■ ■ . T T UMFfv. c - T • A THE ALAMANCE GLEANER! VOL. 2. THE GLEANJERi PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT 71 «. 8. P A RK-E R Ornhnm, fit. C, Kaftiof SubMoyphpn. Pottage Paid : One Tear *1.50 Six Months 75 Three Month* v . .V. So Every, person sending us a club of ton cash* entitles himself to one copy free, for tho length of time for which the club Is made up. Paper* sent to Ufferent offices. £v« Departure from the Cash. System i Kstw •» ■TrrlW«n' Transient aavenuemenw payable in ad vance; yearly iiavcinsomeiKe qmuttrly iu •dranee " quare r, l 3 ofli*B iftjtf 00,# 600 «10 00 , 3 00i 4 50| 6 00> 10 001 15 00 Transient advertisements" tl per square for he flrst. and fifty coute for eaclisubscrib » neat Insertion. • T L ' *-Hj WWSM I | illll I i.. .j t'f MMMe>W ' v *V j, % WAW , n' : w.vaonv~ I nurllow m comfortable vehicle, ; regularlj ~VeWe«fi the ' * DEi¥*Ji and GH All AM. .. ft* ttl - No old broken down animal and worse ve hide 1 meet all p'assenger trains, and will sec that n»r customers are never left. * n % —fc Prime enjoyment Less than 4 Cents a Week. MAKi ! H6w* "fcrrtWevrra m latnoouc- INO The Saturday Even- King Post. Which fur More than 65 Years baa been the beet story, sketch and Family Paper. as is weJMfbcmrn all over the United States. It is publishedweekly, contains eight large pages, clearly pvinted on good paper, filled With ♦'m flMfOT'l & n(1 Sketches by ( the SfcWtf lrtial trash, but , Mich as it mother is willing to have her children read. The whole tone f the paper is pure attd elevating- It also contains Historical and Biograph- | Household ie^fr weekly,' frfesh* and unexcelled ; Humorous i Notes; Library .%views; ( News Notes; , Boys' and (Jt*ls' Colamna; tod Strong and ■ Sparkling Editorals, etc., etc. Is jtist snch a paper as every body loves to read, and the price ii only , " TWO DOLLARS A ■"'t'EAß' " Sample copy containing club rates, etc., sent ot rtc#Wl sAddwwi No 862 BEirtrfff k "Ffrcft, TM Sssmsi Ktr«l, r Ml.-clffcU. N. B.fetlo'sure and affix the number 803 belore •«tQU, " we may know through what paper the subscrip tion cornea. % Raleigh N. C. BOABD " PEH D If ' -a st comfortable located, stop at the National, t™** the Capitol Square. »ttr«tf^aS ),, headquarters for members of the Legialatofe fir the * city. £*ma are low to suit the times, fare wutur- Pm#*l attention Md lommunoriptio— (ht w S.|m- ui snn.-j. a— wuwrsi , • Jx ou^*? ,n "* t - - Two Ol the be* Tables in 4 Ha itm* gßa^'fpe ® of ch * r^B;r ' P•etry. • ;;1; rifW6lf Huo*v»-m AETiv.tr ■ruiw. [Atlanta Cunntitntion. ] • I. Ohl whar fihil! we g k we'n de great dny ' cosie«. Wldde btewin' uv de trumpiU an*de„bnne in* uv de drnms? How many po' sinners Übe eotehed out late, An' fine no latch to de goldin' gate? No njc for ter wait 'twill to morrer— De sun tnusp't set on yo' sorrer. Sin's 'z sharp es a bamboo brier— Oh;sord! Web mp'oers np higher f * II », t .. .. We'n de nishuns nv de earf is asi4.nnin' all aroun' , Who's a gwine ter be chooser, fe r ter wa, da glory crown? Who's a gwine fer ter stsn' stiff-kneed sn' b°r. . ' An' answer to dsre name at de callin' nv de roll? Ton better come now ef yon com in- Old Batan is loose an' a b.imrnin'— De Sistrnction hnmrnln* Oh, come along. Pinner, ei yon oomin'. 111. De song nv ealvation to a mighty swee* song. ') ■ • ' An'do Fairsdise win's blow fnr an' blow strong; An Aberham's buzzum is saf an' It's 3r«de, An 'iatTg U place whar de dinners onghter hide! Noisier be stoppin' an# lookin* Ef yon fool wid Saian you'll git took' v . ' U ' Yon II hang on de edge an' git shook in Ef yqu keep on a stoppin' an' a lookin'. . IV De time is now an' dis here'a de P,' a se Le' de salvashnns sun shine sqnar' in yo • • f«c». * '"' r ; Fi*ht de battles uv de Lord, light soon *n' liuhe In'o, An ' fine a latch on de goldia t. No use fer ter wait'twell to morrer— De sun musn't set »n yo' sorrer. Li" ' Sin S ft sharp ex a bamboo brief- Ax de Lord fer ter up higb er. JI i*i ' i rf UJL4 1 %■/ *t>t)T«BAl, BILL. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives aftke Unit ed Americm in Congress a.ssemtAed, That theSeuateand House of Representative* shall mdfet in the Hull of the House of Represent&tiap. at the hjiui- oJoHe o'clock, p. m. on the first Thursday iu February. A. D , »$7; and the president of the Seuate shall be their presiding officer. ' Two tellers shall be previously appointed 'on the part of the Senate and two ou the part of the House of Representa lives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by tbe Presidpat ol the Sena'e# all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of rhe electoral votes, which certifi es and papers shdll he opened, pre sen ted, and acted upon in the alpha betical ottier of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, haying then read the same in the preseufei and bearing of the two certificates; and the votes having been asce'rtained and counted as in this act provided, the result of the same shall he delivered to the Presi* dent ot the Seuate, who shall there upon announce the state ot the vote, and the Aemet ol the persons, if any elected, which announcement shall be i deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected President and Vice President of the United States, and together with a list of the vote*, he entered on the Journals of th& '#• Houses. Upon such reading ef say such certificate or paper when there "Shall be only one return from a State, the President of the Senate aball call ft»r6b)eotions, if any.—Every objec tion shall be made in writing, and Wait aOti 61eaif arid cdncisely, and Svitbout argument, the ground there of, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one member of the House of Reptesentativea belore the same shall be received. W hen ail ob jections so Made to any vote or paper from a have been received aud read/tnwSenate lhall thereupon withdraw, in*! itfch otjhc tioqs shall he the Siiiate for itsdes cision; and the sj>eaketo« tke Honse of Representatives shall, in like man. ner, submit feuch objections to the > ■ GRAHAM, N- o.f House of Representatives for its de« cision; and no electoral vole or votes rrora ant State from which but one return bus been received shall be re* jected except by the affirmative vote Of*the two Houses. When the two Houses have voted, they shall imme diately again meet, and the presiding officers shall then announce the decis* ion of the question submitted. Ssc. 2. That if more than one re* turn or paper purporting to bp a re turn from a State shall have been re> ceivcd by the President ot the Senate purporting to be the certificates of electoral votes tfiven at the last pm ceeding election for President and Vice-President in ouch State, (unless they shall be dnplicates of the same return,) all such return# aud papers shall be opened by hi in in the ptess enfeb of the two Houses when inet as aforesaid and read by the tellers, and all 'such returns and papers shall thereupon he submitted to the judge* raeut and decision, n* to whielris ifjfc true and lawful electoral vote of su ;h State, of a commission constituted as follows, namely, . During the session ot each House pujhe Tuesday next preceding the first Thursday in February, 1877, each House shall, by viva voce Vote, ap point five of its members, who, with the five associate justices of tfio Su«. pretne Court of the United States, tp be ascertained as hereiuafter provided shall constitute a commission for the decision of al. questions upon or in respect of such double returns named in this seutiou. On the Tuesduy next piecediog the first Thursday iu February; A. P v '1877, oi assoon thereafter as may" be, the associate justices of the Supreme £ptirt of the United States now as signed to the first, third, eighth, and ninth circuits .shall select, in such maupflr as 'a majority of thorn shall deem fit, ahcther of the associate jus tices of said court, which five persons shall be members of said commission; and the person longest in commission of said five justices shall hot be presi dent of said commission. The mem bars of said commission shall respect ively take and subscribe the following oath: ,'I ,do sclemly swear (or affirth, as the case may be) that I will Impartially examine and consider alt questions submitted to the commis sion ef wbiohl am a member.'and Igtrue judgement g've thereon,agree '«t)ly t'» the Constitution and the laws; M'helpme God;" which oath shall be filed with the Secretarf of (be Seri ate. When the commission shall have been thus organized, It shall not be in the power of either House to dia solve the same or to withdraw auy of Its members ; but it any such Senator or member shall die or become physi cally un able to peuorm the duties re quired by thloact, the htct of such death or physical inability shall be by said commission, before it shall ceed further, communicated to the Senate or House of Representatives, as the case may be, which body shall immediately and without debate pro ceed ty viva voce vote to fill the place so vacated, aud the peraon so appoint ed shall take and subscribe the oath hefelubefore precri.ied. aiui become a member of said commission ; aod, in like if any of *aid justices of the 3uj>reme Court shall die aor be came physically incapable ofpetfortri ing the duties required by Ibis act, the ethet ofttld jdnticos, members of the said commission, shall fmmedis ately appoint another justice of said court • member of seid commission; and, in snch appointments, regard •ball be had to the impartiality and freedom from bias sought by the orig- ISafappoiutmeiits to said commission who shall thereupon immediately taite and subscribe the oath herelntofore' prescribed, and become a member of said commission to fill the vacancy ae occasioned. All the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates ot the electoral votes of each Stale shall be opened in the alphabetical order of the Stales, as provided In section 1 of this act: aud wheu there shall be more than one such certificate or paper, as the certificates add papers from such State shall be opened, (ex cepting duplicates of the same re turn) they shall be read by the tellers, and thereupon the PMffdent of th* Senate shall call for objections It any Eve IX objecjian shall, be omde in writing and shall Mate clearly and eMMisely, apd without argument, tbe gpxmd thereof, and shaH be rigned by at least one Benator and one * i i —--■■ i ""* • 1 ■ * m-lililMht 1 TUESDAY, FEBUARY 9 1877 - member ol the Houso of Reprosenta« s lives, be tore the same shall he re> b Celved. When all such objectious so i» made to any certificate, votij or paper 3 .^° ,n shall have heeu received > iAd,-ftll such certificates votes - and papers so objected to, and all r pupe*|, accompanying the same, to - gether with such objections shall be tortUwjth submitted to said coininis ■ siou, which shall proceed to consider the same, with th- same powers, if any, now possessed for that purpose by the Jwo nouses acting ' iepatately or together, and by a majority of vote*, decide whether auy 4fad 4 wbet votes from such State are Di-ovidpd tor by the Constitution of the. United States, and how many and what peysons we$ jlnJjr eject9rß iu such State and, may therein take into view such petitions, depositions, and, other papers, it any, as shall, by the Cons stitutioa and now existing law, be competent and pertinent in such cons siJeration; which decision shall bo made in writing, stating, briefily the ground-thereof, and signed by the memb.:rßof said commission, agreeing therein; when the two Houses shall agaic meet, and such descision shall Bb read and entered in the Journal of each House, aud the counting of the votes shall proceed la conformity therewith, upon objection made there to in writing by at least five Seuators and five members of tne House ot RcpieMutatiyes. tbe two Houses shall separately concur in ordering otherwise; in which case such concurrence shall govern. No votes or papers from any Hhcr State shall be acted *upi>u until the objeetloiis previously made to the votes or papers from any Stale shall have benn finally disposed of. #co. 3, That while the two Houses shall be in meeting, as provided in this act no deoate shall be allowed and no question shall be put by fhe presiding officer, except to either house on a motion to withdraw; and he lhall have'power to preserve qis der. '' '■ •• * * Bkc. 4. That vrlieit the twe House. Separate to decide upon that iiiAjf Jwve beau made to the counting of anyelectoral t rote or votes from any State, or upon objects tion to a report of said commission, or other question " arising un der this act. each Sonata and Representative may speak to Bach objection ot question ten minutes, aha not ottener than once but after sucirdonate have lasted two hours, it shall be the duty of without further debate. S»o. S. That at such joint meetings 91 the two Houses seats shall be provided as follows: For the Presi dent of the Senate, the Speak ei'e chair; for the Speaker, immediately apou his left; Senators lu the body of the hall upon the tight of the ptesiding officers; for the Representa tives, in the body of the ball not Vroylded for the Senators; for the at the U Jerk's desk, and upon each lofrt ball not be dMved until the eonot of eledbral. votes ishall be completed and the molt declared; aud no shall hnvearisen in regard to counting any snchvotes, or under this act ft in which case it shall be suflh House not beyond the next day, ten whU * is being considered by said coramWon, either Hq,um may proceed with its legislative or other shall be held to impair or sffect any right now'" existing under the Oous stUution Mws to question, by pioceediug in the judicial oonrls ot the United States, the right or UU» of the person who shall be declared PreXnT" *V- Bh p r ' £ " Sec. 7. The said commission ahull make 'is own rules, keep a record of its ptocee.Unrs, and shall have power to employ snch persons is , may "be necessary for the transaction of its business and the executiou et b u * powen^. . Thesadd4jrt.ihieg that eaa befall a St loses (kith in God and > | woman. - ■ p". 1 [From the Troy Timee] - Laughter has often dissipated cHf e*se and preserved life by a sudden effort of pature. We are told that the great Erasmus laughed so heartily at * satirical remark that ho broke a tumor and recovered his health. Jouoert gives two similar iiwtauces. A patieut being very low, the physi cian, who had ordered a dose of rhu barb, countermanded it, and the tutti icing was left on the tabV. 4 key in the room, jumping up, disior ered the goblet,'4nd » having tinted, made a terrible grimace. * Again put tfn&bis tongue to it peiwived *to»e sweetness of the ..dissolved' manna while the rhubarb had sank to thi bottom. Thus emboldened, be swal lowed the whole, but found it s6ch a nauseous potion that, after many strange and fantastic grimaces, he grouud his teeth in agony and in a violent fury threw the goblet on th« floor. The whole affair was to ludicrous thit the sick man burst into re|«ated peals df laughter, and the recovery of cheerfulness led to health. ' 1 ' ' Another cas- recorded ii that two individuals were lying in one rttn . very sick, one with Vain lever and the other with an aggravated case of mumps. They were so lo» that the watchers were needed every night,and it was thought doubtful if the one sick of fever would re. over. A per ion was engaged to watch one night, bis duty being to wake the nurse •rhenever it became necessary to take U» medicine. In tbe oourse of the night both watcher and nurse feel wteep. The man with the mumps lay watching the clock and saw chftt it was time to give tlitf fever patient liis potion. He was unable to speak sawStetts pillow,l.. m.n^«lloVrit.ti.w«cfc. txssas&z ts aune and the hirer patient. TM incident struck both the rick men to very ludicrorili, and they laughed moat heartily at it ftfr fifteen or t*en ty minutes. When. the doctor cauie next morning he found hia vastly improved * said he had .Mwr known «o sudden 4 turn lor the bet tir} and they both got *•!!. Maai 1 i 1 ii i ■ Ajjvic* l-tto* Moitac* Übkbly. "For my own part,! would ra'flWb* pft convict ia the tftate prison, a hluvq DO youug man misjudge himself, un fortunate, or truly fOQfp. so as ties, and ia substantially free , from debt. Hunger, cold, rags, hard work, oouftempt auspicion, unjust rtprotoh, b u M*Uw' infinitely lho »«i>port^dacliaii ounury obligations mM yon Wild |*sti&nce or fiutaaa. If yo» have but fifty cent* and cah get no more for a we#k, buy a peck of corn, parch and live on it, rather Chen owe a dollar?" iSßaise«»: finisinsT"; given to explain very dearly, who began bis pmyer last Thuraday night: «g*N—-" .... ,* r . Brooklyn Young Men). woman with a , clubfo against ty mort than friendship for theoMitoif tttl jTyJton 'Times, *' tailed utterl) —Mrs. H. B. S tow. NO, 48 Tobacco sales. ~ , » ! shall rcsum pub!ie sales f iwi 11 •/*;:» : mi? OCT. 24TH ISL" *!!..- .3?s©g *. : v JfSf, > ra|P*Tn.' at the well known ' ' jvsi , -j, . •{ • -if - *** m Hlacknell'sOur- *•s '*L 'HiiH ami ttiow having tobacco to Mil m ay raat J afwcd Uier wUI always Sod a»y SSisSßf'fcw : » 138 A® pit- - 31M tor «U crate*. ■ '■ "Hi - - 'iil^ftiliiww^i'wjfflJip riff Bright Smokers in great demnad yon will flnd me at BLACK WELL'S DURH/M >U? WAIIKHOUBE the # h With F f *«** auvvvinnvn v «