VOL. 2. THE ULEANRR. PUBI.tSIIKD WEEKLY B-T E. 8. PARKER CSmlaaiiit N. C,# Jia'ei oj Subscription. Postaye /MiVf •• One Yfcar ~ v.V. 75 Six Threo Mouths Every person sending us a cltibl of ton subscribers with the cash. eiUitles himself to •one COPT free, for the length of tunc for whieii the club is made up. Papers sent to different olHces. _ . No Departure from the C'n*li System of J»« Transt-T -.•?••• : ; - n'.'c in ad vince: ... ,• f.u.lyln advanc. . 1 • 111. 3 ic. |'*m.l 12 m . .1 qu ire V"®" I ** "" ' 1 " ;! ,"| 00. ti 01' 'ool' I">■' • j •transient advertisements *1 per squae for tiie first. and fifty cents for each subso quent insertion. Advcr iseuients nit specilled as to tim .: . üblislad until ordered out. 1.11 c'urgji ecordingiy I THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH When Advertising Contract* can be mad* t A FLORENCE ■» Sewing Machine Will make a stic'a alike on both sides It lias a reversaWa iced. It is made of Hue case hardened steel. Itcams or wire Mii-iiists to ■get outot order, baa a selt-regulat lug leiisioiu H will sew troui light to heavy I auric, and is adapted to all family sewing. II is the prettiest machine made,uud runs very liaut —is almost noiseless, and is just what every housekeeper ought to have llie use ot ii can be learned from the book accompany ing each machine. Aud it can be had on monthly installments It desired. We also have a new. n tNtVAC'IVItINV MAC MINK l„r »cr> heavy work, wh ieh cat) also l.e used on tine wjrk. TU machine wi.l .make 3653 siieuua per tnlnuU Mauutauturerb wiiiUo well lo order a Hoi tUCri 1). dt OUCt • , • the Uaad.-eOa ot llie Florence now in use in .. i i i aroiina prove lis merits, and that our 1 ,;oine appieiiate a ,Ov,u Wing .«cudlM,.oil, i .read aha silk constantly IV' hand for ah macimus and sent by man to at.y part ot the ijt.Uw. Wt I».sw iol tliC II I (J lv F O 1A) Fin 11 r Knitting « n c h I ■ ii .on which 20.(KW st'ielies may be knit per ii.in l■. and fro.n tlJrty l» forty P«\™ o| so 'U .uay i*' Unit por a%y. complete withont k '..t iii and nflrfwi h' it a.til toe. Il.wfls, ('loves. Sliawl* acarfa, Hea««ig«. may lie knit upon tha " Woman a Help, n.d the price is lew than half ti» common knitidr*, >>iiy W>- .... ... . ,„i, (' ii-re«pondencc «oltcitEd in rolatio i to eith er the Knitter or Sewing Machine and sump l« of wovk saat w.i-nTAinort-d. Ul orders l»v mail will reeaice prompt attention. A ,(l m.ieUinm shipped. to any part o( the Si no. Agent wanted in eve;? coa aty. # Au *> »*■ ;v *• "' '* i 1-tf i*» Ileit'ji v fliU.Jt i .;RKK>II4W)HO, N C, keep eo ut-.aily oi. IM»II«J a cot pten a*ort ■•intjuf i-citJITUKIL Bopai... gofevery le«eriptlon, Including • Upholstering neatly Jon \ Their stock ooniiata ot Offlr*. BiaOi-lMa. •'■'lf' * ' J i' r *f« "l.it-raclfWuitl any and everything In tli furniture tine. TfceiYmoeta Is the largest *n Mnwt e9o)j|tiie ei'tfr offured lt tW® portiou -ftbtf tWj«JMHK*»Uou.iain«Ji tj or • i. *P '.l *fL? f v 5 - i • liH H & I I» i ) k j I'.VIMIJ r {i r iit.iiiticß i«m "*iWi«he4 *>■:'/*i v-tm»».-». S. C. *i y x Alo.i; »t. » *» t» fn- i» * ii )• i* L»ca»ojrjtic-Cnii».trvative.jn politic* "li twi> z* iloiMb f-1 material protpo- JLy ii» u &o ith and Xortii t'aroli ■ r art tin la .y. , If.iwilt Car iidutw abroad . floit uv» •», wjtboo it. V* -* I'" - ' THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. YY HOLES ALE AND RKTAIL.. •mi We keep constantly 011 hand a large and varied stock of GROCERIES, HARD- WARE D Y - CO OIS NOTI«*S, HATS, CAPS, 'NO MUOJEM, KICADV'-HADK ?- A BBAVTIFIIL IDEA. Carp etingH AND WVTTI\GS - 'all prades, from the lowest prices up made _ specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCIIANTB are invited to inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying elsewhere. Thev can examine and m.lect for tlie:u6elves and we guarantee that we can sell theai their entire stock or any part of it on such terms as will enable them to sell their goods at a larger profit to themselves than they could do by umeliasing, by order, from a distance. We are Agents for, and sell at manufact ure? prices the following goods, vie : Cedar Falls and Deep Bivcr Sheetings, Yams and Seamless Bags, Uolt'eand R. ndlc- ' man's Plaids. Fries' "Salem" Jeans, Charlottesville a.i 1 Erkciilueecher's Starch. ODELL, RAGEN & CO,, apr 4 ly 1 , * "Greensboro, N.'C "JJEADqUARTERS FOR GROCERIES 110./STON & CAUSEY, * WUOI ICNAI;E U U • V K R N. OHKKN9BOKO, N. C., Have m-w and always keep on hand, one of the t stocks of G2- 3CEEJ.ES, I t . . ■ .J o be foil id '.n »' e Bnylmr from munu acturers in large yuani'lies. enables thein to ell largely at manufacturer's prices, and lie good" l''-s th in their j.rices. Handling •ceiics exclusively is another advautagc y have over penerai merchants. •iders solicited tilled promptly and at low 'irices Clieap Fence ! The uw.crsigoed having bought the paten right for a cheap fence for this county, offc for sale towiwiilp and farm rights cheap I'he fcnci uiust be seen to be understood, i. We are satisfied that i is a good thing. It saves one hulf of tiie rail timber. Call on u> ut Graham and see. Ail information cheer fully furnished upon application, Farmers in sections' wuere it I in* been tried ate pleas t Wltl ' "' W. K. ALBRIGHT, x H.M.RAY, am V ~Ap il 11th. 1876. 'O T T & DON NELL. GRAHAM, N. C., Buy and sell t'OTTM, l«BN, FtOU«, BACON i #iBAHAM nitill SCHOOL. GRAHAM, N, C. REv D. A. LONO, A. M. ' ' RliV. W. W. STALKY, A. B. REV. W. 8. LONG, A. fl. MISS C. HUNTER hOITTHGATE, It. structress in Music. Giieus Angnst 28th, and close* the last Fri day in May, 18«7. Board $8 to ® 10, and Tuition $3 to H pe. mouth. IN THK rMBRATK COURT AI.AH AN«KC«I'NTV, In toe matter of the Estate oi vf. W. Wii* klns dee'd. .. ~ _ . i lkins, Ed Ross and wife Bet tie. John A. Harrier, Ed Samncr and wife Alice, luarj E. Btc veoi Win. H. Stevens oi full age. aud JoSu F. Stevens, Sarah E. Ste . vens and J as. T. Stevens inJ Alice Ripp> Joseph Harder, 'nfants and ail heirs at law and legatees of W. W. Wilkins iloc'd. The said parties wUI take uoticc that Joel Boon a* executor of W "tt. Wilkin? deceased has filed his dual account vitk said estate and tliat the same has been aadlu-d. sndtliatif.no exceptions tbereW are ffl cj •.viinUSf tsu days from the aerrlca M till notice a deirea will r>e made in said matter, ! exonerating Joel Boon from ail liability, I except la Z far as afepeats by said account, ; VT.'A/ALIIRICHI, The above notice ia ordered to lie publish ed ID tbe AlMmanee (HMIUT tor »L* weeks. Done at o:Uee in Urabata. tl»ta 2-Yh Aprl; 187,1 W. A. Albright, ' " OMAN IV BATTIE! ! AIWNTB WAITED to can**" »••/ town i and county In the State for i k * if o 'imn iu Buttle! 1 aoe wf the mort iujen^ly Madame L. »• Velaaque*. Ho Mib»cri| lion hfk eTer VUblUhedha. offered IbecUa.-ce. titU oue dK» for wide awake ajfnU to Without uMK l i A'e»t (or NitftU Carolloa; otUec: J»™ n S* gpsS»Tailor. 4^o y I ttttit Miyie goodn for wear, gid will orier accordlb; to uletlion 4* I" AL? for the saialot *fc# H tl,e oW KNUF Orahaa S.C. GRAHAM, N- C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 1876 KITTI'H IIUMB.tXD, "I never saw such h lucky girl in my life as you,' Kitty Price." said Mrs. Hughec Mortimer. "Only to think, you Lave been in New York only a month, and Mr. Carisford Lns asked you to many him!" It was a radiant February noon, the sky bine as powdered &ipphifc the keen wind fresh,from the Lay' and upper Broadway musical with the chime of sleigh-bells; for one of these snow-storms that come, like angels' visits, few and far between, had just folded its soft wbi e wings over the city, and people were enjoy- ing it accordingly. Mi*. Hughes Mortimer ire I in a ststaly brownstoue house ona fashionable sqnare just out of the main artery of the city, and Kitty Price, her sister's child from the country, who had been invited to New York in the hope that her pretty face and baby-blue eyes would attract some suitable match, sat in tlie deep bay window, half hidden by j maroon-velvet curtains, and draper ies of embroidered lace. Kitty was very pretty, after a soft f-iniiiine pattern. Her flaxen hair liutl a natural curl and twiat to its gold-.bright tendrils, and her coins plexion, fresh aw a daisy, had not yet been injured by late hours, uiiduight supper*, and "the German;" blue eves, a tender, sensitive mouth, and a figure slight and graceful as a rivers reed, then our Kit;y's claims to bell hood. There were inanv in ccicty the winter more brilliant and beautiful than was she, but in suite ot all this, , i .■> , t' Mr. Carisford, the rich banker, had fallen in love with Kity Price. Mrs. Hughes Mortimer was de lighted with this social success, '•Kitty, you're * da; ling,'' said she. "I haven't been so delighted since Mr. Hughes Mortimer gave uw my solitiare diamonds. How angry Angel ins Elford will be—and those Brookes girls who have been angl'iig for C'iribford so transparently all the season. I fdiouM'nt wonder, dear, if you had a quantity of wedding presents. There are soiu« very line heirloom jewels in the Carisford fam ily, I'm told, and—" "Stop, stop, Aunt Oliva!" Kitty collored deeply, and twisted the stem of mignoimette that she held, nierci lewsly about in her lingers, "1 told you that Mr, Carutorl h|ul asked nte to irairy iiiiu—" "But I didn't tell you that I re fused htm," added the culprit. "B&nsed him!" Kathcrine Trice! Are you joking':" "Nev.-r was more serious in my life, Aunt Oliva," protested Kitty, standing bravely to her colors "Refuctd Mi. Carisford! itefusel the Lest match in town!" cried out Mrs. Hughi-s Mortiiut r. iiu wouldn't have m ; accept hill. if I didn't love him':" "Love 1" scornfully repeated Mi 8. Hughes Mortimer. "My dear, jour mamuia has brought yi>n up with most visijnai-y view* ol life. 'Love' is an extremely improper cx/rutwion. And, believe ma you-will suon learn to esteem any worthy gentleman who—" "That's past hoping for, Aunty, saucily interrupted Kitty. "Ifyou'it oijjy consent to hear tny story out you'd save yourself a deal of trouble. Tty> re.json I refused Mr. Carisford is llmt I have accepted his nephew. F ranlc'Ely !" "Kitty!"- v . "Isflifie atiything no. remarkable in my preferring one of my own age t-r* man oid twujli u t>- tny fath 9t!" - "Mr. Ci.ri.-C rd is only forty." '•And .thstfs just twenty years too much to suit me. A tint Olivia, 1 know this will be a sad Mow to your svstem of soeial j4iilos6phy, but I oaiA help it. I love Ff ial*—l would not tln-re wasn't auotlter man in all tie world. S there!" UJA that CHHO," SAID Mr*. Hugbr* Mortimer, grimly. "I wnd y« u hick to your iu>tlnr to mono * I, (fcMdbt lor in ilu>tMjt i-uuftetiAflCi: any of "f tiling. The idea of; your iiiajryHig a *li|' of " l>t>«k "l*ik, wit|i«Mit a |«puy, whin VOU have the alternative of Cleveland Oari«U>ri'n wife!" "Don't be vexed, auntv," /.leaded Kitty, p» Uiof? «|> Wer red mouth tor » kins; "I can't k* falae ta «y own ideal of wowaniuMxl. I ew/t give iav Vaod t> Mr. »"ari*ford, when my b*rt i- Frank Ely's already." Great was the astonishment of the millionaire when U re* ceived Kitty simp!n note, d-- dining tne honor lie had g.aciouslv concluded to extend to tier, and greater s.ill ih.e consternation of Kitty's parents on learning that the. * daughter had refused a match so de sir.i!i!e in every respect. ''T.ie girl must kv, craay!" slid Jiapa, Price; who had seven younger daughters to dispose of. "Mad! Infcituuted!" echoed Mamin 1 Price, who had always ha I to trim har fiuauciul sails vory closely and loosed upou a rich hu»b.iud for bur girl as otie of the-greatest desiderata of life. ''But we must write to lie . She shall not come home here, to nut the snnie sort of uouscuso in her siss ters' heads!" [ "So wliilo Aunt Oliva was writing to her sister that A'itty must go hocneat ouce, Mrs. Price wa* writing couuler orders that ATitty must ou no account bu allowed to returu she bad "loaruoU to bjhkvtj hersni '.' 1 To this state of alT.iirs A'itty vory eooa lucouJllod herself. Sim had m ire character than her relatives sup p >sed. '•'Very well, Aunt Oliva," said she calmly. s 'i'ou will not have mo? Mamma declines to receive me buck at home/ Duos it ever occur t > vo.i what is to become of me?" "My jjet," coaxed Aunt Olivia, suddenly veering around in her style and mauuer, "all will be wr.ll, i' you will but consent to 'ojjouij C. jvl.uid C'ariafoid's mifo." "Never!" said A'itty, resolutely. "Then you will have to shift for yourself ihe be ,t wav you catu,". , said Mrs, Hughes Mortimer, in to aeverity. It is but justice to the l*t:er lady . to admit th*t KLK did not moan all that her words implied. Kitty, however, took it all iu earn* est. With her it was a matter »t" lift •nd death, and it was u c '-lary to •! - cide at ouce. So, that very evening, she went around to a little ivy drap • 1 church in the neighborhood, an I married Frank Ely. "ilj own dearest!" lin murmured. "God graut that I tuay prove faith ful to your trust!" TPheu they returned arfli-iu arm from the church, discussing tow best they might break the tidings to their respective guardians, this hoy and girl who bad so unwly taken II|MHI themselves the dutie* of grave and serious life, a crowd iu Broadway ob structed their passage. "Oh. Frank!" cried . Kilty, turn- A *' * t \ '' * ing palej "something lws happen* ed!" "P»tiro'runaway'horses! Old ove {•itched out and killed!" said ofie of, the street Arabs, whose Hp-cial busi ness it is to haug around all such dis-. sstroua episode* of the thoroughfare, with a gt in, as if bis communication* w (»re of a particularly agreeable na t .re. ~ r : A - "3t*y here by thin drug-atom an instant, Kitty," said Frank, through whose brain a atfd terrible suspicion had dart*l, "im'/il I go an i •MA tfkdt tjll» Ip.illliU !"." But he had selected an unfortunate vantage point for the jial.i and Irem* bling little briiie. For he had scarce., ly left her wheu the crowd surged her way, and they bore the corpse of the dead man directly past her, into the druggist'* doorway. It wim ; Cleveland Cariaford, with a red cut | ou liia forehead, whence oozed aslu,;- i gish stream, and features convubud in the last agony of death. At the Miuie moment Frank Fly joined Ilia young wife, with a troubled fsce. % "I would have givey nucli to *|>are you thin sight, dearest," he said ''Your uncle, Frank.'' she gasp- "My uncle. I always drcadel some evil from liis unsdtiied purchase of that spirited team; but it is too late, now, for idle regret a.'' #■, CarisfuidV name WH wi|ied off the list of tho living. ' "Singular state o(. allay*, thia." • aid old Mr. IJaaoi&wiiU., tli« lawyer. "Cariaford ha just burned one will •ud was going to execute another thin very Wednesday. And in spiie ol i bis deadly quarrel with Frank Ely's j father and mother, the young Mlor become* through Carislord's neglect the sole lieir to all hie property, I | don't see now • mau can be so «re»» i "I don't me bow a man can lie so iK-artlex* as old Cariaforu waa." aaid Ilia interlocutor, dryly "However, tiling* are all even at last." So Frank Ely *a* rich, and inno ! cent Kitty Price had married a ! forvone after all. Annt Hughea Mor i ' ■ • •- Timor gave her a great reception, and lier father Hud mother wrote meltin; letters from the old homestead, ho - ino in honeyed phrase, that "d Mi- Kitty could make it eonvenil'tit to receive the whole family very alrjrtlv on a visit." 'lt's strange, isn't it, how circum stances alter eves?" said Kilty, laughing)/.—.AT. Y. Ledger. >» a BliU AtVAVCOI CM', A rntiaway couple, "true lovers" of the most fervent Yankee . sump, arrived at a small inn near Boston, and wanted the landlord to send fur a minister to "splice 'em." aud tt> be "quick about it. Tiio landlord com» iilied, aud ihe 'licensed minister" came. ' Be you the miuiater?" asked the bridegroom. "I am," replied he. „ "O vou bo, ch? What's your name." "Stiggitis.'* "Wal.xeow, Sliggins," ssld the Yankee, "du it up browu, and your money is ready;" and forthwith the reverend geullemeii couimenccd: • "You will please join handa." The Yankee elood up with his lady love, aud seized her fervently by vhe hand. '•You promise, Mr, A —said the person, "to lake llita woman- " "Yass!" aald (lie bridegroom. •'To be your lawlul and wedded wife?" "Yass—yaw/-' "That you will love and houor her 'n ali things?" ••Sarti.. —yas-, I tell vei l" V "That vou will eliug to her, and her tnly, as long as you both ahalj live?" "Yass indeed — nothin' el»el'' continued tjr Ya. kee, in the moat delighted aud earnest uian. iter. But here llie revereud gentleman halted, much to the surprise ot all present, and to ihecap cial anno vane j and discomfort of the ardent bride groom. "One moment, my friend," respous ded the minister, slow; or if occurred bo niui that the Is wl ot his State did not permit this performance without the-"publisbiueuioi tlys bans" .tr a certain length of time. "What—what—what 111 lime i« the thai tut Don't atop here! Put her thru! What's split, parson? Anything gin eout?" "Just at this moment my friend 1 have remembered that you cauuot be uiartiediu Massachusetts, at the law ''Can't! Wot in natur's the reasonf I line her and she likes me; what's to i.etfiierV* i "■•' "You have not bf-u published, sir, I snspec; . 'l'Taat's a tact —aiut a>goin' n> be t uatlier; tbatv-jlm rea*i|ti*why we crossed over into your "little Kii-dy" (the scene was on the border ol Aibode Island) "on the sly, you see, j ar son." "I really—sir,*' said the minis -f* ; tcr. {i /t ea 1 1 y!—will, never ini>»t; ir«» ahead! "Taint fair—don't >ou see •taint? You married me. ami luiint touched her I Now don't stopt here? "Taint the fair tiling—by gracious, 'taint now.and you know it? "1 will consult," a.iio Iho uiiuitler hesitatingly. "N>, you wotl'l—no you dni'l? Vi»it don't consult noihiii' nor nobody unitl this 'ere businvM i» concluded !•' And with this he turned the kev ami put It (amidst the J/ttcriug* o( the wilite«*ea whom the landlord had called in) in his |Hicket. Seizing the hand of Ids trembling brid he said; "(io on, now—straight Irom when you lett oA; put us through, nnd no dodging. It'll l» all right; if it niti'i light, we'll uiake it rightiu the morn ing. as the saving is." Aitcrreflcotlug a moment. the per son concluded lo run /lie risk of the iulormality. 8» lie continued: "You protniie, madam, to take tliis man totw your fawtnl lifts jand?" Yass." said tlw Yankee, as the ladv Iwwed. "Tuat you will love, honor and obe\ Itiiit ?"• * / V f Them'* 'cm," said Jonathan, M the lady Iwf.ved again. "Ami tiast >ou iri'.l cling to liini a long n» >ou liotli shall live?"' "Dlit'a the talk—ollck to one anotht-r allers"—and the lady snid "yea" again. "Then, In the presem* of tlieae wiluesMs, 1 pronounce you « wan and wile. "ll'/orab!" shouted Jonathan, le*|ii>g li*lf way to ibe cciijng witji Joy. 'And what Ood joined logc.liti 'el no ni»n pat Maunder." -Iloorali! 4- com in nod Jonathan. "Wnafa the ».rie;t" (The seemed to hesitate.) "Il«>w inn h? B|»h it out-rdoirt be afraerod. Yji> did it like a book I B«W» *V. N«?t* or aiind the for a hack^ landlord. Girv tuyottr bill. I've got her! Hail Columby I" T ih poor follow seemed to be en tii ely unable to control his joy j and leu minutes allerward. he tvas on his way to (he railroad depot with his wtl'e, "Ihe happiest man out of jail, a d Ihe witnesses wlio described the g ecenc.- Yoi h Picaunt. HOW SIB AXCBITORS LITE*. We hear olten of the good times of 'Queen Bess,' when England began t>be % great nalion. But even ro mantic people would hardly be will ing to go back fo the rude customs of that age, and live as EuglNhuicn then •1 « lived; The uieats were brought iuon i's just as they were cooked, and ill Ilia 1 way passdil round by Ihe servant* toj the guests, who, in the more barbar- 1 ous times, tore oil a portion a* besi 1 hey could. AlterViard, wjien tliey had advanced n Utile 111 their idcaK. 1 here was a carver, who held the meat with oue hand wiiiie he cut willi the other; and the guests helped themselves, usiug their hand, aud al ter tliey had devoured what they wished, threw ihe bones to the and cats that waited under and scram bled toi their sharo among the rt sh e^. Naturally ciious;h, every one was expected to waali Ids hands before coming to the "board," and vcr ainly 11 was needful afterward. A lew had knives shaped like a razor, but forks went unknown. Ev en tiie great Elizabeth ate will) lifer linger*. In her reign, however, com merce wan extended, and luxuries be gan to appear,—porcelain, and glasses instead ol pewter uiug* to drink iriftfc, and in her hatlisromu she had mirrors, and this wan considered a great extravagance. Her immense and lofty room* wuro meiigre and cheerless enough Willi their want) furniture; >ud her table, in spite 0| j uiauy pieces of plate, wit* nut alto jgethet removed froiu the rudeness of ! manner* of the early Saxons. At first, I two |>ersous tie Irwin one "Trencher," as it wis culled. There were no plates,, and these trenchers were made to answej the purpose Tli- y «"ere. in fuot, large slices of bread, placed belore each one-(or two), to uccom uiodate thu iaeai . Tuere two qualities of bread; ouc flue, to be eat» ei ; t e other, of the course, inferior, flour, was made luto large loaves, theu the outer crust was removed and laid asiile for the poor, and the rest was cut into very think and substan tial slices, and thus u»ed instead ol plates. In the course ot time, some Ittgeni. ous person conceived the h. ppy iiiea ol having real p'aies; the wealth) lurnished themselves with valuable one* of silver, and eveiil'u.-tl|y the common people were provided will, huch as their circumstances admitted, made of wood or k ewter, and tiiiallv earthenware cuu.e in mm. but itr those day* they were well ] content with the primitive arrange ments of the Ivftchert, The bread tint* used soaked up the gravy, ami became quite savory in consequence; an>l wbtm the meat was ended, each ■>ne ate It it* plate it lie clio»e) other ni>". II wum put into the ahus-hilskel, which wa» alwava kepi ready, at.d into which ail the leaving* were gatli e.e I, ami «eut out to the poor wait inn a' «»'•• •'" or wufe | never forgotten in iho*c old Saxon I households. A P« ivr or Iaw.—»rhe prisoner was aceu-ed ol tiding icrun a bridge in ban Antonio, Texa*. at a gall iaster than a walk. lie managed lor kis own ca«e. His honor suid: "I think I'lf 'iav« to fine you. Johnson." "May 1 ax yer a lew question-''" "You may." "U'lit iheie a »ign o»er tin I bridge, people how dey tons' ride!'* " I'll®re is and ihii make* you at! the nr.re gui My." -? "It do.** it? Now Mr. Recorder; I* d*t sign what I has to go by? i» dai the law ? •lii-..,' 0 " W f e)l deli ilai sign reads, Walk tiiiir In*** oi )ou w iji ho li«ied, jHni'l it -don't It. boss?" "it does Johnson." . "Well, th* proi-f l«, \W pil loping a paint mule, wasn't it, o« "Yes, I belie re «" replied hi, liouor, iieginning to small a ral. ••Now, it your Honor is willing lo admit that a paint umle lint no I'll last toe c im» ;J»cad, bueittse you sec tlso law is 1 *bi»lJ walk, m* boss v«d as was a pidut MuleT'dai is lalal to (tie indictment. You i* n lawver, and you 011*1)1 lo kuof tia w piuta most »h w«J) •* mj f ss.lt," 4 Recorder: Abem! for the lain*"*- of I biscuit Johnson. I'll regard thai paint uiule a liom. r * Prisoner; Your plea*r iwl-UK 'ceptHk f N wauf t« ID-ke our nio:c pi:it. Allowiu '"f the aak et ol argument that * puiut ! mule U a bon, the ftigu reads. NO, i 7 'Walk jonr howS.V Now I de witnMSM here t > conn to prove that !at paint male waan >t mv hosst at all. De law say wilk your hotw. Recorder.' I'll fin- you #lO, John, ■ >ll. | Aim! Johnson vm vottdncted to the locitj» he expreawd sympathy for the tax*payrp, as he intend* H> bring a suit for fIOO/XX) 4imagos tor (hlrc iiap' i-oinuetit. He is now. howver. at work oil tha tfceis. He !i auft'l over the tturden fjnee and reiriirkcd: to n neighbor that it was grand at this season to watch the tender ti:ils of nature's robes, 'o lias ten to th diapftsinii otthe universe, and lo yield to its thrilling influence He would have Rrtid more, but iuat tlieu his wio called out from the hoii&e that if lie wanted those panta-v loons related, he'd have to come !« an J take litem oil, and be was oblig ed to stop, Norwich, BuUeion. Red nand on u railroad sigiti;» daii'/er, uid saya stop, It is the mine thina displayed' on a man* lIOMS. i kr l.argrtf aad H||iiih*inml I.ilrrai r»l>«r m »r riea. RIIIIXUK iNNOCfIrt'BNR larst'ECtMENS FKKK.^a The following new rtorle* will noon be convi uieuccd, and will t>B the inort intensely thrill 14 of uny yet published la an American journal. KIM. KON('« 1 OH ISOHTII Ml »0«7 H. A Tliriiliuic National Romance. Based Upon Uie Administrations 01 President* Lin coln and JoUimiin, and tbc Kx ecution ot Mt», cmratt In iHftY WatTTKH ur a PtiTiMOtHsrieu Statesman, WKITTfO I* BIiQOD 1 OK Til It PI.KOBH A Kiorj of ilir l.ut KaiwVni Mrig lit M. Quad or MA Michigan Paws. KIGU I'INITTV.AINST H. " E OR AliOlMt in Till Wfini.O. A buliianiSerial, no« Ruiinitgby Mrs Mary t. Bryan, *bo It tbe Hue#: Story Writer of Use Age. KDI ■ iIAWTUO.XK 1 Ikr 1 rmpialUa* at a Vidian ®t» Br a Popular Novbi iht -•—lol*— RB9l!lia(:R!«Clla TUB CONFEDERATE GOVEKNMtNT By fi 1. IT 11. Chief Clark 0/ Trta ury under Mr. Memwlui^er. * -*lll be a deeply Int'jrea Ititc »erie Acio « giving tlic early ti lata, dl«.dvan »fe«, a>d many a •iu»iiiy loeidaiiU of oar 1 ! »|i'« in liioir ",i| jrU to eiUblUb an inde l>-' i«l"ol riovernuium W A n imber of nnuaually brilliant short Tories aptv*r l 1 ea;h i**ue, with a grta jriety of -j-aking #u,Jcet*, Daki rlalln, S.»o® • Year CiU'OMOS FKEEIf I lln order to introduce our iarye, eight-page I lu-li utrt Literary and Family )'u| r. II # jskiuvenir, we .vlll wwl it, 6u tilal. fix | .ri..nt!.» tor ontyO) »«., Hid In ei. Jti rtili { scrilwr we will Uldii, post I/- Id tout el- (.-ant Oil tui'iiio*. *•> tliU ) ((' Una." !••'lhe litteri-u't »*ii it," "I«ik-a-Ito" "id I"iiiMhir'« Joy." lUn jiciurca aie i"l cuu.imiu print*, but genuine oi! cbinirm in nlxleeucolor*, tint >ra C|Ul>l in apptar an e tottim oil [ Jurt tl.ink nf it fn..r tliic eliron.o* .nul an ►Accllrut tin rui i i .... c ..1. ~1.. ;... It. M, 1.. ,jr j a ■ 1 n ol j.o#uln. ilbjr* and we will »• tit) (you an cilra copy (orai ffloOlho r..d f UP j I'tti a ctiromi'>«. J«. (tru er of iix. I'.jr your I money, tie refer Ui Uie roal Mb»u.r, liii*f tin. a> to "iur ie»pi-io;inltiy. B'li ictjuind iin advance. No Mimplca lice. Aircnls want |ed lo take »jl->cr if tivb* uiid tell our fin pictures. KiouiiS to tlO a d»y »«»Ur ' made. Ad lri -i, 1 W M. 90» Main fit, Br 4 '*"! Teun. IMNJ>. ~\vdli r iTl, O»mj)ony Sh'»pe, V. C'.. Thaiika lit* trier.d .«k! the -u H 1 > *e.-) liberal f Itt i.'f ll'' »iw l» ret.rfnit ei ■> |o>cd. ai'tl > • «■ intra)iifle t/> tl.-tf ij)»p«ct» (/. » itie i.AKOf'f !•»».• t'#nt>».*'rn —tsg .... BTUIK 17ir tiUUDt c*vc4 brought to A|m»«nee Com' lie' .*1 J. >t returned frob.-tln Xortiiim itie* >• rci>; I f pull'lli. H!CI aIMI iia» I vCell .. L(, J! l!_ I#- i cervui} tiu- NPKISfII 4«D NlMlAciuoaai Ilia atock ,o| fi * futuh'-u |o t)n jjucrt ever oHvrtu m ti W rki-t, ' ,-,. i S.• HEADY-MAPfitU OTriA of erery neaoripUon. if AT*, intra AKI> Hlto*. ' 1 of BMfitrte|ica futile »:• ck of . > - uu.i.ixir(tv uanti*. h«i it, WANr CI'VI KKV: Hf'KKNN WAIIR, a M.I fAMMt ».T|lV* WAKK, I III!.. UHIwMH HAT**. larj.eat f'f at the loweat prieea. a 11111 "tot-k tAMIM UUOGtUim.Vi / Lit AS I) 60LK I.LA Tflbft. Fertilizer*, In a rord, lie kM evorytlih* f«ary ijuaUt/ lii't ynu till want lo buy. and be will »u> at i the tnahtai jokr« all. Hi/-i anyrbiur joo ).a 'to relv Ail iie a«k4 i» for you lo cab *i>«: «-* for 5 ourcell. 1 i you don't whai )on you )o*t a»k lor It, and :b«i w* it iJII (I'ind. 1 90k Stove* of every fraric'-r , '• ' ' l '' . fiou. «n,a>. up, >*» :' _ ' ' • T . i