~ ' mE GLEANER. GRAHAM, N! ci, MAR. 14, 1876. PARKEH ivdltor. ' ».L4.f.' ■- 'J J TUB OBKAT HCANDAI,, For the past week, the great Amer can scandal, has tilled the public mind; the public press, and furnished the one absorbing topic. In its enor. niitv it has overshadowed mere party and attached itself to the Government. It is a stigma upon the American poo pie, and will be so regarded by all thinking men. That a country should foster into dominating proportions a party, whose preferred leader', should beguilyof such flagrant malfeasance in the exalted and honorable position which they fill will be a roproach upon that country, wherever its history is known, and as long as it shall be read. Poor Belknap is prominent just now, because of the positive proof against him, and his virtual confession, but that he is no more guilty than many others, is a belief in which all ordi narily informed, candid persons must concur. The w jole official atmos phere is reeking with aristocratic crime* Of the ProsiUent's actual participa tion and guijt there can be little or no doubt. The chief anxiety of the administration is to stop exposures, cover up crime, and protect criminals. Rut for the election of a Democratic House peculations, frauds, bribery, corruption and stealing would have gone on, unrestrained, unchecked, unexposed and unpunished. What a picture is presented. 7he President of the United States suspected, and so stongly so, as to amount to absolute belief ■in the minds of many, very many, of bartering the patronage of his high office for profit to himself. Hia bosom friends and associates, so lately, some of theui now convicted felons; aud others, who es caped a judicial verdict of guilty, through the connivance of the admin istration, as is charged, and who had the aotivo sympathy of the aduiiuis. tration aa is known, have been promo .. plaoe and raised in the confi dence and appreciation of the President of this great government Cabinet officers, arrested by policemen, and a watch pat upon them, to prevent flight as petty constables would arrest and watch a chicken thief. Our Foreign Ministers fleeing the coun. tries to whioh they are accredited pursued by policemen seeking their arrest for swindling, their necessary haste forbidding the ceremonies that custom and courtesy demaud upon leave taking. And after making good their escape fivm the country, to be persued by foreign war vessels sent out to effect their capture before reaching American jurisdiction, to the end that they may be tried before the courts of the country whoso cit. izena they had swindled. Grave , Senators charged with, and proven to have gained their seats by bribery and intimidation and corruption, ( -Veinbers of Congress being tried for selling the ap|tointmenta incident to their high plaoes. Not a cabinet officer, with perhap one exception, who.is not suspected. The administration of U. S. Grant will go down to history as the black i era, in the lif* of this couutry. »Feelings of partisan exultations ' should be stilled, in the presence of a nations scandal. JVo flip|iaut com- ' meut, or jeering remark should be , made in connection with a piostit u . tion that blackens the whole couq. « try. The administration of the Govern. 1 meat is as corrupt, and devoid of hon- " oruble ton«,aa is the administration oi j a modem tottery, or a" Pet«r Funk ( auction house. No American whose ( prominence identifies him with the i glory or shame of Ma oo .ntry can e» i cape. Tiie 'daek sheet of infamy ' viewed by the outside world, infolda J the whole country. Sneh is the case now, and each day lays bare a mora] ( putrefaction worse tlian the other. The Republican party did it. The Democratic jiarty exposed it Tb se ' who would defend are over* helmed by *he profit. With stolid indifference, , * r pititul excuses, or brattm impu dawn the charges are met, not contra verted. The Republican party chums the credit «f saving the nation, it must, bear the responsibility of having blackened it with the toulett diahonor and disgraae. *V'bat will the Aroeri can |ieopln say. Hay speak this fall- What made Grant veto the curren cy bill? Were there ittfUmum brought to hear ? He changed hia mind which is some evidence that he haa one. The nation haa bean plun dered. Take aa iaveatory and ae count of what these .having a chanoe to steal and stand saapcetad with so doing, hare on hand, and let all not legitimately socoanted for, terre aa ev idence and be returned to the Treas ury.* How ditT they get so much so' «oou? Investigate. / DIDVOV EVEBf Loag Harris, the radical solicitor of . judicial district, stands con victed upon the testimony of fellow radical* of forging bills of indictment ' hy the wholesale, and of making mite rial alterationsin one bill, Upon which he convicted and sent to the -peni-en tiary a fellow radical, we presume, . as " the great majority who find their way * to the penitentiary are of that politi ' cal faith. This is tolerably bad, and 1 we hoped would le sufficient contri. '• bntion from our State to the army of detected radial officials, that? is j*ist ' now being recruited, and which will pass in review before the American. ® ( >eople during this Centennial year, to ' remind tl.eiii of the preservation of ' those virtues upon which our institu ' tionn were founded a hundred years agoj 1 but not so, and,.we suppose when alj * are enlisted that are liable to duty in ! hat army, wc shall have precious fqw. ' radical officials left. A Raleigh corres. pondent of the Petesbnrg Index ar raigns our Secretary of '• -State upon the charge of knowing the dif. ference between tweedledum ' tweedle dee, m taught hf his prede cessor in office. The communication is too long to insert in full but we give the substance. N. S., the corres pondent, says, that early last fall W. H. Howertoii,Secretary of State made a trip to New York, and while there bought a bill of' Stationery amounting to some $12,000 or $15,(>00, , which ' was delivered, and the bills duly, au thenticated were passed over to the ' auditors office, to be audited before warrant for payment was drawn. Hyn ' est John, as the correspondent calls ' him, thought he smelt a large sized r | mice, in discovering the exhorbitant prices charged for the articles, and up on inquiry found that the prices charg ed in the bills were much higher than the retail prices of fcl»e articles, not withstanding they were bought by the wholesale, so he goes to the Governor and a meeting of the council is called, and a gentleman sent for who knows the prices of the various articles bought by the Secretary, and after examination of samples and the bills this gentleman put the prices at 30 per cent lower than was charged u ion the bills. So the council summoned throe disinterested partirs to set the prices upon the articles, to which Howerton agreed, who after three or four days de liberation, out down the billa about two thousand dollars, leav ing son» articles untouched for want of accurate information, Now the charge is that there was a conspiracy between the Secretary o State aud the party from whom he bought, to defraud the State by having the : bills made out for a much larger price 1 than the goods were worth, have them passed and paid, leavinga margin, of ' two or three thousand dollars stealings J for some one to pocket. This is a very grave charge but it is made, first through (In columns of a Virginia pa- \ per, and then copied into the Raleigh ( JTewt, which says it had information t of it before. Will the Secretary ex. I plain, or does he prefer,.or is he com- 1 pelled to take his place in the ranks ' of the leader* of his party? •ii, •iru.i.i, is it r«v The St. Louis Timet publishes a statement from Dr. Terry for many year* connected activly with Ducket' & Peck, the post tiaderx and giving foil account of the operations ot Orvllle Grant brother -of the presi dent, in couuevilou with Belknap whom Terry designates ns Orville Grant's partner, G;ant visited the po»t once a year to collect his money and on tlics? (ouriieys lie bnd orders from the War Department for ambnlances and other things which he required, tic also had like arrangements with Indian Agencies. The new arrange ment went iuto operation shortly afte r the death of Gen. Rawlins. Other reports say that President Grai.t specialy intcrfeied iugiving his broth er Orville such control of store-keep ership and enabled him to force store, keepers to terms. Dr. Terry says that Orville Grant was much feared on the frontier. Grant would have liked hiin better. New York Snn: Suppose Belknap, Instead «r confessing, bad followed Babeock's and Ueechers plan of stonily deming the whole thing and using •very legal divice to keep oat tbe evidence against him. He would bare h:d a party on Us side, and, there wonlu bare, been no - end or fool* to argue that there wasn't a particle of evidence or his guilt, lie would probably have been eiocted a deacon la tbe fieeober Church, Itav, been Invited to led are before Yak College, and of course Uraut would bare liked him better thaoever. The Loitdon MNM says that the appointment of Richard A. Dana, to represent our government which Schenok has disgraced at the ooait of Bt. James, la a very acoepuble appointmeut to tbe English governs ment. The Shelby Banner baa entered up on iu sixth volume. For five yean has it waved, and may It continue to fly the colors o! Democracy, in the fb -1 tore as in the past, and eufoy tbe sue ces* it. merits. Tt Is « good paper. CMOBISSiaMAL. .' Randall Introduced bill 4n the House to protect witnesses fining be fore the Judiciary coninittee froin mo lestatious, and making attempted in* timidatioq a.penaloffence. ■ In tbe Senate, the Impeachment committee fnken the necessiii-y or* der for proceeding* without question ing th* account vffe* ignation. «*".»■.. i In Ibe 11oti'sftf??• rrtfW»fc»>d« bill to meitfot tireia oKlmtnnl prosecu tion* wll nls»cV JffWt uo n before tfThe* ""Hocfte Of C'ongjsss or any of the'fairitf. Mr. Sherman introduced a-bill for a coptinuoes llua Of railWay from Norfolk, through VirgihiiJlSottH Carolina; temioHsee andcArkansas to the Pacifflr; ocean and to incorporate* the Atlantic Oklahoma and Pacific r, ifroad. V „■ > Mr. Knott, Chairman ot The Judi* clary Qominit|er,;o#cred» resolution tor tlie appointment of a select com mittee to inqure whether any offy eel- or employee of the government h*s in any way advised or connected with or directly or indh-ectly, verbaiy 'o'r in writing,' comiiiiiieated to any of , tbe defendants, or the friends, agents, or attorneys of the defendants -in 4he /eeofit'whiik6|:i eo4ifl)ir*cy trials' in St. Louis, any of the fact*/ papers, or other evidence OH which the gov«> eminent ralied or was expected to rely, and. whether any attempt was made by any officer or official ot the government other than the District Attorney and his assistants to interfere with, counsel, or In Wmy control the conductofsaid prosecutions or any Of them with power to seud for persons and papers,Jetc. The resolution was agreed to without objection. . Several other investigating resolu tions. •* . > The Investigating committee-of the House has a list of twenty trading posts on th* Frontier of Texas which were sold by Belknap, and' witnesses are to be summoned at once. In the House n bill Introduced t6 regulate trading stations at military posts. They seem to need regulats ing. Clymer stated to the House that n subpeona from the Supreme cdUrt of the District of Columbia had beenser. ved U|*OII him aitd two others of the investigating committee, commanding them to appear before the court, and stated that they fclt that it would be prejudicial to'he highest interest of the country if they should be required to testify of what transpired in the com mittee room. That hq,. Clymer, be lieved such a course wotald close the month* of mil witussoM, and drive many of them from tho laud. That further they had stated to the oourt,. that in view of this, they must protest against being examined, siiid would only consent thereto, after an order to that end had been made bv the court. This court tnerenponJmri taken tinw ft r deliberation, and had notified them that if wanted they would be sent for That they deemed it projier to call the attention of : the House to the matter, that it might take such actiou as it thought proper. Blaine wanted to kuow if the cour had proposed to ask any information which was not already Clymer said that tlie court proposed to axk nothing, that they were sub peo imcd to go before the grand jury, and it his statement of fac-« raised any necessary imputation that some one in the District of Columbia wished to close the avenues of evidence, all ore r the country tbat he could not help it. Sonic wrangling here ensued between Blaine and Clymer, in which there was some warm blood exhibited. •! The, Legislative, Executive and Ju diciary Appropriation Bills are ready. They reduce the e«timatea $5,000,000 The bill transfers the Indian Bureau to the waf department. After a long discussion as to the propriety of members of the committee obeying the subpoeua to go before the grand jury, with the papers and dock umentsin the posession of tin com mittee, in which qni'e a number or members were engaged, a resolution was introduced by Lamar of Mississip pi, declaring the mandate of thecour 1 to be a breach of the privileges ot the Ho use, which was adopted,- and tbu» w bat wai by many construed as an attempt to thrpttk Investigation Was defeated. „ ! Mr. Whitchonre of Tenncnwe frotar lie Co Dilutee on Naval. Affairs, wk mitted'to it* J&MKf/the testimony of Elchlas F. Wolf of W&shingtmr, •>tot merly book p. jfc A B. P. Brown nary\ contractors and oUlin agents of Washington in whkfh h® declined to unrir the following qaea" tlom": AI ~..■—— "-Nd you evar take any money from Mr. Brown and hand It to any body connected with it*vaKecrvlce? And do you know of any oommUfoti or payment having In atiy way been paid ounnerted with the uaval Mr, Whltehouu also ofcred a ree* olutlon directing the speaker to laaue hie warrant directing. the Sergeant at- Arros to take into ouatody the body"it Elcblat F. Wolf and to bring Mm to ttoeharo( the Houee to ahow earn why he be not punished for ooittempt* Adopted. * " 1 ■ The special Committee on Whie key Frauds and Attorney Uen-r --als (dice: Knott,. HArrilf*'Glover. Oohrane, McMarkham, Mcßory and Ftatoted. Randall reported the Legislative and Executive Appropriation Bill. It rudnoee eatimatea eight millions. T}ie special order for Friday the case of Congressman Carman'of Flori da was referred to the Committee on Civil Service Reform for Investiga tion * ;-tr. • • The Judiciary Committee reported impeachment articles, but as witness Marsh WAS probably beyond the juris diction of the United .State*, he asked their recommittal for amendments, audit was so ordered. . was pnt on it* par ' sage: 'Be it'enacted th# when any persptis •ball Jbe . required to testify be%e«ither House of Congress, or any committee thereof, br theSenate,'*ltllbff'aa a Conrt ot Imp*Wliment*fld shall so testify oii dei protest, he shall not the.*e*tter lie held to answer criminally In any Conrt &t Jitslloe, or subject to' any penalty or forfeiture, on. account of any act concerHingwhlch he shall be so re. quired t«testify, provided "hat nothing herein -contained shall be so construed as to relieve any person from liability to impeachment; passed and the House Adjourned. -„ . . , . In the Senile Taft was confirmed a* Secretftrol war. ' The ,Piqchbac!> case came np and wa» fiu»ll* .disposed of bv the passage amendment. which is that lie be not seated as Senator from. Ndw Pinchback is dl*ep gfcWh:*nd'can goback to Louisiana hndpnl'his threats into execution, about raiifng h*'l tn that State. That is What lie fnreitttfe«J t> do with thl republican partr, So far as that Htsfe' was'ebitceroed fa* he tailed to get- his tent'' However, » determination in bis ease was so long delayed that he ba»t&fcen anticipated in his amiable designs upon his party by Democartic investigating committees. The Tote sloodagninst hi* Admission 32 for it 29. f Jt a full senate had been present and every member had Voted he would have been rejected bv two. THti President ot the Senate has di« raetari • the door keepers to notify Pinchback, that lie must stay out of there His case being decided against him,.h£ has no privileges on the floor. Wall, a negro member of the House, mi{B,t get out for Finley, whit* so the Election' Committee report with ouly three dissenting Til* bill regulating the removal of CAMS -from State to Federal Courts passed, . . ; Bill past, authorizing the sender ot any third class mail matter to write on the wrapper hi* address and the num ber pf articles. Tlir Judiciary committee instructed to enquire into the charge that Con gressman Hay* received SBOOO for a NaVal Cadetahip. ' !•'• Gordon of Ga., mad? a bi j speech in the Senate on his bill amending the revenue laws. It attracted great at tention. V,,/ : . ,_ f J . , The bi|l extending patents on sew ing machines was tabled. Cox introduced * resolution to into the great fluctuation of ooiftin the TVeasury according to the reports of the Treasurer. Information has come to light that will, , form the basis of one of the latgMt investigations of the session. The four committees on the war post oflvn, justice and interior departments will,.join. Corruption and bribery, everywhere. .. WASHINGTON, D. 0. "J If. r ; March Bth, 1876. f . Terror and oofusion reign in the Republican camps. The disclosures in tW Belknap case have left them in a, pitiable condition. They know no way to escape the damning odium which it casts upon the administratiota unlean it be ta throw Grant overboard, and this they hardly dare to do, though a leading editorial in the Na tional Republican the party organ rather squints that way. The only hope they have is in denouncing Belk nap and this is-being done by men knoVu to be equally guilty with the fallen Secretary, but whose "sins have not yet found them out."' By pursu uig tlue course it ii hoped that popu lar attention will be'di verted from the fact that Belknap's frauds are a na tional outgrowth of Radicalism, and toturapopAlar indignation upon the man father than the party. President Grant, true to his instincts has en deavored to shield not only Belknap, butibe yet undiscovered officials by directing all parties who nay have becty>opnceroed in any such oases, to be r pooseeuted uuder the bribery laws. This .would take Marsh, as the law provides that both the giver and re-' ceiyer of the bribe shall be pnuiahed alike. The consequence is that Marsh has fled &> Canada to avoid process and even if he were indicted for bri bery xonkl not be extradited.. Other witnesses who have been parties to suoh transactions, not only with the Secretary of War, but with other leading republicans, will he prevented by this-ordrr from ootning here to tes tify as thechsradfcr of the courts and juriflsil«*sai« too well known for my oue«4ftfc> the administratior wants to Jrust himself, to their tcndirtmnrcitifc. Orville Grant'will, thiti W kavedand that was the of the" Cider. It is said that moat damaging, festiuioi\y has been elicited before the naval committee against Hecreiar* Robeaoa, and that Attorney General Tierrepobt will be shown to have iutcrforred to liava Babeock. You need not lie swrpriaed to hear 8008 of other impeachments. TM Home will oertAwlj adopt ante to proteot the iiilßß—w who* it eummona be fore it t and thns general Grant's order wilt lose its terror. The Executive, Legjiietive mod Jn dtoialappropriatiaUw feUl is ready to ho reported. The direct reduction from 4m fMftWopriation of Isst jMr is over #.\000,000 and If the reeomen (lations made by the committee are adopted aa muoh more will be saved. The expenseeof the House and Senate are reduoed over $600,000, showio* that the oommittae u willing to out down their own expenses aa woll aa those of the other department ot the govcrnseent. Mr. Randall will more than make good hia declaration that ho would reduoe the expenaea of the goeanam* *4*400,000 per annum. The heada of the varioua department* are bound .to admit that dm amount " S^^^m'Tt^mtoUly'dLs" bnrsed. Thus proving that the IbepuK e tcaa Coi have been throwi g away, or permitting stolen at. least n $40,000,000 of th* peoples money e very yean This will be a good enough showing to go into the cam* paign on and would be one of the best 1 financial measure* that can be adoped 8 Unfortunately the finance question * is still unsettled. Why it should be I so is a mystery. i, . It is sheer nonsense for the Demo crats of the House to quarel on this - measure, for they ought to know that any party policy they may adopt will .. probably be defeated by the Republi can senate. The best thing they can e do is to let the matter rest exactly ' where it is. . They are not responsible 1 for the situation. By failing to touch * it they can show that all the evils I now in existence sprung from'republi i can ism, and this will gain the party t .more votes than any reform,even if one could be made.The people are dis f satisfied with the uresent condition of affairs. Shertiian s sham satisfies no , one. The hard mohey men denounce it as freely as do the greenback men. It i should be let alone and the |ie'ople will naturally turn to the democratic party I for relief from this as well as the other' ■ evils of republican rnle. 1 - The central executive committee is hard at work. The campaign in New , Hampshire is very lively and the , Belknap exposnr* renders it almost certain that that State will go deraoc -1 ratic. A number of leading demo ' crkts Have gone there to make speeches. The election is important, more for ita prestago and bearings upon, the . future than for - reason. Fortunately the navy yard frauds cannot be repeated tHis year, and this lessens naturally the republican chances. The Belknap exposure has considerably increased Blaines chances for the republican nomination and he is now far ahead of all his competitors ' for that position. What strengthens him naturally weakens Morton and Conkling who are "thick and thin" administration men. The nomination of Judge Taft of Ohio was a shrewd p ' ideal trick to try and capture the > vote. He is to be used as an offaett to cArl Schurz. It will not win for the germans are disgusted with the dishonest bribe takers and will almost to a man vote the demo cratic ticket. There is no news of any moment from about. - . *' Tfc While a way freight train, with a passenger car attached was passing over the Harper's Ferry and Valley Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, sixty, three miles from Harper's Ferry, the qpgiae tender and train fell through a bridge. The wreck was complete. The following were killed: W A Wight* man. Edingburg, Va., C L Noel., Mt. Jackson, Va.; R £ Hammond, Mt. Jackson, Va.; R L Wood, supposed to be from Richmond; C H llodgeson, Berkley Springs, member ot the Leg islature of West Virginia: J A Bald- Baltimore.* M Uano. Winchester ;Vai.; AC Bowers, commercial travel er* Baltimore/ F Donoran, engine man Landy Hork, Md.; J. Chapman, and F. Jefferson, breaksman, Winchester. Va. The wouuded were: J Zeibert.New Market, Va.,' J Hahu. Woodstock, Va. M Bird, Mt. Jackson, Va.; H C Bak er, Baltimore; Bernard Hughes, Wis consin; J Russel and T Cummin. About four o'clock on the morning of the 7th a fire broke outin an asylum for the aged, of the little sisters and of the poor, • large four story brick build ng iu Williamsburg New York. A panic was caased among the inmates who rushed about the building they were exhausted or suffocated There were one hnndred and eighty flve old people in the building, and in one part all egress had been cut off so they went up to tho roof, uttering piercing shrieks, and by the smoke and fire were hid from view. Num* bers were burned to death. Some in jumping from windows to escape the flames met a no .'ess certain death. It was impossible to ostium e the number that net a terrible death iu the burning building, aa those who escaped were takeu off so that their number is likewise aukuown. W. A. Hearne, some (line ago, in the columns ->f the Raleigh JVews, charged that J. C. L. Harris, Solicitor of that judicial district, bad forged a lnrjte number of bills of Indictment against parties in Halilhx county, o>r failure to list taxes. That Is that he had drawn the hills and endorsed i them as true bills, signing the name of the foreman of the rraudjnry, and also the name ol the Clerk as having sworn, and sent witnesses, and now ha publishes a letter tram the Snperior Court Clerk of Halifax sustaining bis charge. These radical officials are a sweet set. They are oil the make all thetiiae. Wt 11. If positive proot that a party, as a party, is gnilty ot bribery fraud, peculation and corruption, will damage that party then the Republican party must outer. '•Oh Bill," ssid an old lady at the pen itentiary yesterday to her convict son! Yuafflxt so idee; Just think of aplen ty to eat an' a good rorft to yo>r head an' no botheration about close, an> them poor boys at borne lu rags an* not larnin' educashun at*"sll, Ef I'm spared to git boase Ma and Bob sbao t rest till thay an bars with you." Bill dressed the old woman np in bona Anger Hogs and earrings and she baa gone home proud of her son.—Dally 2fmm I » The greenback party of Conn. ba« | held a convention and nominated a • be gradually retired. SCHEDULE. -J RTLMMT AMUF,INK RAILWAY RICHMOND FC DANVILLE,RicnuoNn A DAK VILXE R. W. t N. C. DIVISION, and NORTH WMTEBN N. C. R. W. CONDENBED TIME-TABLE. In Effect oil and after Sunday, Dec. 19th, 1876. * - GOING NORTH. . - Station*. MAIL., F.cave Charlotte 5.48 A. M. " Air-Line Junction #.25 " •' Salisbury, 8.20 •« . " OreOUsboro', 10.58 " ' '• Danville, 1.84 P.M. " Dmidee, 1.4» " " Burkville, 8.51 " Arrive at Richmond. 0.35 GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. MAIL. Leave Richmond; R.SQ.A. M. " BorkvDto, •00—' " ?§Sl* 1-9? p *• " Danville, tM - »« Greensboro, 4.28 " " Salisbury, 8.54 » " Air-Line Junction, J 8.53 " ' Ai rive at Charlotte 9.15 " GOINGEAST GOlftQ WEST STATIONS. | MAIL, ] MAIL. t „ Read down Read tip. L've Greensboro* 11.00 A. MiArr. 4.10 r. * " Co. Shops Ar. Raleigh 8.40 R. M;AIT. 11.05 A.M, Ar.at Golasboro. 840 R. MIL'V? 830 A.M STATIONS. ACCOMMDATION TRAIN. Leave Greensboro 7.00 P M | Ar. 6.00 AM t'i Co. Shops, { Arr. at Raleigh, 5.00 A M Ar. 7.00 PM Arr. at Golasboro 11.15 '• Lv. 2.03 PM Read down. Road up. NMTB WERTEIHI I*. C. H. R, (SALF.M BHANCH.) Leave Greensboro' 4.45 P. M. Arrive at Salem..:. 8.45 P. M. Leave Salem 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro'.... 10.88 A. M. Passenger trains leaving Raleigh at 11.05 A M connects -at Greensboro'with the Southern bound I-a in; making the quickest time to all Southera'clties. Accommodation train leav ing Raleigh at 7.00 P M,connects with North, ern bound train at Greensboro for.Richmond' and all points East. Priee of tickets same as eta other routes. Accommodation train leaving Greensboro at 7.00 P M connects with Northern and Southern bound trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lynchburg Accommodation leave Rich mond daily at 9.00 A- M.. arrive at Burke ville 12.36 P. M., leave Burkeville 1.20 P. M., arrive at Rlbhmond 4.85 P. M. , v IVa Change sfCart kslwma Oharltllc a a4 Rlttlasal. 989 Dlilea. For further information, address JOHN R. MACMURDO, ... Genl. Passenger Ageqt. >■, - itichmond Va. i T. M, i\. I'ALCOTT! Engineer A Gren'l Supelntedneat. pALACE JEWELRY 8TOB& YY FARRAR, OPTICIAN, WATCH-IMKBB, AND JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER, AND DEALER IN VATCHBI CI.*CKI,JKWRLRV Sliver Ware; Bridftl Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold Feus, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will be mIS ck»p Cash. O"Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sewing Ma chines, and pistols repaired cheap and on short notice. In .assorted stock of GFuns, P Istols Cartridges, Ac., always on'liandV - AprtlO-Xy PROBATE COITKT. AlaassMf Csssiri . James A Tnrrentine as Ad-) ~ ministrator of JohnS Tur rentlni, . * Summon* Plaintiff, Againtt cob Relist. O D Cobb and wife Catherine ' t E, Joseph Fix and wife Sa rah J, W H Turpentine and Special Pro- Joseph D Tnrrentine, Defendant*. J ceedings. State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Alamance County : -Greet ing: Tou are herobv commauded to summon G. D. Cobb and wife Catherine E., Jos. Fix and wife S*rah J., W. H. Turrentlne and Joseph D. Tur. en tine the defendants above named If they be found within your county to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county of Alamance wlhtln twenty days after the service of this summons on them exclusive of the day of such service, and answer the complaint which wlll.be deposited In the office of said Clerk within ten day from the date, of this suututonsi And let said defendants take notice that If they fail to answer the complaint within that time the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief tnanded in theeomplaint. Heiein fail not and of this summons make due return, Given under my hand and the seal of said Court. W. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. C. Alamance s/oonty. This 97 day ogNov. 18#5. In the above proceedlng.lt appearing: to the satisfaction of the oouit, that Joseph D. Tur rentlne lea party thereto, and that be Is a noo-resfclentu the State. It is ordered that publication b$ made in the AlamanceGleanerr for six soeonilve weeks in lieu of personal service of summons upon said Joseph D Tur- W. A, ALBRIGHT CTB. C. Alamance Countj. Done at office in Graham I this S7thNov. 1875. i pM)WARDS, BBUUGHTON ft CO rrMm * Wiwi, RALEIGH. N. C. gOOTT A DONNBLL, Graham, y. C, f rm wit m Dry-Gooda, Groceries, Hardware, IHMK, ITHIi. ULff, MIAMI •««* HMfVin. UV«I, »AC#I«, AC.. *C, / TarmaCwh or BarUrr. M. ADVERTISEMENTS. It Pays! It! Pays! WHAT PATH IL I er ®'7 Manufacturer, Merchant Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer, or Profefs lonal mar., to keep informed on all the im provement* and discoveries of the aire. the head of everv fnmiiv j t duce In to his household newgpaDer ttlXu instruct ve, one that foster* a " " Ud ,^ thought and en courages disco «lon among abc fnemblir. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN IJal oUur Other pabU c .U„„, J, ani'ste; 4 s ™ w= «"- indicating Information per ta Injur to thn Indimtrlou*. Mechanical™ and f p c "ent 5c Pruur»as Of the world; discretions with Beantiful Engravings, New InventT,!,,, New Ijiipieroenr.,. New Pro censes and Im proved Indiirtries ol all kinds; Useful NotS Rcrelpes Suggestion and Advice, by P/ac- .i. l'i Workmen and feuiplovers in nil the arts, foiminir a com Diet* repertory of Nc* Inventions and DiSTveriw containing a wpi kly record not onlv of tlx* pro-rea* of the imlu't ial a, ", onr own S2S2r/t l "! ( ■! a ' > a' new discoveries and lfahi*£ S branch of Engineering Mechanics, and tcicncc vfabroad. THKM IKM.m AMKhItA f,. hUSS? ) be ?! M industrial pub- - . for ,P-t «W»ty Tors It is the SW!! ' che *P«» t T and tbe best weekly,' if, P?,P® r devoted to Engineering,. Mechanics, Chemistry. New- Invention?, in world ttl P* o *™*', published ~J he P™ 11 "" 11 receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. And for the of°»ub"cflpttoo, any time, the cost MtrthmmU, Mechanic*, Ea iiaccriit I arm lorn. ITlanu tmmiirtn, ikcialsis. L*r "■ »f Melenee, mi,l pea. pie »f all Prtfn. •leas, ,T'" , flr V? .f® American useful to them. It should have a place in every family library, study, office, and counting room ; fn every reading room, college ai d school, A new volume commences January l»t ii} 7& A year s number contain 832 d aires and several hundred engravings. ThoXnd. o? oncc lP^. r .u P ' Sff for^1 P d 'nß and refer ence. Terms, *8,30 a year by mail, includ ing po»tage Discount to' clubs Special circulars rivfhg clubrates Kent free. Sln K le copies mailed ou receipt* of 10 cento. Mav be had of all new dealers. Jftttooneetleb wltblhe SeieMfa American, Messrs.Mudd k C 6. are* Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Intents, and have the lar gest establishment in the w*rta. Mo" than fifty thousand applications have been undo for patent* through their agency obtained on the beat terms, models of tiew inventions and sketches ex' auMned and advice free. A special notice Is made lb the Scientific American of all Inven tions patented through thU agency, wUh the name and residence of the patentee. Pat ents are often sold in part or whole, to per sons attracted to the Invention by nueh no tice:. Send for Pamphlet, containing fnll di rection} for obtaining Patents. A bounfr voilume containing the Patent Laws, Census, of Che U, 8., and 43 Engravings of mechan ical movements. Price 35 cenu. Address for tb« Paptf or concerning Pat ants MUMN ft CO, STpark Row, New York Bra'otrOfUce, Cor. If A tth Bts., Washing ton D. €. 6 CIIROMOS TREE! In order to introdnc* onr large, eight-pace Illustratrc Literary and Family taper. The itoavenir, we will send it, on trial, six months for only 00 cts., and to each anb scrlber we wIU mall post paid fonr elegant 4MU Chromoa. ' Little Bed Riding Hood." I,X 11 ® hildren*■ swing," "P«jek-a-Boo" and Mothers Joy. These pictures are not common prints, but genuine oil chroinos in sixteen colors, that arc equal in appear ance to tlnfe oil paintings. Just think of it four fine chroinos and an excellent lib rary pajier six months for 00 cts Try it. Make up a club of Bve subscribers and we will send you an extra copv for six months and four extra chromes. No danger of loosing your money. We refer to the Tost Master, Bris tol. as to. our responsibility. Cash required in.advance. No samjples fiee. Agents want ed to take subscriptions and sell our fine pictures. From #3 to *lO a day easily made. Address, . . W.M. BURROW, 900 Math Bt. Bristol Tenn. AAIBICAN AND roßKionr PAVIKT*. / GUmore A Co,, successors to Chlpman Hosmer «t Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in all countries. No fees In advance. No charge unless the patent is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No additional tees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent decison of the commissioner all rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to interter ence case* before the Patent Office, Exten sions before Congress, Infringement Suits in different States, and all litigation appertain ing to Inventions or Patents. Sena stamp to GUOiore A Co. for pambphlet of sixty pages. • Cases, Lss4 warraals, s«4 IsHp, Contested Land cases prusecnted before theU. 8. General Land Offloe and Depart ment of the Interior. Private Land claims Mining and Preemption claims, and Home stead cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40. 80, and 180 aore pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can be looatcd in the m.me . of the purchaser upon any Government land l subject to private entry, at 91,35 per acre. It. is of equal value with Bounty Land War rants. Send stamp to Gllmore A Co. for pamphlet of instruction. Ar»«ara sf fay umd Officers, Soldier*, and Sailors of the late war, or their helra. are iu many cases enti tled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history, ot service, and state amount of pay and bounty received, Enclose stamp to Gllmore A Co., and a fnll replf, after examination, will be given you free- All officers, soldiers, and sailors wounds* raptured, or Injured in the late war. how«*e£ S£i£s VTT' H" commission. Each department of wm topto-s Is eon. dncted in a sepawt* ***** w>4tr charge of the parties employed by the oMtm. Pvjpipt attention to buai °?*Si*"?*#* W* o ™* Co , thus secur ed. Ws 4»sfc»to«tasu««ea*by deserving AW(*m Giufess * Co. v *»F. Btrert WaabitiyiOß p. C\' New Drag Store Wt. J, 8, MUBPHY Bsansctfully notifes tbo public that he haa J.wapkfc w>4 weJitUied DBUft oumpanj? Shops, Pmg i ™ el> arge, so