VOL. THE GLEANII, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT E. S. PARKER (■rahaaa. N. C, Kate* of Suhnrription. Pottayr Paid : ' One Yeur 11.50 ' Six Month" Three Months So Every per»on aendinc n* a eluh of ten subscribers with the ca*h. entitles him«elf to one copy free, for the length of time for which the Hub ia mada up. Papers «ent to different o'flce*. Vo D '.parture from tk*. C t*h Syitem ■ iim af Srertioia*, Transi»nt aaveri>emenai j*»™a!>le in ad van e j irlj advertireaient* in adv^.ic: 1 m >am Bia |«m. iltm. ' 1 q.iara QoU« (JO Jrs 00 >lO 0 •: iSO 9 4 50| 60010 00 ; 0 | Traj«i!at «d?e-ti*e n-flit* #1 p'-r uu j lorh- 1 if,j ci.it* f'»r ei: 1 ! «a!>« I • qaent insertion. A FLORENCE Mewing Machine ♦ Will make a atltb alike «m '>otli pide* I Ii as a revcr.>ai#lc teed, ii is of liue ca*c* bAi leucd otocl ii Uio no c«iuia *>. wire raring* t't i«i£ icusiou. Ii aud it» Atiapieu iauiii> »oui i = ia .* iiio pttitiMl uJdUti, >ui(l run* vcr % . ai^ht —la aituobi uv/iucieba, a!Hi le- wLui ■a, ury iiOL'aekeejxjr to have iUj use u« .ii c«j ue iearutxi iroui liie tuo«L eouii aiao.t*.«e. Aud it can oe on juyiUhly iusuili.ueatA if Uesired. We aiu-> k *ve a uew. f- M A i H I X t .r %rrfU*+*f v«» U, vsiilcli eaualgobe uatsU 0:1 liue work. Tli i-..«caiue wu auaae hiicliea per uiiuui >ixuuu.v.'tureia wui4vi areii to urucr a Ki>. «UCc li. >tl uiiCfe. i ..c uuiiu.ius of iiie Florence uow in uee i . > , „4 v > i-t k ). j*c us .a aud taut w., J'Cci.««e tii'^rUUaaake a lUi 0.. t ...a AUJ eii-i . >iinU*.iU y y,i ulti'i lOi a i. ...riii.ic* uud nciii uy uiuii toady i>juioi iuc .... iO, Luc BICK V 0 U D k*L»i> Kxtlliil Macbla uj'ja whu-ii 39,(XX) i-tiohcs may be knit per luiudle, aau li'oui lUtiy to loity pun« of Kit-Vo m*} uc kmi per day, coiiiplew vritiioui uu pjnc. l iiv*i aud loe. diiJs, >iuve*, dlidtfia ocarfs, Heidiug «*•., iu«y IM IIUU apja 4U« ''iVo.nau's Help Had Uli piiCCiS loss Halt lite Cil.Uitt o K .lUeis,oiiiy »«. ; . , er l.j or a«*u Macuiue auU mu|)'. ill wjrk Kent «ru-_-r requested. All orders i.j aiJii wul receive prompt attention. Aid macaiiicn »uipp d to any part of the fciitj. wauieJ iu-srs.y county. Au- K. O. CAETLASD, tjcaercl Aijenl. Greensboro v , 'NviI ISHAND CLAL scabJL. (TXABAM, N. P. Tbi- next section of this »cbo«»l tsnght by 1 •>; «ili commence oil i:>e !Tih •* i «ly B jlt. iVrtn* as lisretoloi-*, *C4 «*» * Uu and H OU per uiontb. I He o.jjeci ia uut> waooi is to pttfin pu - i 'i* lir •:itua.) &UM,ie*&—teucW;!* iu tun ' e* vi-ho jK Or tar tue Krak*«> «M»s ia « oi.eue. REV. A. ITBRUt KAI.AM inuiisvnooL. ♦ V.KAHAM, S. C. fcF.V. D. A. LONG, A. U. W. W. siALfc.lT. A. B. K*2V W. ». LL»ti, A- U. iiJYi'Lii bOUTHOATK. lu St. i-trj" IR MuMe. ' * 'Wetf* «n ;u«t Ma. and cloaea tbe laat Fri d«. ij ii,, iel«. to .1 Ti t T jitioa *J U> ** pe. Bioitta. II A N v OKLL ■ t*— ■■ 7 ailor. fg&Bi r iftT h ml mda w* *•* in fw i ,ii uMi utue* manner. .... I i i - - ;jja \.u.tai..i., ou iia.k! Samp) «»'(««•>*4 mi iv* fiw.* lor gentlemen* wear- Si'io »lit ur er ~tc ; unw t.» »cum\um v i i «4 1J.... r_ »;e""* for «•? «j)e v 1 tlio fIOKW' I •e«i.«r M ..- .. .e, .L.y irt Itif OM pu-C'iOwt .V (Irttiip >' C OIT k- I'ON N'tLJ>, ui.-—. c. t \ Uny in.l k.*l: K—\ I'M. r»«v «t *, BU M !(««», «*• )|1»- •»» IHE ALAMANCE GLEANER. *f riaiT KR*RR*N«I AT TIK a. —.ci.ua. - "Edward, your election to the no ble brotherhood of which I tin a ineiubei look place la«t •veiling, Wil| you accept uiy beat caugratuiu* lions?*' Ellersley .Whyte entered in/ cham ber* one afternoon with (lie above announcement. Languidly reclining upon liiv Jouugt, 1 half rase troin the recumbent pceitMti, aui. taking EN lendeva ouislieiched baud. asked biui to repeat thin remark, and aa 1 had been three-quarters a»ieep when 1 heard it. My l'.itnd complied. 1 may as well state, entreuous, dear reader, th-U 1 had heard, with a thrill ot the inteiis* eat joy, ( very word ot Ellersly's greet' iug the first time that he ottered it But, among ineu of fashion, anything that resembles emotion it a yrossier cte—a vulgarity, a nmsense; beside*. 1 had another reason lor eii.sealing my satisfaction at hav ing bevu created a member of the L Club, and that reason was pride. 1 have lived so long among lashiouable circles, with* out enjoying the hoiiui. that 1 waj unwilling Elleisley Whyte should see h iw highly / valued it. "Tliauk you tor coming to tell nie, my dear tellow," 1 drawled, lazily, in teply I > a repetition of lay Mend's uiost welcome announcement. ''lt's quite i surprise, really. Chetwynde iiieiitioned tuy"having been propped Hie other day, but 1 had completely t'jigoden the matter, 1 assure vou." Eiltrsley Whyte smiled a little od.llv. I'erhapa lie was keen enough to penetrate my nia*k of indiScreuce but lie oniy reinarkcd, wnlking to waru tlifl door; '•And now that iav message is do livcred. E I ward, 1 uiu*t leavj yon tor an o.-.it uir. i-r By-the-way." t, "H>lnn and E. 'ki.i* a.ii M. *i'la iI, au4 a half- loze.i o..#«*r m .i, want you to be round t'.e fln'i ti»>u'rglit, if youc*r spate au h-'Mir or to. At aboui eleven tliey said. Can you inauage it?" ■'l think reply. -'Ye . .icy can dc|>eiid an uie. Will you be :.ci"9?"' Au revoir." ** Au reeoirJ' _ Ai eleven o'clock precisely I ente - ed the uixieHt but elegant dab-build ing in tlit Street, with a leeliii* of delightful triumnh that 1 cannt»i retail in ;lrei>e advanceii years of nine without a eiuiie.tt the l»il:ah ambi tions 1 us. d then t > cue isii «o fondl -. inc one social de«>iuction winch I ha- so long couvetcd wa».' I though . in i lie at ia«t. Out ol Ihe many wlio would hsvi' Kucriticed m UIMCIi for the houar oi calling, tlwuiseives ineiubeia of tin- L Club, 1 had euj yed the coinpli raeiit of i>ein« chosen. It was a ver> pleasant and flattering lrum to r fleet upon. But I h«d /ittle time for re fleriioti just tliea. Erskine, one ot the friends who had l/een iron zealous in obtain:ug my election, me; uie as 1 entered the large aud b*ud- Miuie hall of the building. "Ah, Sterntorth." be said, advanc ing and taking my hand cordially iu hi-, "I am delighted tn find thai yon have so s>,ou assumed the rights of membership. Come into the card rwoui; yutt .till find a bust of old trieuds tbeie.*' I ioniid »n»st ot tlioM aMemlita! in t; r car.l rM»in. as ii was ni«n with whoui I had long been on Taiiou terio« _«f iin iina-v or acquaintance- They all a]ipeare«l glad w •«« nie— all irea:ei nie wiilie wiifiire ot C4»r« diaiity and courhay which waa v#>r> flatiering to inv wll-love and to ui> lie v »eii«e *»•' iuipurtance. If'htle 1 aioud auiong t knot ot, frieiid-i. and almred iu ine converaa. fi'iu ihat eMgatped llieiu, Clive Kulin*; loucued tue on the ahouidtr, («y v ii*» 4: ••I have arcured ft rarant cird» table, aturiilurih. Will you he ui partner in a ii«iue • whtat H»lam and Hirers?" -Wiiliiifeiy, 1 ' I aaid. Irakioe, 1 ; well kn.-w, waa acoe-tnted owe ol ibe I Mtt wliim player# iu lu« circle and 1 j could not appreciate ttoe conveyed by hia reqae»C. " But >oa uiaiit net torfei." 1 Aided, "to intro laee me to Mr. Rivera We are HOI aeqaaiuted. A lew RHHBtee later the iutroiluc* lion took place, and a lively aud iu ivi«*iii>c «nin( *|i» #nt«red upon. The stakes were hif.'i, ««d, »lllM«gfc /was a prw;ticed player, uiy lo:L seemed quae warraloaa. Waakj a «Kie»l b* Ersyae.i wiil/.Wou tb« first litu; *»me». As the deai vu wade by Rivers a ibe beginning °f tne loartb yame, J bapjieiNtfi c*reles»ly to iflauce toward his laoe. It »Moot of mobile n«i which the paasieiui «'r emo tions of ihe *. liner ra»n" ere entity porirayed, I re»d Diore. to my hi* fen« »un>rise, the protonnde»t cOi.« tempi, mixed with an apparency el i me«t uiigoverwabie lie re» iiirveii *l:«i*o with a firicc ex- K r. t».v- ••i' black, Spanish GRAHAM, N- C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5 1876 sort ol ejes that was fat trem iiif nic. It was the kind of look which no gentleman caret about receiving front another. My blood ro.e on the instant. W*.« it pos»ible that be stis|*cied me ot iOU! play? What could I have dont lo morit this uio*t singular indigna* tio», taci:|y eipresse 1, it ii true, but none the less evident "Oblige me by «xp aiiiing," I said, iu a voice that thoroughly xontrwded the annoyance I felt, •■the of your soruewLat peculiar demeanor toward u»e, Mr. Rivers. 1 «iu lotii toj lielieve that any misunderstanding! should have occurod between u>, Lut. To ray consternation. he iniei rnpted in« with * sneer and a coiiiemp* tuous wave ot the baud iu u,y dim ion. ••Mr. Bternforth need not aasiime with me llie manners of nn injured party. I havepUtyed whin to often vot to detect swindling, especially when so palpable and open as his. The luaiiiieis cf low gambling house* have been up lo the present time, 1 believe, wholly toreign to t!.e card table* of the L Club. I regret tlut one whom 1 believed to be a „eutieinan should have introduced them this evening." I was on my feet now w.tii clinched hands, and a face that must have been while anu ghastly with half sinotiicied rage. "Do you dare to assert—l began; hot passion choked inc and the cold sneering tone* of Hirers continued; "1 dare lo assert. Edward Stenforth, that you are a swindling card shari er!" 1 answered liiin with a blow thi* lime; not a damaging blow, however, f.r tlte quick band of Kiskioe thrust mine aside before it t.ad time lo II.OIV man grace the cheek of tnv insulter. Then there was a gre«t rtoixe of rusb ing feet,and,before 1 well realized my petition, fully flhy men stood between Uivers a 1 myself. ' It wits an outrageous insult.*' said r!se voice of Erskine, who stood close a' tuy side suiid the throng: "aiid you returned it bravely, oe woiifld have douc so, had I no t prevented >'ou."' "Which 1 greatly regret, Ers kine." My coolness wi) beginning to return now. Why regret it?"' continued Era - kine. Gentlemen should find other weapons than their fi*t*, Siermbrth. A blow is a blow, however. n« matter how h.'hiK dealt. 1 suppose Itivers will chaileiige y0«,." 11# had hardly finished speaking oet >re Holmes, tlie geuileniaii wh*» nad been River's partner at whisi, made his way toward lite throng. • I am ivquest d by Mr. Kivers," lie said, "to de usnd in ne lilts saiita. ting from you for the insult you have inflicted."- "Immediate sstisfactian," I said, csoly. **llow is that pos*iiile. Although the age of duelling ii past yy "Ah, nh! yott hefitatata!" •ulsiioi ed twenty voice*. I looked about >ne. It aeemed a* if tlie eyes ot every man prrsent were fiaed iu.-tautly upon uiv face. "Vou are iui*:akeH ueutlemeu," I-*aid with tlie greaieat calmnetw ol in .in ner 1 could assonte. "1 do not h'sitaie. 1 werelt de*ire to k iow what is expected of cie In ibis aiai-' :er." lo flight, answered the twenty, eoices. "I then do not refu-e Mr. River* ciimllerge. 1 am skill Ail at no wea|ion I Hit the (tialol; and a* I have, I believe the ch'»i'J« »f weapon*" —a dwa«i*£ myself now exclusively to Holme* «-| aliall of o>ur«c ckixM that. Any tardier charge in the matter ot tiiae auJ pla-e. will, 1 ;ru«l be assumedi by niy friend, Mr. Lrskiiie. Erskine h»w(«1 A few intimeiUH «l ct»Hver»»tii»ii took place between Imm If an J iloltnea when, turnip l» n«e I at length said: *"1 have d»d.led opon l»«»th place end time—here ami now. I>.»es the arrangement meet yoar approval? There is no neoe*»it> ol niakiof llsi* a§a»r—provided it—tialuly public itivera has a wi»h that tlie duel, if eon accept his eiiellenxe, take place et once. IIMJ weapou* also are in the building. Very well, I with a voice that shook si liuie, iu spile of iev cMorts to coutrol it; *' 1 onsent to your preposition. U ia not the first time that matteis of lliU sort have been settled liere iu ibe club U|HJII the evening of their occurence Krskiue went on. "So far 1 a'n glad to alate that nothing more »ei ious than fle.hwouu.ls have be II result. Will you remain here while lloiuiea and 1 measure the pace* in another portion ol Uie room? All will be prepared in a Tery lew momenta. With ibeae words Erakiue left me among the ciowd of gentlemen bv *|, J:II they tvere IUITMI»M. I had I ;ii»ot_ long to wait-, he ra urnad j I S'»*et»ll\. aayitr;: Kverx thing it in retilhie-". The dUiaii-« mll I>a i nUj p*-,.* Will | y>a tello»y me if you j>l«»»e? ' j Rirera i* already waiting for you to J »jl) >'•»! . 'j We [»as»ei *rni.iii«artn to the lower einl uf the Urge apartment. River*, as lie ha.l »jii|, v,i tlici-c \»aitin>f my •|>i>earauce. ! c»utei« t«» • tery mi*» jeiable leeli v whenllM j»«*lol wan |Hil i i my ha'id l>\-Er»kine. '[lie etnU denuekc uf the uliole matter Intl j scarcely lelt tun room for | til n>«r. Vi-ion- ot 4 face that I lor I !e I I:.-tier Hian all e : ae in tlte world I liauiile.| iue in a huuliTii I'leading wa* a 'in: 111: he next three u.inntei lliat followed. ] thought of the : ny, t»o, taal nty tc inily wouhl led jon thr inorrW, it the news ot uijr I death were to reach ttteta in their, quiet country home, /fay death! Great (;*■!! was I tadie like tlii?— i •not iiowit for tne uicre obedience t« a tyrant.ou* murial code that in mv heart i ha I alway« de-piked and hat-.' ed ? Well, bi|)c of lite was with* in,me to flic lust. God help u»e, God help Iter, il " Krskiue'a voice hail spoken the first word of signal. AIII somehow (hat monosyUtile wrought a change in mt feeling's— added * force to my aim and a courage to mylieart, flut I had wholly despaired of expuiiencing. ' Two."' I wheeled half round toward my opponent. The pi»to! was clutched in mv hand, now, with * giiitp of Heel. 1 ww uo interior uiark«u.Mn at ordinary times. I felt that io» aim would He deadly uow. " Three." 1 stood face to face with my op|w» no lit. "Fire." Both pistol*, diseliarged simultane ously, made .me sharp report. vVaa 1 aulinri? 1 moved u.v limbs ■lightly ; feeling no paiu in any ot tliem. ly opponent, seen faintly throng li a eland of «ii»oke, w.»« standing ereel —uninjured, pemaps like ni\selt. And yet mv aiiu had becu suit;; or. at lear-t, I fancied mi. Suddenly George Erakinc's Toioe -ouiided at my si e, rained to a tone ot the Hiu«r extraordinary lou.lne*': "Three ebeer* for A'ed Sienifortii! He has sto jd Uie teat Vavely." I looked about me in ntter bewild erment while t ie che>r* were given elainerooily troin etrerjr aide. "Kor heaven'* sake," I said, laming toward Er kine. wli.u do,is ii>ia singular behavior mean on tlw part «f your«c>l and the other mem Dec*? What have 1 done to deterve this enMio«ia»iu? Oufge me b» ex plaining." "Tlut 'aak is mine," said .lie roioe of Rivera, a* he approached to wlierr 1 stv*d. "I have been ac ring t. pari iO-uiglit, Mr. 8 ;er,ief.»rtb. wltich I assure you *U a moit disagreeable one. Tbi* evening'* entire perform ance may be summed up in '.wo word* —your initiation. I'ei-ha.i* you can now understand why it i« that tli" L Club is no diffi tilt to enter. The men who fail to stand Hie te«t pa ii|M*n you tbia evening tail in becom ing member*. The secr*#v f our jiuiailoii ayelem is nothing mnaika ibie. Those who have experienced i tci/hout aftetward booming mem ybert are not tiieone* to inform smioty lot tlieir inability t>» 'stainl dir.' M.«r» i tiflcation u-uillv kee|>* them siicnt. I A.id now," continued itiv«r*. extrud ing hi* baud, ' I trust that an ajioiug. tor tbe ridiculous iu>.ult* I buried ut veu tiiis evening will i»e fully a:cepi rd. Let the ffiiole mst.er, like tie charge ot tlioae bullet less pistol* me fju/lit wilt., end in—smoke." Ho ottered nic a cigar. I accepted it, and Ills extended hand likewise, a.id *« ended aiy first evening at tlie L Club. THB BE: >iAL C'VLOMS. —Tll« fulifl account* of tfre cylooe, which on the 3Ut of 'fcWUT »wcj>t up the en**? of the limy of Beiifal, prove si* it ffu even more diaastroua in in .•Ifu.'t* th*« the ti'*t dtajiatdca ie . *crib«-d. *i great »*>•, U> tb« Urjiiii ia liny pl.tcea of twenty feet, awept over the clutter 0/ Ulauda to tiia eaatuard of the wou'lm of the entirely aubuieigittg tiiefu anJ »l>o the main laud ior miles inland. Two thirds of tiio JK>I>UI»UOII wore deainy 'ad. The ialanda alone were inhabited by three or four hundred thouaaiid people. To add to the horrors of till calamity, the puirifying of the dead budiea ia bleeding cholera, ef which a g'-neral outbreak ia feared. Thu Itengal cyclone UJU»I be remembered aa one of the moat awful in iU . fIV-cU of anv of which we have the rec ord. An old lady bearing of s'pedea* train's "great feat," wondered why they dida't 1 nteffere with bis fast walking. Robbers in Lincoln's Tomb. THE ATTifMPi' TO STfiAL I ?IS MAKITRBIJ I'ttEilDE.x L'.i KtiMAINS. TH* VAIDAI.k SJf \[>tWKl> ASIt FBIUUT ■NEB i**V IV t>K TICTIItv [Special I oflhr kv., ;J ] Cnii'AUO, November IS—U.e j,|. rent ot two of the participant* ,11 tb recent attempted deaec ration f th« t.inb of Abraliam lincoln has broufkt I to light the history of a scheme Uji | paralleled in (lie history of criwe. The parti** arretted are Jack Mnl | lii».->, aliaa Terence, an I one a notorious counterfeiter, who lia* followed tin butiue.-* tfoce»- f»i 11v (or the pant trii >ear* or uioi* I'lMfjr e*pect*d in tbe (ii .t place to Mfiue froiu tile Mouiiiueui Afcaooia li jii, if unt from the (.•overniurnt, u !» ge h iii ul niout-y, and obtain, in tbe scC .U'i place, the piirdou it tbt , notorious Alrn Uuyd, iww nerving out .1 sentence of ten yearn in t'ie aolicl I'riaon. The deu kep. by Mullin.t and Corneliona, bin partner, in this city, in known «« tbe "Hub," and geitt-ndy believed to lie til# resort of counterfeiters and other denperatu I characters. Thin place Detective Syr ltd 1, of ike \be United Sites Secret Service,had under surveillance and, in order to aacert.in who made lie "Hub" a resoit, lie called to hia asaiitjuie "a ro|»er" l»y the nxine o' ■**eghvi. For »>aie tiiue Mull in* and Hu c bes fought »by of Swegles, but U.iklly adiu.ted hi in to Confidence aft«r be I'eutr*. Station tl.at the yoeth tmn nr .if »!ie grnatemt korar-tkieVeh in tbe country, ilaviug obtain* ! j this* asturanee they commenced *o;iudiiig Sweden, and finally iutrukt eu buu with TIIK PtXiT. Having fully tested Sweglea, an they believed, and diMiiiinaed ull rum picioiiH of hU f alty, they eventually unfolded iho.r plan u* carry »lf the e.uainn of Mr. Lincoln tiom Spring fi hi, tin.ri by u>t ■ mly r«-cure the] l>ardon of Boyd from Jo' • , but aluo I it'taiu from tbe Fed :r»l or State | lovernneiit situe 452()0,0'J1) or wore l«>r a leitirn of tbe relic*. While ipp..ret>tly lending hieitelf to t!oi plant of tbe p inspirators, Swaglea was in consultation *iib a friendly 'awyer, Mr. Deal if, through vbom tbe plo; «■» mnnnxnicated to liobcrt Lincoln, Mr. Sweft, Colonel Stuatt anl the C'bi»-f ol tje Secrvt Service at Washington. Sweglee »aa directed to go on with tbe conspirator*, and in tbe ui*«Litinie uwi«*.aiy uit**ure» would be taken t > prevent the c .*»ouj in at. on o! tbe fiendikb plot and aecme the |xrHotfk of the teuili-vi>«la.oi>. Alter many secret cuiif>jren*» t!.e coMKpirattfi-i fiually fixed ujhib eh-ction night f r t'-.e • I>KHKCn\TIUK OF THE TOMH. Ailbon/li a |M-raou had been m-i.t • down one r«*ek in «d»aiiOe to re e.iuuitre, tba acli-'oi d'jtirrd th% ,cj of a fourth man. Swelen managed to have thit ' matter left to liimvlf. He aelf>ete>l ! a man named llrtitii but the latter j wuuld Lave do with the ; biuineMi until aiiaurrd that W»» acting Ull'Jrr |>fl>|K.T ajvtee. ji 1 imviug lu-rut -d lb'- ueceaiary too;* laud arranged a plan wbcreliy | tiou* uiigbtbe ojM-ueti for t return of tlir reuuim when • i rrmri «%■> i!d 1 I* tort.icouiiug i fie |»ariy left litia ' city oir Moiidij eveuruiug ii« the;' at. Luui« tniu. I kougli so nudi-r* ■ ktaudiiig with Swejzle-. Br«'«n kivui> j ttm kworn to MulUna and Huguea, left tiir iraib at Builingiou , nii'i proceeded no farther. Having reached Springfield, during '' tiie Couike of tiie day llngii-> »ld, Swagle'a i>kid a viait to the ! an J to 'k a look at the tomb. Having \ nttu>mtJ tu M i.)iu» aud esplaiued 1 1 Low tkrn uA} was cotKned, he jr> * duced « luutfUy l«4, explaining ill*. Ik case tux i:uk't prowJ too beavv . to carry away, tu«y would buiat. I Open, double the bod; up and carry titun.fr i> the bug. Tyi-t l tail bud kept lb* would be donpolleia J constantly in view aud held d..j j conference* wilb Hwegle'k and ill. Deane. flavin# keen tbo couapira- j tore off for tiie aceue o 1 their deprt-da.' » l| tiou, h«, accompanied by Klinerj lFa>hhurue and a couple of Pink- r it i aa«rjr »teps to batfle «uik aoeurr the burgiara. in the duak, of the e»- eniug the.officer* irp*e out to Oak | Kidgn. Having sent the carriage J ' j tmjy proceeded t'j M Diiin. i 'til u'.i Out «T') Wer« lulijiitt-ii bv *• L, r *i' of tile .| m adluix.iur, I nwpai»tiout iit-rn iuhiU Sot' th« BKC«J>rM N OS' TUX BDIIIiL kR*. i Hie «i» »r i>f tie .•outaing (lie *ouih *ii(l lhal »f tbe hull in iti« rouiri > 'iird'll >u, t!,e di- anre I»cJwi>i>h i. ;4 i mi i sure I eiu . s»iue:!iii % tuore than 100 f»t. It wrv d-»su».l bj*t t„ remain iiidcK-r* and give iba robber* uosi us I their presence. A rv w»s po-tad in tbe ijiwt.iiu in titc rear with orders to report iuy uoiv lie heir ' iu Luc iuuil). A j >ut J ' cloi k tj" of b.t'l i e. r wa« Uis led into a hall and ■ to c exclaimed "All Is light." This re mark wu uiadn by Bwegle. ai..i and nerved tn announce in tbe iliat ttia |>*. iu w»re there to work, iiuj Ue« il»u cmiif to the d >or | and wan recognijt.'t by the ofllcei> Is'audiug n.tcu iu the d»rk. A Her, s»iif\iug theiuselvts 'liat all wasrigti I wiiiuu lite ball tie burglar* |ir xx'ctftil 10 the toiub. and atier imicb dittl' Uliy succeeded in •eil.-jt'. ing »■ entrance. Ojieiaiioiis were i>eguu al one by prying ,>a tb«s upper liii ot did .tul iiti'O 4 *iai ting tut uuJor one with » i ave and chisel. In t!ie uiaiuime ilk' seminal on duly in the labyrinth hearing a gri.iug sound several dud sounds as if blow* walked -ileiitly towards where the >ffiu«?rs were and whispered. Hie detective* however did lint lieur liiin and wailed lor a signal to be giveu hi Swede's 11 * slgua! was given at li>at,aud all passe.l quiei.jr. Each man hud a cocked revolver iu hi* baud, prepared to slioot. Aa lha party were turning toward the eutrance-ol' ibe tomb tlm iiaianier of a revolver accidentally le i exploded a cap,and t e the aiaro.. i'he oorglara weie od «• one*, and when Hie officer* readied (he vault no one was there. Tnc deiectivea ina'ie a caref.ii aearuii in tij« v n. i.y but the vdlaiua had uiale good Uielr e-cupe. The iu n'hle «ardo|>hu|jitN contaiuiiig (lie ca*ket sun a ' up n |H«deatal» iu the ve»tiboli Kept there to be »ee>i bv viitilor* lo the touib. i'he body reata iu a le*il ca-ket, au 1 tI,U agaiu U iu a ceder ca«t iilid the whole iu Miil:o|*iigUN. The douule liiM ef Uie latter had been |iried ofl ajd dii-Agured by the ojK-ralim. The casket it«»e:t ha-l lieeu t h'|i|>e.l and pulled out abou'. a loot froiu the aai c*>pliagu». Ou Friday last oflu.n vinUed the " 'iub," a pail goiu J, iuanie aud the leiuaiiidrr waittug at tbe door. Hughna *■ aittuig cowjiowdly in a cb«ir while Mulhns ai tended v> biutiMDM le'hiud tba bar. iiit i warn arrv%le I aud locsked up iu lh* C U tral Matiou. To-day ibev »r forwarded to hpliligtieid, wl«er.- "iey wiU have a bearing on Miu,. day. The firat iuu-i ni'-nt in - w avauuib, 'Ja,. fvoui yellow fever »'»a August 21st. iu blue wf«k» ovjr 1,2(¥) (/era-nn dia I. Tue Vo al |to|)iilatioi. is about Abr ut lS»,t»t-0 re inaui-i Iu lusnt Uie p'.agnn. Iu l)ruusai>A ti.e ituiic be/a n lattm •ud eu'Wd aiiriiif.'. V»t i.i ibuM- !>• or ux «mtkK l!) per ceut of fc.-r rcn- deut |Mpulati'.u wineawrpt a way '•What brii'iglit you to j.ri* u, un 1 coiei rd l'ritrn if'' mi 1 a v.auiug cii-r (juiiin t> • negro. i *i s*li. T ' —"Ve»; Out J ui-.w iiad til ink iug ty i« wi-'b "Ye» »«li ; ijey « iM Lof ob em -It ' j lii 1/Jiidun a Jew li.ia bwn charged wiiti tiie murder of a Jew. It i>> aiid that tiiia ik the iirkt inu- audi a t'liftg hai liaji|>iii*d. and bat tL* lasi Jew hali/ed iti Kligiand «ak : 200 veaia ago for fogery. A NotwirTi uuu bus iuteu'«d * ■ujcbiue w.lncL will turn uut tiitj t>ro'»tu4ijnriMi • iniuutn. It wi!l I« patent*! umler (lie uau.e "di#c jur u> uiatiiuiouy " '•lf huiitb undertakes to |iuli in) •aim,' 1 Jours, "he will ju»t bail Itu Land* full, ' 'i faa cj-ouc looked at tb« uiau'v o»rn, and thought WJ tod. Niiirly cvm y wan Wll* l»i» wif t.itrr ia aroUier ntim til taw who dmtgly reaeuiUes liiiu, and »bo u I loou*. ''J>id yon do no:birig to reaiiscitati the boilv?" »k« leo-jitjy naked of • witness at a coroner'* inquest. * Yea, air; wd aettichv-i hia pockets," was toe redly. S ,Anold maid—A woman that's bera made a long time- " » >|| NO, 40 I rag ip Crowning Glory IT FT >•".TIOME Sewing Machine i— ~■— - C 2 WAS A WARDED THE .. .. 'J First Premium A\ C«ot*!iol»l EiUlMlion, 1876, aud liw •lw*y» carried off the highest kwuttrt •b«r«v«r exhibited. A Com|>«ct, Simple, Durable, Running and Efi cient ''Lock Stitcli" M*cliia« t ti thb wiatj e! E very b 9 fly. No Homo Co«tt|>let« Without Oue. Emphatic.il y tho Machine Co: the Peo ple! 'Warranted for five years! b»ud fur price* md «aa>)i!m of work done on tfcc U JUJC, erciil it mj o! our offices. JOHNSON, CLA3K & CO., 30 Uuiou Sq'im e, N. Y. ¥1 8o;i:b Klf Jj Street, Bt. Look, Mo. VH W*x)iiii£lua Si/tet, l»«4tnu. Mans. 11l Slut* Klreet, Chicago, Illij'iU. 11l % bee«wJ Aveuue, PitUbur e 'h, Pa.. IT N'« MiMKuaicry Street, Hail Fran cltco, IV.lljrutiu RALIIIGH Boot & Shoe Stcre. (,E.\ IS' LADJit* MIS.SES' ■■4 HiKmo Ui all»tyl«», »uil of tbe beet quality an luaac at u«e LtK'EI r fIUI SH. > ]>'• t 11. IttfH Et ulwavt jii hand. C D HI ART OMAN* i~N UATT LB. j AOCSTS Vr ANTKJ»tor*n*»«e?«e/town md countv U> tbr lor ■ tk Vi ottn.u in it tittle!" ! one (*' tli*' uio*t iiilcwJv i 1 'ereMlmr bo#,k | ever p-jtsii* cj. U .1.5 Ums U c anil txploiw I «l>.it Horn 1 Cu!>rJ (C. S A.) or ' Mai w»"! L. »i.' No ißlawlfitoo .***■*. ever putlUlx'ti I .» .fftr*'l ti * chancea ! tb» oue *«•« It" »Il* awake to !iui*ciuvuer »nd »' urriloij la Milt* (..text up very' ! >• t!i-»-« who rtt'ira I cH'iuviu* fvf It u. ill uiiiiv a. p catim. ' w,u "" d M A 7, A wt i.. j VEiJkWJtEZ, ! A,-ru! f'lr t.wu C.tfc/itifc. i-Wc-s t»innsje ' U~t« I ' oriw-r Wiu..iL„: -u r:id l«U »t », i oat I'i'H k IruUi lie V.. ill).*, fialeigU ■ S Cheap L'eucc ! If* Tfce » ri .; b «igfct £t pttea i liui lor n v j****_ i-* iJ c -lal}, otic ,J t »«le. Wv.uf'jip u*4 farm rl|Cat» rtieau i lie ft it?" »»u-t t»r ***n to be uuucr*looa- V% f *TK * lli*-'*' I lii I i w s"Od lLiL£ ll Mir# unc bat. 01 iutc i. ii u .i!*r. i ill un ut ufiniuui ind *:*' /- u ' ' *iAiioi» checr iuil) lirineii in vxsikui* wine* it . .trito ai* " ,U ' lt ' H'. v ALfcWCIiT. i . u. M. n*,y. „ «.a .1 ii til*.. loii '' L New Wrtrg JStore Du. j. b. MUi.rnv rwp«»t(ully auuouiicea to lb* public ihf mm* uioiiiiK Ir.w W» N»w 4'iii|j ••«. ba baa (treaily ';-uri*i>aa«». -ud tliak h-i «» Mm> baid titoc* be will «EIX VERY l-OW. .lluuMt evarjlbiiig *» k»l» ,V n tb * ut tbe i>uUk u»a»U» «•» !..e to H,c line ot tirui;*, ipitlictuia, clitaiiraU, dja *l'l rl»a bl» iwmsal attention U. pie« . a'» "«»►. a COlU i>ou>mUu|( luidit'iliea-.' ~ The DMtrootKe of tbe | ul.llt Ja i»ceittiil> "C'tk-iUrd- i»ww» *Wi t« fcpiired, to k*p cm hand frrth unit yvrt wmtrni. KVKMER3 TOU need hEAFEES nutl MOW EEs, and you need U* bfisT and u> get TUk uEaT be certain to the CHAMPION For term* tddreM ÜBO. A. OnbiU "• C. *«•>. > » .1 •« * *a

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