"•T A MARKf ING SHI,, | They were sitting together, side by Aide, ou the soiu, in the most approved Jo«hr fashion—his arm encircling her taper waist ete. 'T i«ifr» he - have read my heart ere this; you must know how dearly I love you." "Yes, Fred; you have certainly been ♦fry attentive,'* saidXizzie. "But, Lizzie, darling, do you love me"! Will be my wife?" * "Your wife, Fred 1 Of all things, no/ No, indeed, nor any one else's." "Lizzie, what do yod mean?" "Just what I say, Fxed I've two married sisters." "Certainly! and Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Skinner have very good husbands, I believe.'* "So. people say; but I wouldn't like to stand in either May's or Nell's shoes; that's all." • ' 1 "Lizzie, you astonish me." "Look here, Fred: I've had over twenty-five sleigh rides this winter, thanks to you and my other gentlemen friends." \ ~NFred winced a little here, whether at ot that unpaid livfery bill, or the idea of Lizzie's sleighing with her other gentlemen friends, I eknnot positively answer. - many do you think my sisters have }iad? Not the sign of one, either, oflthem. pretty girls as May and Nellie were, too, a«d so much attention ' they used lo havel" "Now, Lixrie"— occasionally, as well aB a lecture or coi* eert sometimes, and shouldn't like it, u I -proposed attending any such entertain ment, to be invariably told that times ware bard, and my husband couldn't afford it, and then to have him sneak off alone.*** •' * "Lizzie, lAzzie" ' _ ' "And then if once in. a dog's age he did condescend to go with me anywhere in the evening, I shouldn't like to be left to my way along the slippery places, at the risk of breaking my neck> he walking along unconsciously by my nde. I'm of a dependent, clinging nature, and I need the protection of a strong arm-" "Lizzie, this is all nonsense." "I'm the youngest in our family, and perhaps 1 have been spoiled. At all 9*ents,' I know if would break my heart \ to have my husband vent all the ill* temper whioh he qonceals from the world qn my defenceless head." "But, Lizzie,- I porprise you that . I" • *Oh, yes, Fred; I know what you are gelng to say—that you will be different; ; hot May and Nell hava told me time and again that no better husbands than their* ever lived. No, Fred: as a lover i yon are just perfect, and I shall hate srwfully to give you up. Still, if you are bent on manning, there are plenty, of girls who have no married sistets, or who are not wise enough to pro'fib by their example if they have. And don't fret about mo, for I've no doubt j can And some one to fiU your plaoe"— But 1 before Lizzie had concluded, Fred made for the door, muttering some thing "unmentionable, to. ears .polite." \ "There V" exclaimed Lizzie, as the deor closed with a f bang. "I knew he was no better than the rest That's the way Jdhn and JUeck swear and slam doors when things dbn't go just right. He'd nptke* perfect bear of a' husband, but F.u sorry he came to the point so aqoo, for he was just a splendid beau." , I'. '' PASS OK HAT Afeen^l (Detrtot Free Press.] i t When the triangle had caUed the meeting to order, Brother Gardner arose with his usual sleeknesa and spid: "Gem'len, if n wasn't for da wheels on a waggin it *bfetftnV move. When do wheels am en r den what?" ' ? j !i "Grease l" solemnly exclaimed the old man Toota • "K-rectf* whispered the president BOftly, rubbing hi« hands together. "Wehazde waggin an' de wheels. * We will now pasa de bat arouu* fur da grease." "1» $ • %», « _—.. Yesterday aftcrnofcn a boy went down Fifth street singing, 'Dare to do right 1 Dare to be true I 1 so loud that he waked np ali the babies yi the block, and the switchman at Market street couldu't Sear the engine bells, and while this en . thusiastic young Moody going from Di vision street church down to Glozeby** he brake two windows in the parsonage, sussed a woman in the next house, hit a shinny club that Pi back ached,broke stone, shot a far* d took his cooky mllod two pickets n awful of ffIB, POTTS I.OOKinfl FOR A I.IGHT, Onosnight during the troubles in the Pennsylvania coal .regions, Judge Potts brother,of Thomas Potts, was round at a meeting of the mine owners, and after. ..Isournn>c... into a tavern. While there, he met some friends, and in the course of an hour or two he got very intoxicated. On his way home he lost hit hut, and a miner; who knew him, feeling compassion for him, clapped on his head a miner's hut, and, in order to make the dark streot look brighter, he lighted the lump in front of the hat. When Potts reached the house his wife had gone to t*el, and the lights were out; but Potts felt oer tain the lamp was burning in the hull, bat he couldn't for the life of him tell where it was. He looked at the regular lump an j it seemed to be out; then hunted in everjr direction for the light, but he was una ble to find it, although it seemed to shine, brightly wherever he went. Presently he happened to stop in iront of the mirror in the hat rack, and then he saw precisely where the light wan After a brief abjurgation upon Mrs. Potts for leaving u light in such a place he went up to the mirror and tried to blow it out. He. blew and blew, but somehow the flame burned as steadily as before. "That," said Potts, "i* the most exs traor'nary lamp's ever been my misfor tune t' encounter." y Then he took off his coat, and, hold ing it in front of him, crept curiously up to the mirror, and tried to (crush the coat over the lamp, which still burned brightly. He said: S "That's cert'inly very extra'norv! Moz 'stonishin' circumstanz ever come un'er my observation. Don'o how to 'count for it!" It occurred to him, that perhaps he might smash the lamp with an umbrella. Seizing the weapon, he went up to the hat, and aiming a terrible blow at the light, he brought the umbrella down. He missotl, una smashed his Sunday hat into chaos. He took aim again, and caught the umbrella in *hn lamp over* head, bringing it down Vith a crash. Then he tried a third time, and plunged the ferrule of the umbrella through the mirror, smashing it to atoms, lie felt for a moc >?*s the light dis appeared from bis virion, but he was perplexed to find there was another light somewhere. * So he sat down on the stairs and remarked: jg W "Moz 'stouiahin' eircumstau ever come un'er my observation. Whaten thunder dox it mean anyhow? Light's gone," an' yet's shinin'l Perfectly incomprehensible! Wish to gracious Mrs. Potta'd wake up an splain it. Dura 'f I know what I had better do!" Then Potts took off bis hat to scratch his head, ia the hope that he might Scare up an idea, and the truth flashed upon him. Gazing at the lamp for a moment, until he arank in a full concep tion of the trouble it caused .Jnuo, he sud denly smashed it down on the floor in rage, and extinguished it after covering two yards of carjiet with grease. Then he wont to bed. and in the morning Mrs. Potts informea him that some of those horrible miners had" broken in the night before, and left one of their hat! with a lamp. Potts turned over in bed SO that she sould not me his face, and S'd if the stern band of the law wasn't d upon these ruffians soon, nobody's life would be safe. Said a yonng husband, whom business speculations were unseceessfiii: 'My wife's silver tea sot, the bridal gift of a rich uncle, doomed me to financial ruin. It involved a hundred unexpected ox? penses. which, trying to meet, made nfe the bankrupt that I am.' Ills is the exs Sorienco of many othors less wiw, who o not know what i# the goblin in the house working destruction. A sagacious father of great wealth exceedingly mor tified bis daughter by ordering to be printed on her wedding cards: 'No pres ents except those adapted to* an income of $1,000.' Said he;' You must not ex pect to begin life in the Biyle 1 am able by many years of labor to iudalge; and 1 know of nothing' that will tempt yon more than the well iutended but perni cious gifts of rich friends.' Agentlentan having boasted that it waa easy enough to "do" railroad com panies out of their tare*} and that he had pasaed from one station to another on a certain road the day before wihont a ticket, was approached by an officer of the road. The gentleman agreed to tell for 'consideration 1 . 'lt wah paid and then the officer said: Now tell me how yoa did it; , 1 walked, quietly replied the gentlemen. , Josh Billings [Henry W. Shawl is re ported to have made more ipotaey than any American author by the per sistant working of his peculiar vein ot hu mor. Some years he has got $4,000 from a weekly newspaper for hie excln» sive contributions; has made 5,000 or 6,000 by lectaring, and has had a prof* it from his almanac of or' $9,000 more —18,080 or 20,000 per anum. A countjy editer i» Michigan.thus bids farewell to his readers, his paper hating expired: "Good -by! —Toll the bell gently—This is oar last kick—Han dle ns with care! — Lower ns gently to rest —We die a natural death!— The wolf is at our door! —bury us under a rose bush —Listen to the mocking-bird". A Scotch wit aays there in no reason why the phonograph should not be spoken of as "she." It repeats every thing. | ; 'v; • • 1 ©dfe* Tailor. Cutting and making done in the latest fashions and most desirable manner. He keeps constantly on hand Sample* of latest styte goods for gentlemens wear: and will order according to selection 01 customers.—also the ' National Sewing Machine which he keeps constantly on band and wil sell for the low price of -s $24 fST He is jrif+in receipt of his Spring styles. \ Graham N. 0 NEW ARRIVAL AT P. R. Harden's, •esso-o$&. Who keeps constantly on hand a full line of Dbt Goods, Gbocejuxs and "Gbk ebal Merchandise at Bottom Prices. Aliens Prints at TM cents. A full line of Muslins and Jackonets. New crop Cuba Molasses. Bacon C. R. 81des at &«entß peptide. Garden and Flower Seeds at 5 cents a paper. Call and examine our stock before pur cbafting. tSt Special attention given to the sale of Flour. The highest market price paid for all kinds of Country Produce Scott & Donnell Graham N. C Dealers in D B V noons, 6BOCBMIM, IIARDWARK, IIATS, BOOl'o Or MIIOEN. NOTIONS, IBOfV, STBBL, BAI T, .HOI,AS SES, DBDOS, NKDI> (! I N B Si » V K STUPF &C A t:. TOOrsJsTAND&RD RUFFIER, Par ALL Sewing Machines. The best to aac and moat perfectly constructed. Address «. J. TOOP,«• Doxxsno " Building, Sew Tor*, I H W THE UOHTEBT RUNNING, I THE SIMPLEST, * TUB MOST DURABLE, P ~. THE MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINES. Tcwtiwliig all the latest and most desirable Improvements. 4 . It is easily aaderateod, makes the double thread lock-stitch, Una self-waist tag taa slons and f ake-np, and will doffie whole rango of family worW withont chaage. I . The''DOMESTIC "Is made In tho most dur able -manner, with conical steel bcarlngß and t compensating joarnnls tliicmchont. , 1 Agents for fixe " DOMESTIC" Sew la* Ma chine and the"DOMESTIC " Paper Fashions wanted in all unoccupied territory. Addreeat V m mi Wife Happy, —.ooooo— will help you to do this. Call and see me at • Hunters Old Stpre I have the WILSON SEWING MACHINE, with all tlie attachments. The BICKFORJJ KNITTING MACHINE and the Robbins little washer. If these three articles don't make a house hold happy then the husband must l>e bad or the wife ill tempered. I will sell th above articles cheaper than they tan U e bought elsewhere. All yon have to do Is to get a little cloth and thread, my machines will do the making, knitting and washing, so you may keep yourself well clad and clean. Feby 18.1878 R. 8. HUNTER, 3. mo. Graham, N. C Oil flAfi Mx%, my new store bonne, west of the court house was completed and I moved into 1 have enioyed a liberal share of patron age since, for which I beg leave to return my thanks. I have Just returned from the North, wherelpuorchased a large stock of'goods, consisting f as near ly everything my cus tomers would want as my long acquaintance with our people would enable me to buy. For the Ladies ' I have an elegant line of dress goods of the latest styles, from calicoes up to the - more beautiful afid costly, HOSIERY, MOTIONS, HATS and especially an extensive lot of COLLABS, COLLAREXjrs AMD BCABTS For the Gentlemen —rif —*7-rsi' "j0? y 7 ■ .. • "■ » I have HEART MASK CLOTHING, HATS AMD CAPS, BOOTS AMD SHOES „ ; »' .... ,»■.% -V--.' ? ' 1 and the finest stock of rites GOODS ever brought to this market, consisting of beau tiful patterns for Ooats, vests, pants and for full suits. FOE EVERYBODY I bave a full stock of GROCERIES, CONFEO TIONERIES, HARDWARE, HOLLOW WARS. WIILBW-WAUB, OBOOEBT WABE, TIS-WABE, CXJT TLBBT, and In a wor,d all that is wanted and need ed by the trade. . This large apd varied stock of goods I bought to sell, af|t I have priced them with that end in view. Remember ray new store west of the court house. Octo, 9. lv. J. W. HARDEN. Ucan make money faster at work for us than anything else. Capital not requir ed; we will start you. 912 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, and boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ns. Now is the time. Costly outfit and term* free. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. You can find the best stock and cheapest goods at SCOTT & DONNELL'B. (Qj week in your own town. $5 Out fJpv/Ollt free. No risk Reader, if you wa ta business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all tb« time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at SCOTT & BUN NELL'S. mraiiilDß. BUTTS ■rnrn no. 12 N. Eighth st. The PHYSIOLOGY OP MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER BeOkl that art really UaMr* aad Nfe-laatnetan in all mat- ImpatUlnlnc loluM and WWHIIII, ud (apply wutiongMt They are U»aa«nU«d.aad In plain taapuca, earily nndentood. The two book? embrace CM pagea, and contain Talaakl* lafcnutlaa for both married and aiiiffle, with all the reeentimpronreoients in medical treatment Sru zg&ss&sis: J||k|||| aullonUMliUttirrt uriuniffisiftcL.'s pALACE JEWELRY STOIE FARRAR, OPTICIAN, WATCH-JIAKB AND JEWELER, AND AMD DEALER IN WATCHI, O I.OCKB, IIWII.RV Silver Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, (told l*ene, &c. GREENSBORO, N. C. Which will he MM cheap J.T.CROCKER, ATTOBNBY AND OOIINIII.LOB ■ ' : / . ;; .m • AT I.AW, Aaheboro, N. C. t BCOTT A CALDWELL, Ghsxnsbobo,' Associate Counsel. Practices In the courts of Raldolpk and \ and adjoining counties. 0" special attention given to the collec lon of claims. The Dead ' ' - '' I .' • ' . •• . •; [. t-; ' / ; • .... ..... X I deal in American and Italian BirH« loßimeats and Headstones f.would inform the pnblic that 1 MB pre pared todo work aa Cheap as any yard in the State, AND GUAKANTEE PFRFECT SATISFACTION. ' w " a£ A Parties living at a distance wlfl save money by ml ding to me for PRICE LIST a'iu DRAWINGS. To persona making up a rlub of six or mure, I offer the Most liberal induce* ments, and on application will forward design* Ac,, or visit them In peison iPr* « Any kind of marketable produce taken in exchange for work. d EL O. ROBERTSON, GREENSBORO, N. C. - Tobacco Fertilizer, If tobacco growers wish to raise fine yellow tobacco and get tbe very highest prices for it buy Gilliam Anchor Brand to be had at reduced price ot 8. A. WHITE Mebanevllie, N. C. rJfl?2 t .S a . n .! chca P° r than ever at BCOTT A UUNNEJsL 8. 1812 Pensions. Under this act, any person who served fourteen days or participated in one battle iu the war of of 1818, is entitled to a Pension of B8 per month from date of approval of act. Widows of such soldiers as have died after similar service, no matter what was the date of marriage to the soldier, are en titled to the same Pension. No other parties are entitled. AU 1812 Pensioners dropped from the Rolls because of alleged disloyalty are re stored by this act. Applications must be executed before an officer of a court of record Bead to us for any information or blanks needed. GILMORE A CO. S2O F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. ■ ■ ■ i n*r —i —». THE „ Orphan's Friend. : ' - i • .. A live and lively weekly! Organ of 'th Orphan work, entertaining, awf Instructive to the yoj. g. A zealous friand and advo cate 1 \ « **• "'"V . I'W* . 1 OF EDUCATION. -- ■ J • ' - Published every Wednesday. Subscription ami postage only one dollar a year. Office in the orphan buildir g, at Oxford. White Lead, Ready Mixed Paints, Linseed NELL'S * nnerß ° U ' at BCOTT * JUON * Shcf. tinCT, Checks & Yarns, at BCOTT & DONHIIL'B • n. - J •- ' • • ' ' • ' i '» ■ i - h I „ » Sis mv&m HIGH SCHOOL *• ... • , jj.». r r. . The fonrth session of this school, situated 14 miles—south-west of Graham, la Ala* maace County, will open the FIRST OF JAN. 1878, ~J|fl .U. „ J s . >. ;• next., and continue twenty weeks. fi "•/" - * /' • . can be obtained at from |8 to 9? per month. Tuition, $5, tV-50, flo and S2O per session. For Circular and further particulars apply to the undersigned at Roek Creek, N. C. H. C. Tbaoub, Principal _ 6 mo. ■EBIGAXi CABB. The undersigned would announce to his friends and patrons whom be has/served for the past 2fi years in the practice of his prnfetston that he has during the past fall and winter, taken ■ Th«r*it|b Cssm In the Callcgee aad n«»pt»»l» in the t'ity mt New York, on the Pathology and treatment of diseases peculiar to females, and supplied himself with nil th« instruments and appliances nec essary in this branch of his profession. He is, also prepared to treat ail diseases of the "ye and ear, He can always be found at the Drag Store »f R.' W, Glenn A Son, when not profession* ally cngared. R. W. GLENN, M. D. R. W. Glenn & Son . i. - '« *. Keep constantly on hand at their store in be Beubow House, a full stock of firac*, Toilet Articles. . _ . Paints, Glass, Chemicals, . TRUSSES AND SUPHftTEUr, , and everything lonnd in a first class Drrg More, FRESH AND CHEAP, j Iliac* aa4 Caaatrr merchant* Tab* l. - is! ■ Highest Award at The Cen tennial V - ■ * ' ■ - • • ' 1 Diploma of Honor and Medal of Merit, for tiraiid, Upright £ Square ; JT PIANOS. • • The principal points of superiority in the STUEFF Pianos ara briUiant singing ' quality of tone, with great power —evenness oj touch throughout the entire scale, faultless action, unsurpassed durability, and unexcelled workmanship. A IBrge variety of Second-hand Pianos, of all makers, constantly in store, and rang lng in prices from 975 to (800. We are also Bole Agents for the Southern States of the "Mateless' Burdett Organs, The Best now made, A full supply of every style constantly » store, and sold on the most liberal terms. For Terms and Illustrated Catalogues of Pianos and Organs, address CIIAS. M. ST JEFF, ill _ No 9 N. Liberty Street, BALTUIOHB, MP. WOTICK r. ■. INTKRNAI..RKTR NVBSPBCIAI. TAXES. Under the revised Statutes of the United States, Sectio rs 818?, 8287. 8288, and 3380, every person engaged in any business, avo- I ration, or employment, which renders him liable to a epeclal tax, is required to mroewt and place and lceep conspicuously i* his es tablishment or place of business a B'I'AMP denoting the payment of said special tax for the speckf Ux-year begining May, 1, 1878. Section 8244, Revised Btatntes, desig nates who ire liable to special tax. A return, as prescribed en Form 11, is also required bp law of every person liable to special tax as above. Severe»penalties are prescribed for non-compliance with the foregoing re quirements, or for cuhtimiing in business after April 30,1878, without payment ot tax Application should be made to W. H Wheeler, Collector of Internal Rev pane,at Winston N. U SCOTT ""A DONNKLL' pay the highest cash price for Good Flonr.