. . - - . . ... ".f-weL" t-.- THE. STATE JOURNAL. JOHN 'SPELM1N, fiOilor and Proprietor. TIIE STATE. JOURNAL. d t k Rtrsrtr o; ; x::-- ; ADYERTISEUE.XTS wil bo inserted at tw t et. lam. per tqaare-pf .ton lines or UttVtor ttc insertion. Marrlao a;1 OKlKiriM k DAY EDITIONi fori?' - - t ' ft ' , '., j fi 3 TRI-WEEKLY, for fi months- .........$12 7 3 7 4 5 "tbarged advertisoiaenta. ' ' ; . . . - p JOB TTORX of overy. deoiWoa' wnib oV i oca ted at thU OEUvVitk dispath and is aeatly as eon bo doa in tht Sot5or Confl ft try. VrivEKLY?'EBITION, for 6 months BATjEIGH. N. U TTJESD4"Z"-, J"AlTTJAiE?;Y19 -18.64,; VoL No. 67. i --x--' -''"I -"-'''' '" " ' -' e ' . 'm ...,. '." .L I ' ' ' .T- : : . .s- . r JSo subscriptions received "fen any Mher 'terms ' than the above,vnor for a longer orborter period. , Treason In North Carolina; V Thei e can no longer be a doudt that a cajbal of traitors in North Carcilino, inAigated aud led by tHe ; Raleigh Standard' and Progress, are actively engaged ia an. effort to separate that Style from the Confedera.cy, and to "place it again at tire t ofanliee doqjifiion.lf , This design, h:is been long believed bjr us "but the -traitorsngaged iri it have from prudential con siderations, sought .to. keep it Concealed from public view that they rhight the hjorS suceWsfu!- lv'and insidiously corrupt the people" of that gal lant. SUite-and lay the foundations for their, uK limate work". Concealment -Is 'now no longer,; desired by them even v. ere it longer; possible.1 Theynow' openly proclaim that tbey rerfor peacCVn any terms," and a Stale convention is called to inaugurate poace Jncaures ! Thy h'mii thai. the. neoDie oriNorth Uiroiina ar with thfim in sentiment anil pnjpoco jjino inev r , - flaunt f heir treasonable banners; operly m the; face of the couti try." ' . ? J ' What "this state of "things will result in re main to be, teen These traitors ought to havff been arrested aud imprisoned loL-g ago, and a stop put at qpee' to thtir treas onable purposes and scheme's. We fear the "Matter has gone tt far now to. be arrested ex cept by harder meat-ares than it is thepolicy of our government to adopt. We hope ttw" patriotism of the people of North Carolina is equal to the painful emergency, but we fedr : the reslil'i, as long ;as Huldeti and Peniimgtoii are permitted to mislead and corrupt public sentiment throogh-the powerful agency -of the Tress. Lynchburg-Republican. ; ' .Honor to the Private Soldier.- It would be' difilciil.1 to speak too highly of tle deV-cls and self-devotion of our privates In the field. Yet, except a general acknowdmen of this fact- tlrey have received jour a "small 'share1 of the honors of this wari Individual gallantry has-been schlpm noticed, and in very fevv instances has the name of -a' private been , . "I : L I gnzrCted Uy'the authorities, either military or. civil i " ": . . rY'm generous Beauregard Is an exception ' to this remark. In his, general orders, he has more than once held up the achievements' 6f some gallant private to be admired and imita ted by the amy. One of his batteries has' been named after a prirate who fell" in the vicinity of CharlesUm. It is- this. considerate' Tegard for the deserts of his soldiers that helps to make him on of. the most beloved generals of'tbe Coufederacy. Otlier generals would do well to follow his noble example in this res pect; Columbia Guajdian. The Bank of England covers entire, pa rish, and- it has a clergyman wb,o?e salary; is 700 a year. A room in the baijk ts kept to represent-the church, for the sake of keeping up tjie living aud its emoluments. i : ' Miscellaneoug. ' " 1 SALE.- Yal uable Real Estate I n Ifiuh a.V Raleiah anu the vicinity. The late John Kane, re of I relative of Ireland, and formerly a resident of this having diy, having died intestate, -leaving bo tfife nr uble bloocntable blood surviving niui, tne real estate f he difd fc.of he died seized and possessed, has become heat, and by. heat, alnd by operation of lajv vested in the rsitv (if this s ty dt this btate. - . refor notice lfc-r notice Is hereby given to all whom concern, tbuonc( rn, that in pursuance ot4iie Acts of neral jAsspjreneral Assembly in such case, .ana by virtue jot the power'and authority tonferrcd upon me by 'an Ordinance of the Bward of Trustees oft the University of. North Carolina, I shall preed to - make sale Qf saidroperty for the benefit of said Inftitution. ! The property consists of 4 tenameri ts, being parts of lots No. 112, 114, 128, aU adjacent to each other, I "at the junction 6f Blount and Martin streets in tbis ' . 'city, The buildings "are all ,new and 2 of the dwellings are handsome twstorjr houses ; 1 ' j Also a tract of land situate about4 miles south- . west of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of Laurens , IHinton, Esq., and others, containing it is" said, , 300 acres, pretty well improved, and abounding in . excellent timber, fire-word, Slc. , f The sale will be by public auction, on Wednes-. day, the Ibth day of February next, on'the pfem ' ises in the city, at whichplace, also, the plantation will be sold. Terms liberal. . i ' j The tenants are notified that the ' rents from the death of the deceased" must be paid to the under signed, as agent aforesaid. - chas. Manly. ' - Kaleigh, Jan. 1, 1864-eodtd i: - f To the People of Jforrth Carolina.I 'have been . sent to this Statgyfor the Ipurpose of procuring a supply of MOLASSES for the use of the army of Northern Virginia. As nany qf you haveriewti apd relatives theref may I not beg that you take an interest in the matter, and render , me all the aid you can ? Will not each one make up a package, or where one cannot spare as much as a barrel, will not neighbors form clubs and make up one, two or more barrels, and take to the nearest railroad station, and write me at this - place ? . For all so delivered, I will pay $8 per r Hon. , C All will thus hav an opportunity pf doing a favor for their. friends that will cost nothing but a little labor. I firinlyflrely upon your benevelnce and patriotism. D. T. CARRAWAy, Mai. and O. S, Wilcox's LtghtDivision, I . Hill's Corps, A. N. V. GTaham, C, January 11, 1864. r - , I THE above appeal .meets my most hearty ap, preval,"afid 'the Commissaries in the State will render every assistance to Maj. Carraway ic carry ing: out te object of his visit - from the army. ! .Where barrels ftre wanting, they can be procured and delivered at any point on the railroad, by ap plication to me. " ' JAMES SLOAN-, Maj. & Chief Commissary for State N. C. ' Greensboro', Jan. 11, 1864-jan 18-d3t : .'. . . ' A Female Seminary, at wake Forest iX V! in be opened on Thursday, 4th, February- next, unoer tne control ot Frotesaors Koyall. and ' SimnwjEs. Instruction will be given in all branches usually taught in Female Colleges. Tuition per ftession ot -29 weelcs, S75 ; Jlusici $50; use, of t uano, aoara and wasmng $500 per Session, each student furnishing light, towels, 1 pair thectt -a,nd two pillow coe. Board at $10 per .month, paid in provisions at oldrices (corn $1 per bush!, wheat $1,25, bacon, lard and butter each 25cts per P0) S.reatl7 preferred, Payment for -oard . and luition in advance. n unrAnanrthhl d. ductions." -Students will their possesion. i . -ran lft-adlw. Ix w ofi ett !,nantJ- Intending to XuM have a fin garden, for the benefit o the sick and convalescing scldiers under my care, 1 would Jr V "D,,,?ea lor contributions of garden A seeds nrtifiilorK .v,: i . S. I not mI a- J a r u uuon8- 'xiiose who are ptn$e. . BDRKF. Uivwnnn ' Surg'n in Charge Gen' H " n " jan 16 d3t 1 ' -Raleigh, N. Tiller Address, ' 'gfX ette- jan is-wat- - - - Fayjtgy. "Rpr Kcnt.--A.Uoase and lot In this city. X. jTbe house is Iwo-staries; and ha? a large eat-1 den altajched. . For particulars apply to- fa 6 " - '.l.vi:' v- "'' , " :" B. FERRELL, j , an 18-d3t : at the Lunatic Asjliya ' . ! vH1; ' Miscellaneous . , . - - - . . . . . i - HOARD- Bv the MoBtli, Daily board d Transient, per day, -' ' . ' an r6-dtf $T40 $120 $ 10 the case of " Mrs. Jane Boylan, John II. Bojylan, and others, acainst Georp-e W. Mordecai.' Exjecntor of William Bojlen, Weldon E BorUn,' oaraa lioyian, and ptftera," filed to Spring-Term,--1 A. ID., 1864, of the Court -of Equity for Jtfce county of TTake, and .State of North Carolina, for, the. purpose, of taking an ac'count and. paving off legftciei, -A-e. vjjfotie'e U hereby given t Weldoft E. Bovlan. Sarah Parker. Kat. Weldon nan. Hapnah Boy lan and Eli za Webster, to come for war? ai tne next Term ot tbis Court and; niead. answer or demur to said Bilhor it will be taken ro I rci"7eHO ain oeara ex part aso tnem. uone at aH 'I. Ik. rS-lil. ll:. lL offi?e,;in the Citv of Raleigh'," this' the 9th dav.of Janvmry, A. D., "1864. - - -.. : it '-' i janll-dGt : -. . , '.- f "1 47"a r r e"n t o ii Fehiale College.-- The f Spring Sesion tVull open Januarr 27th. 1S64; and continue twenty weeks. 'Roard, including washing and fuel, $i00 . English Tuition, $40 to $50 iifasic, witht use of Piano, ' $50 " lupils will furnish their own lights and. towels.. Parients. Intending to send will please inform us aj sobp as practicable. " i - fjHin 14-3t ' E." E. PARHAM. anted. A Teacher capable of taking charge of a School and imparting- a tho rough English Education, for which a liberal sal ary!, will be paid. The location is- three miles Souitfieast .of White .HalU and on the South of 'Ncuse river, in a good and healthy neighborhood. - Board -can be obtained near the ?chool-house. i Address ' -N. WHITFIELD, jan I4-3t. . Mosely Hall, N. C. X);lows,Wronsht Iron and Grindstones.--.( We keep constantly on. -hand a stock of the tolUwing Plows : No. Oj No. 11, No. 60, and points andjbars for the same. Wrought Iron, in shapV suita.ble for-farming purposes, aod. Grindstones of .aj sizes. rf-$Any of which we will exchange for Cast ot5 WrouJ-wt Iron Scrap, Brass, Copper, Zino, Pro duc4 f any kind or monev. . . ' SHAY,;VlLLIAMSON, & CO. North Stare Iron & Bi ass Works, ) . I Raleigh, January 12, 18G4. Jjanli-2w G and oves and Socks Wanted. --1 desire to purchase for the.soldier,' '10,000 pairs of Glfes 10,000 pairs of Socks. ' Donation.! will be thanjkfully received: EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon General, N. C. jan 1- 12-1 rn Small Tor Notfce.-As the Small Pox has- Sgain appeared in the City of Raleigh, all persrns calling at the office of lie Surgeon General between the hours of ten and two will be vaccnated free of charge. Q EDWARD WARREN, janilJ-li Surgeon General. Office General Agent for the Collection OF TOBACCO, Yascetvili.s, N. C, Jan. r 6,1864. Having been appointed General Agent ior tn.e otaie or orto uaronna ror tne collection of Tobacco, I here"by give notice that.if there are any other counties raising TobaccoJ besides those enumerated below, I call upon them to report to me by letter without delay through the Sheriff" or Clerk of the Court, who will please recommend to me a suitable man who must be a judge f Tobacco' and eyemp from conscription, to act-as Agent for the collec ticn of Tobacco in-that county or ia4 several adiacezjt counties. W. N. SHELTON. Names of the Counties in ichich I hav.o appointed Agents :' Rockingham, Guilfora, Montgomery, Union, Stanly, Anson, Davidson, Randolph, Chathaal, Rowiaa, Davie', Nash,' Franklin, Hali&x, Granville, Warren, Caswell, ; Alamance Rutherford, ,jan!2dlw . Polk, - McDowell, : .Stokes, ' Forsyth, Orange, . ' . Wake, Wilkes, ? "': . ' Alexander, ' -Caswelh . '. Surry, . Iredell, 'Mecklenburg, Catavb, : . -" Yadkin, Person, '."' Jackson, Mscon, Cherokee, 1 Clav. ' . W. N. SHELTON. For Sale. A few Confederate Seren pier cent. Bonds on very reasonable terms; I i.. JNO. G. WILLIAMS & Co., . jan 11-3 1 . Brokers..! For Sale-32 'Stock..' Shares Cape Fear Bank ,-31 Shares Bank of North Carolina. ;' 1 North Carolina State Bond old 6 per cent. 4 Cape Fear, and Deep Liver Bonds, endorsed by. "the j State; - 1" - . jan d3t . , W. LH. JONES. Ranairay from the subscriber, my boy YANCEY, in June last. He is about fifteen years old, four feel six inches high, darkish color. His' upper lip -is very short' and shows his teeth strikingly. He may be lurking around Raleigh. 'A reward of fifty dollars will be paid if delivered tome.! x . 1 N. J. WHITAKER; jan 5-dSUw4t ' . ' Notice Will be sold on Monday , the 8th day of February next, at the residence of the late Crian Green, d jceaied, all Che perisha ble property belonging to the estate of said de cedent consisting of Horses, M ales, Oxen, Sheep, Cows, Stock Hogsr. Corn, Fodder, Shuck, and Hav, Carriage ind. Harness, Wagon, Cart, -Ploughs, Plantation Tools of every description, House and Kitchen Furniture. Afso, about 3000 pounds of new Bacon and salt Pork. ' . '' ' Terms Six- moaths credit", purchasers giving bond with approved security. . ' ' - :. -; C. B, HARRISON, :. jan 7-36 Administrator. " - - - " - . Sale! c i Property and ITeffro Hire.-IIa-r en tod out for tbisyear my Hotel at Jtittrell's Depot, 1 will sell to thd highest" bidder, on Thars day, th 14th iust;, my stock of Cattle, Horses," some Cprn, Fodder and many articles of Household Frnitnire, Wagons, Carriages, Carts and Gear, with other articles too- numerous to mention. I shall hire at the same time, some Negroes. Come and see what is'for sale. - ' t. jan.7-d3t - WM. COLLINS. The cnool fopBoj8, near the JTorthcrn limits of this city, and under the direction of A. H-Dsowell, as Instructor; will open on Monday, L 18th January . ' '- i ; ' Raleigh, January 11,1864. jan lz-zt Absentcestc-The fdllowing officers and ', privates Are absent from toy -company with out leave, viz : SergV J. J. jjLangdala, CorpMa Mareus fl. Bowen and Wm. Yi Scott ; Privates Jesse T. Bo wen, 1. O. Harrington, Henry John son, Martin Perry,. Albert Perrish, J. C. Rodger- son, Henry M. scaggms, Josepn..-iyier; -jreorge White aid David White. . . JOSEPH O. CHERRY, CanC Co." B, 12th N. C. Uattalion. ;: dec 23-lt-;. -X, .v1;;.. ,rV.s:,: OB WOUK ' Of every description ' Executed with ; Neatness and Dispatch? ' w," . At the Office of the w STATE JOURNAL. Miscellaneous. Gircumu. : , - . , QUAaTEBMASTEB fJhcSBRAL'a OFn08, 1 j Richmond, Nov. l, 1863. I. In order to give more immediate effect and - operaiionio the'act of February 15, 1862, Intended to provide for-" disaBled soldiers " fby conferring on them appointments which they may be- compe tent to firi), it is hereby announced that any "dis abled soldier " . who may desire a position in the . Quartermaster's I department should in order to obtViin the same, reportlp . thChief QuartermasT '.ter ot the State of which he is a-resident or in which he may be in hospital or baMdutyat the time, of his application, bis Name, Company, . . , Regiment, ' " Brigade, and Age, .... Profession1, or trade, Piace of abodeor station, Mature of disability. lie will state in his application the nature of the position desire1, such as ..clerk, wagon or forage master, Ac, Ac. ; f ' . r' II. Ajpplicants for clerkships will be required to possess a fair knowledge of arithmetic, to writs good English, and in a legible band. For subor-' :-dinate positions, less will be required., ' . "lit All applications must be' supported by vouchers of unimpeachable, character, and th sufficiency of witnesses thereunto, if in civil life, must be certified by pome justice of the peace, or othec'county or municipal officer.- Where -testimonials are.from the commanding -officera of the appicant, no such certificate will be necessary. I . It shall be tlie duty of the' Chief Quarter master of eaqh State to keek a loster of such ap piicants, and to place their papers on file for refer . ence ; and he will report at the expiration of each quarter the number thereof, and ;the number of appointments, to the Qurtermaster General. . - V. Local Quartermasters will (in case tfiey savo made nq authorised arrangementfor clei ks or other emplojee) be expected to supply themselves, as far as practicable, from the class "of disabled solaitrs " thus enrolled, wbo may be found com petent to discharge the duties of the department. 7 VI. Applications should be accompanied in each case by a copy of the certificate which shows the soldier to be disabled, and should bo addressed to the Chief Quartermaster of the.State in which he may desire to obtain a'position, thus : p. "To the Chief Quartermaster of North Carolina, i .!'-.- Ra,gb.". VII. Posts of Chief Quartermasters areas follows: . Yirgiftia, Richmond, North Carolina, South Carolina," -Georgia, Alabama, - - - j Mississippi, - -Florida, - - - Louisiana, - - . -Texas, -Arkansas and Missouri, -T-nncssee and Kentucky, Raleigh. Charleston. Augusta. qutgomerT. Enterprise. Lake City. Alexandria. San Aatonio. Little Roctc. Knoxville. VIII. When a place has been ftfund for any ap-. plicant, the.Chief Qnaterm aster in whose district the post, may be, will proceed at once to obtain, through the regular channels, the detail and as- . signmt nt to duty of the ''disabled soldier '' thus provided for. IX. The earnest -co-operation of all officers of the Quartermaster's department in carrying intp effect this system, when it can be applied without manifest injury to the public - service, is confident ly expected: A. R. LAWTON, v dec29-d&w4t. Quartermaster General. JZZSf Standard copy weekly and semi-weekly twice 'each. i ' Fayetteville Observer the same. (: . Wilmington Journal daily and weekly twice each. - -Western pemocrat twice weekly. ' ,. All send bills, to Chief Quartermaster W. W. Peirce, Raleigh, with a copy of the paper contain ing the advertisement. TO REFUGEES Atf"l3 OTHERS WHO WISH. TO INVEST CONFEDERATE MONEY. I will sell at public auction, on the premises on ; Friday, the 18th day of December next, my valua ble plantation in Davie county, N. C, one fhile below Clarksville, P. O.,' on' Dutchman Creek, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, one hun dred of which is valuable BOTTOM LAND.' ,All persons wislang to examine the premises canall . on me at Lewisville 12 miles west ot halem, on the Shallow ford road" 6 miles from the Shallow Ford. If 'disposed of privately before dav of sale notice will be given. W. B. STIPE.. nov 14-dlw6w - Lewisville N. C. : A RAKE OPPOilTUNITY TO INVEST IX Land. For Sale. 1 offer my FARM in Ber- - tie County, N. C, lying on the main stage road five miles from Windsor. There is a very fins Dwelling containing niae rooms and three large cellars, Barn, Stables and Negro Quarters upon it and a good well of water near the house. There - Is about two thousand acres in the tract and seyen hundred cleared", about eighthundred and fifty of the wood, bind is splendid low grounds and by draining can be Easily cleared. There is a fine lot . of navy pine timber and considerable stave timber also."; I have a large deadening ready to be- ta-. ken in. East of the Dwelling is a fine young Ap ple Orchard containing1 fifteen huhdred tree?; which will be valuable in a few yearsJ There is a Mill in - course 'of construction only a mile from the "house. . '- . roffer this place because I have lost. tSe greater' part of .my valuable handst and have not force' .enough to keep the plantation under fence and in cultivation. I would prefer a smaller farm; Any one wishing, to purchase can consult me at WindsOjrN." C, of will be shown the Farm (should L not he at home') by Mr. Wiley J. Gilliam, my nearestineighbor. This land is adapted to the cut titatioa of cotton, corn and -peas.' nov2tw4tw2t J. C, JACOCKS--' . 1 ; . . A Companion for All..--The Southern LiTBRAtiy Companion enters upon its fifth vol ume the first of January next, andJthe Proprietor takes gt eat pleasure in announcing to the public that he has completed arrangements for the publi cation of the paper through the "year 1864. The LadiesDepartment will continue under the control Ad management of that gifted and accomplished authoress Miss C. W. B.uiBEa. 'The" first number for January, will contain the commencement of an '.original story from" her en entitled the " Heiress of Roseland or The Fortunes of Ada St- Clyde." But few extra copies , will Jte printed and those who desire -the first chapter of this admirable story . would do well to subscribe at once. A - series of articles .will appear in this volume from the pen of that inimitable writer Sandy Hioaixs, and if you want to enjoy many a hearty laugh subscribe for the paper and read nis productions. . . ; The paper has a list of able Contributors and is " richly worth the subscription-money; ; -... Terms of subscription $8,00 pet annumi ; - r $5,00 six months. ' All letters containing money, should be address-' to I. N, DAVIS, Sr., Aewnan, Coweta Co. Ga., supscription money sent by Express at my expense. . dec 18-d2t. '- . . THE SOUTHERN FIELD AND 'FIRESIDE1 The proprietors having made arrangement for an ample supply of paper, lake pleasare in an nouncing to the numerous patrons of tbis popular FAMILY JOURNAL that its publication wUl be ; resumed on the 2xd of Jahuary, 1864' --The first Inimberwill contain Ihejcbmmence ment of -' - ' .' '-; - : - '''"-; . "GERALD. OSA YS WIPE!" An original and beautiful romance written by one of the most giftecPTemale writers of the South. - Owing to the unsettled state of pur countryaub criptions will be received for six months, oal Taaits. rSix months... .r.A.M.......Sf3 00 -.; ' Six-papers six months. ...;.-...... 40 00. V Single copies 4 cents. - ; " o : K -J Newa Dealers supplied at $20 per hundred. The Proprietors will spare no effort to maintain the high reputation ef this standard family paper. - All letters should be addressed to" . " . - , ' STOCKTON" & CO., dee 19-d4t "z i -: 1 AugusU, Ga, Cit. MarTa SehonL Raleish. N. C.The oneninfir of this School is deferred to . the 3dv February, on which ay the next i Term will com in ence; and continue twenty weeks. L ALDERT SUEDES, jan7-dlt - Recter. MisceUaiuBotis : ; llf t new WantecL-Wanted Immedtatel j JLuL at-Lockville, ia Chathaoa coioy,r. C, a isamber of good Miners, who Understand working Cppper Mines. ' The refj higV-t wages will bo pf id, and steady ,empto?nect grven: : ReporCat once to-the anderoigaed atLoekeville.- ' - . v ; jan -d6t M. HECK 4 CO. ' T K. :D. F. Arrlnsfon Respectfully; offers J his profesyional aryices t the citiaeas of Raeigh apd lorroundisg country in tbV pmctioo of Operative' Centiitry and treatmmt of-tho Tari ous diseases ojfthe mouth portaixting to tho Cental Structure. .;.v ., 4 '- '.h 4 : Patrons given as reference. Ofieo Ezckaajo Hotel. Room, No. 64. .. .- ' dec 2-dtf." ' ' " ' : ' : " - ' : -'--"' ff i K E ?T II l' AXD COMMrfTKD T THE kUL? Jail of Lenoir coanty, on ibo 19th of July, last, a negro boy aged about II or. 12 years, who says his name is CaUin, and that bo .belongs to Samuel Woodley, of Wilmington, tf C.f wh'o for merly"j"e8ided fn WasTiington Co., N. C- Said boy rlivery black' and quick spoken, and say r ho for merly belonged to Simoel Spriiillj ofJWashingtpn county Tho ewner-ig requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take hi in away,: or be wilt be dealt with as the law directs. WM. FIELDS, Sh'ff Lftioir Co. Kinston, N. C, Nov; 26, 1863.-wtf '-' MENDENHAIL & JONES, . IMcConnclVs Old Stand,,) GREENSBORO; lf. 0. .' Have on hand, and to arrive, the, following de sirable goods, wbieh theT.ofTur ftt- prices to suit tho times, either wholesale or retail. 24 doz. French Cass. Hat, finest in-Confederaey.) 1 bale 6-4 super Heavy Grey English Cloth. Purp. andCherrv Opera, and a-h't Welsh' Flannels.. 4-4 Bleached Shirtings. ' Ready-made Cloth and Cass. Coats, small sizos. Black Alpaccas and Merinos. -4-4 British Fancy add Purple Prints. ' Gents Collars, Bosoms, Cuff's, Kid Gloves. Black and'Fancy Ties, Cravats and Scarfs. Coats, Vests, Pants, and Shut Buttons. Blck Patent Thread. " ' Honey, Brown Windsor and Tariegated Soaps. Tooth Brushes, Fine Combs, Ping, Pocket Books, Cotton, Lawn and Linen Hd'kfs. Hog Skins, Plush, Sadd4er's Silk aa1 Nails -Tacks, assorted, from 3 to If oz. ' SnufferSj-Butcher Knives, Hand-Saws.- - Allspice, Nutmegs, Cloves. ; Salt, Soda, Snuff, in bladders. 0 boxes Extract of Logwood, Safety Fuso 2 casks Maderia Wine, (very old). . 4 bbls Copperas, 'Ac, Ac. English Sperm Candles.. 1 English Hoop Skirts, SO ad 48 springs. Dec. 12, 1863cltru - .' HI L L 8 B (HWl'-MIHTART ACADJ5MT. The Sixth Academie year of this Institution will commence on Wednesday,' February 3rd, 1864. For circulars and inforrkation apnlv'to . . Maj; WM.iAI. GORDON, Sup't. Hillsbpro', N. C, Nov.i23, 1863. d3m. LMANACS! ALMANACS ! 1--THK SUB- scribers will offer for sale in a faw days, the Southern Almanac. ! . This Almanac has been prepared with great eve, printed on the best Confederate paper, and is, we are confident, superior, to any Almanac published in the Confederacy. The Astronomical Calculations haw been made by Prof. Robort Garlipgtont A. M., of Newberry Co$ege, S, C, whose well Jin.own ability will b a voucher Jor its correctness. Jt han calculations adapting it to any lattitude in the Confederacv. . All orders must be addressed to the subscribers, post paid, at Newberry, S. C. Price $25 per hurMrcd ; $3 per dozen. . . HOUSEAL A SIEfj, Publishers, nov 30-law4w. Newberry Court House, S. C. A WET NURSE WANTED. --I WANT TO hire a good Wet Nurse for next year.her sor- tjces to commence Dec. 20th, 1863. - . .- WM. B. SMITH, A - Office Medical Director, nov25-dtf Raleigh, N. C. AROLINE REJiliE SNUFfT Hoo 2opo boxes mo.re: At the earnest solicitations of our. msmv patrons, we have been induced to manufactur( about 1500' or two thousand -boxes more of this celebrated Snuff. Our other engagements will prevent ;ua from making any more. J AS. M: TENABLE A CO,, ' Petersbarg, VaT JOS. - E. TENABfiE, Commissiott Merchant No. 3, Iran Front Building, is our -sole Agent. All Orders must be addressed to him or to M. T." SWEENEY, our Travelling Agent. , Tiov 23-d2m , J. JI. T. A CO, otlce."On , the First day of eierT month I shall send a special agent to the Army of Northern Virginia. All packages, Ac, est tai i me ni ims piace win a oe ijf uiu uui r for i u- ed free of fiarge. . Dec 22, 1853-d3ni ! EDWARD WARREN, ......I . Surg-Gen'I N. C. ATTENTION BAREHEADS !;sI WILL GIYK for 21bs. of nic clean wool one good wool hat ; Or will make up the wool for of the hats ; or, $10 per hat ; no Jots' taken less than 5 lbs. of woof. Neighbors can put together and make the amount. R. L. PASCH ALL Hatter, dec 2a-dlm ' T mUes South of Louisburg NC.:' INING BOOM fcTOYE FOR SALE.'-a' very superior dining ropmstove for sale, com ptete in all its parts and vepy handsome. Apply to ' . . MRS. E. A. MARTIN DALE, nor 19-dtf . .. ' r . Raleigh, N. C. " ' ' ' ' ' " t . i LAND FOR SAIE" Will be sold at pabllc auction on the 16th day of January, 1864, bv decree of Court, at theCourt-Hoaae door iaGreen ylle, N. C, a valuable tract of land-belonging to the.estate of the late Col, G. B. Singeltary. This tract contains be i wren seven and -eight hundred acres and is situated in Pitt County, below Green ville, and between Tar River and-Tranter'a Creek, jaa 6-dl0t w2t H. SHEPARD, AdVn. Mathematical 'and Classical School.--. The" first session of this school, located at Tally Ho, Granville county, If. C, will open on Monday the"8th f January.- The price, of board is eighty dollars per month. x Tuition sixty dollars per session of twenty weeks. -. For particulars, address the Principal at Tally j no, . v. . i - - ' '. - 1 T. J. HORNER, japr6-5t V j - j - PiacipaW; Office North Carolina Railroad Compa ny, Tance, January T, 1864 Dividend No. 6. The Board of Hirectors of ; this Company hate' declared a DiridentiPof sir per cent, on their cap ital stockj payable ia Confederate Cufenoy, 6a and after the"first day of February next, at this offioo. - ; ": - : ' Tho Transfer Books will be' closed . from tha date unlil the day of pavment. . v rv JOHN H. BRYAN, J., jan 4-Stawtd ; . .; " " Secretary.- .T7"alaable Neffro Mechanics for nii$. f I have three Blacksmiths, a Carpenter and a "Brick Mason for hire for the present year. Apply to WM. M. iJQYLEN,- jan-d6t r Raleigh 0TEL F0R SALE. I OFFER AT PRJ vate sale the Jarge hew Hotel in the town of Louisburg, Ana locatedjust east of the Court-house, july tf. : H. HARRIS. T?0R SALE.--A FIBSf RATE GUITAR JL can be bought cheap, b g immediate- nov 4-tf - 4y at tne JUL) UNAL OEx BLANKS ; , Executed 'with, neatness and dispatch at this OFFICE. - of Mili tary Notices- Exerutlre Department N. C.Y i : - Abjcti et Gk5ebals OrrieK. . Kiloigh. Deo. lath. I :-; 1 : No." C ' .-..,! ,--4r - '-'":--,: T I TnK FOLLOWING ACT OF THE GENERAL atseiubly of North Carolina is pabiithed for tae Jnformatioa of afl concerned: . 5 ASjACT TO iE3D A AT tJT 1BLATIQ IO TIM Utit- Tii aud a eoARo rok noai MJKjrca. Sac. 1. Beit reeled by thsGerl A rvMf tlStaI of Sorik Carolima, and U it hrrtif i r etjed fcy Utt authority of the svme, Tbot neither Ih Gdvemor of this Sute, nor tbe .oCicera actin ;nder an act ratified on the 7th day of Je!r, 1S(5 63,: entitled "Aa act ia relation, to the Militia and a Goara for Home'Defeace," shall catf ou for drill or master the persons enrolled under said act, of tener than onxea month ia company drill, or of- tener than twice a rear in battalion drill, which battalion drills shall take the place of the company drills for the month ia which they are appointed, , antess when called into actual service to-, repel ia vaaion or- suppress tnsarrectien, or to execufo tho lwa of the State. '- ; Sees 2. Zltfrr norf.That thoGovrnor shall have th,e' power to cso the Guards tor.nom Defenee for the purpose ofi arresting conscripts and deserters ; Provided, they shall not be order ed jupon this duty beyond the limits of tho oooa ties in which they reeide or 'the c'oaoties adjacent -thereto. ' , j . SkC 3. Be it further' exacted, That in additioa to the exemptians contained in the act to which this is an amendment, there shall be exempt coun ty commissioners appointed under an act entitled "An act for the relief of wives and familiea of fnafdiera inth army," regular mil!, blackstnUha whb.have establuh'ed f hops, necc&sary operatives in factories and t'oundrijes, the Attorney General, Solicitors of the seve-al circuits and canties, phjsicisns of five years' practice, con tractors With the State or'Confederaw government, one editor, to each . newspaper and the necessary compositors, mail carriers, professor? in" colleges and teachers ia academies; Vcvi'cferf, that this exemption shall on ly apply, to the drills specified in this bill and nrtftr service when tht Guard for Home Defence i8 call ed into the field. ! ..'' Sec 4. Be. ii further enacted That for failure to attend at battalion or regimental drill each field .ofj'tleer shall forfeit and py one hundred dollars," each Captain and other officers who shall fall to muster and drill ttatrir companies the times ap- Soiiited, shall forfeit and pay Jpr each failure fiitv olllars, and if a non-coni missioned officer -or pii vafce shall fail t attend at any drill, he shall for feit and pay not l??3'tlian fire nor more than twenty-five dollitrsj Provided, that, every ab'cnto' shaill be allowed until the iflsxt mister to make hi excuse. TCrs fines shall be adjudged by regimental and company courts martial, and judgments ara to be.-enterei ap and the fines collected in the same mode and in accordance with the provisions of.lhe - Military Law of North Carolina, passed at the seeped extra s"esjior of he General Assembly ," lf5'6;h . . -'.- ' , - Skc. 5. Be further enacted, That the Surge53M vreuerai yy apu wiin tne aance ana consent. g; thelGovernor, may appoint surgicah boards. inT exqeeding three, composed cf two phricins each, who shall declare by their certificates those "per son! who shall be exempt from service under t 1m? act to which this is an amendment, on account of mental orpbysical dunMlity. and they shall re ceive the pay of their rank and traveling expenses, to fee determined by the Adjutant General. - Sec. 6. Be it'fnfther etacedx That Ilia Guard for home defence, should they be called into kzr ycf by the Governor, shall receive the saute ray, .rations and allowances as soldiers in the Confede rate Sfateajiaervice, and shall bo subject to the rules and articles of war of the Confedei ate States. Sec. 7. Be it further entnetf, That when th pressure of public danger shall not prevent tho ob seryance ot such a rule, tho said Guarif for home- . defence shall not be called into srvice en manse, but by drafts of a.nuir.ber of men from each con venient company, so as to make ap Uieaggre gate force rcquu e-d. Sec. 8." B it further tn-td. That tbis act shall be iin force and tajce effect from and after its rati fication,. - I Read three Urnc andatified ia General- Assem bly; this tho Utn day of December, A. D.M8C8. '-' ' R. S. DOXNKLL, S. H.C. 1 - - GILES. MEHAXE, SS S. j ' State of Xontu Caholim. I JXD. P. II. RU8S, Sccrvtary of State,"in andTor the State-of .North Carolina do hereby cer tifrjthat the foregoing is a true copy .ef tho origi nal ion file in this office. r . Given under hit hand this 14th Decrwl-r. 1863. ! ! " J. P. fl. RU"8S, " , ! : , Si-cvetary of Stato. JI. The company drilis required by the 1st sec ties; ef the foregoing Act will take place on the second Saturday in th? months of January, Feb , rsay.i March, Mav, June, July, August, Septem ber,! .November and. December, and-the Battalion - driHs in the second Saturday iu tho months of April and October- , ' AJII. The 2d"sectin of 'the foregoing; act is Con strued to mean thut ,tbe parties enumerated aro y exempt from drills, apprehending deserters, and other ordinary duly of the Guard for home de fence but are not exempt from duty when the' Guard for home defence is called into service to repel invasion, suppress insurrection or-to entente the laws of the State: - Bv order of Governor Vance :- - . ! i R. C. GATLIN, i dee 13-d6tw2w '. . . Adjutant General. AJ1 daily papers in the State copy one weckjand, .other papers two weeks. .'"-''" VT'O T I C E :" ' " . -JN IID QR'S XA YA I DEFENCES X. C, I ! " Wilmington, Dec. 16, 1863. j. The following Circular from the Bureau of Con scription is published by order Of theOSicer Com manding the Naval 'Defences of North Carolina, for the information of conscripts and persons liable to conscription : Jonfederate States nf America, BuRzav.ov CoKscaiPtm, . ! l . Richmond, March 24, 1SC3. Circular Order. 4 The attention of Officers T) a ving charge of con scriptsj is directed to section 2 of the act of Con gress, approved October 2d, 1862, which is as fol ,lows;i ; ... . See. 2. That if . any pefgan who has been or is about td be enrolled for service in the army, shall, at any time before being ass gned itt any compiny, declare; to the enrolling or commanding oQicer that he prefers .being enrolled for service in the navy r the marine corps, it shall be the duty of t he-said : officer io enroll such person for the service which he may prefer, and to transmit to the Secretary of I .k. rll ii. r.i ': n. j - lue n jitj s ub oi me persons enroiiea. . The Snperintendent directs that this ptovisoia ef the law be observed, and that reports be made ac cordingly. ;l . Whenever any ofHeer of the Xavy, designated by, the Xavy, Departments ahall present himdf for he purpose, anv officer in charge of cOncripts will eause tnem to beT mustered in presence of such officer Of the navy, in order that they may be offer ed the alternative of entering the naval servis. Bv order of Brig. Gea. G. J. Raids, Snperia tendent. - .A. C. JONES. "de19-d9w Lieat-CoL, A. A. G "" T7aictteTUIe Arsenal and Armory, J vember 12. 1863. $100 BOUNTY I Wi iTaatd. iwo siountea nmemen. Autnority having beea granted by the War Department to raise a Com pany of Mounted Riflemen for service in this "vi cinity,; notice is hereby given , that reerniU to tho aumber e 100 non-conseripii will bo re ceived for-this service. Ea?h recruit will bore quired to furnish a serviceable hone, for: which ho will be' allowed 40 cents per diem, and his pay $12 per. month.- Written permission wil be required from parent or guardians, where tho applicant is under; tho conscript age. -? ..- Each recruit must bring with him a blank et or bed-spread, and cnnsepcepared to remain. Apply to Maj. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at tha Arsenal. F. L. GUILDS, 1 Lieut-Col. C. S. A.m Commaading Post.- dec 16dtfL . . . " -'-.. J0BW0BK ' Of all description neatly executed al this ofile itary ITotices: Hcadquaf Icm Kiainlnlnr Board, 1st and 2nd Uf reoiional DUtriots, Tarboro 5, C. Dec 4th, 1S&1. Tho andertigaed. Cainna oj tho Examining Boxd for tho 1st a41 2nd Co : greHMial DiatKcto of North Carolina, hereby appoint tho following titaeortfod pHoo Ihr tfto ooi . aniaaticm of Conscripts of tho fuuowirg ooaatico a 10th N. C. JJjUiUa Williaustoa, Vartia coooty, Taesdav, Decejwber lith. - 4 tlh S. t IiUHa WUdsor, - Bertie aay Fridey. DecemUr lStS. 8lh N. C. jMililiaWiadior, Bortfo ooaaty, Satarday, December 19th. '' 6ih X. a iliiiiia-Uarfrewboro, Hertford Co., Mondav, December list. ' teth N. C. MUitiA-Jarkij, Northeoiptoa Co. Vednesdav,.Drecntber 23rd. , '' ! 30th X. a Militia-T.rboro, tdgeooabo C., Satarday, lecirabr.26th. . list N. a IMilitia-Tarboro X4gcb Po,, : Uoaday, Deoefnbf r 58th, . - . 17th If. C' MiUtva--Grovino Pitt ooaaly, Wodnwdar, Pineeuiber 30th. 29th ,X.lfJ. Militia Saow Hill; Qrti Hiilf, tatufdiy, Janaaryi2iid. - . ' 2k)th S. C.M.liUa-Xi linstos, Leoolr .ooaoty, Mondav. Januarr 4th.. 33rd N. C. Militia Wilson, WiUoa, ooaaty, Wednesday. Jiaoarv Cth. - J4th X. C. Militia -Hallfa, HUifax oualy, Thotsdav, Jaaaarv 5th. ' " - . . 3Sth C; Militia Halifax, Hallux ooaotyr Fridav, Jauaativ ttb. j r ,!Yf . 1. FINLET. Asa't Sorg. v fA. CiS., Chairm'a Exam'Bir.Board. 1st iad 2nd CvogroMtoaal Detriots. ' ' "' ' - "j i : ., ', - - ' CMcrEnriilln? Office, 1st and tad J grrssionai Districts, Taxboro',. C. Deo. 4ffc IS63. KnrHioiBr Officers (or tho eotaajanding ofll- cerof Mil Hi a lerilments la those cnantirf ia which, there aro no KnrolliDg 0;bcerwill enroll biwecn the ages of It and 4i aU white male's year, wi h inejlr respective eommaaoe wneiir previoosly eipt or not) and'order Ihew. toa prar of the aote times and plaere for rxantoatioa. . .. J.CPlEKCE.CspUia sad . ' Chirf EarolliogOKeer, . sad 2nd CoBgressioaal Vistricta. 4ea -d2t. roTost tarhnfs Office,. RnlelZB, I 14lh lhS.i All pcrvono rvriCiog ia iho City of Rakiga ,biid ng svbilitmte pspr will pro this office as early a pooiblo for ' srnt the came jntj e.XRjnnatiB,a 4 11 irrcgnljr papera.ar to he'eeat ! tho Burma of,C Unscnption at UirUmrnia. t., lor approval HAUGKL WATfiUS. Caipt; t K. 0. for City of kaleifh. dee 15-d5w Hcadquartirrfo C. 8. lillltarj Priseii, SaTi-'burv,' N. C.,.Ioc. 7, "168. TO .NON COXSClil PTrt'. Lieut, nenry I. Allea aa berw. autiiorized byjtte Secretary of War. to ohm as Compenv of'Nou-Coni!criptoi for loetl eervico as . Prison (Juards a t Slibury. , , QIt?i? probable that the proseat eng rtos wlllcx ndthc ages pof conseriptioa, . aad taal il will authorize the c iibci iptioa of all who have farnma ' ed substitutes,; . s Nw U a tino oppnetaaity for all taoM who are liable to brcons U ijtd as abv slir,aA they skocld ipjnicdiatlf applr to LTeat. H. P. AllB,or Capt. GALLOWAY,, deoJ6-d2w ! Sr. Cowaiaadij Foetl . Physicinnj 5oiice. it a- racctlns vf tliose l'hrsiciiiS practkiag lb tho Ciy ( Kaleiph, -whoae paites are sub.crilvd to this paW licafion, lield at! !r, Wm. G. Mile oftiee, oo tao eveaiay.of the 2134 inU, it was agreed to oe de termined upon , "V 1st. That they would pracico ra taocoaatry after the 1st of 1 January 1864, aad daring tho 'tinsetUed state ojf prices for the . aecertfarv articles of upply andVupport tor tK- maclve aad their m ilits, all of which Ihev r to pareha, ara these tew), via: at old j rifS whea paid ia tho products of the pouptry at old priors, otlierwUo their charges " will be jb prbportioa to ha pi ices demanded for Ihse prod tiers. 2d. Iu their twn practice ther will be govf ra ed by these circumiitaacca, vi i" whea they koow that their patienjta aj-e dependent oi a stated aad . limited incoane froju vreted funds orealiry or wa gs, thfy will benioderate in their charge, other wise they - will harga prices correfpqndiBg.wjth the tiiae" nnrei'RpaiiMn such article a are aerd-e-l by themflrs aad their fawilirf at redu" prie, whea thoir cbargeff wifl bo relatively Iro- eojd- ' 1 I :-..'..- '" '.... " -; Jastace aad aaj iataotiiag ase of daty to thev selves oo?l'their fainili;-, which thy oaaaot disre gard, impel theiai o this stra, while oa tbo other haBd,t equal 'jn.iro aad a proper yeano of ?utyu to the pnMie demand that they ehoald nakekaowa their "parposee and determination.. " - J t FABIUS J. niTTOl). 4 w u. i. nil. i.. t ciiAS. R. jonxsojc, W. 1. MrKBE. dee 2ra6t Tthe n olden of North Carolina EisKt PilR CE.Ti. BOXDS.-j-TEAftBT Dwa t mext, Kleigb, Dkc, l"th, .1861. By tho terms f the Ordinance of jthe ;Convention, under whirh'all the 8 per cent, bnds of this Slate wrro Uoe4, they are payable at the pleaiare ef the State ; and . by the ith aectioa nftheacl'of the. Grneral Ao ' seinbly, rafified 20th December, 1862, )he Trea urer is diructedtoi raise funds aithrreinTrecrild, and to pay off the 1st day of January, .l6o, tho StaU; bonds bearing 8 per cent, interest, Bnleaa the holder of saidj bonds ni l exrhangctheia for 6 percent, bonds payable on tho Jt of Jhnaary, 1893with coupons for the interest, payable femi- - annually at th , Treasury, in whifli Vsm !he ia authorized and directed to mtki such exchange." The Treasury beiag bow provided with the lands' c Btemplated ..by laid Aet, 1 hereby notify, aU holders of Said 8 pjer cent, bonds, Tf preseat then at the Treasury! for pavwent oV exrhango for tlx per cent. bonJtt.l 4 JONATHAN WOUTH, 1 dec llMet , ! , rublie Trtasorer. - ' "-.'. j . i - o . , j - The word "by which Is In the act as ratified, la omitted by aectdcBt in th printed aet. f f- ' I ; To Hire-lWo carefully trained Xrgr Woiaen and rmali Girl. Homes witbaUt, christian fauiilics and kindly treatment, more aa object than pecuniary compmsatiov Letftpnli cants leave their cames with the Clerk of the Kx ' change Hotel. i deo 29-d3t - -i i I " 1 ' .V i "1 ;.. Steam Knglne for Sale Vfe eCrr for salmon good tferma an EIGHT-HORSli-i'OW-7KR 5 GINK, said to bs in good order with all the eeessarv fixture. Early application must bo made to W. IL Cvnnlnln, Exchange notel, or to tbesot seriber. ! j ' W. . PELL. , : Raleigh, Dec 2f,i?Cl-2t f N' otlfe.-rllfrtafter the Depositary; at Raleign wilfpay tho iotereet 01 Rerirtered Bonds or Stock, hbretoforo paid br Derxwitarv at Wilmiegton, N. CWbat Depositary at Wilmtnf ton will eontitvae to pay Coupoae si well as the" Depositary at BaUigh. I -, ' ;' : C F, J05ES, '.'-" - ' -r -r.--. .'' Act.Bg Regietor, dee-dCt I . - -Biafcaoad; TA' Raleigh, N. C, Poo! 2118(2. 1 --.-. I ' - "ITTajne fbaatly Bonds for iale.-Sealcd iff" Proposals for the parebaso ol tho Honda of the County eCWayao anlil tho 9th day rf Janoa ry next SaidT "Btad to roa for five vearr. obo- interest payable semi-aanually, aad the'paymenta o um miac w UK common enrreaey or too cooa try, at the time of payment. Tboao btddiag for the same will address the aaderaifrfed at Golds boro aUtiag on tho eaveloper JUids ler-Wayaa. Coaoty. Bonds. WM.: K. LANE. ' THOVlPSOT, ; O. W. COLUER, , (dec 15-dt5ja) Dec 16,181 G;0ollstrrom18toM tncnts waUUfor ' ?40- o goods tent out until paid for, from Mil RICHARDSON'S.

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