THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. VOL. 2, TilE GLEANER. fUBLISUED WEEKLY BT E. S. PARKE R I CSrnliniii, N. C, Kate* oj Subscription. Pn.itnye Paid : One Year *1 50 fix Months T5 Throe Mouths 5o Every person sendine us a club of ten »übseriiiers with tlio cash, entitles li'msclf to one eopv free, for the leairtli of time for wnich the cl lb is made up. Papers seat to different o.iices. Yo Departure fi'VH th>. Cn'i. Sj.':>n Ku;-« of 1 > Transient n«*n: ;•« able in sil van l-b ; yearly cil»e ii&e.ji*jit> ipiarterly in advance 1 in. (! w- S i:i. : t! ra. ; 12 m. J Hi, .re « «' r • vtif '. « 1..0 ft'l 0 •: SMI -A) fi 0C 10 00! 15 0 fnln«tent advrtiseir.ent" £1 per «-ria I - ■ fir t nti'l ll.'ty cent. fir each mie it luserti.m. THIS PAPER IS OK FILE WITH *her« Advertising Contract* can be mad* A FLORENCE Sewus-r Tfacklnc Will in»ke » »t:eh »l;ke on both sides ii ha ii revU pu it is made ol tine c . c J J. .fdeUCri bVJtI. ll .iA. DO COgtl, CAllti. UJ J fc, t to got ouiol oi d« r, lias a a lf. tcuriou it Aihtvo iroui light to iiea \y ! i o.ic, A. id to ail lamm fte'dl.ih, i in the prctljopt mac mm- made,ami runs vi ij. , i« a ut —ir dllUObt UOlMjit'bb, ttiiU ib jllbt Wl.Ut e1 v*y oa&lii to have iUe use ol I i. eau »>e .caiiijd Iroui llie book i. 14> each iaaehiue. Ami it can be had ou ' i;. .aiiy it ueeired. Wn also Ji. a aew. Zt ..Nil |tr vfrfht-aij w»i k, V*: t ]ch ait aido be Übed oa flue work. Hi ; >i.uc siiclitb per iniuulc uaciuieib wiuaoHuil to Older a Hoi u. at Oiiee. iln luudi cub ol the Floreuce Qovv iu use i • t * >T. t i l ,JIMIO tin U-i.US.aud UiUl Ola j . apj rcviatc a oil. i tre..» a..-i buk couMuaiiji oil iiauu loi a . iCJ» -iiid eeui uiau toaay part 01 ilc »i s* a*e ai»o ü b cut ioi iue in C li F O II D Fau ttf K tlliai JI > t b | »'l upon Wiiicli J0 ( W)0 stloUcs may be knit pes | minute, and troui lliirty to forty pairs of i s.icks a..y be knit per day, complete without | seam, as..: perfect titci and toe. Hoods. >tovus, iSiiiwis Scarfs, Heading j Aa'., uia. bu k.nt upou tiie " vVoinan's Help and lUe loss tUaa half tuc coinmo kr.ittaj.-. only. SSM. t'oi res " .iduace solicited iu relation toeith- | ei tiie a mer or dewing Macmue and samp | ks oi w iii sent when requested. All orders > by m.u: ivill receive prompt attention And' mutinies shipped to any part of the Slate. A e ant wanted iu every county. Au dress F. 0, tIARTLAND, Ueueral Agent. Oreeiitlsi'o CLXL 3CII ) JL. Gkaiiam, N. C. The nr.x: si-KBion of this school t.vijht hy the uiiders'.: ucd will coii-.inence on the 1 Tin of July n..{. Terms as heretofore. HajO «3.0j and 00 per montli The obji Ci in this school is to prepare pu pils for oruiuary business.—teacninc in the hen schools, or for the l'rchUruau ni mo in College. « KEY. A.-yRRIE —., —-2—. j II A.NOEIX; J ailor.4Sgp© Cutting end making done In the latest j rtjSu* an{ * ni'-st desirable manner. » .Tr e kee l" constantly on hand. Saiaplek ! if,," I '* 'oods for gentlcm«ns wear; ana i*ni or.e. according to selection oI customers.— Al«o lament for the sale ol the Singer SgSff*""- h ° l> in tlle °' d postoflc. -Or*ham X. C IFiioso was-theguilt. Ellis Tremayue laid his folk down with » gesture halt of iinpajiecc, h.ilt of inscouragement, and a frown ihat liud no business on I lie l»rehead (.f a six mouth's married man, the iiuss band ol tiie prettiest of women, CJI» rugated his handsome white lore* head. "Yoti scein to have not the slightest appreeiatioh of aflairs, Effle I have explained time and again tliat 1 atu living u|> to my income—not saving a penny—and yet you still persist in demanding money for a very irifle I that takes your laucv." j Ellis Tieui.iyne suoke more di»c:iss I iycly than Ettic had ever beard l.iiu. and she mentally rowed him horribly : j eros.x, and parted lier]red lips and i haned back in her chair with a Y*rv I aggrieved look on her lovely /ace. i And \ et it was lovely. | Mi Treuiavne thought totnat >-aine j : ni iiiieat as he looked at the delicate I j piuk-mnl-6iiow complexion, ai ii the 1 I large dark blue eyes that iiad played j such mad havoc with his heart a year j ai-ci—and the full, exquisi e lip* that i had only seemed made Ibt'eiuiles ai d J ! kisses then, that now were rapidlf I consummating their task of discover* ! ing the clay feet of his idol—that now j I were paning to utter words je knew were coining, that did come. "\ou#rc just as mean am| cross as can be! What'® the use of living at all if yon can't have what you want—if you can't have thing* like other peo-r pie? l.tell you IUo tuink you might let uie have som" money this morn-, ing: 1 need li most awfully.'' Her blue e\es certainly looked pleading enough to give entire ere • dence to assertions "l am .ihiiosi -tn opted to say that cauno: be tru••, EtE •,since it was onl» a w ek uto jb hande-* yon tw mii, . o pouo-.o a sum amply siuii icntfor even t!io most inexperi enced -tieanc to", which to keep a lauiii.t or two." l>arker frowns were gathering on Treinayne's fore!.cad, but Ellie only | answered with a sneei : ' Twenty-live pounds! Ve* speak as it were a lortuue. 1 tell you, Kliis 1 mast have things like—like other people. How on earth do you* sups pose 4 loel when Mrs. Codditigiou or .Hiss Bcllburu oalls for'ine to dfi/e " earing their elegant carriage cus tuines, and I in the same Ires# 1 ap pear in iu the street w at church?'' 1 iciiMVue smiled contemptuous ly, "S'i vou ii >pc to rival the wife of a injllioanaire and the onlv daughter ol a wealthy banker, do you?—you, the wife oi a cashier at Wiugtield & S >ns, on -even htin .red a year? Effin have nothing to do with women who are, unconsciously, perhaps, sowing seeds of disci m leu t and extravagance iu your iie.iii," "I an. neither nor extravagant, Ellis—you shall not saj si. iiut i must have some nuii'iy to {•iu a new suit. Oil, lidis, sucn a heavenly shade ol pru.e, and you know 1 call ,ve«r so * ell «ne panic alar Saade. Hoiie»tiy, I, haven't a 'dress to wciV to Mrs. Lamar's recep* tion." Ellis ate his egg with very little : show of sittistactioii, and his silence ; \vnil bitter thoughts Were rushiuo | through his inind, w u taken by £.lH.j j ns a *ign of eons nt, j 6>he was not bli»iV iu pressing her ; advantage. •'lt won't cost over twenty pounds j Ellis—ver\ reasonable indeed, for 1 1 shall make it nearly all myself, and 1 j am sure jon can't be displease I at i '.hat. Then say 'yes,' won't you.; bills dear? ' A settled, while look CHOC around , his han(|#ot||c i)ioutl|. •'lf you care more for show at.d line clothes than Jor my respect and the consciousness that you are an, econom cat, pru lent wife wli > is help ing her husband save instead ol almost goading him iuto debt, you can have i the money." ' I Her eyes flashed as delightedly a* a i child's over s new toy. blie had ac conip'isher her desire, and his cold, | yet touching words had fallen unheed ed before that ''You can have /he money." She sprang from her «huir behind th*cofl".e, urn. sod threw her afrius around his neck kiss ug his handsome worrjed forehead. "Vou dar ing 1 I knew you would nut My 'Mo" for all you read me such a lecture on economy. Really, Ellis, when yyit how lovelv I shall look (iRAHAM, X- C„ TUESDAY, .'DECEMBER 12 1876 in li2 \ new silk,you will not the money, will you? You like to see I nm look a> pretty as / used to before wo were married, don't you? Amj you're not angry, dear? Ton do love me?" Her sweet, girlish face «I 1 alight with happy enthu*ias'ii, her blue eves dancing with such I onesi delight.her t smooth cheek lying against his, and her daitt'v little hand stroking his whiskers, of course Kllis hiiil down his napkin and pushed back from the table and kissed her. j She was his wife—sweet, pretfv, j delicate as a yionntainfiiiiik. and he loved her— loved her dearly, trulv, a. jin the dayS when he had won her, thinking what a raic fljwer she : was. He loved her. and was willing, es | anxious (o increase her by , j every honest means in his power— ' ; only, Effie, wa» extravagant and mi- ; reasonable iu her demand for dress and style that were beyond the ra-! pahi.ities «»f the well-salaried 111411 that he was. So now he kissi.l her tenderly, and ! then took out his purse ahd laid uj bank-ijole on the table cloth. '■There's your iie.v silk, dear,— max I you enjoy ii." His forbidding maimer ha I so! entirely disappeared, thai ElB :'s heai t was encouraged to undertake another pet plan, So as she demurely folded tli- note awav in her pret'y .it 'e crimson Russia jiocket-iiook, she began, so quietly that EIJ.s was quite captured bv storm — '•1 was wouderi.ig if it would not be a good plan if wo shut up the . House for August, dear, and wen; somewhere. It will do \ou so much good. I'm sure, and there will be iiu expenses here while we're awui CnU't we go to llasiiugs?'' She opened the battery very suddenly, almost staggering Trc mavue. "Oli, Effie, no. It jwould involve a larger expense, leu iimes, than il costs at home.'' Then seeing ihal well-known, marlyr-likc expression settling on her face that always drove him to desperation, he added, l.astih "11 roil can manage it, go yourself. I dare say some of your lashionahle Irieuds will chaperon vou." "Oh, may I, mat I, really? Indeed I will manage ii! I don't used mam new things, lin sure. 1 have enough l« r the silk, and with a little more. 1 can easily net what I absolute!) need. Eliis vou are a dar ling." He laughed—not vcrv joyous ly •'I am glad \ou so. Well I'm ofl." Two hour* later, Mrs. Ertle Tre limine, dressed iu an unexceptional biy el gitut walking costume,, started out on her -hopping tour, to liiee, at the silk counter Mis. &odfre> Cod diugton, carelessly tossing over nut pieces d" e\ eiiina' silk - "I am so delighted to have your ta»te on my new sils«, my dear Sirs. Treuiayne. Do tell ine which \ou prefer, the salmon, or tho pearl-hlue, in-this sunnier pink? I intend to have a couple of them for Hast ings." iia-lings! Mrs, Trcinayue's cheeks glow ed. i hope to see you at the shore. Mis. Codding.on, and in either this exijuisiie maize or silver pink." "to yon wi|l be there? Do join our parly—only (jodliey anil sister Blanche ami Nellie iielbtiru* and I —lor next Thursday week. Have you engaged room j ? (f'liat shall you get now. it was certainly very delightful to be talked lo thu«, b it once home, there occurred little qualius of con science, a-, very, vcrv giadtiaily, she felt her-ell drawn in... arrangements she knew were lar beyond her reach. And vet she consented to Mr*. Codltington's kind oil :r that Mr. Coddinjfton should secure rooms for her with his party. She made up her mind tint the elegant stock ol clothes that two hours ago s!.e thought needed only a lilt! reuovaiiou and a small addition to make it all that was necessary, would | not do at all. And so, betides the money h«r husband had given he: being spent in the dozen and one trifling access ors that a well dr. s»ed toilet drtnauds there was foi led away iu a seldom used compartment of Mrs Treuiavne* poeke.t-b'ok an unreceipted bill for fitly pound-, made out to Mr. Ellis 'l'rt uinvne. 1 flic s blue eyes were dancing and ciieeks flushed when she \\a» let doun wiili her parcels Iroiu Mrs. Co(!dit»;|oii'B caniage at her door. Sliehadiiine and to spare before Ellis came iu to the five lAidock din tier t'> look over I er purchi:- », that alter ali. seemed v.-ry few and small considering that horrid bill in hei pocket-book, that shedrsatle.l (.. «h*>w her husband for nil the flushed gaieii ol her manner. ••Ah, is there any need to tell him now?" she lea-oned, while* she re- moved her walking suit, and donned * lovclj black (issue. "Not tin slightest Use to tell him before I go away. He'/l onlv make a liiss and Ido i.ale a l'.i-«. Be-id -'s, after 1 'ii home again, per.aps 1 can save it out .I ihe house inoiis ev." •So kite quisled her cou-tciuiiee « iiii liiu h petullv specious p«\>ih;«es, ami lie next day. liidiu,; it impossible 10 get read) by herself in time to go wiili Mrs CoddingtouV partv, WM« obliged to employ the services of a igli priced tin s-iii iki*r. wliose bill li»r her work she tu.ked away in her T lOl'ket-l»o k aIKO, and thus swelled lie indebtedness ol bur bus* build to be when she rot unit ed. Ab wben she returned. It slu bad only know n, us she kissed bar daintily-kidded Imnd to her hutbaud. as lie Stood watching ber oft rtiib a look in bis eyes that was min gled love, slerniifi.,#, priile, annoyance .nid worry • • • • One of ibe prettiest women, at the eanide, and certainly tbe best dressed She luu-t be a banker's wile, at tbe •east. \V|io did you »sy you under wit Mxi ill*) was?'' Old Air. Wingtield put up his eye-glass as Mm. Treniavne passed by, iaii to sea a- a lily, in ber carriage truss ol tender cream tint, with her tiioe covered,, pink-lined parasol making faint rosy Hliades oil her clear oloiido face and brilliant g#lden I dr. "She is a Mrs. Ellis Tremuyne, from London, wflli tbe C'oddiiigtons, I believe, and putting up at tbe Pa rade. A regular beautv, isn' lie?" Mr. Wiugficld put his e/e-glasg slowly back, staring after the Cods itiiiKton carriage. "Mrs. Ellis Tremavne? 4 suppose ber husband is here?" '•Not tliat 1 k :ow ot. Indeed, 1 'hint i heard you|rn say he •wt-unable to leave bis bu»iue>—i nook keeper or some! 11l ug 1 believe fti afninin lbe citv." Mr. Wiiiglleld arose from hischiir •villi an odd smile on his face. r "Mrs. Iremayiie must ei.her be uiistiess o| ibe wonderful econ-miy ol uiaAinu' a pound travel both w;a\ s >r el-tc ——" A boy with a yellow envelope lapped liiIII mi the arm. "Ob a telegram from my ton, 1 presume. Wi it a minute. He deliberately adjusted hi* glasses and then opened tbo di«-» patch. •'Come at once. Everything traced to T. "Jas Wingfif.i.u." And as he returned th j lo llie envelope be looked u|> l see Mr* Truinavne dadiiug bv nyiin, her lace i.ulicut with pleasure ail I exoi.einenl at Uelburn talked ai.d laughed with her, • • • • • The pmty lit tin home see net) so lonely uud li berie I afier Etfle bad t'one, EIIU Tiemavne llitew -tiinielf wearily on the lounge in her loudior his face weariii„ ol marks ol strange couluried diss WMtrsgemeiit a,id excitement. F»r an nour or two lie lay there his eyesßinsed hln tlgure tuo iloulcs an I then ho sroiH! wjtn a half gruun ot menial distress. ' • "This will never do. 1 shall go mad ild»iay here wiih only uiy thoughts for " - lie had gone over to tha little ilrc»*ing-boreea carelessly taking up twe Utile pieces of pa;er that Effl.: had eutirely forgoiien to bide and a pallor even more marked tbin his Ute deathly paleness overspread hi" (ace as he saw the twe formidable bills. Tin II something very like an oath critic from his set of lee'b. "My temptation be on her head— m\- " Hi sprang suddenly to his ffeot as the ricor V eil pealed imp rioi:«lv and listened with ro ordinary rurio-iiv a« a msn's vo-'ce demanded to see Mr. Ellis Tr may lie and he !• rd the serva>t usher his ccmpany into the d rawingaiooin. Then he went slowlv, slowlv down stairs Into die presence of Mr Wing flch' and % i. flUcer. "Mr. Tremayne you arn discovered iu your neaf svsHiu of embozzleinent. Officer " Ellis slfp|>edJ.HUghtillv bark. "Que niotne t, gentlemen ff you ! please. Mr Wiiiificl lam discover od. Twenty four Inuirs later I lvould have been beyond pursuitas it J is wnat is the ilifTereube between n,) hunted li tw abroad or—this?" j Q lick a a (lash the pistol gleamed I in the g»s ligbi. A report alheavi tall that thundered 'hrouirh the l:ou-c like a doom, and ! the biiHband of a woman that was too > iiiiwoinanly to heal Iter -hare in (he j burden ol life —the woman enjoiiuifl her briel hour of pleasure on the | sunlit ocean shore— the woman j who had it inher power a' all who arc wives to have to: goad ' distinction In some torm or am.(hurl Ibis husband who was less wicked! than weak went to his rewaid. And, who shall say whose was the I t'Uili? f Hers or not who knelt and sobbed over his i|ead face and tided to reason into silence an inner voice Ihat -efuseif to be still. Sister wives bo yon careful lest although your hearts are not stained with a crime like this—and many u wiles bund and heart are thus redeemed to day—be careful always • bat i lays not at your d»or that your husband lose all their faith and trust in woman# sacred vow as well as bl.ssed privilege to share eag« rh iu their economies and many pcitv gritveuee* that troub'ei is riot accepted iu lue spirit of,patience love and forbeareuco uro the little vexes that destroy tbo vine beyond tbe hope of recoveao. One Cow a Mini OF Wealtii. — The history of the short horn c««w, Duobeas etiih, which was sold in 18(53, Ht Earl Ducie'ssu • in England, to (Joloii-I M irrif, ,f ForUam, fur 70U guineas, or $3,676, is remarkable s« showing ihe actuil vulue of one good breeding animal. Kroui this cow, ■ which w.".h calved jn Novi-tuoor, 1658, there may be teheed iu direct' uom em ft number of auiuial* which have sold for about $500,000. it be admit te 1 (hat an in noli of thi* vuJue as iimv bo I* dp|H'(iditig on fmicy or rich blp«dejs, Ril l it, 1,,t lb , iu-rin ic »aiu!- of t lie beef niiJ milk produced yet no win! t in i>«l]> adnuiting thatau immctme vultie, estimated in these aloue, bus accrued to the world frou. tlrts cow ; *jtd in propoi turn tbu. value iuay be estimated dm profit to a breeder train any superi r animal he may produce. A line of breedit>, animals u brought into existence wiiich spreads out f*r like, and di verge* year by year wider and wider, until we can no longer ieaeh tin, bounda of til-! beut'licial influence. It w in this that lie* the value of auv guod aniioal, an 1 k u unfair 'dispart agviiient t«> coiiline its valuii u» the weigk. of meat u|x)ii iU tareas*, nr its produce in milk and butter. The breeder who ptoditced % superior animal arts in motion an impulse which unut iu lime, spread and in crease enormously, an I far Uyoiid Computation. —American Aj icultu raliit. - Th« Ciiampiov Li a a or Tvxas.- - The champion liar of the .State is in out county jail, A kind hearted clergy mau asked him how he CtUls to be in there. The fillow said, with | tears iu his eyes, that he coming booie from prayer ineeting, and . sal | down to rest, fell asleep, and while he was asleep tbefu tks county built the jail around him, and when he awoke the jailor refused to let him out. There are iodictineuta against him in every county west of the Guadalupe, and lie has already served out one term at JluHtsviJle. NO, 41 I'pof.wity.— A corioftpojitlent #f a medical iw« ' r -ind in Sknlf, An ! zera, r *»ti!iiii« . tub tjiat oetnrrwj j n a vj'Tiire in DHroise, wl ere dweJJs i uaeivt.atefnainod Helsir. } I I:" II iui>.terof tbiit vilJag. rue day received » c»ll fri ni a^soWirr and a blu.-hiug Uiuid, who w>sln-d to bo married at. rneo. On being asked for tb« iritrriage license, the ;, bov in. blue" decLm-d he h.iti uone, and, moreover, tU«t he needed none, as lie Lad kuoxu tLe girl for four years and tkey liket\ ea th other, *id ('it'n't wsi t litewecf periiiiekiun from anv one. Ibe clergyn. v»i assured hini tl at »> it Lout s licence hteouUi not perform ihe ctreuionv. ihe lover entreated wiihout avail, when tbeparaou rather irnpatiently icu'.rked: j... ■'Vow had better take the girl and go to Helistr." "Qj to bell yourself, sii !" wa „ t|, u ivp . And lie couple indignantly •eval d the pr» mines." with the con vicuon that prof i t. waa not l.v anv Qiv-uii ■» coiiliut'd U>. thenar my. THK l Divs. A' I..> 1 at Dm men, - Prus, «ia, the longest day lias sixteen and a half hours j at" Stockholm, Sweden, the longest day has eighteen and a half hours; at. Hamburg, in Oernianv, and DanUie, in Prussia, the longest day has seventeen hours, and tie shorteut seven hours; at St. Peters, burg, in Russia, and Tobol.-.k, in Xibeiia, the longett ilay has nineteen hours, ami the ahoi'test 6ve hours) at Tomes, in Finland, the longent day baa twenty one liuufa and a ", and the Nhortest two hours and a half; at Waruhuyg, in Norwav, the day lasts from tk« 4 2Ut of May to the 2Jud of July, without iutnrrufHioii, and at Spitsbergen the longest day istlhr o aud a halfniomhs; at New York, the longest day, June the 10th, has fonr- teen hours ami fifty-six minute*, mid Ht Montreal fifteen and a half bourn. \VAIHNG,FOIi I'lll£_ RESULT. The Unrling»ou (Iowa) Hawk*y« MVB : a ,l \Vlieu (lie agony in over what a tremendous lot of boni"!f« men will be welcomed to the boauin of their families. There i* one lone ' tyurlingtjn woman who hasn't aeon her hunhand since Tucaiay infilling Arid the aitaj all day long and doze* «11 night in a cauip chair bthind the hall door, taking her meal* in hiT Lip and holding a bane bull club between her kneea. Two reportei* and a poiic -n an, iu ambisah belli i d the bmfth feme, await the return of the prodigal with mora emotion and anxiety than that abaeut man wait* for the election re turn*." Old Mr. Thorp wont into the paf> lor tie other night at the witching hour of a quarter to twelve o'clock ami toiiud the room uulighied aud every dear friend one of dual lor.ii oj ! garineutiire Variety,occupying the te* te»e-telclii therorner. '•EvmiKelcne," the old man naiil •tt-rnly, -'(hi* i* *e*n» daloii*. "Vea papa," alio aomverel •weetlv it* cande|em bri aune tinset I are *o hard ami light* co»u *o much , that Ferdinand a;id I *ald we wloud | Irv and get along wiiti Ju»t the stai ! light. And the old gentleman turud aUiat in »[»ee;lile*« amazement end tiieil io walkout 01 ihe room through a panel iu the wall paper. ; 4- A party of belated gentlemen, about a certain hour, begun think of home aud wive*' displeasure, aud urged a departure.—"Never mind," •aid on«» ot the g»e*t«; "fifteen roin- Utea will make no difTereliee— my wife uow ia a* mad aa »!u car, W. w : 111 1 w . Home Sentinel: —"TJji* Louisiana bndaen ia pri*ertio£ the UIQI*I* apd humanity of tbe nation, A Rome 4f* cat laat week teturned a count of ••even kitten*, and then tire lady of tbe houae assumed miniaterial and clerical pow«ra, and threw *Lx of them t