M VFMVEAKH OF «-« tM The seventli vein of Gin. (Iran's administration I ; ,fi paxt. For f rtv years no ether .mm ha.» Ie hi t! r highest Mini lie •; piv • i f.: 1 positi..;i in this count: \ U>r so long n 'ill'". In deed it limy ii" i'l that 11'> Ai m i I-":t 1 i has ever I».•■• 11 pos: cssed el' so great jjov.tu fui su many >• us. _\Vlmt use hav Grant made of iiis eminent posi fcioii? Thequ ■ -ti .Ji answers it.. ITwlirn we iKiin tii tiie fuel tout there is net a single department i>( goiei nim-nt which h.e: leiiiaiiied untainted under liis admini-tratJoa. 1 Hiring tho last two years five men.' ers of his cabinet hue retired fi. >u »':• ir places, every on.' of them ir in , out disgi ac-ii l it!«■ r bv gross itienmp '"in v, or gro-.s ear i'tint ion. Even now inero is ill 1. a t one member in 111" cabinet nh-ni in tvgrity is questioned. This s'-venih year of Grant h:vs witnessed the re tircment of Williams, I>e'isno an.l ,„]ieikiiap. ()fth"s" the fi to were known asineajrvb'e mni ee.rnipt orti- CUTS long before the President cons* ll '- ed to let them go. I'.nth withdrew ill the intervening peri.• I b.o wnof the election and the in.■ tile.,' of a l>enai; r rat it ilousc of R' j r'"-eniutives, end may Ho ad.led thai; both di"d li'ud. 'l'lie H'.iise b. in,' in s*-^->i• -ii. !>■..%. \ r there wan ie> ch fir di-l.iv-fi.r hg ill evasion or white washing rep..its ill the epe of S.-erctary Pelkli'ip, and the disco\ery .if his misconduct v.-as R v.i ftly followed by his i'.forei-d Vi~ tirc.ineiit. The in •• ■ • i»j>«-11• 11 y and cor. rupfion of head* of depart ire lit s '-lily indicates the prevailing i«itt of the entire civil servie\ Even the ar my and jndichrv have b>. :i i•,f. r-11 and the scandals (.■onic elo l -.kith for eign missions have largely «• 'iilributed to the humiliation of tlie country. All this would I avo h..i-n impossible ! if the first oilier of the government had ' liOWii hiins'-if to I ir- iinb'ied with a vnce of official duty, resposi bilify and honor. Unfortunately, 1 however, (ten. Grant has always look ed upon his appointing {lower and pa-j tronnge as a private perquisite to be i employed for personal and partisan gratification. . He has regarded the official servants of the people as if they were Ida own vassals, ami tliwe by has demoi&lizcd the entire system. Ilia administration has repelled hon est and able men from the sorvico of their coil II try and filled jniblie office with rogues at'tl thieves. The chief responsibility for this di-igrueeful con dition of public affairs, however, rests not upon n single individual, eminent as is his position and great as his pow. er has been. It is the republican pat ty which has permitted and enabled the president to abuse his official pow. ers and sustained him in ail his short comings. .vV'ithout such.oupputi by a | reat political organization the admin istration of President. Grunt conld never lavo boon so disgraceful a fail lire. P.uf even thereeeiftconventions of the party had nothing but ''adinirn tion" and "gratitudo" for President Grunt. Tt is A'ith such declarations j and endorsements that the republicans ask for popular confidence and power in Now Hampshire and Gonecticut, in j each of which States u political canr ! paiga ie now in progress. The goner, j al responsibility of the party for the j condition of public affairs mid for its| representative m n in public positions is greatly increased by its base adula ! hit ion and vilo subjection to the one) man who U the diapeneer of the fed.' era I patronage. Grunt ism and repute j liennism tire itidisßoluhly connected, | mi I theirs must Ik? n common fate j riie lime h sc >uie win n the people | are about to pass judgment upon lioth. i /lnji'Jo Cotiritr. B.ibcoefc and LJos.s S!ieph»rd were ! partner in bilious spei iil.itliiiisnb .ul , Washington, resulting from their inn- I tual connection with thi King, and; from person.;! tie* that may be. -better i understood boforj 1 uut. A nun 2 otli- i eis of tlieir enterprise w.;n several . blocks of houses, onfl i>f vrhich is j known as "liabcoek's row." Strange- j ly enough, three of the.so buildings, j which adjoin eacli"*other, were occu- j pied by three persons whoso names j have become infamous »s thieves and I conspirator*, and all of whom held j the closest relations w tl; (imut and: BOSH Shepherd. Belknap, Babcoek and " Ifarring - j ton these neighbors, who sought to rival eacl*other in uieivirjcioHsdit pl«v, and who adopted .similar means for growing rich. The first is >o be trie*) for bribery, the second escaped conviction by excluding his own letters and telegrams, from the jury and tho A dminiglration, and the third was saved from the penitentia ry by a packed and purchased ju- ry. The throe were loyal Republicans *» ftX'l third termers of the most pro nonnced type. It nhoeked their jm«i t riot ism to nee the South represented in Cong res*, especially when it contrit buttd to a Democratic majority in the House of Representative*), tuid thus opened up the way for Tliey are only samples of Giantism, autt of an organized system of rob' ey and rascality, which is without a par*, allel in civilized government. | from lli. N Vork Mrrei rv ) \ VKTt K» «J.' TIICrii.VTKSSMI , .1 Mnn Who l.i«ipnr«l lo a «|iereli Ifoill | niHiii;loil mill ii hi> llrlmi jed lo n !•'I rf Ve:it|in ny in ' Michael Ivl ward-'. Sr., of M"iinds \i i io, i'a., is now in his one hundred 1 and n:nth veilr. \\ In nat Mounds. •vide, a few days ag i, a correspondent ' | had a short interview with the old ' ' gontlemon, it was something to look up -ii 1 man whoso birth dated back to tin. I 7(h of Augiiht. 17(17, and hear ■ iiiiu tell of seeing mritl Washington ,in fie-streets of his native town ere. i'v.-t thi* I'atleo'of ii : H G iimtry had reach. - i ih-.'-fenith of his great, fume. Mr. Kilwa ds ibihk» he remember-, when the !;■•.» -t of Ihe Dielaratioii of I nd' ;• ii 1 mi. e was br to \m ." I'a., where It" tie ti lived. lie remem b'-re. 1 11. •->i •i 11 Wash ii/ton make a ■ sooi t ..;p".--!i in Vorlc, a'"ter the war,in •■thi h, in;.on;; oih.T. tliingi, he said there Wiislik" !v t i be another war in ' the fat ore, av. r.r', caused by oftici seekers, that wosild bii Wnl'se than the I Involution. He east his lirst vote for Washington for President, and voted for him both tin..s, and after - iii in for .1. 11 i Ad.on.s. lie , left York in l v,| i -.ii-1 «■!*•. t > Washing t ui, P. l.iisy iv. u'ii, vle i./ li" \n s mar lied in 1 : > to Mis- I',!.■.'.nor ('a dy, ii laii". . i !i"l .-ell years his junior. They 1 i v I ■■ I t o,'i-: 11er fif* \-1 'ill e veal s, s!11■ 1 \ 111: i.i h*e. T.I" family eonsii.ietl if foui I).s. iiii iii living, (lie oldi - I of whole w.i'"V.' io his s"vei.tie',hyear, a li.' Ii I". ":r.|s ii. d at Washington "j .ii 1 ••! v. 11i«-!i time he removed ; io .Moiiit J.iv ill.-, v. here he has since re . >.idi d. ll.' wotke.l at bis trad" (gun -iiiithing) until be was between eighty | rtiel ninety yei.rs of :ige. Wh"it lie | i wan.iii his ninety iliir I yar he Walk- | etl from Wheeling to Moiuidsville in | two hours and a half, a feat that many | voung m«n could not rival, lie has j seldom been severely sick in his life * > I although lie has never taken extra: cure ol his health; hits both chewed and smoked tobacco, and taken an oc- ! , casional glass of lujuor, although not i j addicted to drink, ii is general habit | has been to rise and retire at an early hour, and during the mostof his life I j Was seldom slept after 4 in the morn" ing. lie conies of a long lived an C 3stry, as do most persons who attain ) great age, his mother having lived to be upwards of 103 years old. In the fall of 1870, in his one hun dred and fourth year, Mr. Edwards revisited the scenes of his childhood in York I'a., and while there received quite an ovation from its citizens. Among other tokens of respect he i was presl'iited with a gold-headed cane by the member* ot th» Laurel Fire Goinpuny, of which company he was the oldest surviving member. The Company had liiui charged on their I books with a fine of eleven pence "for | non-attendance on the evening of3oth I of March, 179'J," and while tie re the Secretary, as a good joke, rendered j him a bill, which principal and inter- ; Hest, amounted to jt-i.XI. j At the coming Centennial Celcbra- I tion at Philadelphia there will not be | many greater curiosities to bo seen ] J than old Mr. EJ*v«rds. There will be present a few veneruble men of Tile I j past like Mr. Edwards, who we 5 ■ children in 177*), who may perchance j remember the Fourth of duly of that , | eventful year, Had they will be, as | indeed they ought to be, among the most interesting features of the exhi |. . . 3 I {union. j . % tVIFK Willi Hl AUVCD III'. R- j am.i'. For ninny yearn past there ban been ; living in Inili.iti Creek township this I ! (Monroe) com.ty, a married couple , I named L)i••ks-. About a week ago] , Zaehaiiah Dicks, the husband, made ! ! a will in which it was provided that, (should he die lintt, all of his property ' |j>hu«!d to the children, ami they I , were t«i provide for their mother tin. j | ; til her death. Mrs. Dicks very stern j j ly objected to such a disposition of the i [ property, and demanded that the will j jbe changed, but her husband heeded j I her not. Becoming convinced that! would do ito good, the old In. jdy began to threaten, and tiinally leftj I her husband's roof. Shc never would 1 « ) ' j taste another morsel of food. This i j threat did not move the old manj but' I the old lady kept her wordr fefaai teen long days she ate not a mouthful, j and oulji occasionally would she wet ( her lips with water. Friends and neighbors called on her often to try to I turu her from her dreadful i but she would not even see any of r of tbent. She died at the age uf ? —Evening TeUgram. An exchange says " A. T. Stewart j uses tobacco in no shape." To think that a man who is abundantly able to go to ITavana and lay in an inexhaus tible supply of cigars at a dollar apiece, should thug wilfully, ami yon ' may say maliciously, throw away the 1 priceless luxury of smoking, is enough to make a man in straightened circum stances tear his hair and howl. ,/oitrrwl. ADVERTISEMENTS. j-f© fiis fMITM m 1 Alamance, Caswell., CJranville, ■ Person and Orange: i /" ISring your TO 13A r CO to i mw& wm j / Hilhhoro. N, C. I i 1 The imJ'T-izncd liave upcned AVKBB'S WAREHOUSE wider such and with nucli arrangements that they can fully protect the interca ■A I !i. I'l. A Vi'l.lJ W.t will have regularly on the market'a full corps of BL'YERS, «ho are willing to ||lre ilii; Kursm-r tin- value ot lli« Tobacco, some of theiu with very large orders to till, for Ural j ' !..>» MuiigraclurPrs. Uur E • 11 » POQ UE . alone hi'.* order* from Manufacturers for an unlimited quantity of all grades, and will pay full prici.f. He needs in next three weeks 400,-000 lent Bright Smokers and Wrappers nnd will pay PRICES which cannot fail to delightthe Plan ter. You uiuj rest assured that Hillsboro, will tie at the head of tlu; List on BRIGHT TOBACCO. ! i Try us on Brights, and you will be convinced that n. other Inland Market can excel this. • .M mm lp here ready to pay for any quantity. Bring in yonr Tobacco early and when possible evening before the sale. Sale days Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of each week. Bring your Tobacco to Hillsboro and save time and distance, and we will sec that you are treated right, and that you get the very Highest Iflaikcl Price on all grades, and we fee! sure >vc can run ahead on fine Bright Wrappers, Remember we me prepared to pay in currency, for all the Toeacco that can be brought to llillf-boro. E. 11. POGUE IT CO., Proprietors. 1875. 1875. Fall and Winter Stock. I wish to inform my friends that I am now receiving my fall and winter stock of DIiV.GOODM, MO . (OJfS, HATH. BOOTH AND RIIOES Steady-Made (Nothing, &c., &c. I sell the best CALICOES at ten cents a yard. I tell ready-made clothing as cheap as they can be bought at retail anywhere in or out of the State. "Best spool cotton warranted 8(10 yards, at live cents a spool. All varieties of LADIES D 11 E S S GOODS "on hand. A large portion of my goods I buy direct from the manufacturer I also keen constantly a full supply of Groceries, Crockery, Glass-Ware,and Family Medioiues K.r Good Red Sole Leather at 30 cents a pound. I have no old stock on hand bon-hl at high prices to work off with mv new stocK. Barter of all kinds taken, With thanks fir the libaral (hare of trade I have reeeived, I am very 1 respectfully*"' f I Vf. V V on , c ~ w. p.. ALBRIGHT, Graham. N. C., November 9th 187.% ' N. B,—lßoo aces tine land for sale in parcels to suit purchasers SALE'S j HAIR Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair Prep, aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old natrons that it is kept fully up to its Mali standard; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it sMI, lustrous, and silken. The j scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair cp-ows thieker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary j glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in evtrtrop old age., It is the most economical HAIR-DRKSSING ever used, as it requires fewer applica tion!*, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D, State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for ex-. | cellent quality; and I consider it I the BSST I&KPAKATIOX for its ; intended purposes." Sou bf mil Druggist' an 4 Dmbrs in ItetUbm. Me* On* Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. VOB THE WHISKXBS. As oar Renewer in many cases ; requires too long a lima, and too i much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will Suickly and effectually accomplish lis result. It is easily applied, and produces a color whicn will neither Tub nor wash ofil Sold by all Druggiau. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., XAttOJL, N.H. J. P. GULLEY, RKTAIT.RU IKTI JOBBER OK H ry-Goods, Clothing nOTIOXH. BURT'S HAND-MADE Boots & Gaiters , i ■ ■ ~ BATS AND CtPS, V.II.ISEN, TKOKH U HITK GOODS, ' * *C., Are. South Cor. Eayrttevill* tk., and Eichttnnf I'lact RALEIGH. N. . W, F - JONES ' GRAHAM, S. C., Buggy and Carriage Makers, Are prepared to fill at tbe shortest notice all orders in their line Repairing promptly and neatly done, at ■••■■ ATI RATIO. They also keep constantly on band lor al at their .bop, an assortment of •rsa. KTsiila. Btsasr Water isil. Prrp* *4 PslsM sf all nlsn, Plsagka. aad Any stole of coffin furnished at two hoars notice. All kinds of produce taken at market prices. We are thankful for past patronage, an hope to merit Us continuance. fab A ADVERTISEMENTS. HOME ENTERPRISE. -:o:- T-.lt 4 TO#Me» e®Q)^K«%TQ/¥E, MANUFACTURED BY NERREANT 4c JIcCAIH.RV GREENSRORO, N. C. '•'Ml [ These "to-, rfsnre t-nstly superior to the great "taiorityof Sto.vcu. bought of Northerp Mam f H tir s The best of material is used in the iiinfiiildcture, nnd they have never failed togive entire satisfaction. In addition tq, the L'reut excellence of tiiesc Stoves, there is great advantpjjb to those wlro buy,in living near the factory, vfroni wheuce to replace any vessel at short nojtice that should be accidently broken. ■■ '*v ... , Price No. 8 No. 7 *2rt. P. R. Harden & Bro., Graham, are agent* for the sale of the above named stove. II E SL T NX Y SOU T H Thr Larsfolnnd llnDdxonh'iit Literal I'nper in America. . « . v CF°SrECiMENS FREE.^J The following now stories will soon be com menced, and will be the most intensely thrill ing of any romances yet publish**! in «n American j* ' £.l/ IIIILA HOICO | OR .KORTII IMD HOI'TEI. A Thrilling National Romance, Based Upon the Administraiious of Presidents Lin coln and Johnson, and the Ex ecution of Mrs. Surratt In 1865. WRITTEN JIY A DISTINGUISHED STATESMAN. WRITTEN liv Itl.OODi OK TDK ItllD-ftlOilT PI.KDUR. A Hlory ef Ihc I.ant ftapelrou's Itrig Br M. QUAD OP TIIE MICHIGAN PBKSS. . FIGHTING AGAINST FATE ; OR AI.OXK IN TilK UOHI.I>. A Brilliant Serial,now Running by MrS.Mary E. Bryan, who it the Finest Story Writer of the Age. EDITH HAWTIIONE) or The Trmplatiaus of a Fin-lory C!irl Br A POPULAR NOVELIST. OF THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT By Col. H. D. Capers, Chief Clark of Treas ury under Mr. Meminimger. SSTThis -vill be a deeply interes ing series of sketches giving the early trials, disadvan tages, and many amusing incidents of our people in their efforts to establish an inde pendent Government. ftf A number of unusually brilliant short stories appear in each issue, with a great variety of speaking subjects. Nnbsrription, 3.360 a Year. ' Clubs of 4 and upwards, #2.50 each. «" 80 •• 2.25 " ®3"Extra copy FREE, one year, for a club of 5 at $3.00. Address J. H. SEALS, Atlanta, Ga. TASK MADE EASY. By the use of the VICTORIOUS WllM.lt IITIPROV ED Hay Rake, Manufactured by JOIIN XJOUDS & C 6., Dayton, Ohio. Thin in Ihia only Perfect SrlC-Opera liaft RAKE ever offered to t.ie public. Auy little girl or boy that can drive a gentle horse, oan rake the hay as well as the strongest man. Circulars sent free on application. GEO. A. CURTIS, Agent. Graham. N. C. The firm of Holt, NeWiin & Co., was dis solved on the Ist of October last. £. M. Holt having purchased (he interest of James New. lit) said Arm. All , psrsons Indebted to the concern will please come forward and settle Uielr acoounta as it is drsirabie to close all accounts due the old firm. I'be business will be conducted In future by Holt, White A Williamson, who arc authorized to collect and receipt lor all due to the said Arm. E. M. HOLT. JAMES NEWUN. |IHE GREENSBORO PATRIOT. IITMLIIOM Published weekly In Greensboro, N. C. bj Unify A Albright, at *l.lO per year la ad vance—postage included. It ia Democratic-Conservative in polities andlabors xealously U r the material prospe ritvof the South generally and North Caroli na" particularly. ty North Carolinians abroad should i .. not be witbont it. W. LONG, M. D., rHTiimn M* HCBOIM, ' Graham, IST. c., - . : .1' > til ■ : j -* ■ / Tenders his professional services to the pub lic. Office and residence at the " Graham Htafh Bmaul tmildinsrs where he may be found, night or day, ready to attendaii calls, unle»f protestionally engaged. . febO-Iy s '¥ OFFICE OP THE ispt-.V' ,v 't 1 ' " . W£r . * 4Sp ,>: # T . -Alamance Gleaner, ■ yrJ'A •* We call Hie- attention #f the public to the nppcsranee of THE GLEAN EK, Itwill-b'e furnished to robscrlljers, until fur ther notice, at tliu low rale of 81.50 Per Annnm, THE PUBLISHUHS PA YlifU ALL POST A GE. Payable in Advance. Our aim will be to make the GLEANER A FIRST CLASS FAMILY PAPER in frrry respect. It wil. contain all the Local News of the County, State News, the most Important Tei egrapbic News of the week and Carefully Se eded Miscellaneous Matter. It will be a paper which no family in Ala mance County can afford to be without. THE GLEANER will also prove of partic ular interest to former residents in tlii» sec tion, now living in other parts of the coun try, and to all such it will be Mailed •• "T »ddrea« apon receipt or sabxeripliau price. We would call especial attention to the value of the Q-LEA-ISTEIt E£_...V 4 * y * | r *I —A»— y ~ - 'I Ah A4?«rniiH •%. d *. K THE GLEANER has a rapidly gTowlnfr cir culation in the finest Tobacco ami grain ){ rowing •rcTiw mw vmm STATU. >•» : -i: PUT your money wh*rm 4t vtH ao the mmt qoort and subscribe at onee to the Gi.RANEU. PARKER & JOHNSON, Fakllikcn, • * . - ADVERTISEMENTS. It Pays! It! Pays! WHAT PA V * t It pays every Manufacturer, Merchant Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer, or Profess ional mar, to keep informed on all the itn pr ovements and discoveries of the age. It pays the bead of every family to intro duce into his household a newspaper that j* instructive, one that fosters a taste for in vestigation, and promotes thought and en courages discu eion among the members. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published weekly for the last thirty years, does this, to an extent beyond that of any oilier publication, in fact it is the only weekly paper published in the Uni ted States, devoted to Manufactures. Me chanics, I'lveniunie, and New Discoveries in the Aits and.fcciync.ij. Every number is ruofusely illustrated and if s contents mnbrucc the la tec l ui.il most inwresting infoiuiation pertaining to the I Industrious, Vi ihauieal, and Scientific Promts of (ho world; discretions, with Heaitli'iil. Engravings, of New Inventions I New Implement*. New Processes, and Im | proved liuiiiftjUs ot aH kinds; Lseful Notes Receipt*. ai d Advice, by p !lc ueal v\ litir;-1, £j,r H'orkmen and Eu.ploicrs iik all the Viiiuttits nrls. fm using a complete reportory ot j'ew. Inventions ui.'d I)isco\ci ies eoiit;,i"i..g a weekly neeoid not only of the progress ol tin-iiulu,-t. ial arts in our own c.iuntrv. I■ itt aljio au new discoveries and inventio .s in fv S r.v brui.eu. ot Kiigineeriii"- Mechaiiins, and beiei.ee ~f . b oad. " THIiM II M Jl It « !« A V, has been the foremost of. all industi ai pub lications for the pest thirty years li is ihj oldest, largest, cheapest, and the best irtrklu illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics, Chemistry. Now inventions, Sciei (W and industrial progress, i.»Uislu*i in the world. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the _sub#c*iptiont price. And for the shop nntMiouse witt save many times tli«-eost of subscription. Merchants, fnrlWßi, Mechanic*, Kn (inran, luvriitoin. Manu-. »l> indun-n, t ht-uiiala. I.uv cr« of Nelrnc*, mill |ir>, |>lc u rill Profrji. nioiiN, will find the Sirientific.American■ useful to them. It should have a place in every family, library, otlice, and counting room ; in every reading room, college ai d "school. A new volume commences January Ist, 187f>. A year's number contain 85SL' pages and several hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are pieservca foi-Hiinding and refer ence; Terms, *3,'20 a year by mail, includ ing postage. Discount .to clubs Special circulars giving club rates sent free, biuglo copies mailed oil receipts of 10 cents. •May be hud of all new dealers. PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs Munn >K Co. are Solicitors of Amei> can and foreign Patents, and have the lar gest establishment in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the best tern's, models of new inventions and sketches ex amined and advice free. A special notice is made in the SdtnUific Amir lean of all inven tions pateuted through this agency, with the name and residence ff the patentee. Pat ents are often sold in part or whole, to per sons attracted to the invention by such no tice. Send for Pamphlet, containing full di rections for obtaining Patents. A bound volume containing the Patent Laws, Census, of the U, 8., and 42 Engravings of uiechai: ical movements. Price cents. Address for the Paper or concerning Pat ents MUNN fc CO, 37 Park Row, New York Bra eh Cilice, Cor. V & 7th Sis., Washing ton D. C. £ CIIROMOS FREE 1 In order to introduce our large, clght-pago fllustratrc Literary and Family Paper, The Souvenir, we will t send it, on trial, six months foripnly 60 cts., and to each sub scriber we will mail, post paid four elegant Oil CUroinos. "Little Red Riding Hood " •The Children's swing," "Peek-a-Boo" atul "Mother's Joy." These pictures are nt* common piints, but genuine oil eluomos in sixteen colors, that are equal in appear ance to tine oil paintings. Just think of it tour fine cliromos and au excellent literary paper 6ix months for 00 cts Try it. Make up a eUib of fivd subscribers and we will send you-an extra copy for six mouths and four extra chronics. No danger of loosing your money. We refer to the Post Master, Bris tol, as to our responsibility. Cash required iu advance.. No samples fiee. Agents want ed to take subscriptions and sell our tine pictures. From £3 to $lO a day easily made. Address, W. M. BURROW, 300 Main St. Bristol Tenn. _j * ; AJIER I CAN AND .FOREIGN PATKNTK. Gilmore & Co,, successors to Chipman Hosmer & Co., Solicitors. Patents procured in all countries. No fees in advance. No charge unless the patent is granted. Nc. fees tor making preliminary examinations. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent decison of the commissioner all rejected applications may be revived. Special attention given to interfer ence cases before the Patent Office, Exten sions before Congress, Infringement Suits in different States, and all litigation appertain ing to Inventions or Patents. Send stamp to Gilmore & Co. for pamhphlet of sixty pages. I.nn«l C'aici, I.and warrant*, find Scrip. Contested Land cases prosecuted before the U. S. . Geueral Land Office and Depart ment of the Interior. Private Land claims Mining and Preemption claims, and Home stead eases attended to. Land Scrip in -W. 80, and ISO acre pieces for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can be located iu the iiume of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at $1,25 per acre. It is of equal value with Bounty Land War rants. Send stamp to Gilmore & Co., for pampbiet of instruction. Arrcar* of Pay Mad Ito.niii. Officers, Soldiers, aod Sailors of the late war, or their heir*, are in many cases enti tled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history, of service, and state amount of pay anil bounty received, Enclose stamp to Uilmoie & Co.. and a full reply, after examination,, will be given you free.- PENSIONS. All officers, soldiers, and sailors wounded, roptwed, or injured in the late war, bouever slightly, V n obtain a pension by"addressing Gilmore & Co. Cases prosecuted by Gilmore & Co., before the Supreme Court of the United .States, the court of claims, and the Southern claims commission. Each department of onr business is con ducted In * separate bureau, undercharge of the same experienced parties emploved | by the old firm. Prompt attention to b'usi- I ness entrusted to GUinore & Co , thus scenr- 1 ed. We desire to win success bv deserving It. ' I Address Gilmore & Co. | 629 F. Street Washington P- C-. | TP I New Drug Store 3 Dtt. J. 8. MURPHY Respectfully notifies tb„ public that be b»» S?ROE J- com P lrte an d well filled DKI '• company Shops, Btor? £HX k n T ,n * We " ° rderCd The pbrsjetans of the county and the public general)* are Invited to patronize tbh" nt* enterprise. In experienced drncgltt—a rega ,lM-graduate in phi rmaey. la fn chprer. w that phyrich m »nd the publidmay resta«'° r edtfiat all piesciptions nnd orders will " correctly an* carefi Uy BUefl. rt ** on * b '* f*«"be affoided

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