THE GLEANER W>AHaM, N:fc { JHtifc ii 1878 . *_ „ JaWFAI, StttttJ &nd General ~ Jtfr. Thomas E \s*hiteis our authorized agent to collect ac counts "due us, to solicit sub scriptions, to make contracts for advertising and job work, Md to transact any business of the a thorough canvass of the coun ty, and we aak our friends to give 'tis substantial token of 'their. Veil wishes. We want a Tftd'usAND subscribers in this county, and Mr. AVhite is go ing around to get them for us. Proceeding* ot County Commisfioners will apj ear next week. > Harvesting has fairly commenced, and we hear complaints of the wheat crop. Mrs. William Newlin, wife of our ■Worthy county man,' William Newlin, died last week aftqr a lingering illness. Our people are in the" midst ot harvest this week. While the wheat crop cannot l>e called good, yet it Is better than many glared hope for a few weeks ago. Judge Merriinon has published a card vindicating himself from the gross im putations which had for a long time been cast upon him. Wo will publish it ftiext week. / MABBIEO.—OH the 30th of last' month by Gaston p. Cobb Esqr.,* at the refTdfence offfrTe brides mother, Mr. Geo. Kftritodle to Uie» Georgia Climor, all ot Alamance. did great damage to wheat, and other cropsin, neighborhoods of the county, particularly hi that ot Curtis Mills. Wo &nr the damage was muchmore exten. eive than we have yet heard. IIAIL.—Lust Sunday evening there was quite a hail storm about Swepson vilfe and below. Borne ot the hailstones were nearly it not quite as large as a hen egg. We know this for we saw them. There was not enough to do any ennsid . erable damage, at least at Swepsonvllle, and if there waa elsewhere we have not hoard. Work is progressing finely en Capt. Williamsons new house. The workmen are very busy patting a covering of slate on the tower,while other are employed in covering tbe roof with tin. CHANGE OF •SCHEDULE. —The running of the trains on the North Carolina Rail road has been changed. The mail train , vow passes Uils place going east at ten e'clqclc 44 minutes In the morning and *?■ tiding, west .at 6 o'clock and 4 minutes in the evening. '!; j • Tna CAROLINA FABHBB.— The June number of this valtfeble agricultural journal has been received. As usual it is gHuSp The articles are short and llHnt large and plain, and the The first peaches of the season made 1 their appearanse last week. Dr. G. K. Foust gjew tliem. He gave us soarf of them. They were of the variety known as June we believe. Vfiikt the Doctor does not accomplish in the fruit line it is scarcely worth while for others to attempt. The reason his suc cess is so marked is that he pays atten tion te the business. Two OLD PEOPLE GONE.— Mrs. Ann Bradshaw, widow of Thomas Bradshaw. a soldier of tbe war of 1812, died last week aged ninety two years. She lived in the Hawfields section. Jacob Friddle also died last week aged one hnndred aud one years. The ages of these two old people are we under stand matters of fainily record, and are doubtless correct as given. CONVENTION: - The Democratic-Conservative Party of Alamanoo County are requested to meet in Convention, at thcCourt House in Graham, ou Saturday July 6th 1878 for tbe purpose of nominating candidates lor tbe Legislature and»the various coun ty offices. It is a convention of tbe people and ev« ery democrat or conseryative who at" tends will be a delegate .and entitled to be heard. Each tewnship will cast 25 votes. I All who are opposed to fraud aud cor r apt ion in office and believe that we should be governed by. men selected from and by the people are cordially in vited. By order of the Executive Coramitte. JAMES A GRAUAM, . (Jbail man. I'ROt'KEDIftCM OF TnHß«.||tO OF Jtnrrlc**, • I According to d request made by the County Cotnmlssionctaj there wn« n meet ing of the justices of the bounty, it, die ,w)tirt tire s * month, The mretlng was organized by the election of D. Cobb, chairman Slid I). S. Thompson Secretary. Tho follow ing uamed magistrates of the county were present: Sylvester S|>ooi», Cluis. C Curl is, It Kinney, I II Garrett, E S Enliss. Fred Craves, DrC D Cobb,Jnuie* II Foster, John Wagoner, Asa JUeley, A Murray, J MTnpscolt, J L Scott, T C Foust, JN II Clendenin, W II •Trirren tine, SP Holt, Isaac Holt. D S Thoth| - sou, Thomas Stafford, Stockard, II C Cities, James Now 11 n, Thomas A Mor row, \V JI Lasler, C Selhirs, D W Kerr, Wl' Uaruwoll, Alvis King, E C Murray. The meeting was called for the pur pose ot appointing registrars and judges of the August election. The following appointments were made for the differs ent townships respectively, to wit: PATTEBSONS. CC Curtis, registrar, Ceo Patterson, James Murray. J P Albright. W C Iior« naday judges. COBLES'. Fred Graves, registrar, G R Johnson. A C Coble, A J Albright, Alfred Sharp, judges. BOON STATION. J TI Foster, registrar, W V Montgoni ery, Daniel Tickle, Peter Hughes, iV II liule, judges. MORTON. Asa Iseley, registrar, VV A Hall, Lena* uel Simpson, James Gilliam, John A Swaim, judges. FAUCETT. A Murray, registrai, Henry Hall, John G Garrison, Jainos M Hurdle, W A Blanchard, judges. OKAHAM. For Company Shops, W II Tnrvenline, registrar, W D Faucett, William Denny, J Q Gant, J L Greeson, judges; tor Gra* ham, J N H Clendenin, registrar. Peter i F Holt, E H Dixon, Dr George W Long. H M Ray, judges. ALBBIGHT. D S Thoptpson, registrar, J N Wood, Thomas Thompson, Mihuu Loy, S P Holt, judges. ' NEWH*. W J Stockard, registrar, Nalhauiel Woody, D H Thompson, Green Moore. W"C Holman, judges. THOMPSI.IT, T A Morrow, registrar, J F Tbotnps son, S 8 Thompson, Michael Ncwiiu, Geo W Crawford, judges. MELVILLE. C Sellars, registrar, A K Roney, S K Scott, 8 A White, Thad Freshwater, judges. PLEASANT GROVE. Alvis King, registrar. W S Walker, W S Tate, J M Shaw, W P Bam well,, judges. On motion of J L Scott, Esq,, It was i ordered that the office of county treass urer for Alamance county be abolished, to take effect at the expiration of the present terra. It was ordered that the polling place in Boon Station township be meved from R L Mebaues to Cable's School House; and that tbe polling place in Al« bright township be moved from John Honey's to D S Thompson's. The Secretary was authorized to purs feb nee a book in wlneh to record the pro ceedings of the board of justices, and that the said book be deposited with the Register of Deeds/ The motiou concerning a bridge across Haw river, at James Netaffnsr-ißilr was laid oyer to some other day. Col. Jeasee Gant asked for an extra al» lowauce on account of building a bridge across Stony creek, at Big Falls, which matter was referred to tho county commissioners for its settle ment. A REMARKABLE RESULT. It makes no difference how many Physicians, or how much medicine you have • tried, it is now an estab lished fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given com plete satisfaction in severe cases' of Lung Diseases. It is true there are yet thousands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, Consumption, Hemor rhages, Asthma, Severe Colds set settled on the Breast, Phneumonia, Whooping Cough, «fcc., who have no personal knowledge of Boschees German Syrup. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last yeat without one complaint. Con sumptives try just one bottle. Reg ular size 76 cents sold I>y all Drug gists in America, and for sale by P. JR. Harden, Graham N. C. Last Tuesday an excursion train car ried the teachers and scholars of the Methodist Sunday School in Greensboro to ltaleigh. There were some three hundred and fifty, and they had a pleas'- ant time. A large and destructive fire occurred at Rock Hill, S. C. June 3rd. Almost the entire business portion oi the tewn i* In ruino, and about lifly thousand dol lars worth of property consumed. A PRIV PICTURE. A tew months or even weeks since, her piitiil countenance was the very type of ruddy hcaltli-~tbe delight of the school and the pride ot tho household. She. WA*£|«vays welcome wherever duty 01 led her. Dilligjft, punctutdy and exemplary, in the 'class-room, obedient and loving at home sho won the hearts of all. —lint alas! fhosc glowing checks add lips are blauched by consumption. The voice onco so eiii chanting in laugh and song is treble, husky and broken by a hollow cough. Let us approach her couch and gently take Iter bloodless hand In our ow«i. Dij no; shudder because of lis passion- i less grasp. Tho hand onco so plump shows its bony outlines, while the cords and tortuous veins aro plainly mapped upon its surface. Tho pulso that re bounded with repletion, imparling beauty, vivacity, htafth a>ul strength, to tho systom is tleiicato to tho tou«sh. 'i'lio enervated heart feebly propels tho thin, scanty blood. Mb*t wo loso her while yel so young and fair? No, There is relief. Hut something"* more is re* quired than the observance of hygienic rules, tor enfeebled nature calls ior aid and she must have ii. Administer this i)loasa..t medicine. It is invigorating Ic allays the irmtiible cough, improves tho appetite and digestion, sends a a healthy tingle through tlie whole be* ing. The blood is enriched, nervous power increased and tho heart bounds with a new impulse. Her face brightens —the I I »od is returning, her voice is clear er and he*, requests arc delivered iu that peevish, tono so deadeding to sytnpalhr ller step is still faltering, bu> strength is rapidly returning. Let us take her out iu the norm, life-giving sunsliiii". It a few weeks she wil go without our aid and be able to join her companions in their pleasant pastimes and feel her whole being ''warmed and expanded into perfect life.-" The change Is so great that we thiok she is sweeter and nobler than before. And the medicine which we look upon as a blessiug'to humanity, for there are other loved ones to be rescued from the grasp of the insidous destroyer. I Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery baa I raised ber. It will raise others. Tnt Sovra ATLANTIC.—The June number is out and wits received last week. It has achieved unquestioned sue cpts in excellence, and we trust in patron age as well. 'Though so young, Just hav. ing completed its second third of its first year of existence, it yet deserves to rank with the old established monthlies—and that rank would readih he accorded if it wore only published up North instead oi in our midst. It is unaccountably strange but nevertheless we belieye it is true, that among our own people it is a cir cumstance ot detraction that a periodica] is published by one of our own people aud in our midst. It is in some sort a duty and should be the pnde of our people to substantially recognize the merit of pub lications in our midst. It would really see® that for a magazine to reach great favor, among ear people,it must be pub lished North, and only mention us and our history to leer, taunt, slandor and ridicule us. We venture that niue tenths of the Northern, publications which ex tensively circulate at the 3outh, contain from time to timo matter concerning our own people, which it appearing in a State paper would prompt ap immediate order from the great majority of subscribers to immediately discontinue. Three dollars a year ia the price, Mrs. Cioero W. Hars ris, Wilmington N C. editor and propri etor. The Antecedents sf Disease, An tecedents of diease are inertness in the circulation of the blood, au un naturally attenuated conditiou of the indicating that the life current is deficient in nutritive properties, a wan, haggard look, inabillity to digest the food, loss ot appetite, sleep and strength, and a sensation of unnatural languor. All these may be regarded as among the indication* of approaching disease, which will eventually attacx the system and overwhelm it, it it is uot built up and lortified in time. Invigorate, then, without* loss of time, makintc choice of the greatest vitalizing agent extant, Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, an elixir which has given health and vigor to myriads of the sick and debillitated, which is avouched by physicians and analysts t« be pure as effective, which has been for years past one of the leading medicinal staples ot America, GODOT'S LADY'S BOOK.— This long time Southern favorite fashion journal- tor July has been receved. It is the mag azine for the household. Its literature is wholesome, its fashions the latest and most reliable and its hints to houses keepers valaable. We regret to notice that this number contains the obituary of J..G. L. Brown, one of its editors. The price «f this monthly is $3.00 a year but (here are liberal deductions for clubs. There is everything to. commend and nothing to condemn in this old establish ed Lady's Book. Address Godey's Lady's Book Publish ing Co., N.E. cor. Sixth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. The Potter investigating committee has proceeded far enough to shvw nuques. tioiied forgery in fho matter of the Louis iana election, and alio in the estimation ot public opinion to connect John Slier-, man, Seeretary of the Treasury, and Stauley Matthews United Stales Senator therewith: either before or after the fact. The position these two gentlemen occu py, according to the evidence so tar, is anything but complimentary to their in tegrity and sense of fairness. The "wets" beat the prohibitionist at the election in Pittsboro last week, and in Concord they were also successful. IIotIKIUI.K UoMMlCriffi. Clem* mos of Chapel Hill accidentshot and killed h.s wife on tho night of the second of th»» month. Jle had been on ft carousal with two cotnpan ions, nil being tpor?.or le^s arose about his two oomrades coming into his house, where were his wife and children, mid staying nil night. An altercation ensued and Clotnuions got "his gun threatening to shoot, and his wife got up out of boil nml tried to pre vent liiin. In the scuffle that ensued over the gun, it was accidentally dis charged .shooting the unfortunate woman in the llrtgh, scvoring an arlerv, from which she died in a very short time.- 3he leaves a large family of children, the "ounces'being only about a year old. She is said to have been a worthy woman while her husband is represented to a very worthless follow. Cor.rKGF. Commencement. —This is (he season ot College Commencement*. Tho one af Chapel Hill came off last week, it was largely attended, and iu every way gratifying fo the friends of the University, it bids fair to again attain (ho old time prosperity (hat rendered it celebrated among the Universities of the countrv. The Co.nmonccmout at Trintyy comes off (his week and wo would gladly ac f ept the invitation we have received to be prosont, if our engagements would permit. Afler a long contest, and nearlv a hnn /irc. . 8 ' "'® convention at UO)lsboro,oii (ho flth, nominated Cnpt. Swift Galloway for Solicitor. The cos#s vcntloii was nitciuledJfy more than a hundred nnd fifty uetafales. and lasted for two days, in fnct until late in the nipht of the second day, before • nomi nation wai made. Speaking of Judge Gnat, now at the University, the Baltimore Gazette save that he 1h the greatest benefactor of the female sex on this continent. He has adopted seventeen girls, raised them, and married most of them off with generous eudowiueuts.— The Observer. The Convention fur the third judicial district was held in Galdsboro Inst week, for nominating a candidate for Solicitor. Capt. W. T. Granger presided over the body, five nominations for Solicitor were made but the result is not yet known. CHABLOTTK VOTEB AGAINST PROHIBITION* —The election last week in Charlotte to decide the question of liquor, or no liquor, resulted in a majority for license. Edgecombe county Democratic con vention endorsed Vance for the Senate, Smith for Chief Justice, Howard %r Associate Justioe and whoever the West wished for the other Associate Justice. Babies ought to bo woll taken case of their System does not allow the slightest neglect. If your Baby suffers from Colic or Bowel Disorders, procure a bottle of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup,a sample but always reliable remedy. Only 25 ejuts. J. The question of whether liquor should be sold in Charlotte was submitted to a vote oflhe citizens last week, and pro hibition was defeated. Of the thirteeo townships in Mecklenburg county how ever, six of tbem have voted prohibition. The law repealing the bankrupt law has been signed by the President. The doors are open for filing petition* to the first day of September. For all diseases of the blood we do not know of any better remedy than Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Nothing that can be classed as news trom the-European situation. Mr. James F. Pearce, for a long tim*» a citizen of Greedsboro, died recently at his home in Henrico county Virginia* aged sixty six. Mr. Jonah Boughton a noted to™*" E ranee lecturer, delivered addresses ileigli last week, at Tueker llall.wlilc" "aid to have beon highly interest* iug. The DsmocraU of Guilford county meet in convention on the 22nd day of June to nominate candidates. The House committee h'as agreed to report $60,000 for a Federal court* house and post office at Greensboro. The Indiana ran cattle from Texas across into Mexico and Genl. Ord sent a company of cavalry after them. TO THE VOTERS OF BOOK STATION AND ALBRIGHT TOWNSHIPS. At a meeting of the Board of Justice* of the Peac* of Alamanc county, at the Court House in Graham, an (he first Monday in June 1878. it ordered that the polling place In Albright township be altered from John Roney'• to D. 8. Thompson's; and that the polling place in Boon Btat!on townbhlp be altered from Rabert L. Mebane's to Gabled School House. The voters of said townships will take due notice therof. s G. D. COBB, J, p. Chairman of the Board of. Justices. D. 8. THOMMOK, Secretary. fDo«s™B3.* Zeph7 ' WK "' " BCOTT Farmer Friend Flows at SCOTT & BON NELL'S. Plow Points, Mould Boards, Land Sides & Plow Bolts, at SCOTF & BONNELL'S. Iron & Steel Shovels, Bull Tonpnes, Side Shovel*, Heel Bolts & Single I'iccs at SCOTT A BUNNELL'S. Graham Market. conRKCTP.ii wkllin.t or J. W. HARDEN. Tue«dav, June, 11 1878. - -jn Bj«in. L'reCn V bushel. 50t07 BcanvV bushel 75a1.« Buttei V R».. 15 Beoswax V t0....... .u. 25 Bacon sides t? (1. J...... BK®lo " shoulders, i* 1b... ~ g " ham? 12i^ Beefy lb t » sg, fl Hlack berries dried 4®5 Bark, sasafras roots I 1 tt> 8V&- ¥lh ....fir.. ; 206 20 Castings, old V lb l' Candles Adamant V lh 90 Cloth, tow and cotton, *j(1..... * Corn V bush &) ChlckomfPrrinit lOffi'ia Chicken* iltawn 20 Cotton lliii. y lb B®lo Cotton in weed ' 3 Coal oil V ga1........ " " S CSofrleiTTrleaV IS. .. »~to@ 1 a „ " "eed Clover seed V bush k go Duck* V Pair 30 V doz. - 10 Flour, famity V bbl.\' 5.80 " Super TP bbl 500 Pe-ilbcrs. V lb. 30©.">0 llav t» 100 lb 50 Hides, green, $ lb ' s®e ,". a l?L V m " > 10® 12 Urd if lb 12}' Molases Cuba V tytl 55®t50 . Meal, corn, V.Jb ju Oats, seed V Itusii v 40 Onions V bush.. . 50 " seta V bush Peas V bush.. 00® 1.00 Potatoes, Irish V bush 60to 75 " sweet '• 40 Hork V lb o^ 7 Pe.uhes;. dried, peeled,. .. . «®lO ~ _ " impeded, 3® 4 Rncs 1» Ib . . 02®$W Salt fine* sack j 2& " eonrse 1.85 Shingles V thousand 3.50®4.00 Tallow ¥ lb.. 1... JO Wood V cord 3.00®1,80 Wheat V bush. . I.oo® 1.26 BEES! I propose to fnrnish the Graham and Com pany Bhops market with nlce fresh beef at prices as reasonable as can be afforded. Persons having good beef cuttle to sell will do well to lot me know. I will be at Company Shops on Monday and Friday evenings of each week, and at Obaham on TUESDAY AND SATURDAY mornings of each week, certain, A. A. ANDREWS. Jane 4. tf. CHERRIES." Dr. B. A. 8c lira. of Company Shops, has or der* for fllfteen hundrsd pounds of dried cher ries, and he wishes to buy to fill these orders. They must be well seeded and well dried. He wants them at once and will pay fifteen can's a pound. In. FORSAUE. One second band McMaunln Smut Machine in good order. Two wrought iron Hill Spindles, drivers nd train bolt*. Apply to a 6. DAVihx 1 m. Co. Shops, M, C. - * ■— Patronize Home Mechanics ■' " *•' , ." ~ T : G. W. Tate Son, •v. ,c * •_;_. 'l^aH ffft AMM!!?©If v Tatos Patent Wheat Thrasher and Cleaner | Hone Powers, Saw Mills, ftMJto. «m a ^aMSrmLK,H.O. ■•"'■' " ■ ' . " ' ' "' **.- ' IT I« TUB j R |J ■ Only Seyving Machine' yWffi WHICH BAM A I feljf-Jfjntadinfl fifttiilli H ■W y N -gJ n MT l \ Hit has Self Setting Needle. || % a J M H Hew Breaks the Thread. SH |PP I» the Lightest Baaalß|.' *B 7k« Simplest, tht Mott Dur»' able, and in Every Respect The Best Family Sewing Machine! The "NEW AMERICAN" is easily learned, does not get out of order, and will do "»*« w>ri with ins labor than any other machine, illustrated Circular furnished 0» AGENTS WANTED. J. S. BOYEY Manager, 64 N. Charleß Street, Baltimore, Mi Scott &Doonell .L- Ghhm .lifiaW Dealers in " DBV 00089, €3R9CSn«B«f, lI.IRDWAKK, HATM, BOOTH " £-tflVT>K4. (VOTIOV*, IRON, | N'l'KKli. NAI.T, .VIOI.AH- fj «RN. DKtlliM. lIRDI €J f" * «'*«, OV B STL'I V McC St C. a. iriMi/L... r V ■ JByvjU^k ©S&- Tailor. -ttgß . Cutting and making done in the latest fashions and most desirable manner. He keeps constantly on hand Samples of latest styio goods for gentlcmens wean and will order according to selection of customers.—also the National Sewing Machine which be keeps constantly on band and wil sell for the low price of m $24 fST" He ia just in receipt of his Spring styles. Graham N.C GET mm I wn now prepared make to order **mk mSrwW boots, shoes and waiters from the very Mat stock and at the lowest prices— BOOTS PROM Cs.o* » TO fIOOO. SHOES 1 1 PROM #3.00, TO 14.00, GAITERS PROM SS.BO TO *7.00. 1 A good fit is guaranteed. Mending promptly and oheaply done. > (VI have a few pairs of good gaiters of my own make on hand which I will sell cheap. Graham, N. C. W. M. MURRAY. May 7.1878, ly.

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