THE ALAMANCE GLEANER VOL. 2. THE GLEANER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY E. S. PAR KE R . .j. ..»»>» • ' Graham, IV. C, Hate* of Subscription. Postaye Paid : One Year ....:. #1.60 Six Mouths ' 5 /Viiree v....... ...."0 Every person sending us a club of ten Mibseribers with thfe cash, entitles himself to one copy free, for the length of time for which the club is made up. Papers sent to lifferent ollices. fTo JUparture from the Cash System 1 tirtii!' ot 4r«rii«iß2, Transient advertisements pr.yable in vanee; yearlj quarterly in «fva*{ee ' t hi |2 m. j* ih. \ 12 m. ~ tu-*? «••!«» 00f?4 «•'> i r>oo SlO 0 » - 300 5(1 [ 6t O 10 001 15 0 1 " Transient advertisements *1 per sqita f..r k* first, snd fifty cents for , quoit insertion. "5 #, « i i "• .»«. . • r~. •• vv_. _i__7 TTTRA PAPER IS ON FXI.B WISH •«» « r * «.- Ttt. . u.. i..a ' ♦ i I .*' . s. t NGLTSn.'.NI) Ci.'L SCHOOL. 15 fc r>- The next se-sl >n of this school taught by the undersigned will eonnm nee on the 17th of .July next. 'lVruw as heretofore. $2.00 *3.00 and Si 1 00 per ttrtmth. The olagot in Uii»-8«lu)ol is to prepare pu pil* for WdlnarF in the free schools, or for the Freshmau class in HEV.. A. OURRIE li A NOELL fgggr* Tailor.-s^s& ' ST n-4 .. Cutting and making done in the latest fashions and nio«l desirable manner. fejTHo keep* constantiy on hand Sampfef # lHt*it stvie goi»ds for gentlcmcns wear: nnd will ir«ier according to selection of totters— > . . s ~ *tsr ugent for Uie ol, tbo Singei sewing Machine. Sbop In- the old poetofllo« buildiug. «' . . ' ' Bral«in N. C • THE NEW Serai Mail WAS AWARDI:D THE FIRST PREMIUM! y.t the Centmmlr.l T?**rfljitinn, I'-T's nnd lias always carri* I flf hot U.oih;i} A wherfcvcr cxitibittJ. A cdMPABt. mtiryrr. tortor LidM UuamniiWd U't'IUENT ' LOCK Ma?:iTin'E. aCli>tei» to the TFANTB of KVKIU BODY. The HO NIK BEW|NG MACHINE was PerfrcUd eight years nincobr the aid of the fcett mvpr.tlvo talent •o'lMoclttiniml fekill. It COMUIMB ral Um K-«entUl I'arta f r CLAPS KAOHINB, is SIMPLE in COSSI BLCTION, Bfevrin* Xtatfg >:rj9»n It will I« UN for yen: Without coh-lno dUC, CFfIT OirR 1 rAtßs. In the MnnffiacLurS Crtnis MACHINE the Very Brtft TtrA&sx-tals are OSEO. The Wiauuau. HARDENED. au>d the Meeh: nisei l .i bein co>BTRUCTfciI Witlf the sprAiai of prcxluoina an ®a*y Bannintr, CURABLE, aud afinobt .. NOM*xssssil \CIILNt;, adrptcd fqually well for Ooaito or Cue TIUIEiB. COT TON, an,IT or L!N£(, , I t-EWISU (rom the J.iQhtnt Muslim M JBrtnrr Clo h and 3B 7 1£o^ , iia;- lAOM " ;E Wamfflfid 'wfFWe Years. I.IYE AGENTS wanted in localities where wo ure aot represented. Send for price*, nnd Kimplcs of work done V .J? or of puf o^lcee. Johhsok, Clark & Co., *• m% h*.«» *■* 1 80 tzrfdtt eqnare, ffewTork. * '®B4 #aJAg&riStfeet, Eetiori, l£u». j SI Sleuth C.i btroet, Bt. Low*, Mo. 17 Iw Montgonorj Ct., San Franoieco, G*L [V'roni the Raleigh News.j CAPTIOIVN, Of acts and liesolutious Passed by the Geneva\ Assemb\y Lmriny Its Session of 1875-76. . An act to amend section 4 chapter 22, of Hat tie's Ilevisal. Resolution in relation to per diem and mileage. AH ilet to validfti'e election re turns. An a tlO appeal chapter -7 of the laws ot 1.561-72, being «n Act enti tled "An act to change Sampson coun ty from the tonrlh tPtlie fifth Judicial DiMric:." Kesolniion in favor of the employ ees ol tne two Houses of the General Assembly. Resolution in regSrd tS the Public Debt. Resolution in faWi 1 of J. S. Wilcox. Siiprifl of Pasquotank couuty. ' Resolution on adjournment.'. . An Act to be entitled "All Act to prevent, throwing or shooting into | railroad cars." j An Act to be entitled "An act to j provide for the preservation of the j returns of Governor, Lieutenant Gov | ernor, and other officers mentioned in scciion '2G chapter 52, of Battle's "Revisal and for Electors of President and .Vice Presidcut. " An Act to be entitled "Ai: Act for the relief ot F.\J. Satchwell, Sherifl of Beaufort county." Resolution of inst.rliction to Joint 'Committee 011 Public Buildings and Grounds. Resolution of instruction to our Representatives in Congress. An Act to be entitled '-An Act to aiueu.l chapter 17, Battle's Re«> visal.' 1 ' '4 s • •• a"> ' a i f Resolution in relation rcf.the inau guration of Hon. Z. B. Vance. An iivi lo be entitled "An Act to pioiiioit the s-Ie of intoxicating li qu 'r» within two miles of Liberty, Concord, and Cherry llill •Jhtirchcs, Di.vij county." , ' Kf"sOlnfi»ii of instruct.ou to the Joijit Committee on Penal Institu *' » •••' 'l7/ S - • * tIOUS, « „ J,.- j.-; Resolution restive to printings the ame'iidmCnts to tlie*C#n»tituti»»n. t Restdution)n faVpi pf ,'Wj. lleckstalh, Tax XJollector ot Bcrtif cwuitfy. * iieswlution in reference to the In ternal Revenue Laws of the United States. Resolution in reference to the Wil niiji'tou and Wcldeu Railroad coinpas *r -. ♦ .. .-I 11 y. An Act 10 be eniilitled "An Act to amend section 412, chapter 17, Bat tle's Rovisal." An Atitio Ue entitled "Ail Act to receive convicts in the Penitentiary lor one year." An Aei (o be entitled "An Act snp> pieuieiital to ajsftpple njiiMl Acfd lay oil and establish the new countv of Pamlico." An n» be entitled "All Act to extend the tim'i for organization of tiie Rocky Mount Mills." Au Act lo be entitled "An Act tor the relief ot purchasers ot certain lands in Clay and Macon counties." An Act fo be entitled "An Act to prevent attempts to bnrn dwelling bouses and oilier houses." An Act to be entitled "Au Act to incorporate the town of Cameron, in the county of Moore." Au Act to be fenlitled "An Act to exempt the Chcraw and Salisbury Railroad from the provisions of au act of the General Assembly, ratified March 15th, 1875, as chaater 159 of tlic laws of 1874-75, entitled. #Au Act 111 relation to the guage of Railroads."' Au Act be entitled "Au Act to hicorporatc"t!ie Dan River Naviga tion G'oJfipiiifjr. ratified the 20th day ol March, 1875." An Act to be entitled "An Act in tavor of Madison county." An Act to ho entitled "An Ait to , provide for the registration of cer- '■ j tain deeds and other instruments of I I writing, arid to make valid the regies 1 tration of others." , Ue.-olution ou revised coustitu- j tion 40, iinttle'f Ilevisal. . A* Act' to prevent malicious injury t© piy sonublirope l ty. Au Act to indemnity Gates county for the support of certain Innatics. Resolution in tavor of Hon. R. M. Pearson and others. Resolution to raise joint committee to visit Western Insane Asylum. Resolution to require the President of the Western N. 0. Railroad Corns GRAHAM, N- C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 1876 j pany to report progress or collection of the claims against G. W. Swepson and M. S. Littlefield. An Act to be entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of certain .loads in Burke, McDowell, Mitchell, Yancy anil Caldwell counties." An act to he entitled "An Act to amend chapter 239, Laws of 1871- 70." Au Act to be entitled "An Act to make Cape Fear Hivci* a lawful fence." „ Resolution to pay public printer. Resolution regarding the unrolling and Engrossing Clerks. „ A BKfIIMCiIiNCE, ' » »• 1 it Monroe Edmunds a mail in ;he pritfte of life hail been picked out of a dry goods box liinpsf drunfc, and as he stood ou the mark he said; "Powerfid cold night, wasn't it, Judge? I thought, at oui' timi I'd have to got up and spread my tobac co box over me to keep from freezing to death." "Is this vour first time here?" ask ed the court. "Y s, sir, It air. If there is a lliemometer here by which t can sea how coltf it is?,"3 ,- v ' l Jiiver| miud the .thermometer; your caso is at zero, and that's enough for you* to take care of." "The lvason I asked about the jthcrmOmstor," continued Mr. Ed munds, "was to see how it averaged witli an experience of' mine D in Ne braska. It was the winter of 1859, and I " "Never mind any yarns," inter rupted his Houor, "what is your p!ea? : ' * 'j4"arns! Why, I'm going to tell tht/truth —the solid truth! I was otmped out 011 cross-eyed River and all of a sudden it came on colder than ten thousand hatches. I didn't—-—". "1 shall enter a plea of guilt/ • and send you up if you don't want a, trial,". «aid the coui «t » H ".*'l do want a trail, of coarse. l4t J want to know whether Pro innocentl ■or guilty, just an liad as you do.«; A3 *1 was saying, the weather* whipped j whipped around as quick as lightning and my dog Tiber, who was Room ing around, came into camp a frozen 1 c rpse. 1 set to work ." "I shall send you up days .-all the next." * "The dog was as rigid as iron,' said the prisoner, speaking louder, "and when 1 picked him up his earn broke off its if he were a glass duck. J wip- ' ed the tears—" "You c»n wipe your eyes on your , coat-tails it you want to, but tollow Bijah or I'll your sentence!' i "I'll follow Bijah, of course, but is I was saying, that poor dog was as solid as a stone hors? fblock. I laid him—beside —the—-the— The door close! and the rest of the\ story was lost to the audieuce. / J THE QUIET DUUNKAKD. "Certaiuly I was drunk," s.d'ily re plied William Parsons, "but I was very reserved about it." The officer was of.the same opin ion. He first saw William standing in the center of fMnltbet trying to maintain an uprtgßt ' position, with arms folded and feet clos« together, SO as r*ot to be in ajiVbody'a way or take. uo IOJ much room. W heu he diacovs • 1 • ■ t. .1%) '* , , ered that he onldu t stapd up he tried to lie down ou top of a hitdiing-poat and at tiiui junctuft} the officer asked hint to take a uioouliglit ramble. , ♦•Don't you know than t 0 get drunk during such" a cold, »nap?" demanded the court. "1 don't control the weather,'' whispered the prisoner. "You ought to control yourself, nt -1' " + *> * least." j.v ■ » "i do Judge I. 4o; I could jibave drank twice as milch bat 1 coutfoled [ Pfe*** «cuse this little outburst ot' enthusiasm an I send me away rejoicing."——, - ff \Vell 4 go; but I want it understood t\nt * law knows no difference between a noisy drunk and : a quiet one If you come again j you'd bettar bring lots of money and a lawyer weighing two hundred pounds." .... •' «. , Bijalu shut off judicial steam by remarking: "If that gan-j of b >yis caine down here another morning and s;rit all | over ths coalscuttle some reporter I will have an ite a about dying i contortions-"— Detroit Fin* Press. |AN APPEAL TO GOV. HAYES. r lhe Nation, "with the utmost respect," makes this appeal Lo Gov Hayc;:: "You are an honest man, in whoso life not even the fierce light of a presidential campaign has revealed a of reproach. From a tribu" ; nal, theiefore, liko tho Jjouisiana. re I turning,board compose s vely of your friends partisans, wiiose jmlicial integrity and capacity have : been already Successfully impeached; j which refuses to obey the direction o ] the law and give the opposite party 1 j even on its bench; which 1 deliberates in secret, an-l gives no reasons for its decisions; which sees I glaring frauds exposed iu its pros- j j etiee without manifesting either sur j prise or displeasure, arid wlibli noto j riouly enjoA?? no 0110 iota of confi dence iu any part of the union—from j such a tribunal you would not accept the award even of one hundred dol lars against the claim of the humblest 1 man in- America, would you? •- We i know you would not. Are you 11 >w j prepared to its hands an I office which equals any crown iu dig j nity and surpases most crowns in power and responsibility, which no man has hitherto held with a stain or suspicion resting on hi? title? Can you encounter tha terrible ordeal of j holding such a position for fjur yeais j in the face of the belief of full half the voters you Jtave obtained it Vhroygh judicial fraud chicanery?" ,AV otdd not your m holding it ,be a new an l greater misfortune to tbo, and k' source of unending dhaine and Yejientance to yourself? Should yAu allow and unsctwp* nI9US , politiciXns to override your* own noble judgement and thrust it upon ypu? do you suppose that jiu an office so won, and needing so I much |>opular respect, if not popular support, to give it either dignity or authority, you could exert any appre -1 ciable influence in liehalf of any of | the causes which you and all good j men have at heart?" The special Herald correspondent, j sent to inquire into the truth of the alleged lynching of ten negroes iu Abbeville county, which was re|>orled yesterday bv the Republicans, t«dt»- gr'aphed from that place us follows : "No lynching of negroes has taken place, either h-ire or in any of the . adjoining counties." The developments of tlio plot for the murder of t*ie whites, arising out of the pending investigator are in- 1 horrible. Lownuesvilie,- wlhcli was to be the scene of these ilVasyacres, is siiuaU.d in the North' 1 western portion ol the county, on the j Savannah River, twenty miles from ( Abbeville, mid the ».aine diotancj j Anderson. The county is rather} scarcely settled, and the negroes are i largely in the majority. The plot I proposed to kiilall the whites in the! town, and then go from house to j house iu the country. Ou the night of the murder of Alien all the roads 1 \ leading to Lowndesville were closely , picketed by aru ed negrois, one squad beiug stationed at the Presbyterian church, where Allen was murder* 1 ed. The negro nafafod Maxwell, who j was arrested and made a full cjntes sio.i, sai 1 thnt the plot had beeu j arranged fir au inditsruuiuite 1 slaughter, of the white*; that the j night of the (nurder had bjeu appoint- , ed to begin, and tliat sixty or seventy j neuroes were concerned and sworn , o J . 4 -i- - - 1 • - into the c-jnspiracy. The officers at;c 1 oeeffed in arresting oulv seventeen. The first arrested was dis covered by a wad shot from his gun, which was found near the scene of the murder of Allen. It was the margin of the Union Herald , Gov. j Chamberlain's organ, which had the negro's owu name written on it. He was at once arrested, and on this evi ! deuce urade a full confession. in the Now Jersey legislature the democrats and republicans are equal!} in the house, while the deui - crats have one majurity in tin* S"tisiie, and consequently un joint ballot. It i» rumored that the republicans will make a desperate effort to bin one or more purchasaeble democrat! assemblymen, and thus not only coi trol the organization of the house, out elect a republican wcoessor lo Sena tor Ftelinghuysen if tjlis sohenn should succeed, Secor Robeson would undoubtedly be sent to the United States senate, where Blaine and h coul I laugh t igethcr 11A congressional Mr. Frelinghuysei is sly, and has the postmasters; bu the manipulator of the Secor fraud cm give hi nine points out of ten and then win in such a game at> this. T'ie Arktins&i legislature, which convenes on the BUI of January, will elect a United Slates Senatjr to succeed Powel Clayton, republic an There is but one candidate for tin position, the present Governor, Hon- A. H. Garland, democrat, who will be elected by an almost unanimous vote, as the democratic majority m joint ballot 1S eighty-four. "I never complained of my condi tion but once," said an old mau, "when my feet were bare and had no money to buy shoes; but I met a man without feet and became con futed." Bull, Cow, and Calf are the liHiries 01 three Kentucky stream* that empty iuto the Sandy river. Foriy-tfirctf thousand immigrants have entered Texas through l)en!sr>u since April last. IN■ ■ " ""One Sirtfle for the living id -better than a dozen tears for the dead. t « -■ ..» »• The Pacific Ocean has sixteen per oent. more salt than the Atlantic. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CAT. ALOGUE Fifty pages—3oo Illustration, with Dis eription of tli.,asauds of the best Flowers and vegatables in the world and the way to grow tfwm— all for a Two CENT postage stamp. Frln ted iu German and English. Vick'n Floral Guide, Quarterly, 85 cents a year. Vick's Flower and Vcpatablc Garden, 50 cents In paper; in Jic»aut eloih covers, *I,OO. Addres , .TAMES VICK, Rochester n.Y. —... .j- VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illus trated and containing au elegant colored Ftoirer J'tate with the number. Priec only 25 cents for the year. The first No. for 1877 just issued in German and English paper 50 cents; with elegant cloth covers 91.00 Vicks Catalogue—3X) Illustrations, only 2 cents. Vicks Flower Vegetable Gardct, in paper 5J cents;with elegant cloth cover tl.oo Address, ; JA.ME.-i VICK, Kochcs terN. T. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE «GARDEN * * • • • r ■ VIC'K'H FLOIPEU AND VEGETABLE _SEEDS Vicks Catali'Urue-300 lllu-trutions Ojlt 2 cants. Vicks Floral Gnido Quarterly 25 cents a year. Vick* jFlower arid Vegetable Garden 60 cents: wrtli elegant cloth covers it.(lo Afl my ptiblieatlous are printed in Euglish and German. s JAME.S VICK, Rochester, J VICK'S FLO»WER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. Vicks Catalogue—3oo illustrations only t 2 cents, Vicks Floral Guide Quarterly 25 cents a ' year. Vic)ts flower and Vegetable Garden 50 cents: with elcgaut cloth covers 91,00. All my pnblicstious are printed in English and German. Address. ~ JAME3 VICK, Rochester. N,Y. Dr. Murphy will keep at the New Drag Bto re Company Shops, pure Kye Whiskey also pure French Brand?, Black-berry cor dial, Catawba Grape Wine, Scoppernong,- Black-berry and other wines for tmsdica •net enbj Sewing Machine OH at New Drag Store Company Shops. NO, 43 One Qnfeslion Settled. That is that we have the LARGEST ancl : HKAPEBT stock of goods we ever offered x> the people of Alamance. Our Mr. Oant, in person selected these foods, and frpm his thorough acquaintance with the wants of our people, we can safely cay that we have on hand E VEU}THING which the trade of this, and adjoihiUg counties demand, in the way of ... , .y. .. _ j. DRY-GOODS, GROCERIiiA HARD-WARE HOLLOW-WA.RE, QUEENS-WARE CUTTLERY, BOOTS. BHOES, SAD DLES, BRIi>DLEB, HARNESS, CARRIAGE, FIN DINGS, Ac., Ac., and a large stock of Kead y-m ade Clothing We biiy all kinds of country produce. « vVe thank the pnblio fjr tile gen* eroua patronage heretofore exlehded to us, and we can and «ill make it the interest of our customers to trade* . with us. Don't take our word but come and see for yourself. r- * •; ' _ . ... =_ 11 e charge nothing for showing goods. J. Q. GANT A Cd. Company Shops Dec Oth, iNational Hotel Raleigh A C BOARD s2>so PER DAY. C S Brown, Proprie tor* The table 1» surpassed by no bouse In the State. If you wish to be ptattantly and comfortable located, stop at the National, fronting the Capitol Square, The National Is located within fifty yard* of the State House, it Is the most convenient, attractive and pleasant headquarters for members of the Legislature in the city. Terms are low to suit the times, fare unsur passed, attention and acconfttfOd»Hons the best. SaUM arid Billiards in basement. Two of tlie best Tables in the • City, for the use of guests, free of chargeL Dec. 12th, 1878. Dr W. F. Bason DEHTIST.. r"'; CALLS through Post office at Gkx HAM or HAW RIVER W ill be attended ' first opportunity. f N. B. Those' wbtf wirtf i M condition of their OWit of CtfftifeEH'rf TEETH should let hb* fcritfwn with* ' out delay. Artificial teeth; ori sboVt notice. FEES; inotf6raft, (when prompt)! Nov 28. X 0 ■- .V. - • Q.KORGE W. LONG, Ji. D., MTMCUR AND aUMKM.' Graham, N ru