- I ~W ]?"'*■ . yf* " H" - A "Jfc /tr Jk JT" ~W" M 1 ■ ""■ jk ~T~ ~"B ''l "T| "W I ■ ■ I J /_I —■*— -M—l—■. A rA m P Ma »■ i. w M a m 1 * B m ■ m a m 1 aM. Ija VOL 4 IT HE GLEANER FUBLiaUKU WEEKLY BY E. 8. fiBKBS «Kr»h»m, nr. e, i of Subtcnptum. PMafiFtUn: Efery person sending n* a club of ten sub scribers with th«casb, entitles himself to ODO ». «opy fr«e. lor the length uf time fur wbtoh the dub is made up. fapart sent to different offices 2To Departure frotji the Cash %*tem r' s '«Sf* jMNpWIh R»*e« -j Transient advertisements payable l|j advance: yearly advertisement* In adrance. i i | -..™ w Y* tP'"^T v w! ••.p ». * «... «*». 1 13». Traneiont aUvertlscmeuU #1 l*»r square «r be first, ami flfjy j-euta for each subse ;* * :rn '""' K *•' l •». v fr*j .ly" . £ under the mantjcmenf. Uf Mrs. R. 8. Han'er, wbere she has Just opened a complete a»- I deal in Aitftrifan and Italian Mpjip*®! WM%-: ISJS ■A' ' KavMe Koawaeatfl piv' •" « d ijtaiL-li CO/JS tOIIoJk- IP i-^kW& A&f iii •' *}U-W H' SBBL: •' _•*. - . , ,*b &&*? 'WI f"" -*sf ""' 'jmj "" : ' i 1 pi '* * * Sfr " tnem m pcie^pe tWlAff AM"i N. (•, Alt HHPlißMinitO CHAPTRK »P CKOttQM SCBnES. A FRAGMENT.,- ' * T ' From th« forthcon.injj second volume of the Memories of Fffty Years. * • • * * * • * (*; 11 f I hare perhaps been prolix in thiscliap ter. I conld not do justice to the mcinoi ry of my friends of after d*)* by 6*ying 1e99. Judgp Augustus B. Longati-cet w4»po cnliarly a huiftoiist. Ho was a distill guishod lawyer, equally so as a judge, and a divine of eminence, was tliel'reg* ideut of three colleges, and eminent as a teacher and trainer of youth. Yet when the fame he earned hi each and all of these vocations shall hare passed from tho mind, l*is Georgia bcenos will preserve his liatiie 4fT ujidimmed splendor. In the conclusion of this chapter, I must retate one of his Georgia sccues, khown to bat few, and which was by him narrated to me uow fifty-seven years 'ago;- I was ndmitf«kl to the bar years ago, in AVashington, AVilkes coun ty, Georgia. It was ou Snnday preced ing tho meeting of the Superior Coart for Wilkes comity ttiat I rode with Judge feet from Grcensboioqgh. tho vjl" lageofhis reside nee. to Washington. Wilkes county. \Ve had both receired our legal educa tion at the law school conducted by those eminent' Jurists, Tapping UeeVet, the brother in-law of Aaron Burr, and Gould, at Litchfield, Con'hectinut. I had After having 6bmpleN ed mv course, and was on my way tonp ply for admission to plead aud practice I lagr. We were on horseback, and the | distance was short, and we rode leisure ly, talking over our student experiences, and enjoying many a joke connected with names then eminent, who had been I uduca'ed legally at Litchfield; all of whom have long since passed away. Of [ all tho Georgians there educated in the law I know of bat pne, save myself, now Mtitin 'lis State, tliu venerable Jtytnes Clark, of Atlanta, now more than eighty years of age. As we journeyed, we were,alwut noon I passing a'farm L6u«e, which was not very lar from ihe highway, when roTi>w ing up his horse, 'Old Panther," (how well I remeinber the ueble old «>rrel.)ho asked me if i was hungry. Being an swered in the affirmative, ho continued pointing to the house: 'Yonder lives a r well-to-do man. His wifotfeaii old friend of mine, and I have a capital sLory to tell you, *OSr . iatlon to our n ro- I «> l • tSWWaut uf r'umiS j t" : ur>>e * *ol.AhaiWi'e g £aat il we i t *'Wc L^ 1 W 2 AO° r H AWW> 'it will aus war lor 1 |o,' Ue ic|)ied, 'if the old 'laugh aiid When 1 was fitting for college, my fat!»r fsU tliciu was no man in Georgia so competent to tho task as Father Cum inings, a Presbyterian minister np here. I And then I could find cheap board in tho country, and be away from influences about Augusta, our bom£> thai might keep mo from Mudying v Jly father was not wealthy, iUn^ H wwi *a pretty tight squeeze tor him to spare the monoy ior my education, When I came up here, I found person Cummings had mole pupils than lie could accommodate with board; so I was com pelled to find board in the I did so at the house of this woman's father oyer there. Ho was a stoat, staid trid gentleman, with aldermauic propol-* tlona; a strict member of the churcb,aud a regular attendant upon the weekly ser vice. His wife was a little weasel faced Woman, with a sharp nose always red at the point, and with au eye as black as a sloe aud as sharp as a lancet. She lyaaid mnch,,but what she did say was sharp and to the point. Hor daughter Ann- that woman over there—was about my age, rosy, plump and pretty, and amply imbued with the spirit of miss chief. .v;-: - , IpSi™ t: : One Sabbath day, Nancy, as the famis ly called her, was away on & -Visit tq a neighboi', where she had spent a day or people, 4)lit remained to prepare my lea. The hotiso WHS one ot theeooJd fashion ed houses, yd cuinmvtti in Georgiir, with two rooms in front, and t«o rooms back —shad rooms, yoa kuow„ wi'h two rooms in the attic. One of these attic rooms was Nancy's, one of iho shod rooms was mine. There was n passage way between these slietl rodutfe, but none between the Mont rooms. The eniranoe from the yard 111 front was into the larg er of these two rooms. I was out in the yard under the shade of an apple apple tree, in my shirt elver** busily engaged in tlio mysteries of Viiv. gil's pitied, when u stroke from a switch acoss mv shottlders made mo cfy out and spring from my chair, upsetting my little table, Vergil, Lexicon aud all, *u4 - running away to the house, was Nancy. Ifyas half mad, for the blow wasascorch er, and after her I went determined on rovengo. Tlironglt the house we wont. Nancy was fleet. O. the country girls of. Georgia in that day I What stripping things they were. They never sAw aaor fctft—iieVer wore a tight fitting shoe, ami their toeswefe fts five frtftn corns as •their finger* wore from diamond «t»gs. v Nancy had the start, bntl thought Jt bad the wind aitd %as determined on catching the house We went, into the liccf room ot her pareuts, and out int« the yard. How sh# laughed, aud liow shone her white teeth, and sparkled har'grcftl black* eye*'*'" FlV'tts gaining ou her, when she ran through 'Hie house, and into iry room. I followed. 'Leave me alone.'she said, and Jpinped upon' my bed. I followed and caught her. j Quick as a cat fhe slipped through my arms and leaped to the floor* 'There is father and mtfther,' W exclaimed. 4 What will they a*/ to me i£ they find mo here iff your room with you? f«mp into the bed and are sick.' Iliad at this warning gottcu oft the bed. 1 did as 1 was bid, and lny alow", bitterly com peting. She, in the mean time, caught up her hair, which, in our scuffi.es had been badly tumbled, and ruuri|hg out, met her parents coming Into the house. Fat her,' she exclaimed, Joud enough me to hear, 'cousin Gtffl* mighty rick!' §he had called me cousiii rritn the first week ot our acquaintance. The old gen tleman came slowly into the rodui. He could hot, or would not. compromise his dignify by accelera(l% fcf motions for any lie was a judge at the inferior court, and' sat Mas to bo thought ot iu ail'ho suid or did. Nancy came in tfehUuHiiin, ami whilst lie left, my pulse, she was peeping troiu behind him, &riuning and winking in ecstacy over py shamming. I could have mur dered her. Slowly the old man coniinv ed to feel my pulse and 10 !ook wise, lie sliook his head gravely as he took bis fin gers from uijr pulsti^Jr 'Why tins, -my son,' he exclaimed, £Zon must be very sick, for I jjever felt sucu a pulso ill the worst pf I'ovcjs.' Tliere ft6od Nancy, peeping aud winking from her father in mockery. When the old with great gravity, naked, 'Gus, aio your bowels?' Nancy jerked lier head behind her father as 1 groaned and turned over. Turning to bis daughter, tho Judge tyjsick, aud needs medicine; go you aud got that yalter mug, tho big one— put»« much senna in it as you cau grasp so, (jvith tho point of his fin**r *nr>o« bi%thuuib) aud fill It up with boiUug -water.';;' ' v-f 'v Nancy went, but upon reaching., the dohrturuetthaJi' around to look at us, and putting' her thumb upon the tip of her nose, waved her fingers and darted away. TheJudgeslowly left the room, and had there been any ohance for my escape front iho bouse uuobserved, I Wouhi have fled liboa felon. But I was in lor it, aiid uiust go through with it. ' .? : . It was not long before tbe Judge, res' turned with the yellow mug, brimming with senua tea, and Nancy following Ho poured out a tea cup lull of the tea 'Here, my son,' he said, 'drink this,* you roust take another cup /till.' 'Here, Nancy hold this, 1 must go and see the prescription, Dr. Sankey left for your mother,' and he handed ber the mug and cup. This was her opportunity. She sat etoiru do tbe bedside and assuming the gravity of her father, asked me with much sympathy, how I felt putting ou as long a face as a hypocrite at a camp meting, and insisted on feeling my pulse. But the Judge returning said, tho prescription of the doctor said two cup fulls at first, and one eveiy half TUESDAY. JUNE 4 1878 That day wiil be rei%cuibere(L by . me as tongas I live; for go where I gyo*iUl or when Nanpy was sure to in the way to watch ainJ ■ tifs.# f * Tne next morning the Judge canio in Nancy wKh him, to inquire after my health and feel my puis* with the sage gravity, out might suppose, belonging to Esculaplus himself. 'Better, much better this morning. The yicdioine operated well did it, my sou? Your pulse is quite feeble* It pas fortuia*e i came home at the lime I di 4. fcr you were certainly threatened with a vory severe attack; but you are well over it now. Lucky Nancy, wasn't it?" 'Very,' said-Nancy, with a sty wink aud leer at -tne, '-nothing like good purgative to re-* duce these attacks.' 'po you fcej liko >on could eat soiuothing my boy?' asked the cousidorate Judge. 'Yes sir/; I . answered emphatically, 'I aiu very l#u gry.' A verj good sign, my boy,; but you must be very careful lest you have a £elame; and that might get ybuiuto trouble and added 'betiyfal. The reatlacks yon should know ' Nancy, aro sometimes very dangerous With young-people, with oklqroues they ' . are not 99 frequent or sodangerous, and tbe scriptures My that the second condi t iou of a man nuder such circumstnueea is always worse thantha first. Naucy, you liave some»cW«ken l*«th made; and ke must take very sparingly of it. A youth eObjoct to these influmatory ats tacks, must be deploted and should ho have a return of it, blood letting may be necessary—scarcely anytbwig else will so soon reduce sudh a pulse as ho kitd yos terday,' Jfaiicy, all this while, was behind lier father, making ovpry doiuoustratioir W' mirth she coqld, not to be seen or hcArd byjilut, ye» ooeuly to me. I Iras twenty-four hours without food; bad been severely sick Irotn the senna; but now relievod from this, I could eaten a cat or dog, or anything which promised r.clh# to the terrible cravings of my appdtlte. It was fully three hours before tbe Judge and ray tormentor re turned VWheu tfcojfr caow carried a large blue bowl with at loast half a gallon of thin chicken water. It wit*meager diet, bat it was abundatu, and there was iii the savory broth, just one half of aii old rooster, with one leg lifted far above the broth, to ask to he lifted out of the reeking FUffcjd. Tiffs Was placed on a small tabic, and drajvii ■ close up'lo the bed. A spoon and saucer were placed no»#il by Nancy who took occasion to say you must be careful not to eat the chicken. 'You should not have brought the towl with tho broth,' said, ber father. 'lt may tefnpt him, aud temptation to iuoxperieifced voting peddle is very datigorous, and' and often lewis to the the sin of diss obedience. 'Lead ns uot into tempta tiou,'you know my boy; always keep in viow; without this there aVe many sii.s too tempting to be resisted, particularly by tbe young.' Nancy shut one eye but with the other open laughing one—as with hev father she left the room, winking wick , edly at mo. „ lat once got out of bed and locked tho chamber dooir: when I ravenously devoured the rooster—who had not in boilititjr Imparted much of Hi juices to t^e>broth. 1 dipped u few spoonsful! of liquor into tho saucer, to say lor mc that I bad ealen some of it. I (rust it was not a siu th«t I hod made tlie spoou and saucer lie for m«f g ». It was nOon before I was visited again; then came the Judge and Nahcy. As tbe Judge saw the stripped carcass of the venerable rooster afloat iu the broth, ii» holy horror, be lifted hie hands and eyes, exclaiming.- 'You have killed yourself, Gus, aud lain responsible tor it. Wljy did yoa do th!s? Run Nancy, and bring me bottle of antimouiakwiue and a cup. As usual Nancy turned at the door to give me a thw she let tbeftngcrg of herVtgbl liamV incnutioiHly over my inputh. One Wont into ir. and I seized itha vi.n Nancy streamed knocked oVer the baf-in rrou the ltunds of liCJ" father uiul sent it with all the water aud what I had thrown upjover the floor. I was se-zed with an epilcctic fit 6hiverod, groanod ,oud bit. Nancy screatufd and danced and the Judgo frightened, exclaimed, 'Ok uiy God, the boy ha* a fit.' ran from the room and sont for a doctor. 'Evan,' I said; as I released the finger. The Judge eauaeili flushed aud over is it Naiicjf V he anxiously asked. She was wringing her hands, whilst her oyes were filled with tears. •All over!' she exchdntfecP, half crying with anger and pain, 'lliere nothing tho matter with him.' 'Noihhig the matter with hua indeed,' said her father 'Such a convulsion as that uotbiug? and • that pulse yesterday nothing. Nonsense, girl I am aCruid he i|| have cou gestion of ' ' 'Ceiigestion of tfie you had bet ter say. Just look tow lie has bit my. finger, confound him; and look at the tlx 'thisfloor is In. *lU»w there was nothing | the matter with htin irotn the first.' Nonsense! I tell you Natlcyrl That' pulse ycster(i*Y could uot be deceit. Why,, it was thick as my llttlo finger and boat at least Jwo hundred times a minute, aud was as strong as a hone could kick.' I slyly winkedat Nancy, who flounced out of tlio room. Alter looking at my tongue and feeling of my pulse, the JiMlgc concluded that i was better, and came in with a tub ot water aud a cloth tfrefcatise rttddooir 'Alai-de Gus,' sho remarked, ain't mighty alck-l*, you? Master he says you had a fit.' aud sho laughed as sb'e looked at me.-* '7 "-»f fS*-" '• M » 'Whatdo \ou think, Polly?' I ask* yon didn't know what you was about. ■Aiu't you subfoot to. fits Gus? Nanoy says it was all sham, but I tell her that" is all nousenso. i'ou wouldu't a bit her so on purpose, 1 know.' i t lu » short time the doctor came, and uiy case was explicitly laid beloro him, ospecially the wonderful pulses and tlio fit. Tbe judge was cajjed away, when tasked the doctor if he would, upon his honor, promise never to. sjicak of it I would tell him a secret. He promised,, aud I tola him the whole story—for 2 felt 1 could not stand any moro physic, ifo until bo cried, and many times since have we laughed heartily Ver it. Wo m§t, after many ypars separation iu Now York, iu 1844, at the conference which divided the Methodist church, and spent a day together pleasant ly re calling the memories of tbe past, and this especial one when I threatened to give tho story to Uie public. 'lf you please,'ho said,'do not do it while I live.' I promised, and wo parted cd for the last time, lhavoadear mem* manthat will only perish with my life, Irhich is now wasting its last sands uj our dear old With hisl n • -.1 . i jj! liio f>c| jfrt 1 U» i 1 j . . . . . ' .. — _, ——.l. ■■*» • 4 i* , «>V ••" i'tojj^spi N O 14- _i> i *#" - i ," iiiiWl;TOfyfjjgft*' *f : " —~ x,_ *' - -- ' ■ ri^JrTi'li —ST" ""* man is iu a bad tit whous heart gi tft hard aud head gets sod. vli we accustom ourselves to selfdenial, we break the force of most temptations. ltond. fevery other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of some ex> Jhse, t>ut envy wants both. * Show me a land that l£s mountains without valleys, and I Will show you a man who has jOys without sorrow. Thomas J. a grandson of Henry ; Clay, is a soldier in thu regular army in r "»'' . 4 Clark son Potter, the her? of the l.irt oemgcraMc victoiy in Congress }s the bantlsomojrt member of,the JJouse. It is said that Beecher's mars riage fees have fallen off from.j$ t OOO a year before tho scandal to less than $5- 00 a year. In private, watch yo# thoughts; in company, MiaUh your tojijftie; in, tho family, watch your temper—and hi a crowd Wktch your watcb. '* \ | An ignorant nyd obtuse larmer qaya the only Result lie notices Icoin hit, daughters recent attendance at a college for both sexes is her tendency to "t&h and mope about the bouse like a sick kit ten. jh 1 -- \ Kellogg lsft us yesterday morning for Chicago, where she is to appear Monday dyenhigtWfihe SU^^IB^SSJ^DRI a aight,' which ougb* to paythe poor girl handsomely in the long jrnn. —Rich ,mond State. It is said that a Russian woman doubts the affection of her husband when be ■, ceases the practice of beating her, was a great triumph for Christianity w er into Turk(^ di'bk the dHy. He at once wrote an preserving the complexion—tern trance. I£or whitening the hands— A beautiful ring—the home circle. For improving the voice—ci vility, The beat companion to the toilet —a wife. In England, a Universulist minister riding with a Methodist was asked what ho preached for, if Universal ism were trne. He replied by asking, "What do , you preach for?" "To keep people out .«iw.u i» ...... preach,' said the Uuiversalist, "to keep Ml out of people." J| TH* WAY OF THU. TRANSGRESSOR is *Ba«b C race an Arkansas uiur after a long WiISL Ho iound that ha Was not yet 0«t; of danger, fur a mob after the depature of tho lynchers ho was qut down and revive! by a friend. Ho started fo- a hasty flight out of that man overlo k him and :il - -Sf T fV•" - y ' 'i '■ ' I ~, . a the "Episcoi'il Contention, now f J\ , lf j 1. vitroiMWS a paragraph: . f« " 0 f ,fr