INS (tLF-HNSR U .. FJL2J, N. C., D\:c. 2G 1876 *. r I.tUKKIt, Kililor. AltfKT "SETTLING IT." Their is n great deal ofslrtlli-w talk going dii in riui ne * papers about Ihi* election btuiness which betrays a fundamental ignorance of t tic |»i iuciple on which our government is founded. Indeed we know ot one or two ne (vsptipers whose editors luight wi'li aiivantage rend lite (JwWTuition of lie United States. Miid|follow that with some simple elementary work wn law These able paragraph wi iters ■re always seizing the occasion to declare that tomelliiiig or other "settles it." Some Democrat whof-e heart is a little 100 warm lor the safe.y of his head mutter? threatniugs about war ami struightwav these youths ri-e up and say with oue voice: "That settles it." The souutry will never allow a p'rlv to gain control of are country that threatens war upon it." Or, ii gome such action is taken as that of ilie Covers nor of Oregon which tiieso youths think inconsistent with Ilieir slim notion oi the law, though it is the law in jfc'ngland and Indiana and Ge-v. Grover declares the law in Oregon ffity nil bounce up again and say: ••i'hal settles it. 'J he people will never allow th« country to pass under thec#utrol of a party whicd resorts to measures like that." May we venture to remind these able pai ngraphists that the campaign is over? It is n.» longer a question, is to whom the country trill entrust, the Government; the only question, to whom has the c'.uutry entrusted it? The American people have no higher duty lUan to discover to whom the votes cast at the recent election awarded , the victory. If that duty is not honestly performed and Congress joins in tho conspiracy of the Uelurniug Hoards to reverse the ballot boxjp, a crime will have been committed from which our good name as a nation will sutler for hundreds ol years, and which nill debauch and demoralize our whole people for generations to conic. And the man who does his best to make this result possible by talking flippant lousence about thia thing "settling it," or that thiug '•settling it," wlieu tha only thing that can settle it is au houest of ihe rotes commits a ciime which he will lira t« repent. No matter what may be the spirit i.i which either party meets this crisis tho party which has acbeived au honest majority of the electoral votes must be given the Presidency. Tue Democratic party has showu no such spirit as is charged againai it. When it Is remembered that an attempt has been boldly begun to cheat them out ot this victory, their forbearcnce and moderation are seeu to entitle them to a graud place iu our history. Let evary citU zeu show the same soberness ana wisdom and all will be well. Let us meet this crisis not only with a peaceful IU.IIII. but with the dignity that the ocoa&iou i.tiinands. LOtIaIANA. A Republican Decline* to be Counted in— Wa* fairly Defeafal acul Will not Accept th» Position. The following letter was forwarded to J. Madison Wells, president of the Louisiana rnturuiug board, by Mr. John J Long, who was couuted in as representatve from the Parish of D® Soto:— DE SOTO PARISH, -La., Hon. J. MADISON WELLS, President Louisiana Returning Board;— I have learned that your honorable ! body has returned me as elected to the lower house of the legislature fropi the Parish of De Soto. Permit me 1 to reMiro my thanks for th* honor conferred, but at the same time per mit me to say that I am unwilling to accept the position. lam a repuK licau the firm eonvictiou that the principles of that party are the best for the whole country. , NO INTIMIDATION IN DE SOTO. It is also true that I was the regu» lar nominee of the party in tho par ish of Do Soto for tho legislature, and did more than any member of the party in that parish to organise it and advance its interests; but, sir, knowiug as I do that I was fairly de feated at the |>olls, no iutimidation or fraud having beeu practised by the opposite party at auy precinct in the parish, so far as I have been able to ascertain, after a thorough investiga tion, my self respect will not permit me to accept the position.3 hope you will pardon me for taking a Jstep thit, at first glance, m\y be though I calculated to cast some discredit upon the party witli which I have allied myself, but 1 am a planter not a poli tician; all my interests are here; but sir, I cannot believe the good of' the state or national re-pw bLcan party fan be promoted by veturniug, as elected a candidate so deal 1,. tLfou-teJ my self. THE RKsKOK-.lliKE. In fact, I atn convince !, very much of the disturbance that has pre vailed throughout the state for se.vei al years past is justiy-atlribiitabie to the fact that, in many parishes men not elected by the pnoplu have been returned lectrd and maintained in offlce by the p.»\v.:r of til.* g >verniu at I must Lciieve that vou and your a - sociates ha e been grossly deceived as to the ii.; i.titi in wi.i.-h tho late canvass and election in I'«8wto was conducted, and as to tho i«*ull. Very' respectfully, JOHN J. LON-C. OKI DA, TALAHASSEK Dice 11. The slate government of .florid* seemi to be safe. The Legislature. it is now dicovered, despite nil the throwing out of thp democratic counties, is democratic by five in the senate and four Ji. the, house. This will stop the stealing ami jobbing. I had u talk with Guv. Drew (hii morning and he said:"l aui the governor ol Florida! I lnve been elected by a larger majority thau CLa laec ol the returns »ln>\vea T i am not going to seo the people oheated OU t of their choice. ~ t WILL 11 E INAraUUVTEB. . on the Zlh of next January I Yon may depend oil this. 4 ' Tho Legislature, both bonne and senate, will rj of course not recognize Stearns, the bogus Govei nor, and this will virtually settle tho matter. If necessary, hiwover, Drew will oust him by a writ of tli; courts which is easily enough obtained in the lace of frauds by which Steam* was counted in. The legisla.ure will take care ot its own members the house of its own coi gressmcr. A new and distil ut fraud was dis> covered by tUo congressional com* mities. In tbl poll list at precinct thirteen in thia county it was discovered that seventy-two nunc* of imaginary votes had torn luacfted to cover 72 double votes Hint had beeu dropped iu the box. This fUct was known to the democratic managers beforu the canvassing board and proven before that bonrd by affidavits as there was not allowed an ora'' examination. Ihe boartl disregarded it however. The committee will make a case of fraud against Florida that will compel rejection by. the house.— Charlotte Obsever A Washiutfton dispatch to the Tri-. bane says: ThoPresideut 4 iiicouvcrba- tion with n friend this afternoon said that thus fai he had received no offis cial in Tor (nation ot any unlawful movement in ludiatia or elsewhere. He lias seen occasional reference, in newspapers to political agitation in certain sections of the country, and has received information to that eflect trom other unofficial sources. The administration ho said is not iusonsibo to the necessity of vigilance whether these reports are ti no or false with reference to the Indiana excitement. The President thinks that should It spread the loyal semis inent of the majority of the people of that State aud of the whole country will have iulluence enough to prevent outbreak. Tho President said further that it is graty tying to observe the conset-. vativo spirit shown by many of the •Southern leaders, ami lie feels assured that the satoe disposition will ultimately prevail all over tho land, and be believes that the men who nro now deposed to incite civil war are •illy tho>e wl.o liar. even thing to gain and nothing to logo in the events of such a national calamity, if the emergency does arise, the President said he sliould uot hesitate to execute Iris constitutional autnoriiy. It is iK>t his desire to force upon tho peo ple any particular person, but he will see that the man declared to be elected aa his successor is placed in possession of the government. He is not judge of the election but when the question is determined his duty wil be plain. Gen. Grant taid before aud since the electiou he had used his executive poweisconferred upon him, he will conliuue u.itH the last moment of his responsibility. He does not think that a government which has withstood the sehock of nearly four years battle will now fall before the clamor of a mob. The power of the President to call out the militia of the States in event of aud attempt to resist the inauguration the President legally elected is que which Gen. Grant will not hesitate to use, should and occassien arise. He said that it as hit recollection during riots in New York in 18G& a portion of the national government of the Empire t wai called out t*y t!iu direct authority of '.he President, and cooperated with the regular United States troops in 'he suppression of the disturbance. SOITII ' '.KOLINAr Hampton is organizing IHS govern mcnt of ihe state, and Chamberlain is living to p rev out it. It is said a in'orial will l>e presented to congress by the Democrats setting forth their grievances and asking the recognition ot the Hampton government asessen tial to every interest of the state and tier people, it is also said that Cham berlain contemplates the forcible main lainance of his pretension*, and that lie hypes thereby to provoke a c >lii lisionaud thus furnish a pretext lot placing Ihe state under martial law. the congressional committees are busy with their investigations, and are bringli g to lightthe most flagrant frauds and falsification eomnaittod Ivy the returning board. Everybody knew they e*i*ied. Such knavery,if we except the board* of Florida aud Louisiana, was never committed by any one in position to cheat and dc* Ipjud tne people ot their ballots. I'l/OHIDA The investigation by the congress sional committees is being industrk ously pushed forward. In one pres cinct alone there were seventy two oouble republk>au tickets put in the box, an 1 names were to reps Vesent these seventy two fraudulent votes. The liouse committee has ha J beioie it the greater number of ihosc whose name* were found on cne poll book to represent these »ev» enly two votes, and notwithstanding they are all, or nourlv all negroes they have, to a man sworn that they were not at the precinct in question at all that day, and proved that they voted elsewhere. We can't undertake to particularize each item of fraud, but give thin as a fair sample. This illustrates the prompt and full obe dience to Chandlers telegram to count Florida lor Hayes, and that money and troopa would bo turuished. THE ONLY WAY HATES CAN BE COUNTED IN. —It is alleged by Rjptsb licuus that the Senate alone will Oj.en and count the electoral vote. Taat body has never assumed so much power heretofore and one thing is certain, it has no authority from the constitution for audi an ectiou. It has been the custom ever since the earliest days of the .Republic to do ike counting in the preeeuee of both Houses aud we piefnme that this eastern will not be departed from, Ac the case sot stands Tilden hat a majority under tbe bread seala of the states and if Hayes is counted in, it will be doue by a ravolutiou of tbe Constitution, the custom, tbe laws and the precedents that have hitherto regulated the counting of the electoral votes. Nothing can bo clearer than this.—Cbaalotte Observer. [ JFYow the N~. Y. Herald, Dee. 19.] ADM 111 ABLE BEHAVIOR OF THE SOUTHERN LEADERS. It can 110 longer be said that the repiesesentatvve uven of 'the South are Bourbons, if the name implies men who "forget nothing and learn not Ling," No political leaders ever evinced a better aptitude for profiting by experience. The wisdom,modera tion and loyalty of the Southsrn menibeißot Congress and other expo nents of Southern opinion in this crit c«il hikl exciting conjuncture ought to be met in a siiiii ar spirit by the ident and by all good citizens. We attribute this praise-worthy attitude to the manliness of the Southern character, which has always scorned trick, subterfuge and bluster, 1 fWrm the N. Y. Sun, Ihe. 10.] If the old maxim, that the receive or of stoles goods it as bad as the tliii'f, remains in force until March, Kutherford B. Hayes cannot mount the stejKS of the Capitol at Wash«* ington and deliver his inaugural ad* dress as President, without] seeing millions of scornful fingers poiuted at hiui from all quarters of the Union, nor without hearing of in dignant voices muttering in his ears, "There stands a receiver of stolen votes." i [from the JV. Y. Sun Dee. ISh] Up to tha time of the elaotion the bloody ahirt of the laat war was wav ed in all directiona by the tools of Grant; and ever sinoe then the bloody shirt of another threatened war l»ws been waved by the same handa. Is the country fco be forever con trolled by this sort ot thing? Are the memories of the wars of the past, and the menaces of the war in the future, to be torover used as the means of party .success and the cover for po litical crime? - TWO (iOVKBKOM, S*ATB OF SOOTH CAROLINA, EXETICUVIC CIIAMUKR > COLUMBIA, £>'. C'., Dec 18. '7B. ) Sue: lyas Governor of South Carox fina, chosen-bv people thereof, hav ing qualified in accordenco with the Constitution hereby call upon you as m? predecessor in the office to deliver up lo me Ihe great sal o| the State together with ilie possession of the State House, the public record* and other matters and tiling* up-, pertaing to said >ffi :c . Respcctiuully, Your obedient scrva nt, W A I)K lIAMI'TON. ToD. 11. ClI/.M»KUX. STATU or SOUTH CAUOMNA,} L\L.TL 11H. (,'IIAMHKU. > Columbia, S. Doc. 18, 1876. J DEAH *K;;: I have read ilie c«»ni> municalioii in which yon call upon inc to deliver up to vo» the great seal of the State, &c. I do nut recognize in yon anj right tojmake the foregoing demand and I, thereby refuse compli ance therewith** laia' Sir yon ob't sert't. CHAXBIWIIH. Governor oE South Carolina WAUI 11 AMTTOH, ESQ. TAB QtsTion SKTTBD —We noticed on the the premises and before the eyes ot a prominent Republican of this tr>wn an ardent Hayes man chopping down the Hayes and Wheeler flag pole erected here during the cams paign. We understand the purpose was to cMivrrt It into a hitching rack. No bitaof it were sought/or watch chat ins walking canes, 'or other me* menfoe*. W* guess the Republicans have given up now if not, why do they turn their flag siafl to a horse rack? Why was ii so unceremoniously hacked down? Why wu their not a scramble tor peiefs ol it? Haves is beaten and who cares for him or bis old flag poles now? So goes the world t Such is life! In South Carolina the Democratic House, the one declered to be the legal house by the Supreme Court,to« gclher wih the Democrats in theSen> ate elected Genl. M. C. Butler |United States Senator. This election accords lug to the constitutiou of the State and the decision of the Supreme Court it legal. One fudical in Louisiena that makes soma preteaftion to honesty, liead the letter of John J. Long in another column. When the mana gers of a party-get so bad, and com mit frauds so gross that one of their own party refuses to take place under their count ii is about time to give it up. The Democrats carried the Citj of Tallahassee Fla. at the municipal election a week ago, for the first time since the war. The inmates of the Lunatic Assyl urn in Columbia S. C. are starving, and the superintendent says must be turned out, unless something is done. The appropriation for last year not been paid. Gov. Hampton ofS. C. has served notice on the banks not to pay out any public monoy except upon chetks signed by himself. Geu'l Bartiett of Massachusetts, a brave federal soldier during the war, and a just man afterwards, died on the 17th ofthiß month. Fanny Davenport ]■ said to be a very fne swimmer. Swimming is an art that all ladies should acquire. It inspires courage and it saves soap. Moreover nothing is so uncomfortable just after a steamboat explosion as lo find yourself in the water with a frightened woman who can't swim clinging to your lag. Gov. Hampton has served notices on the baaks ot Columbia, notifying them not to honor any. drafts or checks issued by Cardoza,' Chamber* lain, or any members of the usurping government. The Observer o! the 21st UJI: The platform in the State House Square la ready tor decorating, and will reoetre the Appropriate drapery and lettoeninlng Saturday under the management ef onr Raleigh ladiea. The stealing of hoi sea and mulee in Mecklebui-g county is so frequent that the Obeereer concladae that an organized band of bone {thieves are at work there. ■f"' • ; y> Capt. Nat Atkinson of Buncombe county got a reward for his exhibU tion of, apples atthe centennial. Ohio and Indiana Democrat* have colled conventions of all in their re** pective states,who believe that Tilden and Hendricks have been honestly elected, to assemble on the Bth of January to take snch action as may be deemed) necessary to preserve the ballot and mantain the rights and liberties of the people. In the United States Senete. Wright of lowa introduced a bill for the establishment ol * court to try contented efeations in the offices of lVctfdsut and Vice* President. The Patriot says, an ergsatiized band of some twenty detectives left Giensboro lately with wagons and camp equipago to scour the country for illicit distilleries. Quint Bryan who was serving out a sentence to the peniitentiarv tor highway robbery, has been pardoned by the Gov. upou cons ditfou that he leave the community in ten davs.' A telegraphic Hue to Fayetieville is nearly compleNt i i— P Dr. H. H. Staples ol Greensboro died on the 12th of this month. IVIUUftR COVKT AUaaute Osaalr, JaewjliSvVinci'nt and Naiioy Mari-.y. Aialest^ Lavinia Murray, Francis Brro-vning.Hay wood 11 cAdaius, Sabina Albright, Hay. wood Teer and Emetine his wife^ SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. (SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS ) State of North CaroWna: To the Sheriff oj Alamance County —Greeting You ure hereby commanded to snramoß Lavinia Murray, Frances Browning, Bay wuod McAdama, Subina Albright,Haywood Teer and Eveline his wife the defendant* above named if they be fonnd within your cout.ty to appear at the office of the Clerk of ihe Superior Court for the county of Alamance within twenty five day* after the service of this summons on them ex clusive of the day of such service, and an swer the complaint which will be deposit ed in the office of said Clerk wiihin ten days from the date ol this summous: And let said defendants take notice that If they • ail to answer th# complaiut within that time the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the n lief demanded in the coMplatnt. Herein fail not and of this sominoni make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said I Court, this 16th day of December 1876, W. A. ALBRIGHT, Clerk of the Superior Court, Alnmance County. Graham A Graha.n > Pi ®. Attor. f In this prt.ceeding It afpearing to the «atuifhction of tha court that H»y wood McAdama is a fton-rraldent of the Ute. It is ordered that the service f thtae * una mens herein, be upon « Eiayweod MoAdimeby pnblicatio for ei* weeks la Ttta Aula stas GLRAMK • paper published in the towit of Graham ■O. This tie 18th day of December f' C W. A. ALJBUfcH , Clerk of th# gfriprrior Court, Alamonce County. COCNTf, fa Ik* laptriar Coart. /nines E Boyd assignee of" James G. Moore —Bank- rupt. IHaintig, Against Floyd Davidson and wife • Summons Bailie, W V Moulitomerr and wife Anna, Joseph P Albright and wife A- ( manda, John W Jordan, Jane Shoffucr. Defendant*. , £t ite of North Carolina, To tke Sheriff of Alamance County r —Greeting: Ton are hereby commanded to summon Floyd Davidson and wife Sally. W V Mont gomery and wife Anna. Jo.-eph P Albriirht and wife Amanda .John W Joidau. Jane Shoffner the defendants above named, II thev be fonnd within your county, to be ' and nppenr before tlte Judge of oar Superior Court, to be held for thu County of Ala mance, at the court house In Graham, on the second Monday before the first Monday of March 1877 ana answer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot **il county, withl'i the first three days of the ffcext term thereof, and let the said defendant* take no tice that if they fail to answer the eon,plaint within the term the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof Ml not, and of this summons make due retun.. Given under my hand and seal »rf said court, this Stat day of November 187 ft. \Y. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. V. Alamance County. In the above action it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that John W Jor dan and Jane Shoffner are nou residents this Btate said defendants bclnic re*iiei t*of tne Btate ot Pennsylvania. It is ordered that publication of this summons be made In the Alamakc* Glean ek lin ieu ot personal service. W. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8 c Jfov. 80th 1870. OMAN IN BATTLE ▲GENTS WANTED to canvass c»erj tu«» and countj in the BUU for "Woman in Rattier one of the Boat Intensely interesting books ever published, being the Life and Exploits •'Ltent. Harry rTßnford, (C. B. A-) or Madame L. 8." Velasquez. No subscription bock ever published baa offered the chances this one does for wide awake agents to make money rapidly, and as territory is •° elng taken up very fast those who desire to canvass for it should make application without delay. MADAME L. J. TEiASQUXZ, Agent for North Carolina; office: Orange Hotel corner Wilmington and Davie at*, one block from the Yarboro House, n*r. Printing Inks, Book and New Blat k a Speciality , 186 North Third Street- PHILADELPHIA, I*A. Our Ink* are pf superior quality, hei r rittde from the best ingredients and na '.40 personal supervision of a practical pi; ter and pressman, therefore we will, GUARANTEE KVBRY POUHD OF IMK SO I.l* lokc*r ß Snp«ri*rJ«l Black, «ai* . Dylan, aid rati rely Free fraaa Sank Of, Our prices are fron to 50 per cent. lew* •r than any other Ink* manufactured in ttw United States. A trial of a sample keg will conduce am printer that he has been paying nearW double what he should for hi* Inks iu time# past. Put up in keg* and barrel* for pur chasers. Address, K WTSTONK PMRTINC MR Q*. 135 Noish Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. YY lIOLESULE AND RiTAFL. We keep constantly on hand a isrgs and; vuritxl stock of aityvMitjjw, UAMjy wA,iiii DRY-GOODS I ' mita, mmttm, •••vn, IND ■■OBM, ■■ADV-RAM I * A DKAlfTirvi. Carp etings " ' AMD ramii\oß all grade*, from the lowest price* up Md» a specialty. * VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to inspect onr stock and bear our prices before buying elsewhere, i They can examl ne and sr.lect for themsel vr* and we guarantee that we qan tell them their entire stock or any part »ttto» such terms a* will cna' ,»ihein to s«H their g«od» afra.larger profit t themselves than they could, d> by •rtMtb ising, toy order, from a distance. W ; are Agents for, and sell at mennfect,. or* prices fallowing good*, vis s C iter falls and Deep Elver Sheetings, Tern% and Seamles* tyags, Hoh'sand Handle man's Hal*, Fries' "Salem" Jeans, Charlottesville ► and JrkenbieecheVs Starch, OOELL, RAftEN 4 CO., Greensboro. N. O DANL. WORTH. ■« Company Shops, IST- M r ' • . I;-: '•. Thanks hia friends n«d the pubttc for th« very liberal patronage he has heretofore er- Joyed: and hega *° Introduce to their Inspect on tlie^ MMB«T»s4«OaT dk*V VARUS 3TOK K OF GOODS evej brought t® AI|WMW ''onntr. h*a J. st returned from th« Vert'-vm where he purchase* awl has raupfrad and * eclvng hU *41,& AX**l\T»» ««•«» His stock connikt'i 14 DRT-OOOfB, h ® common to the o»snt e\er oflered In |t* f S» rket. READY-MADE CLQVJUb'i, WAV*. ot all rarietlfcu lathe be* stock afc; ■IIiIIIRVM P wiir wr».it«w. *«*«•!** - wtit. ••«»*»» —• VAI.IHKM. Tl!»- - «»». MlHita MA** lsiiim —sMiinsnl at fl-~' afnll stock FAMILY QMOt'ERIES, U1 /'MB ABU SQLM LEATHEJC, Fertilizers, • » wri, ha has everything ot nay quail (7 :. MWB will want to buy, audhe willbuy *4 highest prices ad, and anythiag yo* h*T« » selL All he asks Is for you to eaa and M 3r yourself. If you don't see what M«M and thea see tf it iM MTUHhB