VOL. 2. THE GLEANER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY E. S. PARKER fai-nhnm, K, C, » 4 Hotel of Subscription. Postaye Paid : One Year $1.50 fix MinUls.,. v . ..... 75 tefWl .... 50 Every person sending us a eluf»iof ten . subscribers with the cash. Entitles himself to oge copy free. for 4he length of time for • Je (tuide Bp. T,a\jerß sent to; different offices. tj JTo DcpqrJ[uy>£,yn+the %a»h System ■v* A ' Ritlna Adrrrliiiag, Transient adyestfsCments payable in ad -vnnce; yearly advertisements quarterly in advance . '•^ |1 m. jS m. |3 m. I 6m. j 12 m. 4 juare $2 oo's3 no *64 00 $6 00 ¥lO 00 ' •! j 3 001 4 50| 6 00' 10 00 1 15 00 Transient aflvertisements f 1 per squae «u>4Jt«y cants for csfcb subse" " qiient insertion. Ailver not specified as to time; published Alltil Ordered out, and charged accordingly. AU adveptfeißments considerrd due from first iuoeition. r Oqe.iuch to.couetitute $ «jnar« j i ' jKor. Arfe^ /advertisepjMits/titan two * terms as reasonable as can be af- j turded, according to eont»act, based .upon the rates aoove-specfallv set forth. i r -•"~~P " I «HIB PAPER IS ON RILJB WITH (SI U'l' i | ADVERTISEMENTS. IFLORENCE lIMWL 1/ If »I IFr ( f m' I ■j£.; ■ i f^ r # | |> | M\ I x'ioxui i'To'*! ; 'j r .!• 1 I Sewing Machine; » Will make a stich alike au J*. . lias a reveisable teed. It is made of Uue ffiiise | Uardeuwl atepL J'J** 15 fi° c 'ri»*V s"S? 1 Siy3Msa:M^s. fight--te alinost noisoiesivand is jaat wlm ' , even' boi'seueeper ought to have Ihe use of It ea'u lie learned from tfce book aecoinpany- , inst each machine. And it can be had on monthly installments if desired, We also , have a new. . .* •'- !•,* 7 ' ( MAXI FACIIIBIIG M A «J* 1 * K 'OJ i«r'iWyfce**** walrk, which can also be used on line work. Thi machine wLI make «ffl» Riches per minute_ ilauutaetttrei s will do well to order a X bundreJfof the Florence now m use in Hi.-i i arouna prove Its merits, and that our people '*|>preflate a good thing. thread ana silk constantly on hand for an machines and seut'by mail to any part of the , filAtc. We are ahfo ageut for Ibe BICK F O B D , •'''■* f. \ 11 H ' Faallf «•€*•»• ■> W "fftylpa'K "WW Ac may be knit npou the "Woman s Help, and the price is hL than Ualf tiie common relotloii tocith vd samp les of work sent when AUordere State. Agent wanted in every county. Au ! V. J. OAfeTLAHD, - -r --(Jeneral Agent. i^pn^yr^2- til® If Mo. .-i . itk,." wa*' • &»•'■ " - ll > i / ■ e'i ii.f i? tttiii ' " * ft;-FOHBI9 « :I BW»T , HER YV. u* fuuder the 3enbow Hall,) 'i desettptlon, including r. » Upholstering at, done. Their stock consists ot Dlnlil-IMSi. ParUr * »•«»>• IM ekshi to**"; B«iM» »—fc..WfgS.Crifc«.Cr«- little Mka. mmm SrH atMi*! «"*r w iuMt complete ever offered in tbU portion Mjf the BUte. Thej defy competition inquali ty or prtee. , a P '• • « '• * j'j 1 |» .iptn* lll ' "pHE M V§J!fIC JOtTRAL.^ Gr«enk«rs, IV, C The onl/ tAieWy ptibftahed tn the t'ntted States! KigUl page*, thlrtyWo broad ciiliimnH. • . rreoin of «U topics of,interest to the craft l.iterature pure, aud Is a bouteliold coulpan lon of wbieh 6*««7 Mason iu tlie a untry IS; 8u month*. *125 KeaU my f. V. OMer or Registered Lot «er. 8 end stamp t /pf, sp>chuen and go l ' Jddnts E. H WILSON Green*foor o,A'. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. RKPUB I.TC/IRF KKIORA ON THK AUKMMIUM*. ' Ik, o TUe record „of thp Rrpublieafc pars ' fy in the lite tion shows that they admit the tie-- cessity of anien'fiug'.the] Constitution ) of i amendments, sixteen passed thier last | readings—the test vote—without op-. • position. Those sixteen are the ordi nances numbered respectively,, 1, 11, 111, IV, V, VI, VII, VII, X, XIV, xvr, xvii, xix, xx, xxff, xxvii, xxix. • Thr following is tlie Repuhlican ; record in brief, upon the remaining fourteen ordinances. The Bth amendment, regulating tlie compensation ,of member* of the ' "Cren&rfir Assembly, was pased by a vote of 83 to 27, the following Re publicans voted for it: AlbErtson, Bat'i'inger, fearrow, Bateman, Bean, Black, Bliven, Blocker, BoWinan, i Boyd, 1 Buxtqw, Davis, Dookeby, Dula, French, Hinnant, Holton, Hobton, jo'rdoii, ! K.Eitß, Lowe,' Mas sey, Smythe, Weeleh, Wilcox, Woodfin, and Youxg-27 in all. The} names in small caps now. appear up on thu Republican ticket—Electors! ' C'oUgrfssion tlj oi-'County. r J ho 9th amendment, relating to the appointment of officers liy the (rovernor, passed a third reading, by a strict parly vole. The 11th amendment relative to the division of Judicial Powers, puss ed by a vote of 43 to 35—Mr. lllila, (Rej).) voting with the Democrats in the affirmative. The 12tli amendment, reducing the Supreme Court from five to three .1 iiatices, passed by vote of 56 to 26 . i i t /0 I i«4i Eleven liepubli3ans voted 'vtfith the Dtjmocrats—to wit: Messrs Bean, i Bo vman, 6d\l>, ,! Dbi.#,** Mamftos, '' Hoffman, Kerb, Lowe, McCanless, 1 Wilcox J Wypflfin. ■, v t ~ The 12th amendment, giving the ' powey to_ eliiinge the ( H'tms of the Supren* Ctfntt, passed ( by a vote of 53 to 37. Ter. Republi- ] cans voted with the _Deie»crats —to ( wit: Badger, Barrow Bowman 1 Dula, Hamtou, Hoffman, Hob. 1 TpN, xV'heeleß, Wilcox, and Wood- 1 fin."- ! The 15th amendments, reducing the ( number of Judicial District* from ; twelve to nine, passed by a vote of 48 to 27. Seveu Republican* voted with : the Democrats—to-wit: Bean, Bow nian, Dula, Hoffman, Lowe, WiU J cox, Woodfin. The 17th amendment, giving the General Assembly certain powers in regard to the Supreme Court, passed by a strict party vole. v_...' The 21st amendment, providing for the elecfitWr off clerks f of infers riot'Ctmrter, pasaed by a strict party The 23rd amendment, respecting ex isting terms of office, passed by a vote of 96 to 2. All the Republicans— except Goodwin, and Manix, voted with the democrats tor this amend ment. *' The 24 amendment, requiring ninety days residenoe tor voters, and disfranchising felons, passed by a vote of 58 to 49 Two liepnblicans —Messrs. Dula and Hinuant—voted j with tlie Democrats. The 25th amendment, conferring upon the General Assembly certain powers over municipal corporations, [Ktssed by a strict party vote. _ tlys 2l»th «piendu»t'n^ / 'Bej>f»rating the races-in public schools, passed by a vote of 113 to 3—all the K-pubb cans voting with tie Democrats, ev. cept Bell, Crosbv and Thome. The 27tb amendment, providing for the preservation and investment, of the public school funds, pasted by a vote of 82 to 27. Thirty-seven, Republicans voted with the Demos crabs, to-wit; £adger, Barringcr, I lean, Bell Black, JU» ve J>» Blocker, Bulleck, Dixon, IWraj cloth, 'Goodwill, Iliiinant, llodge, Holtoh, Hoeton, .King of Lenoir, Mabspn, Manning of New Hanover, ■M«fe\S*MeOftbe,' 'MfeDonald, Man-, den, JVowell O'haka, I'ape, Scott The 90th amendment, prohibiting intermarriage of the rapes, passed by a vote of 96 U> 2. All the Republic*** present voted with the Detnceraisy except Crosby and Thome. .»• / * A ot this tecopj shows that sixteen of the thirty amendments pnssed that the ltepobllcaus yo.ed solidly against only Foua of the amendments to-wit: the »th, 17th, 21st, ana 25th, and that they voted for t«t the amendments tow{t) tUP Jtti, 'Hth, 12th, 13th, I mid 80tf\- GRAHAM, N- C.,- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10 1876 On th^s* 1 ten amendment the Re publicans vote sums up as follows: * 1 Republican voted for the 11th, 2 Republicans " " 24th, >-T*maa#'a V"" " 15th ' 1 io " ?«;' « « 13th' 1 l 1 >■r" *. " 12th * 27 f " « 'Bth 37 " . *•" '* 27th ' 40 « « « 30th , '49 • " " « 23rd , 62 ' " i 20th t Thns it appears that out of the thir ty amendments proposed, the, Jf?es t Wibltcftns voted for twentv-stx — in «rt6B rynglng frOine one fo flftyntwo. In fhe face of such a record, what can be said of the wholesale denunciation ! ' of the work'of the Convention, .bv * the ReptiblfAiiir jWcss and speakers, t but that it is base : aehiagogiiery ? The work of the Convention was done no blv rftid W6ll;'and Republicans know it.—Raieigh News. RADICILIS.iI FROM IN6.S TO Doings and Savinos of the. Acthor tzKD le\ders ok tiie Radioal # v Party—lnsult, ' ' Octr \mt j and A Recorl) OF INFAMV AND ' PtSWBACB. "■IBOB. m. ■ ;«!«■»(> ' ___ i .(Hi. [From tlni Raleigh Sentinel.] "But wherever else you work don't forget to Wbrk among the women. «.* « a j ter t | )e women then. ** And don't hesitate to throw your arms around their necks now and then when their husbands arc I not a it> mi d. a nil igive Iheirt ,i- good : experience with female rebs is, that with all their sins they have a vast J i amount orhii..~.an nature, and only j i want to have it apprcciat2.Vto be the! j: most loving creatures' imaginable, t Scallawags and carpet-baggers •'don't ( fail, therefore, as you Canvass the i state to look after the women,"—Ra's t eigli /Standard. v . _ r , ~ , 1 . "Did it ever occur to you, ye gen> i tlemen of education, property and I character, to you, ye men and espe» t pecially ye women, who never res I ceivc^, anything frpin lliese colored i people but services, kindness and pro-, u tection—did it never occur to yod I that these same.people who are so r very bad, will not be -willing to sleep | in the cold whan your houses are d>;> i nied them, merely because they will l not voto as you do? That they may i not,be willing to starve, while they f are willing to work to work for I bread? Did it newer occur to you that revenge, which is so swaet to » 'von, nav be sweet to them? Hear us* it nothing else >on will hoar, did | it never occur to you, that if you kill i tliier children with hunger they will kill your children with tear? Did it j ueycr occur to you, that if you good i people maliciously determine that j they shall have no shelter, they may determine that yoii shall have no shelter. 1 [ftiijinblicah Legislature, May 1868.J""' ' ' " ! ' : 1 ' ; • i.l I* __ I ■ _»««*; 'f!l| "The governor has power to sus pend all oivil law as it wait suspend ed in 1865." W.; IV. Holden. The Spy bill was passed in this year. , u Sbcffner bill was introduced iritocthe legislature. In advocating this bill Radical Senator Cook, from Johnston'county, ft ought to pass, because it It bccan.e a law men accnsed "iould be tried by drum-head ecurt martial and shot." , The painting or disguise act was passed litis year. ... 1«70. 11l f*lf congre»=i would •, puthftriife the J suspension by president ,of tfce writ of habeas corpus in certain lus ealilies, and- if criminals could be ar restadand tried before military tri bunals and ahot we would toon have peaoe and order throughout all this country."—W..W . Holden. , John Pool proposed to put into the sarviee a desperado named McLind- SOV who would laue a company that | '♦would give .Governor U/den uo: trouble, for that if any ol the men ar- j reeled by hiuv underU>ok any resin* ance lie would kill them or tlie\j would be loft and mvut be heard of) again*"' *" d eoggested that the gov ernor (Ilolden) ahpuld fbllpw ex- Ample of Goytrmir Clay ton, of Ars kansaa, "who had taken military disallected counties and tiied, »ud-e*ecutfd large numbers of "-l{. C, Bad. , ger'sswom 1 * Jlolifan, is ever , personally menaced his friends will resent H and, punish the trow or men j who m V rfft U-ii he fa wounded, It la already determined that leading dewoewits and conserva tives, who wight be named, will In stantly be put to death. The gover nor's mind is, made up."— Baleigh ' Standard, \f •• »>r " 1872, "Rally this'last time and carry tlie election,and there will bo no parlor and uo kitchen."—Neil McKay. 1874. The pretention thai any person or class may be prevented from resort ing to a public place whose doors are open to nil but tliem, and denied to them oniv on account of color or race will not be tolerated by any court hou-j estly and sincerely desirous of up« holding the constitution and the law* according to their true intent and meaning—Judge D- L. Russell. . And, therefore, I say, If it were possible, as in the large cities it is possible to establish separate schools for blaek children and'for white cliiN dren, it is in the higiient degree inex» pediemt to cither establish or tolerate j such schools. The theory of human equality catif not be taught in families, taking into account the different conditions ol the different members of the families composing hntnan society; but in the public school, where children of aff classes aud conditions f»re brought to gether, this doctrine of human equal ity can be taught, ana it is the. chief j ; means ot securing the perpetuity of republican institutions. - And inas> uiuchas wc have in this'country four million colored people I assume that it is a public dnty that t ey and the white people of the country with Whom they are to be associated in political anil public affairs, shall be assimilated and made one in tho fun damental idea of human equality. Tlieref re where it would bo possible to establish distinct schools, I am against it is a matter«' public policy. —Senator Bout Well. liy the treachery of republican members of Cougress, elected in largo part by colored voters, the ne gro is continued as an'outlaw. For tunately the negro has the ballot. He it.tojdtfisejt to. ballot in punishing the professed principles that leave him a victim to negro hate Every ballot that shall be cast by colored men for the soscalled repob» licans who on Satnrday]night last vo ted againstthc.civll rights bill wil| be regardod as so many endorse ir^entsoftheir treiuo|i. rf ,Our people are not the cowards to kiss the baud that smites must not be led into the support of pretended trieiuls by sophistry or by iutiinidation, Defeat kvekx i*ketcmi>- EU REPUBLICAN WHO VOTED AOAIXST THE CIVIL RteilT'S BlLL,—Fred Dous glas, ucgro president of Ereediuen's bank. . IFe want the civil rights bill pass* ed and enforced, and in tho name of our soldiers we - demand its passage. We demand that our wives and daughters shall ride in what vehicles they please, when and where they please, so long as they pay for (he privilege. We demand that our children shall be admitted to the common schools of the country, and I want U shown to inflated while men that the col red man's blood is not inferior to the white man's blood. * • • We demand in the name Ot on;' dead colored soldiers that there be given to us conplete and constant equality fernery where- Then we will exercise 0.,r judgement where we will go. if we are able to bear the ex pends. When we pay for a berth in a j Pullman sleeping car w» do not want |to bo shoved into a Jim Crow car. I when we pay for a room at the Ar» liugtoii hotel we want to go there. Let our institutions be broad and deep; let us be masters of liberty on this contineut. —John Al, Langston. president of Howard JJaltjenilj. i There is no m ire signal error than the supposition that tho defeat of this bill Intends to settle any thing, The bill now goes over, perhaps, to another session', but it will constant I> reappear until the engagement of the Country is fulfilled.—Harper's Week ly- "You (lends of hell, you hell hounds you infernal fiends ol hell."—Settle to the people of Jonesboro. A bloody * hit t campaign with mon ey and Indiana Is safe.—Kilpatrlck's letter. | "Itcsulved, That any negro who > Would vote Democratic licke!."— I KeMlutioii of radical j'iUt. ... • C'OHPASY Snow S. C. ) j> ■"» Sept. 2, 187 W.» J j For I lie ULEAHER, 1 1 ! Out candidates have gone forth in the canvai*. to ad vocate the priuci plea mid policy of the grand old LKiui ograttc party, as e&tabliahed by the fathers and writen. in oor plau forn:*.— What ia it, that ia day, canning gnch a deep feeling and interest ia the minds and hearts of the airerican people? It ia because the Republican ami Hadioal party have controlled every department of the Government for the past fifteen years, and been guilty of allowing pardons and rcsigni tins to oecome tha executive inst.runr.eut)> 10 defeat justice, ami protect pluns derers, as in the case o' Babctjk and . others.— It is been use, they have dismantled ■State governments, and dispersed legislatures at the point of tho bay. unet, as in Louisiana It is furthermore because by thi imfainous orders of the . Secretary ot war, and cunningly devised opin ons of the law c ffi ;ers of tho government, they attempt to prostitute fjus aimy fo the basest of political pfir[ioSe! ; _ the sujiprfßsion of free ballot in the Southern,' Slates.— i Moreover, they have hypocritically professed the greatest friendship and care for the negro, until they could orjanue a froedmatis bureau and a system, by which they robbed itheii victims of all their hard earned pen nies amounting to millions rt t dol lars. " : * Beaaiise tliey have gorw over eleven years of peace to again mouse the bitter feelings caused by a civil war, to conceal their pwTtliynry and cor ruption.— * And iigaiii because they have, with in tho past ten years, wronged fi-crtn the people over four-thousand millions of Jollars, tnxes, and still our nation al debt i* two thousarid millions or more.— They have given to northern pa cific railways over sixty five millions of government bonds, and to rail road corporations about, three hundred thousand square miles of public lauds, —an area, almost amounting to as much as is contained in all the New England States combined, with Mary land and Virginia thrown in for good measure, besides all of which should ! ' 4 have been sacredly held in reserve for oyr children and our children* chil dren. They have iticreaaed the average ptr capita tax from $3, in 18(i0, to %18, iu 1870, which is paralysing every enterprise and industry, and grinding the labroriug clasos to dust. Under radical rule, National State, county and town taxes contiune to put out new sprouts and grow lux uriantly, with them the tax collector seemes to be inevitable. Incomes, profits, and wages, of the common laborers fall, but taxes and salaries of the officers ol' government continue to rise. The Democratic house in tlio last congress reduced the expenditures, thirty million*. This was a step ih the right direction, ami would have gone still further, but for the bitter opposition that met them at every, corner in a hostile Seimtc. t The present mission of the Demo cratic party At to correct the extra vas gance nnil vile abusea of the present dominant Republican pmty, ah/I once more build up the nation to Us former prosperity. To tbts end it M clearly our duty to lend our best effort*, continuing aid from now until she 7th of novern | ber, when by a «nit*d shout from all parts of tho Union with cue voice we will proclaim Samuel J. Tildeu elected President of tb:t United from and ufier the 4th of Maidi next, when President Grant will have peace. . « ♦ DEUOCRAT. ■ ■MIT IIITIJIIVATIOK A €•■* a«4 ■ PlayturJ •• ■ *« «• ■ lag. Col. Tho#. M. Argo, of.thin fily, ha* Wfentlyhy republicanj islD and announced hi* purpose to j vote f>r Til-en and Hendrkkn. i*st j Sunday morning a pine coffin was in front of the door of bin Hw office in the Court House, on the coffin a large placard bct{ring thin de^c©: K. K. K. ' to ; - t. M. Pint a Ku Klux, tben « Hepobii u • I" can. NOW a Democrat or white line man. This ia to notify yon that unless you "wendyour way»" this box will bffNr'pMrif'l The coffin had been made for • negro mkn who dropped dead on the street* Lot being too abort, bad been plaecd nudfr the ! steps leading intoSbecotirt room. H I was discovered, Sunday ' .Sheriff.Dunn, who bad Mi «PO*pd ! liia office opposite that of Col. Argo, . who ia now abeent from the city at. - * , _ - r tending Johnston Court.—Raleigl I I A>'c». THK WnirK tVOIIKJI FOH'«-:r> to H'.llt UPWN HIS BLACK i. WIVK. , *■ . t Til* IVIIITK MKIV I O.XJKIC VOXK HOII I IMICTV illt l ®..k» tiikik tiii.k;*, PASS IT AItOL'ND, BItOTHERS OF THE STATE PKESS. (Albotnr.rlu 'flaw ] The tale that We propose to tell is allocking to think of. London Hy« metn, a negro, who was convicted in • his'oonnty for stealing fodder, serv bit «»iit part of his time in the peni tcntiai'y, is in charge ot Hie poor house of Bertie county. W'e had said I before in these columns that ii; wa ' hu iosutt to the white people of the I county too grievous io ilto borne. Wo should not have had anything to say about it at this time, but recently we have heard «ucb terrible accounts of this Mack monster's cruelty to the inmates, Every ono ot the inmates is afflicted in some way. .Still this miserable j scoundrel makes ihein wait upon ( his .Jazy wife as It she t were aj, queen. An old colored woman who had beftn there staying a low days nuraiug her sick daughter told tho lale. She says Unit (he poor inmates are made to do anything thhtrolop may please. She fits down and makes them build her tires, bring water and anything else tho c: looses. The report comes to us that since thegi od old colored woman told the talc, this black dev il bus not allowed hor to go in to see her tick daughter. The iuinates are prevented from fells ing how they were treated by (his negro by threats from him of keeping them locked up ln»ide of the Willis, f i! , ••• , There is poor, nnfortnnato old lady in there who hat entirely lost her mind, wo have heard on good authority that this convict whips her whan he pleases. If these things are not believed by, the county couimis sionors let thorn get the proper wit nesses, assure them that they shall not be harmed for telliug tho truth and every word we have written will be verified. We appeal to the white men ever;- where'to l.eifi us by voting the party , out of power that has brought such I slxtine Upon us. II vonaioa wliito man. and tho j blood ot a freeman ruuft'throurh your i veins, tlien vote this party out of j power. JPlio i»nt Lniiilon llytnau j there to oversee the poor whita peo ple of the county? Itaflicals. Who! could remove him but (iocs not? The ! radicals. Who docs the scoundrel j it over? It is the p>or of the county, j' I hen, fb)low-eitiKe:sß, come up - like ]' men Hud vote lliem out of n„w-1 ' I Will our wliite brethren of the 1 west longer snslain this paity? Urea! j fJod forbid! Tfef] it to them, ye men who arc ■ 1 speaking up Ihore. Tell tlam the 1 poor white* hero l»cg them fori h lp. Can they refuse? Wo trust nof. 1 *" ' " " * C4UD, (From tb« St-ir«.l ' In the Dait.t of'the JWili nit., all article was ptibhsiied which pur-; i>orts to give th'i substance of a «t ite- I mens nbtds by me it certain gsui !c» j ; men at Cameron on the ni{,ht ot the 28th. As a matter of justice to my-1 I self an'l all tho parties concerned it I l»tfixjmes necessary t'.ir mo lo »Uto the , to Ho wing ract«: ! On my w«y tn the Bti|iii*t .S'laie iConvetiyoii In'paffeltvillo I v. as in-' j troduced to ex»C«ov. liolden. I)or- i lug tbo lesaton 6/tho Convention I | wo* invited to dine with iiiiu and iic j cep'ed tho inviUtion. I kpent the al-1 I tyrnoon with him, roiurniug (0 the > | dttptist chiircli after tea Our inter-' i course was free and i»/rceablo. He 1 gave me an account of his religiou*! !expfrieiic? t |Uid of Ids. |>olitical tro's hies. lie slaiedlo nicthat (lie pl,.n of the w Kirk war" Originated wiilii ; the Execqilve (Jouiinlifee of the l.'e> I publkan partV #t Wudlingtoii, in the I interest of the party j Uiat Lo was i.p poaed to Jt r >nt>vasailowel no dis cretion iiUhe matter; that il was do- ; cided b>' tbaLcomiuiilce lo inaugurate and tins campaign as he did U; tbat If he (iid not carry out the 1 wiahea of (be party he and the Slate were tocrushed; and that if lie upa puccesst'il ill tho ihe execuliou of tlteLr plana be would .probably re»' oeiyo# Cabinet appomtmeid, the Sco, | rclaryahip of ibe iiuteriOf, i death of Stc pheiia I understood from him that the Kepubiicans had much to do witii ' that Oiiuta; tbttt tlie proscci'.tioii of s wtfo were oliarged with it was t ; diaooqliuned because testimony was cither elieited or likoiy to be elloite*l . which would impiicoto or criminate > prominent members of tho llepub'.i --t can parly; that these tears were ' awakened lo part the discovery of '|tue coil from which the rope was rat )J was fouud on the neck of the [ murdered man, ' ' 10. 3*? '| T.ie simciiKiit '>FO"V. IIOM'MI l E > ,on me the clear ami di« inct impieg*. | siou that liu hart b-en il>o . | instrument tor Hie nMiie*>mj>ii*jiUit;i.t. ! ol the purposes of hfe jwrryjMkl ti..-.r. lie diil not merit the "ilium u liicli attached to hi* tutrix* all over i: u State. fJuring the sesskmi of the lute Con siitutioiiiil Convention 1 culled on Gov. IJoldett in Iliai«ffi- 0 iji his own request. Jit a very pleasant inter view reference was made to the |ps moval of jrolitica! disabilities by Congress, andjulw to the removal of his own disabilities by (he Conver sion then in session. 80 favorably Was 1 Impressed with statements ; made by him that I called on Rev. J.N. S'allina«, ot Daplin Ainl a few ot her members, and requested theni to use their influence to huvo (Jov. flolden's disabilities removed. I staled these fa -is or some ofthein in » IKS conversation referred ti. in the NEWS as mentioned above. I i, ave alsogiven them 111 other parts of the State, w .en tGov. H Iden happened to be tne stlbj :ct of Cofhtrsntion. it was done in the free and easv style ot social iinerwOiir„e, and though I stated nothing which was not true. I did not expect to «e it in the itewss papers or in print. In any statement which I inay have made coneorniiig Judge Horn I or the hanging Of Jttdgt Kerr I gave or meant to give my own oplnim*, bti»ed on iiHormanatlon received from other sources j'not from anything Mid to me by (Jov. ilolden. So tar as 1 can now he has never spoken t' me in refoiencc to either of ti»o u gentlemen. I have made tltis statement in the interest ot truth aud n ,t«f an poliu iual party also as a matter ot ju*ti';p to uiysclt mid all the p-r>-.n» mens tiuueu in the News ot the ;Jtnh. C. T. IVMI.kv. Bill*, niLMMTUK PI.AO, [From lm epcecU at. Atlanta.j J All bail the flag! Jlatbc big!. tho j Hag of our fit hers I Let southern j breezes kUs ill Let southern skies j I't'fluct ill Southern patriots will love it, sonllioi'ii Buiw will defend it, and J southern heroes Will die for it! Ami ' its 'olds unfurl beneath the heavens lei our voices unite and swell the I loud Invocation Flag of the Union j wuve on! wave ever I But wave over freetpen, not subjects; wave over j"tates, not over pit>vlncos. And now Jot tho voice of patiiots from the north and fronuhe east and iro-u the went join our voioos from the south, and eind;-.y> heaven our Universal, according chorus. Wave on, Aug t ,f our fathers ! WaveforOver: butwatc over a union 0.1 cqti ds, not over u despotism ot fords and vassals; over a land of law, of liberty and peaeo, and not of anarchy, oppression and wtrile! [/nun' nse and long continued aps plause, with wild ch'ctM lor tun tl »g in tho which Mr. flili relir ed.] KTUKNGTU or Tin. ( OLORKK VoTfc. —According to the censm just coins pleted, the iy>gro voie of the "United. States numbers 879, MO and is uistri bnted among the several rHates as followa: Alatmina...;.. 86,400 Nebrtokn 14> Arkansu 23,100 Nevada 70 California.... . 780 New Ilaia;wltlro ton , Connomlcut 1.700 New Jen ey 5,701 Delaware...... 1,30b Now York ~9.500 Kloilda 18,700 Noith Carolina 71 300 Georgia 8l 4 |GO Ohio lI.W Illinois B.aoo I, ImlUf.a 4,10*1 I*&n-jlvi.al 11:0 > lowa ........ 1,100 Itlnxl'! Main) . !tti ....... M. HW C'lWllM TV-**"' Kentucky 40,400IWhmm ... M 1j» I-oui-laim Tex« 4fi 103 ■'•fctlne tK Ycr.n mt !7t» Maryland 8L0I» Virgin'*.... 93 in M:»*i« lia>«/i, 2 500 >Vi'.| Vkgiaia 8 800 Michigan..-. 8,100 '•'» Minuend*. lW —— MWuwipjri. . HO.TOO T0ta1..,. 87j.i:0 ■U|liiiwffik...ol,fiN - ----- 3 tough' Lumber. For all ki!Hl» ut ji'ae lumber applv 10. V, ■ "i» . # A. L. PARKER £CO. Wi'tana* MIUm Juhiirtuu C'.uuly Y. To«y sre in > f i!i" Viwt v«'llcw I pine tnnW. and will fumM. unfit er pn.tu|. ; . ;y at reasonable price, Smid ym r ills 1 uein, and I bey will |afj J'qu »ila. uey ca ! iiriiUVat. c - ; \y°ji[AS IN BATTLEt AGENTS WANTED to canvass every town and county In the State for L u Woman in Hattle!" i ! one of tlm most lnt9tu«»ly IntrntUM books p aver p'iblUbed. beiuK Uie Us* and Exploit* jof I.ieut. Harry f Bnfoid, (C. 8. A.) or I Madaino I*. 8." Vila*tjuez. No subscription i bock„cver nubllhlicd lias Lffjred the chance# ibis one doe* for w ide awake agents t > : uiake inoony rapidly, and as terriv.ry U Ixinj; taken up very f v-4 thcx« who • lo canvass for It sb oold m ke »p|iU-a)ioi» ; wtthont dclaT. - MADAMKI. *. VKIASQUEZ, ;' Agent for North Car'-.ina; ofijee: Orange I Hotel corner Wilmington and D vrie st % I one block from the YarborO House, Ralekb ! | M.C. I'TOHI SALE! f 0 111 and fixtures, grxrl as new I tx>eu uxad only three months, warrante. t sennd, cost $l9O. I will take *55 If purcha»4 £ " er will apply with tlic ca*h thirty daj •- : • i&t'K -

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