' f J SBSmk " .' -T '. /f I ya*■ - - :." : ? * tj *■ j - jthpw- ; p * # THE ALAMANCE GLEANER VOL. 2. THE GLEANER. "üblishrd vuur mt K S. PARKER Ormhaaß, H. C, „/ , Mn o/ dubeortptum. PotUtye Paid : One Tear $1.50 Bix Months 75 Three Mouths jp 1" I 'I I | I ' i ' i , Every person sending us a club of ton •übacrlbers with the cash. entitles himself to one copy free, for the leugth of time for which the club Is made up. Papers sent to Hfferest offices. *.Yo Departure from the CaaA System li— ■■ •( a4r«rlUi«| Transient psrable In ad vance; yearly advertisement* quarterly in idranee 1 m. 2m. 8 iu. | 6 in. | 13 m. , 3 00! ♦ 50| « Opl 10 00 I 15 00 Transient advertisements 91 per square for he first, and Hfty cents for cachsubscrlU >uent iUSeMMR ,» I « »«:> *«f *.**-*«»*** »»•».« 4V i "TT*, It K .NOE f'L T a i / or. Cutting and making done In the latest fashions and most desirable manner. CoTHaltecpii constantly on hand BampU» of latest styie goods for geiitleinens wear; and will oraer according to selection of tnstomers Also agent tm the sale M the Binwsi seeing Machine. Shop in the aid postofflc* building. • SB* * Graham N. C Prime enjoyment «•' V . >r a year. Lete than A Cent* a Week. Mm Homb Anucnvi at Isthodoc- IN « TAe t toftrfW Even nittff Post. Which forlforo than 56 Years 1 ban been the beet story, sketch and Family \ Paper. i a* id well known all over the United States ' It it publishr-d weekly, coatalne eight large i 1 with the choicest stories and sketches by Ike beat writers; not seneaiona) trash, bnt sttsttJMMttz: is pure end elevating- j It also sustains Historical and Biograph ical articles; Scientific ; Agricultural and • Household Departments, FsShioa AKicle . weekly, fresh sad uaexcelled; Humorous Motes; Literary a views i News Notes ; Boys' and Girls' Columns; and Strong and SiHirkling Editorals, etc.. «tc. Is just such a paper as every body loves to reed, end the pride is only ' TWO DOLLARS A YEAR Sample copy containing club rales, ale., sent on receipt vi a S-cent stamp. .Address, No 862 BENNETT & FITCH, nt ISSIISI SIMM, rhdsMpbis, Va, ■* #et we may know through What piper ths»nbscnp tion comes. National Hotel ,* V* VK* > \IJSr •- Raleigh s , vvi ' fi *( H** '*'* ' ? ij 8 Brown, Proprie ». ««V.i tf'ifWrS tor. tiblt towtrpyae^b| ioho«ii In tk within ift* yatrdo SSSS Terms va attention accommodstjoae Ike ■■■' *s* InW ■■ ■ **& V-" Oto'i Two of tha best Tables la hs so"™"*'v o"™"*'o"™"*' 0 "™"*' i One Fiirthing Dam agt'B. In n darkened chamber, dark wltb the awful shadow still more lhab with Ihe lack tit' material light, loaf peri •una were gathered rotind a bed, on whidi lay a n.au bearing iu his face the uiunistakablo s : gitr ef Uie sum mons n lucli none can reluae to an> swer. A weeping girl knelt by the bedside, her looe bent over tbe nerve less hand U liich lay upou the cover' let, and which she held as though by that convtrihive clasp she could hpld her lather still to life. At a fable, covered with papers and writing ma terials, sat the dying man's solicitor engaged in the pupations of his will.' "What names shall I insert ns trus*. tees? You should have two at least." v >ir fewfevwi The dying man paused ere he re plied with an effort: "Cieoffry Howard, Major One lltin dred and Eleventh, now in India, j have no oilier fiiend."' "Iu that case may I venture to of fer my bsinb'e services, subject fo nsual proviso. 1 sliould be doligtiteil to be useful t#» Miss ami if rour friend is abroad, there may be difficulties.'' "Tnte, Slythorpe, I thank you. Make yourself trustee, then, with Howard. Legacy—2oo for jour trouble." "Nay, ray dear sir, quite utilities. sary. I really ' .But again the ready pea travelled over the paper, and « qua tor of an bolur later Mr. Slythorpe announced •tiiat the document was ready for ez edition and in a lor mechanical raons otone read o*r its provisions. Yes, that *Ul,ta. &ivc jine the pen," he sa,kl; and with a shaking hand affixed bis signature. Thank Uod, that's safe P he gasped. "Mary, my child, you nnd Geoffry— you and L>vullr\ ! What was I i ing? Lfod blesrf you, my c«*rHd|fT . (iod bless rwV v»,' These were the I. st woids Bernard ' Hope ever spoke. A year haul passed away since Bernard* Hope's death, and Mary slll'i remained an inmate of the house of Mrs. Murgatroyd, the good woman tir!b6in we in atteudauce at Her father's last illness, aud who, to her occasional occupation, as nurse, added the mope permanent>one ? o"t letting lodgings. Mary's sweet tace and gentle mauuner had quite won the heart of her good-natured landla dy, who was unceasing iu her ens deavors to soothe her grief sud min ister to her comforts. But she had another trouble— none the less hard to bear that it was one iu which she could have few confidantes. Major Howard, ol wijom mention has al ready beeu made, wa/ iiot ouly tber's most valued, frieud but bad in sensibly grown very dear t> herself, aud when, six mouths before Bernar.i Hope's death, ,he ifH V iumoiiea with his regimeut to India, he left Mary hiscpromised bride. Twice be bed written within the first lew ! » weeks of bis departure, sinse wbi'h time there bed beeu h terrible Si lence, and in the same week which left Mary fatherless, a second blow tell upon her. The One Hundred and Eleventh had been engaged in a smart skirmish, the number of dead end wounded being considerable. Geoffry Howird wis reported ismong the fallen, and Mary bad to mourn at once her lover and her father. The death of Major Howard left Mr. Slythorpe sole trustee of Mr. Hope's will. vThis to "Mary was * (■alter of the most perfect indiffer ence. Suspecting evil ot no one, she was willing that her Httle fortune, tborpe's bands as iu those of any oth tentions which, under existing cir cumstances, would have been die? tasteful tnm aay ose, hot were doub ly so froui a person whom she' could ipot help regarding *ith an Instioo tlve tUslike. And is truth Mr. Sly. thorpe was *ot precisely the person towfa eWr lady's fkocy. sized, with Uinking CSS2T£r^li! M,t M-Tsiy^e one morniag kneeked at Mrs. Muigas treyd'sdeor. That goodlady was at the mement engaged in dusting Mies V GRAHAM, N- C., TUESDAY, FEBUARY 13 1877 I ——m Hope's room, and cafcl.lng fight of bin approach, exclaimed: "There's that nasty worriting.law yer again, Ido declare, Sly (liorpe, indeed! I'd Slythorpe him!" It would be hopeless to endeavor to express on paper the intensity of meaning Mrs. Murgatroyl threw into her. newly coined wb. Mary united at the gool lady's vehemence. "My dear Mrs. Mnrfgntrjyd. yon really shou! In't be so severe. Mr. Slytborpe is a little peculiar, but i have uo doubt he IUMDI kindly, and you (enow he in the . trustee ot poor papa's will." "I know he is, my dear, and Uriah lie wasn't. I know he, shouldn't be trustee to a tomcat of mine, drar him !"■•» *P'f At this |*»int the conversation was interrupted by tile entrance of the gentleman in question, and Mrs. Murgatroyd, passing him wfith a final suift of abhoraiicf, quitted'the apart* meat- Mr. Slythotpe, for once in his lite, appeared ill at ease. He was got up with his accustomed care, and the suggestion of »cenled soap which ac companied him was even stronger than usual; but his usual self-satisfied air was wanting. He evidently bad 8 nu thing on his mind—some piece of rascality. "My dear Miss Hope," ho begau, after tlie first greetings had been ex* changed. "I grieve to bo the bearer ofvery unpleasant intelligence." Mary locked up with quiet indifter* enca, scarcely believing.tbaf, after all she had gone'ihruugb, any news,good or bad, could have lor her more than the must passing luterest. Slytborpe continued: "I am »ure that you will believe I did it for the best ; bni'fmisfortunes will happen, you know, even with the utmost care and can lion. I am .sure 1 thought the investment was as saie as the bank; bat there's'tiotrust, ing nowadays." - - What U the ukUfortuitc, Mr. Sly* Hijijffpe, fur yon haven't vet told me ? Nothing very setlous, I hop®.'' "Only tos serious, my dear Ma-" be tried to Sfty "M#ry." but couldu't get it out, and substituted "Miw Hope"—"nothing less, I iear, than the loss of the urhoie of youf Jit tie fortune." -JH - Mary turuel very pale, but gave no other sign of buiotio*. "How iKd U happen," she said, a ith an ef tort. "Your money was, a* you know, in the S per cents., where it produced a miserable £IOQ a year. In the hope •f doing better for you, I soM out aiidi invested it in.a new mininfc com* pan*, the Wheal Marina, which promised to pa/ a minimum dividend of 10 per cent., and eo would .have just trebled your income. And this morning lam grieved to And from the Timet that the company ut ter smash. The directors have bolted shareholders will looee every pety ot their money.*"*^ "Isall gone? Nothing left!" "Nota sixpence, and you remain liable fof calls to ibeainouatefabout as much more." Poor Mary's fortitude quite gave way. "O dear, wbst shall I do? 1 haven't a iriend iu the world." "No, no, deu't say that, Miss Ma ry," said slytborpe, iu a gently pat roniking saanuer; *it fsu-t fa bad as that comes to. 1 haveu't disguised my OWJ feelings towards you, and though you've test your money, you know, that"needn't make any differ* snce between you and note. My ef, fee lion aint oi the mercenary sort; la 1 got you into the mess (though with thr beet intentions, mind, /on), it's oulyUr I should get you out ef Mary had bidden her face iu h «:, aroma that ly. such cireuoistaneee is aa insult. Ba •t any rata subsist before she found employment. In replacing her purse her Imnd fell upon a portrait, which she took out anil gazed at fondly. "Dear old Geoffry, it you hud lived, how different my future would hr.ve been 11 suppose I ought to say God's will bo done, bat. it'i v&ry ffi'rtfjT very liard !'• A few moment* the continued gsiitig through her tears at the portrait, when a sharp knock at the obter door startled iter, and ahe replaced it in the desk. She heard Mrs J/nrjratioyd in conversation with some one, and then a quick, wclt-res inembered voice s id, " Where? fti's rooio!" Aud in another moment the door was flung o|*)eu. and jtfarv Hope Was sobbing in her lost lover** artns. Genflrey Howard had been dangerously wouuded. and had been pri.-oner for the greater part of a year IA an Indian dungeon, wliere for mauy many weeks hi* life huug ou a thread by reason of an attack of malignant fever. He had landed in England but twelve hours previously and hail lost not a moment in seeking the presence ot his darling 'and Iter father, for he wa* of course igAorant of Bernard Hope's death. -Mary I too, had mooh to tell aud nestliug by Geoffrey's side, ber little while finger* bidden in the rugged brown hands of her .lover, which held theiu »S they oujild never again let them go, she told him all she had gone through—the death of her father, the bistoiyef the will, and lastly, the loss of her litt.e fortune. "1 don't understand it," said Geoffrey. "The man basbeea playing some very deep game." "Prchape he really wished to gel me more—what do you call Jt?— interest for my mo«ty. I ii was meant kindly enough, though !i has happened to unfortunately." "I don't believe It, darling. If al bad gone wbll you Would simply havi received your 8 per cent., and Mr Sly tlnope wowd bare pocketed tlx difference." * >(j "O, Geoffrey, hie. Besides, what does it mattei about stu,,id money, now I have gol you back again? Unless, indeed, you would have liked me better lot lwritii, the money." ' There is only one possible answei to such au accusation, and Ma)oi Howard made it; that it to say, tyc called Marya little goose, kissed ber ard dropped the subject. On leaving her he took a Hansom cab, and drove to the office of the liquidator'of tM company/ when, W his stating tbH be desired to make some inquirers on behalf of one of tMlir shareholders Mr. Sly tln-ope, he was thfbrmed, to bis astonishment, that there was not and never had been, any shareholder bjr that name on ' the' books of the Oomt»ry. He next inquired whecber pereliance, the shares were standi 1%; in Miss Hope's owu name, and again was ahsiwered in the negative. Uts terly bewldered, he drove (o Mr. SlytluOpe's ' office. Mr. 81vtlm>£ was at homie,' and he speedily fMiiid himself in the attorney's preSeehce. Mr. Slythrope wax a little nervous. ! He was always a little nervous witb strangers till he knew their business, and Major announcement that |» bad called'ou behalf of Miss Mary Hope did not tdnd to increase his confidence. He was, however, fertrdm sospectiftg Major YtSlrfra's identity, but jumped to tbe conclusion that be was a hostile solicitor em ployed by llisa Hope to cell him to acooout. Major Howard's next remark tended to confirm thaffiffs pression. " Yon stated to Miss Hope,' I think, aooeple of day sago, that the property bequeathed to her by ber fatheis will bad been invested in tbe course aware that an investment ""^Oti'tall; the pdwer of 'ihveeK ment is unlimited. Indeed, shares mt aomnaoies are soedallv included *♦ make'a clean breast ot it—to tell you the truth, tbe money never was iu that company It was a take alarm Sir, a false alarm.'' "Then where on earth is the money air? And what do yon mean by fn!*e aJann?" "I'll tell yon, if you'll have a little patieiwe. As a brother solicitor, 'l'm sore voo wont press harder on mc than you're quite, obliged, Miss llopes money It hi the Whfjd A J&V AHU, one of the moat flourishing con*" panics going, and her shares are worth just doable what I gave for them." "Then what ou earth induced you ■■ ■ -** "'"I'll yam. Between ourselves I'te taken, an ouooutoon fancy to Miss Hope, and I ...aile up my mind to make her Mrs. S.; but somehow •he didn't take to me quite as kindly us I could hare wished. flow the other morning when I took up, the 'J'ime*, almost the first thing I caught sight of was the smash of tbo Wheal Marina, aud the similarity af MUM gave lie quite n turn, mr fust at the first moment I thought it 'was the Wheal Mary Ann. And than the i bought struck me, "It it only bad been, my lady, you'd hare bean glad try it. It was merely a little inno cent practical joke—• roote ttamour sir- a uxire roost d>amour." And Mr Slytbropa smiled. "You atrociouK scoundrel I" * 'i There waaa audden blow a heavy erash, aud Mr. Situuel blytborpe popped his head into the room, but • "Beg pardati; thought you rang Meanwhile Major Howard having bv die side of the fireplace fhm.'n^'eve^^VdelT^"^ of history. * i • u with DO pomp or oeranionvfttq * P^ ChC " Queens touch, tbe great ravof Slvthrope vs. Howard wit UMHlHhru ibe jury, in awaiting one farthing by way ol damages, fx* pressed their nnanlmous regret that there wasn't a smaller coin. TB« DTIMG LION.—A French officer who aerved for many years in Algeria writes nu interestflig account ot a dy lag lion. Fangles*, covered with mange aud bliud, Is Iheking of blasts on approaehiug the close of bis reisrn. When uot lying mourfullv prostrate jind alone in some sheltered nook, or jwhind some friemUy mono* djtor* grown with shrubbery. lie feebly skuika witbln a small circuit of hla in obtaining. At tbia stages of' his carreer, it his scent does not utterly fail reeuurro lor nutrition is an occaatonal nest of field mise. Inferior aiiitnais amelhat Mas feartea* ly, and paw hint with inao lance, lor the forest monarch, dethroned by incapable of. reaisteuce. Often tbe rustic Arab tome* upon bie majesty In Ms otter helplessness Atid ends his troulos with a blow of a club. r* * - . .?"!! • •••. .. -i-i-a ~u h oomprehenaive school ina|»ector asked an Aberdeen clan if any one 1 could tell him anything remarkable of Moaee. Boya—"Yea, air, lie was the only man who broke all the com aaAdaeatk'«t«ucA n -a**** I ** • Spy a house aa Beauvier, Mi iouri Git*. that* to write tha «Tfpw public 0.. Hlilb Maa bead nothing worse than got* qualitiea wild leave*." They din it to keep up witl 1 tbe fashion*. I NO, 49 Tobacco sales. I shall resume public sales i wP-vmtm Jtitm&v rwm . I *9 *-j ttdfci* ' ! ' '** ''' : " * : '*^ - s t .,. • t'* WMM M i mM# . s \t!*£ .Jf t' 1 ■ Hj*£' • fft «.»* at the well known 'tf 1 L •** ff, v,, ■9 1 ,! *'' • • ham Warehouse (MmA'!du Vt' ( U- . t ' MB mm rag ft an «r*d... Smokers greatdemnad -irhan 1 andwanted»tgoodtkiirw. I m Mam |o«rf tojrt— aa ALL who \ tM B||4y Mm, ' Marakaat TatUrflE^S Uphofcleria* DmL fef"" fitted*** » 8 » tp iR? - *§>** o»E*Nß*o*o, M. «,