THE GLEANER -jasM,-Stats ar'L, General GRAHAM, N. C , Oct. 29 1878 CdVBCB BiKK(JTOBV...OBAHA9I, Nf Cl* paslrrTßc.tx—Rev. B. W. Mebane. Bttpply Services at 11, o' cltujtr. A. M. every Sabbath, except the 3rd in and services every Sabbath evefjfog* except the first aod third, at 8 o'cloctf. Prayer Meeting every alternate Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'cloce. ' *" Sunday School, W. C. Donnell, Sup't, exer cises at 8, o'clok, P. M. BAPTISIV—Rev w. H. Ilnrrell, M. D. Pastor. Services at 11, o' clock A. M. and 8, P. M. oil th" Ist and 3rd Sabbaths in each nfonth. Sunday Bohool, Col. W. A. Albright,Bnpt. Exercises at o'clock A. M. Pfayer ineeUng, ovary alternate Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Good Templars' prayer^,-meeting every Monday night, after the Ist and 3rd Sunday's; at the ,"G. T. Hall" at 8 o' clock P. M. free to, all. CHRISTIAN —Providence one mite from town. Rev. D. A. Long, l'a?tor. Services every Suu day at ll o'clock, A.M. Sunday School, at 10,o'olock A. M. Rev Yf. W. Sialoy. Sup't- Prayer meeting every Saturday evenine at 8 u'olock. Read the advertisement, of J. W. War. den in this issue. lie asks you to trade *»lih him. One feels a little better to go where he is asked, you know, and is apt. to be treated better. A week" ago fc-night was rather a rainy stormy tinio hero, but further north, on the «oust, quite a severe storm prevailed, and much damage was done ' to shipping and other propertv. The wires were down north of Baltimore and telegraphic dcpatches in iho dailies of Thursday were meager.' THE WILMINGTON SUN —This new daily paper, published in Wilmington in this Stale, made its appearance last -week. It is a good paper, well priuUd. well arranged and well edited, it is as large as any diiiiy in the Stale, and takes rank among them. Its prospectus is in another column. '* FUNERAL SERMON. —On next Sabbath, in the Presbyterin church, in this town, the funeral sermon of the late James Madison Elder, of this county, will be preached by the Itov. B. W." Melmiie. The family of the deceased will be pleased at (he attendance ot his friends. » We thank Mrs. Alyis King for a lot of Very flue swee: potatoes, and are sorry (hat we cannot lollow her advice to catch a fat possum to eat with them. We liavn't A dog that will tree. If some or,e would o.ily take pitty on our condition undeend us a possum to cat with ths po tatoes, we should feel that our labors were at last meeting with appreciation. Mr. B. F. Long, of this county has re moved to Slatesvillc, where ho has form ed a copartnership with Hon. W. M. Uobbins, in the practice ot law. Mr. Long bus heretofore won distinction both at Trinity College where he gtadti nted and at the University of Va. where he completed his legal course- Ills friends litre predict for him a brilliant career. We call attention to the new adver« tispment of P. R. Harden, to bo found in this issue. His stock is large, and comprises as nearly everything that our people want and need as can perhaps be found in one store. Long experience has made him familiar with the wants of our people, and he laid in his stock ac cordingly. Ho asks you to look and be jour own jndje. Last Friday was one of the most de» lightfully pleasant days of tho season,and as we thought of its brightness, and that It was Friday, we hoped no unfortiinuto was to be hanged on so beautiful a day. Just as these thoughts passed through our mind ourjf*«4ell upon an item 111 The Chur'otwe Observe)', saying that Jim Laxtou, colored, twice .convicted, and three times respited, was to be hanged, while all nature seemed eo«ercne, for the blackest of crimes, committed in Cald well county. We call attention to a condensed ab stract from the eh ction law, which we publish for tho guidance of Registrars and Judges. One of the Judges must he elected to bring the vote to the county seat, the Registrar will not do. These Judges, when assembled at the court house, form the county board of canvassers. They meet on Thursday after the election, which is the 7th day of November. Read carefully the abstract from the , law. We 4Mprn thanks tor a complimentary ticket of admission to an annual fair, in Cliaulotte, on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th days of next month, under the , auspices of the Carolina Fair Associa tion. Every effort ie being made to render this fair a success, and the man agers are much encouraged at the pross ( pects. We doubt not there will be a large crowd present. The Charlotte 1 people will hardly lose sight of their J chance to get the State fair, if they make ! a grand success of this. A P.totJiiXKD MEETING OF ORANGU '! PKKSBYI'Isrt . —At the re:ent meeting of tills venerable bod v. at Haywood, it anjourned to meet at the Presbvtcrian , church, in Graham, on the Saturday belore the second Sabbath in November I for the purpose of ordaining and iust'alN I ing licentiate, B. W. Mebaue, who was recently called to the paetoi ate of this 1 church. i Rov. C. Miller, of Madison, is appoint- i ed to preside aud'preach the ordination sermon; the Rev. .J. C. Alexander, of Guilford, to charge the people, and Rev. ! A. Currie, ot thi» place, to charge the pas i or. . I On the same Sabbath the communion ot the Lords Supper will be celebrated. ] Alt aro coidially invited. j J BI OODV Tiaueov. Mfsa Aiiielia L : nkhaw, a pretty mod* ent young U':J**ol Limib"Ftn*,-i*£i>Ue*on cw-rnty, noteii for hWgeirtteuess und'ie tiring disposition, li»d been fur . nix 0 r eight months receiving tho attentions of Mr. E. Ilartuiat), a Well known youu" man, a:so a re&ident of bin lately a traveling salesman for a Balti more hou&e. iN'otliing had Happened to mar the pleasantness of their relations |so far as the public knew. L»st week Ilartman was nt lianche's hotel in the i village, where he usually stopped when his business called him to the place ot his late residence, when, on Thurmlay morning, Mias Link haw stepped into the parloj* of the hotel and asked for him. He responded promptly, and as he enter ed the room she extended her hand, and he grasped it. As they stood, face to face, with clasped hands, she quickly drew a pistol and fired into hi* body, the ball entering near the heart. It is reported that young man cannot survive. The young lady displayed little emotion. The generally accepted explanation is that riartman had broken an engagement to marry her, but of this there is nothing really known. Wo get tlie account from The Charlotto Observer. EX Tit A 1.1 A 111 liITV TO DUMRUIJ — —~ .. Persons wfrose blood is thin, digestion p-oak and liver sluggish, are extras liable to the a! tacks ot malarial disease The u*>Bt trifling exposure may, tinder such conditions, infect n system which, it healthy, would resist the miasmatic taint. The only way to secure immunity from malaria in localities where It ia pre*. Valent, is to lone and regulate the sys tem by improving' weakened digestion enriching the blood, and giving a whole some impetus to biliary secretion. Thcno results are accomplished by nothing so effectively as Hogtetter's Stomach Bitters which lone experience lisis proved to be the most reliable safeguard against fever and agup and kindred dis&rder#, as well us the best remedy for them. The Bitters are, moreover, an excellent ittYig orant of the organs ot urinaiion, and an active ilepilrcnt, eliminating from the blood thoso acrid impurities which origi nate rheumatic ailments. TUB VGM.OW FETE 11. The disease i e abating, but in only a very lew place is there an absence of; new cases. Those who fled their homes have been too eager lo return, ind the result is that many of tlicm have gono back 100 soon, and have iuraished fresh material tor the scourge, and have paid the penally of their ovet -anxiety with their lives. While there have been slight frosts, in infected places, yet it has not been severe enough to fully arrest the progress ot (he scourge. Ot course (ho death rate is nothing like what it was. but tho great destroyer seems grudingly to let go its bold upon tho stricken places. We trust wo may in our next issue announce its lotai disappearance. LENOIR COUKT IIOUSB BURKED. —On the morning of the 21st of this month, the court house iu Kiustou was discov« eted to be on fire. It was about three o'clock when tho fire was discovered,and it luut made such headway, that all ef forts to put it out were too late. The whole wood work was consumeJ, with the entire records of the clerks office. The records of the Register's office were all saved, except the last deed bouk, and the Sheriffs papers were saved. A corres pondent to the Raleigh Observer, says the fire was tha work of an incendiary. Trie LUMHERTON TRAGEDY.— -From the Wilmington Sun wo leant additional particulars of the shooting of the young inau by the voung woman in ton. He was o;iol by her because he had seduced her, is one story, that she led him into a snare und foull) victimized Hint is another. Tho young man it is • bought will recover.' 'The young girl gave birth to a child a few hours after the shooting. If true that she was seduc ed under promises of marriage, :hen she has our 8} mputhy iu tho shooting. \ Later news from tho storm on -the coast, a week- ago, shows it to have been very destructive. Shipping all along the coast suttered much, and in New Yuik, Philadelphia, Baltimore and .Nortolk chimneys and steeples were blown down, and quite a number of lives were loot. On our own coast there was considerable h Bs. It was one «»f tho severest gales, the- wind rjaehing a velocity of oue hun dred hour. MAUKIEO.—At the • residence of the brides fatlior, by tlie Kev. W. W. Amick, on tbe ev euing of the 24th intt., Mr. G. M. Thompson of Gomp ny Shops, to Miss R. A. Braxton, daugnter of J. 11. Braxton, of this county. At the residence of the officiating magistrate on the '24 th of last month, -by Alvis King Esqr., Mr. Thomas H. Turner, of Caswell county, to Miss Margaret Shanklea, of Alamance county. By Alvis King Esqr., at his resident's. Mr Thomas Foster, ana Miss L«ah Bay, all of AJamuuce. DIED —At his hocne, in the Haw Fitlds section iu this county, last Thursday night, Robt-rl Dixon. Mr. Dixon waa an old man, having past his three score and ten, and in joy ed in an eminent degree, the respect and esteem of ail who knew him. In alt the re lations of life he was a worthy good tnan. lie had for a number of years been a member of the Presbyterian Church, at IJaw Fields, and his walk was- eomi-tent with his profession, he had reaied a large family of children all of whom were worthy cf their father. Ilia wife di.d nearly a year Ripe in years and in Christian virtues be has passed away, leaving i behind a memory of his pure charauti-r, as a heritage to hia children and to thoie who kuew him. The world ie the better for the presence of such men, and their good influences do not die with them. Andy Whitmoro, colored," a tenant of J. A. McCauley, in Pleasant Grove township, had a barn burned filled wUh tobacco burned. Col. Duncan K. Mcßae will return to Nor h Carolina and settle in Wilmington lo practice law. AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. You deserve to suffer, and if you . 'eftd.» un«aj|,isfgd|K>rY • life * in .this heautifl world, it is entirely your own fault and there is onlv ono excuse for you—your unreasonable prejudice and skso icism that has killedthoustUids, P' rsjnal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show that Green's August Flower will cure you of Li\er complaint, or Dyspepsia, with alj ifs miwrablo effects, such as sick head ache, palpitation of the heart, sour stortiach, habitual costiveness, of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, &Ci Its sales now reach every town on the western continent and not a druggist but will tell of its wonderful curex. You can buy a sample Bottle forlO cents. Three doSett will relieve you. Tho Rev. Mr. Reiley. a Presbyterian preacher of Lynchburg, Va , was walk ing down the tow the river, to an appointment ho had to preach when he was fired at three times by a despera do on the deck ot u height boat. The News, in which the outrage is roported, gives no cluo to the cause. Tho name ol| the would he murderer is kfcown ami the police is after hiuit A. M. McEutire bdr Who mar ried against his wishes and (he old man would not admit tho pair w'ithin his doors. This cxiisnerftted the young man and he went and burned up bis lather's store, with all the contents, save possibly the money drawer. Wo get the tacts firm (he Wilmington Sun and it occurred four lnileft from Moss Neck. Among the disasters from the storm Inst Tuesday night, is the loss or tho ship A. S. D.ivis, which ran ashore on Iho coast ot Virginia. Tli6 cargo was lost, and all of her crow of nineteen men save one. The Steamer Express and all her ciew and passengers, Some thirty persons, were lost but nine. In Philadelphia and Baltimore there was much damage and considerable loss ot life* Mr. Henry Harrison Poe, a while man hai'ing tioui Salem in this State, was ar rested in Danville, charged with stealing a cow. The Mayor upon bi>> conviction ordered him lo receive thirty-nine lashes, *«diich were duly laid on, with a cow hide. Wondci how he likes stealing over in Virginia, Somo while ago JeQerson Davis Jr., only son of theConfcderatc ex-President, died of yellow fever. Safe his father (here is now no male member ot the family living, so that thename, so far as that family is concerned, will very soon become exunct. We notice ns n'u item of news in our exchanges that Judge Tourgi e propose* to locate in Philadelphia after the election. We expect the Judge will say that he has not authorized tho publica tion of his future plans. Tho annoyance occasioned by the coniinual crying ot the baby, nt once ceases when the catise is (as it should be) promptly removed by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents per bot tle. Arrests are being mode in South Car olina, and parties bound over to the Fed eral court, upon the affidavits of regroes that thev have been iiiurlcrred with iu their political rights. The announcement that llou. Samuel J. Tilileu is sooii *"to bo married will again bo mndo. This time to a St. Louis belle, it is time the old fellow was married and settled dowu. Genl. Wllev D. Jones, of Wnke, has been brought to tho front bv tie Repub lican campaign'committee as a candidate tor Conirress. He takes the pluce thai Judge Ueid refused to occupy. Mr. Harry Loch, a prominent mer chant of Wilmington, was married iu Ualeigh on the 22nd, to Miss Bessie B. Batchclor, daughter ot Hon. J jseph B. Batchelor. Be on time; for prevention is better than cure. All Coughs and Colds and such affection of tho throat and lungs as lead to consumption are cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents. • There is a revival in progress in the Methodist church iu Greensboro. A Miss Paiuler, sister of Mrs. Moon who preached eflectively there some lime ago. is taking an active part. Tho King cf Spain was fired at while driving in the streets of Madrid. The man who fired the shot was seized and sent to prison. He avowed his purpose to be ussassination. Dr. Worth, State Treasurer, had his room entered anil a gold watch and some money taken from under tbe pillow on which his head rested. ■, Jefferson Fisher, a wealthy and prom* incut ciliZSco of Raleigh, is dead. Lie had built up fine properties in Raleigh* and was a very successful farinen Person Superior court will not dpeo until Wednesday the 6ib of Nov., 011 acs couut of the election the 6th. The Presbyterian Synod of North Cars olina met in Goldsboro, on the 23rd of this mouth. ADVERTISEMENTS; . 3£ Iron Si Btee! SlioteM, Bi/lt Tongues, Side Shovel*, Heel Bolta & Single Tiecs at SCOTT fe DONNELL'S. IMPORTANT TO SURVEYORS! Li the meeting of the county commissioners It was ordered that a premium of *wcnty-tKe dol lars will be paid for the best map of the county of Alamance, showing the township tines, Post otlices, towns, principal streanisi location of Factories. Mills, Foundaries, Rail roads and main pub le roads. Said map to be finished and handed to the commissioners on of before the- Ist Monday of December next. By Order of the Boa d T.U. McLean; cit. ~f~3. XV »tc li r« Mtos 7 . Rctolt(tlbMML. W?X $2.50. Owr 100 latrat V- ixu wm«L S»,StiUdTU>.,Bi«d.»ill«.T.»tt.'^W^| NEW GOODS, P. R; HARDEN, z t . ■ ■ * n»s just received a new and well selected stock of , . f Ladic-s dress goods such as blaek and white Alpaecas, Suitings, Linnens, Piques, Calico's, bleached and br«wu Shoutings, scarfs, Handkerchiefs. Skirt Ele vater-f, cambric and hamhurg Edgings and lu sertiugs, Shawls and Cloaks, ball fringe, llunsn Collars, Glavcs aud'H full line of Hosieryi Also ready mado clothlfig and menf wear, consisting Of "cloths, all wool cnklmers. Salem and Kentucky J..ftne, fine dress shirts and wool Undershirts and drawers, Collars and CulTs, Boots, Shoes, Hats and CupS, Laaiet* Zeigler moroeeo aud cloth Gaiters. A flue as«ertiucnt of Hardware ai d Cutlery, nolo, harnew and upper Leather, Buggv Harness, Sadie*, Bridles, lin Iters, Hame-Striugs, Collars, bug'jy Whips, Cuba and New Orleans Mojuescs, Bacon, Lard. Flour, corn meal. Salt, ColTCc hntl Sugar, Rice, and .\ledleine(. Paints, Oils " and Dve- Cardies, Cakes, canned Oysters, Pine Struwbprries,' Sardines, ehewine and smoking Tobacco, Clears, a full line of Laun dry auuTolletSoaps, Extracts and Perfumery, Jaynes and Ayers Patent Medicines, Bouhecs German Syrup and Greens August Flower. Planters" Pi ido Plow and Ploiv Castings, ('•rockery, Glass and Earthcrnware. Indeed any article usually kept Iu a first class generiiTrfteiCbttudhe. All of which will bu sold exceedingly cheap for cash or country produce. We will make It to your Interest to call and Eitumine our stoek before purchasing. Oeto. a9th, 1878. At LAST TL;ro is a tobacco market la tills county. ScCJaalcy & Smith of COMPANY BHOPS, are buying; TOBACCO, AND paying for it In cash or barter at the-very high est prfcefc. And also HAW-HCDBS, for which tlicy ijay the highest prices. mm mmi is the Jim More old store house, and is filled with a general stocky such as the people need, which tliey will sell us cheap as anybody. They keep everything and buy everythlngs and their purpose is to sdow the people thatii if their interest to gjve them a liberal share o, patrouage. They are just starting in business, aud they hone to succeed by strict attention and fair dealing. ' Tliey ask the people to try them and then of course they eau judge foi themselves. Notwithstanding they make a specialty of Tobacco and Hut#-hides yet they bny all kinds of ecranlry produce/. They wish all to remember that while they are specially anxious to buy Haw-hides and Tobaceo, yet they dftsire to buy all kinds of produce. They intend by frequent orders to keep their stodli always full,* aud by turning over often can afford to make small profits. Oct. 15 1877. Iy. TO THE Traveling Public I take this method of informing the public hat I have taken charge of the Graham Hotel at Graham, N. O. I am now having the build ings, rooms and premises thoroughly repaired and renovated aiiu it is my purpose to keep a house which will be in every respect first class. The table shall be supplied with the very best provisions the market aflords aud good ser vants only will be kept. A hack will meet guests at the Depot on tho arrival of trains. Give me a trial and I guarantee that you will not go away dissatisfied. Sept. 17th IS7B. F. P. PUGH, Propr. GET was rnsw 10.00, GAITERB PROM *3,50 TO #7.00. A good Qt la guaranteed. Mending prctafptly and cheaply done. I have a few pairs of good gaiters dt my own makO an band wliieh 1 will mil cljc'ap Graham, N.C. W. N. MURRAY. May 7.1878, ly New Drug Store. if you wnht rurc reeh Drugs, ChemU alg, Pa ent Medicines, Modi i:ial Lienors, fine Cl-ars chewing-and smoking Tobacco go with tho cash to the southeast of the Com t House snuare to 1)K. I/OHO'S URVu STORE. P. a. Or. Ling'* office !* at ths Drug Store where he will examine and prescribe for Ihote requirlnsrhU services, lug. 19, Bnn Yarbrouh House RALEIGH, N.C. G, W, BLAt'KNAIiL, Proprietor, Rates reduced, to suit the times. ' f \ : : . . V Wilmington Sun lJuder the.above nni^ A Bnilf Btmnrrmit IVrwepaprr- • of twenty-eiuht wide columns will be UsumJ li> the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, on 01 •bout Tbaraday morning October Inh ISTt). Tbe Sum will ba published by the Sun Amoco fios, from the Printing Bhime of Mof-nva, Jack ion A Bell. It will bo printed in first-clap; style, on good paper, with new type, an 1 will be the handsomest daily jonrnal ever published in I hia Slate Th® Se* wWUht edite*! by Mr. Cicero W. Hafrrii. Tbe City Editorship an i he Business Management will be in competent hands, i nd a Correspondent afid Representa tive will travel throughout the State. Probably no paper has ever sti rted ih tin South with fairer prospects than those of tb doi». Certainly no North Carolina paper ha entered the Arid under more auspicious oir euin&'.anCcs. The Si:* bag SUFFICIENT CAPITAL for all its purposes, and It will u?e its mom.j freely iu furnishing the people *>t xVorth Carol! 11a w Ith the latent and most reliable information on all subjects of current interest. Above u) things it will be a NEWSPAPER. Ard yst no i nportaul teature of the Bon's dolly issues will ba intelligent criticisms ol ilie World's doing#. Nort! Carolina mutters industrial, coin me rclal, .education! 1, social and llterarary— will receive particular attention The Bdv will be a NORTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPER .— i SUBSCRIPTION. ' . The Wilmimoton Son will be /urnfsTietl T(r - subscribers at tbe followlhg rflat-onublo auc uniform rates: For one week 15 Cents For three months fl7f. " ••mouth 05 « " six » " 85( '• twelve " 7OC At theso rates the Stfn will Ite mailed to any address in thU country, or left by easier iu the city. ADVERTISING. One square, (teu lines) one time, $1 00; two times, $1 GO; one week, i 3 50; one month. $0 00; three moiHLs. i'JO 00; slxtuonths, SB3 00. Contracts for other space aud time made at proportionately low rntes. CORRESPONDENCE. Interesting correspondence solicited. Address, THE SUN. Wllulngtoj N. C. All kinds of Country Produce tnken li> exchange for Goods, at SCOTT A DoN NELL'a,. rlow Points,Mou!(l Boards, land Sides A Plow Bolts, at SCOTT A DONNELL' TO OVEIISEfREUS OF PUBLIC TOADS You hereby notified to return jobr r6nd orders on the first mouday in October 1878. with the names of hands on your r-jad endorsed on the same. By order of tbe Board of Commissioners for •ne county of Alaruaac* T. G. McLEAN Sept. 2ud 1878 i Clerk. —■ - ■ - '■■■■■"' ----- » ELECTION, The polls will be opened, and an election be held at the several polling places in Alamance county, on the first Tuesday ultfcr the fir»t Monday in November 1878, fur the purjioje ol electing a Reprtae&tative to the Congress of the Uuiled States, for the Forty-Sixth Con gress, from the fifth Congressional District in North Jpolina. By order of the Board of Justices. D. S. THOMPBON J. P. G D. COBB J. P. Cle'rk. Chairman. J.T.CROCKER, ATTOKNKY AND COUNIEI.IiOB AT I.AIT. Mheboro, A r . C'., SCOTT A CALDWELL, Gueenbboro,' Associate Counsel; Practices In the courts bt and and adjoining counties. Special attention given to the collec ion of claims. Toll can find the Itest stock and cheapest goods at SCOTT A DON NELL'S. E. S, PARKER, GRAHAM N. VI Attorney at Law, .y., T ' 'it i&bfit' - " - V* (I t Practice in Alamance anl adj laing couns.t and in the Fedaral courts. I i - flm I It 18 th * A Only Sewing Machine r \ ■ NeT#r £reti * tte T^ead. "* V6r tips Stitchoa. la the Lightest turning,' The Simplest, the Most Dur* 1 able, and in Everg Respect The Best Family Sewing Machine! The NEW AMERICAN" i* -»*ily learned, does not gat out of wOt jtii™ "jppMcatT'n W M l4b ° r th#n *° y oth * r m * chinß, Illustrated Circular furnished otf AGENTS \7ANTED. J. S. LOVEK Manager. C 4 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MO* Graham Mai ket. COBEECTED WEEKLY JIT fj* —rf-;•?:*••• J. Ttios'layi Scpteml er, 3 1878. Apples, d, ¥&>.... Bto 4 green V bushel, B>to4l Ho-411% t' bushel 75 a i r,O Buttei ¥ lb Bcijjwax V ib 2*» rJacon lilies V ill " Ri'/ffiiii " shoulder*, ¥lb Wl * ■icelVlb... *1 iiack berries dri«?d . .in &,, lark, sasnfras rocts V tb si/® : Jotfce Vth . 0,, ~/), Hastings, old » Ih . y uy Candle* Adamant V th 20 Cloth, tow and cdtton, V jrd. lfcSV I -orn ffcbush ».» Thicken* crown " >, Jotfon in lint V lb stfj" Col ton I:» ... 4 Coal oil V gat /-, .'hurries Drltdtf Ib.: 13 i'; " seed. .....'." flUfil .lover seed "? bush.... ftmi Ducks V Pair . . n> E-jgsVdos., Wonr, family » MiL 4.fct*sW Super Vbbl 47., toothers ¥ 1b...„ T OQ^ Hay V 100 lb Hides, green, lb.. • 5 io &i Woiases Cuba J gal.. ■. ffl: fr,, 55$)«V> .leal, corn, V Ib ji ' )ata, sfeed V bnoj 4l >niona tUuu>h 80 to-ill " Mts H bu»h Pea* ¥ b'mSh 7; I'otntoos, Irish 1? tnish BOto 4J " sWeet '• ..., Pork V ib (\(n 7 I'eacbek) dried, peeled,... ' , o UUpOUiOtl, S&i Sags 13 Ib 1 ......(/.'..1:../,. t ioltflneV " course 1. fc-, Shingles V thousand 3 50(340l Tallow V Ib '7 SMw't ' wi Wheat? bush. I.oo§>l.2J Meiilionn Hiid all diaorders brought on by Indis cretion or exec** Any Druggist linf the liu-r Jients. Dr. W. J **('£« «% ■'«.. »•. I.J Wml NUlh Hirer t. tlnriaull. w. MrPIDR. BUTTS WESKVfflli Ho.iaMv€i g ht:i3t. ■ St. Louis, IVIo. Who ha» had greater experience hi the treatment pf th* •exual trouble* of both male and frmale than any phyridaq In th* Wc«t, ctn* the reiulu of hli long and aucceaaftil practiOQ In hViweaew werka,}uat published, eutitlei The PHYBIOLOCY OF MARRIAOK The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Booka that are really taljra a »4 falMaatrvHm In all mat> ten pertaining to Haake«4 and ITwuknod. and inpply want long feU. They are Wiutirull; and In plain language, eaaily under«to6d. Tne two book? embrace tn pag»vand eontain Talnabix (afurra illan for both married and •iMla.withallthereeentlnipTOTementa In Bwdmitnatniaat Read what our home paper* aayr "The know ledge Imparted In Dr. BatUf new worka i> In no way of queitlonable char acter. but la aomething (kit erery om alaali kanw Th* Vaatk. the victim of early lmtieeretioni Ik* ■«*. nthenriaa perfectly healthy maybe, out with waning vlgnr In thenrin»» of life, and th* Woeian, in pI from the many Ola her mz la I ln|S I'ort i.ia" paiaoi— to eta. ««*ti I*J.l V L 1 * 1n *1 both In dna volume, In eloth uMHpM| gilt, i! eti extra. Sent under leal.onßS 19 H ]■ SB, wealptofprtoalnniooayoratampa. C3JUE3r ®tb «"*dy •' Ik* nth Cntaqr. Bsrham'B Infallible PILE CURL _ , Mamdkrturad by the . StriMß PU» Cu« Co., Ewriiin, K. Imitr Iklb I* an ImirhUi ■■ a pafPMiMp|iMii,; SCOTT & DONNE'LL pajr the highest cash prico for Good Flour. IDPitillOß I'OIIKT, Alnmouc* ('•■■lf, George Wiorg. »s adrnr. of ' Jos. B. McMurray vs Special J. J. Turner nod wife Mary E.. J. A. McMurray, G. C. Me- proceedings, murray and others, heirs 10 law of J as. B. McMurray deed. J A This te a eipodai pi-occeding Instituted by W. Long, as adtiir of J. B. McMnrraj, to bbtai t an order to sell the real estate of his In testa; ; to pay ontstandiog deh;s. 'lt appearing to ti. ■ latwfaction of ihe court thai J. A. McMurra and C. C. McMnrray are non>'re*id uis of tl.o Btate it is ordered Wa that thc.j nr.tifled by publi cation iu Tiie Alamanck Gi.hanEr, for six suc cessive weeks, to appear and answer or dentui to ih«j petition within twenty days *ft> r the ex piration of said publicatidn, or judgment will b-j taken pro confe*so, against thetag. The publi cation of this notice to bg in lieu ut personal ser vice of sumons. Done at oftlu In Graham this the oth day of September 187% A. TATE, C. 8. C. Alamance county. WANTKP. Three or four famiHea who cnnld furniili fonr or more girfo to work in Alamance Cot ton Factory, would prefer pir's who to weave. Apply in per»' ,n to E. M HOLTS SONS,