ME -GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C , Nov. 27 2877 Liocal, Stale and General Blank deeds for sale a; this office. Blank mortgagee for sale at this office. Magistrates blanks for sale at this office. Blank fchattel inortguyea for sale at this office. Bring your job work to this office, we will do if as well and as cheap as you can get it done elsewhere; and we will do it promptly. u. Bishop Lyman will preach at Com pnny Shops, next Friday,the last day of this month. We recorded last Thursday and Friday as rainy day* in our diary. We got our shucks in Wednesday evening. Mothers, donot let your darlings sufler with the Whcoping Cough, if you have a remedy so near at hand. Use Jr. Bull's Cough Syrup and the little sufferers will soon find reliel Ptice, cents. Mr. Pea, a sou-in-lav of Thus. Kobertsn, an engineer on tire Mobile & Ohio It. li was kiiltM and liis corpse brought to - t*r,.>v id-ace for burial iaM Heck. We iVi\e no par ticulars foevc'hd !ii■* b-ivitig !>een killed by a ralrovi accittOm. We thank souie one for a pamphlet containing a lectui'o delivered before . the Normal School, at Chapel Mill, by Eugene Grissom, M. D., L. L. D., last Aufcust. The subjeci.odf rather title ot lecture is Mental Hygiene for Pupil and • Teacher. We have not had time to refill it, but have heard it spoken ol as entertaining and instructive. MARRIED. —- -\t the residence of the br.dea father, on Sunday the 18th of thia month, by John listp, Mr. Josoph G. May to Miss Emily A. May, all of A ! amatice county. On the evening of the lSuh of this month,at the residence o ? A. Murray Etq., by A. Murray Esq., Mr. Clem. V. Honey, of Caswell county to Mus Georgia A. Palmer of Alamance county. W k e hear of several weddiugs that are soon to occur in tne village, and the country near l»y. After they are qyei we will publish tne parties, that tne public may kno.v mat the) nave been made nappy. There is a young lady iu town who sent us some liver pudding once, and, it she made that pudding, and is inclined to marry we would auvise some young lellovv to try his luck. . At llaw Kiver on the 19» II of this month. William Sowed, infant sou ot fnomai Sewcll and wile, Julia aged 18 months ami 9 days. At his home, mar iiig Falls in this county, on tin ol this month, Austin Isely in the seventy-first year of liisage Me was a member of the Christian Church at Shallow Foard, and lived consistently wilU his pro fession. lie eaves a wile and many friends to mourn their loss, tie was an upright man. THE SOUTH ATLANTIC. —The second number ol this mag.ziue has been received. It is much enlarged, and otherwise improved. Being owned and edited by a North Carolina lady, and published iu a North Carotin. city, it has pecu iar alaims upon - North Carolinians. tVe trust it may receive the patronage its merit* deserve. Enclose $3.00 to Mrs. Cic«ro W. Harris, Wilmington N. C. and get it tor a year. W* will notice its content more at length her after; we haven't had time to to read ' in articles yet. 1 DEATH OF JOHN It PUOII.— On tiie 21s. day ot this mouth, si his boiuo fir • this village, after a lingering illness, Mr. Job j It. Pugb died. Mr. Pugu wa» a native f Randolph c-.»unty v where he had many friends and rela-~ lives, but bad been a citizen ot tuis couuty lor the past eigbt or ten years. He was m hu furiv seventh year. His health bad been bad tur a long time, and for weeks all hopes of his ulti mate recoveiy had been abandoned. He was a consistent member ot the Baptist church of this p| HC e. Dr. Harrell, the pa-tor of his church, preached the funeral sermon, at the bouse of the deceased, and be was burried iu Providence Church Yard. The deceased was an upright man, and waa respected by all who knew him. He leaves a widow and five children, tour of them small, to soars the loss ot husband and lath er. TKKR!BMIIM S i m g Si From the Charlotte Observer we | learn of the following terrible iHsks j ters. On the Atlantic and Charlotte Air! , Line Railroad, m last Friday, the | passenger train that left Charlotte at | 12:45 rati into a washout, sixteen ! fr on» Charlotte, killiuginstantly Tom Smith, the engineer, and hurting 1 the liremau badly. The passengers reported unhurt. Attain on the Charlotte, Columbia | Augusta Kail road, fell thnnigli a tress | tie across South Fork Creek, between ' I Smith's turnout and Chester, about i lorty eight miles south of Charlotte, j dropping the passenger coac es i.;to water IU which they sank to about a foot oil ne tcp. U. Y. MeAdan and John L. Moreheud with \V. J. Orr and J. F. McLaughlin of Chm-- lotte were on one of the coaches thus suuk. McLaughlin is missing, and it is thought is drowned. 11. Y. lie- Aden had a rib broken, and J. L. Morehead was bruised. Jt is learud some ol the pass .-tigers are drowned in the coaches. The creek was mucn ' swolen by the heavy rains, and the passengoirs were driven down the cur | rent, as last as they could extricate I themselves from the care, and ihey I were many of tneiu rescued while I clinging to trees \Vil:iatn Osnicnt, l also ot Charlotte is teporied bmily J hurt. It is one i t the most appaliug ! accidents we have read ot .or u long lime. Wo wriie Saturday evening '.viil give lurttier particulars, it' we get them before to pi ess. The heavy lains were the approximate ; cause. J. F Mc.aughiii certainly killed I in the accident on the C. C. & A. li. It. ' No further purticulais. PHENOMENON. —On last Tuesd-y j evening, shortly before five o'clock. | quite a phenomenon, in sptr-shootiug i by day-ligli'. was witnessed by some ! our people, and heard by nearly or qo.ite all. The meteor, if such it was took its ouise from a northwesterly to a southeasterly direction, with an inclination towards the earth, and went out. by an explosion in a nortlu easterly direction Irom hero, leaving I a 'rack iike a rocket, terminating ,n n coil of smoke. The jar of the ex. plosion shook the houses and rattled tiie windows, and made peoplo stun up and go to the doors. It was doubtless one of the November meteors of which astronomers have j been talking. We have seen notices J ot the same, or a similar phenomenon I about the Mtine time, in the Wiiuiings ton and lialcigh papers. SAO ACCIDENT —TWO YOUNG MEN, DKOWNKD.—-FI jin the Chnriotte Ob-1 server we con iensc the following: On | last Friday lilght, .Messrs. Micheal j iloke, Jacob SuuiU*t£. and Harrison Urice, ail young men of Liucolnton, »Hein(»ted to cross C'lark'n crerk, just ' on the outskirts of the town, when | the boat, ihey were in capsized, and young Grice was at once firuwnwd. Sumner and Hok« got on ibe upturn ed boat and wert» being rapidly borne into the South Fork ot Catawou iiv- r er, in whian the creek empties a hall* mile distaut. pearu.g the larger stream they caught to the branches of j I a tree, abandoning the boat. lit re | ' tney hnug suspended by the arms, | Ail) not chk.j j for an hour, when youAg Sumner beij came exhausted, and telling his coin- | pa/iion iu peril to take care of him- j self, he too sank to a watery grave. | | Iloke, with wonderful endueaate, re maiued all that miserable night, I hanging to the tree, .lis body up to j his arm-pits under water, from 9 ; o'clock at night till 7 o'clock the next' morning before help came and he ! wax rescued. THK INfIBIM COUNT. The first term of the Inferior Court! for this county was held lart we»k The docket *VHN small, and entirely i ; disposed of iu two day a. Th.e grand jury, in the two days acted upon ! about twenty bills, and as a numb • the ilocket wiil mush larger at the next term. 'lnhere were but f*w people in attendance, the weather bung fiue, and our farmers busy seeding wheat. D. W. Kerr Esq. w.«s electej chair man of the court, and came to the discharge of bis duties as if he had been used to them. There «r»s no cane of general importance. Graham G-irreti, son of Jobo F 1 engaged a» an artist a Weidou. and i here taken »ick. Hi* * father went to bring niin home, and , got as tar on his way as Raleigh, I where the young man died, lie was brought a corpse, to his sorrowing mother, his brothers and sisters and friends, to be hurried ear the home of hi-boyhood. , Railroad bridge,'across Dan river : at Danville washed away as we hear , this morning. HO W W A'l CIIES Alt E MAI) E. It will be apparent to any one, who will examine a M>LII> ;OLD WATCH, I that aside from the, necessary thicks | ness lor eugravingjalid polishing. the large proportion oft i»e precious mod ;il used, is neode 1 only to stiffen and hold the engraved portions in place, ami supply the necessary solioity anil strength. 1 Ire surplus gold isactuul ly needless, so far as CTII.ITY and beauty are concerned. In JAMES BUSS' PATENT STIFFENED J GOLD W Arcll CASES,this WASTE |of precious metal is overcome* ami 1 Ihe SAME 80LIK1TY AND STKXOTLL pro- I tluceil at one-third to one half ot the usual cost of solid cases. This pro cess is of the most simple n ture, as follows: A plate of composition nies tal. specially adapted lo Ihe puipoge, has two plates of SOLID GOLD solder ed one on e..cli side. The three are then passed between polished steel rollers, and the result is a strip ot heavy plated composition, from which the cases, backs, centres, bezels, &.. are cut aud shaped by suitable dies and formers. 'I lie gold in these cases is sufficiently thick to admit of nil kinds »f clinging. engravinsf and eu umelling until] worn perfectly smooth by lime ami use without removing the gold. These cases are for sale by j all jewelers, a»d are guaranteed bv SPECIAL CERTIFICATE to WhAKFOK 20 VEAIiS. II your jeweler does not keep ihem. send to IIAOSTOZ & THORPE, Ledger Building, PhiladeU phia, (or illustrated catalogue. "IT STILL WAVES. "—Among the solid and established papers that have lived through the hard limes, we are glad to see the old time and favorite Star Spatig\ed Uunaer. .his ever po ular paper begins its 16th year with 1878. and deserves to be iuevery home. It is a large, 8 page 40 column paper—every issue actually crowded with charming Stories, Poems, Sketch es, Wit, Huu.or, Fun, Puzzles, and Rebuses—tine Illustrated Poems aud Stories. It is a national favorite, and should be in every family. In its "Rogue Corner" every swindler, quack humbug aud fraud Is fully exposed. None need ever be swindled it shev will read the Banner. Try it pne year. Only 76 cents a year, or with six fine chromoa, or an elegant dictionary, only sl. Trial trip, 3 mouths, only 10 cents. Specimens 6 ce. ts. We advise every reader to try this great fa mil* paper throe months only one dime. Address star bpunyled Banner Ilinsdale, N. 11, HOvV IV IS DONE. The first object in life with the American people is to "get rich;" the second, how to regain good health. The fit st can he obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (good health,/ by using GREEN'S AUGUST FLO\VEK. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any of the effecta of Dypepsia, l»iVer Complaint, Indi gestion, Ac., such as Sick Ueadadi, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness. J Dizziuess of the Head. Nervous I Floatations, Low Spirits-, Ac.j you J ueid not suffer another day. Two | doses of AUGUST FLOWER will relieve I you at oiije. Sample Bottles 10 J cents. Regular size 7b cents, f Postively sold by all first-class j Druggists in the U. S, and by P. R. | Harden Graham N. C. Loss TO THZ CoUNTT BY LAST J WEEK'S PAIN—BRIDGES GONE. —Just jis iime fbjvihlg issue we learn mure ot the damage done by last week's I freshels. the Bridge* ut Shallow j Foard, and at Company Mills, oil j Haw river are both swept entire)} . away, and the one at Ireland's mill, ! also across Haw river has two spans | washed out. The bridge across Mo.iy i ceek, at Big Falls, which was tiuder | goinv repairs, and which is as ! important as any of the others, was | entirely swept away. The loss to the j county anil the inconvenience to the people in the north-west p-ilion of it, are quite serious. A. Murray i Esqr. informs us that the water was nearly up to the flooring of the bridge at Big Falls, but if remains intact, i fear tliat other damage was done of which we have not yet heard. „ lIK4VV HAI> FALL Tne rains of fast Thursday and Friday were ilie heavest in this section for a long lime, ilaw liiver. Big Alaiuiauce and the other various water courses in the county were very full, and we fear much damage has been done t > mills bridges and fencing on l»w lands. We understand thai the bridge at Shallow Foard ha» been swept awav and also the one across Stoney Creek 'at Big Falls. The hejvy rain cannot be otherwise than damaging to farmer*, as it! caught them in the midst of wheat sowing. We hear of much damage to rail roads, and .cckiem* resulting in loss of life. Haw river is said to have "been higher than since 1867 aud nearly as high *s then. - . We guess that shooting star had something to do with it. Tut LATEST WAK Osman Pasha, Turkish commander at Plev na, haa opened negotiations for tht surrender of the place to the Russ sians, which in all probability has already taken place. There is rumor ed .English interference on behalf of Turkey. TIIK FIRST LOCOMOTIVE. — We went up lust week to sen Wilson's negroes ptti! dial Engine over the Blue IJidge —nnd they did it. Stripping the Locomoiive "Salisbury*' ti» its lightest weight, 17 ions, • heystruck outalong Die Kin-re i'(Did, laving a temporary track be lore iliom and dragging the engine hy moans of three long ropes attached in front, alter theui. When the machine was nulled to the end of this track, thej took up ail behind and moved it forward, when another pull was made and so on till the top was reached. From this point, to make the descent on the other side, they had to put on their ho\ding back strap j ; the engine was safely placed in position on the track in the Western ap proach to the main tunnel. This) is the first Locomotive Engine .ever \ye-t of the Blue Ridge in North Carolina. \V? nope it iiuy prove of great service in expediting (lie con * plctiou of the tunnel, and that before another Legislature meets, its shrill whistle will he echoeing down the gorges of the French Broad. -Jiurfa B\ake. DOM KItEP IT, If you have raised any monov for the Orphan As> !utn, don't keep it to carry to the (jiaud Lodge, ~We need it now. We are anxious to prepare tor wi :ter. It may snow at any time, or a cold rain mav come. If you intend to make a contribu tion, make it now. Delays are dangerous. We knew a man who I was anxious to help a good work; but never ielt that he could spare the ciisli. But a neighbor borrowed ten thousand (greenback) dollars of him, and paid him w'th a bankrupt notice, then, when if was too late, he lo ked back and saw how much ;ood fie migiK .iave done with that money. The Lord gave it to him for a good purpose, and took it a vav when he tried to speculate on it".— Orphans Friend. b Mr. Gudger, Superintendent of the Deaf an j Dumb Asylum, in an inter view with the Raleigh Dailies, says that his predecessors, used stores be longing to the institution without ac counting for them. Mr, John Nich ols, who immediately preceded Mr. Gudger, is out in a letter in whirtb lie saya that Mr. Gudger has drawn three hundred dollars ealary to which he WHS not entitled, and that Le don't understand the sign language. The more officials watch and tell s»n each other the better it will be for the people. John Baxter, of Teiiu.. is not vet confirmed as Judge oftlie sixth judi cial circuit. II«! is opposed violently, and the lamaging facts against him appeai to be that he was a candidate tortile Confedeiute Congiess in 1862, at one ti.. c proposed to raise a regi ment lor the Confederate ai my, and was elected as a Democrat to-ti|econ* stitntional convention in 1870, and in that convention offered a resolution to displace every Republican official in the Stale. As the facts come out we incline towards Johu.^ Hickory Preet: Two men, Bruce i ouut aud A! Kale, were disputing last week near Catawba about a pisN tol being loaded, when the former, to prove that it was not, held up his hand, pionted the pistol and pulled the trigger, hut to his surprise it j fired, the hall passing directly through his hand and the neck of the latter. Both feel fully satisfied now,and have no doubt as to its being loaded. THE KATIOUI. ERAPTOC. CINCINNATI, Nov. 21.— The Na tional work of the meeting must be crvstalization aud systemizing of the Ihe Grange wjrk and a decision must lie reached whether there shall be any j longer a National Grunge and if so wiiat ahull he its formalities powers and limitation!!. _o Dr. R. \V. Glenu, of Greensboio. is again in Philadelphia to remain tor several weeks, attending lectures upon his specialties in the profession. He seems determined to learu all there is to know in the branches of the practice which lie is now especially devoting his attention to. Au interesting trial for murder, one Andrew Moouiughain charged with the murder of one Seawe!! last | September, occupied he ye ml days of the criminal court of Wake, last week. Verdict not guilty. During services at the Chnrch of the Ascension, in Philadelphia, Alex. B. sayeis walked up the aisle, drew a pistol and shot his Mile, wlio occu pied a pew in advance of where he had been silting. Savers was aires ■* ed, and the wife carried to the hos pital to die. Maj W. H. Sims was elected Lieut. Governor of Mississippi by a hundred thousand majority, aud by about the same majority a constitutional amend ment was adopted, aboiishiug the ol fice. a correspondent of the New York I World in the city of Mexico has , informed thai journal that the seuti- j ment ot he Mexicans favor* war with the Iniited States. Rufe Low ranee was convicted iu ! Mecklenburg, Superior Court, last] week, of the murder of Dock Hun sucker. Both negroes. A drunken negro in Raleigh, nam ed Morgan, fired a pistol promiscu ously around in a bar room, and suc ceeded in wounding two other ne groes. At a meeting of th' Directors of the Wilmington & Weldou Railroad R. R. Bridget was unanimously i re-elected President. J Mr. S. C. Schotield, merchant am. railroad agent at Davidson College, went down the road as tar its Ale.\» andiia, and upon his return attempt ed to get upon a train in motion, hi tell and was nine I hurt, running » IIHITO-V risk of loosing his life. Capt. John Wilkes, of Charlotte, took the premium at the Columbia Fair for the best cotton presa of his own manufacture. The Wilmington Star says, we understand that a large quantity of steel rails have been ordered for the Carolina Central Railway. A telegragh line, between Raleigh and llamlet, on the Haleigh ami Augusta Air-Lino Railroad, is being constructed. IN THE SUPKRIOIt COURT. At.AMASCB COUBTT ' William Patterson, us Ousr.lian of Mar t> n J Sli.ffner. *ud Dsnl. Issley and wife* Elizabeth, Plaintiffs. VM William Bboffn»r, Milton Isel«y and wif Harbors, Emily lsel«y and otlier*. De in the above en*iti»*H Bpecin) un order has heretofore linen made direct inp H SHl** of the lands described 'n ibe pe litioit, for partition ainonig tlie heirs at law ot Daiil.vHlioffner dwo'd.. and in pursaanee th. re„f a eale has been made, and the re port ot the Comniissiuner 'has been made, and it appearing to theaatisfaetion of the court that Milton Iseley aud wHe Barbara, are n>» n residents of this Btate, and that said Ilarbara is a daughter of said Danl Shoffner deed, and that Emily an oilier daughter ol »aid d>-cd , is, if living slsos non resident of the State, it is or dered that publication be made in THB \LAMANCK i * t.KANicu ..f notic« to said Milton Iseley and wife Barbara, and ssid Emili Iselev, that a mot inn for the eonfirmatioii "f said sale of said lands and for partition >f th« mouey arising therefrom, among the heirs at law ot the said Danl. Shoffner, ac cording to their interest therein, will be heard on the third day ol January 1878. Done at oflica in Graham I this 22nd day of Oct. 187 S. f A. TATE C. 8. C. Alamance County. OSfOfAfi it'GK). my new ftore house, west ot the court house was completed and I moved Into 1 have enjoyed a liberal share of patron age since, for which I beg leave to return mv thanks. I have just returned from the North, where I purchased a large stock of goods, consisting of as nearijs everything my cus tomers would want a* my long acquaintance with our people would enftblu uie to buy. For the Ladies I hare an elegant line of dress goods of the latest styles, from calicoes up to the raort beautiful nd costly, HOSIRRT, NOTIONS, HATS and especially an extensive lot of COLURJ, COLLAKETTS AUD SCAKFS For the Gentlemen I have BXAnr MADB CLOTHISO, HATS AID CAPS, BOOTS AMD SHOES snd the finest stock of Piece Ooooa ever brought to this market, consieting of beau tiful patterns for coats, vests, pants ami for full suits. t FOB EVERYBODY 1 have a full stock of ea>CKaiu, cotrao TIONKSICS, HAaDWASC, HOLLOW - *iLiow-w*ir. caocaav- WABT, TIS WABI, COT TLBBT, and in a word all that is wanted and need , ed bv the trade. This large and varied stock of goods 1 bought to Kelt, and I have priced them with that end iu view. Remember new store west of the court house. Octo, ». Iy. / i. W. HARDEN. Do tit go Barefoot I have a flue stock of leather, embracing i as flue French calf skins as can be bought j to this country. Customers can examine mv stock, and I warrant my work both aa a fit and durability. All styles of V * ROOTS, SHOES AND OAiTRRP made promptly aud cheaply. All I ask is a W X. MCKHAT. OSE A TT!RT J",f^toel* r ootourilodtof superior U •*• GoW ptatod Jewelryraieed atonr »MO.OO«, we SRSUB^HESsMpirs sm*! rs. o^ Studs, 1 Wedding Ring; 1 Engraved Bind Finger Ring; 1 Amethyst Stone Rinff. Inlaid §2 A A T"W wilh °° M > 1 Elegrtnt Ring; marked "Friendship;" X3LJLX3I 1 Amethyst Stone Scarf Pin, Inlaid with Gold; 1 Pin; I set Ladies' Jet and Gold Pin and Drops; 1 Misses' set Jet ftod Gold; IjCollar Stud: 1 set Qandnome Rosebud Ear Drops; 1 Gents' Elegant Lake Georce Diamond Stud; I Card.aal Red Bead Necklace; 1 pair Ladies Amethyst Stone Ear Drone, L* II JCi W JOS .C|i Scarf Ring and Elegant Watch Chain. Take your choice, the entire lot of QQ niecss, sent Post paid for you choose for QO pen Now is the time u> matte money. Theee can eaaUy be retailed at SIO.OO. CLUB PREMIUM. TOftllf OFPPPPn one ordarin 9 l2 Lots at sl.ooeach, we will ■ 1 1 ■ * present Free, an Open Face Coin Silver Watoh as Premium. WATCH AND JEWELRY CIRCULAR FREE. iroTioaua or tsis piumm, ai'STrsai.'S isifi&ra: LmtU ITfymfc*. r»iifFrr T, IS7I m ▲dr«rtl*M man aad Mils cheaper than any awe ia Hew York.-AroU. iprit 13. l«n. P. STOCKMAN, 27 Bond ItrMt, New YeHji THE tsLiN - 1878, NKW YORK. 1»78. An the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions THE SUN would remind Its friends and woil wi»Lers everywhere, that it in again a car.diuate for their consideration and isapport. Upon Its record for the past leu years it relies tor * continuance of the uearty sympathy and generous co-operation whicn have hitherto been extended fo it from every quarter of the Union. 'l he DaUy Sun is a four page-sheet of 88 columns, price by mail, post paid, 56 cents a month, or $6.50 per year. t he Sunday edition of Till Bcn is an eight-page sheet of 58 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and mlscellan enous matter specially prepared for it. ihk Sunday Sum has met with great suc cess. lost paid $1,90 a year. . Th« Vsskly (as, Who does not know Tea Bc*f It circulates throughout the United States, the Candas. and b yond. Ninety thousand tamllles greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counsel lor, and friend, its news, editorial, agricul tural, and literary departments make it essentially a journal for the family and the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten. with #lO cash, wf will an extra copy free \ddress PUBLISHER OF THE SUN . New Tork NEW GOODS IN an old itore. Harden 4Co at, big ims. have opened a general stock of good*, such as the trade of the surrounding country will demand. Thev Intend to keep whatever their customers need, at exceedingly low prices. All kinds of barter taken in ex* change for goods. Octo 31 77 Bm. Graham Market. COMUtCTBD WIUU.T »T J. W. HABDEN. Wfdn«*Uv. NOT. 27. 1877. Apples, d, V 1b.... Bto 4 green V bushel, 50 V bushel. 79a1.00 Battel Vlb 90®35 Beeswax ? lb 25 Bacon sides 9 lb 11W018W " ' shoulders, Vlb 9010 " hamr 15 Beef* lb 5A6 Black berries dried,... ... .... 405 Bark, sasafras roots V lb 9X03 Colfee » lb 25030 Castings, old V lb 1 Candles Adamant' V lb 90025 Cloth, tow and cotton, V yd 18a90 Corn V bush 5q Chickens Frying 12015 , Chickens grown 20025 ; Cotton lint, Vlb 8010 Cotton In seed 5 1 Cherries Dried* tb 10019 " seed 33* @S Clover seed * bush 10.00 Ducks » Pair 80 Bggs V do« 15 Flour, family V bbl 5.5008.0n " Super V bbl 5.0005.50 Feathers Vfb I 30®.">0 Hay V 100 lb 50 Hides, green, V lb 508 r ,o ® l# , Lard Vlb 12W015 •Violates Cube V gal 86000 Meal, corn, V lb lWr Oats, seed V busii 40050 ■ Onions V bush * 50 " sets » quart ______ 1 Peas V bush..) 75 Potatoes, Irish V bush 40to 60 » 'i. J*"* 1 " *0 to 50 Pork V lb tpg Peaches; dried, peeled,. .. 6010 ' _ *' " unpeeled, 804 Rags 9 lb 08®2U: Salt One t sack iM " course 1.85 Shingles V thousand 8.5004.00 lb 08/810 Wood * cord .. 2 0009.10 Wheat V bush. 1. 000129 DE. W, a Q ALLOW'A V Dr. W, O. Galloway, having perm nently located at Company Shops, N. C., Uodera his prrflersional services to the ciilx*ns of the village and surrounding country. AH cslls will receive prompt attention. Office during the da, at Dr. J. a Mur p. ey's drug store; at night, can be found st p'lvate .evidence, first brick howe oa "Brick Row," east side. "iorpr AU those who wish to muke their cash eo a long ways, would do well to call and look ai my atock of new goods, before the y buy. No charge for showing goods. Uraham N. C. P. R. HARDEN. Octo 81st 1877.

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