1 ~nn , ~ „ )Mt f,j ■ 0 lojjbma, I,u - 1 •. A train thi* unh^Vjll^^-he^Jto^ 'ilia .i*vam entering are nrferty Very »n«rb to the anrprta *4 f ny»ny;,. aee hb determined U) I lilt miiiuuneeil Ai(illiem#|lifl[;; v* a Cot*H*U«oe el -rf itiem K^ieWNw )»"ntr ao're tiiua 4i»««^TWe»Ctflßipl«- K apiieer* ekh ol W t lie real/•W i nore. **?/*■*? TT zr They *n? t** of coiirne— IW,W.«W is not Go yeWUHT niaea or obev» htm bevonn The w»'l* and call* llortae; IHiafSMl* . Mi* i* the tierrruy,goif^tlW''lllj. an i« |»eae*bly ea«4 Ht'fjfjV# •Mj'lPyWr the tiiTeniiieirti#" ,i not b». (J«>verw»r, . ?ijk" the people t»» tfceano»> • I?ie. pVIT?) ol tfu Preahfcwl, israte, will l»a «»®elweM tb»» «Urtfld> irraiiift Iniifl*" A meut. as to ttMf l>fi-raiure, l«a' Ueeu prouoeed l»y tl4 C tninUsion, arji at i-epied by the Nieholla Legislature. We imder*unil thi* to be, that the l'arlah return* a?* to determine jjrbH are elected. Piwkard pro'ejt., and i* reported-U» be IM* l ' l - ??. ralliury withdrawn liU will crumble.to de*t. Thatlne mill redeemed,the leal Sonlhern Mate will hatrrf been ream red Jo local *cU gov ernment. Think Ol it; and tlrtn aay thai We ha# tect>Hiiirtßlte.l • uotblng. Who would, who could have believ ed it. • few yearaagti? ..Bhune 1* lead ing an ppen oppoeition to tlie ailtniii' idraiktn, a }»hiHy good t»gn that there is sotnctliingVgOiMl lii il. , At tbe We term ol th*' Wileral Court, at-Oreenabom, Judge Wck rerr properly directed that arrest* In- United Htatea Deputy Martbala, without warrants must not be made. That arrset* ao Illegally' made tlMre ceu be no doubt l theordei'i' ia#s, wlrtu , mildly executed, wo*9ld,'no donbt be;'l odious enough to oiir ptopte; bat th#* ' •r^S3Kai«P made thea mora ee. Meny of thoee-ekHhedrwini the pawcr,, , snppreefing illicit dMllllatlOfti ;heji» heretofore acted ' irxeapoqaible poteatotea, ntvil oSeera ot tbe l*wi . h la qeeHowbly tbe , tbe law; and because they ngaid the j law aa opprewive is no ex-, coee fof its diaobedieuoe. An^ebarr- 1 -i ranee of tbe law ia one of tlie characterise of good citizenship. Rut wbeii iboM who catbe'tt *e that the ihwe ere ooeyed .acted*** wnljr to violation of law?**, not ontrequent ly of mmiiiioii hAmanitc.is Item'won.' •lor that the tendency of their oattfttet wat ts' sgrav'ate the errll tbey came to rentedy? We have np' dotttft that mauy aft>l»e t roubles growing OK Ct>f violaiiQutol tW Vt venue lawa; woaM ..everhW&en kbo*n, bit IbrMb* harthuess with which men t was, In to inan» Instances* at tended., We ere 'glad to ace the in- 1 dleatione-that a milder course IV to be ■ pnrsqed.. How could people but lraiu.to bate a law, erenhadlr 4 not been from the Ant aniaTorftl* re garded. when its special nflidetcre acted, with with btter want ot regard or feeling for, tTmse whoai.they ehosetd designate'as or tenders? mode of pollecilng, Jlhc internal revenue now Inaugurated, we bavfe.lri dbubt will be much more efleotualt.whitest. wllj * be much less odioo*.. W-e.thiuk.it a bajl law/ifr! ha** beeu*muletbat4t is a tew* and :ha*] been ofrdf, 'aV|'(ts vtyatMrfmriit bo attended with. peualtics. and, peualflesnuwwvkre—uniiecetaarilVso we think-reiki our peoplf c. a hardly allord the risf for the small profit. The always suflbr.re member—ilte big ones someriraet.' A«.WAV«a.VCKY. Hk Ihi\*« «u the UtajUipnt cauriW c*ate iImI ever ran *» RMablent" • 1$ w«a Innkjr In beliW the nuwtoee «f a part r which iMd ItetnnrtHf loarrin, pb polar ««* ooaM bp tofrrther, M be mm reqnired. H» «m lnckydn, tfee-tritttulabip ®t lipint Mid Cameron, In the pW*ilMHtjr ul Jay Gonld, and In th« intriguer of T(*h Scott. Jlc wa» lucky in tl*>ano •lerotioa of J MadUon Well*. Joe licadlev* John A. 0. Gray, and the Tut»* l"%cWfc Railroad, which own* i)oug re*Hnen . Mid ly>uda Jtapreme Cum* Jd«Ve» with Ita bcantf. IJe lucky In Dialne, who. Instead of 9iilkin* in hi* lent*, alter he waa cheated utit df the noinfttatlon atCin elrtiwfl, wiaed a great connprion (ted wnTir hi* own Irtenda, and. bk»odv shirt awept lironirh Mr. Hayei>.own State, and Mred it after Hayea eonfetted It waa lif w»« uinky f»i bring*hewnf* ile r eatrtj emidiilutf! .fhut wan titer .i-mnrurpted I'realdeut vt the United i*kta« •. * tackr Prwd« |N>ruiMllv'fa tin *r*«fl'ullv jl»t»,jfjdn* t»e. «ii«sl event unllv do jmtdif; Iggiy; and by *elfldi* and Billy it.iltN ajioe witli» irreMt question, lw tel* .lyaufirejl »'• allieneie.efteutnalJy. jb* triiiu Uie ntbeiv H* find* Mn>#r»t, »h readv I*i#wm two —Ih»«I» of 'tHHe'linf. L'uleu Ur wi hdrnrt* ftfr TrMMtii ft'mi and »* I I.MWT«:(tS* ,l«w*i4«f W«o»l« of the gait* th'.*V jtitfuM in *rrvln/ trtm, : tJai.gre«« jftll 'A>il for him. I»r alm&hing tlir amy entirely f-»r Hit preaept. .If he ItM IMV| tln»,couul tj I* «*C In ifahbrtteriWitlHxit tirts U mo -enule.llwu*eof Kepreeentnlve* will aentlmM*! liii* none. Out lie other HMadt-l*..«;kard kindly- Inform* hiui thatdlmfcwopectite 'jUertrVrcaidem'a Mini jih m*-tr— run •vti all tmir ; that if to fc*y,j>ii a |lic fmn bctHHt&rtil* r MV. *ffi% iteiMrniujr Bonro; ai«dT(i*rtit'*r' lain follow* with tl>* Mine Kipftaland Ai'Aiuswerablif argument ad himinan. *Mie fegro p *litlolmiih. rally M» their Chiefs, and warn their race ot uiedita .ted treason. Garrison ami Phillips sound t lie loud alarm, mid lllifl e arid Mortoji. nml Cmueivii nre' quietly drawjtig their forces to a hr*d» - . In the mean lime, the foremost »taie«man of-the lie publican par.V, lie who ■lone la Me nd with respectful* atten tion. by the wlnde people, keeps un ac:ita'omed alienee. It la known that lie recoile«l from tlie fraud* ot tlw Ketarniiig Board#, and the great* or fn*d of the Joe Brad lev decisions. W hen he speaks, liia word* may go to t.iitf roots of thin/* present, awl tear lip the fpniioiinhle itaalf from it* foundations of fraud an perjury. But Mr. Ilaves will reuiov'e ; the. troopa. lie caiino*. help it. lie might daily, and trifle, and dicker for, month*, perhaps lor tears, to eouie; but the aVproach of Congress atl numishes him to lie in I taste. The ooliutrv will owe Mr. Hayes no "hanks for doing that whielv lie could not avoid.—3T # Fori Sun. ' Stlte or South Carou-ha, ' MxrcrfrV* :*Ain*ut; Columbia, S. 0., April 10 1*77, Sir: linriiif learned tint you now propose to mru ever to uie the Kxecn lire Chamber, with the records end p«>ers belonging to c the. E*«uiiw, •ifloe now io y»ur poe*estiou, I beg to inform you that 1 Will send a prop? er officer to receive the num at euy hour you way indicate u uioet convenient to yourself. - - . ■ [/■ f em Very re»i*ctfuH» yourobedicnt prowl' ■" .? - r ,WP J W&ißk&totfi! Ovreraor. | To Ueo.D.U. Chamberlain. I' SIAA OT POUTH CAKOUWA, • ■ ' rinm'Hw i Cmiuu, V Columbia, S C.. April 10, 1877. Sir : Heplving to your note of tide dete, 1 hare to «ay that my pi-irate Secretary will uieet such officer as y.u» Jo«y tlesbfiiateat lijnto-uior-, row, at the Eucame 'Vhantber, for ibe P(M>>ee Indicated in fvur ih»»c. - £6%ued.l , Z Owrs..r *Mth Cafeliaa.' To lion. FRIGHTFUL SCENRfc »». Li DU, April 11,—TUe Southern Hotel was burned at 2 o'clock thie morning. An appeltyif loee' of lite wae first supposed. The two bunded fs' now reduced io fifty. ' Many were' killed frwtn Jumping , from rift third, ioorthfcnd fifth' story VrlMlowtft Kate Claxton r the actress who ao narrowly escaped Irom the Brooklyn hanwr p broke bwjh leff |by jumping from a third story window. 'Che ire originated from the upper stories. The windows in the upper stories Vera crowded with shrieking men and women whoiri jicepted iitfposai t b!e tor sade. A tew were rescued liy ladders placed on' the Fourth Street; portico, but on the other .'three skit* of the building, bonned by Walnut, mid Klrtrtttceti the longest ' ladders fell for »lto# ol ruaclUng the Mr: Feier lUow.fcou of , Uto fomncr minister fo JWaiff,' wjt» slcephtgin ids room on the and succeeded, titer HreWnOtk rxeis tions iu escaping with his llfie, end a broken arm. The building was six stories in height and Mr. IHbw thinks, that the majority of theinmates of the two upper stories of the building mast have perished. Two mcu enrecognis* ed weM kiilod • by. jumping koaatho tbirl story windows and a third one vu badly mauglcd live women were rescued from the sikth story, ou the Fourth street side, by tna heroic efforts of the traneii wlio, alter ascending the patteat ted der*, succeedeifln gel ting a rope to 'the half snfbcated creatures. The Are is said to ha\V originated la tbe store rooms. The Attorney General of the U. S. has issued a circular letter to Federal prosecuting ollcmi enjoining.' the stricteet economy by them im the conduct of their official dutiea. He also advisee that proaeeutiosM be un dertaken, only where the ends o§ justice would roanifcriy be subs SMT#"!.- A. can* of «n»ll pox reponed, at , Hcn-Jleraoii In this State. * v iilWW?*'" *pp i *nt« for TWfrttWV H r«uai/u A{f■ for iSty Sttlei .■JwlgrSe tlei«.4n Flqfidt hoJyp£ enii o£tlKfe-Jfo|f?i°al- 4 7 lie re»*enl 'niiiiitcrpal M'ctloii 1 tfTii&h)?hont Ohio k!h>w general Ihiii» k r> \' jm jr s r' v «IL'V ' '* * V *"* »(. Jhe MTiioii Chronicle tell* of 9- white*Wttmnit win* vy* n ted, U», Warry n oif rjti .Mijlyii. Nrwk Vf iWe* MK'ti „c****;hi'one V»c*k iffaw'fdb-' ,; ' a '.ln: tin* lit Aiut 4 f*lnuif' t .i- D«niochi : c ifniu flw foi|ri.V : kl' M*\\d la tftfe 1 ui«f 8W -w> >d r., y,i.„ Tiinau'rcrv: W»Td»>«j W* wh oh. and ulovcuj are laxiililt* a* oilier |»t-»l --tll» r». J **>' *S«"aJ fe)t - • Alexaml'-r It. "ityMt *v| \V»slii»»tf-tort airnti+mwA to tiitiWiOfc ,J -i ""Viit " £'•• tit ' •Sif"' v'.f'rt. .v«i*n> H '>ft i Wo tliank onr Socrctajf ; Tor 1 «rc«y>y of tlutyf yjf . and tl» JfwtHic SrUoul la «I*> X%\ p »lt*iUwA*M ■■ f-.f at-Jut: ,* A WK Mnwk-. of Ual«i(fH h»*4 been' ifivlnj poWlo* re.idiiiya ai OHarl»t'e rtKl vtlier |H)luts a Mil l heir kit IJiie 1» hif 111;, upoken of.'- J ' ;-. •• .• Sir. V, B. MeDiJwcl, on* »f theed-i i(ur»ot tlie Ofiirrlotte -Ot>4ertSVf Jwx ' Lteeu elecietl to delivHr tlio *mihti4i ' oralloii bi-lore tlia Alumni Euinenpaii Society at D«ti'da«»n CoK4 i iexe at thex-uftiineticemeitt in June.•£ ii •-• " - -v.-..-.-. Hon. Tito«A%S A die haa tej! . ifa#ter William David oi Stanley county cadet 19 Jllv. Wefi Academy, >ia*(er Pember". tun will titter the T on t|>f- fc Rrat next «J|uiy VVT QM , jerrrt - . . i« i *f- . t : If. MCL. McKay, a prominci t awyer of FaveUvillc, audime df 'tlfc leading members of the cliurchot that was atriukep .w It Uparn lysis'-irlille" In the conn house at Luinbcrton, and died imni-« dfately. KOO ,; rw , ;-pr. My it. flevtuuj. re wholly from fin use at intoxicating drink}. He****, ifc tb«u dont> tif# ■ , the condition, hev willaccent ibfW' resignation. •: « *«. c ::w | . a; t . .. . ■ •, jj ..j i|ts jj .-jg lH The conoritnlWM^y yyi* > cliaw tax, l*creU>fors pgid j chants, being snail a the ainowtt of.Uiely' li>g tested by the merchants «f Rafc, ™. -* ■ efpll. , kJ-V ! r 4| | ; A bo*- sixteen y£?a old. intones comity married * mido w writ b firt* i child sen, ami the lfcdeigb cays tint, in JK>MK of grhik grii, the heroes of ancient o&VQderutimtth dwindle 4uK> with him. ' MHtoWlrtWnsliip votetf 'fo lax ftHef for gangs railroad -with; very few di>6ei«tiug votes father Ev«u)B.miappy. If that, rojul is ever completed the people will d|wß 'much to dbe Chronicle fbr lt. ; HWr long will ltbeYeinetnberatf,-lM*wevwf' FIKE at .iVcßiiaKs.—Reams t..bvcU factory was destroyed by lire day niorniiig, Wiift' ah ita intlurtiligtVo hmidred aud fifty boxes of itvlst tnbkcco,. and three and fifty bqxeo of einoking tobacgp, and all tbejuachinerr. IxVs estiirthfed at SB,OOO insured 6,000:' «Ki" .. ... , . ; - Crant ngaiji, . Tbls jime Tn. : .Gafetwi, Illinois, Ma bid nfe ► inesei): thanked litem W ,a, ttftji&W •mi bis jpecefc lully [ twft mi niWas.an» uits wis p«o»l«b»jr v t Qft be mewra ■ b»» measqfr o> Oovcynmr of ffbrth QUoliua -to ttoyatuor ' - CirolS*»a,4-Charlotl# Oiwrfr, r j i '-•■Wbjr'.jwt. lek Want .es'|>ec»lFf mbjr ntisirpctseirt Tlntt apech codld'nt b«r«* tdtq« •; i. minhle Wi its (hiiirery. »ssi> G«*r*« W. tfcrrpeon « ao%f *pu^. n „ FWntiff I . „• m I ■uUui TWr Aecti- CL T. Bn*trt {• ttan- • Iti'wdmt" . . , m , lo 7. T. Roger*— Gr*eltny Too will Iwreby take notice that the plaintiff in the above action hu nn«d u»« court tlwi m cinuilm Ink upon llm thr judgmtat in the tboyt cmo which to„ docketed la the aaid court for. the ram' of •7W.4S with interest on |SU. fnm DtJ oember Srd 186* aad $*161% roriU Mt the pud ibatike whole of said jatlgiaeot U ailll anpeid ltd more then three yean hariag elapeed einee the iaeuing of Ike laet riitedwi «n eekl tadcm«at. I have aet the mM motion for Vartag 09 the JMtk day of April 1«7? at my oflfee in 'be Ceuit liooee in Graham at U» o'clock 4. If. when •ad where jm may appverif yon aae proper aad aknw aanae if aaf yun Kara wfty the eald be gffi ' : TUb t>e 10th day of April IfW. " V. A. ALBtIOBT. Clerk Superior •oort Alamance County. or Advice,|k, .MU M n,W for *ll the Ilia that afflict i!"? 2 - gjgssfe !: Toirr'f' rum rn.ui JJJW . TO r Ktß. | ■ttlsfwgzgrir I *, .fSs,; Tr??'t m£l* i riLM JIJ.M JUSTS *AMe rWrtEtT tkoetabl*. mw . — WW* i 48?»rap3i»»%i.ws > ffia,! ojnTJ'j/MLLS la not conflnrd to thU Mlt3 ?T7T'5 r?!!' ,r7, b ?J '**•"** U ** u f* u JftH . TLTTS ofctlif world. PIIPS 7»&f (ittS WfW' f AeLmlX9nD,oWe!lmbf "fJ2 I .IWIWI^F* dl«Mtlon, auund ■ aleep, £"*!•; TtTTT'f iplrit**«fln« »mtlte, PIJLJ i XDTXf) 4art aom» of tba rnnlta of the JI tw I ffcTTT 3*t Tmrfiiv*. JJ££J 3S?? A 9 a fawtct mi» j mi* iss : - • v> : Viiti i ' «PW* cj fljll.. , TUTT'S (OtD HT*RTWH*R*. r TINA ! orrJ' MtIC ** TW * I ' TT " rIV,tOTB !^ '?it!ii I tserry . ipMnciPAT,orrio» smu ' trftT* 1* mVmmATMTUMMT, I UIU I iiWfTM l IIW TMK. : PltM , I'USWS . i EKPECTORANT. r , This preparation Km per formed tome of the- most astbntshing '"cures -Hilt' are recorded in the annuls of history.' Patients suffering for years frbin' .the various diseases of the' Lungs, after trjriHg different remedies, spending thpu ' sands of .dollars* in traveling apd doctor ing,' have, by' the nse'or a few bottles, mtirtly rec&tnrtd their health. n WON'T 10 TO FLORIDA." tk.TUTT.' . Hy «■« H—. left winter, I need yo«r bpwtMMt for ay pooch. and realised man beneat from It tkan anrtuf* I mW*. lam so irell that I win not £«. to nerift next wietrr ee I Intend**, awed m» au toM boMlei.' by Mftiii. for. nm frlende. ~ Aims CUSHIHO. ISS Weit Tbmj-an* MiMt Boeton. Ginnery 11. IS7S. - Tale ii»l>MssthaS t fcaf—mwsndad the « Dr. Tutt!a Kißaetorant tar dn«e«.« of tin lance fertile put nreytete.ead te a*y Knowledge May 'K^KBSSSSSBSSSSSL eaeelrtoo aicMy BB" n ieill^^iWHui I 'Mfc(iiiiOO i . ' 4** j V'tf.r.Ury .«a t ;' • 4 g* 1./-5, . - • THE NEW " H OH £ iwv,; : Y KM. ' iM'tM ' V ■ X —f g II •• ||'* ' |MI ■II %Jf\J HjHw - H * VFH- Vl .JVn ■ || —, I | | , w M I .Snriu Made ■ L L I vtas awxanxn m HBSX.TTODM! ' -if e _ i «•*' :• Wharorer eiMUUeiL i nwriK. wmAßik -LOCK , FFLLSJFC, AI»APTKD to the ' HS&JfiXW&S""-'" ; Warranted Mr the Tears. JORRSOX, CLARK & Co., Kl TWtiTluiJ™ T " L Tobacco sales# H fop f ; .v- .' >; # . S • 'it*' v * •'• . f f shaft resume public m 1« TUESDAY OCI' 24fH t' K -' "' W ' * ;v i , ~• •.> ' . v ' • • ■ •.»• at the w?il known DlacliweH'sDui liain M arehones iSIiS) JI&1- ■ ~y.s-f t- ■• mm ■' rt for all graces. Brijht Smokers in great demand an'l want «1 at irood figurefi. lam dete'rni lrt(!il to s|iar« ho ,'ifnrU to |>le»8« ALL wh favor mo with tlinr patronage. Reiuun tc* yon will dtiU nie at •. 1 KL.VCKWELL'S I) L T II H > M WAKKHOUSE the 1 niliui « arhonse of the State. With imuiy th till.* for the patronage glie i me from Al.mmnce aud other tobuoco growing sections of .tbi! t*UU>. I am your* trulj E J. PARRISH Ayer's Cherry Pectoral irVor ZMaaaaaa of tba Throat sad Luap, such aa Coughs, Oolds, Whooyinc Orach, Bronohitis, Asthma, and Con* sumption. The reputation it has attained, in consequence of the marvellous cotes it has produced daring the last half cen tury, is a sufficient assurance to the public that ft will continue to realize the happiest results that can be desired. In almost every section off country there are persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. All who have tried it ac knowledge its superiority; and where its virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to re* lieve the distress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affections. CHERRY PEC TORAL always affords Instant relief, and performs rapid cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, as well a* the more formidable diseases of the 'lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, It is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. » This medicine gains fHends at every trial, as the cores it Is constantly producing are too remarkable to be forgotten. No ftmlly should be with out it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe ft, and Clergymen •ften recommend it ftvaa their knowl edge of its effects,. - .y?.,, I - NIMUD BT Dr. J. C. AVER 4 CO., Lowell, Mast., *'""•1 Ml iMlfllMl fib— SOLD BT ALL MWOMfI WIMWUL QET THE ANCHOR BRAND, GIUJAIM Ascnea BBASV Tobacco and Cotton PntrtusKßs also old rUmilnl-a Coax ■Mru.uua cm be procured by, applyinjß S. A. WHTTS Agent Son. Par. On.. Mebaoeaville: N C. March Slat 1817. - -* WAIT FOR THE WAGON. lam now running a comfortable vehicle, igalarly, between the T V ' DEPOT and GRAHAM. No old broken down animal and worse ve I meet all peraenger trains, aod win ice that my cutunwi are never left. MARTIN V/NBCRKN. I Craham N. C. «• _W " ,'» ;V * MMHOT jy M«T mtllc^lUilPoxl, W Bank, Book Mid lwiplil«l A /| PrinMiik or Binding ol U; kind, M 4 V\ ; your order® to If ZDWARIW. BROUGHTON * CO.. Rj 111 quality of work, I.ow Priom and TkcylcidthaSUU. iff \\ l«ll , i A > VUmki, II j \t%? tt 4 /' \ Printing at // \ lKlfcWnllll WHOLESALE AND RkTAIL. .. ' • * k-ep c-inHl*n ly >n lianJ a ifd\;e an » riid stock of. - anoviiiiii:#. itAKi>~WA i: k DItY - GOODS ) >oti#ni«. nrn, moot* •• A BBIITirUV. IPtCA. Carp-eliogH ANI> I ■ . all gradex, from the lortfft prfett uf Ft. ...e a „ TILLAGE AND COl >TKY MtUCILVNTS are Invited to Inspect imr storl and hem imr p ices bo tore buying elsewhere. They cati examine and * lee.t for theint-ehva ii d we guarantee that we ean sell them their ntire •»«>•! rr anv part ot it oo audi term* ■* •. illcna' ,«them tir>» lltheir at a h»*s.'« T profit i theuw>e!vex tliaft they eonld do by ur.'M'h mlnir. bv order, from a di»ia«ee W .are AireuU for. and *ell at iiiiiim»«e+ urp prices the follow imr gM**#. *>* : C dar Fall* and IHsep Klver Sheetingi",Yarn* Mid Searale* »«., J&»«* ■uan'M ?rift* Bafea& i Jeum>. Charlottesville Caa»imere* and Erkenbieecher f Btarrfc. ODELL, BAOKN * CO., a p r 4»een*b©»», ft. I I)ANL. WORTH. Company Shops, N. Thanks hh> friends and the pmbYu- tut \X. very liberal patronage lie has beretofoi r rt oyed; and begs to Introduce to their f - on the IjAROBMT aad TfftMT f*l(Pl.tt r AltO TARIEB STOCK OF GOODS evcJ brought to Alamunee County. lie ns» J. st returned from the Northern cities wla r* be purchased and k*a* received aud and is i e coivug his WAt.t. AK» WINTKK HOODC ■ His stock consists ol DKT-G(X>D8 r f» iff common to the finest ever ottered .n till m rket, READY-MADE CLOT Hl* 1 of everr deseripiH»n. HATS, BOOTS AND SHOk * of all varieties to Ike l**t hand-made, stock of nn.i.nKßv fiooatpt. ■■ «•; WARrri'TI.KRV. qi'RKNR. WARR, TRtItKR mm* TAIiIKR*, Til*, i ITAKR, CHIL. • ■RIVS HATR. arecst assortment at the lowest prices, ft full stork ■ V '" T; FAMILY GROCERIES, UJ l'Vt% x - . AND SOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, Bft word ho Bit ovjrytUia; of fti f q-itit that yon will wAut to nay, a t 1 h j will bay the hl'{ha4t prices all, and anything y > hftva to sell. All he wki la foryon to cai d see fur yoarself. If vou-dont see wha a wmi you just ask for U. and then I* It iant found. (9*Cook Stoves of every vftriety. pr w- #l7 so. up. . aaa 114b (j.ItAUAM HIGH SCHOOL. GRAHAM, N, C. RE>. D. A. LONG, A. M. EKV. W. W. STALKY, A- B. REV. W. 8. LOG, A. B. MISS C. HUNTER SOUTHGATE, In tructrem li Music. Opens August 38th, and cloMa the last Tr day in Mar, 1877. _ Board |l to 910, and Tuition #3 to SCftt month