VOL. 2, THE GLEANER. PUBLISHED WEKKI.T BT PARKER & JOHNSON Grakan. !*• C» j Kaiei of Fubucription. I'ostaye raid : One Year *''22 Six Months Three Months Every person sending n» a club of ten subscribers with the cash, entitles himself to one copy free, for the length of time for which the club is made up. Papers scut to different offices. _ jfo Departure from the Cash System Rate* of Adi«rli«i"*i Transient advertisements payable in ad vance, yearly advertisement* quarterly in advance. |1 m. |2 m. |3m. I 6 m. j 12 in. 7777,8 $3 00 #3 00 H 00, *0 00 *lO 00 3 1 «: | 800 4Mi 6 00' 10 00 I 15 00 Transient advertisement* $1 per squar for the first, and fifty cents for eaeli subse nuent insertion. Adver Ucuicnts not specified as to time; published! inrtff ordered out, and charged accordingly. .411 advertisements consldcrrd duo from first insertion. One inch to constitute a square For larger advertisements tlf.n two squares, terms as reasonable as can be af forded, according to special contract, based upon the rates above specially set forth. • THIS PAPER IS OUT FILE WITH Where Advertising Contracts can be mad* Til* ]POtUMII.ITIH or AN ACRE OP I,AM), No man knows what ihese are. We know that two hundred bushels of corn were once grown on one acre, and that five bales of cotton have been made on the same area of soil) but we do not'know that the limits of production were reached in either cue. Wo chould try to find out not merely how much of any given crop can be produced on an acre of land,but how cheaply it can bo grown. A big crop may not, in all cases, be a profitable one. It .may cost too much to make it. The greatest yefd with the smallest possible outlay of capital and labor is what we aim at. As we have said b«fore —and we wish to im press the truth on the reader's mind —bur farmers are often poor, not so much because their crops are small and small they are, compared with what they might be—as because it costs too mjteh to make them. VVe must learn to make larger crops with less lal>or. To do this, we must go oveJ less ground, and make science and practical skill properly supple, ment muscle and machinery.—Jtwrkl Carolinian. HKINK THAT Witt PHRSBHTB BIT'I'BB A TEAK. Among the many devices for keep ing butter in a manner that preserves the fresh, rosy flavor of new, with ull its sweetness, is the following from the Dutchess Farmer , which is said to be entirely successful: To three gallons of brine strong enough to bear an egg, add a quarter of a pound of nice white sugar and one table spoohtul of saltpetre. Boil the brine, and when it is cold strain carefully. Mako your butter tnto rolls, and wrap each seperately in a white muslin clotb, tying up with a string. Pack a large jar full, weight the butter down, and pour the brine until all of it is submerged. This will keep really good butter perfectly sweet and fresh for a whole year. Be careful to not put upon ice butter that you wish to keep for any length of time. In smmer, when the heat will nob admit of butter being made into rolls, pack closely in small jars, and, using the same brine, allow it to - cover the butttr to the depth of four inches. This excludes the air, and answeres very nearly as well as the first method suggested. — Ex. We srr Cmaiaf, A certain minister in this city, af ter the morning sermon, recently gave out this notice: "I have a Sunday school class of misses, and am anxious that some youngmen shall come and lie embraced in that And now every Sunday the sexton has to stand at the church door and beat the crowds of young men back with a stick.— Charlotte Observer, Robeson had to borrow SI,BOO when he entered the Navy department to be able to make a "decent appear. auce. n Hia check is good to day for ♦IOO,OOO at any bank in Washington. But then, one girl does all the house w °rk and only part-of the washing is given out, so that the Secretary can Wby a good deal of his 18, CO J a year if He-is so minded.— World. THE J£LAMANCIT CLEANER. AISRRRPECT AT Hons, Owe of the dangers of the home life is this habit of disresj»ect— thit which is bred by familiarity. People who are all beauty and sunshin# for a crowd of strangers, for whom they have not the faintest affection, are all ugliness and gloom for their own, by whose love they live. The pleasant little prettiness of dresi and personal adornment; which mark the desire to please, are put on only for the admira tion, and goes for nothing, while the home companions are tiea'ad oily to the ragged gowns and thread-bare coats, the touzled hair and stubby beard, which if making the case and comfort of the sana fashion of home, mark also indifference and disrespect which do so' much damage to the sweetness and delicacy of daily life. And what is trne of the daily dress is truer still of the manners and tempers of home, in both of which we find too often that want of respect which seems to run side by side with affections and the custom of familiarity. It is a re gretable habit under any of its condi tions but never more so thau wfcen it invades the home and endangers still more that which is already too much endangered brother things, Parents and up bringcrs do Tiot pay enough artrntionto this in the young. They allow habits of disrespect to be formed —rude, rough, insolent, impatient— —and pave over the sore with the stereotyped excuse, " They mean nothing by it," which if we look at it a right is worse than no excuse at all } for if they' really mean nothing by it, and tlici: disrespect is not what it seems to be the result of strdngauger, uncontrol'a ble temper, but is merely a habit, then it ought to bo conquered without loss of time, being merely a manner that hurts all parties alike. DON'T. Don't bum the mouth of your horse for ''Lanjpas"—it is nonsense, to say nothing of its cruelty. Read the following by one of our most din. tinguished veterenary surgeons: The symtoms of this imaginary dis « ase are, the horse quids his hay, or refuses his food. It is most common in young horses: the groom looks into the mouth of the animal, and perceiv. jng the bars to be almost on a level with the incisor teeth, he pronounces his charge to have lampas, and takes the poor creature to be burnt within its mouth accordingly. . It is true the animal ban recovered its Appetite by the time the effects of the burn have passed away, but so would have done had no hot iron been cruelly employed. The fact is, the young animal is then cutting a molar tooth, and a day or two having elapsed all the fever and pain occasioned by the process would have been over No man should allow his horse to be burnt for the larnp&s. It is a tortur ing, an idle aud a wanton operation and tends rather to do ham than good. If an old horse be reported as hav. ing the lampas, examine his mouth, with his grinders, for, to a certain th« cause is to be sought in another part of the body tlian the roof of the mouth. It is sometimes indicative of a disordered stomach. KOTATI9M M «Mri, As desirable as rotation in office iray be, it cannot be more so than a judicious rotation of crops raised on the farm. No matter how fertile the soil, it is oonceded that constant crop ping with one, two or three kinds will wear out the laud. All good farmers concede tliat a proper rotation of crops, including the grasses, should be followed. Chemists inform us that the nutriment of feed-producing plants is taken in part from the soil in solu tion through the roots, and partly from the air through the leaves, and t!> re fore that suitable food must be provided, or a manifest deterioration Sr9£fMdtir' —— —*— good fanner while he aims to produce the largest crops at the least expense will also be cartful to keep up the fertility of the soil by a judi cious rotation of crops, supplemented by the application of manures to the land. A judicious rotation of crops is imperatively demanded and praticed by all progressive farmers, and it is one of the best plans for keeping tip the standard fertility of the soil.— Ex. Reproving a youth for the exer erciae of his fists, a schoolmaster said, "We fight with our heads here." The youth reflected for a brief while, and replied that butting hadn't been con sidei ed fair at liis last school. : G-RAHAM, N- C., TUESDAY. APRIL 11, 1876. ADVERTISEMENTS. ~J p. OULLEYT KBTAILEH AKD JOBBER or Dry-Goods, Clothing NOTIONS. BURT 8 HAND-MADE Boots & Gaiters IIATB AND e\p», VtMMfiN, ' v.. TRI'NKM, WHITE OOODH, *V., «cc. I i South Cor. Eayetteville SI., and Exchange ' I'laoe i RALEIGH. N. C. ! A FLORENCE t» Sewing Machine Will make a stich alike on both nidus It, has a reversable feed. It Is made of fine CHS# hardened steel. It has no cogs, earns or wire springs to get out of order, hug a sclf-regulat iiigjtenaion. It will sew from light to Heavy fabric, and is adapted to all family sewing. It is the prettiest machine made,and runs very light—is almost noiseless, and is just what every housekeeper ought to have The use of it eafl be learned from the book accompany ing each machine. And it can be bad ou monthly installments if desired. WSe also have a new. JIAHIFACTI'RINC! MACHINE tar verr henry w«rk, which can also be used on fine work. This machine will make SJBS2 stiches per minute. Manufacturers will do well to order a Flor ence B. at once. The hundreds of the Florence now in use in North Carolina prove it* merits,and that our people appreciate a good thing. Needles,' oil, thread and silk constantly on hand for all machine* aud sent by mall to any part of the State. He are also agent for the DICKFOBD Vaallr Killtlii Mac b I■ • upon which 30,000 ttirhea may be knit per minute, and from thirty to fortr pairs of sock* may be knit per day, complete without seam, and perfect fiocl sod toe. Hood*, Glove*, Shawl* Scarf*, Heading*. Ac., may be knit npon the "Woman'* Help," and the price i* less than half the common knitters, only t3O. Correspondence «ollclted In relation to eith er the Knitter or Sewing Machine and samp le* of work sent when requested. All order* by mail will receive prompt attentiou. And machine* shipped to any part of the State. Agent wanted in every county. Ad dress F. 0. CARTLAND, General Agent. Greensboro, N. C -yy F. JONES, ' GRAHAM, N. C., Buggy aud Carriage Makers, Are prepared to Ail at the *hort4*t notice all order* in their line Repairing promptly aud neatly done, at They also keep constantly ou hand for sale st their »hop, au assortment of Ina Nails, Muggy W*ml*l, Prepar ed Paiata af all aalara, riMfhs, aa4 Csfla*. Any (trie of coffin furnished at two hoar* notice. All kind* of produce taken at market price*. We are thankful for past patronage, and hope to merit it* continuance. fab 0 MWMML h „ 1 . "yy R. FOIIUL3 & imOTJIER (under the 3cubow Ilall,) GREENSBORO, N. C„ keep constantly on hand a complete assort ment of FL'KNITI'RR. Repairing of every description, Including Upholstering neatly done. Their atock wmiiiu of ranging In price from £33.00, to 6500.00 , •■N. Dlalai-lwai, Parter Mr |«Hr. lai Chair*. Barraw, Wardrckn KmIMM Dalu.NaAa.Crlk, I'ra. •Ilea ami Traa4k'M*r«r Ibe little falka. Jlallrcmx ana Rpriai Bedis • every va riety aarf alyle. Hat-racks and any and everything in th furniture line. Their ctock it the largest an most complete ever offered in thin portion of tiic St to. They defy coni]>etltlon in ijuail or price » _' " apr iW. 3ui ADVERTISEMENTS. Ho ME ENTEBPBISJB. :o: *rmmw QWMMKt STOVE, MANUFACTURED BT "KRURANT * MeCAUf.KV. UHEENSBORO, N. C. These Stove* are vastly superior to the Brent majority of Stoves bought of Northern ] Manufactures. The beat of material is used in the manufacture, and they have never failed to give entire satisfaction. In addition to the great excellence of these Stoves, there IK great advantage to those who buy,ln living near the factory, from whence to replace any vessel at short notice that should he accidently broken. ' Price No. 8 *3O, No. 7 m. P. R. Harden A Bro., Graham, are agent* for the sale of the above named stove. IIK SUNNY SOUTH Tfcr l,nr|rl and UaadaamcM l.ilrrni Paper Id Astcricfl. RRIM.UNT ANNTCNL'FNENTL rysrECIMENS FREE..£3 The following now stories tvlll soon be com menced, and will be the most Intensely thrill ing of any romances yet published in an American Journal. 811.1.A KOMCO | os !VORTII %ND FTNN n. ' A Thrilling National Romance. Based Upon the Administrations of Presidents Lin coln and Johnson, and the Ex ecution of Mrs. Surratt In 180 ft. WBITTBN BT A DISTHCOUISFEuSTATESJIA*. WBITTKN IST HI.OOUI OB THK HUB-MOOT PI.BDISK. A Bfrj »f Ikm Last Hipsltn's Brig Br M. QUAD or TII* MICHIGAN PRRSS. FIGHTING AGAINST FATE ; OR AI.ONR IIV THR WOBI.D. A Brilliant Serial,now Running by Mrs.Mary £. Bryan, who It the Finest Story „* Writer of the Age. KDITU IIA W I HOM! I or Thr Temptation* mf m Fsrisr) Olrl Br A POPULAR NOVELIST. BBMINMCRIici* OF THI CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT ) j i>l. H. D. njers, Chief Clark of Treas ury under Tfr. Memmlmger. CaTThls will be a deeply Interesting series of sketches giving the early trials, disadvan tages, and many amusing Incidents of oar people In their efforts to establish an Inde pendent Government. •y A number of unusually brilliant short Ktorics appear in each issue, with a great variety of speaking subjects. Rslscrlpllssi |.3M a Vrar. Clubs of 4 and upwards, 2. SO each. " 80 " 3.25 " Extra copy FREE, one year, for a club of ft at ♦3-00. Address J. H. BF.Al.fl, Atlanta. Ga. TASK MADEIiASY. By the use of the viCTCKiora WINNKB i.nrßO* KB Hay llake, Manufactured by JOHN DODDS & CO., Dayton, Ohio. This Is ibis sslf Perfect ltrlf-#p»rs- Itssg ■ BAKE ! ' ever offered to Lie public. Any little girl or boy that can drive a gentle horse, can rake the bay as well as the strongest man. Circulars sent free on aiiiillcatlon. GEO. A. CURTIS, Agent. Graham, N. C. „ J^OTICE. The Arm of Halt, Newlln A Co., was dis solved on the Ist of October last. E. M. Holt having purchased the Interest of James New lln said Ann. AH psrsons indebted In the concern will please come forward and settle their accounts as it Is drslrabie to close all accounts due the old firm. Tlie business will be conducted In future by Holt, White A Williamson, who are authorised to collect and receipt for all due to the said Ann. E. M. HOLT. JAMES NEWLIN. rjMIE GREENSBORO PATRIOT. IVTAILIIIIED 1811 Published weekly in Greensboro, N. C. by Duffy A Albright, at VI. 10 per year in ad vance—postage included. It is Democratic-Conservative In politics andlabors zealously for the material prospe rilyof the South generally and North Caroli na particularly. rr North Carolinians abroad should 1 not be without it. •vrtca mm Alamance Gleaner, We call the attention of the public la the api>caraiice of TliK GLEAN Ell, 1 It will he furnlthod to auhiicribcn*, until fur 1 tlior notice, at the low rato of • I.SO Per Aaaan, TIIE PVBLIfillltMB PAYIXU ALL POST A (IB i Tnyablo in Advance. Our aim will lie to make the Olimnmi FIRST CLABB FAMILY PAPER la every roy Ml. It wil contain all the Local New* of the County, »taui New», the moat Important Tel egraphic New* of the week and arefuily St eeled Mloecllancou* Matter. It will be a paper which no famUjr in Ala mance ounljr can afford to without. THE GLEANER wIU alao prove of panic ular Interest to former rWMHU In tliU wc lion, now living In otlier parti mi the couu try, and to all *uck U will l» Mailed lo ear artnii opMB reeeip mf ilkwrifliM (trie*. We would call e»peciaj attention to Ui value of the ' GLEANER #- —A»— A» A4««rlwia( Nrdlaai, THE CLEANER ha* a rapidly growing cir culatioo in tbe flaeat Tobacco and grail growing HBCTiON or Tltß HTATK. PUT your money ichere it «eiU / the most good and sub*erxbeat onreti the OLA AX Ell. ■ V\ ■ ' PARKER k JOHNSON, \ PablUkrrt. ADVERTISEMENTS It Pays ! It Pays ! ! WHAT P.% V « f It pays every Manufacturer, Merchan- Mcchanic, Inventor, Farmer. or Profess- ionai mar, to keep Informed on all the iuil ( pr ovements and discoveries of the age. ! It pays the liead of every family to Intro- duce into his household a newspaper that Is 1 Instructive, one that fosters a taste for in vestigation, and promotes thought and en courages discussion among the members. TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ' which has been published weekly for the last thirty years, does tills, to an extent beyond that of any otlfcr publication, in fact it Is the only weekly paper published 4n the Uni ted States, dovoted to Manufactures. Me chanics, Inventions, and New Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. > Every number Is profusely illtiHtrstcd am' if* contents embrace the latest and most in Wresting information pertaining to tlu Industrious, Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of the world; discretions, with • Beautiful Engravings, of New Invention* New Implements, New Processus, and Im- i C red Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes. clpes. Suggestions snd Advice, by Prac tical Writers, for Workmen and Employers in all the various arts, forming a complete reportory of New Inventions and Discoveries containing a weekly record not only of the progress of the Industrial arts in our own country, but also at new discoveries and inventions in every branch of Engineering Mechanics, and Science «,f abroad. TUB HCIKNTiriC A.KKISICArt, has liesn the foremost of all Industrial pub lications for the past thirty year* It Is the oldest, largest, cheapest, and the best wrkty illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics, Chemistry. New inventions, Sclei ce and industrial progress, published In the world. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. And for the shop and uousu will save many times the sost of subscription. Htfckssls, Partner*. Nerbnnira, Bn ■inecsto, Inrenlnra. mania, raelarrr*, Ckenslala, !,•». era (Science, nnat pro. isle mf nil Prsfss. •isss, will And the ftdmitific American useffri to them. It should have a place in every familv. library, study, office, and counting room; In every reading room, college at d school, a new volume commences January Ist, 1876. A year's number contain B*B pages and several liundred engravings. Thousand* of volumos are pieserTca for binding and refer ence. Terms, *8,30 a year by mall, includ ing postage. Discount to clubs Special circulars giving club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on receipta of 10 oeuts. May lie bad of ail new dealers. PATRNT*. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs Munn A Co. are Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, and have the lar gest establishment in tho world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency Patents are obtained on the best terms, models of new inventions and sketches ex amined and advice free. A special notice is made In the Scientific American of all inven tions patented through this agency, with the 1 name and residence of the patentee. Pat- 1 cuts are often sold in part or whole, to per sons attracted to the Invention by such no tice. Send for Pamphlet, containing full di rections for obtaining Patents. A bound volume containing the Patent Laws. Census, of the L', 8., and 143 Engravings of mcchaß leal movements. Price 2ft cents. Address for the Paper or concerning Pat ents MUNN A CO, aTPark Row, New York Branch Office, Cor. F A 7th Sts., Washing ton D. C. . 1 AMEBICAN AND rOHKIIIIt PATINTI. Gllmora A Co,, successors to Chlpman Ilosnier A Co., Solicitors. Patents procured In all countries. No fees In advance. No charge unless the patent Is granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No additional fees for obtaining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent decison of the commissioner all rejected applications may be revived. S|ieeial attention given to interfer once cases before the Patent Office, Exten sions before Congress, Infringement Bulls In dlffereut Slates, and all litigation appertain ing to. Inventions or Patents. Sena stamp to Glimore A Co. for peniliphlet of sixty pages. IJSS4 Cases, l.aad wsrrasls. and •crip. Contested I.ahd cases prosecuted before Oie U. tt. General Land Office and Depert meut of the Interior, Private Land claims Mining and Preemption claims, end Home stead cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40. 40, and ISO acre pieces for sale. Tnls Mrrip is assignable, and can be located In the naoie of the purchaser U|NMI any Government land subject to private entry, at • I,9ft per acre. It Is of equal value with Bounty Land War rants. Send stamp to GilDiore A Co., for pamphlet of instruction. Arrears af Pay Mad Baaalf. Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors of the late war, or their heirs, are In many eases enti tled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history, ol service, and state amount of par and tMHiuty received. Enclose stamp to Glimore A Co., and a full reirfy, after examination, will be given you free pmrmoNi. All officers, soldiers, and sailors wonndod. ruptured, or Injured in the late war, hpwever sllgbtly, c* n obtain a pension by addressing Gilmore M Co. Cases prosecuted bv Glimore A Co., before the Supreme ourt of the C lilted Mates, tlie court of claims, and the Southern claims commission. Each department of our Inislness Is con ducted In a separate burean. under charge of the same ex|>erie*ced |>arties employed by the old firm. Prompt attention to busi ness entrusted to Glimore A 0., thus secur ed. We desire to alii soccuss by deserving It. AridreM Oit.MOitr. ft Co. 6J9 F. Street Washington 1). C. £ CHROMOS FREfcl In order to Introduce our large etght-psge 111 us train Literary and Faailly Paper, The Souvenir, we will send IL on trial, six mouths for only 00 cts., and to each sub scriber we will mail, post paid foar elegant Oil Chromos. "LltUe Red Riding Rood." "The Children's swing," "Peek-a-Boo" and "Mother's Joy." These pictures are not common prints, but gen nine oil ehrotnoa In sixteen colors, that are equal In Appear ance to flna oil paintings. Just think of It four line chromos and an excellent lib rary paper six months for 00 cts Try it. Make ap a club, of Ave subscribers aud we will send you an extra copy for six mouths and four extr# chronics. No danger of loosing your money. We refer to the Post Master, Bris tol, as to our re»|»oiislhllily. Cash required |in advance. No samples fiee. Agents want ed to take intpscrlptions and sell our One pictures. From *3 to *lO a day eaailr mode. Address, W. M. .BURROW. 300 Main St. gristed Tcnn. g C ROBERTSON, DEALCB IN ■f ; •*■'* y- ' Grave Stones, AND MONUMENTS v GREENEIIORO, N. C. V NO. 10. ADVERTISEMENT*. IT WON'T PAY Yon know It won't pay to make voor pnr cliases {rorn old stock, alresd} picked mr.r, Oiir Mr. Want liaK jnst returned from the North, where he personally si 9 ted and pur chased a large stock of •rr>flMiU, BriHtli. farri»'W«r*. ■ •Itow-Wan, WiHtw-Warc, Har4irarc, ogether with a well assorted stork of ■mdt-hadi cr.«naiA«, uid the uioat complete line of NOTIONS aver offered to the people of this county. Boots and Shoes ■if every variety, Including the l>c*t hand nndu. We luuke a specialty of Boots and Sin h*. and we ask an examination of our stock. Look and lodge for yourself. W» defy competition InprUes or (|Ualitv. W» will sell you the best calicoes, for 10 cents. We cnu sell you a good ault clot lies for #lO, We wish, especially, to cull yrair attention to the great decline m prices In. the Northern markets. We bought at these reduced price* Our customers shall have all tlic advantage of the good bargains we made. Highest prices naid for all kinds of produce. Come tu see ua . J. Q. WAST, * CO- Company Shups, Nov. 2nd, 1875, «0v.2-tf DANL. WORTH Company Sloops, N. C. r Thank* his friends and the public for very liberal patronage he has heretofore en joyed: and begs to introduce to tlicir inspect' inu the i.arubmt *n4 noMT conri.KTß STOCK OF GOODS evej brought to Alamance County. Tie baa J. at returned from the Northern cities where he purchased and has received aud and U re ceivug his MPHINU AND Mia stock consists of DBY-GOODB, (i wn, colninon to the finest ever ollcred in this m rkct, READY-MADE CLOT MA 1, of every description, IIATM, BOOTH A!*® MHOB * of all varieties to the l«st baud-made, stock of Mll.lilNKßV CJOO»B, WJIHI I'l'TliKKV, qi'BKWH WAKR, TiIISIW sa4 TAI.MU.TIN- D'ARK, CHII.' ItHKIW NATS, argest assortment ml the lowest prlees. a full stock FAMILY ftnOCEUIKS, UPPER AND SOLE LEA TJIEJi, Fertilizers, In a word, lie has everything of «py miatlty that you «ill want to buy. and lie will buy at the highest prices all, and anything you have to selL All he asks is for you to call aud see for yourself. If you dns't see what you want yon Just ask for It, and then see H U Isu I found. . , «3TCook Stoves of every varMy, 1b pricw from tI7,SD. up. mavll-Atn Dental Notice. *.o: —- DR. W.r. BASON, (W odd yi ai •) BENTISTv Those who wish the liiiat condition of their should let It be kaown wlthonl delay through 11-w Hlver P, 0., or otherwise. N. U. -«av« the natural; if y» cannot ; ARTIFICIAL TEETH New Drug Store DU. J. 8. MUttlMlY Rcs|ierUnllv notifies the puMk that he h»» opened • complete and well fld DKI " STROK • Company Shops, where anything kept hi a well ordered Drug Store may found. i The physicians of tlic emnty and the onbhc genersliv. are Invited to patronise this ne* enterprise. An cjiicriciiccd druirglst—a regu lar graduate In pharmacy, la In rhanrc. so that physlcUns and tlic public may rastassur edthat all presclptions and orders *IU be correctly and carefully filled. Prices as reasonable as can be adorded, feb lrtl# W. UINO* it. D., ' * PHiuriAi« AKm *u«teß«*u Graham, N. C-, ' . . % nders Ms pi 'esslensl services to the ptih lie. Office and residence at the " Graham High Srnool buildings where be may be fonud, night or day, ready to atteudall unless profestionully engaged, febft-ly a

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