I«SIALAMANCE GLEANER. ;/il :/ ••' '« ~." ■■ -•' • -.««■ ■ . . 2. i LEANER. lED WEKKI.Y RY- i ' ! & JOHNSONui ham, W. ' '•(TlrlllwHM f-'i'»'«=> Mi ni tription. Vottayr Paid : zt: *,t.v»-i;li HO aevtting us a etub of toh he cash. entitle*' himself to r>r the length of time for mode ttp. Paper* sent tir |> fit •r ' V • - I from,{fye Caßk.Sitffem. j ft I ' . "•!' "j V j rtlxement* ptiyahlc In a if- j dvertit>einenu quarterly, in | V- i SjSTiiS*7«U «1 «jUto 0 mi ifIMW 10P»; 150^. irtlfflwcntt ,*1 pex, Hjnure, fifty ceut* lor uquh .Aubae . lot time; mktfcd charged I | .ainNhut due from i JelTtute a square itvcrttaenraim»" than two j reasonable a* 1 ran be af- ; to'SpeehU'doutraot, bared xjve set forth. IM llllili I i ii i, >.-■ It. IWliii ■'■' 1 .. 7. — s, Paints, i iS. .wT-tHT* I ..1 . 7 lunxtfi ! v ■' ;.ni »h> •■!.!, nf i s"s- &' c. -: Hl.'! Hhrw nl .•» , n . > r, rmilV m», 1/ ( U»tty M» hand a mortf [um-w iT* t'i '' J >. '4l j/w V I t " rem AHB tiHK.m -''©ABjlV'-'*" T ol ►»../itli hlMi (kj«liu»* ; »f white Lead, a ativV . *»1 i)l!,u JIUI.II 1 1 iciw cfiASs, J.,, ».» "|»|l \H| ... , •til/;!)'-, r-.i i■' •> .'f.i'S »l) ydbuuiw. jIIM. rf ' 'iikUlW'foflesfc money than *h .old for fn this section. |li*l !>|M T —nf.!./ t,W ,i> } ■), /.vc'jw -.tin, ~ ..ill vim . .• l i It. ■ VI !.( M^rcjiants •4- M . ltl»"*1ot'i«) i■ i id [ah they buy North for the so we have a large stock at AND SUPPORTERS, ull and complete line of D FANCY ARTICLEB, 'i ' **» til!/ ['•>' ; _ , nspect our stork and saiilsy ith of what weaay. The Se «flrm lim remine4 practice e found at the Brng HtOfFi ionally engaged. , W. OLENN A SON.. r Howe, Graanshoro, N. C Hill jrULLEY, t r t %i n ii'j ' ;^*ii il'l jiV it AMD JOBBER or - ...O y. )d»iCJothing * ill 'r • v " "—■ IOTIONI. i 5 SAND-MADE EE . - *» »» - n|H ... f .»# u • > > y. - > ♦ 6 Gaiters • Im.,:' .. f.t ,;.x> -I ' ..l! . AT* >IN» Gin, TILHRt, ' *p»r*it4 wm*** ' ■ .5 l« .fUr, «tM /• ■ » : . . c-i , • • f ' ir ■' r. ;'.^,l « ■ >!> •j.-.tti *u i j. ~ y I #»r* MujfthwUle -Bh,- tmtd Exchcmgt » -.ir.-. ii KTI A '1 ■ i '' 1 # .ji.([ fli •: -:i :ii .if. ' " - ~. >*; i n;i.-» 1 ' ' »»t Ms " „ BAI-EIGH. }I. . '.•uinj« •«- 'iiiK'l .fiit i-1 ■ ' :• ■ ;OTT & DONNELL, ' - "'"Graham, JT. C. ' * I J>F.A L*B» LR Dry-Grt6di3, Groceries, • tu • .« .... 1 Hardware, ' v, i • ii>'» jaimni:'. !•«*'! • ' ■M, NTItR1 4 ..NAI.T,nai.AMK BACM. M.. *C. Terms CMb or Barterr. wrv * A .no DR. J. 8. MURPHY fimpuoy Shops, [hece ppjffrfag jpßpt la « well ordered Drug H»t phyakAA^B^S^bUe may rtufannr edth»t «!! and ordera wfll be Prieae M ,caa be afforded, feblf ■ , thev' tnniß NTonv, Midnight w*» past, and the light's > 'Of the tease My »t» at iim the !«lre«m wei-o begmning to he ,«stt|n guishert, Svhen Iwti nreii hhriied from didereut ilirectidiis'towards the shore The clde/ tIWJ *had alrcndv tp njake the , ''^hWfc > was mot to be miaiakehj bnt tliit ; itic'yotingef lilftir'tiV th'i' ■'•rmyciUHlmhig,i belief yß3' want to diMrlflytMrtftlft j This was t)ie an»xei'r«iioic|usn tile 1 Nothing! kirow. I wmrld sftnptf 1 I you td waft h' few | wheii, jf&Jtyftl niako . the great journey together, arm'in arn#— •fliW h&t- n / »'•> *** '! H'ith these worda Mm yObHgftf ii'-' tended his haud tj the dNfciV '^LAfe 1 was not \v ilnhcld. The yonngei'o4n> i tinned, iif'a enthijsi j So be it! Arm iri annl^ Truly', j 1 did not dtvam that a human heart ; would beat_ witlyMffe 1 lir (his lasi' hont'i 1 will not soeK to' know who , yod are—an honest man cfr a villain. Come, let us begin tl>o jjyurney togctfi er|J _ The older helci the yon'ng man back and,- fixing Ms dlrti, f ht»ir extinguisiVcd searchingly upon Uic conujeiiai/Ae' of his companion, , HoftlT yph' seem tome foo yyung' to enk your life by iiian- of your year? has still .•«« brilliuht, " alluring tntare in his graspf ' ' 4, Biilliaift! an!>WeVed «w A man, >Vhn* Ijavc l"w hope in the midst of a world fu|l^ J df wick,ednes«, falsehood, IritidHety, and uiiha|>piness? tv»fne I—quick. ~t u , You are' Still young 1 You must have liad very sorrdfrffil to make life already tkusujj^u^iibft www "* » I despise mankinds. , W l> exeep Withoat exception,., Ul . |' ' I tyell then ydtt have now perh'ijii &°'i d * » et ; esßarilv despise. 1 have'uefievemc;' during my whole life, lived an hondf uble ina.i ( ! » Really! That 'lWtei-estlhij'. U's a pity 1 hati aequaiiiUtnce. Leave iue to die AlojUtt, ypung man.' Live on. Believe up time heals all wounds, aud there are mdn of honor yet to be found. isoiv, if you take this view, why ■arrf'yo# tiurrriitg •» fast from the ■vAnia? ' ' : " "■ ! m Oilplant an okl, siekl} man, ble to make a livelihood: h man wlip ««iiiMl,.ivili cliilif - ,' 1 lis -dtkuirtrterv 'WlitlilMig her and laborilig d«y and nigtit support liioi j,, , , • . - ' How; 1 sir! Have you a who does Uiis tor yon?' asked tue young man, surprised. with what endurance, with wfiilt / lQ?Vfe, d6^B ! feici'itice horse 11 for iue! She works for me, she jjoes hum^*y : ibr wot esid 'ilias only; 4h*l Mtalei'osfc ..words of love—a swoeb smile lf>r me always. '4iii«u Aud you want to commit suloidft? Are you mad? bhall 1 murder my daughter? The life which she is now leading is her cettaiu death, tuiswerod the o.cl man. iu a despairing voice. J 1 1 -*'• i Good sir ? , come with me (o the nearest iuti that is' still opeh- will relate to me* your Mstdry, imml, if you like, 1 wiil let you bear mine. • So much, however, willlsay to.yon 1 beforehand; chase all thoughts of wlt-raurder out of your. .|is#d, ' 1 am rkht aod, if things be ad you 'tkfl from iMueeforth yon aud ,y«urd>lligh ter shall lead a pieasuiit ' The okl man followed b« younger without opponiiiou. A few biiUutes ater the elder began. My history is coou told. I was | merchant's clerk, bat always As 1 had uothing by | tbe fWfljf. glrl l parried was t.oo>-, J was iMarer able to cwmiueiice business ou tny own atcoantJ aiiJ firtiaiucd on i to au oid agaia a depeudnwrut, ■ safe" ordiuatc ptwihov; 1 VlnalfJ-, -! dlseharged oa acuount «f my, y«MN, audth»n b«gun ttye struggle for aiib-' slsthnc*. My wife died of trauMeV and W JW>(r chji4 p wearied to gaiu my suppOti. I cannot bear ( to, see her wording herself to death 'lor «M^ih«mrore» you know all. ■ •»I " ' '''frflWl, (kSlyonng pV >Ott are the WHt fyrtunate inanj evf;r cucoiifitercd iu my life. It is liiaaue to call that mislbrfUne'. 1 will ma)tfl my will, and you sha»W4. no resistance! —my heir. '1 lie coming night isrfiy lleiore fhis, howar ei, 1 must see ydor daughter, out of pore (Wrioaity' I woukl for once see fyX oif| looks who really deforces the name of woman! Bot,tahg'maw,'what call it be thaX thiurebHjrlMb'tiade yon so uo* bappy ? quiilerf ttle Vfder, much mov ed, ' ' ; I believe It was the wealth which my lather lett me. I was the only son of the richest hanker of this city. My GRAHAM, Nvi CU TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1876. father died five ycara ago, leaving me more than was good for jnc, Since that lime J have been deceived and bctra eil by every one, without excop ' >tieff> I bad any icon' nectic if." flbmP friend «kip for mc—on apceunt of my money : ,CUlicrs havo love mc— agniii-tor jw layufty; .and so it jjent en. . I oftau mingled, in the garb of a simple workmen, with the masses, , and thus one day became acquainted with a charming being*- * young girt, 'to,whom my. whole heart soon 40t i»,love. i,( di«olo»od tolierneither hiv name nor my position. I longed i tlotUe iKved tor alone, and for ; a time it appeared as if! were going 1 ttoibe happ)-rrat last, at last! The young girl and 1, whom she ' MdUegawlqd as a- simple workman, r raoteyery afternoon i« tlie Marcus idata, where wo .walked npandfjowd i itogjHhsr*(Mssotg/jnatiy happy hours. Qw|duor;my,d«*fi'giriapjcarai with i red q)«»-rabe bail been weeping—and teld Jno that, we must part, contesting that i hbr difot belonged to another! ' With theee words she tore herself troin meand disappeared in the crowd. iler-frifAle&iwes deckled my destiny. Vshrty did i rdsh into the pleasures which so catted good society has to offer, but found my lost peace of never,.never! I then determined to bri'Mg- my joyless existence to a •cleno. jii' uniii''l " . b'lthappv young itmui, said the >l«s -to i ping his eyes ; from my wluiiie heart I pitv'you. 1 must acknowledge that I wa* more- fortunate >Umu 'far Is, ati least was by. Into,,women— ifeytvife and danghtervfttenderly lov adun |J * biu' yi'iHi ' • Will yon give me.your address, good sir, that I may Convince myself WlrfeV/uflfj itffbftPAdrf?' !V*iß hot exactly ray trusty but I sue -to believe. To-dwrraav l.wtil sn ipy affairs n l iMtfcaiivady told yon* hYoji will retire! Nat this inn lo>-night v ai|d: in the l mornhig«aelyJLw>lLretnrNH>Cive me ypnr word of honor (t hat you will hdt Ueave 4 liikl house ttujtt; I cowo bank, that*u>will uotiathe meantime ipeak to-any one ot what ha* taken pltafebetween us? •' ; Yon have my wnrdl Go to my dwelling, to my daughter, and yon will fibd that 1 have told you but thitf simple truth.. .My iierao is Wilhclm Satins. Uci-cis Uiyvaddvess. M'ith these wor«i hehandedT' fho ronitg min a paper/ giving the ad dcoasiof bis dwelling. , lt lay in a suburb inhabited by .theposter eliissca at some distance from the city prujOT "• •« /. ' A'lid ;U Wit rihihcr- It €«rt Towfor, liercnpon said the rodhg mati. Take '(hi? bafiffc'hbti?; will ieri& vou "till inv leltirn/""' ■'"»*««' *♦»' fit 1 4m hid the hmdloi'd called, commended the old toalitd'HWHatttflii'suittNfe tefnis, and felt ffife htfirtl." irll l•«{« . m i 1 " v i!arrffy l haAth# morriing broke when Carl found himself on the way to the ol the old man, withj whom be had be cir fMmstftHces- ~Jt wHB a poor place. Jfhe pan knocked, opened the dop ~a.>d involuntarily sicjfr* . Tlif whose Inconstancy had made li|s life.a bi;rdou 'unbeara ble,him! i; t gro,wn pale—very pale her glance; it wlipm he had once hoped wiSSK . ;l ,j M the young girl sprang toward him, overcome with joy, holding out bar little hand. The yfcnag asan'waved bet hack/.exclaim ling; HI U> .Mil i 1 , tJ |i i'm Y«n did wot expect to aea um? I''The fa»r girt sank into a Mat and towraiher pais, bexutitul face with hefbanda;. i-.1/ • At-e fo*'Wilbelm Salm's daughter? tasked tba young man, coldly, after a ()MMlsej •'• , ■ " k an*/answered the maiden,, timid -1 'tVi' l ' I'll h i -,. jici i>.ti And who and where is that elhef. to ti }'on joid pie at parting, is m> answered I ,wk jpu,# a glance fn spoke the tenderest love. -With lightning quioknMs the truth dawned uyeb triaa;!h«Mft!«B fell from Maeyeu. a Speechlessly be n*hed tp BmL todk her in kia arms and preaaed her 1o ttrcuft id to yM»r father ha faltered- My fatherl Oh, heaven ! I Wfgntl Where la ha? lie bas been out all JWfcyJ.teff tears the long night through. , ,\Tour father ia ( favetl He ia with' OMt» waa CanTaanswel* «• he hurried the yeung girl out and through the street* to lbe arms or her father; A fortnight later, and In the midst ittthft greatest splendor, the marriage of the riah vounje Utakf r, CariToedor, to Bertha 8»l»pa, took place. It appears that Stetiator West psid only $13,000 for his sest hi'tfas Benate from fr, Bome aost of an e«- thus depredates the market value of the position. 1 J I IIJ IJUiI I ' ■'•» A WASHING TO HI DBA, /N. Y. Times ! It if? impossible ;:ot .to feci a live! sympathy Mr' the byreaved bride whose hustand 8 snatched .from hot at tbe foot « the altqr or in ftont ol tbp privntejf.detik ol the, officiating justice p/.tjjj peace, pa the be. Especially i 9 such a bride to be pitied when she loses through her owb curelQ*siieks a husband whom she has caught after pnqtnicted and skfllfhl eff rt. is the misfortune which has just befalkn a M brine, and her story is one which con > '•'> II; ,I ll> C »-.J IIO I- J ~ versa wholesome lessons to expert but over confident widows. . . The brifoin question, while yet a blooming ana energetic wictyiw, met with an elderly gentleman of eighty years of age, ami an indefinite qnsn -Btt>„k certificates. H'lfl'P pf his fam 9}|•#?, him that it was his duty to mapry the: trusting and intfe nions woman who had lavis.hednnon hyp her priceless and expei ienced if grqat difficulty tor a skilKul widow, t other astute woman, to hook an elderly gentleman. The real difficulty is in landing him. "Wbeu once ho it fastened by his promise lie must br played with great care, or lie will es. cape before ne is fi nully galled by au efficient marriage ceremony, tJtifil ttyenW* (a always proite to sect refllgc Ijii places, from which neith er coaxing uor petting cnii dislodge "V,?, trtrjr, h ,^^ vomiK c.pq|_«..d t^ci^.hitynjt; In, the prescnl ipstance^th^, Massachusetts widow played her prise so firmly and tpnder ly lliat M was. final]\ successfully landed, , she then re laxed, her dreaming that hji would ep far revive as to leap back into his original celibacy and accom plish his CM'.ipc. Let other widows note h«r (jarelisspewr and its cense* quenccs, save thfpisetvcs from disappointment and humiliation. Nb sooner was the marriage cere mohy ended (ban tbe happy bride dM rected her husband to run back to bis house and bring hfs bonds and mort gages, so that they might begin to enjoy a happy honeymoon. Tiio hus band went, but as soon as he had entered his house he was seized by ( his relatives and safciylockedun llr hud made a wirf 1 arid tlicy had ii/Wti)TO>h ef allowing it to be unmade bya' new and'uuwel come Wife. His prolonged absence olstjirbed tlic brtde who sent a oar ri-ige to hasten his return, bjit llw carriage came l»ack empty, and ilie driver's mind was toosinuch confused l&ugtUigc, broken crockery and pails of Wafer to bxpliin the rea son why his presentation ofA Written ordei to "deliver to be rear one (1) elderly bridegroom"" bad givpn rise te so much vigorous discussion. The bride at once comprehended the trnc stale et affairs. She ftrnicd lierselt with a pistol and a stoat Irishman apd stormed her husband's prison. Tl;e Wtlc was short bnt fierce. • 1 i irr»»-i -Ptft rt'i ' I9rfl r'J"' •"R From hip retnofe dungeon, the im prisioued bpsband oopld be Capering fW} the .blH there were 100 man v bol * to tin; tront door, too ipauy deter-mined maiden sk'eri, and to nu h t-vaitub e crockery in (he house to rcndqi its capture possible by assaulting e lumii. The bride was beaten back, attcr performing prodigies ofyalor with a long pole against the parlor windows, and has since appealed to the law tor aslds'* ance. A suit for Jtbe forcible theft ot a valuable husband,. who** ph( to graph is' annexed to the FOMPUHN, and marked 'Schedule A," is HOW pending, and U remains to be see' l whether a Massachusetts court recog nizes the right of property in hui hands, or wliether it looks upon them ntferae naturae, and hence incapable «f being mad* the tubjoct ol an action for t-orer and conversion. u ' 1,1 / ,Tho lesson conveyed by tbis afiect ing nan ative hardly needs to M em phasized. It la a warning to widows i never to lot a- freshlycau ;M husband paas M>t oi their. bs«d«>i but to carry bim ofl tho,,«H»|nent the marriage eeremony is eomplfftod. and to keep Mm locked«p-enUl his spirit is bfof ken and tls* rafe of his relatives ha« aabalded. n jit/, . „ ir - ! ' .>1 ■ It is reported tliat a new . race o| people luM been' 1 d i sco ve ied : in som ontlandish named ptAoe in Africa ;bu'' wim their arms a« %rmed tiusj tliey ean .their own backs bo iween the shoulder Waiks, ca»- sst ho Mushnj'to improvement on the faeee di«rrored een taries ago. jVo»risftmmf|ifti ttlJ. The Berlin Punch represents a nroally looking Yankee crawling out of a cavern trying to pluck a jewel from the Spanish crown. Don Carlos shou's from the distance, " Alphonao 1 Alphonso/ Look out/ There's follow trying to ateal a piece of my crown from you/" THK INPMN TSI'tHKTO.fE FOR hokiektv. Indian* may bo treacherous, hut they can be Just. and they can be hon est; and who shall say how far the dishonesty of others had led to their troa'ehery? They know when they arc cheatted, as onr Government knows, 'at lis cost. ""An old trader, Who had establishoj himself at what happened to be • la vor*bta locality among the Northern lndfyn*;tells n good story of hi* first trials Wifh his red customers. Other t ran era had located lit that same place beTort, bnt had not remained long.— The Indians, whb evidently Wanted gobttfc and had money and furs, looked about the store of the new trader and carefully examined his goods, but of fered to bnv nothing. Finally, theii fehfef, with a large number of his trib*, visited him. "How do, John?" said the cMrtf.— "BHOW me goods. Aha, I take thai blanket for me, and that calice tot sqtmw—three otter skim for blitnkel and one for calico. Ugh! pay you by'm by—to morrow.'' lie received his goods and t Next day he rmnri ed with a large pnitofhi. band, bis blanket well stuffed with skins of various kinds. "Wow Jolm, 1 pay." And with this he drew an ottci skin frrtm his blanket and laid ft on the cotin 6r. Then lie drew a sec ond, a third and a fourth. A mo ment's hesitation, a#• though cnlcuta ting. and he drew out a fifth skin—* very rich and rare one—and passed il oSHf : ra7TT~Tr' T rT-' r— "That's right. John." The trader instantly pushed back the last skin, with: "You owe me but four. I want only my Just d«e. M The cbiet romsoi to take it, and tlroy passed it several time* back and forth, each one asserting that it be longs! to the other. At length the dusky chieftain appeared to be satli fled. He gave the trader a scrutinis ing look, and then put the skin beck into (he blanket. Then he stepped te the door and gave a yell, and cried out to his followers: "Came! come and trade with the pale face John. lie no cheat Indian; hi* heart big." Then turning luck to the trader, lie said: . r skin. I tell my trade witli you. We dtrlflryou ofl like a dog. a* we drive «ft other*, but now yon Indian* friend snd we be yonr*. v Before dark the trade?, was waist deep in furs ami leaded down with casb. lie found that hone*ty had a commercial vn/os with these Indians- A HKONIT WHO AIIIOHI V*. , jikht. * f.Ui ; 'M f MiAf. * >£i" 'f . . • ' Two miles south of Alibion, raja the Rochester tN. Y.) "Kxpreu," Uvea a very aingular person named Anthony Tripp, fit old man between seventy ntui eighty years of age. He lives within a mile and a half of the Kingra Fall* Railroad, yet he haa nev er seen it, nor the locomotive. For oVer half a century he has dwelt by himself, d«Mg «H his household work. Dnriitf I hat time no woman has erosred his threshold, and indeed, few men. If a woman approaches his premiao* he would bar the doors and take refuge in lite cellar. Withme he wonld Iwld no intercourse, except when abtalully necessary or unavoid able. Latter! r lie seems to hare taken even a stronger antipathy to his fellow creatures hiding himself upon the approach of any person. When Anthony Tripp was ab&nt twenty year* of affe, as the story runs, he fell in tore with a pretty neighbor girl, and waa engaged to t>4 ptarrkd to her. From lliat time hi* lite was embittered, and fce lowswore woman kind. . He was not one ot those who think then are good flab In the *ea a* ever were, caught. The falseness ot this g?rl partially craze! him, ami be has siuce dwelt apart irom human kind. This should be a warning ta young woinon never to JUt a lover. The Ralclgfi Knef. It looks a little strange that Hugh (Carton end John Cowles can't be let alone wUk theM*»tationaty in the Atabaixa Leg islature. They are native' North Carolina negroes, always vwtpd the Gen. Grant ticket, were 100 young to run lor otßce in their owa State, and in fret never did anytldng her* worth mention except >teal liaf a tan-yard in Yankln comity end break np e smoke-bon«e in Iredch. And now they are promoted great cry la ralswl against them. G, such a wrong spirit! Besides, as Governor BrogJen remarked the other day, "The wit nesses are all dead, any way." Still, aa a reporter, we are interested in this little Carson-Cow lea matter end yesterday morning aaked the Gov ernor in theprseuce ot »On»e gentlemen what are yon going to do with those negroes?" "STow Uetoo at that." said the Governor do yon ex pect I am going to aet officially on what w published in the newepaere?*' "What negroear aeked a gentlman present. "O, said the Governor,! "tbey kxpect me te break np'thej Alabama Legislature''—and we left! the Governor explaining it. VAi.tiATion or km mkmt covr- TIF» I!* TIIK WTATR. This valuation includes all real es tat", land and town lot*, live stock, farming utensils &c., money 011 hand, solvent credits, stock in incorporated companies, other personal property and railroad franchise. The valuation in Wake at the Auditors office report «d for the fiscal year ending Septem ber, SO 1875 is'eight million two liun Ured and forty six thousand and wo hundred and seventeen dollors. Val nation of Mencklenburg six millions and fifty eight thousand six hundred and fifty four dollars. New Hanover is sit millions and ten thousand nine hundred and four dollars. *We thought New Hanovor was ahead of Mecklenburg but sho falls behind! some forty seven thousand, but then Pender coihity was cut off from New Hanover, and a rich little county Pender seems to bp, for her valuation » 1. 1 • 1 • is put at one million one hundred and seventy nine thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. Edgecombe is 1 four million nine hundred and fifty seven thousand and fifty three dollars. Guilford is four millions and seventy seven thousand three hundred and forty fbiir dollars. Granville is three millions five hundred and ninety thousand and seventeen dollars. Halifax is three millions arid sixty nine thousand and four hundred and ninety two dollars. Tho following counties ate reported at over- two million dollars in valuation: David son, Alamance, kandolph, Orange, Rockingham, Wilson, Wayne-, Chat-, ham, JVbrtharapton, Cabarrus, For sythe, Craven' Union, Iredell, Cataw ba, Warren Pitt, Nash, Franklin and Johnston. Some of the rest go over a million and others are in the hun dred thousands. Clay is put a hun dred and seventy thousand. Swain Is vaiuod at two hundred aud twelve thousand. Graham is only a hundred tnd fifty five thousand. And to give an idea of the extremo com. tie at each snd; Clierokoe is valued at five hun- Ired and sixty nine thousand seven lundred and eleven dollars, and Cur ituck is valued at nix hundred and hurty five thousand and nine hun- ( Sred and eighty eight dollars.— /felly ( iw I During leap year the girl who counts 1 ill the gray horses she. sees until she I UMgot up to a hundred will be mar- ( •ieil within a year to the first gentle- 1 lian with whom she shakes hands j kfter counting the one hundredth | lprse. Every girl in the city carries , 1 memorandum book that site may , to sure to keep a correct record. One 1 uui already twenty-six, another elev- j >n, and ano titer, who only began yes terday has seven. If somebody would \ oring up a drove of a hundred gray liorses to town to day what a slinking of hatyht would t*ke place to morrow. t 1 (Jiijj Tribune, rum ifwMttiot •» vaiiTii, Tlte Vlcksburg Herald has Ibcj following: Tlie Vicksburg boy can; staod up trlth any other boy in tlwj world against an accnration, The' other day when a Vieksburg mother diseovered sugar on Hie pantry shelf, slic called tolier b>> aud sahl. "Soma one lias been stealing «u ; gar." "Is ii possible?" lie exclaimed, rolling np his ayes in astonishment. ' "Yea; possible, aud the thiel is not far away dihei!" "Ain't be? Do you suspect la llier., / "Qvnldij'i tyc the cat, could il?" he Inquired, glancing under tlie table In search «the feline. "Cats don't eat sugar yonng man!" M Ther don't?" "SO. sir; the thiei la a boy al»out ynns ska M "flail ah? I'd like to catch him iu ben just once 1" "If this sugar is disturbed again," she said, as she covafad tho bcx, I know of a boy wba will get his jscket duilod." "Thai's bnlly! I wish yon would let me stay out of school ap's to see yoo innul him." And be want oat to ilevour the other lumps. . At the breakfast table the other morning, a Detroit landlady gave Mr. Jonea a severe look and said: " Mr. Jcom, 1 understood you have been circulating injurious reports about my house," " How madam T" " I under stood that you said you had used better butter than I have here to grease wagons with." "I did say so. but not to injure your house; I have used better hotter ma lam, to grease wuddi, but I wouldn't do it y'- rd sell it to you." She *©. NO. 2. A ■■ONRIBI.I! IMK*I)II—PIIfCMRD TO DKATH IN A CSTTOK 61.1, AVe have information from 8te»l Creek, in this county, that on Tuesd.iv a sou of Mr. Ellison Walker, 10 or, 12 years"! age, was crushed to death in a notion nn which, was being run by liis brwhvr It is not known when tin* little felwent into the gin, but no one was a ware of his presence there, ami it i» supposscd by tome that he was asleep when the machinery was pnt if».» opperation. and that he got into the gin for that purpose, while the hands went to the fire to get warm. After the bale had been pressed, a portion of one of t!.e little boy's feet was tlis covered protruding from it, and the investigation which this lead to re vealed the hoirible tact that tlia unfortunate child had been packed in the bale of cotton. 11« w:;« crushed out ot all shape, as can he imagined when it it remmombcred . that ihe whale machinery ot the gin had its full lorce upon bis body. The father of the lad was, some years ago, a resident of (his city, at which time he was an em ployee of the Rock Island Fsctorr Company.—Charlotte Observer Feb'v. 3d. . Nineveh wrh 14 miles long. 8 miles wide and 40 inilea round, with a wall 100 feet high artd thick enough for three chariots abreast. Babylon was 50 miles within the Walls, which were 75 feet thick and 100 feet high, with 100 brazen gates. The Temple, of Diana at Ephesus was 420 feet t» the support of the roof—it was 100 yrars in builjjing. The largest of thn pyramids was 481 feet in height and 853 feet on the Side*. The base cov ered 11 acres. The stones are about GO'feet in length, and tho layers are 2pß. It employed 350,000 men in linilding.—The labyrinth in Egypt contains 300 chamber* and 12 halls. Thebes, in Egypt, presents mins 27 miles around, and contained 350,000 citixens and 400,000 slaves. Tin Temple of Driphos was so rich in do nation that it was plundered of $50,- MOjOOO' and the Emperor Nero car riers wuy from ft 200 statues. The rails of Rome were 13 miles around. NOBLY SAlD.— After the adjourn, nent of tho Mississippi Legislative nu Jencral Lee's birthday a snbscrip ion was taken up in behalf of thn i rope sod statao of Lee, when oyr 1300 was realised. Benator Foiling fronicr Federal officer, in handing ii his contribution, ffiO, said: "As me who wore tiro bine and fought t»r four years in the army that op tnied (ien.'ll. E. Lee, I am glad to lave an opportunity of ny miio towards the erection of a nonnmont to the mentorv of one of , lie irrcate*t millttary chieltains, imvest soiiliers and purest Christian rmttlemcn that this or any ather age >r country ever prodnoed, and one of vliom all trae Aincriaaus onght to eel proud.** Now they say that if the poor nan'a home was mnd* mors pleasant te would not sjtend his time in the Iriuking saloons. We have always nxiated that the wife should fix up a agor-becr garden in tho back yard ind secure a tronpe of ballet dancer* tud music and Chinese lanteras'if she •xpects it is possible for the husband to stay at home away from the evil influences of the restaurant —Nat. Republican, At a meeting of tho Bapfot min isters, m New York, on Monday, there was an excited discussion on the resolution of Rev. Dr, Armits£* t to the affect that baptism i>y iinnier tiou is a necessary qualification fo the Lord's sup|**r. The resolutions were finally adopted hjr a vote of 41 to 4. Several ministers declined to rote. . Among the amendments to tho con stitution of the United States which have been proposed in eonrrrtss this session is one by Mr. Reagan, of Tex ss, providing that direct taxs shall be levied upon tho States and the Dis trict in proportion to the amount of |i"pery they contain, instead of , in the ratio of their popu iation to that of the whole Union. Francis I. being dsal son* to one of the m.wt lmrueu meu of the times to th-> hignitias bof the church ssked him if he was of uobie decent " Your Majesty," answered die ab bots, f there were three brothers in Noah's ark, bat I cannot say from which I am deeoended." He obtained the post, •• Are yon a Christian?** aMced Van Oottat a Boston revival '

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