■CCWT BETSY OS «HOPi nfl, (From the Sunny Sonth ] Well, it has been a longtime Rincr I ventured any of my opinions in th ♦'Sunny" South, but I Hhonld lik. the best of all things to rny a few words this week.. 1 Raw a sentence that struck my fancy a few day since, and feeling assured that it ei> anated from one who thought hf knew whatHjf was saving, but di«tn t I concluded I'd give him "Ann Betsv's ideas on it. Here is tin paragraph in question "A woman can crowd more real happiness into a day's shopping, «han in any other tin dertaLing" Ah! but cant she though? And not exhibit any of that weak-mindedness or frivolity of which she is so often accused. It takes a woman to extract happiness from shopping. A man could not do it. He would, strong-minded as he is, be "now compos mentis " long before the day was done. Listen to him at he gives his orders in in a tailoring establishment and you will be con vinced. "Well, I want a suit oi clothes made in the latest style, and in the most fashionable color worn, and his shopping is over. No pleas ure in that except the adorning of bis lovely self. No thought of the hearts be will make happy when showing his purchases. He does not have hats and caps, gloves and hand kerchiefs, shoes ato, kings, dresse and bonnets, ribbons and laces t«. select, to see that the apparel of each member of the tanii'y is becoming am proper. Now just imagine.if you can. cjnfusion would be in thm household, Bionld Mr. Smith con elude tor economy's sake (Mrs. Smith was »') extravagant) to do the Sprin shopping. My pen fails to descrn> it but, vouldu'i vou pity Mrfc S and all the little Sm tlis? I wui d i'ne la bouut oue is> al .vavs tryiug > be witty at woman's expeuse, am: verv often fails. I dt.n't pretend that a woman understands tho uiys teries of smoking cigars, lager and mint juleps, chewing to but co, making lav>s, preaching, plowing driving fast horses etc., etc, Bui there are a few things she can do, ami on« of theui is to shop. I ttseo to be 'oiid of quoting poetry when it waa very applicable, but am gettin so toigeiiui in my old age i rarei attempt it, lest X misquote, I am pretty certain however, these liner are "all ngut" and so suitable. "Mau to man U always just. But ncveristo svouiaa " IfUfcTsV Tkotwood. TRA.imiNTritOlßlK*. Mog of us have had troubles al our lives, and eacn day ha* brought all the ev 11 thai we wished to endure. But it we were asked io recount th sorrows ot our lives, l.ow many coulu we remember? flow many thai a.e six moullisold snould yve think wor thy to be r-nieiubeied or lueuiiuii dr 10-duv s (rouble* lot k large,'' but a weeK lie ce they will be forgotten and nuried out ofsi«nt. 'II von would kvupa b uk, aiidi'v ery day put duwu mo Dungs mu; worry you. Mini see wiiui bet'innes ol thisui, it would be h neiietU lu you. allow a thing to UUIIOV vou, |u»t M you allow a flt to seltLe on )oo ami I'lagiu- you; uoil >ou Jose your temper (or rather get it*. for wbeu men arc surcharged with temper they t> re said to have lost ii); mid >ou juatiiy yourseiVt-s lor being thrown off your balance by which you do not true out. Bui ii you woulu see what it was tmit threw vou oil your balance before break hut, and uut it down iu a Utile book, and fol low it out, and ascertain .w h t be>« comes ol ii, you would see what a 100 l you were iu ihe uut ter.' Ahean ot io« getting s a blessed art, but the art ojoverlooking is quite »« important, Ami it we snouiu take time to wtuc tiouii ino ••rigiti, pr»»- gi'two, and outcome ol a tew of our trouulca, it Woulu make u a so a»bai»- ed ol the luu we make over iheiu, Unit >» e tiiwuitl be giau bkdrO|t sucu thing* aiul bury them atTiicu iu eier ha I lorgbtiuiiiess, Lte is UKJ short to . e worn out iu Veiiy worries, ireltings, hatred*, and \ex.uioii*. L«el Us baiiuu all uieav. and think uu wuaisoever things ..re )>ure, utul lovely, auUgeutie, and ol good report. AH AMLURfI COIII, Carvlully prepi-e i statistics show s thai there an- over six nundruU ttiuiia and drunkard* iu the United dimes and tli.it Mveiit.t tUousawd die amiu alij wuo go to the grav; ot a drunk* aru. Every year one huuurcd Uious and iiien and Wuinen are eeui to Ihf piist'ii under ine influence ot iutuzh nation. while thi-ce hundred inuulerc mid lour hundred suicides ocjur iroui the sMiuecaUie. Two hundred inoUria-nlorpuaiikMre annually tnrown lipu.. tue clarity of the world by tni enfae ol iulemtejaou«. .Nine-tenth; - of out Oiiiue aud nut less man seven fig.itii- ol the pauperism i» meimmu> uiatn iee.ua ol w his-e>, and thai at : cost 10 me goveruineu—beside* imli vtuuai *aui—ol not M> uau »80, Uw,Mvmrr J"*r> 3SK.\ OUT OF Ol t l'l'AXlOl, The man who has nothing to do is Iho most miserable of being. No mutter how much wealth a man possesses. he can he neither content* >fl nor huppv wi'hoiu oc«n|mii»>n. Wc were born t> labor, ami the world is otir vine' aril Wo chii God a field d n-fullness almost anywhere. In occupation we torjjet our « res, ni»r wonlK trials, and our sorrows. It koepsnsf-om cii'istnnlly worrying ami brooding over what i- inevitable. If we iave on >'tjjh lor ourselves, we can l»b«>r I r the »ood of others; ami Mich a task one -f the most delight I'll duties a worthy and go id mail can lioßssibly engage in. Governor llice, in reply to an in quiry as to whether he lead the pa lters early each diy. rep ied with deli cate tarosni: 01 course I do. How -houl 11 know what kind of a man I am this morning it 1 didn't?' Monow, of Jefferson Conns tv, Ala., has beeu impeached for drunkeuess. Nearly three hundred miles of railroad have been built in Calitornia -o fur ibis year. The Graphic proposes that one. of Ihe great Jiversof AtVica be named the Stanley. Eriglnnd has imported 396.00() har- rels ot apples from the United Slates since last October. R A. tntot±;l.l> JjJtSgr*Tailor. Cntttinrand mnklne done 1n th« Istest fashion* and mostdeplrable manner. keens constantly on hand Samples "f latest stvic goods for eentlemcns wear: •id will oHer dbcorjlng to selection of n«fomers aeent for the sale t>i the Pin"eT -e>v!n? Machine. Shop in the old postofficr 'villdinif. Graham N. 0 E. S. PAuKEII, GRAHAM N. C., Attorney at Law, Praetlcef Jn Alamauce and adjoining coun ties, and in tlie Federal courts, WATCHES! JEWELRY!! Rou AIXE GOLD, SO extensively worn in Pari.i, was first discovered LA 1870, by the cele brated French chemist \fom. D." Be who manufactured it mto jewelry, and for !ive years sold it to tire leading jeweler* (if Paris for Solid Gold, in 1875. when hi.- secret became known, ten of tile manufacturing jeweler* establi.-hed a stock company with a capital of t1f1.000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing Homaine Gold Jetctlr, and H atches. With this i nineuee capital, and the aid of iuipnned machinery they ar «-I»abled to produce all tl;c latest patterns of jewelry at less than one tenth the cost o Solid Gold, and of a quality and color which makes It impossibli even for experts ti detect it from genuine. " . H'e have secured the exclusive aaeitcy Cj the Elates and Canada, for the sale o ll Koods manufnctuicd from this n ttal. avd4n oidir to ii.Otdtice them in the mos. speedy manner, have pnt up assorted ► ample )o,s as given below, which we will tell a. one-tenth the retail value.until January lei, IS7B. Read the list. fir** 50-Cent Lot | $3 00 LOT, One Gent's Watch Chain retail price 11 00 One Ladies' Opera Guard Chain, One pair Engraved sleeve Buttons, 75 One L-idies Neck Chuin and Cross, ilito Stone Set Scarf Pin, 75 One beautiful Locket, (Engraved), Oue set (3) Spiral Shirt Studs, 75 One pair Baud Bracelets. One improved siups CoUarJhutaiv 50 Ui# Gent's Twist Uuk Vest Chain an Oue beuvy plain ueddiug Riug, 185 Charm, One pair Onyx Sleeve Buttons, Total %5 0J Or e set (3.1 Qnyx Shirt Muds, ciKSS a—*" 1 -*««™ ■" cies postpaid. One Arfcoua Solitaire Stud, $1 00 LOT One Mi Ainethyst or Topaz Pin and Ea One pair Sleeve Buttons, stone setting, 9 ne Button, Oue set (3) Spiral Shirt Studs, e * lain Ring, stamped 18 a. One hoa»v baud Engagement Ring, _ One set (2) Engraved Bracelets, ft) UU LUT> One Ladies' Long Guard or Neck Chain, One Engraved Minatur* Locket, for the Ote Ladles' Opera Chdn, with slide and above, L., -tjssel, r tail price $5.00, Oue Gent's Heavy Link Watch Chain, One Genu heavy Watch i.hain, with Curl Oue LakaQeoige Diamond Stud. charm, retail price. ss.ou One Ladles- heavy lonr Neck Cbain. 12 00 LOT* One elegant Chased Miniature Locket (oi » t ahovo One Ladies' Neck Chain and Charm, One aet Cameo liedalion Pin and Ear Drops. One Ladies' lieavv Guard Chain for Watch, Orite pair (3) heavy Chased Band Bracelets, One aet Pin aud Ear Rings, Amethyst, One Gents golitairc Diamond Stud, One extra fine Miniature Locket, O e Gents Cluster Diamond Pin, One Caniao Beal Ring. One pair Amethyst or Onyx Sleeve Buttons One very heavy Wedding or Engagement One set (S) t» match the above, Ring, Olie elcgat t heavy set Cameo Seal Rlne, one Gent's heavy Watch CI all with Charm One Massive band or Wedding Ring, One pair Pearl Inlaid Sleev, Buttons, One new "patent" Collar Button, One Lake George Cluster P-n, One L»«ilo« Cbendse Button. One pair (8) heavy band Bracelet*. One Aiuathyst or Topaz Ring, (extra finish) | The retail price of the articles In each sample lot amounts to exactly ten Umes thr price we'ask (or the lot, for example, our fl 00 lot retails for tlO.OO: oar 6.00 lot tor #60.00. i ! ASolid Romaino Gn!d II unting-Casc Watch Free. V To any one sending as an order for the above lots by cxpr*.. to the amount of $15,- 00, we wUI send free one solid Romuine Go.d II anting case Watch, Gent's or Ladles' s so, warruuted M> keep perfect time and look equally as well as a SIOO,OO gold watch * By mai! postpaid, #15,50. This is oar beat offer to agents, and is worth a trial, as the watch ilo ie will sell or trade readily for irom $3J,00 to #60.00. Gems' or Ladles' K'af h «. alone, %7,vio or #B,OO, with a Heavy Gents' Gold Pal teru Vest Cham and Charm, or La dies' Opera Chain with slide and tassel. REM EMBER —This offer only holds good until J in. Ist. 1878- After that time we shall aell only to Jol>Oera aud Wholesale dealer-, aud any oi e wishing our will * tuen have to pay full retail prices s Romal.ie Gold Is the best, and, in fact, the only imitation of genuine gold made, being r the same In weight, color audnnWh, and all our goods are made In the latest gold pat j terns. WUI guarantee satisfaction la every Instanoe, or refund money. II • 4 Send money by P. 0.. Money Order, or Remitter*d letter.'Al OUR HISK. No goods d tent O. O. D. unless at least #S,OU accompanies the order. plainly, I W. F EYANS & CO., Sole Agt's for U. 8., aad Canada. ' y »«sd»r 90VTH CLABKiTRKT, OH PC AGO, ILL. DA XL. WORTH. Company Shops, ~N\ ~C Thanks bis friends and the pubtic for tl.c verv liberal patronasre he has heretofoie joyed; and begs to introduce to tlieir inspp." on the * MR«KKTand.nOST COWPf.K'I'B » AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS over brought to Alamance County. Ileum i. st returned from the Northern cities where he purchased and has reooived and and i ie» ceivng his NPRINfi AND *U.TI!TIKR IIOOI): ills stock consists of DRY-GOODS. from common to the finest ever oflered iu this market, READY-MADE CLOTHIb 7 IIATB BOOTS AMD SHOES of every description, of *ll varieties to the best hand-made, stock of j mn.iNERV noon*, harp j VARTIITI.KRY. QI'KKXN (CARE. TRCSKS «nJ TAI.VIEN. TIN triRR. CHIIi- ORENB HAT*, largest assortment at the lowest prices, a iuil stock FAMILY GROCERIES, U1 IEI AND SOLE LEATHEIt. Fertilizers, IK in a word he has everything of au, qnaii* that you will want to buy, and he w ill buy ;>i the highest prices all, and anything yoi. have to sell All he asks is for you to cai and see for yourself. If you dout see whi you want you just atk for if, and tbei. see if itisnt found. WCouk Sto es of every variety, prices from® 17,50. up. Jf/ Mercantile, Railroad, W I!auk, Book and Pamphlet vL Mi Printing or Binding of any kind, send \QL Ml your order* to \£A II EDWAHDH, BROCGHTON Jt CO., flfiS m ~ Bol«igh, N. C. l'*! IMM In quality of work, Low Prices and Xh x Dispatch ill}) J ft They lead tha State. \}W/f Record Books, '// jt v\ Legal - x Rlanka, II )f Ledgers, f 1 Bill and UJ/ \ Letter W Heads, U \ Envslopas, Statements />j \ and all H \ Printing at // \ Northern Price* WALT FOR THE WAGON [ am now running n comfortable -'vehicle r ijularly, between the DEPOT and GRAHAM. No old broken down animal and worse ve dele. 1 meet all passenger trains, and will see chat ray cuttonieiß are never left. MARTIN V-j NBUREN 6'raham N. (J. I T A. LONG B. F. LONG I ruice' ville Graham I N.C.. N. C. ! Mf& & MM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Prvtice in a',l the State an* Fedey. '•ourtfl Vew Drug Store Dlt. J. S. MURPHY "spectfully announces to the public th: t iiice inovina: into his New Drug Store, h ■»s Greatly improved his st ck of Dings •lrcbaees, ~nd that on account of the hari times he will SELL VERY LOW. \lrnost everything- is kept on hand, that ohysicians or the public usually call for ii. be line of drugs, medicines, phemicals, dye -tuffs, perfumery,. ftc ; Dr. J. 8. Murjihy will give his persona Mention to pi ascriptions, orders and com pounding medicines. The patronage of the public is most res pectfully solicited. No pains shall be spared •> keep on hand fresh and vure medicines To THE WORKING CI.ASS.—We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constani ■mployme it at home, the whole of *h* time or for their spate moments. Knsiness new ight and profitable. Persons f either se> .■asily earn from 50 cents to ©5 pe- evenin! >nd a proportional sum by devoting thei vliole time to the business Boys and girl.- ;arn nearfy a* nraeii as men. That all wh ;ce this notice may send th/eir address. am- 1 e«.t the busineas wc makethis unparallele iffer: To such as are not well satisfied w vill send one 4ollar to pay for the trouble ■ viting. Full particulars, samples wortl fveral dollars to commence work on. an' i copy of the Home and Fiieside. one of tb* •trgeat and best Illustrated Publications, aV =eiit free by mail. Reader, if you wani lermanent. profitable work, address, GEORGE STINSON & Co., Portland Maine IPJinPlf lighest Award at The Cen tennial Diploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, for Grand, Upright & Square j PIANOS. The principal points of superiority in the oTIEFV Pianos arc biUliant singing quaJiti ol tuue, with great power— evewu-ss of touch. throughout the entire scale, tauUles.- acliou. .msurpasseU durauuity, and uuexcelitu workmanship. A large variety of Second-hand Pianos, of all makers, constantly In store, and rang ing in prices froui #75 to 9300. We are also Sole Agents for the Southern States of the "Matchless Burdett Organs, The Best now made, •'i . .» - 4 foil, supply of every style constantly in. store, and sold ou the most liberal terms. For Terms and Illustrated Catalogues ol Pianos and Organs, address CUAS. M. STIEFF, Ko 9 N. Liberty Street, BuLLTIMO&E, MD. pALAUE • JEWELIiY bTORE * I W'B. FARRAR, OPTICIAH, H ATCH-JI^HU, AND JEWELER, AND ENGRAVER, AW HF.AI.KR IN v « ff *■ »• tr «« Silver Warn; Hrirlal Prpsentf, Solid RiiK'e. Wrtlkiitor Cttnes, Gold Pens. &c. OPIF.ENSPORO. N. C. t W blrh- iritl br wo t^chfnp J.T.CROCKER, ATTOBNEV A.V» COMVKfCI.I.OP AT I. AW, Atsheboro, ?■ . C., OCOTT A CALDWELL, GIttEKSBOKX),' Associate Counsel. Practices in the couiU of Kaldi.lpU ui and adjoining counties. lipccinl attention .sfiven to the col!-'* ion of claims. One C|HOS!sc>lß — — Settled. i* That is that we have the LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock of goods we ever offcicu to the people of Alamance. Our Mr. Gant, in uerson selected these and from his thorough acqu&lutanci with the wants of our people, we can satel. •ay that we have on hand EVEtil THING ' - which the trade qi this, and adjoining counties demand, ii; the way of DIIY-GOODS, GROCERIES. IIARD-WARI IIOI.LOW-WAJiE, QUEENS- IVAKE CUTTLERY,BOOTS. SHOES, SAD DLES, BRLDDLES, HARNESS, C. RRIAGE, FIN DINGS, &c., Ac.. »nd a large stock of * liead y-in a tie Clothing PPPpSIMt--' r kS ' \l e buy aii i.inds oi ■ ; country poduee " ■ »Ve tLaiik the pul.lic f. riLe gm with us. Don't U.ke our word m • V • bat come and see for yourself. We charge nothing for shewing goods : J. Q. GANT & CO. v empany Dec 5 th, O xi I ) x\. Hi HKin SCHOOL. The third session of this school, situated 14 of Graham, io Al»- mat.ce • t FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST next, and continue twenty weeks. n b-obtained at from *>i to £-7 pef in h. T saion. For Circular an,l further particulars • Iv to the undersigned at Rock Ci'-efc N. C.. H. C. TP.ACCF Principal G mo. for a GRAND PICTURE. 23X38 in' ' •>« entitled "THE ILIUSTRATAD LORDS PRATER.' Agents are meeting with great •oeess For particulars address. H. M CRIDER, Pul.lisber, York, Pa; m DJCAL CABB* Ti««> undersierned w>nld announce to his • i.-nds and t.atr- ns whom lie has served* r t!»• pas' 26 y» »r-ir the piactiee cf his 'e sion that he libs duril!{ the pa. t fall d «in i-r. taken » *'h«r»ngh our«i' in Ikr Call{|gr» anil ■loxpunls in'lhr 4'ily or s'«w Vol It. >« tbe Patholotrv and treatment of diseases oculiar to females, and supplied himself itli iill tlir instruments and aiinliw ce- nc - savin this branch of his profession. M akoprc areri to treat alt diseases oi tl«r •« and ear. H« cat! always be found at *,he Drue Store R. W, Olenn fc Son, when not profession-- !•■ enjratred. R. XV. CJLFKNv* J! E Keep constantly on hand at their store ic the hetibow House, a fiH stook of Alrugs, Toilet Articles.. Faints, Glass, Chemicals, MUSSES bUPPOhTEHS. and evervt&Mig found in a first class Dr»" ■•tore, r FJIESE AND CIIKAJ\. \ illagr BHd ountr) JlerchißU 1 aft o Ncticr, ALIMIMI PULP/, A.VTOUY AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTE. 0. L. CRKKSON, PRIN. . K W. MICHAEL A. B. A*«» Prin.. Mrs. G. L. GRIIETON, Instructress in Mu^ic. - Uav 3rd 1878. _ > ■ U.iiirc fr m $H to *lO a n,«.>Dtli.' > lui'.ion ©!, $i B |,,i $3 „ nioufti. Apply io 6 !,. RBKKCON. l llk Company shops. N. O. 0% T>AR*RB FOOT PC ts X> KB M..CHIN Fk t 11 ©different macbiucs | -* Owith which builders.. Ciillnei Mbkcrt, Wat on Makers ami Jobbers in a,ia jTW V cellaneous work can c«m pete as to QUALITY AND ffiEaitW MICE with steam power manufacturing: also Amu tenr s supplies, saw blades, fancy woods and desitmr. Hay where yon read this and seud for catalogue and prices. W. F. k. JOHK BARNES, Rotkford, Winnebago Co.. ii,. Fertilizers suitable tor turning lor sale by S. A. WRITE Afrent B«>u. Fertilizing Co. Julv 14ikl87Z. Mfbunesville N. C- Dr. W. F. B^SON,. Dei tist, Would be pleased to attend the calls of alt in Alamance and adjoining counties who appreciate the best condition of tbeir Own or CHILDUEK'S TEETH.— K. B. CouimuuicaLonb through P. O. at Haw Riyer, N. C., or otherwise will b« at tended the first opportunity WTMTHI extracted without pain (if best) and ABTJ DENTURES on short nonce Charges, very moderate