THE GLEANER . IA HAM N. C. Jv»ue 11. E. 8./PARKER, Editor. ! CANVAMMINO. r A correspondent of the GrecnsborS fat lot suggests that inasmuch as fliPre will be no appointments by the KihorifT to collect taxoß immediately be fore the August election this yoar, and inasmuch nsjhe says thero are no issues to discuss ntld the people desire rest and iftp6s« from political excitement, that there be no icnn vnss of that county by the candidates this year It seems to us the suggestion is not a good one. It M'oftld not do for our county we feel quite certain, that is for the Democratic party «t least. For the sandidates to go uround, end- at least announce them, pelves, and let tho people see them is an established custom that we do hot think tlifre is at) inclination to dispense with, nor do wo think it should be dispensed with. Those who arc up for reelection can discharge the duty of an account of their stewardship, aud can also take the occasion to make new promises for the future. The people too may wish to hear candidates define their positions upon questions of legislation that mat bo regarded necessary or likoly to come up to be passed upon. Whetjior the present unjust and inef ficient Bystom of working the public roads is to bo kept up is interesting to road hands at least, if it is considered worth while to heed their desires; and the public at large should feel quite an interest in this matter. There are various questions that we think might profitably bo discussed be fore the people. s Aside from all special matters political canvasses should be the means of imparting information to the people, concerning their government and its administration. An, election without a canvay would }oße much of its interest, and give op* portunity to the unscrupulous to take unfair advantage by tbe # circulation of false information. There is enough of that done under any circumstances, with out increasing the opportunity for it. Ho wo say lot the old custom af candi dates meeting the people at stated times ftbd places be kept up. ' WAiniIYOTOIT I.IiTTEB, rf 6? Washinqtox D. C., > Juno 5, 1878. \ The agreement to adjourn on tho 17th last, did not induce House or Senate to hurry in the consideration of public bu- were dull as a couu summer day. The Pee" was not in session, on the appro- no reports, and. in tllO adopfcion Bv til© SenAftp nf nn nmni 1 mdies are given to two line of to Brazil to Dra- PlSpsSrthe franking privilege. Effer since the venerable Sen* "tomato to Maine he has betrayed IF* wR? 11 ' political condition of his section of the State that is unusu al with him. This attempted revival of framing privilege is simply an indi cation that lie and other .Republicans see the need of sending to the people the old fashioned piles of speeches and docu ments. The Republicans voted for the restoration, and the Democrats against it. The testimony of Anderson beforo the Potter Committee will be resumed to* day. Anderson will be cross-examined by Uenl. Butler, nnd tbo latter was clos eted with Secretary Sherrpan yesterday for n couple of hours. Anderson has heretofore made statements not exactly consistent with some he made while tes tifying on Saturday. His present State ment, however, has the substantial back ing of documentary evidence, was made with every appearance of truth, and cre ated a decided sensation. He seems to • have established the fact that Sherman and Stanley Matthews knew of his ' tention to commit fraud in preparing papen. to secure the throwing out of tiie vote of »parish which had goue Demo cratic, and that they promised him pro tection and pay. This is a plain state. inentt»f the facts, Unless his tertimoßy ia impeagjied or tho alleged letters of Bherman and Mattliews proven forgeries, it is difficult to see how either of these uleii can remain in public life. It is also noticeable that Sherman swore when before the Committee, that wheu nt New Orleans lie wrote many Jotters' intended to influence the action of )j»ui*t4iM offi:iali>||klhouirh when thsre hp, GurtfcM, Halo and others decHnei lo unite wTlh visiting Democrats in ft Biild, it would be manifestly improper for tliein to aticmptto influence nfburs. Altogethor Secretary Shopman and Senator Mat thews arc in a bad fix. The first day of the invrtstijjalion' settled that. Tho view Mr. Kayos takes of it is shown by bis having telegraphed to Evamwille, Indiana to wbieh place he bad promised to be to day, that ho would remain hero "owing to complications." It is said that if Senator Matthews appears before tins committee audit is not seen h>w lie can avoid it, an"SßEorTwill be TnadeTCr pi'OVST~Uy" ivmt the "guilty knowledge"' of Mr. Hayes. Two noted hotels close this week— tho Metropolitan and Willards. The former is the oldest in'the city was well known in earlier days of the Republic as the "Indian Queen Tavern." It is said that recent events have re« vived bad l'eeiing between Senator (jlordon and Senator Conkliug. The trouble between them was supposed to have been settled, the absurd document signed by Senatty Hamlin and others being taken by the public as evidence of the fact. I Suppose no other Senator ever lost prestige and strength in one session as Conkliug has in this. Cer tainly none ever gained more of them than Senator Gordon has done. In the original quarrel tho fault was Conkling's and the forbearance was Gordon's and all tbo Senators so understood. • SOLON, j MEXICO.—TUe adherents of Ldrdo are ,v - x stiring up resistance to the Diaz govern ment, in the land so productive of revo* lutions and disturbances. What strength this movement may develop it is impos sible to tell. The insurgents are mns»' tering their forces and the government is taking steps to pul them down. Whether Diaz will be driven from the , presidency, an event not out of keep ing with the history of this turbuleut country, remains to be seen. Our gov -1 eminent lias bat recently recognized the 1 Diaz government of Mexico. Affairs in Mexico just now gains some interest from the prediction of Stevens and Key that we are to have experiences of the same kind. Hlnle Convention • ffae Yonng men's Christian OFFICE OF THE BATE EX. COM. ) OF YOUNG MEN'S OIJ'B AasS., £ CHARLOTTE, N. C,, May 9, 1878. At the first annual convention of*the Young Men's Christian Association of the State of North Carolina, held in the ci£y of Charlotte in April of last year the undersigned were appointed mem bers of an executive committee to overs look association work throughout the State to foster and encourage existing associations, and to effect organizations in new localities whenever practicable. Our efforts have met with some degree of success and while wo do not claim all the growth aud development of the work as the direct result of our labors we aro nevertheless greatly cheered by the fact .that the number of associations in the State has more than doubled dur ing tho past year. We deem it, there | fore, our duty and privilege to call the sesond annual convention of the Y. M. C.A. of the State of Horth Carolina, and have appointed Friday, Juno 14th, as the time, and Greensboro as the place tor holding the said convention. The business session will continue during Friday and Saturday, and on Sunday, following devotional exercises will be held under the auspices of the conven tion. Our brethreu of the Greensboro association have given us a cordial in vitation to assemble there and assure us that w# will receive a hearty wolcome VVe nro anxious to have every assoclas lion in the State represented by one or moro members. There are also man> localitios in whieh no formal organiza tions have been effected, where the young men if properly stimulated and instructed would unite in association work. We would gladly meet in com vent ion representative men from all such communities, feeling assured that many ofihein would be enabled, on their return home, to organize an association The committee request that the names of all delegates who expect to attond the couvemion be promptly forwaidcd loT. M. Pittinan, secretary, Charlotte, N. C., in order that arrangement may be made for their lultrjajnmeut. Application IIHK been made to the various railroad officials in the State for a reduction of fare to delegates attending the com vention and we presume .tho usual courtesies will be extended. A pro gramme of the order of exercises to he observed during the convention will be issned in the form of a circular, and parties desiring information as to tho railroad or any ofber 6nbject, will please address the Becrota-y at Charlotte, N. C. 1 U Foust, Chaiimau. TJI Pittmaf, Secretary. Tho New Garden Agricultural Society in Guilford county will hold a Fruit fair, at their fair grounds on Thursday the Bth of August. Entries will be free an J premiums for the best of the follow* ing artiples will be offered: Peaches, Apples, Pears, Plumbs, Nectarines Grapes, Watermelons, Muskmelona and Tomatoes. So says the Patriot. ' Destructive fire in Rock Hill S. C. a thriving town, in York" county S. .C. about half destroyed. Jk>ss roportcd about $100,000; insurance about $60,- 000. Dr. T. A. Weatherly, a well known citizen of Guilford county is dead. TUB KOUOTAI. SCHOOr, The following rates over the trans portation lines have been' obtained for 'the ben>:T2~ JKCteacher*. Normal School, at Chapql Hill,-on ih» 18111. Tickets to be Hold at alt stations on the various lines, at any time from the 12th of June to the. elose of the Bcliooi. "t: " (>n the Western North Carolina Road, free; but parties asking for passage must produce a certificate from the Bnperior UtHirt Clerk, Kegister of deeds, or mem ber of Legislature, that they are going to at tend the school". On thi A. it N. C. Road, half the ua- rates, or one faro for going and com- Tng,~l6"be paid when ticket i» obtained, >uul returned free on certificate of Presi dent Battle, or Secretary of the Faculty, that they have attended school. Same rates over the Raleigh & Gaston Augusta Air Line, Roanoke and Sea board Roads, and their connecting lines of Steamers, and same condition.' Over the N. C. Road, and its Salem and Danville connections, three cents, pjr mile each way, to be paid for in one ticket, and returned free on certificate of President Battle, or Secretary. Over Western Railroad, half usual fare, on same terms and conditions. Charlotte and Atlanta Air Line, Char lotte & Statesville, and Carolina Central not yet arranged with, but will be soon, and terms announced. State Press please copy. BDISON-S LATEST INVIiIVTIOI*. Jamas Bedpath, general manager of the Etdison speaking phonograph exhibi tions, states that Mr. Edison has just completed and tested an invention for measuring heat—an instrument so sen ..siting that the heat of rays front, the most distant stats can be accurately ascertain ed by it. He estimates that it would rflqtfirt a Fahrenheit thermometer fifteen mit6S to record the same range of degrees of heat. He lias been engage ed on this instrument for a long time, and regards it as his most difficult I achievement. ATLANTA, GA., June 4.-—A special to the Constitution states that a man I named Caldwell, near Americus, yes terday, killed bis wife, throe children and his wife's sister with a smoothing iron. Two older children were at ' flehobi";'Jmd one in the field, and onr little one ran under the house and es caped. The murderer jumped into a well, but failing to materially injure himself crawled ou>t and got on top of the dwelling house and jumped off; he was picked up inensible by two negroes, who were attracted by his cries and gesticulation while on the house. lie recovered in a short white and sent the negroes off for some neighbors, and then Went to "the gin house and dinted to the loftiest point and threw himself head long to the ground and expired almost instantly. Henry Carrawan was stabbed fn Washington in this State some weeks ago by John Matthews of New Borne, and has since died. The stabbing is said to have been in self defence. Car rawan was a nephew of Geo. W. Cars rawao, who some years ago. wa% con victed of the murder of a school teacher named Lassiter and in the bar immediate ly tfter the verdict of guilty shot E. J. Warren, one of the prosecuting attor neys and then blew bis own brains out before the Sheriff could prevent. . CINCINNATI, 0., June 4.—Yesterday about 500 miners from different mines near Charleston, W. Va., captured the steamer Modoc, and went to Blacksburg to make mines there stop work. They threatened to kill or drown every one opposing thera. They succeeded in stop ping the Blacksburg mines, after which they took possession of a train on the Cliesapeake kOhio Railroad and return ed, making the train stop when and where they pleased and refusing to pay fare. [ The Chief Clerk of the Senate, Mr. W, J. McDonald, has been ill for some time. On Saturday his physician told bis son, a clerk io the Senate, that his father could not live, and that he had betiei break the sad intelligence to his mother, also weakened by sickness. He did so on 3unday morning, and so over whelmed was she that she died instantly in a paroxysm of grief. Mr. McDonald has been in the service of the Senate since 1829, and succeeded his father, who for years had been JClerk. — lh* Ohttrver. We learn (hat Dr. Fulford hois sent after a black snake,"the most formidable foe of the King snake and that as soon RS it arrives a snake fight between the two reptileßand Mr. James G. Hargett's rat catcher will come off. The king snake is considered a great fighter never known to have been vanquished in a pitched-battle, and there can only be one result to the contest.— New Berne Nut Shell. CAPITAL Fcinsmnarr.—'The following States have abolished capital punishment ana punish murder in the first degree by imprisonment for lite; Wisconsin, Michs igan, lowa. Minnesota. In the latter Stale, however,, the dortih penalty may still be inflicted it the jnt-y so deterniinc. In Mainc.the death sentence cannot be executed under six months from the day of sentence, and the time m*y be extend ed to one year. In Illinois tho punish ment maybe either death, imprisonment for life, or for a term not 1 ess than 14 years according a? the jury shall deter* mine.—'./'Ac OOterver. The House has paused a bill authorize ing a term of the Unitod States District Court at Charlotte. KAISKK W11.1.1A.U IVOVNnKD Bkiimn, June 2.—While tho Emperor ifM faking rt drive, at o'cltNek Ibis nVtcrnooii some shots, apparent hrfrom n irht/.wo U»Se « were fired at liiia. The Emperor wiw wounded iy ont> arm nod on the cheek by buck sliot and small shot. The Would-be assasin ia a Dr. Nobeliwg, oo TTflytngTnsmrirentg at No.lß Unter den Linden. When his door was forced open hi fired upon and wounded the hotel keeper and tried to oommitt suicide, but was secured. The Emperors personal attendant jumped into the carriage and supported the Emperor until the car nage reached the palace. The Emperor was conveyed to bed and several grains of shot extracted, causing great loss et blood. The Emperor suffered great pain, but never lost ConscionsncsS ftp to the latest moment, At 7 o'clock t his evening no serious apprehensions wero felt as to hiscoudition.— Hew Tort Sun* The Beaufort Atlantic tells of a narrow escape Mr. John Davis had. He Was ploughing when a rattlesnake struck at him just as he imnped. The fangs ol his snakeßhip wero fastened in his pants whilst the body was coiled around bis legs, until he was killed by Mr. Davis' companion. The snake was five feet in length and had about a dozeu rattles and a butttn. • ~~ On the 29th of July next will ocenr an astronomical event' of great interest—a total%cß of the sun—which Will be partially vissible generally throughout the United States. The eclipse will be visible from 4to 6 o'clock in the afters noon. The gallows npon which Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson will expiate the crime of the Worley murder will be completed within tho iail yard in a few days. There will bo but one trap and three will pass into enterro ty at the same time.— Qoldtbcfro Me*un-> tfW' > • I » •- ' The Conference of the M. E. Church South, at Atlanta, has determined to meet pn the first Wednesday in May, 1882, at Nashville, Tennessee* The adopted various reports on miuor changes in discipline, and then adjourned eine die. An insect has made its appearance in Warrenton, which is pronounced by an emroeii't entomologist to be the veritable Colorado Beetle. XI feed's on potato vines and they have been badly eaten by it. The theory is that it was intro> bucsd by seed peiatoet, L James Foster, a very had man and a ; terror to the people of Sandy Creek neighborhood in Bandolph county ha's been arrested and lodged in Aaheboro jail. Butherford county Democratic con vention declared for Vance for the Sen* ate. Smith for Chief Justioe and Schonck for Associate Justice. FUIIIYUII W. R. J Forbis $ Bro % GREENSBORO, N. C. 4«o«o»»- braneh house, J. R. Pugh. &co GRAHAM, N. C. keep on hand an kinds of furniture, from the cheapest to tho very best. Nothing in the furniture line that they do not keep. J. R. Pugh &co, IN GRAHAM, keep on hand quite an assortment of such furniture as their trade mostly demands, and they also will on, application order at once, anything wanted, without cost to the customer, who can select from a book of cuts, showing the different styles 8 mo. Mar. 5.1878. MAKX TOM Wife Happy. —.OOOO0 — I will help you to do this. Call and see me at Hunterß Old Store 1 have the WILSON SEWING MACHINE, with all the attachments. The BICKFORD KNITTING MACHINE and the Bobbins littfe washer. If these three articles don't make a house hold happy then the hußband must v l>e bad, or the wife ill tempered. I will sell the above "articles- cheaper than they can be bought elsewhere. All you have to do to to get a little cloth and thread, my machines will do the making, knitting and washing, so you may keep yourself well clad and clean. Feb* 12.1578 R. S. HUNTER, mo. Orabam, N. C. NEW ARRIVAL AT * P. R, Harden's, •C^go-o(^>. Who keeps constantly ®n band a full line of DKT Goons, GBOCZIUXS and GEN ERAL MKUCHANDWW ttt Bottom Prices. « Aliens Prints at cents, A full line of Muslins and Jackonets. New crop Cut>a Molaseos. Bacon C. R. Sides at 8 Cents per side. Garden and Flower Seeds at 5 cents a paper. Call and examine our stock before pur* chasing. - , BT Speoial attention given to the sale of Flour. . „ The higbest market price paid for ftll kinds of Country Produce fiSMIMBIfi ' » ■ A'- S . The Dead I deal in American and Italian Barlle Beiu«&ti and Headstones l£would inform the public that I am pre pared to do work aa Cheap as any yard in the State, ANT) GUAKANTEE PFRKECT fi^SATISF^pOF, Parties living at a distance wiß aavo money by scLdlng to »• tor S'RICK LIBT and DKA WINGS. To persons making up a club of six or mure, 1 offer the Most liberal induce ments, and on application will forward designs, &c,, or visit them in pei son Any kind of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. 8. 0. ROBERTSON, GREENSBORO, N. C. bO OT SJI^ —=^-COLD-s^ WATCH-CASES Are made of two piste* of Solid Gold overlaying a plate of composition metal In tuch a manner as to present only a void surface. While eortlng but half the money, they are M ihowr and elegant aa the solid gold, and are WAkEAMTBDBY SPECIAL CEBTmOATB TO WEAK TWEN TY YEABS, If you have not seen these watches, ask your Irwelor for them. If he dees not keep them, tall ntm he Is behind the age, and to send for an Illus trated Catalogue. HABSTOZfc THORPE, Sixth and Chestnut St*., PHILADBUHIA, PA. J9-Sold only through Regular Dealers.-B* H»IDR. Bimrs ITHnnl No. ISff. Klghth Bt, Ulul St. Louis, Mo. Who ha* had *tMlat experience ,ln th. treatment of the eexnal tnmbla* of both mala and ton ale than an/ phyaidao to tha Weet, riree th* reenlte ef hli long and •ucceufol pcactiee In hi* tireaaw vacto, juat pnbllihert, entitled The PHYSIOLOGY OP MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER. Booke that an really OaMeeaa* SetMartrneten hi aU mat ter! pertaining to Maahee* and Waaaakaa*. and "upplj TTiey ere heaeUfaily Ittaatrate*. and In plate language, eaaily onderetood. The two book? embrace MS and contain rateable Infcnaetlea for both married and hi Dr. Batta* new wort I u in no war of quretioneble duu jpsruuE niaST-to ctj. wiJm wanted. Boio|fl^DJaitrllWiu.^^ * Tobacco Fertilizer, If tobacco growers wish to raise fine yellow tobacco and get tlie very highest prices for it buy Oilliftin Anchor Braud to be had at reduced price ot S. A. WHITE Mebanerille, K. C. CANCER, * IMFOfiTAHTiifSCOVfat#/ Cancers can be treated wHh sflccesa. *flie mystery tiiat has hitherto surrounded this painful malady l» beiflg dispelled. W« find that lie growth is governed cut~ game laws, wh'-cb regulate evary growth in 1 the body; aod, instead of- searching in the blood for som« snbtie poison, giving rise to local manifestation of the disease, wf* most look lor its origin in some local irri • uation. by which the nutrition pf the parte* is perverted. , F consider CANOES as not constitutional 1 in its origin, but when the .system baa be come full of cancerous matter, as it will in,': time, it is evident that some constitutional' treatment is required. The argument that cancer ia a constitutional disease, and thero' is no use in treating it locally belongs to* the light of other Mays. The moat able mi-' eroscopists have failed in every instance fc' detect cancer in the circulation before soft ening. After years of study ana experiment, I have produced « purely VEGETABLE COMPOUND »Mek- lias bees Jested for lliree ytttti without th« loss of SI single patient, or any symptom of a retOTlfof. the disease. I kno«r efial with this compound any e«M«r can bs removed, if Its treatment is ia#eflige»tijr undertaken before it has been permitteil to extend its ravages from its specific, location and poison the fountain of life. Tbe time allowed to pass, by people suf fering with eancer, before treatment, is , one cause of the fatality of the disease. Only a few days are required for 48s n nvoyal ol an ordinary cancer, worse own from two to three weeks. The eairoerous growth is thoroughly eatered Into, and every root, fibre, and tW atorbld structure surrounding tbem destroyed, and removed with little or no pasav leaving a simple sore surrounded bj ltedthy ge«b, which readilj heals. It iecoaapssrftively painless, quick is it a, BctiwKMnA perfectly safe, there boiug no, danger of hemorrhage ia any east. , v eharge made until treatment is BUC\ eessful. Address. W S.WALXEB, M. T>. j- Cedar Grove Orange county Is. Oi. J&T"The following patents andi whys* oiana are referred to: Rev, E. Tinnin, Cedar Grove, 0 ra8 2% county N. C. Baml. Foray tfe,Knapp ol Re»da, 6j*nvW» .Co. n. c. , v '7*wnF "Win. Kinp, Blew Wing, Person Co. N. C» G. G. Tally, Hyoo, HaW Co. Va. P. Watkiu». Terblnvillc, Halifax Wm. Farabow, Tally Ho, G ran v ills C\ N. C„ John. Nance, Knapp of Beeda, Gran villa Co. N. C. Lemuel Klapn, Brown Smrmit, Guilford Co. N. a Dr. E. M. Holt, Flat River, Orange Co. N. 0. Dr. Baynea, Proapect Hill, Gaswoli Cc* N. C. Many others might be given MANTUA BAKEK , Mrs. R. W. Hamlet, offers hor services to the citizen* of Alamance as a OBESSDIAKEB AND SBAIIITIBII She will be thankful for any work in her line, and is prepared" to make up in the latest styles. Sue is the authorized agent for / SMITE'S%APER PATTERNS, And is prepared to take measures, and order patterns to fit her customers, including all [ atyles of all clothing for ladies and children. | April 23. lm. TH.BRIGGS&SONS, BRIGGS' BUILDING RALEI€H,N.G. 13 ALh. R s—> IN ■M nU fCf.^r WAGON DRUGGY-• MATERIAL.^ PAI NTS, : 0 j I .S, G_ ASS, B E LT I IS (3, FARMERS SUPPLIES X CEMENT BFST nOODS. LOWEST PRICES. SQUARE DEALING. WftffE fOR PRICES. Q.UAHAM HIGH SCHOOL. GRAHAM, N, 0. REV. D. A. LONG. A. M. REV. W. W. STALEY, A. M« JRB V. W. 8. LONG, A. M. * MISS JINNIE ALBRIGHT. Opens August 27th, aad closes the last Fii day la May, 1878. Board 48 to #lO. and Tuition 98 to #4 60 month J. T. MOORE A, A. THOMPSON Moore & Tompson Commission Merchants BALEIGO, K, C. >. . - ' " • ———— Special attention paid to the sale of cotton, CORN. CKAIIY, ■» a v BUTTER, 1 BflflS, F#WM &C. CONSIGNMENTS * SOLICITED, HIGHEST PRICES OBTAINED. * - liefer to \ Citizens National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. \' ■ •

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