ABOUT ANOi n rhOTKKB. [;From the Journal-T>f Commerce.] e«~ —of Commerse: - . """ *Nkw Yokk, May 16, ibioft' "Will you please give the correct mean ing or interpretation of thetod&go- "that it. -• takes nine tailors to make a man?' Truly yours, J. T. I. I:' 4 , ltcply. —No saving hns obtained a j? wider currency than this concerning tai lors; its origin is not so inu-jli lost in remote antiqniey as it swallowed up in a multitude of explanations. In lCß2the - pinverb, then several hundred years old ■Was thus explained; » to a p r oven> wtiioii has been of old, And many men: likewise been so bold, To ttie discredit of the Tailor's Trade, 2 A'ine Tailora ijoe to make a man, they said. BntJor their credit P.f inirtdtUc It t'ye: A di aper once fell into povcrtie. >'iue Taylor* joyu'etheir parses together then feta. - To get him up, and make him agi-n. __— A similar explanation of the legend is given in various old publications. Now it is a poor orphan boy who applies for ■ alms at the tailor's shop in London where nine journymcii are employed. They take an inteest ill him and con tribute for liis relief, and when lie becomes prosperous and sets np his » «iotto,"Nine tailors made ine a man." The Germans (for the saying is current, in many languages) have a similar storys although here is a poor tramp who is is relieved, ami who goes out warmed and feil, and with a little silver in his pocket Saying to bis benefactors. "Cod * bless you, you havu made a man of mo By the way the' Germans used to add to the insult, by the variation "It takes thirteen tailors and a mastiff dog to make a man," alludiag doubtless to somo special occasion when this force was or ganized for aggression or defence. A writer discovers tho origin as he thinks, hi that the trade of nine tailors will set up a cloth »»er chant. An English clergyman a hundred years ago made an ingouious reading of the proverb that wholly relieved the L csaft from the supposod stigma. It is well known that where -ktneral knells t are common, the bell, before announcing tho age gives the signal for the descrip tion of tho deceased as a piece oflntorma tian to the town. This common in Conncticut 50 years ago. The iuueral hell rang with a peculiar stroke; then ntter a pause the bell mau struck it three times for a youg girl five times for a boy seven tunes for a woman, and nine times "lor a man. The age was then called off on the bell* The word foiling it has been claimed was trom te)ling or' county • ing these strokes. The telling of the boll was the information it communicated. "Nine teller* for a man," thus passed into current speech, and soon became a a joke against the tailors. One ot th 6 wittiest sayings attribute by Doudglass Jer reiki in his drama to Charles 11, gives the origin of the prevalent teudency to victimize tho craft: "Never pay a tailor used to have foV ho will bo ]S the'eorcnrig September—and is reputed to be choierie as ever. During the thirtypublic 'life he was in. a quarrel with somebody, often with several meu at tho same tiiiMi. A member of the Confederate Congres during the civil war he was forever wrangling,' and usually on the eve of personal recouuters •with his fellow members. A bitter and uncompromising enemy of Jefferson Davis, strenoualy opposing every meas es lire- advocatedly directly orindirectly by the President of the Southern States,or by any of his friends, and consequently was kept as a bee in a tar barrel. g& They need to say in Vickabnrg, where he lived just before the war that he could not stand 10 feet from the Prentiss House and hit it more than once out of ten times. One of his duels was with the brilliant Seargent S. Prentiss, - and as was not uncommon in the cotton, States, a'number persons [went Jout of Natchez to witness the fight, which took place not far from the town. After an exchange of shots, Prentiss, observing a boy who had climbed into the boughs of a tree, 50 feet out of range, to get a bet fcerview, called to him, "You would bet ter come down, my Bonj you may get hurt My friend, Senator Foote, »ia shooting rather wildly to-day." So good-natured Wtk remark ought to have mollified Foote, • but it did not. A slight wound in his j leg ferminatedjthe combat and increased hia fame as a chivalrous gentleman and a TUB A Well Rrini'iulicrrd Incident of th« B'nr Bf I wren the Slalra, The Rer. J" an .a**, dress before Hie National Sunday School -tjmwntlpn, Atlanta, (M. related the foN lowing incident: 'ln the early spring of 1863 when tlie Confederate and Federal armies \vo*c confronting each other on the opposite bills of Stafford and Spott gylvania, two bands chanced one evening at the same borvr to begin, to discourse sweet innsic on either bank of the river. A large crowd of l)>o soldiers of both ar mies gathered to listen t.o the sweet mus ic, the lr'ondly pickets not interfering, and soon the bands began to answer each other. * Fiiiit the band on the northern bank would.play "Star Spangled Ban ner," "Hull Columbia," or roine other national air, and at 'its conclusion the *'boys in blnc"*wpuld cheer most lustily. And then the.bawl on the Southern bank would respond with "Dixie," or '•Bonnie Blue flag," or some other Southern mol\ ody, Mid the "boys in grey" would ats test their approbation with an "old Con* federate yell." But present 1> one of the bands strock up, in sweet and plaintive notes which were wafted across the beau tiful were caught up at one© by the other band and swelled into a grand anthem which touched eyerv heart, "Home, Sweet Home!" At the conclusion of this piece there went up a simultaneous shout from both sides of the river—cheer followed cheer, and those hills, which lvad so recently re sounded with hostile guns, echoed and resecliood the glad acclaim. A chord had been struck responsive to .which the heart? of eiiemierf—enemies then— conld beat in union; and on both sides of the river, '/Something the »oldler'« cheek Washed off the stains of powder." His FIRST LOVE.—"Dirt I ever love any other girl?" repeated the prospective bridegroom in answer to tike tearful in quiry of bfs T tended. "Why, no, darling; of cour»9 not. Could yon aak such a question? You are thy first and and only love. This heart knew no awakening until the sunshine of your love streamed in and awoke it to ec stasy." And then he kissed her tenderly and went home, and said to himself, "I must hurry those things out of the way right off, or there'll b« a row," And he collected together a great pile of letters,written in all kinds of feminine hands, with lets of faded flowers and photographs, snd locks jot hair, and faded ribbons, and other things; and when the whole collection had' been crammed into the kitchen grate he drew a deep sigh and said to himself, "There goes all that's left of fourteen undying loves. Let 'em flicker." TOOFS, STANDMDWIFFIER, For ALL Sewing Haehlnes. tfho best to tuo and most perfectly constructed. X. i. TOOP, "Do**BTiCT n ßundlng, New York, or Nay HAVEN, CT. T^iiaittll THE UOHTEBT RUNNING, • 'THE SIMPLEST, '' THE, MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR SEWHTG KACHHTES. PMretstaff aO the latest and xnoat deabablo taprcvemenU. - ft l»,«wilr andkntood, makes tSeUoaWe thread lockstitch, has Mir-npslatlng Un- ' ■lons sad tike-pp, and will do the whale range cf family work wlthoat change. .The " DOMESTIC "la made in Iho most dmw able manner, with conical eteel bearings and compensating journal* throughout, i Agenta for Iho " DOMESTIC" Sewlnr Ha. chine and the " DOMESTIC " Paper Fashion, wanted in all mioocupied territory. Address^ I'K'H-irfH , Sewing HaeMno Company, Stow Torlb Ucan make u.oncv faster at work for us than anything else. Capital not requir ed; we will start you. sl2 per day at home made by tbe industrious. Men, women, and boys aud girls wanted everywhere to work for us. ■ Now is the time. CorUy outflt ana terms free. Address Tkuk & Co., A adnata, Maine. Yon can And the l>e»t stock and cheapest goods at BCOTT & DON3EJU/8. Oil IMS " my new ftore house, west ul the eourt house was computed and I more* into it. 1 have enjoyed a liberal share of patron age since, for wlikU I beg leave to return uiy thanks, ■■? I have just returned from the North, wherelpuorehased a large stock of goods, consisting f as ncarfy everything my cus tomers would want as my long acquaintance with our people would enable pus tu> buy. For the Ladies I Imvc an efegsrot line of dress goods of the latest styles, from culieoes up 'to the more beautiful and costly, Hosikrv, notions, HATS and especially an extensive lot of —-—— ' ». COJ.LAUB, COI.UIiK.TIa A.XD BCAKF* For the Gentlemen I have xum mBE clothin®, hats akd CATS, BOOTS ATTD SROKt and the finest stock of Piece 00009 ever brought to this market, consisting of bcan tifal patterns for coots, vests, pants anil for full suits. FOB EVERYBODY I*'have a fall stock of oaocKaiaa, CONFEC TIONERIES/ HARDWARE, TCLMW iHF 5 WARE, CROTEHY ® Awaa, TIN WARE, CVT * ■ w&ot-fr}' > I -j* * YiU- %t • and in a word *1) that h wanted and aeed cd'by the trade. This large and variod stock of goods ] bought to sell, and I have priced them with that end ia view. Remember my new ijtore west"of the coart home, Octo, ». ly. J. W. HARDEN. fTOIITOM » #' W. R. Forbis $ Bro. GREENSBORO, N. C. braneh herose, J. R. Pugh &co GRAHAM, N. C. keep on hand an kinds of furniture, from the cheapest to the very bent. Nothing in tb« furniture line that they do not ke«p. J. It. Pagh &co, IN GRAHAM, keep on hand quite an assortment at such furniture as their trade mostly demands, and tliey also will on, application order at once, anything wanted, without cost to the customer, who can select from a book of cuts, showing the different styles , 8 mo. Mar. 5.1878. nil mm Wife Happy. — .ooooo — I will help you to do this. Call and see mo at Hunters Old Store I . h ave the WILSON SEWING MACHINE, w "h all the attachments. The BICKFORl) KNITTING MACHINE and the Bobbins little washer. If these three articles don't make a house hold happy ihen the husband must be bad, or the wife ill tempered. I will sell the above articles cheaper than they urn be bought elsewhere. All you have to do is to get a little cloth and thread, my n.achines will do the making, knitting and washing, so you may keep yourself welt clad and clean. Keby 18.18T8 R. S. HUNTER, 3. mo. Graham, N. C. A H |l|| ■ sad Morphine hsMt cart d. IIPIII If Ui JU m I All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at SCOTT & DuN NKLI/S. Tobacco Fertilizer, If tobacco growers wish to raise fine ycllpw tobacco aud get the Very highest prices for it buy 1 (ttlliaiu Anchor Bruud to be had at reduced price ol _ , _____ F 8. A. WHITE Mebaneville, N. C. pALAUfc JEWELRY STOEI. ■ * \ 1 farrXß, OPTICIAN, WATCII-IBAKB AND JEWELER, AND AK» DKAIMt *1» WATCHS, CIIOVKMI J BffEI.RV Silver Ware ; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, W it Using Canes, . . Gold reus, &e. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will be l«U cheap J.T.CROCKER, ATTORNKV AND t!OUNBBM.*B AT liAW. Avheboro, N. C'. r SCOTT * CALF)WELL, Gkebnbboko,' Associate Ctmnsti. Praetiees hi the courts of Rafdolph and and adjoining counties. , t l&~ Special attention gives to the eollcc . ion of daiioe. • —— —T" One Question Settled. That is that we have tbe LARGEST AND CHEAPEST stock of goods we ever offered to the people of Alamance. Our Mr. Gant, in person selected those goods, and from bis thorough scqualutaneu with tl»o wants of our people, we can safely say that we have on hand EVERYTHING which the trade ot this, and adjoining counties demand, in the way of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD-WARE T J> nOLLOW-WARE. QUEENS-WARE CUTTLERY.BOOTS. SHOES, SAD DLES, BRI/a>LEB, HARNESS, C' RRIAGK, FIN DINGS, *«., Jke., - --- and • large stock of Read y-m a d e Clothing We buy all kinds of country produce. 1 We thank tbe pnlilic for the gen eroua patronage heretofore e\tended to uh, and we can and will nuke it he interest of our custoineiß to trade with us. Don't take our word but come and see for youraelf. We charge nothing for showing goods. J. Q. GANT & C O Company Sbojra Dec stb, 1812 Pensions. Under this act, any persim who served fourteen days or participated in one battle in the war of erf 1813, is entitled to a Pension of $8 per month from date of approval of act. Widows of such soldiers as have died after similar service, no matter what was the date of marriage to the soldier, are eu tliled to the same Pension. No other parties are entitled. All 1812 Pensioners dropped from the Rolls because of alleged disloyalty are re stored by this act. Applications mnst be executed before an officer of a court of record Send to ns for any information or blanks needed. -CHLMORE & CO. -! * Oifl F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. THE Orphan's Friend. A live and lively weekly! Organ of tb Orphan work, entertaining and instructive to the you g. A zealous friend and advo cate OF. EDUCATION. Published every Wednesday. Subscription and postage only one dollar a year. Office iu the orphan bwldicg, at Oxford. White Lead, Ready Mixed Taints, Linseed oil i, Tanners oil, at BCOTT & L»ON NELL'S, • Sheetings, Checks & Yarns, at SCOTT A DONNELL'Sg mmmmm v~—' > > ' ' The fourth session of this school,,sitaate'l 14 miles—fwiuth-west of Graham;, ia Ala mafice Count}*, will open tlie FIRST OF JAN. 1878, , next, and continue twenty weeks. can be obtained at from ffi to $7 per. month. r Tuition, #5, $7.50, fclo and s'.2o per session. For Circular and fuel her part iculars apply to tbe audcrsiirned at. Rock Oitrek. N. C. H. 0. Tbakub, Principal 6 mo. MEDICAL CARP. The naders'tencd would announce to kis friends ami witmns whom lie has served for the past 25 years io the practice of his profession that he lias during the past fall and winter, taken a Thorough Cnno In Che Colleges iml ■loKpunls in the City of Nov York, on the Pathology and treatment of diseases 1 peculiar to females, and supplied liiniseli [ with all tlic. instruments and appliances ne.-- 1 essary in this branch of his profession. He Is, also prepared to treat all diseases of tbe ••ye and ear, He can always be found at the Drug Store of R. W, Glenn & -Son, when not profession ally engaged. R. W. GLENN, M. D. R. W. Glenn . & Son Keep constantly on hand at their store in he tienbow House, ft full stock of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Painty Glass, Chemicals, TRUSSES AND SUPmtEUSy and everything tooud in a first class Drrg Store, FRESII AND CHEAP. village C'annirr illrrrhnHl* Talie Notice. Highest Award at The Cen tennial Diploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, for Grand, Upright & Square pums. The principal points of superiority in the STIEFF Pianos are brilliant singing qnalitv of tuna, with great power*— tvmi'ie** of touch throughout the eutlro scale, faultless action, unsurpasttcd durability, and unexcelled workmanship. A large variety of Second-hand Pianos, of all makers, constantly in store, and rang ing in prices from $75 to §3OO. We are also Sole Agents for the Southern States of the 4 * "Matchless" Burdett Organs,. The Best now made, A full supply of every style constantly in store, and sold on the most liberal terms. For Terms and llluctrated Catalogues of Pianos and Organs, address OH AS. M. TIEFF, Ko 0 N. Liboi iy Street, BALTIMORE, MP. NOTICE V. ». IRTBRNAIi-RKVE NCB BPBCIAL TAXES.. > Under the revised Statutes of the United Status, Sections &S2, Si:S7. 8238, and s£s9, (•very person engaged in any business, avo catiou, or employment, which ■ renders hint liable to a special tax, is required to procure and place and keep conspicuously in hit es tablishment or place of l/utine.is a STAMP denoting the payment of said special tax for the special tax-year begining May, 1, 1878. Section 3844, Revised Statutes, desig nates who are liable to special tax. A return, as prescribed en Form 11, is also required bylmo $ every person liable to Special tax as above. Beoere penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the foregoing re quirements, or for continuing in business after April 30; 1878, withont payment ot tax Application should be made Uf W. H Wheeler, Collector of Internal Revenue,at Winston N. (J. BCOTT A DONNRLL pay the highest caah price for Good Flour. TUTTSJHUS A Noted Divine says - X the*:: J weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: DR. TUTT:—Dear Sir: For ten years I have been a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. Lact spring your pills were fvcnmiftcndvd to roe; I nscii them (but with little laiih). lam now a well man, have (food appetite t per'cct, rcpulars-ools, piles gone, and I linvc pained forty [Otinds solid flesh. • They arc worli their wviffht in i;old. RBV. R. L. SIMI'bON, Louisville, Ky. >. -i ■ i in ni ■ A Dr. TuU has been eu- TIITT'S PkLLS ga: r in the practice nC 111 I I O rtLLO medicinethhrtyyears,unit CUBS SICK HEAD- for i loop tluf was demon. A CSX. strator of ;riMi®my in this Medial I Coihcße »f Gcnr- TIITTIQ P I I 9 ?■■>. !it»ar person. IUI I O lILLO Biis Pills have tire irnaciui- CUKE BYSFEP3IA- W«t!:r.t iherare-pti Weil ___ on scientific pruicmlc*. Turns PILLS ' _ lie has sncreeded in CUKB CONSTIPATION combining In them the . heretolore antagonistic TDTT'S PiLLS SSJFTSSASXJB: Tl; ■| |A n'l I A feet is to incrc-se the ap- TUTT'S PsLLS CXTB.T TBVER AH If Thus Ihe system is nonr ishi.il, and by Uuir tonic ii , , . M actio* on the digestive nr- TUTT'S PsLLS CUBE KUOVS COLIC The rapidity with which —— per font lakf em flrr^. Til I I!© DII I O white under the influence 1 IUI I u rILLO of the*-pills, o( itself in „ _ T _„_ dicaU'S tlieir adaptabilii y u^±tE co *~ to nourish the body, anil i * hence thrirefficacy HI enr \. )A nii *g\ Injr nervous debility, im I- I TUTT'S r LLS anciioh .dyspepsia, wiist i w inn ol the muscles, slu£- OUEX TORPID LIVKB of the liver. ehronio constipation, ano 1 Imparting health and strength to the system. SoJ.t everywhere. Office, 3S ray Street, New Yor, . Gray Hair can fee. changed to a fa H elossy black by a single application of 19 I B Dr.Twr's Hair Dye, It aeufike magic. La H and is warranted ns harmless as water. M Price si.oo. Office 35 Murray St M N. Y> WHAT IS QUEEN'S DELIGHT? 1 Read the Answer It Is a plant that grows In the Sootli, and Is spe cially adapted to the care of diseases of thut climate.. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY, ' Knterinif at once into the blood, expel liny all scrof ulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic nfTcctions. Alone, it It a starching alterative,but when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and otter herbs, it forms Br. Tutt's Sarsaparilkg and Queen's Delight, The most powerful blood purifier known to medical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, foul discharges from the cars and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects or •ecret practice*, disordered liver and spleen. It* use strengthens the nervous system, imparts a fair com plexion, and build* up the body with c HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. Af an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly B fecommended. Hundreds qf cases of the worst typo kave been radically cured by it. Being purely veg etable it* continued use will to no barm. The best time to take it is during the summer and (iill; and Instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health t> Sold by all droggints. Wc«, ft, oo. Office, J5 Mutiny Street, New York* P~ AGENTSWANTB'FOR'THE V XCTORIAL HISTORYofubWORLD Embracing full and authentic Recounts > every nation of ancienfand modern times and including a history of the risu and tal of the Greek and Soman Empire*, the growth of the r,at ions of Modern Europe the middle tges, the crusades, the feuda system, thereformation, the discovery and settlement of ihe New World, etc.. etc. It cor tains 673 Hi e historical eng.avlnjrs and 1360 large double column pages, and is the miwt complete History of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pares and extra terms to Agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address, NATIOXAI. Ptrßi.isiiino Co. PhMSelpbia, Pa "' {SUPERIOR comm ~ ■ $ ALAMANCE cousfrr, Gteorge W./Swopson, PUI. 'av g*. C. T. Rogers Def't. It appearing to the satisfaction of tha court lliut plaintiff has a docketed judgment against the defendant for recovery of *785- 43. with interest or $535, from the 3rd of Deer. 1868, and that no part of the same has been paid except $2,33 on the 6th of August 1877, and that execution cannot properly issue tliereon without noiice to the ilef»nd»Ht. and that defendant i« a non resi lient of the State.it is therefore on Hiotion of pluintlffe counsel ordered by the court that noiice issue to dcfcnd» nt to show cause, if any he can, within ten days from the ser vice ol said notlre upon him, why execution shall not issne on said judgment; And- it is further ordered that In lieu of personal ser vice of said notice this order be published in THE AI.AMANOK ©I-EATCEB, a newspaper published weekly, in the town of Graham . fur six successive weeks. Done at office in Graham. I this the 28th day of March 1878. ) A. TATE, C. 8. C. J. T. MOORE A, A. THOMPBON % Moore & Thompson \ . ' • m , m —in Commission Merchants --' 1 ( BAi.Eion, nr. c. Special attention paid to the sale of COTTON. CORN, VIOOB, OKA IF, BIAV. —. BUTTER, K«««, VOW 1.8 AO. ' . . CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, ELLGIIEST PRICES OBTAINED. , Refer to Citizens National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. SThe Urmtdj tt the IMfc Csatary. Bar ham's Infallible PILE CURE. » Manufhcmrcd by th« Btfluuanit Out Co., Durham, w. 0 m IIMM «»lh to car* •r Piln, «kn I «« U ' FHH IM ud bn> M« IllllllUllll laraUw4**s**lts*U*a