THE GLEANim.| PUBLISHED WEEK.LV U* j » 1 ' • E. * PARKER Grnhnm, IV. C, T Kale* oj Subscription. Postaye Paid : j One Year Six Months Three Months i Cvery person seudiu-r us a club.of ten subscribers with the cash, entitles himself to one copy free, for the length of time for which ific elObTs made Up." Papers sent to different oftlees, „ ffo departure from the Cash System Ultra • f drcrti»««* . Transient advertisements payable in ad vance ; yearly advertisements quarterly in advance * _ „ „ 1 .2 m. 3m. | b in. 12 m. "l oiiare !$2 00 63 00 £4OOS 600 jslO 00 q -: | 8 00 % Wi 0 00 10 Uo| Transient advertisements $1 l>- r st)Me for the flr»t, and fifty cents for each subse qu -nt insertion. Advi-r is -,u-;.its n..t specified as to tim e v.blislad until ordered ojt. lii'l e.iar.;ed ' THIS rAPKR IS OIR FILE WITH When AdvcrtUlDS Contract" en b. mm*M "SPECIAL NOTICES. OVKIi'BCHI' bulks. GRAiIAM, N. C , NOV. Local,, State and General (Jjl. John A. (Miner, «l*>ko at Moaer's store. I Col. makes a j tine speech and g >od impression | wherever lie g >e!>. De.tG. VV. Long, also spoke. Died in this" p:»miry, C-ibles town ship Oct. 29i.i1, Oe n-e Spoon age -85 years, he was a soldier ill the war of 1812 in Capt. Graham's company. He was a very worthy citizen, and a kind neighbor. Speaking at Lea's Store, Hon. F. O. Robbyis, and F. L. Scott, ad dressed their fellowcitizens on the issues of the day, Reform aud honest administration of the Government. Speaking in t!• iv place by Mr. S F. Phillips. The crowd small, not over one hundred present, this too, I after the runners had been sent out all over-the county, and more, one of their crack speakers, no tnthusi- asm. The Revenue officers wore present, in full force, eager to hear from Washington. BILkV! B tl,I. ¥!! [Ki'idsville News.] Let us work as men-never worked before. Let us bury all personal dif ferences. Lit us forget all selfish considerations aud resolve to give all f>r til j >jJ-j;uption of our c -an try from the infamous rulers who .have brought us so near the verge of destruction. It is a patriot'- duty to battle for his country, aud never was our country iu greater peril that at the present day. Then we call on \ou by all you hold dear, by all the memories of the past and the hopes of the ivlly. Coi:ntik; the Electoral Votes. — The Aew York Express says.* "Ev - erybody knows that the electoral votes arc to be counted iu the produce of b )tl: nooses of Congress iu February and/thnt those candidates having tlie largest number of electoral votes are te be declared President and Vice- President bgt the queslfow If the eight vott» of Louisiana or Missisdp |ii, r r the sevfen votes ot' South Car ol! twi, sbeuld turnnhe scale iu favor or Mr Tildeii, anil the Senate should refuse, on' any pretext, to count those V .lies, wout.l !>«;t tlic will >! ttie peo- V».«; be defeated ami Hayes be Pre»' ideut. ItecolUsct, the i*tu.-ut ttreount on the part of ike Senate, Sio mutter wlist tiie Uomseinay pay or do, is suf fi. to defeat the wilt i>fthe people lint the llarald says we, do not live in Mexico. No. but the loading re pnblicaua are not a whit batter or more ti> be trusted than the revolu tionary chiefs, of fbe neighboring Republic. It is not the »«r to avert possible dauger by ignoring it." In case the Republican Senate should deteat TILDE* by throwing out rotes snfßuiet for that purpose, what then? la each a proceeding to be tomely en dured? We trust there will bo 00 trouble, and that the vote for TILDE* will be snch an expression of tbe popular will as to defeat any sncb purpose of the Kadiear-Uepnblicau Senatorial majority. But the danger exists audTnay as well be squarely faced, as we hi|>e it will be 6|tiarely met If the emer jeney demand* it. Lhar\o\Xt Observer. Successful Meetings —The series of meeting* held last week, were in the highest degree successful. Especially was the one at William on last Saturday a grand snceess. There was ti)e greatest enthusiasm, and able speeches were made by F C. Robbinn e |*4-, and Col's. Holt, and Scales. On 1 Saturday night at only a few boars ] notice, qaite a crowd collected at the court house, and speeches were made, Coi's. Halt, and Scales, and J. L. 'sv.»tt, which were all well received. • Fresh Lemons. Oranges, Pine apple* New Drug Store Company Shops. . ( '■ ~J"T "u !*• w pM'l Xr|lccl It! You owe 10r your county paper Yonr time is out.' You may be, subscribed at all. Do you belong to either clans? If you do you are jiving in the neglect of: a duty—a ■lain duty. Sit rig'it do B. Ati a ite o the Gleaner «od end >se ears « i i(3.n,»v. »1 Ii" /IH IM • —A—.*- -- - -p* ■ ' X_"^s f ' W '' "~~ jady a subscriber and your time i out you know it. Send ayearsa .übscription at once. The gub»crip- s will always show just bow much you have paid and just how long you have been getting the paper We don't want to ask you lor money hate to dun>pe.fple. We have never uuuned anybody oa Glean« account yet. Save us the unple&san task. You owe but little. It is nothing to you. A great many littles make a good deal. It would cost three cents to dnu you by mail. A hundred of-you would cost three dol lars. These little matters are often m-glected, unriitcutiotiitlly »o. We in tend to give you a good paper. The price is low. If your timers out re- I new ; if you are behind »i if you havn't subscribed yy r R. FOIIBIS & BlitrniEK (under the 3enbow Hall,) GBEESSBOKO. N C, keep coast-.ntlv on uaud a complete sssort ment of KCKNITL HE. Repairing of ovtery • description, including | Upholstering neatly don**. Their stock consists ot t AH3KK NBTH, anting In price froii. $20.00, to $500.G0 , Offrr, r>ji3 4»R fto«tn P«rl«r Acll«cfc in;; tuiir*. /ivrrtium, \V«rilr»bm llr•!*«•,!l r»« n» Ike !ata!r ttflu*. ,lUwre«»M-« am Wji.-ln;? Kr.d* ol +rrry Ti- I'iUl Hat-racks and nny u.ut everything in th I furniture u.wi. i noir sto.-k i. the largest an moat cj.ii;* la j t*»cr o' in tbis portion t»f the Stat-?. Tm'V de*V ~;itlon iaquali ty or price, ap I A C a r dL FOR SALE. I aiu it candidate lor Tresurer ot this county. J hope to be elected but whether lam or not. 1 want ,to quit my present business and there lore offer fur sale ray stock of liqours my bar and fixtures, and the goH will of the concern. I will itell cheap. Apply to me. you wish to buy, come at once. I mean business. JOHN HUTCHISON G a'un, X J )a> J), 1973. GI.KCTIOX. The important (lay that is to de tide the fate of a nation Jfor weal, or woe is npon us. Speculation is'now entirely useless, and before this issue, of our paper reaches its destination, the great, ami momentous question will have been decided-at the ballot-box. »V*e hope, and trust onr whole ticket, both State and national will be elected and that the glad shout will soon go up—Hnrrali for Tildeu Vance, and Vjctorv. 3UT * JRi Usurpation of the U? i l % IT US' n 11 * l MhiMw -IDDBE9B OF miIRAA!!' OF ITATB DE.HOt KATK t O**IT OPIHJLOF OIF BATTLE, OtHERS. ■ -*rf I ? AX APPFAL FOR THE MAIN TAIN ANCE OF LAW. Ualeioii, N. C. Oct, 30. '76. Horn, B. F. Moore *nd r Wm. 11. BaltU Pretent: • Gkstlemkx : I respoetfaly call your attenth.dto an Order issued by J. B. Hill, U. S. M., to hie deputies and published in the Daily GonttUu.. tion, of tbia city, of the present date. This order cbnUina. in wy opinion, X uu WW! ' so much thmt it «ot only revolution ary, hot subveriive of the vrry rudi ments of our law, and especially wherein he invokes the "higher law" to clothe bia deputies wiih such an ( extraordinary immunity I desire t /o obtain your ojauioii in regard to ( the same for the benefit of the pub- . lie. Very truly and respectfully, yours, 1 ■; WM. A. OK, 1 Chin. State Detn. Com. Wtn. R. Cox Chairman, *c: Sta: Wehave received yours of this dav, calling our attention to au order i 'ssaed by i. B. Hrfl, U -8. Marsha], awl published in the Daily Conttituiian of 10-lay asking our opinion upon the saute for the use of the public. The question asked involves the I • bigjbost constitutional rights of free-; . nan, and wa will answer it only in that light. Wo know of no such frees I dim from arrest secured to any Unit- j ey Statas officer, while holding in of- I tice under the Federal government,' ins that claimed in t]ie following!para graph: •' '•No deputy marshal or super\ isor is subject to arrest by any State au-. tnorlty wliile on duty, aud . any at tempt to make such arrest must be ■ ignored and resisted." £ If a Federal offic* cufijd, fof a, day eveu, panoplise its incumbent, f-he could beuruied forever, ".fin ring- his official term, a gains', all arrests, when so shielded bv his iinr>enetraDle offi cial armor. 4 "'"~ Yerv respectfully, B. F. MOORK, W. 11. BATTLE. We fully concide in the above opinion. M W HANSOM. A S MEKIUMOX, C M BLSBEE, WALTEK CLARK, T M AKGO, S F MOKDECAL, S G HVAN, R U LEWIS, E It STAMPS, It T OKAY, ~ GKO il SMEDKS, S A Asr E. W W JONES, AKUISTEAD JONES. L V PAGE, T I' I>EVEUELX, To THF. PUBLIC : The publication of Mr. J. B. Hill, 1 abo*e rsfetTed jio,] presented to my mind the of such startling lawlessness (doubtless under signed,) that I at once addreessad to Hons. U'illiaui 11. Battle and B. F i Moore the above letter and received i I their t*eply»' wMch I submitted to j I Hon. M. W. liansom and to nicm j | t>ers of the Raleigh Bar, now in the , eity. The correspondence needs no ex- | planation. T'lie* distinguished, able j and upiighr jurists antTfiatroits, who j :hus promptly complied with tAy re- i quest, havejjiveu 'he country their opinion, which is concurred in by j oilier members of the profession. I have eonli lence, entire confidence that their opinion is right. All men with any respect for '.aw can have | but oue sentiment in regard to^Mr Hill's publication—that it is not on | * iy dangerous, butdesiructivo of every principle of free elections. No such p >wer Lts heretofore been assumed in tin* country. He proposes to «ub J stitute his will and the v. ill of his j deputies, for thejlawful, authority of die State of North 1 feet it to be my duty, as well as that of e very lov sr of his to jutry, to protest igainst this shameless usurpation,aud to advise my country.eeu not to be intimidated fr-nian honest and fear jess discharge of their duties wheth er done under show of authority or otherwise. All illegal orders are void, and no n-»n is expected, or ought, to obey them. Yet, I advise and urge you to exercise.supreme moderation on tin day of election; to observe the law* ol the land, and to violate no ""man's rights. But I also urge main tain withjthe firmness of men youi own rights and to discharge your du ties as freemen. Do nothing that •;au j>ossil>ly excuse unnecessary and llegal interference, would not per mit lawless and'cormpi partisans to obstruct you in the free, exercise ot your rights aud duties. Use forbear ance and exert every moral influence to prevent any improper conduct on the part of tn" uCputiCS i ors but do not suffer them to subvert the election of tto people aud drown the voices of North Carolina. For remember, tliat these elections are held under the law of our State, and her officers should uiuint&ia the peace enforce her laws and not permit the people to be divested of their rights, and with the election ot State office.", 1 again remind you that these Fedeial officers have not even a pre tence to interfere. And in this connection, I appeal to our friend* in «'l n-«rM of thi State, a the day of elation to close all place* of business, that they, and their employees, may devote that day to their country and aid in inaugura ting a reign of law, of reform and re conciliation for the 'people of this afflicted and unhappy country. Very respectfully, W* K. Oox. Job Ingersoll, (lie leading Repobli* can orator o| the North, now stump ing NBW York for Hayes, denounces the Soatberu I'rubyterian Church in themo't villainous way. Har-i grove, Itepublicar candidate for At* j toriicy»Geiieral of North Carol!i»a, grossly availed lUe JfethodiU denom ination. Aud now the Spirit of the South, a republican newspaper pub lished at Rockingham, assails the Baptu' Church aud Christianity ftsell with a libelous article ou Iter. C, T* Bailey. Will any Baptist, or Meth odist, or Presbyteriau, or cinittiau ol any otbei deuomiuatioii. sustain a I party whose representatives detame i our churches %nd sUoder the minis- I try? tUVOU AND TKIE N'IORY tllOlT «OV. VANCE, [From tlic Tee LMe Herald.] A maimed,and dntiidi d Conledcr. ate soldin ,fr in Jlonlgourery coun' y i called oi. lis tl.e otlierda\ and said': j'• 1 want >ou topui this in your pa(>*r, 1 was a member of Vance's regiment the 26th. /was a poor man, Hi* learned, but always tried to do TC- v j duty. 1 lost uiy right arm at Gettyi ' burg, and, after the surrender, my j left arm was so badlv [crushed while I was trying to aid a jioof widow -ju getting her horse and cart out of the ini/e, lias been of little use to me. Having a family to support I. after tning other things, went, sev. j era! years ago, to Charlotte, hopinAto get on guard or police duty, I failed I to do so atidielt hopeless and despair ing. But hearing that my old Colo- Del, Zeb Vance, lived there I hunted niui up. I told htm my circuinstww | ces. lie took me in bit> house, fed me I ajweek or more, he and his family treating ine in niy ragged us well asjf I had been the, richest man 'in the State! And when J went to I leave he took me to a store and gave me a pair of shoes (or my wile, and then at parting handed me twenty f/ollrtrs-more monev } than I had seen at one time since the war, ami said: '-i/o home,do the brat yo ra.' and'thonyh lam poor my*e\f, I bace two tjood arms and hands, and can I work, and whenever you are in ® s tress ayain, come to me and I will I divide with you.'' And here our one armed friend was : so overcome by the rec'tal that tear came coursing down His rugged, care worn cheeks. "Recovering nini»ell In continued—and there was truth, elo (ju nee and pathos in his unstudied | words: "1 have walked thirty mile* to tell you this. I know you are Vance'* friend and will publish if -Say to every poor mau in North Caroli sa to vate for Vane i J- he is I eiririeud; he is the heat man in the world. God bless liiin forever, an I d—'i the mail that won't vole I >r him I'' And as our friend walked away, we could but silently repeat his prayer 4 Oud bte*» Vance!" THK WII.V WIDOIT, One of the most significant facts of the campaign is reported from Wash ington. Soiue.days agothe Uepnbli cans held a mueliug in th»t city,} ul wnich alien liutier club was organ-I izetl ai.d gotieti up lor dis tribu.ion in the Lowell £ district, re citing that thejirobability of the elec iionjol'a Dei'i.HiiMtic.President and a Democratic Ilouse'inake* its ini| era live that General Duller should elected to_tlie > Forty-fifth ll Coiigresß as an aggressive leader on the Itepubli,- euu side. T lie circular is signed by die leading editor of the Nation*' Lik-, Cougre'»uiau Mol'ouga'.l, of New York, Kred Douglass. Stephen A. iJuuijUim Jri, and otlicrs of prom- I inelice in the party there. | This is a virtual admission that Til don will be elected. It is a tad that Ihe Uciiubhcan generally at Washington aie,coiieeding,_it. Their chances have become desperate. New York is thejpivoral poii?t of the cain l«igu. Who carries New York car ries the Union. The most sublime li ars of I lie Ifepublican press do not claim that Slate. With New YorkV thirtT'five votus.noliU for Tildeu, their pi'ospeols fade away into the Hay eld est atmosphere imaginable. I(y the 7t!i ol November they will be l-jst to -i^lit altogether. The *'»Vily Wid ow," as Ik-as' Unties is called, sees this, and ltc trims his sails according* '• v - Tito following is Ihe epi.apli cm lin i/rflVij iif (' I.i»i*!7« tinu'lui 1 ' aged uiyltty- die April 15tli, 1814: • A wonder in our day* my Iricnl— An arllni 1 have.knoxii • Who never slandered.ot her'* work*, Nor ever jKttUed lii»,owp," R A NOELL ♦ ■: • ■' Catting and making done In the Ut"»t (axliton* and 190*1 de*lra*ile maimer. fcf lie keejta con*tantly on hand Sample" of late->t *tyie good* (or gentlemen* Wear: ind wltf oraar according to neleelio* ol customer* AUo agent for the Dale ol thu «!lnsje! ! -owing Machine. S nop in tlie aid pustoiUce building. (iraliam N. C. ; » . . ' I * ' \ i:: pvr.tior Klf A lIiIHIIKO (Mil i>?lbll*bri wf'd/ In first iVur », V. C. v nfTy A Alb; igbt, at 9J I J p -.r y ' 1 t anee—postage Included. It I* IJetu >cri[ic-.'(in»«-rv;itivc in politic andialtor* *eiion«ly f r the material pro«pc rltyof the rtouth generally and North Carol na particularly. Caroflnijin* abroad flu not lie withou it. g C: ROBERTSON', DBALKK IK * Grave Stones 4*o MONUMENTS, " f ? y ' Ai * ' N. 0. Rough Lumber. For all kinds u( -ough pine lumber applj . .ii, .■ A. L. Paßki r &Co. Wilsons MClts Jcf\sto-i Count J A\ are ;a the nid t of th pine timber, and wtll fun UM y at reasonable price,, So "* lieu, and they will tell yon' Wo MA N"* fN BATTLE! AGENTS WANTEI>v. canvass every town lu|d the State for 44 Woman in Bfti/e!" one\>f tile most lntenc«lv intcrentin r ''verp'iblttbod. bciutr th ) Life anfl Exelolt •'■We«t. Har» r, kn.ord, (C. 1 A. MutLitne S- VchtoMg. N#> ftDD ever, pablbhed has offered,til* ehanuea this one does for Mile awvke asrents to make inbney rajsidtv. • atcl a* ter itorv S being taken tip very f-ut tliois who desire to cauvaaifcr it nh ould oiaka •; plicatioi without delftr. • Js >. i *»=•%' 4 .. iWXOAMK L. J. vEi.ASQt'KZ, Vjfeot for will i; office: ;, Itojel corner THinington alii Uarl > h, yf block from me Vartioro Hou -c, ftaleigb iTIvLTSiaH Boot vS: Shoe Store GENTS' LADIES' MISSES' nn«! Ctkildrra'a Nhota, n all fty let, uuU ui tlio be t quality an make a I th*: LOWB«T Uents' iiats of the L atebt St always on hand. C D U. ART King Aiionbo giving the Carlists a lively time, and A. B. TA.TE CO., lo stand of Murray A Tate, In Ora e trtvli-gr »H who try to uiideartl the time. Alfonao and Tate »k t 0., a r d lo Mieeeed Tatu »fc Co., will ti e-hest prices all von have to fel I I e lowect prices cell you wan I North Carolina Col lege. at Mt Pleasant V O Will cominctiea Its next nunual session SKiT-.O ill. 187 ft. » Tlia tUoroajluiess if It* course of instnn' thj'i; lis iujdu4»te te«s; tli« aies!ltiaco of it aud TINS Uc*iI LI.FU!III'O-* OL N incdtloii. coiumend tlil» IhsUtbtlou toail , ( CKIN_' JL IIV 'ISI EDUCATION. KJC|)CII-_l> fir newijuof Wn mouth*. RoariTl iSO—IOO. Tuttiou lor c illejo classes ss>. I'rapafatorv *TJ. Koo.u tent and Infildentul Tec ?li. Washing, fuel, and light i&>~ Koi Im Uifcr i!i(M: iuatlMi cu'juiio of J. B. Davis f resldeul. ' At tlic solicitation and ieptes» of nianv frietfls, i aniionm-e iium-JI a caodi'tat-' for Count y eoiiiinissioiier in the Comity ol Alain .nee at I lie ensue* iiig election, Sept. l9th 187 G. A A Thompson. A F L O H E N C E j Sewing Machine WO! make a ttlcli uilki- on both »id*. lr n.-rcreaMc tcird. Itte matte ntWTewr tiarU mmi »t«>i H I.IM MO C.g». Calili o >*>'" 'ijrtngs to t oo:of order, liar a os»J-regio»«- itig teuMon. It will m- I run liifiit io be-vj (abrtc, auil I* to ati laaoly '">• »t i* ti»»! pr«Uie*l .wjtuijt made mid run* %ei ~ury uoi dcki-cju'r ougut to have it'*- t ' M: " it can i«c learnt J lro.n the book ae >• p-". v eacli inachina. AnJ it ('.Hi be L-*o o monthly installment* II e#tr«d. »*« «>- have a new. NUirACTLKI.IU nAVUIN'T" w!i!»!i can Jto be %M 0 on Uoc wvr*. '•». i.4llllut wl.i .iiake 'l&Ati uticne* per lujiu. Ytanufacturen wHldo well to order i> >lo. :nee U-at once. ■ Tlie hundred* of the Horencc now in u-e u *o,-kti aroiina prove it* mt.viu.uud that on ixsople appreciate a good thing. >eedt a. oil. wnead *!id *ilk emiitaudy on ha. u (or u .mrulue* »ud *«ul by man to any pail ol Ui> iuhe. H> are aUo ag«iit for the BICK F O U D 9mmlt t K*llll>| 1 » « fc 'i» uihiii wlitfli 30,iw»tlrtj« may I* knit pe* minute, ami lr..m tl.lrty to J«rty I"'" " «wta oniT t*- H«f. I* » W«'»- •ejiin. and perfect lav' and l'«_ ' UikxU, >.«vt r',ix*h iM-arf*. JlMdbiga. I toe,, m#)' tx: kali upon the '•W(*i.#V "fin; »nd tbe i/fioc!» ir» Own bail l«e .MO>OU knitter*, only ¥&>. ... . f Oirrei'j.o.itii iiu'' «jiielH i:; rctSlBS .'ir.Uli I cr (lie Knitter or Mwnin* ami 'Wi; lu> at work nenl wl'Cii r«i|U*t.*l. AU«»rOcr» K wall Will receive prompt MMlnc And machine# abipped t" any part of thi ftMte. Agent wanl«d In every county. AM lrOM V C-. t AKTI. 'ND, (Jencral Agent. » »-i > i ••t: t ' " y qborge w. long, m. d., pnvmcMH AN* Graham, N. «•>* Dr. Murphy will Drug • Store Company Shop.-', pure Rye Wlilakey also pure French Brn"dt. Blacli-berry c->r dial, Catawba Gro, o Wine, Sc ispernotig. hi i-' ' "rry and oilier wines for mutter. 1 j risen only 3jwl'i_-Machine OH at New Drug- 3tore j Company Sbops. Nearly a month of earnest work. You cannot serve the "democratic par* ty better than by circulating; the GI.KANKK. See terras elsewhere. - *« Forty gallons viiniHli C'ptU. Coach. Japan and lSU«;lliio at new in*S Btoi* I Company fhopn. Pi iocs lower than *.iy where else in tb« cmnty. HON. A mI SCAI.BI, Candidate for Congress, will aiK J dress the people nt the following t imjs and pieces. ' Anderson's Store, Wo tiiosdnv Oo ober 18. Lcasbtirg. Thursday Octob«r 19th. ( l.cwibuK), Friday, October 20ih. 1 lollowav.sville, Satur av, October Nt. Alt. Tirzah, Monday,' October &ird, itushv b'ork, Ttiesdhv October 24th. . , Yanceyville, Wednesday, October 25th. '.•Row Town, Tuirsduv October 26th. Heitfsville, Friday. October 27fb. Tiiomasvillty . Saturday October * 28th. Tyro, Monday, October 80. Fine bo's fctore. Wednesday Nov- w ember. Ist. t'onwmi Church, Thursday, Nov enil)er 2nd. Gray'* Chapel, Friday, November 3rd. " 1 lj . THE Bnx PASSED. ANI> IS NOW A Y t. vw or tiik mtsT tkror xNCK touiii.- i.itßt ANttoLD KOMiW—Well, ye*, the ill making it, a critJ,initial offence to mix white pi|ai clay, chalk and pow- " dcred soap atone with the Mig*r that is nianufictured into candy,lms |mmkhl s and is now the law in fltv* •fthe Wo* * tern States: and it is al.-.o a. Uivv ui th« candy f .ctory of A. D. ltoyslerJb Bro. ut iiaieigii. 'i lie) passed that bill some time ago, and uo violatioiiof it is tolerated. Their eaiidi>'» art* pure Send to them f»r price list, an 1 titer f bay of then), and you won't feel sell ./ accised nvery time you » dirt- J eating looking chap in the ueighboi- I lioi »d. ® Address, A. D. Hotter A Bro. [ ft deigl. N. C. ' ) "OMMKItCIAL. n "|» i ui',' K Ciraham Mai kct.. COMRBCTKU WEBKL* BT HCOTT r, » . littLO-. «SO«Ulft, t 4 UI«U xifo'l*, rtiutor V M» ilj* ' v.'.y t&»b liacoll MQi- 5 «>■• ■ h2.ilr, •; r uoH4«.,v«b „ #alO nark, »a* «• «> „ i, ~ >*ia p a>..,.. ••• 1 -J. .), Ciutti r u>\« and lifßyii} J" 7>iuj& »' liM*? wliiekcnn eacU.... • • ••! lixojlk Coium, lint. ¥* "*#!, '""f* 4 Duck* «aea izic* 11 f M! ' ' S.fU& Jbur, family V »\A Ju®*' WlUeisVU'. tru, Mink, inch, lOalt Mn.kral •* OkfWviu " ■ " " ' ralihit 4 ' Uf * IttOtU. „ toftOU Hides, irrec-n, i ••••• 10«| tWitr , 7.v "" wc& J.sinl «* »" • ■» curu, ¥ Hi, -,w - ' t 4 * ** f QtoV , eu#t«t frsi 1 Mfo-. ■ - f,j j .Vttu'ors. Irish t* l»u»U...•••••• 50ft7. ».»eet 44 _ W)ii j. e^«;'drM, '/V»» h « elc(1, 02feS>/ it'i .e in .... ,* — > max* l M.W- u » ud «**,«- vr*' • v 4 % • 1 fut-lnm "Tobncto- Mai kct, ■Vik*-.hnn » £?'**»». . » - W*»*uoo»» !i iftvy »u«l f» r . liX'u.r, fl.ic UrtgUi »:4p,*r»"" ■ / ,V;.ov.:r* lagr>j4: s.■■& :..d. iijupi >-| iolitlon* T~ • f *» i>A*K. L,«s« coinamn, to !jo«k1 6 iih!o»it r:uen>. Jomui 'a at * . - - IPft): It'dlum " - - * I 1 M, 44 - l.ial' kuuKeaa. jutum *a, new,, j •tedittul r •' ' ? '/.v;d, " - - • * I- 1 /sutcjr " ■ .' " WHiPIT.K*'. ,;6mn)(ia, nt«, 4 '■*"? - - »U* •(Mid 44 • _ * J »ny - ... - DiSSOLUim Tl>e liTctof rc cx- uintiT ill* and »t)le »f I' 11. Harden ic lint. I>u been tli**u!v --•d I y tiiitiiiwl ciimCitl. I*. U llaidei •nay be fo Itil a! Ibe 01.l st4iti, h i.-i lie «?>iiliuac* bm»ine#>. ./■ W. )Inr(f«" nay be touud at lii* new » ore, i"» »e#l of tin* ciiii:' lout, .there lie lino gone, Into bu-iii-*'. Mot h have ju« rccch »•!, mid are i « eivii»# tbehr new Mocfct. or (all HI d v»iuU r «• »!*, ami Hotiltl U: tfliul t tlieir 'il l i m I • • • • ar*jf rsrui ar»-i-i'iieo'lv 'i f l» tn»i.« immediate selll'ert»ei>S. Kifber ) artw aii'lhinzed jw>tier*iiij> bu»i- ' ,1, \V. Unftor, |P. R. Harden. Gr«b»mX*> C. Oci. bik i mi, *■ ' . *1 r —: Determined to Sell I have received and «in e;>n«tantly r*ceir nr a nock of inm» call »kt« and bea-j Win* and boj» heavy sbo« and boot tad ladle* cbHdtcn walking »boe», lam determined to «eD the#e, not onl >hetntr*lkfti CM 0€ Unulil In tiic coun.y bu :han can be bought In lb* fc Ua coi hnd «v u ivtmji, rQjiYOU Ti rA S ] - IS t* • j ciiHoMos raJ5E!| | .lln order to introdnceo tr large. eirht-pa_j jo i. lalrt Liie;ary and /an.ilj I'hpr. Ti i ■o, ouyeiur, »c will aod It, mi trial, sia j 'Heaths fur )ul.v BO cl»., and io ekci. stiti ic! ii>«r «t; will moil, post paid .our elegau| UH linnnos. "Little h«d fc;c . - ]« A. "Jbu biidreu 'a £» ii.j.-," "Pu- i -«-f «," • f»u '• "Mothers Joy." Ikre pictu ■s am: lift ■> ooii.iuou piiuis, but eeuuiue oil chronica l» in sixteen colore, that rre equal in ippear nice tußiie oil nalntmgfc Jii»i U,ick of it '»nr tine chroc-w and tu •■xceU-mt lit rarjr paj-er six aonaia tor rio ou Try it >U»e up a club of dve vjbscrlturs and we will .i n 1 . you an extra coj»» for alx month* and four t xtra clinunoa. N'lwl.'.nger of looßii-g yo;.» iioncy We refer to the Punt Mastr, Bri tw, in tbaar reqKHHiUIIO.' >M, in adycncc-. No samples fiee. AgeuU want ■*l to t ike aiih«cr iptiena ai d ■-eft our tin plutnren. From is 3to #lO a day .nude. Address, W. M. /HJRRO'V, 300 M iln 3t. Bristol T inn. PROTECT YoUU KLiLUINGS Which mar be druie with one-fourth the usual ex >«ni3, hv using oar PateiitSlatePaint, tffl&Eß IKEIIiYMt II9F. Firr'imnf. Unlrr.prMf, barak l-ronomlcal, Oraanralal, 1 roof iii-,y tie covered with a very «*hc»n miiiigU:, . lid by application of thia state be nude to • 11 Dili ■>.) to 2S years. OJ'i roofs '•4 ii be jut •hei and coated, locking ti.nch ■jcttur, nui liit-ti longer than nuw shindies without the i*late,~itir Owe Third »fer torn of Keuti inslin The expense of slating new shingles is only about the cost of simply laying thein. The paiut in riub-puoiir against sparks orfljiug embers, as u.ay be eu->iiy lusted Ijy any one. It stops Every Leak, mid for tin or iron tins no eaqnal, a* it ax pU'idv L> heal, eouuaeui by cold, and N k v;; a uu ku nor wales. Hoof- covered wiili Tar Sheathing Feit can be made water-tight at a small' expense, an 1 preserved for many ye»rs This Slate Paint is Extremely Cheap. Two gallons cover a bundled squam feet of shingle roof, while on tin iron, felt, .iiatelicirliottrdi', or any s.i>coth surf&iMi from two anarts to one gallon are required to 100 square feet of surface, and although the fnliit ha. a heavy body It Is easily applied with a t>ni«h. No Tar is used in this compo sition. 1 'lerefure it ii"lth'ir I'iaeUs in Winter, nor mjM hi Suifttner. On d shl iifh'a it fills up the holes mil pores, and gKex a uew sulxitanlial roof that will last for yeflr*. Crj i.r.n or wuo'rD alilugtes it brings to their i lwci. and keeps there there. It fills up nil hoi •» in Kelt roo(«, atopa the Inaks— uid .il'liouifi a slow dryer, rain does n . effect it a v faw hours after applyiiig. ueaily nil point 111-tare black eontaln •)« -lire you' obtain our olt*tiiNE which (.for shlugle vtxrif) Is i h"o>lato Color, vhen flr»t aptdlod, elntnging la about nor. Xli to a unlfo.ui ■into cotor, and U TlM'lit* Ull'l purpO»C« 31-ATK, Oil Tin Rf^oft uir red colnr i« w»uall» preferred, •'lit ctjiial to Ave of any ordinary For BHim WALLS rmr nmont Her* the only rHNble Pali:t over inirnrluiiMl that wij. effectually prevent JatntmcM from punetriuiijf and din e--l»rlttg Hit wiiWH t "t ln -u p.tiuL. .na nl«o largely uiwd 011 out houses and fence, or uti a prilling coat ou tint' Ijulldtnsr. ' Onr only color" »rc C'WOCOIATK. Rjst, BlWilT ULI), lUiii OIUSUB. NEW YOU K CAS U PRICE LIST. sUal!iui>. can and b0»...-......... $5 50 0 " keg............. 'JO " bait barrel 10« J !0 " oi.e barrel, .......8000 VVe have In tt-K-k of our own raannfactu • n-flui; OiatiTtaU. me., at the following 11 w iiri. i* s . HOO roll* extra liul l>cr H-inflnir at 8 cenu *r *o«tre foot. {Oi we trill turniob Bobber [>!'*• 'ape, and Mate Paint fori 1 , tuVrc r.i w n-of, at 4M oen, » P« r I «** > .. . a*» 00 roll*®-pl> Ta 1 red lb n.ting Felt, at •i : i,t'- jH;r »n\iere foot :ii*ioroll 3-v'v Tarred Rooting Felt, at B>f •nt |.w •xiuare foot, !jry> riY.f Tarred ai.eatfclng at \ _:oeut per - ■««;■ m (luit. " nr fine Enamel Paint, mixed reai» i>- it MI, "ii or oiit'Mc work, at tt per "■'siW :r a .".jd* eard «f eolora. All t rder* • n«t fee .C'liiipaiiiui «Ul> tie mot er or ■t irfacii . . i '.,. rtfeicuce*. No troodx «hif> ;~i i C\ T' " in T *• Tnr'tn dhtflNifrt ar« Vt*l'tL'>- Aic«i»u, wante *. J unfit** • N.V SLATE I'A IST COMPANY'. fubaoco sales. j re» nu- public sale* MI JJW at the well kn wn itilafkw#?* Dur- Jisca '» v meliouse §t|®- H % **>' i " ___ ... •_! u r all grade*. Brl'il.t Smokers in • j --Jmmm r ' rreal Weirwrid in d wu*V dat flptrea.l m'WSJf 1 * ,»vr :r.« "if their - KejneuiU you will Gmi roc tt B; ACKWIL! 'rt iIVXJ R IIAM WAKEHCtSE el ea 'l'ii? v are o*« of t e State. i n * thanki> for the pitronmt* m I m» o:nd otlta: frJftt^ 1 1 oaa of the Siat« I ft« yjar» «1> —— K. J. PAfcKiSH ... >0 . ■ "■ / .. 'w

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