1 DAILY STATE J0U11NAL. f " ' ' ' " -' - ' . JOHN SPEliUN 4 CO., PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION 6 months, $12 . 7 t 3 3 i " - (. Ko subscriptions wiltbe "received en any ther terms than the above, nor fpr a longer or shorter ueriod. - ' f Fremont's Xette; of Acceptance.- Fremont and Job Cochrane have been dominated bythe "Radical Republican'' t Cleveland, for Prudent and ice Pres ident The following js Fremont's letter of ecceptanca: - It will be teen' that Jessie's "man i bound to run, as the contmgercy on . -which he rested the face has happened Xincoln has been nomtnatedat Baltimore ; Gentlemen : rrianswer to the letter which. I hay had the honor to recei ve from you, confidence , which led jbem to offer me honorable and difficult! position of their the j,rtnnrAM and d fficuU position ot meir can didate in the apprQaclingresidcntial- con- est., - ' . . . ' Verr fcortraWe. because in offerinjr iC4o ilizens who seek above all things the good of their count-y, andj who have no sortiof ' elfish interest in :vie Very dificulf, be- .' cause in accepting the.padidacy yru propose to me I am exposed tcj the reproach of crea- Ming a cUsti to the piny. with which I have been identified.,; j j ; ' : I "; Had Mr. Linjuln remained faithful. to -the 'principles he was ejected , to jdefend, no f-cfusni c-Auld have, beep". created and no con test c uld hare beeu possible This is not1 'tan ordinary election, j It h a contest far the riht even i o have oandldatea, 'anji not mere ly as usual, Tor the' holer', nmwg th.cm.r .Now, for the fiist time since '7'tf, lite ques i ioa of constitutional literty ia.3 -,: been r-r Might -Jirectly Wore the people for their t erous eutiVideifttKm t Jid vole, f The ordinr ' -rial's socarcd iindW the congtituiion and. iiie i.-.vrs of jho.CQiintry have bvn vielatec. ,i. nd extraordinary powershave U?en usurped ,.V;y the Executive, jltj is uiiectir 'before he S eo'-ie now td'savi'w.l&thef-or npl .-'the prm o?n! ' estabiile'i . ;bt tbi, Hc'violuticn aro . . . , wovth maintaining; ; Ifj, as wo haveqn u.frar.tees fur liberty aught to be'ieve, th se wir.ch; mide the dis- nnctive value and glo ry of our country, are -in truth iuvii'ably s4re benj t here mu-t lie a protest against tise arbitrary violation which had not even til? etcuse jf neecsin. The schism ie made; br jiioaeiw to force the choice between a sliai '.eful-siletce or -a 'pro est .again st wrong. V u eu ch co n si de rA ions , r.rigiaated the Cleveland Convention. It was -:simyug its objscts tQ .s rojise the attention of the people io uch facas, and to ' brir.them 10 realize that While, w are satumting' ISouth- -f rn soil with the fcc'stjblood of Abe country in the name of Hertje, wc have Really parted To da;, we have in ihe crmn'riv th"e abuses of a nuli'tary die:. Vit a, without its -unity of Action and vigorxfr ekecut oq. A t iidmin .iotratiou msrk,ed at home by Ji?ieg uU" of c;iisttiifional right byj- its -Ti Nations of jersoual liberty ajid fthe liberty of the press, and. as a crovnin:r sWe, -by ls fljaud-n- mcnt of tlie right f:w-fiir,. a tight especially dear to )l me oaup anroKti .its course ' has bepn ch'arncterizei by a feshleness and want of principV which ha mis .ed European powers and' driven Hum to'a belief ihat on'y commerciixl iu:c:?sts and personal aims are ci.n ;arncd; and tla.t to great, principles aro inyolvd)l in the isuej .'i'hf adiirable con duct of the peoplej. thleir readinjess to make , every safiritice detoarlded of thm, their far bearance and sileccejun icr th, fcUrpcasiori f everything tha4cojild b ? si spetided. their many acts of herpiisi and safaificef, : were ilt rendered "fruirfe3Sby the incapacity, eiito speak more exactly. Jbj the-, j fe' sourj eds for which (he war; w3 managed. This incapacityj&nd selfishness natnrally produced such result; p.s led the European Powers, and logical' enough, ao the convic iion'that the Nortp, with jts greatly superior population, its inLm nso reyource nd its credit,. will never, b: a.le . to. recover the .South Sympathies which should ha e be:ti with us from the s'outset . of te war wer.tr . turned against usj a ad in thin j:ay the ;d Diinistration has d,on i the country a double xvrong abroad. 1 reated hostility, pr.at best indifference, I am one- those who would Lave been its friend?, if the real interest of .the people ' could:. pave teen bptter Mtnown, wnue at tne.i'amepujie, u negiecteu no oc casion for making tile Eao5thuniiliatin' con- cessions, Against this disastrous condition of a5air3 Ihe Cleveland Coti.v4nikm vt?,si& protest Th5 principles f which form the basis of its plattVrm have my unqualifitd and cordial approbation ; bu It cannot sol heartily con- cur in all the nisfesttres whieh you propo.-e. I do not believe" hat" coftfiseaji ion extended to the property of all rebels in practicable,. I nnd if it were so, of sound policy. belonging to the jpeple themselves to decide, and is a proper -deci sicn'for' jthe exercise of v their orginal ana sovereign authority. As a war measure,' fcf the beginning of , a revolt which might be queried Jby prompt severity. 1 understand the pdlicy of' confiscation, but not as a final measujre of reconstruction after the gyppressioa of in inurreotioa. - In the adjus mentis ; which are to follow peace no considerjitiona of irengeance can .consistently be admitted. ' - . The object of thejwar is to make perma nently secure the peace aed hjappiness cf the . whole country, ahd there was but.a ; single element in the wayjof its attainrnenU This i clement of slarcrv mav be considered practl- " c ally destroyed in (he country, and it needs ; 'only your proposed amendmjeut of the Con-' iuiuuou io ujase xs exunciion complete. With this extinct on of -slavery he partv divisions created by it have 'also disappear to. "And if in tlie history! of the eountry tHre has ever beei a time when the Ameri can people, without regard to one or anoth-' er f.the political divisions. were called upon to live BoJemnly their (voice in a matter whicli invoKed the safety! of the United .Ptatti, It is nureoly the present time- -on the part of the reprpsentattvespi ine peo le assembled at CIeaTdahd on -the 31st of fv T desire to express my- thsnks for the 7 II W '. ' f Old Serf eif Vol. V. - ' if (-he Convention at. lituimore win uwmi n&lH anyman whose past life justifies a weK grounded confidence in his -fidelity Jo pur cardinal principle there is no rpaso why there t-hould be any division among the real ly patriotic men of tlw country. ; , To aay such I shall te most happy to give a cordial and active support. - ' " ' ' . h 5!y own decided preference is to aid in this Tra-r- and net to be mvself a candidate,. ButafMr. tiDColn stoUldbere.-nominated, aij 1 bulieVe it would be fatal to the country to : endorse a policy and renew.- a po'wer: which. ha.3 cost us the lives of thousands of men, and needlessly put the country on the roal to bankruptcy, there will remain no alterna tive'huMo organize against hlnf every ele ment of coscienticu3 opposition; with the yieV ta prevent . the. misfortune of his re- election - ; ' . ' . .. k In this contiogenoy I accept the nannnrv VLnnrieve!andr and, as a preliminary. T$&mFUw& ftfcomihKstoir ai my. This was a EacriSce if gave me pain to mXke; but I had for a long time fruitless ly endeavored to obtain service. I make this 6 tcrifiee now only to regain ; liberty of gt-ecch, ami to leav? viothing in. iht way of 'discharging to m utmost ability the task you, have et for hie.; , ' J, With my earnest and sincere thanks for' your expressions of confidence5 -and regard, and for the many houorabb terms iu which you acquakit me wifh the action ef t he com- mitt&," lam gentiaraen, very respectfully, and truly yours, .t ".' . J. Fbemont. XrM I or If. i iitte 4 1864. - . .. , t x'.-re. Warthinfftou G. Suolhan. and i : " othrs opnnnitt,ev, tic. . , . r -, mat Grant Thinks .of Lec. Poor Burn side disa pointed Hooter .and amiable Mr. Meade, to s:iy nothing of pusilanimcius Ppe and'lttle :Mac,;.each undertook &u "On to Kicbmond." By the way, peace to his re'-", 'niafns we. had forgotten that "Old Mortali ty " -tJcott, who is now .poring over the min uieiL details of his immense operations at, Oerra riGoi do, forgetful of inino.r skirmithcij euch as'Chickaiiiduga-audtheWiideraesiS.once undertook by proxy, a similar job. Well, they all failed and reaped disgrace,1 where the y expected glory. 1 There was yet anoth er 6enr tl, however, willing to attempt, what his unfortunate-predecessors had, failed in and to' add anuther to the' long sacrificial list.4 of d-3?apit cited Yankee Generaliosimo3. Our 'readers kuowii that, he' is. 'none othev thaa General ".Grant, now. ou the (JhickahomL;y. but supposed tQ have ulterior designs;;on Fort ret .1 lor. roe. ' ' . Nevertheless, he diu not euier the list with out cov.-aling the cost. - As we learn frgtn .o'ue of tbi fepecil correspondents of he Ws3:icon"inironkie,-' of :"-Jui'fr U, wh whites 'from near his headquarters fr be it known that, as Achillea A ad hii omer, Ulvsses always has alenVi!s near Ms per Bon as 'm tic hertld of his renown." The.- said .correspondent'-"writes : General Grant gives J.e3 creM for his ability;, Not oace haaljc uudei valued bis wily foe. Brad dock laughed vfhn the young provincial of ticer advised 'hlft.. to a'iUr his European tactics,- tr nghtthc Iiidmns, after their own fashion. HoWj dearly he paid for hi deri-iou? The lee !er f oar Lcsis was acquainted with his f i'e. and v;ell Uiew all the ' qujeks and quirks' thu in him Iu.rkei. Wheu,: march ing by the" flank we sevr halted one night .wiiaout Ihcowing up strong eart h works. And when we fought them iii the woods our attacks were like iheir own sudden, quick, fierce, and acfcpnipaiiied with a 6avage yell. Iloidcris- Fr ench fr'p fi,r Soldiers. It IS. published to the world that W. -W. Holden, forthe fiit time-since the wa- began; actually gave a poor soldier, laet week, money enough Xo pay tor a dinner"! Until Jlolden became a self nominated candidate, he was never known to have jidod a poor soldier with a penny, although possessing wealth tothe ex tcnt cf a half million dolbirs; and even liow, wh"5i he is so anxious to obtain -votee, his charity 13 so. paltry, .he gave the brave and crippled soldier who ealled upon him, ouly money to pay lor a canner, and, then sent him away !. A3 if, thb poor soldier, would never wast another meal ! Can 'stinginess do less f And ycr, H olden claims to be a Sol dier's freind ! Sbldiers, and their friends at home, think of that ! Iredell Ixpress. . Pert Hudson tdvices to -the 7th inst., Ftate that the rebels have been making considera ble uomoiioctrations in that vicinity," but Gee, Ullman, commanding the frt, is pre wired for ;aoy c.!tack. Ihefe is also a report that the rebels have established a tlockade at a bend in the river, about twenty five miles above Fort De Uussey, and. in at tempt ing t pass the point, vre had in four days lost thsee. transports and two of the light mailed gunb ats. .The rebel-blockading force sis said to number 10,000. flewbern ( Yankee) Tir'tes. . Sdgel on .--Gri Tuesday night (a week befare Breckinridge whipped him.) Geni Sigel, according to th New York I'imcs, made a very remarkable speech in Martin, buf g, Va. He aid : The war has gone on three years, and it is a great disgrace to the North that, with all its superior.iy of men and money, the rebels have, not been con quered. : I am now here," where I was two 3 ears ago. Only think of .it ! . We march to-morrow to fight the greatest general of the age; the rebel Robert Lee " At this re qark the generals was greeted with hisses from intense; loyalists. He replifd, "..You may hiss, but he is a great General, although a rebel." . ;-' ' ".! . . ' Recapture of Gen TiMdeau. Gen Trudeau,? who has been for some time a prisoner on a iankee plantation id bt. James Parishwas .resetted bv a party of Confederate?, , who maie-a raid for that purpose. The General it-noil f n rout-e for Kiehoond. ' GOLDSB&RO'y ' C.;.'TUESDAY, JUNE Increased. Pay of GeneyaL OlEcers. . a The bill t"or increase ' the compensation of the General assigned to duty at Richmond, which elicited some' newspaper comment when it was under consid?ation iJtt the Senate has . undergone tome important changesl and af lcrigth passed both branches -of Congress sosmuch improved in form-that' its progenitors would not now recognize it as . one of their offspri-g. It Kas sent to the TlmisA Rome davs' affo. and by - that body -modified so as to include all $e Generals in the army.. The Senate suDsequentty aaciea some unimportant amendmeJits which, were yesterday concurred in by tk' House, : and; tVi hill now onlv awaits the president's sig nature to become a law. : Itrgrves a General ?:.(.n r,- month, a Lieutenait General $450, a MW General $400, andi Brigadier Gtn- erjil .SSaO. GeWals in fommand of an army to receiv $100 a" niofth in addition, I A.wi'M.-Ai-i.'tf ..thA fiftld S-0. 'AVeAlook I upon it as an aisir oi wuumr-mt r?a7fTF,,r;'' thus fo remember tuose.wno are.aany riK- ing their li?es in defence of .thet-ountry, and it will no doubt receive the popular approval. while it miaht have teemed iiiVicijoub jo nave ; ' nnffl,.or wlifisA - trood fortune it has i been to be assigned to duty at Ihe capital as a particular object of favor, however de serving he may be. . 1 ) The bill t o "increase the pay of soldiers was amended by the Senate eo as to make i ap plicable only to one year, instead of a per manent arrangement, and in that', form has jpassed 'both '-'.branches f Congress.- Rich vion'd Dtspulch, Slh inst. "' - - ' ; - . - ' ;.j - " ' . '-? '- Deserter Captured. Just befo the battle of Tryraoutb, Harrison Sawyer, belonging tof a North Carolina :re?imeut deserted to the 'CtiCV -All uvv. " -f c . f enemy. l leMetoay m'riiug bv our force? near Eotrom s Bridge. clad in full Yankee uniform nu gun .in uaim. uc . was commifed to Cakle Thunder to be tried. ' Pet. Express. ; ' ; -'' ' KEUgjt i ODGE K. 6 U 0.G'P O. F. WlI.tEAS, It has pieced 'the Supreme Ruler of- th-Univt-rse, to 'take -from onr beloved broker, j A. II. Langs om, w: Mz battling in his coJjAtry'p defence ; therefore le it , jRe.-iofved Isf, That while we hrmVjly yield to the orfpetisatinns of Divine Providence, we deeply Aiom-a the loss of our, esteemed brother. -Retolcedi JSidV That we deeply sympathize with his ber'sivt'd family and friends. R'jxlwi 3rd, -That the members of this Lodge ' wear the! uual badce f niournino; for thirty 4av3. I'c-olv&Hthy That the Secretary be; ord ired to - have these' fesolutioiis published iu the Siato Journal. ' .. . '""i J. P. KEMP: .) - S. D. PHILLIPS. Committec. W. G. M0R1SBY, ) Sl.l.OW-CITIZll! and feoliilertf of VVajne Ccnrt ty t The tijneis appro;u-.hin when you'V.il! buc,ilod pii to t5'y'jt y-at-Xttx msftetrsVUi repress. you in tlie.- next legislature., cinct:- 1 j?vo oeen one cf ypur repre.sentaties, thre has been an ; uirasttdl uum'lwr of sessions, a onsidera l'e quan- . tuy OiKjrisla'ive matter ire:.eot d fr deliberuii-. n. air.ong-ii whicii, some, of a pei-plexiu and com plicated 'a'ature, upon whic-h 1 hr.re etxepvoredto exercise Uiseretiun, and supprt s-ueh as' I beliey ed the eiiienciess of tlie -uiitry iemandecl. an i oppOFiri, jthose of an opposite tendency. I now re-, turn toycu m' sincere thanks fur '.lojiberal'sup-' port 1 rccetved from you at the ast election, nd if my public o. urse has" been of a nature to merit ybu? approbation, 1 request a reiu-sval of your. conP-d'-?u-e on the first Thursday in August next. There are new before you tvo candi'U tes for the office- of j Governor W. vi.. H olden. aud the present irvcum'nt. Z. B..' Vance. Tho former's politie-d antecedents -have-been siich cs to produce dissatis f;eiiOn ;:nd desertion among our soldiers and in duce the enemy to leliere thata large and ro spectatAe prtio.n of the ytnte was favorable to re unit n.or . re-construetion ; the evident tendency of which laE boen to protract the war and involve the -cofiiKry. in greaier difficulties Such a man. in' no contingency can I sustain by, my vote. Tlie latjler', his acts are bef.-re you, and have been endorsed by the Legislature, a&d blieyed to be ,sound upon the 'main issje before, the eountry. Between them 1 have no hesitancy in saying the , latter Will receive my support. 63 tf I v - . B. B. RIVES. . FOR! THE SLJEBIFFAIiTIE OP I CBAVEH TT7"E kre authorized toaunounce, that ALEXAN : VV DpR d LA 7HAM is a candidate for re-elec tion to the omce 01 Bherifi, in the .couniy of ("ra- vai. 5 if- To the Voters of Wayne County. IN response to the "solicitations of numerous friends. J hereby announce mvselt a candidate for the office of Sheriff. If elected J shall endeav or to discharge the duties of the office faithfully. 56-te . - DAVID MG'IvINNIE. For tho Legislature. B-a W3 are authorised to announce Col. JVf. i&K. CBA WFORD, as a candidate for re election fas-at in the House of, Common? ot -the nexfGer.eral Assembly of North Carolina, from Ivayne County. ' - 42-te.! .FOR TIIE LEGISLATURE. f1m'p We are authorized to an- nounce Uap t. Wm. R. Bass, at preen t commandiu Co., N. C. State Troops, "as a candidate for a seat in the Ilouse of Commons of the next General As sembly v:Non h Carolina, as a I representa tive of his fellow citizens, and brother soldiers of Wayne county. , . . April i8-.4 ... f 21tde . ?OE. THE LEGISLATURE. TTTE are authrmed to announce J. ZI. CAI20 as n candic'ats t represent Wavne county,-jn the House of Commons of tht next'Lecislature. 63 fit , - - . WH; G. MORISEY A T T O II N E Y A T L A W, 1 GOLDS BO HO N. C - . CgyOffice, first floor of the Court House, and bppbsite thai of the County Court Clerkv d-l-0m - ..v : j . ' ,.. , FOR THE -LEGISLATURE. SOLDIERS and FeUitv-Vitizem ot the County of H avne I take this mediod (fo'r want of an op-'. portunityto do, so verbally at present,) of an nouncing myself as a caiidite jfr a seat in -the House of Commons to yur next Legislature, hopinat to receive a liberal share of your fuffrages. I think it needless to mention my htical viewiw as I think my friends will rest satisfied that I will Use my bes-t'eff rts to attend toary matter that has a tendency .to add to theirs or the State's interest ind votes o keepsip amicable feelings, with th Confederacy on 'any reasonable terms if elected, eaiw - J. B. HATCH. . "r 14 ISGI;. JJeir Ser.ler, -No. 65.. ., f ' - MILITARY DIRECTOBY.', f- , y r j .pin?-.,; r.r. Field Oj.trs Brigade, Divisions, and Corp ofjhorth Carolina tiegwKnUi t Colosixs hXWTt CO 03TE3 Majors' ' l-IIam A Brwwn" 2Wm R Cox : as U Thurston . 4 Bryan Grimea 6 15 " . . 6Robt F. Webb " '7E6 Haywood J.N Harrelt L C Latham , Dan w Hartt W TKnnett . W N Stallinss Wm M Paiyslesy j&9 a w..oa a John W Lea" i SMcDTsto ? , E A Osborpd s . n j am p ' i ' .' y.- Vi W L Davidson J JfcL Turner 8 Jas M Whifon JR Murchion it a carrier- ;: 9 Win 11 Cheek 10 SDPbol ' '- A! i. - Wm J Martin 12 H E Coleman 13JHHyman ' 14 RT Bennett . 15 Vm MRae L 16lvui AStowe 17 IFm F Martin JfllCowles, fTho- Sparrow Uas ReirUy, ::; HTGuioai FW Bird - v: W 8 Davis ' J- Robt Allston . . E B IV ithers H A Rogers W A Johnston I J 11 Lambeth W Yarborough G w Hammond A S t;iouu J C Lamb .- T H Sharpe e . TJ H'ooten - 18 John'D Barry , IJ W McGill . 2J 21 19 C M Andrews W G Rotinson TFP Roberts 'iThOs F Toon John S Brcoks Wm S Rankin H'JPfohl 'Ctafa&rfaft' TI) Lve . IF S Grady " 24 Wm J Clarke- John ttHarris H M Rotledge' John Lane Sam C.Bryson G F Trhitfieid 26 J T Adams . J A Gilmer, jr LTos C Webb , ' ,28 Sam t Lowe W H A Speer BiicJProttit S N Stow' 29iW R Cr ear-man 30 F'M P.irker J V Jordan : 31 Chas.W Knight JAP McKay 32 E C Brabble I G Co-Ani R V Cowan . U i Lewis 1 J H Saunders PL Twi.tr 33!(J M Atery 34 W.i fjowranc- G T Gordon Si 3c John G Jones J T -Johnston . S B Taylor,,, ,' WniLamb . W M Bsrbour Win J Hcke D Coleman , John D 'I aylor Wm GMorrw ' 1 t-l fcteven8on 37 J LBost , G 1 Flowers - 38 39 41) John Ahford ; F.v Reynolds Georp-Tait; " A M Wendell C w Bradshaw - '- - , , . ' If A Holland. Roy-er iloore Joh n J Hedrick 41 John A Baker John K Brown 42 '43, TJ Brown . Thos S KeenanjWm G Lewis T G Siiigletary T L Hargrovfii ' iy J Boffain ' 44 45 C MStedrnan -T McGefe Smith NJVicK JcJSTeill 11 tyyt J R Winston 46 W L cf.nnders. A CMeAi:str a a mu 47 G H Faribault ; Arch D Crudnp Wm II Jones ' 481S H'Walkup ' 49 L McAffee 5d'Ge. Wortham 51iHMcKethan 'i ' --53iWm A' Owens J A Flem'n V Jarnes T Davis J : Vahhook v CBHolwon M A Psrkes J R .AfeDonald Jas A Rogers' N7T iVIorVhePd 54K R Murehison Anderson Ellis 55 Jno K ConnaHy A H Belo Sfi'Pau- F Faion GGLuke ' 57,Arch C Go lwin!II C Jones Jno TT Graham Ja A Craise 5S 60 ,! 62 Jolin B Palmer t J Dula . v D . I Ferrebee;Ed Cantwell Jas M Jlfavo Jas T Huff- W M Hnrdv J T Weaver Jas D Kadcliffe WSPevane G W Clayton rienry Harding Tas H JticNeill f C Jones ; SBEvims 641 li M Alltn IF N Garrett AHBaird. Co W 67 Gsors-e N Folk John J Spann Olem G iFrisht .VP Moore J H Sethercutt Jno N Whitford R W irharton Ed JFhitford 8 Uas W Hintot :. 'EC Yellowly The Fir:-t Battalion '(Heavy' Artillery) is comsanded by Maj Alexander Macllae; The First Battalion Sharp Shooters by Cspt R 12 Wilsja ; The Second Battalion ( Infantry V by Major jarnes .) Iredell, 53d .Regiment; The. Third Battalion (Light Artillery) by Major. ,Jahtt-W3Iqore;jrheTnth Battalion by Maj : W h loang; ihe Twellth Battalion by Capt J o; Chelry ; The'ThirteenihBattalio'nLiht Artillery) by'Lieut Col Jbserh B Starr ; The Fourteenth Battalion' (Cavalry) by"'Lleut Col J Ii Henry-? The Fifteenth : Battalion (Cav alry) by Lieut Col i 31 W nn ; The Sixteenth Battalion (Cavalry) by Maj JaipesC McRae; ! Thonias' Legion consists of a Regiment and; a Battalion and is commanded by Col Wm II Thomas. , ; . ; j The 1st and 3d Regiments are in Stewart's: Brigade, Johnson's Division, Ewell's corpsl I . The 2d. 4th, 14th and 30th are in 'llam seur's Biisade. Rodes' Division EweH's corps. The.oth, 12Jh, .20ih and 23d are in John ston's Brigade, Rodes' Division, Ewell's corps. The nth, 21st. 54th and o7th and 1st Bat-; talion ShaTp shooters are in Hoke' Brigade corps.; with this Whiting's Division Beauregarjd Ihe Ida Kegimentas temporal Brigade. . ' . t , - ' The 7th, 18th, 28th; 83d and 37th are in Lane Brigade, -Wilcox's Division, Hill's CGrpS.."' ' . '.;-"';."-;! ;The 8th, 5" 1st, 51st and Gist. are in Cling, man's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Beaure gard's corps. . y ' y t,h, 1 y t h, &wth aad b3d are in BiiTringers igade, Hampton's Division; Stewart's corps' Brigade The i'lh, 2:ih, 44lh.' 47th and 52d are in Kirk land's Brigade, II eth's Division, Hill's corps. -' ' ' : :. "" ' The 13lh, 16th, 22d, 34th and 38th are In Scales', Brigade, Wilcox1 Division, Kill's corps. - - ' ' .. The 15th, 27th, 46th and 48th are in Cooke's " Brigade, Heth a Division, Hill's corps; --.-''.-.' 1 ; : .. . I"- ' - ::The 1 7th. 43d, 501 h and 6Gth are in Mar tin's brigade, Whiting's Divisicn, Beaure. gard's corps. '-' V: - " ' f - -:s The t2:th,2oth. 35th, 40th and 56th are in "Ransom's Brigade, Pickett's Division, Beau reffard's Corps - ' The 29h is in Eeton's Brigade, -French's Division, Polk's 'corps. ; The S.'d, 43d, 45th J 53d and, 2d Battalion j ire in. Grimes Brigkde, R ode's Division, . Ewell's corps. ' . - I ! The 36th and 40th are in Herbert's Briirade, 1 pointing's Birision, Beauregard's corps , J Ihe oyth is in McNair s Brigade, French s Division, Polk's corps. The ooth is iu Dabs' 'Brigade, Ileth's Di vision, Hiirs corps ; ' t ' I The 58th and' 60th are in Reynold's Brig ade Stevenson's Division. . - The 10th, 41st, 62d, 64th, 65th, 67th and 68th are not brigadod. . . 'j 5 ? I Post Quartermaster's Office,) . i1 " M GiLDSboro', Si. April 23,1864. UNLESS otherwise specially directed, Agents in charge of Depots; collecting Tax in Kind, will transfer toUie Supi'ly Officer of the Subsistence Department, ail articles which may be exclusively ifiubstftence fjtre8.(exqppt Rye,J and tnose rti-' cles which are both Commissary and Qutrrnas :ter Stores may tranferred "tot he Commissary or Q'jarternrat-r who fim applie.i for them witr the means of transiTtation to remove'them- They can reserved foi- neither. '- ? This notice mnst n-tfiax the. efforts of Agents in colleciing and forwarding produce to the, near- , i est magazine of supplies, when opportun itjs offers. ', V Produce most, only be- deliver ed fr-m Depots, on orders iff . Bonded. Offleers,' their' Agents re ceipting for same at the the time f transfer. ' : Prodacers must deliver their old crops before 'tha several new crops come ip. : - J. A BjVAN, Caf t 4 P. Q. M-V -SWtf . , . M Coa Dirt,. & : EATE3 OF ADV.ERTISING ADVERTISEMENTS' .will be inserted a these Dollars per square of ten lines' fcir lessfdr each insertion. -1 Marriage notices '4 .1 as d Obituaries will be charged as advertiit--1 i znents . . ' ."'vi-i,-;- JOB WORK of every descHptionh irillt ijii executed at this office' with dispatch', i-andfi:i neat &9 can be done in -the Souihern Confede ; eracy. , -r OFFICE OP COMMISSIONERS OF APPRAISE- IN addition to Schedule of date April 12th, IgCV the following fhalt be observed as the price for ! v pasturage, impressed1 for the use of ..the ..tiovetti . moot;: - . ' . . . f- : - I, - ' Pasturage, 1st auality. near town. ter head. A 4 . - per month, . ':-J. s $100O;,3. Pasturase,;9mmofi,;near town, per head,: -i per inomn, - - Pasturage, lstquality, in the country, per m V ' head, per month, 1 . V 9 00' Pastarage,- commpn, in, the. country," per'f'-- -' - heai. per month, ' i ,. w6'00 : The nttention ot Im jpressing OfBcors is especialV , ly called to General Orders, Is'o. 37, from the Ad- ' jutantand In-nector General's Officef of the fcthi of April, 1864,: with: tf e hope that they will be strictly ' -', observed, , ' ; t R. V.;bLa KSTOCK.; I 03 A BOX. . $30 A DOZENS j ? I7.OR THIRTY DOLLARS, a dozen bote ' - l of . the " SOUTHERN1 ; HEPAflC JfA L0 'w ill be lent prepaid to any addrss. r'z I i as good only .for LIVER DISEASES. ' lis ; ,t correspondents say that they cure AJhi Us ana Ijv Tv. ' 'I'! : ! xevers. iyupepsia, roeumoma; norms. J aundice, Bilious Rheumatism, Bilious ver &C, &c. -v"." f: - V?. ''';n. U' : e'j..' l-t.i . More than 500 persons are known lo hatei been cured by them. V; '-, , v ' j tkT More than 3Utr boxes nave been ordered by Druggists in one day. t p - , f Of the thousands . who hare otsed them, the proprietor has jnot heard of tllree , , upon whom they die not produce the desired -. effect. They are '. a' safe femdy medicin,'- ' Gentlemen certify -that they have saved . hundreds of dollars annually in- Doctor'i . '.bills'. in' the use of these'Pills. ;-" ?'-;'; ; V j 1 j , . Oertificates and directions accompany eacli ' ' box.-: ; y ' ; t - '-" ' : " V ' ':v : '- ' Those who desire' less than a dozen bejxes' must apply to the Druggists.. Large Hi-V, count to Druggists. Cash to accompanyor ders. 5 , , GEORGE DEEMS, i d 2 tf I f M-r -a.J Al A A fc. j 3 Goldsboro'-,N. Q. Office A. fe JfC. R. H,Co, v .., Golds boru. May 5", 1864K. : mHE annual meetinsrof the Stockholders o the JL Atlantic and North Carolina Bail Road Com pa ny will be held in the town of -GoldsboroJ on Thursday,- June 30th, 1864- ' , . , - , - at j --' 53-td- J. CICERO JUSTICE, &cf jr. i ' .Progress copy td. ' ' :'"y -'--'1-'.- '' i- fv AD0LPH C0HN,' Wholesale Tobacco? Hoi AND GO L DSBokoV N. C, V )..';. BGk- All orders promptly attended toil i'J tim -v B. i v GENERAL iDIBECTORY. GOVERNMENT OE TIE CONFEDERkTE ;',.- STATES. ' jErrKRSos Davis of "Mississippi, Presi-l' dent, salar $25,000. ' ; Alexander'' II. Stephens, of Georgia, Vice President,-- salary,; 8,000. r , i J ;t : Aids to the President Col Wm ,M Brojrney of Georgia; ( ol James ChestDut,of S Cl Col Wm P Johnston; ef Ky.V Col J : C lieijr- of Miss, Col G W G Lee, of Va, Col John T 'Wood. ,' - - ) - - V -V,-:;,. .:.-;;;.) 1 Pr ivate Secretary to th ? President. Bur ; on; H Harrison, of Jlissl , ' Department of J uslice - Attorney G etiieral, George I)avis, of N C, i Wade Keves, oflAla. Assistant Attorney G eneral 11 II R hides, of;Miss, Commicsioner of Patents. GW K Nelson, of - Ga, Superintende'it ' of Public Printing. R M Smith, Public Printer! If , War Department'-3 ames A Sedd n, of Va Secretary of War.. Judge John A Campbell Assistant Secretary' of War. RjG H Kean Chief BeVeau of War Gen S Cooper, .Adjutant aod Inspector General. Lt Co) Jno JWi htrs, U Col H L Clay, Maj E A Palfrtfyi Maj ChasH Lee, Ala S W Mel ton and j Capt. Reily, Assistant Adjutants; and, Inspectors General. Brig Gen AV R Lawton: - of !Ga, Quartermaster-General ' Col L B Northrop,1 of S X "Cbnimissary G eneral ; Col J G "frgas,, Chief of Ordnance. S Pjtf ooreM DJ Sm ; geon General. C H Smith M D, AsktiSurg. Treasury Department O G Merniner of S C. Secretary of the Treasury. Robert Ty.- ier. ivegister. .Jb, u tintore Ireasureri j yj hi Strother, of Va; Chief Clerk; Lewis Cniger, of S C. Comptroller. B Baker, of Fa, 1st Auditor. W US Taylor, of La,2d Auditor, r-'-'J'avp Department & R Malloirv, of Plorida I secretary of t he Navy. E M Tjmball j Chief j Clerk. Com Jno M Broole, Chief of Ord nance . Com A B Fairfax, Inspector of Ord - nance. 'Com J K Mitchell, in clvaEgeof Or . ders and Detail;; Surgeon WlA'W Jspots wood, Cliief ofMedicineand SurgeryJ Pay master J DeBreq, Chfef of Clothinfe and Pro visions.. ' "'; r; y .- " $ y. - :' ' y Post Office Deparirmmt 1 'o'hn H Reagan, of Texas, Postmaster-General. H. St. Geo. Offut; of Va., Chief Of Contract: Bureau. B N Clements, of Tenn, Chief of Appointdent Bureau. John L HarreH; of Ala, Cliief of Finance Bureau. B Fuller, of.N; ' CJ Chief Cha:y;:.yy Depar mmt of State Judah P; Berrjatuin, of La. Secretary, of -State. L Q Washmgton, Chief Clerk? JThe office of AssistantSecre- MILITARY DEPA IiTMENT. "S. D.'Pool, Colonel Commanding Posi; Thomas H. AUen, Adjutant Henry C- Tool, Sergeant Major. Maj W, W, Morrison, Dist. " Commissary Capf. Jacob iu i(oose, Post Coimissarly. v Capf.-Joh n F Divine", Post Qdartcr Master. CaptAj.: B..Gnswold, Provost MarstlL i ' Capt. J, At. Bryan, Post Q. M., Tax ih kind. Capt. A,:F; Sfalle4t; DisV . Enrolling pftcer Lieut. T J. Wilson, County EnYolIinglpffi ; O. Ai White, Surg: & Ch'm Ex. Boar. W.-H. Hodnett. Ass t. Surceon. ' P. . iL ; C. l z I- . .v t - - . . f.. ' . 1 j 4. '