock. The whole left soon "gave way in considerable disorder. The; righi mainr tainedits ground, repelling every jittack., I ana withdrtwing all to this point. , i'tMni-1 . (Signtd,) ' BUAXTON BRAGG, - From Charleston. v Cbarlestox Xor, 26. . The enemy's Ore on Sumter has almost entirely ceased. Only twenty -ane shots were nreaon Wca- nesdiy, of which six missed. N casualties. Since the bombardment of Sumter com meuced on the" 17th of, August, up to Thurs day', Nov. 12. 15,302, jshots had been fired at it. of which 12,302 strucki Of the garrison 27 have been killeil, . and 69 wounded.; The flag during the same time ha ben "cut down 24 times. The average eight of hot leir M .200 pound", the weight of iron was 3,116,600 pornds, or 115.439 ppunds pf iron ti e t h man killed, 80,370 pounds of iron to each casualty. "If tha charges of powder averaged 15 pounds, w- have 233,745 pounds of powder used, br 8 C57 pounds powder to each man killed, and 2,134 pounds of powder to, eaclf. casual ty.--Sumttr, in ruins, laughs .at her enemy, who till fear .to pa?s her battered walls. Charles ton will have a valuable1 iron mint in tho ruins. of Sumter. . ; .- -.! . .-...:v:it-1 " k'. the Cape Town (Africa) Advertiser; wbicn gives A long account of the criuise of tha Alabama, With a lust of thq vessels' she has captured since she first started on th track, of Yankee merchantmen. On board ef this gallant craft i aailor .by the name of Frank Tosrnshend, who display poetical talents 6f no mean order. Thdi following piece of poptry which we publishj s compete with any of thf pnctiwit.wrltcri of toe Squ4- -, ; stab a so B4Ba.H r ; See yonder bright flajr a it .float ;on ''Ithe'breexe It is feared by its foe hongh youDe,oa the . ' seas;. , .- -. , ;..-',v, ' ... As a bird on the ocean 'tis met all ilone, -But a deed of dishonor it never has- known. : ' In defending its rights, ranch blood has been shed As an emblem of this see its bordtrs all red " ' Then look at the centre the. blue and the'white An assurance our cause is true, just and right Oh ! long rnay it float o'er, the ocean dark breast,' - . - s -..... . in run, ui-.ku, auu stars. eiQK. lorever to rest And its catlbt defenders i foeeTerprove trne ' With this rish, flajr of frewlonil'H bid thee adieuT With this wih, flag of rVeedoin I'll bid thre Leo isl a tu the Ma! 23r 1. and ! gan:z? wj on the Senate and House semo.'eti. ani were rea. muica'ti.u he may dire to male. . ' --. ' , . - . I . . A res )luti..n has -"bceni referril (lay tie . Mi I ledge M;le Recorder to ihe litary oom legate re the pay t f mittee in ihe Gforgi-. House of I c-mme-vding (i.ure. s tincre;vs( o v ce s m. the army 25 per ceut erthe pres- euL rai, ant to a Haw' it em rittjijsj and also tJincrtase th6 vav f soldimTrofl Sll to 22 in the sant nrow.ri; t offit ers The U-,rorresr. .y. .;.",, tjWiiaLj ;',f the 3d corps "this "week . tutned uA recoustructed the Icncins on Use farm ,!John -Minor BUs, which had beendttroy- -ea ny inc vo"ps enciyJi-p-'a in u ciniiy. 2lr. lJotts as nw at home, "nnd iu good health amf spirits." . ':. - r . ; - - - i ;. . . ",. ' T. - .' I Tit roBl Tat.- Yesterday an ohPgentlenirn with a "beli crown' on, came riding- down the street, and I whrn oppieitc. cur ofiiee we heard one of the State i(iuarlji call to him -to "come out of that hat." The old man replied, "I will if vou will cttne out" tf -that home guard. Rome Courier. i i mLiui.u ia rtfie J in tfid T DVe m per that Stewart the Ktw Vrill merchant, ; itar, 240,000 as his income tax for last. year. 'That trould ' make bla income nearly fire'mUHuns. j-"-- ; , r J - ' i NoT A Yaxkv.e A cArTeapondeo t-y318' Charleston Mercury say Vty'p-JT?0 TermOnt, who wrote W extiugut.Uing lettex on tslaTery toBp Pat,r f :J$r CfJ 1'aukee, bat an lrhma byt birth, and a graduate of tbC Dablin University. ; -V afr .Wnh Click, of Rockingham, Va., baa rnade over 2.000 gallon p f a rhom molassef and bas been sellir ; a Urge quantity to poof ddirr- lamilie? and other at one, . ar thleAdulTe, calwu.'vj, "'I . 4 Judge J. C. NicoHatelJiei bl denc in Savannah. Mr.Ju!t!f4' lived near that city, accidentally abo while banting, and died la a ahort lime. ltran aool like mean pictarw, tra often fqsind la good looking frame. ..- 1 f h V k 4w .ri T prisoners vw w ijf - rrrrtnxsnca PRrarDEsir.DATii;- rfa Senate haa adopted theCftlloWinj X tions end sen tthetn-to the Lower Honse;. t Whereas, his luxcellency jeaersca President of "the Confederate States, fcr , unselfish patriotism and untiring devoti the interest of the whole country in tU trrjj vrod of onr country's : history; is e S j -yieSHS-l patriot,! thertf. l ; ornate and House of Ke -tate of Georgia in Gea5 Jiat theSute of G the onerous irials arl t irolTirJJ opVn the' Chief t fcbnfederare States, and l'ui f tcrweriito nim the ar. P of unabated confl'letoe and an utialur. b! determination to sustau bim in hi tnV. L to conquer an honorable fiaco and taaixUi, the liberties of Ihe people. v - Resolvetl, tnat ms ixiancy,ae uovera be requested to transmit tels "Excellency, th, j President, a copy of " the 5 regoing .preatob?, I arid rsolutious. v - : - ' fc'; The Atlnta: fnH4ctf. coaUis f sketch of an e'oiunt, rxoly and pitrb'oc t speech dtlivcml in theGeorgia SUte &n mi! the i2th iost. br Hon. V. J. OartreU. I VnWerwl the objection which are so lT -L s. prppagateil by the retleagiunst tne urfs "f the Government. lie remarked; j .(It was hi.'candid judgment that next u I thf extortioner, Who oppresses the wives 4 children of the soldier; he who sows dutre i and discoritent oi grurnbliog tftnd detraction. is ihe w.tst enemy of ds country, lie com. ' -" selted hartmmy, cooperation, cohudence j eraiaraniJe."-... . ; X. . -. -' .': . ' ' l Endurance patient endurance of, the hint ships aud the pressure that , war necesMriV fv impses -tms is, loiwu, uur amy. jitrj though it may be, plraimt thoiijh it mav bi 1 to iohiQ to Indulge tho loxory of f4ul(-findia t 'Ut fret ting does lyiuvxi. L"t tu'a.ld U ourj r; cturage; paliinc, Jt'imonJ-Seniinel. - 1 V v. ...-'MiSHisrtPPi ISe.iaToR. I he couVrst ovpr the! election of Senator in MisMssippl for tke i ' L T- t i'm.V , ... term commencing reoruary i?tn nxt, wj t very , protracted one. After the 8 1st balk Mr; Phelan, the- present tSeoamr, withdrew frora the competition. In the succeed raj ballidfi Tarions other gentlemen were eurccsJ sivvly withdrawn. On the 88th Ulbt Mr. J. VI, 6. Wat-uiw was elected, the vote sta?cj Watson 57 , r'Andrra n 40, G!nlin, 1 1. 'tpMwrippM-nmAtkiiaz ur00 the election, says : t -" i 7 Senator PiiELA.ln the proceedings of f the join cemrnittce will be found the chare letter t fSrnator Phelan, authorizing the with drawal of hir name as a candidate for Cdnfedpr. ate Senator. -However wo may regret hit defeat, we can afford to congratulate our!, res in the election of Mr. Watson. To nw. row we shall allude briefly to tho service re dered the country by Mr. PheUn. . Mr. Watson, in the i oMi classification cf 1 parties, was a Whig. - The -Mississippi says: -;;. . . , ' - -' 'Though opposed to secession at the entset, he has been a zealous friend of the South since that eveut. -He is a true a man tn the cause of the Confederacy as can be-found in the State." - '. -- -- --0 . 't, . "'-' ! - . ' n ' v - v : , The IirbiAxa. - A gentlemajj from Korthen Text hasjust left ..with t t! .ftajyiwtedreola. ; tion'from aseries of resolutions recently a frptNl by the Choctaw Council We pabTidi It wi'h j much pleasure, as no people hare shown more devotion to the Southern cause than the Choe tVs; : - ."' .... -'. ' .- - T Itacrms, from his statement to uj, that rs mors" were afloat to the effect that some few cf fctoncr of Indian affairs, Cul. S. S. Scott, hear herep'Sr.t procewled at once to Amratronj a"L"L"L"HH4ahk& faol rt the . country, wDcrj IRA fZnnnr-i! wttm lU. . T7itJ V-, f .walljltttttrf in the Nation, it-wa entirdiil reaioTed by Lw statements to tljem. In re.ra-,1 Vr -v ..ivui a eurri-li if inn r.i r futwr OI, ; neutrality. " the rasrh -i nounced hv ti,. n othefw! Tet" bjr th GcrcraI Council, of the Choctaw Nation, aiem bled That it nuYJ "'?wiroj mo conndence Choctaw people in the ability cf the 7ate btrtes to sustain tbemaelir.a In H struggle. yggle, and,advisinw the people .f indnr iUt -ration wc iu nnnrai i . i ! . . . i'wpio vy occunr a n,i. m,oi neutrality ,".i,tui" woccudv a ni. Bur?rort frm "A : r utmei deemed and ;oD;idrrf era Sute "n U ofpeopltS tra tor a-Ju.- r. r;:" u,c " 01 a ews. Oct, 30. Maury -hich tbi LAn .rd; Wliarrcns; hT-ef) ia W glid Z J thus- i : i couciuoes Afr tK .l. . ..' .-. - with kil- t-1 "''. s in-MMj ot the w rer r i thi.i. r: r-. tsJour1" t iif aifYt ho d i i u: l!J riMto MMur tberrtMn hiscounci's er camps, favor our aeid ; that tin war haa ncyer been m-re nh popular at th i North than it now is that Northern recToits, except in simaU bmiies, are not to be had ; that the t oiiginal- object of the vrr ban, to a great extent, bven lo?t gat of ; that Mr. Lin coln hirosejf has bvell nigh con fitted if. to- be ohjcclles-vndhat the laest indle4tioi are that V'.l disposing bi force that he may ba-yioclaimed Dictator, or be Tc-elected Preai- b ! ::' -. v. - On the Otlier Jianr k BL.T'iii fiWii Mr e..Tana like a menUfor hd.ng'oat that'w.ro never ao pow erful as they are at this moment n.1 Kaleirtr, on the Halei. e co Uebighesty 1U3, yX tat I Ile 0 that people were talking about the propriety of theNarjon asuming the position of Neutrality d?riuS4!i? reSvf then rseat war; TheCimmis- to the arrival of .tho Cornttr"s,iiner, show, V i ! 8uns lo such a.uljcct by 0n9 of the Nation; aw denounced bC ii.r IL 2, zrr? ' . ' iilm reiemnntn rv. i r - ' I ." - "''VS. ' ' 1 f i , M i -.i 1 -

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