THE GLEAN RR. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY . E. a. PARKER I ' Hrajtma, >. C, i »l ■ .. Unlet of /Subscription. Poalaye Paid : One Y«as.«*.••»»*•«• v«• ■*•»»« JJix Months >• "» ;TUreft.Moutli».^.... i'»,- -"ft, Gvery person sending'"*iis ri club 'df'tdh ■ fciibecribera with the cash. entitles himself to one copy free, for the lengU) of time for which the elnb is made up. Papers sent to different olttce*. ft Wo Departure from, the Cash System ■lntra mf Adrrrlinlua , Transient aavertiaunents payable In ad vance; yearly advertisements advance _|l m.|2 m. 3 m. | 6m. | 12 m. 1 ouare |*2Ws3 00 «4©0 H ® 6 0oi?10 00 •i I 3 00 4 SO 6 00 10 00 I 15 00 Transient advertisements $1 per squae for.the first, and iUtydenia for e*#i sub«d > qaMtriusermn. 1» »>!*■/ , Adver.isements uotbpeclfled as to time übiislad until ordered out, Mid charged t'«ordingly, 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. «VBBPECUL RVL.ES. The names of KOM I>E PLUME and tionvmus corespondents will not be ' revealed when they request tlieni to be wi'hheld. « , ' " All communications reflecting on the private character of any individu al, or intended to retard of advance ,he priviite-'tir political interests of any individual person, will IKS charged for, iN EVEKY INSTANCE, at regular advertiiiig rates. t*ii A N ~C-'; OU T,i76 Local, State ar.d General. ' . ; fedbJdU — l t TTV'S Go .o Uncle JJIMIUV Fouviile's tor cheap, and durable bouts and shoes. FALI. IX.— AH »f you wli i L-rai u UN* •der Squire Alb inour toil, Peter « &C • t'.ilt in. Their forced sitpilrtVuno-i'uii 'linfcpens dent ticket—.str c-tKcd. HAULM» L/I v } the eietftufr on tlie\)rtioal ticket iNjn tl»e Second district, has btfeu lIUU.6THIMVH. VV.liat. Is ihe matter? Such a changing around we never did see. GoS'H NOifrti. —Ou i* next irti»mber ot the House oi front this comity, left for the nnrtlieru cits ies a week ago, tor Nie purpose of laying ill his thll and winter stfx'k of $:o »dt>. He became satisfied that his majority ov#r Dr. Piituix would be large enough to sal isfv any Christian man and so Dauiel went North feeling very well?Und wben he gels back, lie WHI tell you"aboift it, through the •GLEANEK. ' GONE llo>Ue.— WT» t6ld the people that our old friend, Tom McLean, would take his opponent 11. L. Mes bau&*hquie aud leave him, Well, Tast Friday he did if, and now Mr, Mebane can sit at home, undisturbed by official cares, and dream the -long winter evenings atvay; and, us he streams, he can ponderover the vanir tv of worldly nouors and distinctions and the unc3rtainty of radical prom ises. Parties in search of marriage i ice us 'will not inquire tor Mr Mebane yet awhife. ,♦ .that your name is on thp regt istratldii books. You can't vote unlees your name is prop erty on the registra tion books.- IFork fro 19/ now till election day, and from the early morn ing of that day un til the going down of the sun there of! At Ihe meeting of the Graham Tilden and Vance club >n nex* Sat urday night, the 28th. there will be speeches from Col, Holt, Col. Scales and othefo. The public, and es pecially the different Tilden and Vance clubs of the county expected to at tend.,, The are cordially invited to attend, and ar rangements will be made for their pres ence. Come every body, and let nshave a rousing time, The nights are long and the moon will shine. «WT»T »L*- M A DunoK, MR. .EDITOR: • In your last issue you say that the Independent ticket of this county was brought out by the Republican Exec utive Committee. I have no jdea that, you intend to do injustice, alia I deem it my duty t» a*k you to make the cor-i fectiou as yon have been inisiu formed with regard to the matter. T here has never been but one meeting rot the Executive Committee during this canipaigi ,BiK> thas was lor ,the purpose »r aptfoiirtW dUfcuraMstnjtHie State and District convention. It was suggested that another meeting be I held for the purpose \ consultation, which meeting never lonvened This | much as lo the Committee; as to mv ! individual preference aslb who should be candidates, Ido »o lUecni mate rial to the is-ucf. Respectfully A WIGHT . Octo. 20th 1876. The ab v * Ci r I explains i«plf. We never said tne Republican Executive Committee, nominated the indepen dent candidates. Narry time ii| WB *ay it. We said that they were brougnt out, sanctioned, endorsed by a radical caucua That is so, and we know it as well as we know anything that we did not personally witness. The caucu* was held on the first Sat urday in September, ajnd so to speak, continued over to the niext Monday. The present indepaideut ticket, with tie exception we liave here tofore made, was then agreed 'upon, ami tntmcd. This we can substantiate by tie declarations of republicans of as nifcih character as any in the county. tt'liPre is just no doubt nbout it. Wil know that some lumbers of the Executive Com mittees were in this cauqus. Whethl - it was a formal meeting of the E: > eoutive Committee we otlcourse had p.o positive means of kuowing. Their acts and 'riiee'ttil'gs fiTnh the days of the league been to some extent se cret. A j/ittittiite/U mewllM* of that caucus, furnished the names of its can didates, at least a part ot theui, in writing on Saturday evening. Will that be denied? The names furnished' are now candidates in the field. Will that be denied? The writer of the above card by -his position as c .airman of the-republican Executive • •ommittee of this county, and by be ing the leader and the most influential member of his party, controls ninety nine out Of every hundred votes the independent* 4*pect to receive^ It is, tb say the least, by hid sancs tion that they aie'now candidates with any hope of the'tepublican vo®. Are tliey ashamed of tbe sjtpport of Wqnire Alright, who td'driy has the V>ower to control more votes than any {other one man in this county? A wotd of his can destroy the whole independ ent tioltet or any one upon it. tTliis is a patent fict to any one acquainted with the .zeal and influence ofl the man,* and the politiaal situation in this county, llis object of course, is to dsfeit the Democratic party. tHe is open and above board in it. Hi is using the independents to effect via purpose. Politicians generally no this when they can find among theme claiming to be their oppooonts, mm whom they can use; —ami especialW when their only "chance of defeating the democrats is by sreating disseu\ tions and divisions. Two objets aro obtainable by thi»cnurse,one tiiedeteat, of the democrats in the preseut cnni paign, the other the bringing the in dependents, body and soul, to the radical party. We do not blame the enemy who encourages desertions; it is the (ktwyiei's wja go for. THE BEST OF TIIEM ARE DECEIV- did'noi Col. Hoi ton, in his cauvass of this county, coru'e his piue torch education ovw the people r»f Newlines township, at John Pughs? Because he knew some of his college chums were there. Whether l i man is educated at college or elsewhere is a matter of small con sequence,but when a man endeavours acltua'y does mislead the pe jpl# in small matters, he is not to be trusted in matters of greater concern, i'liis Col. HoitOii did iu than COuiity. He played otf in the north part ol the county as a man who had obtained his education under verj id verse circumstances, and by fire light after the days work of a farmer was done. Our jieople warmed towards him on this account. Come to find out lie is a regular college bred chap. We don't object to this but we do object to a man's endeav ors to deceive. To' paraphrase, he that is faithles in few things will be faithless, . r ,. „ SETTLED.— Our worthy snd efficient sheriff, Settled with the State Treasurer, on last Thursday, the 19th of tbh mouth. The amount of tax due from this county and which was turned over to the TrcMurer was seven thousand and six dollar* and seveuly six cents. Sheriff llun» L er was this year, as usual, the first ill the State MS settle. He has been the first «ch year save one, iu his official life. No county in the State has a more accomodating pnuopt, and fethlul sheriff. I —- To give ordinary water all the refreshing and invigorating, qualities of sea water salt it till it has a bonyant feeling, which shows how easy it is to get up a bueyant felling. Salt will do it sometiuuts, bnt the effectual Way of producing it in the family is to plant a "Liglit i tunning Domestis" square in front of the heart b stone. Col. T. M. Holt was, last week, reelected to the Presidency of the North Carolina Agriculture Society His continued reelection is a com pliment of wliieh both Col. Holt and the county should feel proud. Near Cheraw, S. C. Oet. lltb, at the residence of the bride'sfartbcrD C. Harden, by Rev. E. H. Baist, Mr f. H.Spencer and Miss C. R. Hardei all of Chesterfield county. No cards I lls II oTI Eg , % K» t It, iC i , I.»rt- t, i - . |.; With uaqh recurring canvass the [ radical by «il- of declarations | and misrepresentations endeavor to |txcito the fears of jttr people upon the { •übkuLof They we!l know tlyit, muuy of out peliple are in> debted to the exemption tows for Ihe shejter'that now covers their heads, mid ft»r the personal property that en ablfktheip to make a ItVfiig. They wejf knoWthat tltis is* Subject about which our people easily frighten eel. Knowing theseuliings they do at any declaration or representation wbjeli they consoler culcul»ted to create apprehension;' in thtf ininda of the people. One of their oA repeated falsehoods is that the democratic pi rty is opposed to (a homestead aud personal property ex emptions To those wbo know the history ot the exemption tipps in tfri»6tate this isjK> palpably falw as ta require no lint cuftpeople, like most I aljotfier people, arc not acquanted •vilh the history of legislation upon this,or any cthersnbject. It is not then' business to be. They are not all lawyers, aud they are not all furnish l , ed with the acts of the several legisla tures, snd it they w ero, they have something else to do, than to read tliem. * ? i Soon after the w if, onr people many of them being largely iujyljbt, /he legislature recognized the nfecessi-' tv jf a.hopipstead aud personal props erLy,exu,mptiot), and accordingly, the legislature of 1866-7, parsed a home stead and personal property exempj libit law, mych more liberal in its provissions than that contained i:i the radical constitution. To show this is so, we quote the very language of Judge Head. In delivering the opin ion of the Supreme Court in (he case of Garrett Against Cbesire, reported in V 01."69, page 896. Supreme Court Keports, he uses this lauguage. "Our homestead law is not an increase, but n restriction upon former exemptions, Kind they were not made to defeat debts but to secure necessaries and wmforts to our citizens." So yon see Jomocrats were really and truly the authors of (lie homestead laws. The democrats arc interested in the homestead, they owning perhaps nine tenths of all the homesteads in the State, ther'origuated the homestead, and they uow and ever have favored it. How exceedingly foolish then to talk jff the homestead being in danger from iemocrats. Oh, but they say the dems watic lawyers have tvied to take a :a*e up ! to the Supreme Court of the United States to have tlie homestead declared not good as against old littbts. That is simply a lie made out rf the whole cloth, aud tne leaders of the radical party know it so to be. Doift every ! body know t '.nt if dem- ! Dcruftic lawyers wished to take n ease up to the Supreme Court of the Unit ed States they could have done so long ago? . , IHth democrats 'n power your homestead is safe, but keep out of Judge Dicks court, and he is a radi cal, it VoTi'don't want to loose your homestead. Have we not a number of demo cratic Judges in the State, aud has ' there been any attempt to interfere with your homestead? AnßKll'A.t lilßßttTV, Tin onl of the clcvey Republican ittdgjs ju South Carolina have now ! lesnfod that there »re no armed baud! of whites in the State* and that In no riiise has auy Hidrauce ''been placed in the way of the judiciary to keep rheinirom discharging the duties if their offices. ProQiiucut Republicans have sfi'ittca (9 Pr««ii!£!ii Grsuf, rc ruling tlie false charges of the carpet bag Governor, Cliamberlain. Officers ol the army stationed in that State, have written lo the President giving him the true state »t affairs and begging him not to assign tb»m the unpleasant duty of interfering-in elections, and arrest ing innocent citizens at mi Iniglit. llonest Itepublicans all over (lie North have petetioiiej the Pre-idem, and remonstrated aga'iist the undue aud uncalled foruiilHtury interference nmt still protest against this grevious, fin against man and God. The so-ca!kd ri fl i clubs of t he whites have disbanded according to the tyrannical edict of the conspirator Chamberiain, to repress anything like a disobedience to the constituted authorities. Tlie so-eall ••illegal bodies of arioed iue" Were organized under the charter of a radical Legislature, ami it h(ts been proven that iliev are legal oom i I t on" enso dingt ih;law»of luu&tatc of.SouuiCarolina. These sovtalled "illeyul organiza tions" have been re|>calcdly recogni zed by Gov. Chamberlain and tnev have escort :d him front place lo plaoe. Gov. Chaui>erlaiD has been elected an bonory meaiber of most of the»e so-called utilaefel coriiUsjation* ;md has signified lis acceptance in letters which those clabs now have! NnrrrcEirrrY-rhfioiN! of the Mioiid menta that restricts the powers of tlie Gpveruor. it allow? hint to make sppointOMMt% in tam of vacancies onv Ijr till the first election, when the peo ple shall elect, Tt' tales the |ower from one man ay 4 places it in tlie hands ol the people If one. of your Judges diet tlie Govt only appoint under this amendment till tlie first election, wHfcti the people jfteei anoth er Judge. Mot a nufiool oppc*edrffiis amendment in the Con vent ion, Jmt now thet yelp against it. ]t cortails their ]«t oun man pow er. The next radical you hear prat ing about The peoplea rights, poin l him to thia amend men'., aud tel him to vote for it, or dry up. The SevknxilKjjth. —Of«the pig" posed amendment tlio seventeenth is lu words: Thai sec:ions titfjqcii, sixteen, and j»cvctricen,»of article four of the Constitution be abrogated and annulled,and the following substituted therefor: Section —. The General Assninblv shaft have 110 power to deprive the Judiial Depart ment ul, an# power or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it, as a c*M rdinate de partment of the government; but! the General Assembly shall allot and distribute that portion of this power and jurisdiction which does not pertain to the Supreme Court, among the other courts prescribed in this Constitution, or which may 'be , e stablishcU,by law, in such manner ns it may detin best; provide also a proper system of appeals, and regulate' by law, when necassary, the methods ot proceeding ii the fimlM cf their powers, of aI! the Courts below the Supreme Court, so far as tlie same may bo done without conflict with other provision.; of this ConAtit ittfon. This is one of tlie four that the re* publicans voted soMd y against. 'I he sections that this amendment abro. gates, arc as'follows; Section flftcou prescribes Ihe jurisdiction ot the Su lierioi courts. Section sixteen pros vides that yon cannot appeal from a in agist i ate, or probate Judges judge-! nient, ouly upou. questions of law, itiileßs the amoniit is exceeding I wen* tyflve doirafSj Uinl scctlon seventeen gives the Senior court clerk juris diction over the estates of deceased pigeons and minors, and also probate powers., Now these sections are to be wiped trout the constitution and th c above substituted in their place. The effect of this wil' be simply to plane the entire matter in the hands at "the Legislature, the peoples representa tives. This might aptly be called the poor man's amendment. The. constitution is it now t&uds, in eflcct says to the pooi- man, you shall not have your matters tried in any other eourt than that ot a Justice of the peace. Section 'ixteeu, one of those annulled* says you cau't appeal to tlie Superior court unless the amount isover twenty-five lollars, save on y for errors of law. should not .your constitution permit the poor man, with his small natters, to adjudicated n any court of tho State? Take very nan v of onr people whose magistrate* ire negroos, and what is their con« JFhy.when on* of these negro nagistrates, through ignorance or :orruptiou decides against one Of hem unjustly, thfcre 1s" no remedy, •radically, unless thc amount in 'olved is ip »re than dol »rs. S:c:ion se veil teen Is the me upon which tlie radicals harp.' ['he jurisdict ion and powers of tlie iupcrior court clerk are in danger. Oh hey say your clerks do now all the vork, and the lawyers, are not feed. L'here has beek mora plan sable mix "presentation about this jurisdiction if the Superior Court Clerk[thuu any itlier one thing. . It is a (act that will not be disputed iv any lawyer whose experience wi!l unify an opinion, tiia* the settlement { ■f estates, both of deceased ]iersoiis> ind oftnliiors. pays the latvycrs nuich 1 tetter than under the old, system. I ['hat talk of this amendment betag in '' lie interest of lawyers is mere radical 1 waddle, and nothing el*e. It simply . [lves into the hand* of thc legislature . he distribution of jadhial power*. Vhereehje should this power be? I'hc legislature would ha apt to niflect he wi-hes of the people. Member* [onernliv do that, and If they tail once 1 lid pa»s an unpopular jatr. tho i> s r lection to send mot» who will epoal it. What objection can you •ossibly have (o this amendment? t one,if you exercise reason and coin no i sense. Xo one can have. It jof tlie first importance, because it nablas your legislature to accomodate our laws and tlie jurisdiction of yonr ouru, to the wants mid needs of Uie icople. This is all; whatever else you way tear is raditml clap trap. * Skcket. —Kuklttx may divulge, liend may betray fri« nd, and all the iontideuiial relations ot years of iutU nac* may be given to the public, the m:ii up Secret* of agos may be brought o liglit, the murderer of Stephen*- nay be found, tlie JViithau trageoy nay see the light, but there is one hing that will probably never be inown, and that U who our indepen* lent candidates vote forin the coming tied ion. W bother their In-art throb I liiicken at the name of 'IIMen, or vbeilier they are warmed up at the Tiention of Hayes, aro secrets deep lown in their own bosoms, and there boy will p.-«bab y reuitln f revet. If » - c only had one of tliuse medium* Hie o( thoc spiritualist, who steal tlie' ipitiin of other jieople. when they are load, or asleep, and mike tb;m tell ill lliev know, we d fln-.l out somes iliing about tlie politics of these indc- . pendents—but we have none such! here and it wonld hardly pay to Mnui liter one. We mu«t be content, but we do wish we could find out. Iti* so pleasant to And out any thing, when there are such pain* taken to it. Oh. but thajr are strange Wl.alare tin y tor and wt.-.n, agggl tor r Wmhim ale tsta Ii tneir plw ent positions, and wldttier aro they going? Alaa, no mail can tell. - lluj wire la and wire oat, Aad leave ibe people nllll lu doabt, Wbeiher th* 4nake that made the track, Was eomlag la, or golug l>«ck. -t Tlie National Democratic Executive Committee lias iwmeti a gratulary address to the democrats of the nation upon the triumphs of tue party in tilt October elections, *■ " ... i inPoitT.tNTN vo Kiirnirn * The following circular loiter was obt lined from the Oler'-c of the | Supreii.d Cbnrt hy the Ttdlcfgh Nexor. ; We publish it for the iiilormatfon il contain*. To the, SheriJTof nereral counties hi North Caroina: Your attention is directed to Seel Ton 2, (.f an Oi'rtinaoe entitled "An.Ordi nance to submit to the people the nmondments to the Constitution ndop'-1 cd by tliis Convention,'' passed hv the recent Slate Convention ®n this Slate. T'v a provision pj said section, you arc j reqirert to make "return* of the] whole vote cast for the ratification 1 and for ihe rejection of said amend* men ts." in vnor several counties. t«» the Chief Justice of the Supi erne Court of (lie State, nt Raleigh within thirty da* s of the election. You will therefore, forward «aid returns, within the time specified, to "It. M. Pearson, Chief Justice, (care of the Clerk or the Supreme Court,) Raleigh North Carolina," and ■narked on ifie .outside of the cuycl ope containing the same, the words '•Vole on Constitutional Amends ments." R. M. PEARSON Cheif Justice. Send us in Subscriribers For the Glkanek—only tor.y cmils till the Is ofJaiuarf. • And its so.—Every radical that makes a speech, about (he commence* incut tells the people, tbat charges of corruption are usually brought ugiii :st a party that has been long in |ti*ver. by the opposite parly, in its efforts lo oust tJicin. Well, that is true, and tliere is something else true about it, the charges ot malfeasance ami coiniplioK are always true too. It is the-experience ot all countries that |K)litical parties long in power become corrupt, but no country ever hud s.iclm tcriibie experkn.e as ours. Judge Hoar, a Massachusetts repub lican, iii a speec , declared that tli only thing in which this country ex celled at the worlds exposition at Vis una a vear ago, was in the number ol her official'scoundrels, and their su periority as such over other scoun drels. Ye«, yes the democrats charge nil manner ot corruption upon flie rad ical party .and they prove their charge* and. the "radicals, ciy war, rebel, ku klux, aud ihtrti* '.lie campaign. Koyster's candles at the N»w Drug Stor Company Bho|>s N. (J., candy 3.V-H) pc nunnd, rreneU candle* (roin Henry Fariro Baltimore. State Fair. —This exhibition was in Raleigh last week. "While frcin accounts tbat \*e get irointho Raleigh papers it Was lint al. that could be desired vet it was better than fl >wiW expected. There were many things to operate against the success of the . lair this vear. The hard times, the great Centennial, aud warm political cunvars now going on aM had a tendency to keep pcopfle away. There was however a good display, aud many more in attendance than Was expected. There wore over five* thou«and present one day. Able adiireses w. re delivered at the aeveral mee/iug# ot the Agricultural Society, aud it« JViends seem to be by no trt'elns dispunlent. ■s> i W»r did i'tiicY do it?--AI John Hugh's in Newlins township, why did ihe radicals bv a preconcerted move lake all the republicans oft as soon as Ihe democratic candidates got up. Were they afraid for ilieui to hear the ruth? it would aeem so, tßadicalisp) nelts before the rays of truth as does he snow, unucr the warmth ot a luuitncrs sun. They, ihe rudical* ear truth as the devil docs holy wa» er. - Determined io Self I have received ami am constantly receiving «Jouk ot men* calf skin, and heavy lidqi, nil# and boys lieavy *lioe» ami b»»l* a-cl ulieaaii.l cliildr>!ii A'llkiu; show. 1 an J'l to mil th.:n. not only lie.i;isr iluti cm b> tu.i-tit In lha funij l»nt ! lieajur tha i ttioo can uc liount In the j Mtj. Calli aiisJ »« .* _ JAXKS.K a— i Jacob Shepvrtl, a woithy citizen ot his county, died, at his home, thi* i lay. ono week lie leilves ft wife i ,nd ten living children to tnourii thcii | JSS, He died of typh >M fever. tub mtfSktnmu, l-Tflftn nnrw ait:il the first day ol laii* nry we will furjtWh the oi>iMW | ,i jbp foliowiug low ratea: one dopv tirtvcenl». Clubs of . hr««i one third cent { copy. C'luWoftou, 'liree dollais ith in advance required In all - 1 j.. :t ■ ..i- - ,M| X " -3H-W **a i your cojMy four ijnie. is o«t. on fcrn't, ■[ *>, Do|o« i either cUssa? If yon |^|it|r* V ' fc*M an i ite tlie fJUnti€> ancloae J U jm »i»al i subscriber aud yonr i> feuft jut you kttow H. Semi a yaarr* ibaertption at *neo. The will aJwaya abow jnst litfw i|kioi jrou bava |ssid and juat bow kmjj ,'ou have bee'u gel'ttflg the Jm t./aJe you tor um* We hate to dun people. Wo jiava lnyei daowed>|»jr cn fy/Wf. taamuLyet. us the nnpha'an Bw. a. >ii' three C»rtUeo d>i/|rou W mtXt. -,/b tjmvlrejl t»f fba *w»nld o«Kt lew. Tbea» Httfi'nwttepi "i're Ait gleotcd» uiuutenttoiiatlJ *>; We Of tend k> give yon * good papui-. Tne price ia low. If your time ia out pe- I maw; if yoa are behind»s il" you !*Wtnfa*rifa*ft>r> or r - 'ijjfl' Nf ) !*•> ItOTif'lf At I lie solicitation and - reqiipst of nmiiv friends, I nmrouire tnvspff a oaydiilul'* ft u'Cou li lv coin in i slimier in tin; Coiuifv oiAlain nice at the ensue iiifr election. Sept. 19th 1876. A A Thompson. Dr. Marphv will keep at the New Dru' Store Company Shop*. pure Ryo tViiisk«y also |>; ire French t!r:inti. Black-berry eor (llilI. Catiwba (irape Wine, Ul.Tck-iiefry and otSer Wines for tn*Jica I usd.i tn'.y Sjwlnur Machine Oil at Now t)rug Store Company Shops. Nearly a month of earnest work. You cannot serve the democratic par* ty belter than l>v circulating the (JLEANEK. £ce terms elsewhere. . forty ptllonn varnMiQCf])al, Coach. .Kpun ' aud Shellac at new dntß Store Company Shops. Prices lower lliuu any. , where olscJn tiie'cuiity. iia.y. A n HI ai KH, CandidAtd. for Congress, will ads dross the poopjo at tlie following: times and places. Anderson's Store, M'etiiicfcdu} Oc oher 1& .. * it m ]jv>i(Vburg. Thursday Oc(Sfib»r 19th. lioxboro, Friday. October 2#ih. Hullowavbville, October 21st. ' « Alt. Tirzah, Monday, October 23rd, Bushy Vork, Tuesday Oclobcr 24th. Yanfcevvlllc, Wednesday, October 25th. itow Town, Ti.ursday Oclober 2Gil». KcidsvlUe, Friday." October 27th. Thomaßville', Saturday October 28th. Tyro, Monday, October 30. Fmche'a Utore. Wednesday Nov* euiber. Ist. Concord Clinrcb, Thursday, Nov« umber 2nd. Gray's Chapel, Frid*v, November 3rd. »**•'? r J y .'i, •« Tilt lIII.L PASSED, AND IS NOW A | \W OK THE IIHST IMI'OTANCE TO CHlL dukn AND OI.D FOLKS. — Well, yes, the ill making it«a eripiniiDal iflVnc* tc mix white pi|>e clay, chalk and pow ilered soap atone with the sugar that is manufactured into candy,baa pasaed ind ianow tlie law in one of the WW torn Stateajiuid it iaalsoa law in the | candy factory of A. D. RoysterJt lliu. J jf Raleigh. They passed that bill I totue time ago, and no violationof _ it is tolerated. Their candies arc pure tybut) i? t lnoiii fi>r (n ice list, and then buy of thdiS, anil' Jon Wbn't feel aelf iceased evdry time you see a dirt .sating looking chap ill the neighbor* jood. Address, A. D. Roystor fc Brr. ~, m. l Raleigh N. C. ■V:iir/~ Ii 1 COMMERCIAL. (jraham Market. JJ^tnuruuotK" 1 81 VCOTT JkWOWWIfI«I*« Ipplen. dried, V It' "- «a^B /• .»«" : J«nn», 20*25 ♦utter Uoa:io V » ! »• •• ••; 16,^17 » feef Hack berries- dried, • • 3(i> , lark, «a»atra* rocts * #» '.usting*. eld V tt> • ■ *•" ;" iQ# i sloth. tow aud eottou, V »1 70&80 3»llekcii)> a»2> •• • • •. io-i 14 Jotton, lint, •' H|ft JnukA e«i«'n I«|^DIU lour, family r eattiur* 10llh " Mii'kr® , *' \ (•IKltt 11 •i rubtiU # * ,V>aflD if*v yaw • • •; UWI*. t'M «'«». ; lOU l-J , - Hrjr, - lUfcf/ i.srd #, eorn.» n> tofg-iM J»u, »c-4 # l»u.a 40fl» Vi " '&U« qa*rt..» • ' 'eii- V t» t»h.....j••••■" 50 -oUlloc*. irisii t»B™- ,Vo(sil'i " - -sweet " •••••• oHfo-t'. 1 furk T Iti ...... ■■ • ,t*U> %' ■riVrr-*" Buiket, ar r.. eiaisn. ' 8r "'• W-ij(J|4l »r»?p p> w»' ivin I. Vtsrk : DAK«. .«?« if-twwff. to t*"i 1• | V i r - r nuoxT ntMK*. • •' _ 1 '■«*; - «C* 5 - |oa!i fftiuir * * - • - • , is* f ,o>M, , " - *» '■ » « l 8i "» {TV"', ;-'»mo**m. 'i ' ■jjnmm. */*>, . '. - - * - ™ - lOali I " . 'W' wturrnn." H ' 'jSOtilOk, new, - j » : IS*BO ttASuCFii i • - l 3«.»> PP-te." r as Pi'lL - , -ifoji„Jfcjl - WSSOLUTION. \ Tlio-4»ty*rtier«hip hereinfote ex iflnif w»'l«'r tlie name and ftylt of I' iuav bo luuntl atllw oltlsiaml. when tw UusiiMM- »/• W, Harder itfav Ik! t«Miml at his new Hure, iln mediaielv wwM of llrt oof lionw, i ficre ho has gone into btisinesv received, and an: re nee I heir old ctisio tner* Iml Eitlier parinei aWWteMowKtle jiariuershiji busi * J.W. Har«lct». i P. H. llurden. O.Otftliaui S. 0- 0«t. »th 1876. 1 ADYEKTJfcttT a cHitoMos raprri '* H ' - •, i In order to Introduce our large, cight-pagc | /HuJtialrc Xiter-ry and Familya'apcr, Toe ! !4onvejitr, wc will, wild it, on ui.t!, six mouths for 6nlv flo eta.; tfua to fcMSi'-mifV | scribcr wo ~wli! uinil, poit paid four t j OU ttromo*. .'XUtiu ,Red Ki'llnir Ifoitd." | "Th«Thtlclfbii'A FWiihr, ''Ppri-P-Lco" irnd I "iii.itlier's'/oy-t" 'those J ictuiss uro 1.0, j uominou prints, but genuine oil ohromqs in sixleou colors, that are in appear | nnce totltie nU palming*. lu»: tiiii'k- of It foil.'Hue uliroii o* jui4. an JC* viiui-l library P«i' r tlx months for «t«Tty it. M*Ue 0} a club ol ftto sul)«cri!ifci» asd we will Henri you an extra copy fornix luoiiiL* slid four extra eiiropiox, Ho dinggr of looping your money. rt*e refer w toe Voi>t ffcuwrr 'MI-v • toi. HI to our rflij.l nb.hilitv. ttJ. ttqiji/cil, in advance. No sunipfes lite. Ai,i:nts wan ed to take subscr iptious tnd sell our Ho. pictures. From to to 4>lo a ?.y easily uaade. Address, W. 11. BURROW. 200 Maiu Bt. Bristol Teun. PROTECT YOUR BUiLDING i Utft Which may be done with one-fourth the usm.L using-our PateutSlite Paint, wmVa &E&P Fait mt £' irf-prw f. IValrr-prvaf, ban* ■• (uumakal, Oruam^nlal. ** roof may I* covarrd with a very cheap ablatio, and by application of this alate be made to l»*t troiu to 26 year*. Old root* can be patched unit coat ia, looking much better, and !a*ti;lg longer thau new shingle* without the »late, tor One Third tfca t'Ml •fltfli iualt» The expense of blatlng hfew shingles i« only about the cost of simply laying tnem. The iwiut is vme-ftioov again*-! ►imrk« or flyin» c.ijbcrs, o> may be caiily tasted by aiiy oho. - * • ' It stops Every leak, and for fin or Iron has uo jaujuai, a* It •>* painl* by heal, oontfuetS .evpit . CIIACKS nor iirale». Hwil» covered with Tar Sheathing Full can be made water-tight at & •mall «.\|*iue, mid pitMorvud for many year*. • Thin Blato Paint la JBxtremely Cheap. Two gnllout will cover «• honored square (ccl of »hioglc roof, while ou tin irou, felt; matched bonnfir, or any su'oftth Surface from two quarts to one gallon are teqo!rcdo 100 (square fuut of surface, and although the Paint ha* 11 heavy body It is ea«iiy applied with a brush. No Tar is used in this compo sition. therefore It neither crack* la Winter, nor run# in hummer. On decayed shingle* it till* up lhi hales mid pore*, and gives, u now substantial roof that will last for year*, Ct' or WAMPKU shingle It bring* to their (iliices, atul kliep* them tin .c. it Alls up all hole* in rcltrnof*. stop* tl:e leak* nnd although a skiw dryer, niin doe* not effect It a few Ifoura alter applying, nearly all paint that are black coulaia bo sure you obtain our OK*ufna ol which (for rbin,'lc roofs, ia t'Jioqi>lflto Color, when first applied. chnngltig in about mouth to a uniform slate oolor, and U intents and purposes M.ATB. Ou Tin Roofc Diir re J color I* usually preferred, •oat la equal u> Ave of any ordinary Kor , BRICK WALT.S mr nnionr RKO It the only reliable I'alut ever introduced that will effectually prevent dampness from iieuetrato.'j and dl* .vlorlng the plnvter. Thcso puiuu are nUt> largely used on out>- liou*ea and feuees, or •* a prluiiog coat on hie bui!ilini». Our only colors are CHOCOLATB, Ki» KntoHT Rki». and OKAKOK. NKVV YOKK CAS li PltlCU LIST. 3 Ciullbus, can and bc«, ~ #6 'S 1.0. " kc*... 0» 20 " half barre1.....;....,'.. ..I#oo 40 " one barre1................8000 Vfg have In irtoek of our own man ufacta re, roottug material*, eta,, at the following low prices : KXX) rolls extra Knbbcr Roofing at 8 eents fer »'iaure fool, (Or wc will farolsb Rubber Hoofing, Naii«,>( uj>, and Slate I'aint lor an .nHrt new roof, at cents |>er square fool.) ajWO roH» 2-plv Tarred llooflng Kelt, at iff cents per sqftare ford :tU)Urolls »-ply 'tarred Rooting Kelt, at cents |>er square f«Mi', , 800 rolls Tarred Miealhlng at ){centper M| are im>t. .'ooogallon* line Knaiuel Paint, I. ixsd ready lor il ou iusidt; or outside work, at (3 per -..'nil. Send for sample card of colon*. All ordera ii.n»t I)': ttcoonvpanled »t lib the money or ptrirl4etw: y city felcreneus. No good* ablp ped C.. O. f*.. unless express change* art guaiauUwd. Loeal Atruni*, wauled. 94-u>plc orders soHciu.d. N. Y. hLATB PA IXT COM PAN V, Tobacco sales. 3 Khali resume public salc^° Kffißß (C 1 .24 TH the Mell known IMackwell's Dur ham' Warehouse nt ~~~—i » and those hating tobacco to aol) may res assured ttiay will alway* find iuy h.>u-« I: lor ail gtadoft. - Bright Smokers in great dem&id «nt wanted at good figure*. 1 am detenu Ined to vpare t.o efforts to please ALL whe favor me • itli tbeir patrouage. Reaaaotbei you will Bud me at D iJ It ir A M the leading WUWRUM of the P. u». With many t banks forUMmatroir.. 1 given nu from Alamance and co growing, sections of the SUta-^T^^^^um^trc!,-