THE ALAMANCE GLEANER I . 2. E GLEANER. ÜBLISHKI) WEEKLY BY . S. PARKER . (SrabntM. IV. C, if Subscription. I'ostaye Paid : hi: 75 uths '^o Dferson sending ns » club of ten rs with the ciisli. entitles himself to free, for the length of time for club is made up. Papers sent to jtlices. mrture. from the Cash System Halm of n«tr« l lining. Nt advertisements payable in ad carl* advertisements quarterly in 1 in. 2 m. 3 m. | (i m. i- 12 m. vj no {.s ia> s?-» o.i $ fi 00 $lO 01 H 00 ( .V), 5 OO 10 00! 15 ot nt advertisements 81 per sqna ■■ it. and fifty cent* for each subs . ri ion. '~"w PAPER IS OK FUJS WUH IwrtMai OoatMrti on b« wt» 'RATED PRICED JDAT ALOIS UE res—Boo Illustration, with Dis thousands of tlie best Flowers ibles in the world and the way to -all for a Two (jEt>T postage ■in ted in German and English, loral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a lower and Vegatable Garden, 50>er; in elegant elotii covers, ■es . .TAMES VICK, Rochester A* N OE L.L *T ail or. -4^® nd making done in the latest d most desirable manner. :ep# constantly on hand Sample.'' fie goods for gentlemens wear: irder according to selection of int for the sale ol the Singe! hine. Shop in the old postomcc Graham N. C HE NEW OME tj • iffiie WAS AWJLEDED TIIB !T PREMIUM! otenninl Txhibition, 1?T", and hs-i ! • ciirru-11 X the li lu'hctt honors wlierever cxhibitt J. PACT. fiTtrrrr. t>tt. AET.T:. aninjr and EFFICIENT' LOCK ' MACHINE. A UAPTtU to th i f KTEUYBODY. The HOME lM ACM IH Cwas Perfected eight by tho aid of the best i'iventivo Mechanical Skill. ItCoMBINIS entlul Parts fa TIEfT oL*£? is BIKPI.K in CONS'! RUCTION, 9B ii fctpength and Beauty, sarWsjSfcsssSK {■chines. It will EUlffor jur. ITIM ONE CPMT for»rAi|». rafaetere cfthis MACHINE ll»e Materials are ÜBED. UNO PAB'i'3 lire HARDENED, ebsntim has been co.NSTaocruJ mmsial of peoducinp an mine. DURABLE, and ataott B*MACHINE, adoptedFQDALtT Coarse cr fine *HKKAD. COT or LINEN, fEWING from the KWSNMS to J t*mver Ctn'h and MACHINE tbut ntcd for Five Years. 7EKTS wanted in localities where represented. prices, and samples «f work done IS, or call at any ot our offices. >oi) CLARK ft Co., 30 Union Square, Hew York, igtoi Street, Boston, Mais. 111k Eeeond Avs., Pittsburgh, Pa. trsst, Gfcioago, HI. SI Sooth 6th Street, St. Loais, Mo. rtgamsry St., Baa Francises, OaL Foe try. y OS A IfIOVNTAIN. The following lines, which are takeu from my book, were written or the Roan Mountain, Mitchell county, N. C. June 9th 1876. Great God, haw small ia mat; And yet he boasts hia aize; Presumes the world and all to scan, And think* lhat he id wise. Teach me, Dear Lord, just how , To feel my nothingness ; Help me, in mind and soul to bow, Adore thy name and bless. . The world that Thou hast made, Thy holy impress bears ; Each tender twig that makes a shade, Thy certain wisdom shares. May I not show that power, Which moves with love Divine; May I uot reason for an hour, And feel that love is tnina. My thoughts would rise above. And perch around thy throne, And there, content to feast on love, Would worship Tbee alone. This purer air that blows, And cools my wearied frame, Inspires my heart and plainly shows, 1 oaght to praise thy name. The thought that fills with awe, And strikes all self away, Is, that a voice of sovereign law. Controls the whole each day. That voice, which fills all space, Declares my destiny; Assigns, in heaven or hell, my place To all Eterniiy. * I cannot lift my voice To murinur or repine; I'll ju#t submit—my only choice— For all the res; ia thiue. J. W. U. TIIE OBSERVER. Needs no formal statement of jirinci- | jdes, nor elaborate recital of what it will do, or expects to do, in the com ing year. It can offer no stronger guarantee for its future than is af orded by its past conduct. It will almr earnestly and faithfully for the idvancenientof the Democratic party, tnd for the good of the State, which t believes to bo one and insepa rable. To this end id desired a once a iirgely increased circulation for THE OBSERVER and and the wholesome iterature it is giving to the people of Carolina. Once in a liouse lold, THK OBSBRVKH becomes a fixt ure, It needs only to be seen to nake its way into every nook and :orner of the State. That it may be so seen, and speedily, its Editors offer ;he following. PIIX HII n * FOR ISTTi EOU THE OBSERVER, DAILT : To each and every person who lends us $8 for one year's subscription bo The Obgevvjr, daily, will be mailed poatpaid any one of the following uovels of Sir WALTER SCOTT, beauti fully printed, elegantly bound, and profusely illustrated: 1. TPaverley, 2 volumes. 2. Gay Mannering, 2 volumes. 3. The Antiquary, 2 volumes. 4. Rob Roy, 2 volumes. 5. Heart of Midlothiin, 2 vol umes. i 6. Ivanhoe, 2 volume. 7. Bride of Lammermoor, 2 volumes. 8. The Monastery, 2 volumes. 9. The Abbot, 2 volumes. . 10. Old Mortality, 3 volumes 11. Kenilworth, 2 volumes. 12. "'he Pirate. 2 volumes. ~Or to any one who inay send us $96 twelve annual subticriptious the whole ->f the above will be for; warded, by mail or express, free of all charges. Or, to any one who may send as $192, For twenty-four annual sub scriptions, will be forwarded free ol charge, all the above at once, and th« remaining 24 volumes ot this unriv aled edition of SCOTT'S matchlesi novels, as issued monthly ; the whoW delivery to be completed by October, 1877. OBSEBVER. To each and every person wh ■ends us $2 for one year's subscriptioi to T he Observer, weekly, will b« mailed, postpaid, a copy of any om of the following valuable book*: 1. A H Stephens' HiaUry of th U.S. GRAHAM, N- C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 1877 2. Shepherd's History of the Eng. Language. 3. Heed's Memories of Familiar Hooks. : l t -4. Poems of Henry Tiinrod, 5. Poems of Paul H. Hayne. 6. K. W. Fuller's Sea Gift. 7. The Odd Trump. 8. Harwood, by same author. 9. The Lacy 1 >iamnnds, by KHIIIO. 10. Flesh and spirit, by same thor. 11. Ellen Story. 12. Thompson's Hoosier Mosaics. Or, to any ona who may send us $24 for twelve annual subssrip'ions. the twelve books above named will be forwarded by mad or express free of all charges. I To that person, man, woman, or | child, who may us the cash for | largest number of annual subscrip" tions to T hs Observer, daily, or wceb ly, or both combined, between Jan. 1, 1877, Mitruh 1, 1877, will be for warded, free of all charges, ALL the books naiued an premiums to each paper, and a commission of TEN PEK CENT. OF TUE A*OUNT HE» KITTED. To the person wfyo may seud us the second largest list, one-half the vol umes named, and the same cash re mission. - To the person who may send us the third largest list, one-third the voU iimes named, and tiie same cash com mission Samples of the above books, all well printed an I bound, and most of them pronounced by the press North and South to be gems of tyj>ographi cal beautv, may be seen at the office ot The Observe*. To those disposed to canvass for T he Observer and preferring .money to books,exceedingly liberal commissions will o« paid, to be deducted by cau vassinz a;;ent from his remitances. V RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION—IN AD- I VANCE. Daily one year, mail postpaid $ 8,00 44 six mouths, 44 44 4,00 44 three 44 44 44 2,00 Weakly, one year, mail postpaid 2,00 44 six months 44 44 .... 1,00 Specimen copies of the daily, or weekly, or both mailed on applica tion. Address . THE OBSERVER, KALEIGB, N. C. BRAWT'S NKW VBAK'I t'lLt* ' * KRM. alter the Senators and Con pressmen and diplomats had left tlie 1 White House, and after the last ot ;he private citizens had clas[>ed the mud ot ilie President and departed, ;he door bell rang sharply and a visi :or pushed his way into the Blue -oom. Tbe President was alone in he apartment, and as he hastily lock- 1 :d the closet door of a cupboard and ;urned around to ineet the caller, his r ace showed plainly that he regarded he visit a* nothing more or less than &n unwarrantable intrusion. "You do not recognize me," said :he unbidden guest, advancing to the middle of the room. I picked you up >ut of the glitters of New York city sixteen years ago and set you on your riins. I was able to do you service, it [ remember rightly, just before the mrrender of Vicksburg. I followed pou pretty closely through the war, giving you a friendly lift every now uid then. I happened around 1868, Mid, although you abused me for tou» years, I called again in 1872. I have i»eeii at your elbow ever since, and never a man have I treated more, kindly, but you have kept up the ibuse. You have abused me outrage sously, Mr. Grant!" • Yf ho the devil are you?" asked grant, taking two or three unsteady Heps toward the speaker. "O, my name is Opportunity," said the caller, and I will add that this is my last call. Good afternoon, Abler Grant." Aud thereupon he left the room, slamming the door with some ibow of indignation. The President stood a moment in thought, aud then, with a mattered exclamation, turned again to tlie aide-' board. Bat another caller bad aN ready entered unannounced. "Here we are again, old friend," said the new comer, who held his bead high and moved with a loraly strut. "How'a yoor courage Ulysses?" "You have tbe advantage of me," said tbe President. "Don't know me! why this is sur> prising. I have been your bumble servant ever since Elihu Waabbarne introduced us. Some tolks have res garded me as your master, bat I don't insist on that point. Givo mc your hand, eld tellow; my name i» Ambi- lion. Bv the way, wlio was that I in«U at the door?" "It was unity." .said tlie President, "lie Ints just out."' "Tlie deuce, you say I" exclaimed Ambition; ,'lhuti you'll have to ex ciue me. I'm no account without I liina. I might stay and potter along with yofi fur awhile, but I would only make a fool of you, am) waste my own time into the bargain. Good live Mister (irant." And Ambition, with a Imriied bow walked briskly out of the White House. and hastened to catch up with j Opportunity. The Blue room had nvv become very blue to the President, and he once more had recourse to the si le» board The next caller was a melan* cholv chap, whose chin pressed his breast, and whose eyes wandered gloomily about. At first- the Presis dent pai'l no attention to his presence bui he had a way of making that p-esence felt. "Mr. President," said ho, mourn fully, "1 wish vou a happy new year. Why are uot Belknap, and Babcock, mud Orvil, and Avery, and Shepherd 1 here to celebrate this glad seasou with you?" "Don't speak of them," said the ! President. "The subject is uot pleas ant." "There is in'tny other things I wish to B|>cak about on this l.appy osca s.on," returned the caller, with a dis mal groan. By the way, how is poor Custer?" "Sir!" exclaimed the President this is impertinent. Who are you?" "You ought to know me if you don't. ,1 a'n remorse. There is a uood ileal 1 wanted to say, and would say to another man, but 1 SPA Indii icrence coming, and 1 will make way tor him. Mr. President allow n,e once more to wish you a happy new vear." Indifference, who entered as Re morse stalked out, was a stolid, hard featured fellow, not unlike the Presi-. dent himself. He said nothing, but beckoned Grant to the sideboard, where they drank confusion to tlie past in inauy bumpers. At length this last and most welcome of all the President's New Year's callers drop ped his glass oil the floor atd rushed out ot room as in great alarm. The President turned dizzily around to see what was tiie matter. There enter ed at that uiunent a guest with'a frightful visage, every muscle of whose lace told of agony and whose eyes spoke horror. The President started back and gasped: "You are—" r "1 see you know me," said the call er, with a ghastly leer. Iu adminis trative circles I pass as Neuralgia of the Brain. Let it go at that." "And you have come—" "Yes, Mr. President," replied tlie appiritian. "Let there be no cere mony between us. I have come to stay." "And I liavo brought mv family,'" he added, as he opened the door and let iu a swarming troop of* distinct! images and hideous, griming little devils, all of whom echoed the words: "We have come to stay."—New York San. The ••rl •( a Ha* Wcfcara It, Mr. Lamar, since 1872, has been in the habit oi highly praising Mr. Carl Schurz, although most of bis constit uents have considered the clever tier man American a Radical in disguise. Gun. Schurz's course this year cou% vinced Ibein that they had been right all the time, and thev repeatedly re» miuded Lamar of it as he was stomp-* iug Mississippi last autumn. Finally ! at one of his meetings, some one in the audience interrupted him with: "How about Schurz. whose defeat in jdissouri you were so aoriy about? What do you tbiuk about bim now?" Lamar replied that Schurz's course reminded bim ot an incident in bia law practice. Sally £axe was bia witness ■ and the counsel on the other side uun | dertook to discredit Iter testimo.iy. : Bill Jenkins was called for this pur po e and being placet! upon the stand was asked what Salley Saxes reputa ' (ion was a* a wotneu of truth aud ve*» | racity. •'Well," >aid the witness, "I ' re con It was about tour years ago- - 1 "ilold on," said the counsel "we I don't want to know anything about ber bnt whether she is truthlni or 1 not— would people believe i whatjshe says?" The witness n.ade several attempts to tell his story, and at length in desperation exclaimed; . "Well all that I can say is that she is distracted ot cointnou sense and guiN ty of flto." ■. •' ' All Sorts. More happy by far is the niau with ca tarrh Than the one who is perfectly woll; He is ontt of those who is saved by the nose. From many a horrid smell. '■Julius why didn't von oblong yenr stay at the Springs?" "Kane Mr Snow, dey charge too much." "llnw so Julius?" "Wy, de landlord charged dis colored in [ dividual wid stealing de spoons." I A seedy-lo' king individual was heard to »ay tosfrriend; "My diar fellow can't you lend me a black weskit far a short limt 1 My anni Betsey died a few days ago, and I want to take a short mourn." Theelec'ric telegraph.—"Wifo I don't «ee, for my part how they send letters on them 'ere wires without tearin 'era all lubita," "La me they don't send the pa, er, they just send the writing in a lluid stale " - ;, "Where's the molasses, BUI?" said a red haired woman sharply to bar son, who hail returned with an empty jug. "Mono in the city mother. Every grocery has a large board ontsiile with let ters chalked on it 'N. O Molasses." ' Now there's a finished gentleman for von," said a fireman as he gased upon the peicea of the engineer that had baaa ■.craped up and gat.iered to hie fathers alter the last attempt to run a train on nothing —Colorado item: "Lately a mountain (ion made a raid on a ranchman's house in Left Hand Canon. He tore the famly dag to pieces. He palled the fiddle strings out or the family cat. He finally succumbed, however, to the family rifle * A paper in Southern Illinois that it went to press "ene day too early to re cord the death of John Bates." This ia not quite as cool as ths paper which ssid "Ju-t as we are gbing to press John Smith is i*ing ran over by the cars," A man at the Borgia tnnnel the other morning hailed a fellow laborer with. ''So y'eve got a baby at yer house what is it? a boy or gyurlT" "Oueea!" "An Us a boy." "No." "Well then It's a gyurl." "Faith," said the delighted father, "some body's be'n telling ye." IVORT. —Fifty thousand elephant* are killed every year to ftaruish the ivory is worked apiu Ei gland alone. The best ivorv came from Zanzibar the silver-gray from regions south of the equator, and the favorite mental material from Siam. • Aasaioax BKSF—The Mirk />»*« EL prtßH asserts that 6ijo tons of fresh American be-f reachea Knglan.l weekly, This new branch of trade hascrenu I »>n ■jderable anxiety in the English agricultu ral districts of Shropshire and Staiford ■ihire, n>racp Ore«ly n«ed to tell this story ; He nncr aent a claim for collection to a W. stern lawyer and regarding it as rath er a desperate claim told thi attorney that i> he collected it he might reserve half the am unt as his fee. In due tima Mr. (ireely received the following laconic ep.Ktle: "l>ear Sir—l have succeeded in collecting my half of the claim. The I b dance is hopeless.'* KEve.i BE \g«m GiTTina BBDNK. Thorn a* Charlton booked his chlo over the prisoner's bar at the Fifty *o»enth 8. met Police Court and regarded ills Honor with a bland smile. "Thoma*. you sre charged' with being drunk," said the court. "I can't deny it," said Thomsa, grinning from ear to ear. "You don't seem to be very sorry." -I'm happy, Yer Honor," said the 1 prisoner, gigßling. I "What excuse have you for getting l drank?' 'Tve got seven of 'era Judge.'.' "Sevsa sacasesr ~ . "Yea, Yer Honor, sevea. Now, I doa't n.ind tellin' ye all 'boat Ik Ye see IVs got six boys ia say family, as' last sight —lt's a girl judge." * Thomas got off. Death or Rsv. Dr. Bbcckih bidok. —Rer. DY. Wm, JL. Breckin» ridye btolher of tbe Rev. Robert J. Brikinridge abd last surviving son of United States attorney General Breckinridge nnder Thomas Jeffers erson and nncfo of tbe late Genera John C. Breckinridge, died on the 26*b nit., at Raymere, Cass couuty Missouri in tbe 73 year of his age. lie was moderator of the second assembly of tne Presbyterian Councill in 1859. He was pastor for 29 years ot tbe First Presbyterian Chnrcb of Lonisville; was President of tbe 1 Univesity of Mississippi and after* wards o! Centre college, Kentucky. KO, 45 ADVEIiTIHKMKNYS. -jr* One Question Settled. ~ That Is that wc have the LARGEST and CHEAPEBT utock of goods we ever ottered to the people of Alamance. Our Mr. (Jam, in per ton selected these goods, and front his thorough acquaintance with the wants of our people, we van safely say that we have on hand EVERYTHING which the «trade of this, and adjoining counties demand, in the way of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD-WARE """HOLLOW-WAKE, QUEENS-If ARE CUTTLERT, BOOTS. SHOES, SAD DLES, BRLODLES, HARNESS, CARRIAGE, TIN DINGS, Ac., Ac., and a large stoct at Read y-m a de Clothing TFe buy allkinds of country produce. We thank the public tor the gen-* eroaa {patronage heretofore extended to us, and we can and will make it the interest of our customers to trade with us. Don't take our word but coine and see for yourself. Ife charge nothing for showing goods. J. Q. GANT fc CO. Company Shoj* Doc sth, National Hoel 1 Raleigh N. C. BOARD - Sfel) PHI DAY C S Brown, Proprie tor, ~ u - The table la surpassed by no house In the State. If yon wish to be pleasantly sod comfortable located, atop at the National, fronting the Capitol Sqnare, The National Is located within fifty yarda of the State House, It la the must eouvenlent, attractive and plea—l headquarters for ■saten of the Lcgistatare In the city. , Term are low to sate the times, fare unsur- attention and acfommodatlona the Iftlita ui Billiards ' In basement. Two of the best Tables In hi . City, for the use ot guests, free of charge. I Dee. 13th, 187 ft. ' TICK'S FLOKAL GUIDE. I r beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely U'ua a led and containing an elegant colored flower Plate with the number. lec only 1 35 cents for tbe year. The first No. for . 1877 Joat IMUOJ inXiurman and I paper SO ceuu; with elegant cloth covers ■ tioo Vicks Catalogue—Boo Illustrations, only * Scents. i e : Vicks Flower A Vegetable Gard -i, in l paperso cents;with elegant clotu co»«-r fil.oQ N ! Address, YICi*, Roches* er N. T.

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