7" mxir. -tTTTr-cTTT v TT? a Tffsnw.TPT-MESSENGER, VrsCEMBEB 19, 1884.DOUBnETSHBET; f llli VV 1 -1 J. NWAV GOmSBOIlO, x. c. FR ID A Y, - - - DECEMBER 19, 1884. Bead tl-.o nf-wt advert isomeut of Messrs. Hood, liritt .'"& Hall in this paper. V. Mr J. T. EdmuudsoTuoiTers a fall of Christmas goods. See ad- supply vevH-virffc. - it. . ' - - "ne f holiday brood's , display ?,t - -Castex & Co s., A arc on '.-.ta!!!sli!iivat. Tl.A ,-..... '". rayne Inferior . 1 : lilt HI.At IT I tii Ut II -Court .-.will' be held eomru ueing me 12th of January next. . - San.ta Clans headquarterr. at Tiu htk r tSc Kern's. For further - par- , thoihi rs see ailvr-rtix'TiU'Tit. .- : . ! -The Board ot 3 i rectors of the j "Eastern ' I u;ii;e Asylum will meet iu j this c-iry oh Thur-day the 1st of-'Jan--j nary. - ... ; ' '--Wilson; 'Mirror ::. Joseph us Daniels delivers the literary atidress at the closing exercises of Mr. Euro's school, at liiaek C'ret.-k, on Fndity. Vtb 'send the weekly edition to. the' :-ubserib-rs of our serni-weekly tiiis ".v;M-k. We ovpe.-t to resume .-both editions next w eek as of dd. ; : -Th' seriel story 'which -lias' been . ymmhijr in -.lino. M kssexuek for some , "vi-eks is tins V;e-k resumed just -where it left off the week before the fire. -Me S. Kiiistein & Co., offer liargains 'ii,' 'goods rescured from the lire. Tiiev aIo vail -noon all indebted To tin ir firm to c, orwan1 nd tav i "!' -: ; ."-; .:;:. ; ;;. - .. Dr. M. E. liobiiison h;is bouglit -out Dr. Jatues Spieet's 'interest in the drur -business, ivud now conducts same'-' in his own name mux -in the Opera ; Tlouse cor-'ier.- : ' - - :- ; Mrs. J, ."5; Lanier, a most excellent j christian 1-t'd-y, estceuu-d and highly respected by all l.io "krsew her, died j at the reside ntie of her husband Mr. Jese J. Lanier, at Mount Olive, oil : the blh :nst. --The i,r..-i':s .f the First 'TJegiinen't vm ! :tt Tmi b.r' and eleefed John W, -Cottoti,: Coloritd:. Isaac A . Su'Lrg, of Cret-n vi lie. '-"Lieutenant Colonel, and Lieutenant, M. 1. AVillianison, of Tar i " I)Oi i, Jia i .r. -.-. - .-. Tise fourteenth semi-annual con vention of the"Sufh-Ea-;tern Amateur 'I'ess Assoc i 'i t ! n , ,herex f ore a h uouii c- d to 1 . ie'il ( :o!'l si toro. on 1 he. : 17th, has ! : !! p-i poried Ui'.ti! the HOth of Decent ui-r. . . : ' . ':; . : The Board of Trustees of David son College will iiieet in. Ciiarlo'tteoii" v eilnesuay to elect a .the i 1 !!s of Febru irv next. President a 'Professor of nd to 'transact' niav re'.rularlv ( I reek a nd ( i Crinau, udv oflser bus;ne--s ms emue "bi-iore "the" Hoard. Our --.shn.efeV. thank a re 1'l.e t!'.-- nui hav KlU! xten 1 iiui!: w:osince tin n re tokens .i v-nipat !iy'. ;tud fro.m lUre ir ill- Hi! t ciasse i, en co i;r-: a !; iit ail! s-ubstan.tiai aid in the !)!OUeV.. I m-V r. !. will e yes! i ) c- ':.: ;:'.. I ! Mr,--', !:-: ' 1 l.."!.1. : i ! .7i ii'.-. .:,' -At .-es s..'..l in !.;e ioiiov.S!ir NeiV V.-rk "..r:iiiu: 1-'.! J:i:,uary.lL- 1 'I.'.1-' 1 ! 'lie; e1Mf-2P,;n.- !!:d:Jcr'A i i Ui!e T... 1 ! 5, c: ..Tune 3 : .4; !:-'- ' l.iTlll.c: '-.'Auiru-st' .-ie..:!)' ? 1 !.:;.' .; 1 1.- meeting or 1 V h'e-Stor ,1-1 , loiders 1 of the E!chnion(. tc i -nn ville UailrOad. hel t in J k' ich uioiK ! on We;1 iiesday , 1 )e ceini.er p), A. S. Buford war re elected jPresi.Ieni. an-1 the Board of In'rectors increase to twelve. Col. Bu ford's election as President was nn ticipated, as Ik- is not only the right man,- but the- be.-t man in the right place... " Tiie eiiufiVsion since the fire has prevented )itr sending out mr annual subscription si ateiiient s. We com mence ttonfg so this week and expect prompt resoonse. Our present cir cumstances compel us to come down to j -. . . . i i i . . . - - 1 ..:n .. 4. a smelly casn ousiiiess, aun 11 m noi be in on r po we r t o ind u 1 ge. A 11 su b scriyti( ms for this year must le made by the doth of January or the paper will be discontinued. '" One night in X)ctober l:it, fhe residence f-; K.r . Jones, six miles pUp of "Xinas dinner,"-and when the from Raleigh",- was destroyed by ir' " hunters return we expect many; of our the faintly 1 a rely escaping from the . citizens, .the immediate friend's of the flames. Last week Sarah Ami Den- , hunters, will have a treat. 11 is, who at the time of the fire was a I , , , , servant in Tones' enrplov, was arrest- -' "A- concert tableaux, for the benefit ed 011 the charge -f having set fire to i of th "ew church, will be given at the -the house, rind confessed the crime. Opera House by the young people ol She hud stolen silverware and jewelry - the Methouist Sunday-school on the and proposed to hide hei crime by 'nmg; of the 23d, As the enter--onlia. 'ration. The discovery of stolen : tainment of their audience 15 the stnn iewelry on her possession ded to her 1 lus to their, efforts, we bespeak for 'ITest i Governor .Taous has .. -.considered :' tlie (piesiioii of (c, deling an t'-ii ( t i o n . t iill the v.! rincy to iakeplace on the, :H)!h in the oth district, causi .1 by the re si gnat ion Congres-1,1 in . i i :i . A . M. Scales as The rpvertidr will iike- 1 V issue his pr. n-.a ni : ! ion ;i :a; writ of eleclii;r otv the -ilsr in-t.. on .1, ring ihi eiec! io;i in Le !, eld e i t heron ;' the 'oth of .' :. n i.-; ry. v Tip 'Jiith of .!;ii:::,itv:. more, dike! !urs lav. Hie bit- t . r date. The ; 1. iss(aMl4'efi.re,; h-. t In Go niiM-, v.- v: i.-iii!:.tion w 1 1 1 pot -1.1 I've - opinion of alley exists upi.ni WiHC"il itist. lie C i!i act lint ilafts-r il ic ; -. a . -; A. B oyer .'.1 ;-V, .. Atiur. "SaTiir'd'fiv . s eanie back ifoin a C-. "Railroad.. tin u- U X.: T T . IP- went y-i' t . i-n; 11 1 liru Sadsbury to the mouth hala rive;-, twenty miles le.-te-:. Swain ci.nnty. or the Xanta- : L leyoinl v. tiar- L-'tst week the slip ill. ;' eieet ion of Oilieet s of tins. road was iield at Salisimry, all the o';d o;!ic- ers being ve-eleeted. as follows : Presi tierit. Co!. A . B . And rews; first vice president. Frank Coxe: second vice president, CoJ. liiyes: superintendent, j, V. Mcle":r-ecretary and treasurer, j (r. I'. Erwin: triiief t-ngineer," -C W. . Wilson.,-;; ;-.;.-;; ..v'v. " . Xext week i "iiris'nias week, j Happy, glorioiis "Christmas time ! With "j all thv pleasant , iocs, with all thv j gentle memories of tiie past, mankind hails thee as the-season of seasons ! When thou cotnest the - heart of the young leaps with, joys and the old re new their youth 111 the sunny gladness -of childhood, : and in their mind's eye review the joyous scenes m which, in years gone by, they themselves were the chief actors -.! . The universality of the observance of Christmas, so far as : its social- features are concerned, is oinetinng very remarkable. Begin- .! mug wit u tiie ir iogcu. trie oni norm men, following: the green, glittering fir tree of the Germans, the festival Las extended " its swav over all the civilized Vvorld, bringing all nations, i all creeds, under its gentle swav The noblest trait of human natui-e that : . of .bestowing, pleasure upon others -is ; calle-t ui'o piny 1 y it 1 iig!i or low, ricu or i.oor, sock out, some g'tt that may give 'pleasure to loved ones, the grateful smile, the hand's warm press ure, or the more loving salutation of the lips, is ample compeusn tion for all trouble, or anxiety experienced in selecting the token.- In looking for the place to buy these, consult the ad vertising pages of "this paper. Santa Clans is coming and has sent his baggage u head, which is be ing unpacked by-our "..merchants, and embraces every "article the big or little folks can cu.ll for. . . Mr. Henry Flowers, of the AbelPg section in" Johnston county, sends his pubseTiition of ij.OO, and al&o50 cents in addition, which, I;e. says, he "con tributes as Ids donation towards rais-' ing; the MEvJ.sexcei:. from its ashes, hoping that -others of its 7, (XX) sub scribers will do likewise." The sin cerity by which' we know Mr.. Flowers is prompted induces us to accept the doaatiou and we take this method to thank him. kindly for the deep interest he raa-nifeets in the -Messenger. AVe are also tinder similar obligation to Mr. L. L. Iiiehard-xm of Johnston, who sends in $5.00 for which he refuses to accept credit on our booh.-:. ; ' - , I - GOLDSBOROJOTTINj3S. j,;rse;)al Mention a'I Hems of .Thcrsday n.-'t is Christmas. Rev. C II. AY.JV.r, D I., will .preach"'- in, the Presbyterian Church next Sunday mornicg. . ; The festival hall of the Baptist la dies is beautifully decorated with wreaths and garlands of evergreen and a profusion of flags. : ! v Mr. A. J. (Galloway. has been con- j fined to his bed by sickness. We are j pleased to learn that he is convales ceiit, and hope soon to see him out j -again.-'. The new folding-machine for the i Me.sskxuer has not yet arrived, but j it is;: on tlie roa-i, and we expect to 1 1 anu.vwiAiuS 3ru-.ve .i-it. T FI E ( old sbo 10 S k a t i r: or : Club r rp j Vsiiready inakihg preparations for a graml masqueraete carnival tiiat tuey intend triviug in their spacious ballon tlie '.'(ith current. : New Year calling will le done up in style by our young men this season, We learn that Mr. Pace, at Bennett's stables, is training a "four-in-hand" for the occasion. - : The festival of the Episcopal ladies, at the residence of Mrs. K. C. Free-1 man last Tuesday night, was well at- tended, and the receipts of the even- ing quite cheering. ; j hi. M. E. Hohixsox has purchased I f the interest of Dr. James Snicer in the L drug store heretofore owned by them j in - common.".. See dissolution notice elsewhere iu these columns. THE 'young men of our city have on foot a tony dance for some --night dur iiig Xmas week. It is intended to be made: a 'brilliant. -a (fair, and. of course, like all our 1 ihtes, it will be enjoya ble. ,.:v:."-;" ; .- -; :;. ' '".: We are srn-ry to know that Mayor Calick h;)s aiain been prostrated from the eiTects iit h'is old war wounds. He is suff-ring with them verv inuch. His in;: v.y reiie'. . iiiends here wisii "-him speedy The lenutifiil display of pretty Xmas cards and handsome as well as useful books, for holiday presents, at the Messenger .book store, - reflects credit !!.? m tlie taste of -its new pro oriei.Sr, J. 1. Whitaker. Jr. OrR M li. B W. Ciriij'.iretnrh'ed home last. Wednesday,' the 'first time he lias been here since the lite, and spent the day in .viewing the scene '-where all his worloiv oosessious He in ashes. in the (teinis ing. V 1 T .of. the old Messenger buiid- - ! -ii n A. : Fl.ETOHER, tlie courteous 1 vouug machinest from the Campbell Yw. ,o,., v r. ;-vr v,v.v ! Ari.o b. lool- chM.-rH f iht .trn.! i tion of miriipw to-pss is n. rnOiil jitkI I expert workman, and seems to have a thoroug-li knowledge of even the most intricate working-R of the prt.ss. The new steann-power Messenger press is' now" run by a 12-horse power en gi ne, i n lieu of the 4-horse power engine in use before the fire. This large engine has been put in by Mr. Bomtz in order to increase the capac ity tor work in the job ohice, several 0f the presses in which will be run by L steam. A large party of gentlemen has been made up from this city to start on Monday morning early for the "Islands," on a big deer hunt, ; Veni son j s a verv n i ee feat ure.i n t h e make- uieni it iiuenu p;itrouage. vuniission, 50 cents : 'jhildren; 25 cents. John Slaughter, Jr., has returned from doing business in Tvinston, and will in future have exclusive. charge ,o: 1 he tin .and roofing business of Siaugh-7 t.-r Co. in this city, he having bought out the company's '.'".interest.: We are always glad to see our city bo;, s, after experimenting in business else where v return again to their first io -. . -: .- " .-; . - iL-'.v. Mr. FTarrIsh the; new minister ;f tiie Methodist con gregatiori of . this city will be unable to get here for Srn (lay next, hence there will be no morn iug service in St. Paul's: but ir is ex pected that the; Presbyterian divine; Rev. C. H. Wiiey, I). D.; will preach in the church on Sunday night, at which time there will be; a meeting of the. Wayne County Bible Society. The arrival of the 12 o'clock night train from the South these nights is attended with a pandemonium, as it v.-ere, that is impossible to be de scribed. Hundreds of darke'vs, re turning on each train from the tur pentine regions of the South, are met here and hilariously greeted by hun dreds of their dusky friends here a n d , also , iik e wise r t h ey a re met by others v.ho are not dusky, but who are well come' out . and observe their proceedings.: The turkey coops of three of our citizens were visited by thieves last Monday night and robbed of their contents. This: house-breaking and turkey and chicken stealing is an every winter occurrence, and yet in no instance have any of the offenders been taken of overtaken in the of fence. Would it not be well for our Citv Fathers to employ a secret detec tive, known onlv to the Board and the members of the police, and see if ho could not accomplish something. They might try the experiment for a month or so. The pantry of our young towns man, Mr. W. G. Burkhead, was bro ken into last Monday night and rifled of all its contents of eatables, consist ing of flour, sugar, coffee, meal, meat, eggs, lard,, etc. It was one of the most daring burglaries we have ever known in our city, for not only were the perpetrators daring in bavin g to break their- way into the pantry through an outside window, but they actually had a cart with which they hauled their plunder away. No clue to the villains as yet. A Davis Sewing Machine would make a nice -Christmas present for your wife. Call on M. E. Castex & Co. We regret to learn that Titus,' tlie oldest sonof Sheriff Luby Harper, of Greene county, is -quite sick with typhoid fever. We hope he may soon be convalescent. Mr. B. M. Privett, one of Ool.-ls-boro's steady and trustworthy business men, has bought of WT. F. Kornegay, Esq., the three-story building, which he now occupies. ' Me. J. B. Whitaker. Jr., is now th e proprietor of the "Messenger book store," in the opera house building. We bespeak for him 'a" liberal share of patronage. Mr. -Whitaker will ' give the business his entire attention, and keep a first-class stock of everything in his line. Mr. T. A. Granger, the manager of the Tanner & Delany Engine Compa ny, now has his omee on the second floor in the Weil building. We are glad to state in this connection that Mr, Granger is recovering from his inj iries received in a fall while on the railroad some months ago. We hope he will soon be himself again, Our voung brother of the quill. Mr.' Ed. A. Oldham, of the Winston Senti yjZ, was last week united in the holy bond of matrimony to Miss Maggie Andrews, oldest danghter of Rev. C. C. Andrews. "in Freemason Streel Pres byterian church, in Norfolk, Va. The M essenger extends its sincerest con gratulations and good wishes to the happy young couple. We are requested by Mayor Gulick to call a meeting of our citizens at the Court House r.ext. 1V1 ondav ni-ht to aiseuss tne question or water worics, We urge a large attendance "it the meeting, and we hope those who are posted on water works will come pre pared to .'-address , the assemblage on the great advantages to be derived from the establishment of water works 4 in our city. Mr. J. B. Garriss, who has long been a sufferer with inflammatory rheu matism, died at his home in Webb- ! town from the effects of his disease last Saturday morning. Mr. Gairiss was a native of Pitt county, where his body wastakenfor burial." Hemoved to this city about a year ago, to give his children the advantage of our ex- yflt graded school. To Ids sorrow- g mujiiy y.y eA.euuour sjmpuuiy in tneir saa-visitation. : A TjEtter received from Mr.' John H. Kobb. the manager of the Gus Williams Compan repels with indig nation the report that the swindler, W. B. Tyler was or had ever been a member of said company. The fellow, it seems, had travelled on the same tram with the troupe from Wilming ton to this place and from here to Norfolk, and perhaps this gave rise to the report. As the proprietor of the Opera House here, we can testify to the fact that Tyler had no connection with the Gus Williams Company what soever. " 0vr Chief of Police. Mr. J. K. Hurst, returned from Norfolk last Monda' evening, bringing with him the man Taylor, whom he' went, to cap ture, for the fraud, perpetrated upon Mr. Smith, Former's agent in this city. Taylor is now in jail here awaiting the arrival of Mr. Portlier from A lexan dria, v.ho has been telegraphed for to establish the fact that Tavior is not in ,1IS en,IU() -"V iiuis.1 -p.eaK.s m iiign praise or hands of ins kind reception at tne R 61 landv Chief of the -Norfolk r-oliee, and of II Smith of the Portsmouth oolice. . . . . . , Ox AV ednesday morning, at Mb Olive, the home of the bride, Mr. J. H SimiUs, of Mobile, Ala., led to the hymenial altar Miss Daisy Flowers, daughter of our esteemed county man, Dr. S. B. Flowers, the Be v. Mr. Groom officiating. The ceremony took place in the Methodist Church at Mt. Olive, and was witnessed by a large concourse of the friends of the contracting parties. The happy young couple passed through this city en route for Mobile, their home. The Messenger tenders its congratula tions and good wishes, Gus W ILLIAMS, in his first appear ance upon the boards of the Messenger Opera House last Thursday night, as John Mishler,"Oneof the Finest,"has made himself a favorite with the theatre-going people of Goldsboro, and a simple announcement of his appear ance here again will be all that is nec essary in the future to draw a house full to hear him. He and his compa ny are fully up to the brilliant reputa tion they have won throughout the country. They are strictly first-class, and can always count on drawing a large audience whenever they appear here. ' Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, near this city, on Wednesday evening, at S o'clock, the Rev, Dr. W. M. Robey officiating. Miss Annie -M., only daughter of Mr. and M rs , A . 15. Thompson, to Dr. Hd. ( i . Moore, of Toisnet , X. C. The niarriage vows were plighted in the presence of a large :'ssemblage of friends ; after which a liountiful sup per was partaken of by -the invited guesis of the "occasion. The bridal presents were many and ; beautiful. The; happy couple leave fer Toisnot, the home of the groom, to-day. They take witli them the sincerest wishes of the Messenger that a long life of ha)piness and prosperity may be theirs. . Died at his home in this city on Thursday last, after a brief illness of Pneumonia, Mr." N. B. ijtanly, in the 59th' year o his age. His funeral took place from the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, attend ed by the members of the various se cret societies of which he was a mem ber and by a large concourse of our citi zens of both colors, friends of the de ceased. He leaves a wife and several children, all of whom are grown, to mourn his loss. He was ever an affec tionate husband and father, and in the discharge of his duties as under taker he always had a kind word of consolation for the sorrowing ones whose dead he was laying away. To his bereaved family we tender our sincere sympathy in their sad visita tion. Boy, Cigarette, Cotton, Fire. The above shows our reasons; for selling our entire stock of goods at and below cost, ; f . Son. Einstein A Co. - 10 Gkdlons Fresh : Norfolk Oj-gters at Edmundson's every day at 35 cents per quart.- " f FisiiEit Up axd Burn Again! Our clothing are Mascots and in price we can '.paralyze any other ..merchant. Sol. Einstein & Co. Fancy Christmas Cards, all styles, at t (Jhifkin liaos. :50 Boxes Florida Oranges, ,25' Barrels of Apples, Boxes of l:iisiiis, 25 Boxes of Fire Crackers, H'oo pounds of Candy, just rtceived at Jno. T. Edmcndson's. f The PKorosED Water WoiiKS.-Tliis is your last chance to buy cheap, tire goods. Xo more tires. t Sol. Einstein S: Co. My Candy Factory is in full operation for the Holiday' trade. If you will eat candy eat pure candy. : : .'". 1 Jxo. T. Edmuxdson. KINSTON ITEMS. Paragraphs byOur'Kegular Re porter. Our warmest congratulations. to the Messenger. It has been for some time "the missing lmk," : and thou sands of us are happy again. May it ever prosper, and never pass through another "fiery odeal." When will the Messenger be put again! has been the constant greeting since the burning. . Dr. Lewis, Principal of Kinston Col lege, has been sick for several days. Hope he may be at his post by the tim e this appears in- print. - Since our last communication we have had several deaths and one as signment, and by the next appearance "Madame Ji nraor" and Mr, Honor both say there will have been several mar riages, and, as to babies, they are too numerous to mention. Kinston is "now the cheapest place to buy anything you want we have ever seen, from a chew of tobacco up to a side show, and sometimes the cir cus is thrown in. The heirs of the R. W. King- estate have recently received a part of their legacies. .. The Misses Capitoler Grainger and Helen Brian are home from school to spend Christmas. We are indebted to Mrs, S, E. Hodges for a Thanksgiving turkey, and . to 31 rs.--' B. Frank Sutton for a Christmas gobbler. If the Messex'ger will come down we will "set 'em up." Mr. W. S. Edmond, of Richmond. Va., who has spent several winters m Newbern, is spending this winter in Kinston. Mr. William Shelburn, one" of North Carolina's most gifted artists and pho tographers, has again located with us, and is superbly fitted ur on the second floor of Mrs. H, F. Grainger's brick store. - ; - ' Mrs. Lucy J. Kennedy, wife of Jas. E." Kennedy, died at her home, six miles from Kinston, on the night of the loth, of internal causes. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her departure. C M. BUSliEE, KSQ., FOli SPEAKER. Eastern Carolina, Dec. 15,'SL We liope that our next Legislature will particularly f ake into considera tion the name of Mr. C. M. Busbee, as camlidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. All know his excel lent qualities ; he is the man for the place. Let no sectional bias be against him, for he is for tlie Old North State, in toto, and a rising man with conservative proclivities. He should be supported as a bright and shining, light1 of our genuine North Carolina Democracy. .Such a person as Nort ir Carolina. l5ves to honor. YlDIUS. NEWIJERX DISTRICT. first quarterly meetings. Morehead Station. Dec. 20, 21. Goldsboro Station, Dec. 27, 28. Wayne Circuit, at Salem, Jan. 3, 4. Goldsboro Circuit, at Carmel, Jan. 10, 11. La Grange Circuit, at La Grange, Jan. 17. 18. Snow Hill Circuit, at Rainbow, Jan. 2i.2o. .-. - ': Newbern Station, Jan. .'L Feb. 1. Kinston .Station, Feb. 7, 8. Lenoir Mission, at Woodiogton. Feb. !). 10. Mt. Olive Circuit, at Mt. Olive, Feb. 14, 15. Craven Circuit, at Lane's Chapel, Feb. 21, 22. Jones Circuit, at Lee's Chapel, Feb. 28, March 1. Carteret Circuit, at Newport, March 7,8. ' : " Neuse Mission, at Becton's, March 0,10. . Pamlico Circuit, at Stonewall,Maci 11, 15. ; . ... : T Beaufort Station, March 21, 221- Straits and Core Sound, at Spring field, March 28, 20. The District Stewards will meet at the District parsonage in Goldsboro. Feb. 4, at 11:30 a. m. They are T. A . Green, W. F. Kornegay, J. H. Barnes, N. M. Smith, J. J. Huggins, Thomas Sutton. W.-A. Darden, J. B. Webb, F. A. Whitaker, W. B. Pearce, S. W. Latham, D. McCain, Alex. Potter, W. Arrendell and William Steward. A full attendance is highly impor tant. J. E. Mann, P. E. Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 6, 1884. For Toys, Confectioneries, Fruits, &c, at 25 per cent, less than any other house in Goldsboro, go to Jxo. T. Edmundsox. Fuchtler & Kern keeps the largest line of Tovs and Fancy Goods in the city. MARRIED. At the 'resilience Of the bride's mother, in Gohlsboro, X. C., oniheKirhof December, 1SH4. by K. A. WiiKht, J. P., Mr. Kobeki E. Suggs toMissCoKA UAlKCnOTH. At the residence of the bride's mother at Newton Grove, Sampson county, N. C, Decem- ner .iii. ny t.uier is. li. Hool, .Mr. A. J. Eu Mrxnso.v. or Greene county, N. C to Miss Mattik Hodues. The happy couple left the following morning for the home of the brii leu-room, carryinjr with them tlie rood wishes, and hearty congratula tions of many relatives and friends. May -they fri.de softly, and sweetly across the ocean of li-fe, and finally dwell -tosrether in that peace f ul and happy houie of the .trood. RESOLLTIONS OF RESPECT. At a meetiriir of the Roard of Commissioners of, Duplin county the following- resolutions were adopted : Whkkeas. Through the dispensation of an all wise I'royidence, He has een tit to remove by death from our midst and Hud v, our worGiy and efficient chairman, Uko. v . aiid. lliero f re he it 'f(vrf, That we bov in humble sntunissron to the will of an aliwise Heiijir wno ruiutn and controls the destiny of niari. l?:--v:'-, That in the (h aih of our worthy Chairman our Hoard has sustained a frreat los and feel that his place win be hard to fill, a he was always an active and zealous rneniner and tookjrrtat interest in the public welfare of oer county. Jtexolffil, That it is but duo to his memory and past service with us, that we recognize in his death that the county has lost a tried and true citizen and the Hoard of ounty commis sioners an efficient presiding officer and an act ive, zeaious member. litfolved. That we tender our heartfelt sym pathies to his bereaved family and trust that He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb ' may ever be their stay and support. Jienvlttd, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Court, a copy sent to tlie family of the deceased and one to the Goldsboro Messenger and Clinton Cau casian with a request to publish the same. E. T. PlGFORD, ' E, V. Fakrior, M. Moore, B. WlTHERINGTON, Surviving members of Board, Wayne Lodge, No. 112. I Goldsboro, N.t:., Dec. 15, 1S84.V The undersimed, Cornmittee appointed by "Wayne I-odjfe, No. 112. -tp rt the following : Another brother has ..Allen, and pone to that bourne from which no traveller returns frone to render an account of his Stewardship on earth to his God, and we, his brethren, feel in our hearts that all with him is well. Brother N. B. Stanley departed this life on Thursday, the II th day of December, 1SS4, after a short, severe and painful illness, which he here with resiumation and fortitude. He said to his wife, in the midst of his suft'erinjrs: " Wife, 1 have tried to live an honest life," which ex pression indexed his character. He had tried to live an honest life; had tried to do his duty to his fellow men, to his family and to his God", and we feel that the ehanure to him. is jrain that he has -pone-tt his reward. Therefore .' '. That while we feel how vain any expression of sorrow of ours will be, we yet tender to his bereaved family our sincerest sympathy in -this their dark hour of bereave ment: reminding- them that God alone can com fort the broken hearted. .'"('. That as a token of our respect and affection for our brother we wear the usual bad.tre of mourning- for thirty days. litfolctil. That a copy of these resolutions be sent tohis family and spread on our Lodere minutes and a copy lie- publ ished in the Golds boro Messenger. Fraternally, E. A. "Wright, J. H. Powell, AV, II. Barnes. CmnmiiUe. MA11KET REPORTS. New York, Dec. 17. Cotton steady middling- uplands 10 cents. 'Pork fairly active at If 12.50&1 2.60: middles dull. Ion? clear 6V; short 6. Spirits Turpentine dull at 31. Kosin fl.30. Baltimore, '.Dec. 17. Cotton quiet at 10?4'. Flour quiet aid unehanped. Corn steady, white 70; yelkiw nominally 68. Provisions steady. "Wilmington Dec. 17. Cotton 10V; tar f 1 JO ; crude tur entine $1.00 for hard and 1.60 for soft: rosh 95 for strained and 1.00 Tor pood strained, jpirits turpentine 28. Gmund peas501.00. Cn7585. Raleigh, Dei 17.-Cotton roiddlinp 10; strict low midbnp low middlinp m. Corn75S0. MeiX 7580. Newbern I4. -7. Cotton 93s (Si 10 cts. Turpentine Tar f 1.25 ; Cora 50c. Norfolk, Pe l IT.-Cotton quiet at io;j. Gold.jo o Marlref s. Corrostexl y B .L Fri vet i & 1 o. m.olewk Jfro'ers and Cotton Com . ( m jskm Merchant. COTTtsTuere is a better '-feeling in the market 'iiich closed firm atlOi cents. The total Iceipts for the week ending last Saturdajct up 1533 bales. Total re ceipts this s4a'.15.13G bales- "Ea.st sea-, sun lSUaaj.? season before 17,24 bales. PORK I. ............ WESTERN SIDES. . . . . . . , " . SHOULDERS N: C. II AM S.... ... . ..... " SIDEH. . ... . . .. . LARD, (,. ...... . . . . . " CTorthern). . . CORN.f..-.. ...... ....... MEAL J ....... WHE4v(seed) ........... OATS p&i)... ...... ...... FLOUj HAY. i. LIME No; 1 rock)........, 13.50 U to 7 5 to G 15 to 165 11 to 12 io to m 9 to 11 75 to 80 75 to SO 1.25 50 to 60 4.00 to G.50 1.10 to 1.15 1.80 to 1.40 18 to 20 15 to 30 20to22f EGGSf . . CHICI CKENS. , JSfAX . . BEES1 Miscellaneous. IfesilssinisiaKiii' Relieves anil cures IJHKU3IATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, iuchaoie, HEADACHE. TOOTH ACHE, , SORE THROAT, QUINSY, SWELLINGS, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, FROrSTBITES, And all other bodily aches and paina. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. nMhTTtilt "nrilcG-IStSRIld 'n ;.;;jPjj;;tliiiaiwirp i : ,m m Mm mam 1 4 WW iilS Dealers. Directions iu 11 Wy4 liuij-nages. ii;jlit.i:.ui;S;;ti p-i ($W m The Charles A. Vogeler Co. Haltiiaore, lil., U. B. A. SAUSAGE ! TEE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST ! I cm offering the finest SAUSACiK ever-made in the city jit .prices to suit the timrs. Buying hogs, as I do, by the car load, I am enabled to furnish POUK or SAU SAGE in any quantity at shortest notice. I use nothing but choice Freeh T'ats and best of seasonings in their manufac ture and defy competition in quality. at l'-rH cents per pound. Best V KEF and .PORK at all times, and in any fmantity. Tlie trade supplietl at Lowest Prices. Soliciting year orders, I am, Pesp-'cti'ullv. , dcclS-tf. T." B. .PARKER. CLINTON HOTEL, CLINTON, X. C. tsT'For terms apply to M. C. RICHARDSON, J-15-4V Clinton, X. C. Good working Agents at $2,00 per day, cash, in their own County or Town'totake orders and deliver goods of rare merit. To those wishing to work sample and full instructions will be sent by return mail for 15 cents. Address BOX 18, dee 1 5-4 1 Kingstree, S. C. WARSAW HIGH SCHOOL, WARSAW N. C. A boarding .School of high grade. Spring session begins Monday, January 5, 1SS5. " . pFor particulars address the Princi pals. declo-tf -AY. M. & D. S. KEXXEDAT. ?- rT ? - -3 i Cotton ago;ing. rfios. Shot, C heese, &c, in Store and for f ale Low for Cah by 017C, FfNUYSON & CO. octl:Mf PARTNER WANTED! At once, to engage in the Manufacture and Sale of "Howard: Infallible Itemed for IVvrits." The Medicine is well adver tised. Testimonials too numerous to .men tion. Xo one but a sober, live man, need apply. I close my book of applications January "1st, 1835. '."'Address Db. J. MENTER HOAYAB.D, decStf Mt. Olive, X. C. U; 1 t V. 1 - t S--ST. H02'Z3 and HULLS Our first car ioad of Horses and Mules ha been received, Mr. John M. Pace has assumed charge of our Sale Stables and will be glad to see all in need o.f stock. AVe have completed our arrangements for constant arrivals of new stock and ex pect to push the business in every way possible and guarantee satisfaction to our patrons. Geo. D. BEXXTETT & CO. Goldsboro, X. C, Xov. 24, '84-tf Shingles, Shot, Flour, &c Q Q Q Heart Pine Shing-les. l 'OOO Lbs-Shot' (al! p'7-cs.) ' OK Cases of Potash, ftw Cases of Lye. O Cases of llread Preparation. j-J 2-j IJoxes of Soap. IP. Bbls. Molasses and Syrup. J sOG ross Matches. For Safe Low for Cash by ECGERTGVFttLAYSCN & CO. FRESH ARRIYALS! Best, Butter, Choice Cream Cheese, Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Canned Goons, Oatmeal, Hominy, Sugar, Coffee, ;&c, just received at E D Q l RIG E t Ft n LAYS 0 H a 0 0 3. Goods delivered Free of Charge REPil EDY I f iirmmwn'Hh. d. FOR PAIN iiilC , i - 1 WANTED Miscellaneous. 17 CAR LOADS Fresh Goods JUST RECEIVED ! 3 Car Loads Flour (all pradesi. 2 Car Loads C. K. Sides and Pork. ?5 Car Loads Salt (Fine and Coarse). & 2 Car Loads Seed Oats and Kye. tCar Load Com and Wheat. 1 Car Lonit Timnthr Hot- 1 Car Load Washinjrton Citj- Lime. Car Loads Koek Lime. 1 Car Load Plaster, Cement and Hair. Car Loads Uag-ging-and Ties, Also " mm'-' igar, w'oneo, At Lowest Wholesale Cash Prices. : B. M. peiVETT & OO. !rJ?Store and Warercoms next door oMce of V. F. Korneeray & Co. to On Sunda Nov. 30, letween Goldsboro and O. P. James' in Sampson county, on the old Wilmington road, one Pocket Book containing $6.00 in money jand a lot of papers. The finder will be liberally rewarded or with the money thai isjn the Book on its return to me. W. II. SMITH. Goldsboro, N. C., Dec. 8-tf. I . MiLLER & SHANNOM. The public are respectfully informed that our Drug establishment is located in the Store of Mr. L. D. Giddens, where we will be pleased to see all in need of any thing in our line. J. F.MILLER, M.D. II. C. SHANXOX. On account of the" recent fire we wish to close out our entire stock, and will do so .ATOOST. Call and see us before you bny elsewhere. AH indebted to us will please make im mediate settlement. FARRIOR BROS. & HOLLOAArELL. decl-tf la a We are now located in the new AYeil building and will be pleased to see our friends and patrons there. SOL. EIXSTEIX & CO. Xov. 27, 18S4-tf l,(iOO acres -of farming and timbered land, lying on Xeuse river, in Johnston county, nine miles South of Smithtield, which can be divided into two tracts with good dwelling, gin house, tenant houses, and all other necessary outhouses on each place. Good water, good neighborhood, healthy locality and a splendid stock range. For terms apply to W. II. WHITLEY, novl0-2m - Princeton, X. C. ailblitlUii :-uualumdii) : AYe confidently appeal to all those who have not paid us up to come forward and do so at once, as the business under our joint management must be closed positive ly on or before January I, lbbo. Very respectfully, W. H. SMITH. AV. II. HUGGIXS, ) W. T. GARDXER, Associates MOSCO AVILSOX, ) dec8-tf. AVe need the money, and those who are indebted to us, either by note or account, must make Immediate Settle ment, sr we wiil be compelled to force matters. Our stock will be sold at Fire Prices, and we must reduce the same before moving into new quarters. SOL. EINSTEIX & CO. Sale ef Valuable rapming Lands. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, of Greene County, I shall, on Monday, January 5th, 1885, at the court house door in the town of Snow Hill, Greene county, sell the following described real estate : i One tract of land situate in Greene county, N. C, known as the Mclvinne tract, adjoining the lands of R. A. Ed wards, John G. Britt and others, contain ing 825 acres, more or lets. j One tract situate In the county; and State aforesaid, adjoining the lands of Patrick Lynch, Mary Harvey and others, containing 300 acres, more or less, j One tract in the county and State afore said, adjoining the lands of W. J. Jones, Jno. Murphy and others, known as the Carson Edwards tract, containing! 700 acres, more or less. T One tract in the county and State afore said, purchased' by the late J. F. .Jones irom Carson Edwards, joining and! con necting the two tracts last named, con taining 40 acres, more or less. . . Tehms of Sale: One half purchase money cash : one half payable in twelve (12) mouths with interes't at 8 per cent; title letained till purchase money is paid. C. B. AYCOCK, Xov. 27, lSS4-td Adm'r of J. F. Jones. LAND FOR SALE. 840 acres of good farming land, 12 miles south of Smithtield, on the south side of Xeuse river, on the river road 7 horse crop in good state of cultivation, balance well timbered, and the best range on Xeuse river. Plenty of tenant houses. Also 227 acres, 2 miles west of the above tract, on the same road, convenient to good range, well timbered. Apply to j e. o. beasley; - nov6-2m Ben tons ville, X. C. Jaroraly of 1:11 tali CHAPEL HILL, X. C. The Winter Term begins Tuesday,' Jan uary 6th, 1885. glT'For Catalogue and report of Visiting Committee of seven Trustees apply to President Battle, or I AY. T. PATTERSOX, dec8-3t Secretary. Hit Thie Hill i : Return to us with TF 'Ml iiiw 74G0inni Mi nrrnnne ui a. juu u geioy JOiat. wiil lrm you m MORE MOMET, In One Month, I man anyrnmsr eisem Amenoa. Arisoiut'ertaintr. IeednocapitaLH.Young,173tireenwichbt..XYork. tioe 9; Having qualified as Executor of Ann B. Moses, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to me for payment on or be fore December Sth, 1SS5, or this! no tice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. ADAM C. DAVIS, Jr,, ) Executor, LaG range. X. C, Dee. Ii, 8Gw fi Will Wait Ha 1ms. Cfir -w Uii&slioiialily Tlie Flit, Ess! tirwi M EdUicl Easiness ScIiggI ; in tlie U11M states. THE Ist SKSTOX NOW OPEN.; IS'O VAl xhero is no other School in the country that is hell in such hgh esteem by the better class of business men; that is patronized by so mature and cultivated a clas of pupils, or l:a so lar?e a number of graduates in lueracive positions. Enjoys a lanre North Carolina patronage. t"Foi' Terms, Catalogues and particulars, call on or address W- H SADLER. Preich-nt, suK-5-wHw-:m Wos. 6 and 8 W. Charles Street. DR. C. AV. BENSON", of Baltimoi-e, Md., has discovered that the Extract of Celery Seetl arid the F.xtract of German Chamomile Flowers combined in the form of Pills, is the most won derful nervine in the world and invariably cures ?irk it rndaehf, Nervo:is Headache. Nt-urnl- ruljsis, Mt. Vilas' lnnc-. and all nervous troubles, as they act directly upon the nervous system as a nerve fooa ana exciter of nerve matter. They are invaluable to all nervous people, and Dr. Benson's reputa tion as a specialist in the treatment of nervous diseases at once gives them a hiirb. standard. Sold by all Drujrtdsts, or sent to any address on receipt of price 50e. a box, or 6 boxes for 12.50. OlEee 154 N. Howard St., Baltimore. seplS-ly m & mm J Our remaining Goods, Bress Goods, Clotliing5;:No-. tions; Boots, Shoes and Hats. -?K.Iri; fact, onr entire Stock, -will :be sold at fire prices nntii further notice." BARGAINS for EVERY BODY. Gall iai'ly arid We can be found one door North of O, G-. Perkins' Millinery Store. Respectfully, r -; SOL. We Are In When we say that we and those owing or account must settlement, or we 1 treme measures;; i-H Come at once; and pay us what j yon owe us, and save us :; and your- j selves any trouble. ' V 'ji XI Z 14- IBl deeia-tf PE E E M P T w 0 t T il amazed by the recent Eire. Goldsboro, X. e. r-i av-i flLi . ; i44 - Wishing to dispose of all our CLCTxiIlw, we offer our entire Stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys Clothing, and a nice lot of Overcoats, At Get. AVe are also selling our entire stock of Dry Goods, Xotions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Groceriets, &c, at very low prices for C?SH- Are wish- to call special attention to our $2.50 and $2.99 Alen's Shoes the best shoes on the market for the money. They are Stylish, Durable and Comfortable.: Parties to whom we have sold goods on time and who have not. paid for 'them will please Remember that it, is rc-y Time to Pcj. We need the money to meet our obligations, and respectfully ask all who are indebted to us to come forward and pay up. Respectfully, HOOD, BEITT & HALL. Goldsboro, X. C, Dec. IS, 188-1. wsw-tf. " Dti. C. Vrf. BENSCM'3 Sill li Varranted to Cure ECIEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, SKPLASt-iftfATtOei, MILK CRUST, ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISUSES OF HAIR AKO SCALP, CCKCFUt.AUH.CEKS, PIMPLES & TENDER TCK!NCSoaUpartaoftha jdy. It inal-.ee tie Bkin white, soft and smooth eracves taa a:: J frcihlM, and is the BIST tcilet drcssihs ia TH3 .". LD. "EeKanUy put up, two bottlc3 ia ona pot'&ge, ocnsistiTig ofbotSx intermU and ei cmsl Ucatmcnt. All first class druggists have it. l.ir package. Stock of be C011.vi11.cecl. .E3BISTEIKI HUf'.'IMWrjaEF ns for either note make immediate Earnest will resort to ex- f - i II XT 0 il S ' JL L E mm December 18, I884-tf.

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