10 j) al} State and General [I 1 " N> (!• « u v_Rev. B. W. Mebane, Supply i 11 o* clock. A. M. every Sabbath, " C i ird'in each month, and services fsSbath eveuiag, except the first and **' Meeting every alternate Tuesday ev fi'sS w.C. Donne", Sop't. °Rfi'v W. B. Harrell, M. D. Pastor. f-VTtt clock A. M. an'! 8, P. M. on jf.ml Bril Sabbaths in each month, i".School, Col. W. A- SupU . , 9U o'clock A. M. JS meeting, every alternate Tuesday »t 8 o'clock. Templars' prayer meeting every after the Ift ana Br«t Sunday „»G. T. Hall" «t 8 o' clock P. M. tree to, Providence one mile from town. 1). A. Lung, Pat tor. Services ifVery Sun ,t 11 o'clock, A. M. ifldav School, at 10, o'clock A. M. Rev. tf. Sialey. Sup't- B «er meeiiiig every Saturday evening at Jock. jo you want to buy a good, young tcoff. Apply to Allied Thompson, Jaw Rivet'. [ABKIED. —At the Presbyterian church >i t ( 8 l)oio, on the evening of the 14th ;by the He Mr. Law, Mr. George Thompson, of RuU'igli to Miss Rosa, ghter of Orrin Poo of Pittsboro. WSOBIAU —-Pearson Jackson, and accom i«l shaver and hair cutter, and also versed lithe iny6lcries pertaining to his culling as. it clitsa barber, has opeue 1 a shop iu this L where he may be found eveiy week from irJay morning to Monday:night, certain, lltirs exceptional art itf"tlyini; beard and Whetting raz irs he has reduced to a ice. Satisfaction given or no charge made lie many friends of Miss Ella Holt be glad to know that she is souvales t, ami though her recovery must be work of time, yet it is pleasing to * that the dread apprehensions caused Iter very serious iliiu-sa, have given 'to the confident hope that she will, rawbile, be restored to her wonted 11 health. 'DANKSGIVINO. —Gov. Vance lias is -1 his proclamation, designating the iof this mouth, as a day of thanks* ng and prayer. 'lit President had previously so des iteu the same day. it the late Baptist State (sonveution, !harlatc Maj. W. A. Graham, son of late Gov. Graham was President and it. William Biggs', of the Oxford t Lance was Secretary, lira.—At the home of her father in ,in the southern part of this county, he Bth day of this month, Mrs. Bar lE. Blailitf, daughter of Bedford and SJ McCray, in the thirty-sixth year f aga. She leaves a bereaved bus* and four small children. ®ET'S LADY'S ROOK.—December for icceived, and, as wo like to pubs news, we hasten to tell our l ' mt 'he subscription price has wd »fom $3. to $2, a year. There is Uioinoiioii ol the excellence of this Nabli»hed, tashion journal. Alow is |i"ieto nleaso your wife by sub- Mgforit lor 1879. SB?" CoMINO —'The holidavs tdveoti a " (l thoughtful arc WllHt "' ev «'> to 1 Iddtn 8 ' 1 Tl'e , , ~,,0ce,,t j°v at Christ's « IOW h> ,I? i Ul€n ''hant i* consider- * ■Mrs ncco »imodale his 1 e hoDea In!? goods" Takoout ' . -tR, ax lactations of child- 1 CKfe*'* confections which 1 Hie left to excit'n' f wonld «. A n n lepleaßulaWo atHlci- \ i^bkeetw.;,,^' B '?' & Mother, at r °*n cauilio i y uianulactnre J he ** they are pure. ' „' m at Raleigh for price list. 1 "dtcdl" Atlantic —Mrs. Harris ] lt llrp ° Ven hei ' P»trons aud the U exc ele,!t I ! l, ° N ° Vembcr uombcr ( •HiU.hy svTnT- 4 " CW B, ° ry ' N Chan, ' B:lbc °ck,unfoldß its I ?te* pl " y in: •Ifcr-g I l^ ram ' wl,ich i 8 founded i ,ex t«at«ft h C e g f thiit ,lU,n8 ' fol, owß. I •Cairo in T then comes ; . raßa . ,ei "' ,ail '"tofest- J •ninety 8 ; T n & " d so on to the end ( * replete ° f r9adill & -matler J eadil qn.- enlol 'taiuing instruct- ! 1,1 ihiM n , UH,ber i 8 t,MS be " m blrd "rtune. aud wts think ( DENIABLE rR UTH. J "Sfable 10 B " ffer ' and if you ( S'-ifl world n k- 18faCt ° ry ,ife in 1 and thero i W , 6Dtlrely *"~y°ur Un " onl * one exeuae ' thaftf 80 ! 1 e Prejudice ' ;flower will t.hat Green's or yoa ot Liver ' effects Z,T PBla ' with all its >«f C aol.e, f Pr.' 61 ""- ' i . of "'e head, ] reach Ws P»rits, ius. lu, , I'AHVEIJ, COURT. We spent Monday and Tuesday of hist week at Caswell court, Judge Kerr pre siding. fii ß Honors charge to the grand jury furnished matter for thought and sober reflection. We made some notes of portions of it which we wish to notice when we have more time to devote to it. The crowd in attendance was quite large on 1 ucsdav, and we have not seen so large a proportion of negroes in attend ance upon a court since we left the more eastern counties. Yanceyville is a quiet country village, hut has in its midst the finest court house in the State as they cluim, and we suppose their claim is well founded. No county,in the Slate has a liner population than Caswell, and none c.ui show finer specimens of physical manhood. There was quite a large St a e docket, consisting of the commoner ofs fences. .Jerry Willis, a negro was tried for the larce.iv of some inonov, the property of another neirro. lie defended himself and addressed the jury at some length. A noticeable feature in his speech was that be did not one deny the theft, but insisted thrt more evidence should have been produced against l.im. He seemed to expect a conviction, and lie was not disappointed. He got live years at hard labor. I'AIK*. Last week was a fair week in more senses thar. one The weatlierwas not only fair but beautiful. The Fair at the Carolina Association at Charlotte proved a success beyond what its" promoters had dared hope. The movement was 'earn estly inaugurated and took shape onlv a little more than a month ago, and yet the attendance waw 1 irge.and the exhibition in the various departments good. 'J he Mtccess of this first fair on such short no tice was HO great as to bring forth the pre diction that the next would be one of the the finest in ail respects ever held in the State. The premiums were paid down and its managers seem determined that it shall be in fact an agricultural Bnd .me . chaniaal fair. The Cumberland county fair also last week is reported to have oecn largely attended and patronized by exhibitors. This is an old fair aud re flects much more credit on the people of Cape Fear than does their vote in the election of Russrll. The Albermarle lair >ut Elizabeth .City, also held its annual exhibition last weeh, and is reported as satisfactory to all of its friendo. Those people also might have done better at the election. So last week was a fair week iu this State. SO.tl ETIII VO NKW. RARE OP rOUTUKITV. We have had lately brought to our notice a new kitchen utensil, the real merit of which entitles it to something more than a passing notice which we can give it. We allude to the PEEK* LESS FLOUR AND MEAL SIFTER, manufactured oy the Peerless Sifter Company of Cincinnati. A Combination Sifter, Weigher, Measure, Mixer, Rice Washer, Flour Scoop, Toinalo, Pumpkin, Fruit, Wine, Jelly and Starch Strainer. Twelve distinct articles combined iu one and is sold at a price within the reach of every family. To purchase seperate utensils for all of the above purposes would cost more" than ten times the amount asked for the Peerless Sift er. Housekeepers will appreciate the Peerless Sifter tor the following reasons: i It does away with the putting of one's i hands in the flour, which iu cold weather is very unpleasant; can be worked so easily aud rapidly; will sift five times as fast as the common sieve, and much faster aud better than" any other sitter ever introduced. It is operated with a simple and easy lever motion*and is acknowledged by every one to be far preferable to the awkward and unhandy rotary motion iu sitters heretofore sold. It seems to us that it would be 110 trouble lor an energetic lady or gentleman iu this vicinity to sell a Peerless Sifter to go into cvjry flour barrel in this countv —wo know of nothing that would pay them anything like as well, and would recommend them to drop a postal card at once to the PEERLESS SIFTFR COMPANY, GEORGE AND ELM STKFETS, CINCINNATI, OHIO, for territory nnd descriptive cir culars and terms, mentioning our paper. The taking ol the body of A. T Slew*rt from its vault alter it bad lain there for more ihan two years continues to engross its share of public attention, i'lie de tectives it appears have two theories con cerning the place of concealment. One is that the body is hid iu New Jersey aud • another is that it has been taken to Canada. There corne a proposition through a lawyer iu Montreal to return the remains for SIOO,OOO. Whether this is a ruse may be a question. Ex-Governor Chamberlain, of South Carolina, now living in New York, has been indicted for his share in the plun dering of that State while ia it, and lias notified the Attorney General of South Carolina that he is ready for trial and will appear when notified to do so. Secretary Sherman denies the state menf that the one and two dollar United States notes are to be withdrawn from circulation. They are issued like other money whenever required, and any holi er of a demand against the United States is ordinarily paid iu the denomination desired. . Gov. Hampton lay for two hourq in a swamp risk h'is leg broken in Ito places. He naed his horn and kept shooting with his gun until he was beard by some of the s|>orlsuien. He amused himself by shooting at a target, bitting the buMV t>ye every time, during the long two hours sp;nt iu solitude ana suffering.— Wilmington Sun. 1 STATE I*EW», Carolina Fair opened at Charlofte Mon day, the 12tb of this month. OnSaturdav night, the 9th of this month, a white man and a ucgioiu Rutli ertordton got into a drunken quarrel, when 'he white man drew a pistol and shot the negro, inflicting a dangerous if not fatal'.vound, A negro giving his name as Whit ccron was HI Charlotte offeriug a young Jiorso for sale so cheap as to lead to the beliet that he had stolen the animal. He was arrested nnd the evidence being sut ticient to justify his detention he was or dered to jail. He made trautic efforts to escape, but alter his incarceration he cooled down and ackgowlodged that he had stolen the horse. An old man named Calvin Harris ot I Paw Creek township iu Mecklenburg | county, am 1 two of his neighbors, James j MoCall and his son Jake, were in Chars j lotto, and in going home 'lie McL'alls i lode in Harris's wagon, one of them driving. A dispute arose about the fust driving and the McCall's beat the old man Harris cruelly, tearing out part ot his hair, and biting off his thumb, nose aud ear, and leaving liiui for dead, flic condition of the old nun is critical, and the McCalls have ificl, Wcs'cv Wycoff, of Catawba county, living near Catawba Station was shot dead in his own yard, last Thursday night a week agj. The wile of the mur dered man and a negro named Bob Mc- Corkle have been committed to jail charg ed with the crime. The negro wei.t to a store iu the neighborhood the evening before the shooting and got some shot and some paper which he asked for. The paper was an old copy of the Charlotte Democrat• The shot in Mr. Wycoffs body corresponded with those the iiegro bought, aud the wadding found on the ground showed itseif to be a piece of the Democrat, and the negroes gun was found loaded and wadded with a piece of the same paper. Mr. Wycoft lived an hour after lie was shot, but his wife neither went to him herself, nor woulU she allou any oi lu:r children to go. This strange conduct and rumored intimate relations between her and (lie negro, lead to the belief that she was privy to the crime. Wo condense from the Charlotte Observer. Charlotte C bservtr: Mr. Mecke and Mr. MacKeusie, both brothers-in-law of the Miss Linkhaw, who shot and killed Hart man last mouth, were up tcr trial at Wadcsboro, Friday. The first was dis charged, the latter held for trial. Miss Liukhaw is in jail at Lumberton. The N. C. Conference of (he M. E. Church South will meet in auuual session in Charlotte on the 27th iust. Bishop Ueorgo F. Pierce, of Geoigia, is to pre l " sido. Solicitor Strndwick bad a negro iu his employ named Towns. lie becuine dis» satisfied at the wages he received und to gratify bis ill feeling took a fine ox be longing to Mr. Strud wick into the woods, tied it to a tree and cut its throat. The facts wo get from the Recorder. Chatham Jiecord: A little daughter of J. E. Perry, between two and three years old was left alone a few in a room where there was fire when sud denly she was lieard to scream and came running to the door all ablaze. She lingered in great agony till she died. The Baptist church in Pittsboro is undergoing repairs which will make it one of the neatest churches in the county. JTho Charlotte Democrat learns that Rev.T)r. N. H. D. Wilson refuses to surrender the office of Trustee of the N. C. R. 11. to Mr. John W. Graham, elect ed by the directors, claiming that the Board had no right to displace him. There will be a meeting of tho Guil ford County Grange, in Greensboro to morrow at 11 o'clock A. M. Joseph A Hoskins Jr., of Summer* field; iuilford county, has been appoint ed Mail .Agent on the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad. The store of Mr. Joseph Hoskins ife Sons at Brucd's Cross Koads in Guil ford county, with the entire contents was destroyed by fire, last Sunday nigt, a week ago. The st:ck of goods was small. Two marriages in Durham last Wed nesday evening. Mr. H. L. Jordon, of Granville to Miss Annie Inge Wynne of Durham and Mr. Charles fiowerton, of Durham to Mrs. Sallie Duey, late of Petersburg Va., Rev. H. L. Wood per formed the c remony for the first named couple, aud Rev. C. Durham for the second. 4" > Mr. W. D. Shaw was riding with a lady in a buggy iu Fayetteville. The bore became frightened, overturned the buggy and threw both out, breaking Mr. Shaws arm— lady unhurfc The News says, among the best per formers with the great London Circus, is William Gorman, a son of William Gor man, who some years ago moved from Raleigh to Kentucky. The editor of the Wilmington Sun has been presented with a fourteen pound potato. It was raised by Matt. R. Lee of Goldsboro. and took two years to grow to ~Hs enormous size. A negro house, oil the plantation of Mr. T. C. Whit ted, in Bladen county occupied by a negro named Smith and his family with four, children the oldest six years old was burned. Tho mother and father had gone to sit np with a sick aud. as is supposed lock the children up. r i. * Mrs. Paschal Hardcastle, a widow lady living in Granville conutv, mysterieu*ly disappeared during tho night tiine,leaying her family of smAll children. Search tor the missing woman failed to. discover her, and it is thought she bas been murdered. Madison and Leaksville townships in Rockingham county have each voted a a subscrip ion ol 2j,003 to the proposed yarrow gjageraiiroad. '• - , > - ,#v Salisbury Watchman: We record the presence in lli.s old burgh of a uisiincr. nislied visitor in tlioperoon ofSirUeorge Campbell, a Scotch member ot the British Parliament, and for maiiv years a Governor of one of the East India Presidencies. lie is the guest of Mr William Murdoch himself a Scotchman. Sir George is traveling lor information. Raleigh News : Gov. Vance received a letter yesterday trom Hon, Jesse J. Yeates,democratic candidate for Congress from the First District, stating that Martins majority had been reduced to ihirty-niiic voters, and hat he would he able to shmv fruud practiced on the part ol Martin and h:n friends, sufficient to overcome Martin's allegak majoritv, UE'OPItNINU A TIIOBOVVISFABE, In order to guard against results ntteily subversive of health, it is übso lulelv essential that the grand thorough* fare or avenno of the system, (he bowels should be re-opened as speedily as possi'ile when they become obstrue'ed If I hoy HI e not. the bile is misdirected into the blood; the liver becomes torpid; vi«:id billions matter gets into the stom ach, and produces indigestion headaches ensue and oilier symptoms are produced which prolongation ot the exciting cause only tends 10 aggravate. The aperient properties of Hostellers Stomach Bitters consume a mosl useful ngont in over coming c'jnsirictioii of the bowels, and i promoting a regular habit ot body.-II is infinitely superior to the drastic cathartics frequently u«ed for the purpose since it docs not. like them act violcnlh, hut produces a natural, painless cflocf, which does not impair the tone of the ovacuatcry organs, which invigorates instead of weirkouing. The stomach and liver also, indeed Hie entire system, is strengthened and regulated by it. The North State : The following states mcnt chows the aggregate collections in the Filth Internal Revenue Collection District of Norfu Carolina during the six months ending October 31. 1877, and fur the same period in 1878: Collections. Collections. Increase. 1878. 1878. May, $33,51'.),30 $ 44,976.05 $ 11,456,25 June, 45,370,69 61.376,21 19.105,72 July. 69,028,85 123.900,7 1 54,871.86 Aug., 75.268,80 106,960,52 31,661.72 Sept., 76,020,40 127,013,21 50,991,81 Oct., 60,192,44 107,724,97 47,532,53 Total, ¥359,300.98 $574,951,« $215,650,69 All the world rver, baby governs. Yet often disease will overcome the baby and then it is that Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup proves lis worth by conquering the dis» ease. Price 25 cents a buttle. In Louisiana and South Carolina (he negroes voted the Democratic ticket largely, many hundreds ot the more prominent stauriing at the polls and I working for the Democrats, all election day. Common senso. For all cases of coughs, colds, sore throat, etc., use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. , [Columbia Register.] Everything is right with the Govornor thus tar, anil ail hands mrgeons, friends u:id family and the Governor himself—oie ia high hopes of a speedy recovery. ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. My son, Charles Long, aged about 19 years, has left home without permission from me, ami this notice is to forbid his being hirud to any one, without my per mission. ALEC LONG. Nov. 12th. UrahaiuN. C. Stolen / S2O Reward! From my stables, in Alamance county, near MeOray's Store, on the night of the 2nd of JVov. 1878, one bay horse, small pony built, with mane roaehed, and no/ yet grown out, so as to fall over fully, white star in forehead, black leys, and mane and tail black, seven years old paces under saddle. ' I will pay the above reward for his recover)'; and will pay liberally for any information lead ing to his recovery. Address, „ A. JT. IIUGHEB. vt McCray'i Store Nov. 4th 1878. Alamance co, N. C. Prices reduced Perfected Farmers Friend Plows mad a in Petersburg Va. One Horse No. 5 Price *4 oo Two Horse No. 7 " g'oo Two Horse No. 7J£ *« fl'so Two Horse No. 8 7IOQ For sale at Graham by SCOTT A DONNE/.L. IMPORTANT TO SURVEYORS! At the meeting of the county commissioners 1 was ordered that a premium of t*enty-flve dol lars wiU be paid for the host map of the coumy of Alamance, showing tliri township lines. Post offices, towns, principal streams, location of Factories. Mills, Foundaries, Rail roads and main pub ic roads. Baia map to be finished and handed to the commissioners on or before the Ist Moatay of December next. By Order of the 80a d , T.Q. McLEAN, Clk. GET THE BEST 1 am now prepared to make to order boots, shoes and n gaiters from the very best stock and at the lowest prices— w BOOTS FROM 95,00 TO tio.oo, SHOES from «a.oo, to 10.00, GAITERS FROM *8,50 TO #7.00. A good fit is guaranteed. Mending promptly and cheaply done. O-l have a few pairs of good gaiters of my own make on hand which I will sell cheap G rah nil, N.O. W. S. ML'RRAY May 7.1878, ly' Plow Points, Mould Boards. Laud Shies t Pl..w Bolts, at SCOT[ A DONNtLL' TO MY CUSTOMERS and THE PUBLICX ■ „ —i I hare just returned from the Nortli where I selected and purchased what I claim to bo the best Stock of . Goods ever brought to this market, consisting In part of PIKC'K OO DM, I.ADIr.N DRKS 4-OObM, LADieN CI.OAKH,CO*CI| IIAHUN'AHE. SADDIIRH, BUG. WV HAII.MEsh, HI.OIVS, IKON. KKADV.MADK CI.OTIIING, the beet stock of ZEIGLER3 SHOES in towr, a good lino of BROGAN and PLOW SHO t> of ail kinds, and every article to be found in a l*eneraal IS tore. 1 bought these goods cheap, and will sell them cheap. All Kinds of country produce tak- r rket " rl " e WUhthanks for the l>atronago heretofore enjoyed, I beg to _ J- w. HARDEN, All kinds of Country Produce taken Jn NELL,"sf° Goods, at SCOTT & DON- New Drug Store. If you want pure resh'Drugs, Chemicals, Pa cnt Medicines, .Mcdi »nal Liquors, flue Cigars chewing and smoking Tobacco go with the cash to the southeast of the Couit liouse square to UK. LONG'S DKUG STORE. P. S. Dr. Long's office Is at thi Drug Store where he will examine aud prescribe for thoce rcquiringhib services. Aug. la, Bm. TO OVERSEEBERS OF PUBLIC ItOADS You are hereby notified to return jour road orders on the first inoiiday iu October 1878, With the names of hands on your road endorsed on the same. By order of tbo Board of Commissioners for tiie county of A leraance T. G. MeLEAN Sept. 2nd 1878. ■' Clerk. Dr. If* F. Bason, BSNTIST,- Will attend calls in Alamauce and adjoining counties. Address; Haw River. P. O N. C. R. R Sheetings, Checks & Yarns, at SCOTT & donnell's WANTED. Three or four families who could fnrnWli fonr or nmre girls each, to workin Alamau-j ] Cot ton Factory, would prefer girls who desire to weave. Apply in person or by letter to E. M HOL 'SOXB. - fifflSTg lABTPB; ®O®K - Reduced to $2 per year." Terms-cash in advance. POST PREPAID. CUBAP PttEMICIJS. CLUB TERMS. >JSgS£Si. * One copy, one yeas, . • - $8 00 copy to the ponton getting np the Two coppies one year, - 800 club, making i iue conies, - • 914.25 Three copies, one year, - ♦ 5 40 Ten copies, one year, aud jn extra Four copies, ono year, - - 680 copy to the person gettig up the Five copies, one year, an and extra copy club, making eleven copies, 17 00 to the person getting up the club mak- Twenty codes, one year, and an extra ing six copies, - - » 00 copy to the person getting up the Eight copies, one year, and an extra club, making twonty-onc copies, 81 50 NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE UP YoUR CLUBS. Horn to Remit.—Oct a Post Office Money Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia °r New York, It you cannot get either of these send Bank notes, and in the latter case register your letter. Parties desiring to get up club* serd for a sperlmcn copy, which will be sent free. Address, i GODETB LADY'S BOOK PUBLISHING CO. (Limited), 10u6 Chestnut, Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bay only the i _ NEW AMERICAN I f Only Sewing Machine wait a iu \ /Ij Bit has Self Setting Needle. r | 1 fcC ■ Never Skiis Stitches, gjjjijls the Lightest Sasslag* Tht Amplest, tht Most Dur * able, and in Evtry Resptct The Best Family Sewing Maciiineßg The "NEW AMERICAN" ie ~*»ily learned, does not g.t out of order. more work with less labor than any other machine. Illustrated Circular furnished on application. Mml .- t AGENTS WAITED. , J. 8.1)0VEI Huifer, M K. Charles Street, Baltimore, *4> | . - m* • , -V . Q - •« •.», Graham Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY J.W. HARDEN. Tuesday, November, 19 1878. Apples, d, ~ 150 ■' green ¥ bushel, 80to40 Beans,-V bushel 75a1.00 Beeswax V tt>..... / ... 20 Bacon sides V Ibt BJ^@lo " shoulders, 1b;......,.. 8 " hauip 12X Beefy lb 0 Black berries, dried .... (iti Bark, sasafras rocts Vlb .. ... Cotfcc V It) 80®)2i Castings, old V lb Candles Adamant V lb 20 Cloth, tow and cotton, V yd, .. 16&2Q Corn V bush 50 Chickens Frying 10(^10 Chickens irrown 15 Cotton inlint, V lb BSl3 Cotton In seed gi' Coal oil V gai 25 Cherries Dried? tt» 1 i-.. " 5eed....... 2K&B Clover seed ¥ bush. 8.00 Ducks ¥ Pair.,.. 30 Kggs ¥ doe 1314 Flour, family V bb1........ 4.7Ct05.00 " Super V bbl 4.75 Feathers ? lb 30©50 Hay ¥ 100 lb. 50 Hides, green, V lb 5 •* dry, ¥tb... 10® 12 Lard? lb ;. 10(o'2K Molases Cuba V gal 55@«0 Meal, corn, ¥ft ............... lif-- Oats, seed ¥ Onions V bush 80 to4o " 3cts?bush.. Peas? bush..- 75 Potatoes, iri h V bush 80to 40 •' sweet '• > 40 Pork ¥lb k - 5/5,« Peaches; dried, peeled.. .. . OotO " " unpeeied 3@t P.ags?lb . 1 Salt fine ¥ sack J. 35 .conrse 1.8'» Shingles ¥ thousand 3.50(5)4 00 Tallow ¥ lb Turkey* per pair 7> to *l.O 0 Wood? cord .. .* 2.00(3*2.50 Wheat ? bush. 1.00@1.25 PRESCRIPTION mm\ For the speedy cure or Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood unn nil disorders brought on bv Indis cretion or excess; Any DruKgnii lias liiki* dients. Or. W. J.Wtl'BH u CO.. Nj. 1M Heat llxlh Strrtl, I'JirlluuU, «». «3I3fIDR. BUTTS RTTXjn Ho. 12 N. Eighth St; St. Louis, Mo. Who has had greater ii|«laMi In the treatment of the sexual trouble* of both mile and female than any phrilcian In the Weft, pre* the results of 111* long and smiraaaM practice Sn hi* tw* aew work, Just published, cnliUud The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER Book* that are really OaMrs aad *«K-last>«rt*n In all mat ter* pertaining to Maaboud and ItwaM. and supply wanflong felt They are brsellfull/ lllasmt»4. and in plain language, easily understood. Tne two bocii.l embrace pacta, and contain rateable lafertaatlaa tor both maiTud and (ingle, with all the recent Improvements In medics. treatment Bead what our home papers say. "The knowledge i mparted la Pr. Balls' new works 1* Hi no way of question*til* char acter. but la something thst ererr m skimld haew Tha Te.lt, tha victim of early Indiscretion 1 lbs Baa. otmi ■ Isa perfectly healthy maybe, out with wanlngricor li> tie prima tka Vsaui In Jfjj "'roiTLAB cts. 1^ both la onarolume* fit la cloth awM^Bt*g^ a ßF^O gUVpt of PrSala gent ondersMj^oiiMJ^JjgjJj n* Baaady ef tha IMb fsataiy. Barham'e Infallible rift PILE CURE. % \ W/ Birtim Pill Qu« Co., Dtrhia, 8. 0. IlarserMlslo *ar* Heaarrbeid* rwi7MK*Sn sr rilx, wkn a sare k annilli. — ■ ■■ t|| j (irililMd 01 If pUtttlM SCOTT & DOVNELL pay „U»c hig'iea ash price I or Good Flour. Iron & Steel Shovels, Bull Tonjrtieo, and ghovel', Heel Boitd & Single Tree# at 800TT & DONNF.LL'S. 1 KSSSB&&SES**

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